How to name a gray female kitten: beautiful, popular and rare names for cats

  • July 9, 2019
  • Cats
  • Angelica Braldi

Any gray cat is incredibly beautiful. The steely shine of the fur, the attentive gaze of clear eyes do not leave any person indifferent, even if he does not particularly like cats. Animals of gray color invariably win in comparison with others. This happens because ordinary house dust is invisible on this coat color. Owners of white or black cats have to put in much more effort to ensure that their pet always looks her best.

Partly for this reason, people often lean towards this color when choosing a future pet. Of course, having decided on the color of the future pet, those who take a responsible approach to the issue of adopting an animal begin to think about what to name a gray female kitten.

What to consider when choosing a nickname?

The task of choosing a name, on the one hand, is very simple, but on the other, incredibly difficult. Sometimes it happens that one look at a fluffy baby is enough to understand exactly what it should be called. The nickname simply appears in the mind.

But if people plan in advance to purchase an animal, prepare for this, then they also look through the nicknames of gray female kittens, looking for the one among them that will suit their future favorite. And of course, every person wants their cat to have a unique, beautiful and impressive name.

What should you take into account when choosing a name for a kitten in advance? Of course, the first thing to consider is the breed of your future pet. Each breed is characterized by a set of certain character traits, and many people also have stereotypes in their perception of the appearance of cats associated with the origin of the animals.

If people have not decided on the breed, then, of course, one of the determining moments when choosing a nickname will be what the kitten will be like - fluffy or smooth-haired. A nickname that suits a shaggy ugly creature is unlikely to be harmoniously combined with the appearance of a “steel panther.”

And of course, we must not forget that the meaning of the name influences character and behavior. Accordingly, if you want to see a calm cat at home with royal habits, then you should not call her Buyanka or Shushera.

What to do if the chosen nickname is not suitable?

When choosing in advance what to name a gray female kitten, people are often faced with the fact that the nickname turns out to be completely inappropriate. Indeed, choosing the perfect name without observing your pet is not just difficult, but almost impossible.

Therefore, you should not stop at one nickname. You should write down several options for names. It is quite possible that exactly the nickname that seemed not quite suitable during the preliminary selection will turn out to be the one, the only one.

If there are no backup options, then you just need to watch the kitten. A suitable nickname will definitely come to mind. You can also take a large list of different names and pronounce them one by one, but not in a row, with a break. If the kitten pricks up its ears or reacts in some other way to the spoken name, it should be discharged. Then you will need to choose from the names to which the little gray cat reacted, one that will appeal to both the pet and its owners.

The cat is simple, but what a name!

If you have an ordinary kitten with gray fur and you don’t want to give it a pretentious name, then you can go in two ways. Choose a nickname according to the color. There will actually be quite a lot of options - at least these:

  • Smoke;
  • Ash;
  • Gray;
  • Velveteen;
  • Carbon;
  • Gizzy;
  • Grey;
  • Wulf.

You can take your time and observe the behavior and character traits of your pet. Then he himself will tell you which name suits him best. Your Purr can get the following nickname:

  • Ataman;
  • Master;
  • Diesel;
  • Prince;
  • Boss;
  • Thunder;
  • Tikhon;
  • Major;
  • Brawler;
  • Phil (Philosopher);
  • Tigran.

For a purebred cat, you can choose a traditional name - Vaska, Kotya, Murzik, Fluff, he will not be offended at all.

How to find a unique name for a kitten?

Of course, every pet owner wants their pet's name to sound beautiful and original. However, it is very difficult to find rare names for gray female kittens in atlases of nicknames and on thematic portals. As a rule, an incredible number of cats have already been named by these nicknames. But not everyone wants to come to the exhibition and be among its many namesakes.

Where can you look for a name that has no analogues or very few of them? At first glance, the task seems impossible. However, in reality it is not as complicated as many people think. The most common translator, which is available in every browser, can help you determine how to name a gray female kitten uniquely.

You need to observe the kitten’s habits and write down any associations that arise. For example, when a person looks at a baby playing, the word “ball” comes to mind. But it doesn’t seem entirely convenient to call a kitten that is going to participate in exhibitions that way. Other cats have sonorous names, and you don’t want to lag behind them. However, if the word is translated into English or any other language, then it may well become a beautiful and truly unique name. Glomerulus in English is glomerulus. The name formed from this word may well sound like this - Gloma, Glamers, Glameris, Glamra.

The chances of meeting another cat with the same name are not just small, they are practically non-existent. The nickname itself will be ideal for the kitten, since its meaning fully corresponds to the association that the owners have when looking at the mustachioed baby.

Foreign nicknames for gray cats and cats

Above are foreign names for cats, tied to their breed and origin. It is no less interesting to use foreign words for a nickname that describe the color of a cat.

In English:

  • Ash, Asha (ashes),
  • Blue (blue),
  • Glum (darkness),
  • Gray, Gray, Grace (gray),
  • Dusk (dusk),
  • Maus (mouse),
  • Moon, Muna (Moon),
  • Silver, Silva (silver),
  • Smoke, Smokey (smoke),
  • Steel (steel),
  • Fog (fog),
  • Shadow (shadow).

Meaning of gray in different languages:

  • Griss - in Galician;
  • Grisa - in Basque;
  • Laya - in Irish;
  • Sinsa - in Portuguese;
  • Pelex - in Latvian;
  • Harma - in Finnish;
  • Hull - in Estonian.

Designation of silver in different languages:

  • Zilarra - in Albanian;
  • Arian - in Welsh;
  • Ergea - in Irish;
  • Silfur - in Icelandic;
  • Fidda - in Maltese;
  • Argenta - in Esperanto.

Should you choose a nickname from the names of the ancient gods?

A good option for naming a gray female kitten is to choose a nickname among the names of fairy-tale and mythical heroines and goddesses. If you want to turn to mythology, then you should take something into account. Cats with gray fur are themselves characters from Scandinavian, Germanic and Slavic epics. Accordingly, the nickname must be sought in the legends, tales and myths of these peoples.

In the German-Scandinavian epic there are many tales about the goddess Freya. Gray cats were her constant companions and servants. The chariot in which the goddess rode was harnessed to giant gray forest cats. And simple cats walked among people and gods, listening carefully to what they were talking about. Of course, they reported everything they managed to find out to Freya.

The ancient Slavs endowed cats with gray fur with special qualities. It was believed that they were able to cure diseases, pacify brownies, and attract good luck and wealth to the home.

Cool names for ash cats

Among the gray cats there are some very extraordinary people. If you are a lover of everything original, have a healthy sense of humor and are wondering what a cool name for a boy’s cat, then use these ideas:

  • Sponsor;
  • Casanova;
  • Tarzan;
  • Sheriff;
  • Fruit;
  • Hobbit;
  • Senator;
  • Space;
  • Monitor;
  • Goblin;
  • Xerox (Xerxes);
  • Bubble;
  • Rebus;
  • Broom;
  • Pate.

Use your imagination - and your cat will get a completely different and cool name. For fans of computer games this is unlikely to be a big problem. Their furry friend can become Sven, Lissander, Bard, Kaldr, Xerath. And for those who love TV series, the following options for cat names may be suitable: Daken, Cooper, Barry, Flash, Harrison, Joe, Eobard, Altaoda. Many people call their gray pets after their favorite actors: Chuck, Arnie, Brad, Bruce, Dustin, Richard, Eddie.

What to name a female Scottish Fold gray kitten? Nickname options

For Scottish Fold kittens, aristocratic names are suitable, sonorous, but not particularly difficult to pronounce. The nickname should be the embodiment of dignity, but at the same time sound playful. In other words, the name must correspond to the habits characteristic of cats of the Scottish breed.

The following nicknames are suitable for Scottish mustachioed beauties:

  • Fisa;
  • Ursula;
  • Hiora;
  • Fista;
  • Charsa;
  • Alsha;
  • Aryush;
  • Gira;
  • Shana;
  • Khizar;
  • Salissa;
  • Nellie;
  • Thais;
  • Rockel.

Just a few years ago, beautiful names for gray female kittens were headed by the nickname “Megan”. It was recommended on almost all thematic portals. Indeed, this name is incredibly suitable for the appearance and character of the Scottish cat. However, given that this is the name of the wife of an English prince, you should think carefully before naming your favorite with this name. Surely, at any of the exhibitions there will definitely be several cats bearing this nickname.

What to name a white and gray kitten for a girl? Nickname options

Simple Angora cats with white and gray fur are extremely popular in Turkey. On the Turkish 5,000 lira banknote, such a cat is depicted along with her owner, Jalaluddin Rumi. This man was a poet, mystic, preacher and founder of the Order of the Dancing Dervishes. The cat became famous no less than its owner. She became famous thanks to her exceptional devotion to her owner. After Jalaluddin's death, the animal stopped drinking and eating and died exactly a week later. The mustachioed beauty was buried next to her beloved owner, in his mausoleum.

Turkish, or Angora, cats are truly distinguished by their phenomenal affection for humans. Such a kitten will follow its owner around the apartment like a puppy. They are also very affectionate, they love to purr and purr while lying next to their owner’s face on the pillow. They love to be petted and picked up. Accordingly, you need to look for a name for such a cat that is soft, kind and affectionate.

The following names are suitable for white-gray cats:

  • Aisha;
  • Trishsha;
  • Patricia;
  • Faina;
  • Raisa;
  • Basira;
  • Aisura;
  • Sera;
  • Daina;
  • Shi-Soo;
  • Mallow;
  • Daisy;
  • Lissa;
  • Betty;
  • Katsha.

Angoras with white-gray fur are very docile and completely non-capricious. These cats will happily respond to any name their owners give them. They are also less dependent on the presence of hissing sounds in their nicknames, compared to animals of other colors.

Funny names

You can choose a name for a cat with a touch of humor, because tabby kittens are so funny:

  • Fanny, Crazy, Monkey, Zhuzha;
  • Agusha, Barmaleyka, Brysya, Jelly;
  • Bandit, Nut, Byashka, Gnawing;
  • Gulena, Dyudyuk, Egoza, fidget;
  • Bully, Chushka, Clip, Midge;
  • Cuddler, Slicker, Scops Owl, Twisted Tail;
  • Tattoo, Fairy, Usanka, Scratchy;
  • Ryabushka, Chupacabra, Macaroshka;
  • Rattle, Unwanted, Messy.

There is no need to be afraid of such names. As a rule, they are not only original, but pets also like them.

British cat

What to name a female British Gray kitten? The British cat is a queen, a lady, an aristocrat. You can’t call her a nickname suitable for a “commoner.” The name for such a pet simply must be sonorous and noble.

The following names are good for mustachioed ladies in gray fur coats:

  • Paulette;
  • Cassandra;
  • Nicoletta;
  • Bertha;
  • Renata;
  • Jadwiga;
  • Shankara;
  • Kali;
  • Stella;
  • Bastinda;
  • Gertrude, or Gertha for short;
  • Summer;
  • Frida;
  • Hera;
  • Juno (Yuna, Yusya);
  • Kira;
  • Bella;
  • Gina;
  • Sofia.

British cats will not immediately demonstrate a willingness to respond to the name chosen by people. Therefore, when addressing a kitten, you need to very carefully monitor its reaction. If a mustachioed baby twitches her ears, moves her eyes, moves her mustache, she accepts the name, but is not yet ready to turn around, much less run when called.

What to name a female Persian kitten with gray fur? Nickname options

Classic Persian cats are the embodiment of imposingness, bliss, laziness and charm. On the one hand, you want to stroke such a mustachioed beauty, but on the other hand, her appearance completely excludes any familiarity. These cats are real cats, they love to snort and stretch, looking at their owners in anticipation of affection.

Fifa is a good name for a Persian, but not only does it emphasize the characteristic habits of these animals. Good options are the following nicknames:

  • rustling;
  • Juliette;
  • Jenny;
  • Hyzy;
  • Shelley;
  • Muse;
  • Myaffa;
  • Zhu-Zhu;
  • Malvina;
  • Sherry;
  • Persia;
  • Lisa;
  • Nancy;
  • Cassie.

In Thomas Harris's books about Hannibal Lecter, there is a mention of the protagonist's younger sister. Her name was Misha. If we ignore the fact that in Russia this name is associated with boys and forest bears, then a gray Persian woman can be called it. In its sound and meaning it is very suitable for a cat of this breed.

Cat without breed

What do you call a gray fluffy female kitten that doesn’t have a breed? Not all people get purebred cats, planning their purchase in advance and choosing a nickname. Many people simply do not pass by kittens abandoned on the street or receive a small miracle as a gift. Of course, having acquired a simple animal that has no breed, people also want to give it a beautiful and sonorous name that has meaning.

Owners of ordinary animals have a very big advantage when choosing a name for a pet over those who acquire purebred cats and plan to participate in exhibitions and championships. Those who do not need to attach pretentiousness to the nickname and try to indicate the status of the pet with the name. Accordingly, you can name the kitten whatever comes to mind while observing it.

Good names are:

  • Haze;
  • Julia;
  • Shusha;
  • Cloud;
  • Storm;
  • Tasya;
  • Faya;
  • Zosia.

Don't forget about old, traditional nicknames. For example, the name Vasilisa is simply perfect for the fluffy gray beauty.

"Tasty" names

Striped girls, like their owners, love to eat. You can name your pet just like your favorite food:

  • Yummy, Kefirka, Kittycat, Purina;
  • Waffle, Spaghetti, Marmalade, Dumpling;
  • Sour cream, Fried egg, Glaze, Wasabi;
  • Sardine, Shawarma, Pistachio, Sausage;
  • Pasta, Nut, Toffee, Raisin;
  • Bun, Campari, Madeira, Malibu;
  • Fanta, Tequila, Sherry, Cheesecake;
  • Gourmand, Eskimo, Vanilla, Cherry.

What to name a female American Curl kitten? Nickname options

This cat breed appeared relatively recently and is not yet as widely known as the Scottish Fold or the British Classic. However, the number of people seeking to acquire just such a cat is steadily growing. This is not surprising, because “American women” are not just beautiful, they are also incredibly smart. And their inverted ears are the envy of most owners of Scottish cats.

What to call such an animal? It is logical that the name should sound American. The following nicknames work well:

  • Barbie;
  • Gina;
  • Sophie;
  • Sarah;
  • Nancy;
  • Rachel;
  • Becky;
  • Christine;
  • Amanda.

“American women” are very democratic and are not particularly picky about how their owners treat them. Therefore, problems arise very rarely when choosing a name.

What do you call a gray European Chartreux cat? Nickname options

In fact, cats of the Chartreux (Carthusian) breed are “noblewomen”, but only French. The breed appeared quite a long time ago, and it was not specially bred. In the monasteries of France there was a very serious problem with rats and mice, so cats were kept there all the time.

It has been observed that gray animals hunt much more actively than others. Of course, they began to try to bring just such mustachioed rat traps to the monasteries. Over time, there were simply no cats left in the monasteries that looked different. In this way, as a result of natural selection. and this wonderful breed appeared, unfortunately little known in Russia.

Of course, the name for the gray beauty should be French, playful and emphasizing the outstanding inclinations of the “night huntress”. The following nicknames are good for such a kitten:

  • Adlin;
  • Lacey;
  • Ivien;
  • Yvette;
  • Marj;
  • Martha;
  • Esther.

Estersita is a very old name. Thanks to Brazilian and Mexican television series, it is associated with the cultures of Spain and Portugal. However, its roots are French, and it is translated into Russian as “star”. A wonderful name for a cat that looks a lot like a little star, isn't it?

Cool, interesting nicknames

A gray male kitten can be called a funny, interesting name. The following nicknames are favorites among cat owners:

  • Golubok (suitable for a kitten with a blue tint of fur);
  • Robbie;
  • Mouse;
  • Lumic (short for aluminum);
  • Gromozeka;
  • Mokhovichek;
  • Claptrap;
  • Griffon (like the color of a pencil lead);
  • Syroezhkin;
  • Leshy.

Although these nicknames are somewhat standard for gray cats, they still stand out from such primitive ones as Dymok, Pushok, and Gray.

Should I choose a popular name?

Popular names for gray female kittens are inextricably linked with films, books, cartoons, and online games. hobbies and professions of people. That is, such nicknames are associated not with the habits of mustachioed beauties, but with human activities or hobbies.

For example, some of the most popular names at the moment are:

  • Khaliss;
  • Halicia;
  • Khalissi.

Of course, the fashion for such nicknames appeared thanks to the release of the series “Game of Thrones”. When calling an animal by this name, you need to be prepared for the fact that at any event or exhibition there will be a dozen more Khalissi.

But this does not mean that popular nicknames should be abandoned immediately. You should think about how the nickname can be altered and changed. For example, Khalissi can be transformed into Hala. At the same time, the meaning of the name will be preserved, and the association it evokes will not change, but it will already sound original.

Foreign nicknames

You can call a gray kitten a foreign word, which in translation means, for example, the shade of the animal’s color:

  • Ash – ash (English);
  • Grizzly - gray-haired (English);
  • Argentum – silver (English);
  • Hairo – gray (translated from Japanese);
  • Usagi - from Japanese - hare;
  • Gan - goose (translated from Japanese);
  • Smokey – smoky (English);
  • Fog – fog (English);
  • Grau – gray hair (English);
  • Hoare - frost (English).

Many owners of cats with gray fur coats reflect their favorite movie and cartoon characters in their pet's nicknames. Why not? After all, cartoon characters are so cute in most cases. Fans of animation and animation will definitely like one of the following nicknames:

  • Mickey is a character from the cartoon Mickey Mouse;
  • Zhdun is a famous Internet meme;
  • Gru - cartoon Despicable Me;
  • Tom – Cartoon Tom and Jerry;
  • Horton is the elephant character from Horton;
  • Gandalf is a magician character from The Lord of the Rings;
  • Spike is a dog character from the cartoon Tom and Jerry;
  • Edward is a vampire from the movie Twilight.

When naming a kitten after movie and cartoon characters, you should choose a name based on the kitten’s character.

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