Every owner has probably encountered such a nuisance as a cat’s wounds, but about them
Normally, a cat's feces are dark brown, well-formed, and look like a smooth sausage without foreign objects.
Alas, pets are not only happiness, but also a great responsibility, since it is
The life of a little kitten directly depends on the actions of its owner. Poor living conditions or idle time
Initially, a situation in which the cat attacks the legs and actively does not bite them
Vomiting in cats is not always a sign of illness. Many animals specifically call it when
Cat fleas are dangerous not only for animals, but also for people. Their bites are strong
Veterinarians and owners often encounter gastrointestinal disorders in kittens. This may be facilitated by
Symptoms of the disease Diagnosis Treatment of intestinal inflammation Prognosis for cats with ICD Nonspecific inflammatory disease
Bloody and discolored urine is a common reason cat owners seek veterinary care.