Chinchilla cat (photo): this is not a breed, it is an elegant silver haze in color

British cats are pets that have won the hearts of true connoisseurs of beauty around the world. Among the British, there is a special group of colors that amaze with their beauty - chinchillas, smoky.

A unique feature of these colors is that the hairs on the cats’ coats are not completely dyed – only partially. The degree of coloring varies depending on the specific type. The rest of the hair, the undercoat, is pure white, silver or very light in color. This color option is usually called tipping. The attractiveness of this color is that the light coat is hidden under a brighter, base tone. When the cat moves, the effect of a smooth flow of one color into another appears.

The varieties of the British breed under consideration have their own characteristics and standards. When choosing a kitten or wanting to start breeding British cats (reviews from breeders state the fact that the chinchilla color is complex), you need to arm yourself with the relevant information. In this article you can find answers to many questions.

British chinchilla.

The British chinchilla is an artificially bred cat breed. It is a variety of the British one. The name speaks for itself - the fur of these cats is surprisingly similar to the soft, delicate coat of chinchillas. This color is one of the rarest and most expensive, but can be found among representatives of other cat breeds - Persian, as well as Burmese.

Scottish Fold SFS as blue smoke

The very first representative of the cat family with a unique fur coat was a cat named Shinny. Being British not only by the name of the breed, but also by origin, Shinnie was born in 1882. The parents were a Persian cat and a smoky-colored British cat. Further work on the development of the breed with amazing color was crowned with success; in 1889, another handsome cat appeared - a cat named Silver Lambkin. He was recognized as the ancestor of British chinchillas. Subsequently he won many awards and titles at international cat shows.

Variants of British chinchillas, description.

Since the chinchilla is a representative of the British, it has all the main characteristic features and standards of this breed. Chinchilla cats, like true representatives of the British breed, have a strong build and a large head. A striking feature of all British people is the dark rim around the eyes.

The pride of chinchillas, which sets them apart from other representatives of the British breed, is their luxurious fur. Quite short, has a dense structure, does not lie close to the body, and has a thick undercoat. The color of fur coats varies depending on the cat's color type.

Maintenance and care

  1. Fur care. Representatives of any variety should be combed a couple of times a week using a furminator according to hair growth and in the opposite direction. When tangles appear in the Persian species, they are cut off.
  2. Proper care of the face, for which a damp cloth is used. The eyes require daily rubbing with clean boiled water or chamomile infusion, and the ears require cleaning with a cotton swab and Vaseline oil.
  3. Perform a manicure a couple of times a month and have your own place with a scratching post.
  4. Providing water treatments. The best option is to use dry shampoo.
  5. Dental hygiene using special cleaning products and special dry food to remove plaque.
  6. Conclusions for a walk. It is ideal to accustom this cat to a harness from childhood and wear a collar against ticks and fleas, which will ensure both a pleasant process and safety.

A well-thought-out diet, which necessarily includes elite-class cat food.
In addition, an important component is the consumption of ordinary products:

  • meat by-products,
  • low-fat fermented milk products,
  • boiled sea fish,
  • scrambled eggs,
  • vegetables and herbs in combination with protein foods.

It is necessary to keep your pet healthy and visit the veterinarian regularly. There are some diseases that require immediate treatment - retinal atrophy, problems with the kidneys and the cardiovascular system.

With careful attention from the owners, representatives of the golden chinchilla breed will live up to 15 years at home.

How to care for a chinchilla cat?

Caring for pets begins even before they are born. Proper nutrition of the expectant mother is the key to healthy offspring. A balanced diet consists of raw meat products and offal, as well as fermented milk in small quantities. Vegetables and fruits are added to balance microelements. For proper intrauterine development of kittens, the mother does not set up a den in a quiet place.

Persian chinchilla cat

Royal appearance and noble manners make animals of this breed aristocratic in comparison with other felines. The Persian chinchilla has large green eyes and a special color. The majestic animal has a calm disposition and extraordinary intelligence.

It is curious, active, independent - if the owner does not have time to pay attention to the pet, the pet will occupy itself with important cat matters.

The breed has its own characteristics:

  1. Dark-lined eyes, lips, tip of the nose.
  2. Long, soft coat with a unique color.
  3. Luxurious bushy tail.
  4. Various coat colors.

Breed standards

It identifies characteristics inherent in animals. The standard maintains the purity of the breed and is a document that allows participation in breeding and exhibitions.

It is used by breeders, judges and breeders. One might say that this is the “basic law” of felinology. In essence, this is a description of the breed in strict order. Standard for Chinchilla Persians:

  1. rounded and soft lines of a small head with a convex skull and a squat, compact body.
  2. Males in adulthood reach a weight of 7 kg, and females 3.5-4.5 kg.
  3. Widely spaced ears with rounded ends.
  4. Bright, wide-set, large eyes with black rims.
  5. Pale pink or brick red short nose.
  6. Short stocky paws with dark pads.
  7. Short straight tail.

Thick long hair. Kittens of this breed are born with short hair, but over time it becomes longer.

Choosing a kitten

There are quite a lot of advertisements from private owners on websites and electronic boards with offers to choose a chinchilla cat. They offer to buy a British shorthair chinchilla cat for almost pennies: from 1-2 thousand rubles. Usually for this price you get a pet without documents or pedigree.

The buyer cannot be sure of the baby’s excellent health and does not know in what conditions the kitten grew up before the sale. Unscrupulous sellers breed incompatible samples and do not monitor the breed standard. All this leads to disastrous consequences: illness and death of animals.

At a young age, it is not clear what color a cat will have. The seller will try to assure the presence of this or that breed, and on an older ward it will be difficult to see the supposed promised signs of the animal’s standard. The formation of the animal is completed by 1 year and 6 months of life.

Therefore, it is necessary to contact nurseries and clubs, experienced breeders. Advantages of a kitten purchased from a nursery:

  • a metric is provided;
  • you can see the baby’s parents: in the nursery or from a photograph, evaluate their appearance and behavior;
  • the animal will receive all vaccinations strictly according to age;
  • the pet will be treated for helminths;
  • the baby is trained to the tray;
  • the baby is trained in hygiene skills;

British chinchillas quickly get used to going to the toilet in a designated place.

The price of a kitten from an experienced breeder consists of the cost of caring for the animal, purchasing medications and household products. Owners travel abroad for some representatives of the breed: travel plus hotel accommodation require considerable expenses. Participation in exhibitions and mating, selection of a partner for crossing - all this involves costs, sometimes not only material, but also emotional. Every baby is loved and the fate of every member of the nursery worries the owner.

At what age is it better to adopt a kitten?

Before 2 months, professional clubs do not offer kittens for sale. Until this time, the baby should be with the mother. The best food for a newborn kitten is cat's milk. A baby who was taken away from a cat prematurely is not psychologically ready for independent life. Nursery staff jealously monitor the date of the expected departure of the ward to a new habitat. To prevent painful situations, it is unacceptable to take animals away immediately after birth: this will lead to the death of the pet.

It is not difficult to find a silver British chinchilla kitty in a nursery at a cost of 25-35 thousand rubles. Adult cats that do not participate in exhibitions due to age and have completed their breeding career are offered for a symbolic amount, sometimes in the region of one thousand or two thousand rubles. But it will be a well-groomed, vaccinated, healthy animal.

Criterias of choice

Before purchasing British chinchillas, you need to decide for what purpose a person wants to buy a pet. They are looking for kids to breed the breed and make a profit from the sale. Or they take kittens without considering their participation in a breeding career, or for castration or sterilization.

On the club website, you choose a pet based on a photo. Often the staff will offer pictures and information about the kittens before the sale. Having contacted the nursery, they clarify the cost of the animals and discuss the conditions for keeping the animals under their care at home.

Breeders are ready to provide not only documents and pedigrees, but also reserve the right for the new owner to find out the answers to future questions about the care and nutrition of chinchilla cats.

When arriving to pick up a kitten, pay attention to the external characteristics of the animal:

  • coat condition;
  • compliance with the breed standard;
  • absence of signs indicating marriage.

It is also necessary to observe the future ward: a sick animal will not be active and energetic. A weakened pet can be easily recognized by its sparse, dull fur and cloudy eyes. This option is likely to be offered by unscrupulous private sellers.

When purchasing a red British chinchilla, or another variety of the breed, it is important not to forget: we are responsible for those we have tamed. The health, life and mood of a pet depends on the care, knowledge of the behavior and mood of the animal owner

From the first days of life

Complementary feeding and litter box training begin when kittens reach 4-5 weeks of age. When raising one, it should be taken into account that a cat is not a person; it is not characterized by associative thinking and understanding of human behavior. If you set a ban for her, then it is forever.

Toilet training is taught from the first steps, for this:

  1. fence off the space for 2-3 weeks;
  2. put two small trays;
  3. fill with filler with small granules.

This is necessary so that the kitten remembers its smell and subsequently goes to only one place. If the baby has done “big” things bypassed, then put it in the litter with a scoop and do not remove it.

Character traits

British chinchillas are very balanced, but wayward animals. They can safely be called aristocrats of the cat world: they are very independent. They get used to and become attached to the owner and other family members very quickly, but at the same time they always consider themselves equal to both humans and other animals in the house.

British chinchillas lead a measured lifestyle, play moderately, rest more, love to be looked after and given attention. At the same time, they do not interfere in many household affairs, preferring to calmly look at them from the outside

When the British are not in a good mood, not even a toy mouse or their favorite treat will budge them. British chinchillas are quite picky when it comes to food.

Even though British chinchillas look like plush toys, they are not. Therefore, you should not allow children to handle them carelessly. Animals have an extremely negative attitude towards all kinds of cuddles, and therefore can change their habits to negative ones if treated poorly.

From childhood, British chinchillas can be easily accustomed to a litter tray, habitat and food. But it is useless to force these cats to do something or play: they will remain cool, although they are very well-mannered.

The British are capricious and freedom-loving; they do not always prefer to be the center of attention when they live in a house without other animals. British chinchillas learn very quickly, especially when they have the desire, or during the learning process the owner gives them treats to encourage them. The British love order in their home. They must have their own place to sleep. It can be either a pillow or a whole house in which animals can not only relax, but also play.

The British never create a mess in the house, even when they are alone. Moreover, they do not like fuss. Therefore, sometimes they prefer to relax imposingly while there is silence in the house or apartment. Of course, until they get tired of it.

They are always happy to see the owner. Proud chinchillas rarely beg for food, especially from the table. They are more accustomed to waiting for the owner to treat them himself. If animals eat according to a certain diet and schedule, then they will not beg for treats at all.

If they are pissed off too much, they may hide. British chinchillas are essentially non-aggressive; they quickly forget an insult. But if the offense is serious, then the animal will prefer to proudly retire for a long time until it is called.

British chinchillas like to rest immediately after eating. Lying around is their favorite pastime. Sometimes, when going out into society, they can lazily chase a ball or a mouse, but they prefer to play with the owner, especially adult individuals. Even at 6–7 years old, the British do not become overly phlegmatic.

It is worth noting that British chinchillas practically do not meow. Experts differ in their opinions as to what this is connected with. Some say that this is beyond their cat's dignity. These animals are among the most silent and reserved, even when very hungry.

They meow in extremely rare cases, for example, in a veterinarian's office or when they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment. However, British chinchillas have a very melodic voice. Some of them are very talkative. When petted, they can purr and make peculiar sounds of joy.

The British don't have the habit of waking everyone up in the morning if they haven't been fed. They will wait tactfully, although it is best not to disturb their schedule. They easily get used to any regime of their owner.

Character of chinchilla cats

They have a soft and friendly character. Thanks to their high intelligence, chinchilla cats get along well in an apartment; with proper training, they use a scratching post, so furniture and walls will not be damaged by sharp claws.

They carefully examine the home and every corner without causing problems to the owner. Representatives of this breed are a little phlegmatic, so pranks are not inherent in them.

Chinchillas are great companions for people who live alone because cats do not become overly sad when their owner is away.

Cats get along quite well with other animals and are friendly, but this breed is not among the best for contact with children, although each pet is individual. The best option is when both animals live together since childhood, then there will be no aggressive relationship between them. If different ages or genders are combined, conflicts may arise.

Chinchilla - breed or color

The chinchilla cat received its unusual name due to its external similarity with the South American rodent. Chinchillas are not a separate breed, but an unusual color that turns the fur of Persian, Scottish and British cats into a golden or silver coat with a smoky tint.

Genetics of color

Scientists began to study the genetics of chinchilla color quite recently.

  1. This color belongs to the category of ticked ones. In them, the root part of the hair is bleached and contains almost (or no) pigment.
  2. The lower segment can be of two shades: white or yellow. In the first case, the chinchilla will be silver, and in the second, golden.
  3. The ends of the hairs are dyed to 1/8 or 1/3 of the length. In nature, such an ideal option practically does not occur, but the closer to the standard, the better. It is in this gradient distribution of colors that the light most effectively plays with the wool and makes it shimmer in all shades.

The silver chinchilla cat can bear both red (pheomelanin) and black (eumelanin) pigments. But the effect of gold is given only by black genes.

The formation of color in cats is influenced by the A gene (agouti), which is responsible for the presence of patterns (stripes, spots). Dominant A can produce 3 variants of silver wool:

  • shaded silver;
  • silver tabby;
  • chinchilla.

In the first two options, there are residual stripes, completely dyed hairs, or vice versa, only the ends of the hairs are pigmented. To the untrained eye, they may all seem the same, although only the silver chinchilla shimmers evenly. The recessive agouti factor produces a smoky color.

Gene A acts in exactly the same way with a golden shade - it gives shaded, tabby and golden chinchilla. Only smoky cats no longer exist in a recessive form.

And all silver cats have common genetic flaws. They may appear as yellowish or marbled spots on the surface of the coat.

Varieties of color

Felinologists first divided the visual metallic background into two categories: chinchilla and shaded (darker) chinchilla. In the 70s, British shorthairs and exotics came to the attention of breeders.

In order not to confuse them with Persians, they came up with a new name for the color - ticked. Later, this division was abandoned, the Persian cat returned its generic name, and the term “chinchilla” began to mean only color.

Silver cats

The base of the hair is slightly colored or remains white altogether. Gene I (inhibitor) is responsible for this. The more actively it works, the less pigment on the hairs. An ideal chinchilla cat has only 1/8 of its hair length colored.


A similar situation occurs in the group of golden ones - the faster the I-gene begins to act, the more spectacular the chinchilla’s coat looks.

The difference between silver and gold is the division of all cats into black and red (red). It is the main color that influences the shade and creates the signature chinchilla shimmer.

The specific distribution of species occurs due to the level of pigmentation of the hair.

  • 1/8 to 7/8 – natural chinchilla;
  • 50/50 – shaded color;
  • 7/8 to 1/8 – smoky.

The very genetic distribution of hereditary instructions and even the list of genes that take part in the process still remains a mystery. Some cat breeders believe that only animals from the black group can be golden, while others oppose them and give examples from breeding.

Other chinchilla colors

From time to time, announcements of new shades of color appear. The Scottish chinchilla cat gave a litter of blue tones, which immediately became a sensation among lovers. But later this trait was not inherited.

  • In the black series of chinchilla cats of the British breed, blue, lilac and chocolate colors are experimented with.
  • A Scottish chinchilla kitten from the red group seemed to have acquired a stable cream color, but after a few months it changed colors and lost its uniqueness.

This is interesting! New breeding groups are constantly being included in the selection, so breeders will definitely find a solution to maintain a stable balance of colors through experience.


The tendency towards obesity and kidney pathologies suggests that the menu for your pet should be prepared with special care. If you feed him too much fatty food or too much protein, he will become lazy and quickly gain weight. And this is a direct path to disease.

You can feed the Persian chinchilla both natural and commercial food. But for each type there are certain rules that you should follow.

Natural products

The following foods can be included in the Persian diet:

  • Lean meat: veal, beef, poultry (chicken, turkey), rabbit. Before serving, the meat is doused with boiling water to destroy parasite eggs.
  • Offal: raw chicken hearts, boiled liver, finely chopped necks.
  • Sea fish, shrimp, squid.
  • Eggs: chicken and quail. Quail can be given raw, chicken is boiled and only the yolk is given.
  • Fermented milk products: cottage cheese, sour cream, natural yogurt without preservatives and dyes, cream, fermented baked milk, kefir, unsalted cheese.
  • Cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, millet, rice. Porridge is boiled in water, a little milk is added for taste. Liquid semolina porridge is fed to kittens up to 3 months.
  • Vegetables: pumpkin, carrots, zucchini, asparagus, herbs (dill, parsley, green salad), cucumbers.
  • Sprouted wheat.

The cat's bowl should always be filled with clean water at a comfortable temperature. Bottled or settled - it doesn’t matter, but pouring from the tap is not recommended. Change it twice a day: morning and evening.

It is forbidden to give cats:

  • Alcohol, sparkling water, juices, coffee, tea.
  • Avocado, eggplant, grapes.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Peas, chickpeas, lentils.
  • Sausage, wieners, frankfurters.
  • Offal, bones, fat, lard.
  • Whole milk.
  • Sweets, baked goods, flour, fried.
  • Smoked, salted, fatty.
  • Human canned food.
  • Spices, sauces, mayonnaise, seasonings.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Since Persians are prone to urolithiasis, you should not pamper your cat with fish more than once a month.

Recommended food

Industrial food (both dry and wet) can save a lot of time if you don’t like or can’t prepare your cat’s food yourself. Modern holistic and super-premium foods have a balanced composition and a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements necessary for the development of a cat.

In the photo there are kittens of the Persian chinchilla breed

List of holistic foods: Savarra, Applaws, Farmina N&D, Gina Elite, Naturea, One&Only, PureLuxe, Gather, Grandorf, Fitmin Purity, Go Natural, Power of Nature.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Forget about economy-class food: they contain practically no useful additives or meat. And without these components, the product turns into empty “chewing gum.” In addition, they often cause allergies.

Super premium food: 1st Choice, Airi, Arden Grange, Naturea, Pronature Life, Meowing Heads, Pronature Original, ProSeries, Leonardo.

Super PremiumSuper PremiumHolistic
Meowing HeadsLeonardoPureLuxe

Adult pets

For pet chinchillas that do not participate in exhibitions, care will not be difficult. The owner of the “Show Dream” nursery in an interview shared advice on caring for a cat’s fur: once a month, using specialized shampoos, you need to bathe an adult cat, and kittens twice, and after the bath, dry it with a hairdryer to completely remove fallen hairs. She also explained that it is advisable to comb the cat once every 1.5-2 weeks to prevent the formation of tangles.

Nutrition can be provided in two ways: make a diet from fresh food or buy premium or super-premium food, for example, Brit, Brit care. When it comes to dry food, holistic foods, such as Acana, are considered the best. There are separate lines for pets with urolithiasis.

If one food suits the animal, the stool is in good condition, the eyes are shiny and the coat is in good condition, then there is no need to mix different tastes, it is enough to feed one type.

Breed defects

The health of cats depends not only on the attention of the owner, but also on heredity. Most often, a pet inherits the immunity of its parents.

Tendency to diseases

Chinchillas are healthy and hardy animals, but they are susceptible to some diseases, most often these are:

  1. Polycystic kidney disease is a disease of the excretory system of cats, in which most of the renal parenchyma is replaced by cysts. They put a lot of pressure on the kidneys, which reduces their functionality and can lead to nephritis and nephrosis. Unfortunately, at the initial stage, it is almost impossible to identify this disease with ordinary eyes. The first symptoms can be noticed only when the formations become too large, pain appears and the abdominal cavity enlarges. When cysts can be detected by simple palpation of the abdominal cavity, it is no longer possible to save the animal; there is practically nothing left of the kidneys; they cannot function normally. A special diet prescribed by a veterinarian can help your pet; it will ease the suffering. In the initial stages of the disease, surgical intervention can be used; the affected area of ​​the organ is cut off along with the cyst. At later stages, the operation no longer makes sense; it is easier to completely remove the kidneys than to try to remove multiple formations. The only way out is drug therapy prescribed by a veterinarian, which will slightly extend the pet’s life.
  2. Hypertrophied cardiopathy is a thickening of the wall of the ventricle of the cat’s heart. It can lead to heart failure, thromboembolism and even sudden death of the pet. This disease can be detected using ultrasound. In the early stages of the disease, the animal most often develops shortness of breath and fatigue. Cardiomyopathy is most often treated with beta blockers (for example, atenolol or propranolol), diltiazem, and ACE inhibitors. The earlier treatment is started, the higher the chances of a favorable outcome.
  3. Retinal atrophy is the death of light-sensitive receptors in the retina of the eye. The first symptom is sudden onset of night blindness, often and greatly dilated pupils. The eyes themselves sparkle. If the case is mild, the cat may stop seeing in the dark; in more severe cases, the animal becomes completely blind. There is currently no effective treatment.

You need to brush your pet’s teeth as often as possible, as they are prone to caries. At the slightest sign of caries, contact your veterinarian immediately!

Cats need to have their teeth brushed, and if they suspect caries, take them to the veterinarian

The cat must have all vaccinations. Kittens are vaccinated from about 1.5–2 months. The animal is vaccinated against the following types of diseases:

  • calicivirus;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • rabies;
  • feline distemper.

The protective properties of the injections are secured by repeating the procedure at the age of 2.5–3 months. The cats are then vaccinated throughout their lives, once a year.

Appearance defects

The main defects in appearance that exclude chinchillas from participating in exhibitions are:

  • the presence of kinks in the tail;
  • incorrect number of fingers;
  • asymmetry of the head and muzzle;
  • strabismus;
  • white spots in the form of stars on the chest, under the front legs, chin, in the groin, if their presence is not part of the color.

Types of British chinchillas

According to the breed standard, pets' fur should be shiny and elastic. Very soft or too close-fitting fur is considered a fault. Depending on the length of the coat, the following types of chinchilla cats are distinguished:

  • short-haired;
  • long-haired;
  • lop-eared


The representative of the species has a short type of coat with a dense, thick undercoat. The chinchilla cat has all the characteristics of a British Shorthair.


Not all felinological organizations and clubs recognize the British with long fur. Some breeders express the opinion that it is undesirable to separate these individuals into a separate species. Since the experts sought precisely to breed “beaver” fur, springy, plush.

The British long-haired chinchilla cat got the size of its fur from mating with Persians. Such experiments were abandoned to preserve the purity of the breed, but the distinctive gene remained. You should not be surprised if, as a result of crossing two short-haired cats, a long-haired pet is born.


At the age of 20-23 days, the ears of the babies are not formed, but closer to 1 month of life it is clearly visible whether they are pressed to the head or not. The British received drooping ear tassels from Scottish descendants. There is an opinion that there are no lop-eared Britons.

Silver chinchilla

Silver chinchillas are famous for their elegant snow-white fur. There should be no stains on the white fur coat - only true whiteness, everything else is rejected. The presence of yellow spots on the coat is evidence of mistakes that breeders make when mating, if one of the parents has silver and the other has gold in coat color.

Silver veiled

For this type of color, the main color of the coat and undercoat is white.

Photo ns 11 33 black silver shaded color point, Scottish Fold shorthair

Despite this, there are also inclusions of a different color (most often black), which have the appearance of a light coating. That is, only the very ends of the hair have a different color, which extends almost throughout the entire body and is slightly less noticeable on the sides. The fur on the chest and belly is almost always pure white. Any extraneous pattern on the animal's fur coat is not allowed. Such an amazing color creates the feeling of the presence of a veil on the back of the animal, as if the cat was covered with a light black translucent fabric. The cat's eyes have a neat black outline, as if someone skillfully applied makeup. The nose is also emphasized in black, the pads on the paws are dark, the fur around it must be white and not darkened. The characteristic eye color is green.

Representatives of silver shell color are marked during encoding with an additional letter s (silver) and the number 12 - indicating veiled.

British Shorthair black silver veiled BRI ns 12

There are varieties of veiled silver:

  • cinnamon (BRI os 12);
  • black (BRI ns 12);
  • chocolate (BRI bs 12);
  • lilac (BRI cs 12);
  • faun (BRI ps 12);
  • blue (BRI cs 12).

Silver shaded

Unlike just silver, shaded chinchilla has a more pronounced coating of dark color, since the hairs on the back are dyed deeper, by a third of the total length. The head, ears, back and tail of the British cat are distinguished by a more intense color. Then the dark tone smoothly passes to the chest and stomach, while acquiring a lighter shade, as if the artist added white paint to the palette and skillfully shaded it, creating a real work.

BRI ns 25 black silver ticked and BRI ns 11

The cat's undercoat should be completely white and the collar should be silver. Tabby color is not acceptable. There are dark stripes on the paws and tail, and the fur between the pads on the paws is also dark in color. The eyes must be green.

British Longhair black silver shaded BRL ns 11

British Shorthair red silver shaded BRI ds 11

British Silver Shaded also have an additional letter s and the number 11 in their codes - which indicates a shaded color and also determines the degree of tipping.

Representatives of silver shaded color have the following encodings and characteristic standards:

Shaded codeEdge around the eyesPaw padsNose + border color
BRI ps 11 fawn silverpink sandbeigefaun or pink + faun
BRI os 11 cinnamon silvercinnamoncinnamondark pink + cinnamon
BRI bs 11 chocolate silverbrownchestnutdark pink + brown
BRI cs 11 lilac silverpinkpinkpink
BRI as 11 blue silverbluebluepink + blue
BRI ns 11 black silverblackblackred-burgundy + black

How to choose a chinchilla kitten

It is best to buy a purebred kitten from a specialized nursery. It is necessary to read the documents and inspect the conditions of detention. Then proceed directly to choosing your future pet.

To make sure the kitten belongs to the breed, you need to meet the baby’s parents. You also need to inquire about the living conditions and diet of the future pet. When meeting kittens, you should carefully study their behavior.

Chinchilla kitten

First of all, you need to pay attention to the kitten’s reaction to a stranger. If a baby trembles with fear and tries to run away, he will grow into an extremely independent person.

It is also worth taking the kitten some distance from the other babies and observing its reaction. If a kitten is exploring unfamiliar territory, it is worth calling it and observing its reaction. A baby who is trying to run away or hide in the future will not be a very sociable cat.

The British Chinchilla cat breed combines the beauty of a plush toy and the independence of a British character. Such a pet is perfect for people who not only love muroks, but also respect their rich inner world. Only in conditions of equality of interests will this cat feel comfortable and confident.

A pet for those who respect cats

Character of the breed

The pet has a calm, somewhat imposing character: behavior characteristic of a royal person. But exceptions to the rules must be considered: not all representatives of the breed are calm, there are specimens that are quite daring. The plush tenant does not like squeezing and lisping at the owner's request. When the baby wants affection, he will come on his own. Chinchillas are smart and quick-witted. The cat began to mark the corners and bed in the house: she clearly wants to say something. The animal does not know how to talk, and only by changing its behavior can it make you pay attention to the problem. There are examples of the breed that are playful and active, but generally the behavior of furry animals is passive.

History of origin

The name “golden chinchilla” does not mean a breed at all, as many might think, but a color that can be found in more than one breed. Chinchilla animals have a similar color, after which the name appeared.

Chinchilla color - light tone with dark tips

The first kitten was born in the 1880s in England and was silver in color. They called the cat Shinny. The grayish color changed from roots to tips. The roots were light in tone, and the tips were almost black. Parents - domestic cats - had a silver tabby and smoky color. The unique color combined both light and dark notes.

By the middle of the 20th century, kittens with a golden hue began to appear. The color was obtained by mating a “golden” Persian cat and a silver British cat.

The breed received official recognition at the end of the twentieth century.

The Persians and the British took part in breeding new individuals, so the colors come in different colors. Currently, the three main types of the breed are British, Scottish and Persian chinchillas.

One version says that the roots of chinchillas come from Ancient Rome. And the British are a very ancient breed of cats.

The origin story of the plush cat

Great Britain is considered the birthplace of the cute chinchilla cat. It was there that the first kitten of an unknown color at that time was born.

In 1882, in one of the nurseries, a certain cat Shinny gave birth to offspring. One of the babies had an unusual color: against a light background there was a smooth transition into dark tones, which was considered a real rarity at that time.

The kitten instantly gained popularity and, as he grew up, won many awards and medals at various exhibitions. It is this cat that is considered to be the progenitor of the chinchilla cat breed.

Later, breeders crossed Persian chinchillas with representatives of other breeds. A prerequisite was that the cats had a uniform color. The best match for the Persians turned out to be British smoky-colored cats.

This is how a variety of chinchillas was created, called Silver. Over time, thanks to the already stable genotype, a new species was created - the Golden Chinchilla.

These pets gained enormous popularity thanks to the Swedish Princess Victoria. Cats took pride of place in the palace, and a kind of “fashion” for the breed, adored by the government, spread among the people. Thus began the worldwide adoration of “teddy” cats.

Where to buy a kitten?

British chinchillas are considered quite rare, and therefore cannot be purchased from a dubious breeder that you found in an ad or in the first nursery you come across.

As a rule, silver and golden chinchillas are bred only in specialized nurseries that have the appropriate license. Such nurseries are mainly monobreeds; other kittens are not bred in them. Moreover, it is worth understanding that such kittens cannot cost several thousand rubles. The average price for a British chinchilla with documents and pedigree (for sterilization or castration) varies from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. Animals for breeding cost many times more.

The price of a kitten may also depend on its color, possible defects on it, eye color and some other factors. Kittens whose parents are champions and have corresponding titles are even more expensive.

For more information about the British chinchilla breed, see the following video.

Description of the chinchilla cat breed

Outwardly, these animals are attractive - a round-shaped muzzle, a neat heart-shaped nose, large and expressive green eyes. Representatives of this breed have fluffy, thick hair, and its color is dark at the base and light at the tips. It seems that it shimmers with a silver or golden color, as if it is shimmering. This effect is called "veil". The breed is also distinguished by the following characteristics:

  1. A chinchilla cat can be large – weighing up to 7 kg, and a cat of this breed – up to 4 kg.
  2. Animals have a proportional body, but the illusion can be created that their legs are short compared to their body. This visual effect occurs due to the thick long hair on them.
  3. The pride of a chinchilla cat is its bushy tail, the hair on which is approximately 1.5 cm longer than on the body.
  4. If you are interested in whether a chinchilla cat is hypoallergenic or not, then you should know that representatives of this breed do not cause problems for allergy sufferers.

History of the chinchilla cat breed

The birthplace of this breed is America, where in 1880 the first kitten with the original silver-smoky coloring was accidentally born. Breeders could not resist the idea of ​​artificially breeding a breed with this color. To obtain beautiful colors in kittens, felines were crossed with Persian or British cats. The idea of ​​the breeders to combine these breeds with green-eyed tabbies, and the offspring of the first generation with “Persians” brought the desired result. The chinchilla cat as a breed was formed in the 80s of the 20th century.

Chinchilla cat - character

It will be interesting to figure out what owners can expect from a pet of this breed:

  1. He is inquisitive, playful and restless. It will be easier for owners who have the same character traits to make friends with him. If a pet does not receive support in its interests and fun, there is a risk that laziness, lethargy and apathy will become its companions.
  2. The golden chinchilla is a cat with a patient character, so she will make friends with children in her owners’ house, but she will not allow herself to be offended.
  3. The animal, affectionate towards people, does not tolerate competition, living in the same territory with other felines. Having noticed that the “enemy” plans to take a leading position, the chinchilla cat will show who is boss.
  4. The British representative of this breed will delight his owners with his intelligence and intelligence.
  5. The chinchilla cat is sensitive to its personal space. She will allow herself to be stroked, but pinching, tight hugs and other intense manifestations of the owner's affection will be suppressed.
  6. Don't be surprised if your pet acts proudly. Intuitively, he understands how beautiful he is, so he has the right to emphasize his dignity.
  7. The chinchilla cat skillfully plays with intonations, pronouncing “meow” and “mur”, and therefore the “interlocutor” is understanding and understandable.

How long does a chinchilla cat live?

The lifespan of a pet largely depends on how well it is cared for. The chinchilla cat breed is an animal that can delight its owners for many years with its playful disposition if it is properly maintained. On average, their lifespan is 11-15 years, but many factors influence this indicator:

  1. Genetics
  2. Nutrition
  3. Body structure
    . The smaller the animal, the greater its chances of joining the ranks of long-livers. There is no need to allow a chinchilla cat to become obese - it causes problems with the heart, stomach, and liver, reducing life expectancy.
  4. Diseases
    . Timely veterinary care and disease prevention will help extend the life of a pet.

Breed of cats with chinchilla color

Based on the names, it is clear that expert felinologists crossed Persian, British and Scottish carriers of the breed. There are subspecies with chinchilla coloring. Categories of furry cat breeds:

  1. Scottish.
  2. British.
  3. Persian.


The fur of the British is much shorter than that of other models. The body is medium size, strong, stable gait, moderately developed skeleton. The tail is medium in size and long.

The difference between the Scottish Fold and the British is in the structure of the ears. In a Scottish cat, they are folded in half and hang over the auricle. Because of this, the hearing organs of the fold-eared chinchilla cat seem invisible; the individuals acquired an unusual feature in the process of natural mutation. Short-haired beauties were brought to Russia in the mid-1990s.


You can buy a Scottish kitten from a private person RUB up to 20 thousand rubles It is unknown whether there is a metric and whether the inexpensive specimen is a purebred. In any case, the kitten must be vaccinated.


Cats of this breed have pronounced cheeks, the female muzzle is oval, and the cheekbones are smaller than those of the male. A characteristic feature of a British person is a wide forehead. The pet's neck is thick. Tail tapered to the bottom. The coat is dense and short.

According to color, the British are divided into different types and are:

  • red;
  • marble;
  • white;
  • two-color;
  • color points;
  • silvery

When the name British chinchilla is heard, people remember the blue and black coloration of the breed: in the photo, the owner has velvet fur. The British golden chinchilla cat breed is also common.

Cost of British chinchillas

The advertisements offer kittens on average from 10 to 25 tons . But there are also offers to buy for 30-40t . Adult cats are much cheaper.


The Persian chinchilla stands out from other species with its thick, long hair. Fluffy tail, hair on it is twice as much as there is on the body of the animal.


The sources indicate the price, 10 thousand for a Persian kitten. There are offers: from 20 thousand and above.

Character and behavior

Persian chinchillas are real phlegmatic people: calm, measured, imperturbable, but sociable and friendly. A turbulent life with endless bustle and the search for adventure is alien to representatives of this breed. The sweetest thing for them is to find themselves a cozy, warm place, on a soft sofa or windowsill, and hum a song to themselves while watching what is happening next to them.

But it is a mistake to think that little Persians are not able to play! Like any cats, “chinchillas” love to play with strings, chase a ball rolled out of paper, and hunt around the corner for a bow on their owner’s slipper.

However, all this is the innocent fun of a cute animal and will never develop into wild races throughout the apartment with overturning floor vases, hanging on curtains and scratching the owner’s furniture while meowing victoriously. “Chinchillas” rarely speak, preferring to communicate with their eyes (therefore, owners of breeding females should carefully monitor the onset of estrus themselves).

Persians get along with both adults and children. And of all ages. You can safely leave even very young children with them: Persians do not use their claws and teeth, preferring to resolve conflicts quietly and peacefully. In extreme cases, they will simply run away to some secluded place where the child cannot reach him.

What breeds do you prefer?


The Persians are too flexible to be the first to go into conflict, and too lazy to hunt. And it would seem that there are no obstacles to the appearance of other animals in the house. Yes, there are no obstacles, and you can easily get a couple of rodents or parrots.

But other dogs and cats make Persians nervous: large animals give them a sense of danger, small animals make them jealous. And if you get an active animal that won’t give your “chinchilla” peace, it will begin to turn into an unsociable person and may even get sick and start fighting with it! Therefore, remember: placing someone with adult Persians is fraught with a lot of problems. If your dog and cat grew up together, there will be no problems.

This does not apply to cats of the same breed. Persians get along well side by side, probably due to their 100% similarity in character. By the way, breeders recommend getting your Persian a girlfriend or boyfriend even if you are a busy person and cannot pay enough attention to your pet, or often leave home.

Persians quickly get used to their new home and easily tolerate moving and changing surroundings. Leaving them at home, you can be sure that when you return, you will not find any damage. The main thing is not to forget to leave the cat a few toys. Kittens do not need company, while adults rarely play on their own, preferring to lie in the sun and doze.

Persians are not averse to taking a walk in a park or other quiet place where grass grows. Therefore, immediately accustom your kitten to a harness.

These cats are touchy and very sensitive. Do not raise your voice at them, even if they do something wrong, otherwise they will get scared and stop trusting you.

Persian chinchillas are not the most expensive breed, but the cost depends on the pedigree, litter and other factors. The average cost of a kitten is 20,000 rubles.

Features of caring for chinchilla cats

This breed requires proper care. For its health, a chinchilla requires a set of certain procedures that should be carried out regularly. For example, you need to comb the fur at least twice a week. Moreover, this must be done not only against the grain, but also against it. If you follow these simple steps, you can easily rid your silver fur of tangles. Moreover, animals love this procedure, unlike bathing.

But, no matter what, water procedures should also be on the list of mandatory ones. If there is significant contamination, there is no way to avoid bathing, and water can affect the silvery tint of the coat. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to use protective shampoos. In addition, you can use shampoos in dry form, which effectively remove dust from a cat’s coat, adding cleanliness and volume - you need to carefully read the description of the product, or even better, consult a specialist.

Eyes and ears should be wiped using cotton pads and swabs. The price of neglecting this procedure will be conjunctivitis. The paws also require attention - you need to remember that the fur that is located on the very pads, without special care, can cause discomfort for the pet.

Regarding walks, you can note that it is possible to walk these cats, but it is not at all necessary. If we are talking about a city apartment, then you will need to walk on the street in a harness, but if we are talking about a private house, then you can simply let your pet go into the garden alone, making sure that there are no objects nearby that threaten the cat. In order to protect your cat from fleas, you should put a special collar on him.

The animal's tray must be kept clean, for which the contents of the toilet must be changed as soon as they become dirty. At the same time, the filler can be very different – ​​you need to experiment with which type of filler your furry will like.

You must always remember that this breed, like any other, requires attention and responsibility. After all, this is a real family member who shares your sorrows and joys. Feeling love and care, the cat will certainly respond in kind to its owners, delighting them with health, well-groomed behavior and excellent mood.

British grooming

Despite the thick coat, it does not shed much. Daily brushing will prevent tangles from appearing on carpets and furniture. For this procedure, it is recommended to purchase a special brush, and to add shine, you need to purchase the appropriate shampoo recommended by the breeder.

Cats usually have good health, but they are prone to eye problems due to the structure of their tear glands. It is recommended to monitor this carefully. Eyes need to be wiped to prevent unsightly smudges. If pus appears, you can use tetracycline ointment.

Cats' teeth also require proper attention. They need to be cleaned periodically. If difficulties arise with this procedure, you can contact a veterinarian, who will also examine the teeth for the presence of caries.

Diseases inherent in chinchillas

Despite good health, during breeding and selection of certain traits, diseases at the genetic level were practically not established in the breed, this is due to the fact that breeders mixed different breeds of cats and less often resorted to inbreeding, i.e. breeding a breed by crossing close relatives to consolidate signs.

Due to the anatomical features of the skull, Persian chinchillas have increased tear production. To prevent possible eye problems, you need daily eye care. To do this, you need a napkin moistened with water. We take it and wipe the eyes and the area around them until the wool is clean. Then treat the area with grooming paste and comb it with a special brush, which can be bought at a pet store. The final stage is sprinkling with special powder.

Chinchillas are classified as Persians, and since they are a genus of long-haired cats. Accordingly, they have typical problems for owners of long hair.

When washing, the cat's rough tongue collects excess hair and swallows it. This is fraught with regurgitation of lumps and diseases of the digestive system and gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, they need regular combing of dead hairs.

Due to the small head and flat muzzle, the jaw may become deformed. Eating may be difficult if the food and water bowls are not suitable, for example, they are too small for the head to fit through. Due to the distortion of the airways, chinchillas may experience breathing problems.

At the genetic level, some cats have a gene that causes kidney failure. In the 1990s, a study found that more than 30% of shorthaired Persians had polycystic kidney disease, but it was less common in chinchilla cats.

About castration

A sensitive topic among cat lovers: sterilization should not be regretted. Each owner decides for himself, but what do experts think about this? Opponents rely on myths that it is “good for health” and has a beneficial effect on the animal’s psyche.

In fact, there is no concept of “sexual dissatisfaction” for a pet. If behavior changes for the worse, then the problem may be hormonal changes or hidden diseases. An examination by a veterinarian will answer this question.

For example, unsterilized cats that have not become pregnant may develop cystic degeneration of the ovaries and uterus, and mastopathy. Prostate lesions are common in cats. Veterinary clinics are unanimous: if the animal is not involved in breeding, castrate it.

About vaccinations

The mother cat transmits immune bodies through milk that support the protection of babies from diseases, so vaccinations are given no earlier than two months of age. Vaccination is carried out according to age according to the preventive calendar:

  1. Upon reaching 8 weeks, they are vaccinated against panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, chlamydia, microsporia and calcivirosis.
  2. The next stage is 10-12 weeks. At this time, a repeat vaccine is administered, plus one against rabies.
  3. At 16 weeks - viral peritonitis, and again after 4 weeks.
  4. The final stage is revaccination every year.

The procedure can be carried out safely by a doctor only for healthy animals after a preliminary examination.

History of the origin of the breed

The British chinchilla cat was the result of crossings carried out by English breeders. Its ancestors are considered to be cats of the British and Persian breeds of smoky color. It is known that the first chinchilla kittens were born by accident, as a result of crossing smoky and marbled silver animals.

The breeders were so impressed by the unique color of the babies that they began to work purposefully to fix it. Over time, this led to the appearance of a unique cat's coat, the tips of the white hairs of which were colored black. Thus, the British chinchilla cat breed, which first appeared in the 80s of the last century, was approved in the standard and became everyone’s favorite. Over the years, breeders have been able to purposefully achieve the appearance of stable lines of cats with chinchilla color.

After breeders from the USA got involved in the work, silver chinchillas received “brothers” with a golden color. The fur of these cats is colored apricot or golden, and the tip of each hair is a darker shade.

British chinchilla with golden color

Appearance of chinchillas

Outwardly, they are similar to their “relatives” of Persian cats, which are characterized by white fur with small dark patches, thanks to which a shimmer of silvery shine is visible. Emerald green eyes edged with black. The chinchilla was the first breed whose color was obtained through deliberate selective breeding. It was first presented in 1894 at the World Exhibition at the Crystal Palace in London.

There are several groups of characteristic colors for chinchillas. The first group includes dark shades: chocolate, cinnamon, silver tint. The second includes, based on the red tone: red and cream chinchilla cat. The third category includes tortoiseshell colors: silver and chocolate tortoiseshell. And in the last one - these are diluted tortoiseshells: lilac-cream, fawn and cream with a blue tint.

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