Cat and man - stories, legends and beliefs about cats

They caused the Black Death

The plague overtook Europe during the heyday of religion, so it is not surprising that the epidemic was blamed on the devil and his main intermediaries - cats. A huge number of cats (and snakes, also considered messengers of the devil) were destroyed in a desperate attempt by the church to stop the epidemic. But it only got worse, since the real carrier of the plague turned out to be fleas living on rats and gerbils. As the population of cats and snakes decreased, the number of rodents increased, and the plague began to spread even faster.

They roam the Celtic lands

In Scottish and Irish folklore, there is often a large cat called Shea (fairy) who wanders through villages trying to steal the souls of peasants. In fact, according to legend, Shi is a witch who can take the form of a cat, but only nine times. For the last, ninth time, she remains in the cat’s body, so she gets angry, trying to take human souls. However, Shi also has a good side - if during the Samhain holiday you leave a saucer of milk on the doorstep of the house, Shi will thank the owners with protection and good luck. Those who do not leave a treat for the cat will be left without cows.

Legends of China

The Chinese have legends about Mao's pet murka, and Li about the forest one. In Chinese, to write the short word “Mao”, you need to draw three characters, each of which has its own meaning: “field”, “grass” and “monster”. And, of course, this is not a random set at all. Cats guarded rice crops and were real formidable monsters in the eyes of rodents. According to one version, Mao’s master was the magician Miau-Kuau, who had the power not only to heal people, but even to resurrect the dead.

The Chinese associated the wild cat Li with the goddess Li Shou. At the moment the gods created the earth, she volunteered to look after this miracle. But the frivolous goddess was much more interested in sleep or games than in fulfilling her duties. Then she decided to “resign”, refusing to speak at the same time, and advised to appoint a person in charge. But, unfortunately, he could not understand the gods, and then Li Shou became the link connecting both.

Cats have their own monarchy

According to an old English legend that has been adapted into the folk fable of the Cat King, a peasant once saw nine black cats with white breasts. The cats carried a small coffin with a crown on it. Noticing the farmer, one of the cats said to him in human English: "Tell Tommy Tildrum that Timmy Tildrum is dead." Returning home, the stunned man told his wife about what he had seen. After hearing about Timmy's death, the house cat named Old Tom jumped up from the stove and told his owners that he was now the king of all cats and escaped through the chimney.


I tried to select legends that a second grader could understand, that would be interesting and easy for him to remember.

Legends about pets.


In cosmogonic ideas and corresponding myths, he often appears as a bird of chaos, but at the same time as the creator of the universe, who laid a golden egg - the sun (the image of the great Gogotun in Egyptian mythology). In a number of languages, the concepts of sun and goose are conveyed by similar linguistic elements. In China, the goose is associated with the sky and is seen as a talisman to help love in marriage. Among other peoples, the goose is the embodiment of the holy spirit, a symbol of foresight and vigilance. In the Middle Ages in Europe, they believed that geese were mounts for witches. In a number of Siberian traditions the so-called "goose spirit" who was in charge of fate.

The legend of how geese saved Rome.

Enemies attacked Rome many times. In 390 there was a war with the Gauls. Having crossed the Alps, the Gauls moved deep into Italy and soon besieged Rome. The city's defenders bravely repelled enemy attacks. But soon food supplies ran out, and famine began in the city. Everything that was edible was eaten. All that remained were the sacred geese that lived in the temple of the goddess Juno on Capitol Hill. Many times the hungry defenders of the city thought about these geese, but they were afraid of the wrath of the great goddess - the patroness of Rome.

One day in the middle of the night, some noise woke up one of the warriors. Waking up, Marcus Manlius (that was his name) listened: geese were cackling on the top of the hill. Marcus Manlius quickly climbed the city wall and literally came face to face with the Gaul. That night the enemies secretly attempted to storm the city. Marcus Manlius threw a Gaul off the wall. As he fell, the enemy screamed. Other Gauls began to fall. The screaming and noise made the geese cackle even louder. The defenders of Rome instantly awoke and began to defend the city. The Gauls had no choice. How to escape from the city walls. The Romans won.

Why is the cow a sacred animal in India?

In India, it is believed that every cow has something sacred. Despite the fact that many people in this country are starving, no Hindu thinks of slaughtering and eating a cow. The Indian religious book Mahabharata says that the cow, thanks to its purity bestowed on it by higher powers, has the ability to endow a person with happiness and protect him from the darkness of hell. Vedic texts say that the place where a cow is located has pure energy, so these animals are allowed to walk even on city roads.


A mythological character who, according to the beliefs of many peoples, has supernatural abilities. The rooster is the herald of the sun, heralding the beginning of a new day. The red rooster is a symbol of fire, hence the expression “let the red rooster” come from, that is, start a fire. The black rooster was associated with the other world. It was believed that the crow of a cock drives away “evil spirits,” which can only act outrageously until the “first roosters.”

In Greek mythology, the rooster is an attribute of the goddess Athena, the patroness of crafts, since with his singing he wakes people up to work early in the morning. In symbolism and heraldry, the rooster is very common as a symbol of belligerence, independence, and foresight. The image of a rooster - a vigilant guard - was often placed on the roofs of houses, on spiers and towers in the form of a weather vane.


In Ukraine, one of the legends says that the dog is the werewolf of the boy. They say that when the Savior walked the earth, in one village a certain boy especially pursued him, ran after him and barked. The Savior cursed him and turned him into a dog.

In Belarusian legends, the appearance of the dog is connected with the fact that “once a man was the guardian of paradise, when he once stole something, and in addition lied, locking himself in, God turned him into a dog, which now guards and breaks the yard.”

Many legends say that the dog originated from a man who was transformed by the Almighty for sins.

But there is also the exact opposite opinion. Some tribes of Alaska Indians, for example, considered local huskies as their ancestors. It seems that in this regard they treated their four-legged “relatives” very politely.

How dogs saved Corinth.

Greek legend

According to legend, ancient Greek dogs saved the city of Corinth from enemies. Fifty dogs guarded the citadel. One night, when the internal garrison was sleeping, an enemy flotilla sailed, and on the outskirts of the city a battle ensued with the dogs, the faithful guards. People's help arrived when only one dog named Soter remained alive. The enemy was defeated, and the citadel was saved, and Soter received a silver collar with the inscription “Soter - defender and savior of Corinth” as a reward for his bravery. A marble monument was erected in his honor.


In Ancient Egypt, the cat was considered not just useful, but also a sacred animal, the “good genius of the home,” the keeper of the hearth and was taken under the protection of the law. Because of its mystery, nocturnal lifestyle, eyes glowing in the darkness, rare fertility and femininity, this graceful animal was dedicated to the goddess of the Moon, fertility and childbirth, Bast, or Bastet, who was depicted with a cat's head. Killing a cat was punishable by death, and sometimes a finger or hand was cut off. When a cat died naturally, mourning was declared in the house, all its inhabitants cut their hair and plucked their eyebrows, and the cat itself was often embalmed and buried with honors in a special cemetery. A large number of cat mummies have been found in the tombs of pharaohs.

How Siamese cats guarded valuable vases in Buddhist temples.

Siamese cats lived in temples, where they guarded valuable vases. To complete this task, the cats wrapped their tails around the vases and looked at them intently, without looking away. Because of this position, they have a curled tail and slanted eyes.

Legends about wild animals.


Eastern parable

One day a frog came from the ocean and jumped into the well. There she was met by a frog who had lived in this well all her life. She asked: “I wonder where you came from?” - I came from the ocean. The well frog asked: “Is it bigger than this well?” Of course, there was distrust in her eyes, doubt in her mind: how could anything be greater than this well where I live? The ocean frog laughed and answered: “It is very difficult to say anything, since there is no measure.” The well frog said: “Then I will give you a measure so that you can do it.” She dived to a quarter of the depth of the well, one-fourth of the way, and asked: “Is this enough?” The ocean frog laughed and said: “No.” Then she dived to half the depth of the well and asked: “Is this enough?” The ocean frog said again: “No!” Then she dived to the very bottom of the well and said triumphantly: “Now you can’t say no.” The ocean frog said: “You may be offended, and I don’t want to be impolite, but the answer is still the same: no!!!” Then the well frog said: “Get out of here, you liar!” Nothing can be bigger than this well!

wood pigeon

Mayan legend

There lived one brave and strong warrior on earth. He loved hunting and often hunted animals in the deep forests. One day, while hunting, he found himself at some forest lake and, to his great surprise, he saw a beautiful girl sailing in a boat. The brave warrior fell in love with her so much that whenever possible he returned to the shore of that lake, hoping to at least just see the girl. But it was all in vain; all he saw was just the surface of the water, reflecting the light of the sun.

So, he decided to seek help from the witch, who told him: “You will never see that girl unless you turn into a dove.” - I just want to see her! - Once you turn into a dove, you will never be able to return to human form. - I just want to see her! “If that’s all you want, then let your wish come true.”

And the witch stuck a thorn into the neck of the brave warrior. And as soon as she did this, the young man turned into a dove. He shot up and flew to the forest lake, where he sat on a branch and began to wait. A little time passed, and he saw that same girl, and then he flew up to her and began to caress her. The girl took him in her hands and, stroking him, pulled out the thorn from his neck. She shouldn't have done this! The dove died with its head dropped. Seeing this, the girl, in deep sadness, stuck the same thorn into her neck and immediately turned into a dove. From that day on, she began to be sad about her dove and mourn him.

Snake Bride

Chroniclers of yesteryear tell of magical creatures that could appear in various terrifying forms: as monstrous snakes or clawed beasts covered with scales. They were called lamia, and they were most dangerous in the form of a beautiful woman. Although they were amorous by nature and sought the love of mortals, the lamia represented the darkest side of the magical realm.

One day, in the vicinity of Corinth, a young man named Lucius met a woman of such sparkling beauty and exciting charm that his heart was immediately seized with love. She answered him with a tender look and became his lover. Their meetings were filled with such joy and happiness that Lucius decided to marry her.

He prepared a luxurious wedding feast, but at the height of the celebration he noticed that the bride had turned pale and was ready to faint. She was shaking, and her breathing was more like heavy sighs. When the young man tried to help her, she silently pointed to an elderly man standing among the guests. This man was a teacher, a devoted mentor to the young man. He looked at the bride without looking away with a gloomy expression. “I don’t want you to become a victim of a snake and die in its suffocating embrace,” said the wise mentor.

A cry of pain rang out in the crowded hall. The woman began to wriggle, and in this place where she had just stood, everyone saw the flickering of sapphires, gold and emeralds - the scales of a coiled snake shimmered. A moment later, the bride disappeared.

The mentor, however, recognized the threat too late, and, deprived of his beloved, Lucius died of melancholy, and his wedding robe became his shroud.

Star Dipper

Greek legend

A long time ago, in ancient times, King Lycaon ruled the country of Arcadia (a mountainous region in the center of the Peloponnesian Peninsula). And he had a daughter - the beautiful Callisto. Callisto fell in love with the beautiful and powerful god Zeus and gave birth to his son Arkad. But the cruel and jealous Hera, the wife of Zeus, turned young Callisto into a Ursa.

While the unfortunate woman was wandering through the forests, her son Arkad grew up and became a shepherd and an excellent hunter. One day while hunting, seeing the Ursa, Arkad raised his weapon to kill her. But then a messenger of Zeus appeared in a timely manner and took them both to the sky, turning them into constellations. Callisto has become the constellation Ursa Major. The constellation Shepherd (Boötes) is located in the sky nearby. The brightest star in it is called Arcturus (Arcade). Ursa Minor, according to one legend, is a maid who accompanies Callisto on her eternal journey.

How a lion once sneezed

When Noah gathered animals for his ark, small cats did not yet exist. Therefore, after several weeks of sailing, the ark was overrun with rodents. Unable to cope with the parasites, Noah turned for help to the lion, the king of beasts. The lion thought for a while, and then sneezed with a terrible sound. From his huge nostrils emerged dozens of small cats that looked exactly like a miniature lion. They managed to contain the proliferation of rodents.

They can predict the weather

England has a long tradition of observing cats and the natural phenomena that correspond to their behavior. If a cat digs its claws into furniture, carpet or curtains, it means there is a strong wind. If a cat's pupils are dilated, it means rain. Also, rainy weather should be expected if the cat washes its ears for a long time and often. When a cat sits on the windowsill and looks out the window, it means rain; when she sleeps, hiding all her paws under her, it means cold rain. If a cat sleeps on its back, it means rain. In fact, whatever a cat does in England means rain. In principle, it is not surprising.

Curious scientific facts about cats

About vision features

Different breeds of cats - Siberian, British, Norwegian - have an innate gift of healing. Therefore, doctors advise purchasing four-legged friends for children and adults suffering from chronic illnesses.

Being close to its owner, the fluffy dog ​​does not see a clear picture due to congenital farsightedness.
Interestingly, the vision of wild and domestic cats is quite specific. The animal sees what is happening within a radius of 180 degrees, but it cannot see an object that is too close. An interesting fact is that every single one of the pets is farsighted, so they are not able to clearly see their owner’s face. This visual feature is inherent in nature. Hunting predators can simultaneously observe several objects, and the first thing they will pay attention to is the prey moving horizontally.

A common myth is that cats see well in the dark. However, scientific research shows that in order for a Siberian, British, Scottish or other breed to be able to unsee an object or obtain the necessary information about participants in a night hunt, at least a small glimpse of light is required.

About appearance

A person's fingerprints help identify him or her. But cats are not recognized by their paws, their main identifier is their nose. In addition, cats have a sense of smell that is 14 times stronger than that of humans. They capture the air and recognize in it the smells of objects located several tens of kilometers further. Therefore, owners sometimes do not understand what their pets are smelling, because humans simply do not detect the subtle aroma.

Whiskers are an important tool, without which the furry will not have a complete picture of what is happening and will not be able to survive.

Domestic and wild cats boast a wide variety of colors. This is not only due to selection. The main purpose of patterns on the body is camouflage, allowing you to reliably hide from the enemy and adapt to harsh survival conditions. The main relays of information about the surrounding world are vibrissae, also known as whiskers. At the tips of the hairs there are supersensitive nerve endings, with the help of which the animal seems to touch and smell the object of interest. If such a landmark is cut off, the animal will completely change in behavior. There are cases where disoriented pets died under the paw of the enemy because they could not recognize the danger in time.

About behavior

Facts in numbers: cats spend most of their lives sleeping. The animal can sleep 14-20 hours a day.

The most interesting facts from the life of cats concern their behavior. If the owner of a Siberian, Siamese or British breed notices that his pet has suddenly fallen to the floor and is showing her belly, this funny behavior means that the cat completely trusts its owner. Moreover, when strangers touch an animal’s stomach, it becomes tense and angry. A common case is when a cat stands still and jerks its tail from side to side. This is how the pet makes it clear that at a particular moment he does not know what to do - mischief, eat, walk or sleep. For some owners, a pet with its tail raised and showing its anus seems funny or impudent. But by such behavior the animal shows that it trusts the person and does not expect a trick from him.

They live in the sea and cause storms

Superstitious British fishermen throw a small portion of their catch back into the sea to please the cat. According to legend, this cat living in the sea was once a woman who practiced magic. She went sailing with her husband. During the voyage, the husband's comrades decided to drown the witch, because it was unlucky for a woman to be on board. It turned out that the woman was overboard - to even greater misfortune. The witch got angry and caused a storm that sank not only the ship with the sailors who drowned her, but the entire flotilla. Since then, the witch has lived in the sea in the form of a four-eyed cat.

Beliefs of the ancient Scandinavians

The Scandinavians believed that cats were constant companions of Freya, the blond goddess of war and love. This beauty moved across the heavenly expanses in a chariot, drawn not by horses, but by a pair of large, furry cats, whose ears were decorated with tassels. According to legend, this tailed pair is the ancestors of modern Norwegian forest cats.

Artist Karl Emil Doppler, 1905

In Iceland, the Yule Cat is also known - a negative character who, as they said, on the Yule holiday (analogous to Christmastide in this country) ate those who did not have wool clothes. It is now believed that Icelandic adults deliberately invented an evil cat to force children to take care of sheep. After all, then sheep wool was the main source of income for the inhabitants of this country!

Cats turn into cacti and like to drink

About a century ago, a curious legend was recorded among the Pueblo and Navajo tribes. People described a "cactus-like" creature in the shape of a cat, green in color and with needles instead of fur. Instead of front paws, this strange creature had blades with which it chopped off cacti. Having cut down exactly eighty cacti, the cat returned to the first log house and drank the enzyme juice of the cactus. After she drank the juice from all the cacti, the drunken cat went to scare the herds of cattle and shepherds.

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