Abyssinian cat: history, characteristics, description, care, health and purchase

The Abyssinian cat, also called the Abi, is a medium-sized breed with a long body, well-muscled body, and short to medium-length hair. Unlike many domesticated breeds, Abyssinians are extremely active, playful cats that love to climb tall pieces of furniture, play with toys, and play interactive games with their owners.

Friendly with children and other pets, Abyssinians can be a great member of an active family. However, it is better if this pet has a friend - another pet of any breed. Abies are very sociable and can become bored if left alone for too long.

Abyssinian cats are adaptable and can thrive in both small spaces and large homes. As mentioned earlier, they love to climb, so it's worth installing a cat tree, especially if you live in a small apartment and need to "maximize the area" in height.


Unfortunately, it is unclear when, how and why the Abyssinian breed appeared. However, lore says that Abis were once owned by the pharaohs, while some scientists believe that they were developed in Britain by breeding silver and brown tabby cats with patterned coats.

Since their “premiere” at the Crystal Palace (London) cat show in 1871, genetic testing has determined that Abyssinians likely originated somewhere in the coastal regions of the Indian Ocean and parts of Southeast Asia. A cat with the same reddish color and tick markings as the Abyssinian, which was exhibited at the Naturalis Museum in the Netherlands, supports this theory. It is believed to have originated from India.

Many believe that the Abyssinian got its name because Zula, a cat shown at an exhibition in 1871, was allegedly brought from Abyssinia, modern-day Ethiopia. Differences in coat color and markings may have resulted from Abi's crossing with other domestic cats.

American cat fanciers began importing Abyssinians in 1900, but did not begin breeding programs until the 1930s. During this time, fortunately, many cats were exported from Britain to the United States - the breed was almost exterminated in Europe during World War II. Since then, the Abyssinian population has grown rapidly and they have become one of the most popular breeds in the world.

Abyssinian cat - reviews about the breed

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I chose for a long time and looked at many breeds, I wanted a Bengal, but I didn’t like the character, I took the Abyssinian and was right: first of all, the beauty is indescribable, smooth fur, and somehow the character resembles a dog, she is with me everywhere in the kitchen, in the toilet, in the bathroom and even runs out to smoke to the balcony-))), cooks food with me, in short, doesn’t let me go

not for a second, even at night, for example, I turn to the kitchen and she sits next to meow, she staggers, she sleeps but is nearby, she really likes to play with the ball, she can run for a couple of hours, she eats dry food and I give a little live meat from the table, she is trained with the help of a rolled-up newspaper or a polyvilizer, does not take revenge, he quickly taught me not to let out his claws and not to bite, if he is not sleeping, he is constantly on the move and she needs to explore and sniff everything, because I live alone, for me this is ideal because Besya is always next to me and loves to talk and does everything you do


Beautiful, almost no hair in the house, loves people, no aggression, not vindictive, trainable, character reminiscent of a dog, companion, although active, but was not noticed for damaging wallpaper and curtains, but if you are sure of something, you can easily teach an animal the word cannot .I have a good repair, so the cat accepted all my laws, if she behaved badly, she would constantly sit on her lip, that’s what I call carrying, and for this breed it’s like a solitary cell, a couple of times she accepted unpopular methods of education, now I’m teaching the command to lie down, and then how the pillar in front of the monitor will stand and neither here nor there-)


there are none, but for some this cat may seem very active, and it is advisable to feed it with premium food, after all, the cat is royal, i.e. pharaonic -))



I would really like to buy myself such a cat, I saw it from friends. They are indescribably beautiful and graceful. But, unfortunately, the price for them bites.



There were always cats in the house, but for some reason they were all unkind ones. My son had wanted a dog for a long time, but conditions did not allow it. We found a compromise - an Abyssinian cat. In the nursery, the kitten immediately began to purr and cuddle in my arms, I realized - here she is, my Asenka! Our baby is in her second month. He eats everything: food, meat, and milk. The son is not overjoyed: Aska plays fetch with him, comes to kiss him in the morning, and greets him from school with wild jumps and tenderness

Tamara Konopleva


Five days ago, due to forced circumstances, my daughter brought an Abyssinian cat to me for three months. Since the cat was in heat and she was strongly asking for a cat, we brought her and the cat together. They brought it home. The day behaved perfectly. But today it unexpectedly rushed right into my face and scratched me all over. I had to lock her in the bathroom. I don’t know what to do next, I’m just afraid of her.



You need to match your abik precisely in temperament. His pranks didn’t bother me too much, but my husband categorically doesn’t accept it. And the nose in the face, and the paw marks on the stove, he just felt bad. You just need to take into account the increased activity in each barrel and the nature of this breed. And it seems to me that the breed is contraindicated for pedants and neat freaks.



my sisters are Abyssinian. A very beautiful breed. Our Marquise is so sweet and kind. Loyal, like a dog. He plays with my four year old nephew all the time. Never scratched or bitten. Looking at my sister, I also decided to get an Abyssinian.



Friends have three Abyssinian cats. When they leave, I feed them. One is especially smart, Senya. When I lay out the food, I have to move Senya’s muzzle away from all the bowls, because... she is omnipresent. Where your hands are, Senya is there too. He is both here and there at the same time. How he manages to do this, I still don’t understand. Moreover, he is not interested in the food itself, but in what you do. Their curiosity is boundless. If you leave the kitchen door unlocked, they will immediately start a meeting there. One day Senya flew up the wall from floor to ceiling! If I had not seen this with my own eyes, I would never have believed that this could happen. Some kind of flying squirrel, not a cat! There is no need to talk about wallpaper, there is no living space on it. Skinned taller than a man. But the owners there are animal lovers, they allow them a lot. By the way, in terms of cleanliness, there is no wool in the house! I don’t know how they are with shedding, but apart from bits of wallpaper, toys and scattered things, there is no dust or hair on the floor.

Natalya Chistyakova


We have an Abyssinian, Sorel color. He is seven and a half years old, neutered. Only this spring, in seven!!!! After more years of living with us, he became tame. He goes into his arms, cuddles him, puts him to bed... Before that, he perceived us as service personnel and a heating pad in case the heating was turned off)) And now, finally, he has become domesticated and tamed! )) We bought him when he was 2 months old, we have an older cat from whom the little abik could take an example of how to interact with people, but no. They are mysterious, in a word.



Demons. We didn't get along. As a result, the cat moved to parents who are more loyal. He turned out to be ill-mannered - he sleeps where he wants, otherwise he yells. Getting kicked out the door doesn't help. Just as the breeder taught us to eat at five in the morning, we haven’t been able to cope with this for 6 years now. Everywhere they write that the cat is a companion. Yes. Only in a special sense. If you're cooking, it sits on the table! Not on the floor nearby, but on the table, in the best companion, on a chair, so that you can see everything. In general, steeplejack cats - ours inspected the property from the top kitchen cabinet every day, while climbing and falling down (but this is my clumsy one). I dug flowers out of pots every morning, I replanted them in the evening, and dug them up again in the morning. Within a month, I eliminated all the flowers in the house. Now it seems like he doesn’t vandalize like that at 6 years old. The curtains were killed by claw hooks, that's how he played with them. He climbed onto the windowsill and slid down the tulle. Very jealous. When my future husband appeared in my house, I wrote on his things demonstratively. Very inquisitive, as they write. This means that the closets are open, the clothes are thrown out, the left pans are licked, and the holiday salad is bitten, if you don’t keep track! A breed for very patient and loyal owners. If you want a calm pet who phlegmatically sleeps next to you, then this is definitely not an abik.




Big ears, color, death to mice


Eats a lot

I want to immediately warn those who love tranquility - Abyssinka is not for you. Character like a queen. She will let herself be stroked when she wants, and not when you want it. However, one cannot say that she is wild. She chooses her owner and can gently wake him up in the morning, lick his head)) (she chose her husband) She needs to run and jump a lot, if you don’t provide her with a runner’s load, take care of your legs. She will throw out energy on them. He eats like a horse (no exaggeration). She is trainable. If guests come to the house, she is aggressive towards them, hisses, and makes it clear that she is a tiger cub and not a pussy.

*metropolitan young lady*


Cats are amazing, companions, clean and just very beautiful. They know moderation when it comes to food. Without her, nothing can happen in the house, they are silent, do not mew or demand, they have patience and dignity. This is our second cat like this and they are both similar in that they only go to hand in the morning when they miss their family, the one who got up first gets purrs/caresses and hugs, but don’t touch them as the day goes on, it just goes away because... Everything is interesting, everything needs to be explored somewhere. You’re watching TV, he’ll sit next to you, just extend your hand, if you touch him, he’ll sit a little further, if you touch him again, he’ll go to a chair. It seems that everything is nearby and under control, under her control.



We knew the breed was active when we chose it.

The breeder warned us that we need to play with her a lot, a lot, a lot, otherwise there is no other way.

But we were simply not prepared for her to be SO active. When we go to bed, she does a quick run around the entire apartment, no less than 10 laps, going around every corner, and only then she lies down at her feet and falls asleep. She, like a dog, loves to fetch everything, you throw an elastic band/paper/curler/sponge and she will immediately bring it, and she really wants to play like that, so starting at 6 in the morning she brings all this to the bed and begins to slowly wake her up so that they played with her.

Not a single corner of the apartment was left unattended, she climbed everywhere, except for walking on the ceiling, but this seems to me to be temporary. Every time something makes noise, rattles, or beats, she is already in the first row to inspect this place. Another cat would hide and run, but not here - here you need to stick a curious paw everywhere, and you need to explore everything. Explorer cat.

When we arrive home, she is already standing at the doorstep, asking to be held and petted, and will follow every family member until she gets the attention she deserves.

And in conclusion, we simply adore her, and every time I look into these little eyes, I am ready to get up at six in the morning, and clean up broken figurines, and endure her hyperactivity:




beautiful, active


very belligerent and not submissive

I have admired this graceful cat for a long time. Her warlike gaze attracted me. I already had a Don Sphynx cat, here is a review about her

my review about the pet panther I decided to buy a furry friend for my bald cat. The animals immediately agreed on their personalities and complemented each other, like yin and yang. The older cat treated the younger one like a daughter until she reached puberty, and my cats went to war. The bald one was pregnant and constantly snapped at the shaggy one; the shaggy one was still a child. Then I never fell in love with the Abyssinian, because the girl was wayward, constantly screamed and did not give in to my hands. Everywhere and everywhere Abyssinians will follow you, they make their owners bored, but I didn’t really like this feature of the breed. For me, a cat is a cozy little ball curled up on my lap. Abi destroyed everything, ran through closets, in the end we just didn’t get along and I broke up with my Abi without regret. Now she lives in the Moscow region with a cat of the same breed. I made the mistake of purchasing a rival for my already matured cat.



My friend’s Abyssinian cat also hisses terribly at all strangers and does not want to tolerate strangers in the house. Is this really a character trait? The cat has to be locked in the bathroom while guests are in the house. What to do with it? Does anyone know how to calm them down? Calming pills don't help



I dreamed of such a cat for a very long time and almost two years ago the dream came true. Amazing cat! An incredibly affectionate creature, it purrs as soon as you pick it up, cuddles, kisses, and caresses. Always goes to the sore spots and takes away the “badness”.

The eyes are just like the cat from Shrek. One look from her and you do whatever you want. Very curious, playful, sociable, loves to “talk”. He loves guests, goes into everyone's arms and sits with them. But if such a cat is the only pet in the family, she is a little bored. Loves attention. When we come to our parents (they also have a cat) and my sister also comes (and she has a cat), it is my Abi who chases two adult cats, she is the youngest of all. Like all cats, of course, he loves laser pointers and climbs into all hard-to-reach places. He can't stand closed doors and carriers, although he loves to sleep in the closet. I wouldn't call her very picky about food. He may be capricious, but in moderation. Damn, how bouncy she is! From the floor to the door he jumps into the lungs. When you come home from work in the evening, she immediately asks to be held, to be petted, cuddled, cuddled, and played with. She is afraid of loud and unexpected sounds. Once we left her alone for almost three days (we went to the dacha), she was very offended by us after that. We don't do that anymore.

Don’t think, I’m not a strong independent woman with a cat) I just love my pet very much!



At least I’m not the owner of an Abyssinian, my friend has an Abyssinian boyfriend. Very playful, but does not like to be held, can chew or scratch heavily if he gets too playful. Doesn't approach strangers or little acquaintances. He also does not accept any other animals, he even attacks large dogs, he is not afraid of them. He only accepts his owners and me (and then after I’ve been sitting with him for a week). And he’s so incredibly handsome, I’m just in awe)))) But as far as I know, he’s an exception with such a character, they’re usually very friendly =)

Desert hedgehog


author, yes, of course, it is expensive. But I, as the owner of an Abyssinian, I assure you that if you really want a cat, then if you buy an Abyssinian, you will not be disappointed for a minute. These are amazing animals, true companions, smart, funny, graceful. And there’s nothing to say about beauty.

Tana Turkina


Oh yeah!!! I got this cat in the fall and took it from my son. I was already grown up, about 10 months old. I was treated for enteritis for a long time, and managed to “fix it.” Terribly contactable, too much so. In the apartment I got comfortable in a moment, walked around the whole room at once, sniffed me and licked me, after 15 minutes I was already in the toilet rattling my tray with pleasure. The first night my husband and I barely slept - the cat came and started rubbing against our faces with some kind of frenzy, releasing its claws from affection, and fell in love with us at first sight))). But he began to ignore his son as a stranger - apparently, he regarded it as a betrayal. She loves her husband incredibly, runs to him when he comes home, takes him straight to his string with a bow - to play. Participates in everything, like a dog, everyone needs to know what’s going on. We feed only Proplan for capricious stomachs, with a pink stripe, the stomach is capricious, even a small piece from the table gives upset. A very active comrade, lying down is not his thing.




Very curious, playful, eternal companion



I read laudatory reviews and got an Abyssinian cat. Now he is 6 months old and I am at a loss. From 3.5 months he began to attack me in my sleep and tear my hand when I lay down next to him. In the morning he comes purring and suddenly can grab onto the chin (it happened that he clung to the chin with all his might), and after a few minutes, as if nothing had happened, he spins around again. Several times he jumped on his back and grabbed him with his teeth. For two months he fought with me every day, now a little less often. A sharp change in mood does not allow me to relax and love him. At first, out of nowhere, he obsessively caresses me, then he looks at me with a hateful gaze, as if he’s seeing me for the first time. All its advantages are offset by one disadvantage. I still haven’t lost hope of making friends with him...




not detected;


hyper sexy;

A very sociable cat breed. A definite plus is that these cats are hypoallergenic. They are affectionate, hardly meow, are absolutely not afraid of water, and take a bath very calmly. They practically do not shed. Easily trained, we taught ours to go to the toilet in a week. They cannot stand loneliness, if you left him in one room and went to another, he will break the door trying to get to you). They are not fussy about food, but prefer poultry rather than fish. If there are children in the family, the Abyssinian is ready to play with them from morning to evening. In general, this breed has some advantages



I'll give it a 3, tone down the joy a little, and tell you why. although again, everything is individual and depends on the character.

Six months ago we bought a Maska, which they named Vesta, she is wild in color, the price was reduced due to marriage, she has a small white spot on her tummy (she took after her mother, a marble, her father is a champion), it cost 10 thousand rubles. (purebreds, without marriage, cost from 20 thousand and above) it took a long time to choose a breed, about three months. And, indeed, every day there is news. The older you get, the more uncontrollable you become, although I can and do understand.

Now, in more detail.


- Dear face, everyone is beautiful!!!

— Smooth-haired, without undercoat, perfect for mothers and children, they say it’s hypoallergenic.

- Devoted to family. Everywhere and in everything nearby, be it a toilet, a bath or a kitchen. Dinner with family.

— Huge ears and paws (unusual), long themselves.

— He likes to play football.

- If you talk heart to heart, he understands (but maybe he can take revenge).


- Picky eater. Sometimes she won’t eat without her owners, so you can’t leave her alone for a long time.

— Doesn’t like water (although I read somewhere that it’s the other way around), doesn’t like being carried by the withers (it hurts them).

— He sharpens his claws wherever he likes.

-He loves pots of flowers, curtains.. We now have designer ones, with frills and designer hooks.

- She is jumping, and therefore any obstacles are not a problem for her.

- Cunning, she takes revenge for insults immediately and sometimes directly.

- Likes to jump on his legs and, grabbing them, slide down, leaving a bloody trail of slowly passing stripes.

— Sometimes he runs uncontrollably. We let her run until she lies down, otherwise she won’t be able to catch her, and on the way to speed she can destroy everything. Sometimes he jumps out from around the corner and slams his head into the door, then into the bed, then into the leg. In my opinion, it’s time for her to buy a helmet, it’ll blow her mind, and she’s only 6 months old.

- Carriers, bags are not a prison for her, she tore the carrier in a day, I think now she needs to be carried in an iron cage to the veterinarian.

— Huge claws and teeth, while playing, forget themselves and begin to bite and scratch the skin.

These cats need special care and attention; without attention they run wild. So if you're at work all day and your cat is alone, get ready!

And no matter what happens, I still love her, I love when she purrs, I love when she is afraid of tickling, I love when she trusts me and keeps me company. She is beautiful, but time is time...




smart, loyal, affectionate



If you really love dogs, but there is no opportunity to have one, I recommend everyone to buy a wonderful kitten of the Abessin breed. The fact is that from the moment of purchasing an animal, a kitten becomes so attached to its owner that it will subsequently experience enormous stress if it is given to other owners. Only this breed is distinguished by its special devotion; they are willful, but very affectionate. Of course, their appearance and long ears create a curious appearance, but despite this they grow quite large in size. By purchasing such a cat, you are guaranteed to get yourself a devoted friend and home comfort.

Needs and care

Despite their high exercise needs and energy levels, the Abyssinian cat can be relatively low maintenance. Since the Abi has a short and fine coat, owners do not have to groom it every day. In fact, you can only brush your pet once a week to remove dander and debris. This is not necessary, but bathing your Abi during shedding season can help reduce hair loss.

Like all cats, it is important to perform regular oral hygiene on your pet. You can do this daily or at least once a week.

Abyssinians have pointed ears, so be sure to check them weekly for dirt, debris or signs of infection. You can remove dirt or wax build-up with a soft cotton cloth.

As mentioned earlier, Abyssinians are extremely active, playful pets. Buy or make your own toys and prepare to spend at least 10-15 minutes each day playing interactive games or activities with your cat. You can also buy a cat tree or wall shelves to give your pet a high place to sit.

Breed characteristics

According to reviews, the Abyssinian cat breed is the only kitty cat that has the agouti factor. Provided means that the pet has no spots or stripes. But each hair is represented by two or even three colors. Characterized by a mimic mark on the muzzle, the edging of the pupils and the eye is dark, and the horns are speckled.

In general, according to reviews of the description of the Abyssinian cat, the animal gives the impression of an aristocrat or queen. Cats have short, fine hair that fits tightly to the body. The color corresponds to the assigned color version. This breed must have dual, or better yet, triple ticking. It would be nice if the edges of the hair were gray.

These are small kitties. But they are muscular and so flexible that anyone, even the best gymnast, can envy them. The tail is long, with a very mobile tip. The paws are lanky, harmonious, with strong muscles. The paws have narrow and oval pads. The weight of the Abyssinian varies from 4 to 6 kilograms. Animals live long enough.

The head itself is medium in size, and the configuration is a bit like a wedge, oval in outline. A prominent chin, preferably one with an emphatic contour. Characterized by a small straight nose. There are large ears located far apart from each other.

The eyes of Abyssinians are large, shining, shaped like almonds, and freely spaced. They are extremely eloquent, concentrated golden or emerald in color. A dark rim around the eyes must always be present.

Rarely observed in cats: a snow-white medallion, a wide alabaster chest, a closed ring on the neck, a gray or light undercoat, an insignificant zonal color, stripes on all paws, a Siamese type of appearance or color, a round head, small and pointed ears, round eyes of indistinct color, lack of a rim around the eyes.


The Abyssinian cat is generally healthy, but it is important to be aware of problems that can occur in this breed. Knowing the signs and symptoms of certain health conditions can allow you to get your pet the help it needs right away.

So, what pathologies may arise:

  1. Periodontal disease is an infection of the tissues that hold teeth in place. Regular oral hygiene can help prevent the development of periodontal disease.
  2. Dislocation of the patella, kneecap. This is a hereditary disease that can be cured with surgery.
  3. Progressive retinal atrophy is a degenerative eye disease that can lead to blindness.

If you're concerned about your cat's health, talk to your veterinarian about steps you can take to ensure she has a long, happy, healthy life.

What name to choose

The owner’s desire to come up with a non-standard nickname for his Abyssinian pet is quite understandable and natural.

After all, soon the little ball of fur will take shape into a graceful cat or a cat confident in its irresistibility.

The exotic appearance of the menagerie obliges us to neglect the standard “Murzik” or “Muska” and requires the selection of a much more sonorous and more original nickname.

It is appropriate to recall the well-known phrase of A. S. Nekrasov, “As you name a ship, so it will sail,” only in this case it will “purr.”

People often associate Abyssinian cats with Egypt, so owners often name them after patron gods and other supernatural creatures of the pantheon.

And if the popular “Pharaoh” or “Cleopatra” as nicknames have long become boring and hurt the ears, then the following names look attractive and exclusive:

  • female: Sia;
  • Ma'at;
  • Bastet;
  • Isis;
  • Nekhbet;
  • Azizi;
  • Nanu;
  • Miu;
  • Monifa;
  • Kiya.
  • men's:
  • Ramses;
  • Shushu;
  • Anubis;
  • Shenti;
  • Osiris;
  • Canty;
  • Anti;
  • Apis.
  • When looking for a suitable option, you should always understand that the intonation with which you address an Abyssinian cat is much more important than any set of letters in its nickname.

    How to choose the right kitten

    First of all, forget about the market. A real Abyssinian cat should be purchased only from a breeder or in a special nursery.

    A detailed pedigree must be compiled for each kitten. In addition to the pedigree, you must be given a veterinary passport upon purchase.

    If there is no pedigree, the seller is obliged to provide you with a “Kitten Card” (or metric). Be sure to read the contents of the passport.

    It should contain notes about vaccinations and dewormings performed. Vaccinations are given at nine and eleven weeks of age.

    It is not recommended to purchase kittens that have not yet reached 12 weeks of age. Also, avoid buying unvaccinated kittens. Ask the breeder for a business card if you have any questions.

    Examine your pet. There are several external signs that allow you to determine whether a purebred Abyssinian cat is sitting in front of you or a “fake”.

    There should be no stripes on the front legs. If the pet has a light undercoat or no white spots on the chin or eyelid rims, then this cat is not a pure breed.


    Abyssinian cats are very dynamic animals. Therefore, when choosing this breed, the future owner must take into account this need of the pet and provide it with a platform for outdoor games and active walks in the fresh air.

    If this is not done, you may encounter unpleasant consequences in the form of overturned flower pots and scratched furniture.

    They also choose an owner once and for life. It will be difficult for a stranger or other family member to gain the animal's trust. The natural curiosity in the character of Abyssinian cats pushes them to do everything together with the owner - play football, watch TV, clean, do laundry, and so on. At the same time, cats manage to walk around their property and keep order both inside and outside the house. Experts recommend hiding toys from time to time so that they are new every time.

    Emotionality in behavior and irrepressible temperament do not allow representatives of this breed to sleep peacefully, like most of their relatives, and even more so to spend time on the owner’s lap. According to reviews from numerous owners, the maximum that Abyssinian cats can do is one minute and then run and watch the world.

    Abyssinians, due to their intelligence and resourcefulness, and love of mischief, can organize peculiar cat clowneries at home. They definitely won’t let their household get bored. They are excellent companions for children and other animals.

    ( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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