Eczema was discovered in a cat: what kind of disease is it and how to deal with it

If a cat scratches its neck, this condition should not be ignored, as it may indicate serious dermatological or other diseases. The appearance of bald spots behind the ears of a kitten or small crusts can also signal an allergic reaction, which does not require special treatment, it is enough to simply eliminate the irritant. When irritation is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms or the wound bleeds, you should immediately contact a veterinarian, since delaying treatment will lead to infection and other complications dangerous to the cat’s health.


Weeping eczema in cats is a disease that affects the epidermal layer without affecting the dermis itself.
Eczema is characterized by stages of development. The disease can occur in acute, subacute or chronic form. If eczema becomes chronic, most often it stops at one stage and stays there for a long time.

The acute form of weeping eczema, also called erytomatous, is characterized by the occurrence of changes on the skin in the form of hyperpigmentation of tissue structures and the formation of specific seals protruding above the surface. The development of the acute stage is characterized by the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • increased body temperature;
  • an increase in the size of the red spot;
  • the appearance of uncomfortable, itchy sensations;
  • there is no pain in the hyperemic area.

After a few days, the initial stage of eczema smoothly passes into the second. The papular form is characterized by the appearance of specific nodules on the reddened area, dense when palpated, resembling small poppy seeds. As soon as the grains merge into one, a vesicular form is formed. Vesicles are represented by peas filled with light-colored exudate.

The vesicular stage may have several scenarios. In the first case, the bubbles that appear and the liquid formed in them dissolve on their own, and the tissue structures dry out. The upper cells of the epidermis (corneocytes) exfoliate, and the skin becomes healthy in appearance.

In the second variant of the vesicular stage of eczema in a cat, the peas are opened under the pressure of the liquid inside. The cause of vesicle rupture may be mechanical scratching. Pathogenic bacterial microflora penetrates into exposed, unprotected areas. As a result, ulcers develop. Constant scratching, the appearance of new pustules, drying out of the top layer, leads to the fact that the skin acquires a purple tint and looks swollen. Ulcerative lesions appear on the skin of a cat affected by eczema. This stage is called pustular in medicine.

It is during this period that eczema is called weeping. At the site of development of the pathological process, there is a disturbance in hair growth. Areas of alopecia appear, as well as areas of fur stuck together from exudate.

Erosion on the skin in the form of weeping wounds in the absence of additional moisture gradually begins to crust over and dry out. Exudative processes are gradually decreasing. The fresh crusts that appear begin to darken, narrow and fall off. Hyperemia and swelling go away on their own after the crust falls off. There will be healthy, undamaged skin underneath.

In the absence of timely assistance, the acute and subacute stages of eczema become chronic, which is difficult to treat. The veterinarian's prognosis is cautious, closer to unfavorable.

In case of increased secretion of purulent exudate, the affected areas are completely covered with pus. The ulcerations become wider and go deeper into the skin. Cellulitis often develops; the process involves soft tissue structures located under the skin.

Diffuse purulent inflammation extends not only to the area of ​​subcutaneous tissue, but also affects muscle fibers along with tendons. In some cases, with chronic eczema, the internal organs of the animal are affected.

What types of wounds are there and what to do in each individual case?

When examining your pet, you may find the following body injuries:

  • scratches, shallow scratches, abrasions (most often found on the paws, on the back along the spine and in the ear area);
  • cuts (the edges of the wound are smooth);
  • bites (a slight round tear in the skin with marks of teeth is clearly visible);
  • lacerations (distinguished by loose edges and often deep).

Any violation of the integrity of the skin is accompanied by blood loss of varying intensity:

  • capillary bleeding is characterized by weak seepage of small droplets of blood over the entire damaged surface (usually observed with cuts, small scratches, abrasions);
  • venous - dark blood flows in a thin, uniform flow, without pulsations;
  • arterial - a stream of blood usually flows like a pulsating fountain, its color is bright scarlet.

At home, only capillary bleeding can be easily stopped; arterial and/or venous bleeding must be stopped by a veterinarian (a pressure bandage is applied to the wound and the animal is taken to the veterinary clinic, since in such cases sutures along the vessels are often required).

How to help before going to the vet

  1. Examine the animal. It is best to do this together, because... A cat is an evasive and restless animal, difficult to withstand forced positions. It is necessary to exclude additional injuries.
  2. Assess the general condition and the wound itself. Wounds up to 3 cm in length and up to 0.5-0.7 cm in depth (depending on location) with capillary (minor) bleeding are considered potentially harmless. Larger wounds with greater blood loss should be left to a specialist, after applying a clean pressure bandage to temporarily stop bleeding.
  3. When treating a wound yourself, the hair around it is carefully trimmed. If the hair cannot be cut, it means that the hair is simply wetted and spread to the sides to maximize the opening of the wound surface for access (for inspection and treatment).
  4. The wound must be washed. The best antiseptics are: furatsilin, hydrogen peroxide 3%, rivanol or chlorhexidine. If none of the above is present, just clean running water will do. In the process of cleansing the wound, pre-formed crusts, dirt, adhering foreign objects, etc. must be removed.
  5. If you just need to stop capillary bleeding, then any wound powder (with iodoform, for example) or 3% hydrogen peroxide under a tampon will do an excellent job.
  6. After the wound is washed, a decision is made on how to treat it. Suitable: brilliant green (just not inside wounds), antiseptic sprays (form a protective film on the surface), powder wound powders, wound-healing ointments, creams (any product of your choice). Iodine is usually not recommended for cats due to its increased irritant effect on cat skin.
  7. If there is severe bleeding or the wound is too deep, apply a bandage and take your pet to the vet. In case of venous bleeding, a bandage is applied above the bleeding site; in case of arterial bleeding, you should find exactly the bleeding place, cover it with a thick cotton swab or a piece of cloth folded several times and bandage it tightly. It should be understood that incorrectly provided assistance in such cases can cost Murka his life due to blood loss.
  8. If the wound has turned into an abscess or pus is detected outside, an unpleasant odor from the injury or an increase in local temperature, then these are direct indications for a visit to the veterinary clinic.
  9. Deep cuts or bite wounds usually require stitches in a clinic setting (even if there is no sign of bleeding).
  10. If there is a penetrating wound on the abdomen, you need to wrap the body loosely with a wide piece of cloth, do not give the cat anything to eat or drink, and take it to a veterinary hospital - treating such wounds at home can lead to the death of the cat.
  11. The most important rule in the treatment and treatment of wounds: dry - wet, wet - dry. This means that it is good to treat wet surfaces with powder or sprays, and dry surfaces with any soft and liquid healing medicines.

Advice: it is better to entrust the treatment of wounds in cats to a veterinarian in order to exclude complications during healing if the owners suddenly made mistakes when treating them on their own. It is much better to hear once again that everything was done correctly and there is no reason to worry, than when a specialist does not have time to help the animal, eliminating the consequences of incorrect medical intervention.


The following factors contribute to the occurrence of eczema:

  • Traumatic.
  • Neuropathic.
  • Reflex.
  • Interior.

Traumatic eczema

It occurs as a result of damage from accessories rubbing the skin, arthropod bites, frostbite, burns, and trauma from the claws of the cats themselves. The disease occurs in a weeping form and quickly stops after its cause is eliminated.

Neuropathic eczema

It is the result of stress or a congenital anomaly. This type of eczema is characterized by symmetrical bilateral skin lesions. It occurs in dry and wet form. The disease is characterized by remissions and exacerbations under the influence of stress factors.

Reflex eczema

It is a hypersensitive response to a stimulus. The reaction occurs under the influence of the following allergens:

  • Arthropod saliva.
  • Household items.
  • Food allergens.
  • Atopic dermatitis.
  • Dust.
  • Accessories.

Internal factors

Internal causes of eczema are associated with organ pathologies, irrational feeding, and hormonal perversions. Signs of the disease disappear when the factor that caused them is eliminated.

How and with what to treat weeping lichen?

Treatment of weeping lichen should be carried out comprehensively. Most often, the duration of treatment is from 3 to 10 weeks. Only after an examination by a veterinarian will it be clear how long the therapy will last.

When the cause of the disease is determined, the first thing you should pay attention to is a change in the animal’s diet. We usually recommend removing fatty foods, meat, potatoes, and switching your pet to hypoallergenic food.

As prescribed by the doctor, the animal is prescribed an ointment or cream to reduce itching, as well as medications for oral administration. To improve immunity, the animal is prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes. During treatment, it is advisable to wear a special collar or muzzle to protect the pet from licking and scratching its wounds.

Owners must carry out sanitary and hygienic measures in the house:

  • Daily wet cleaning using disinfectants;
  • Daily replacement/washing of the animal's sleeping area/bed/bedding;
  • Regular washing of toys/leash/feeders.

Following these simple rules will allow your pet to finish treatment faster and forget about the unpleasant disease.


In cats, treatment can be quite lengthy, the prognosis depends on the cause of the disease, for example, the neuropathic form is less treatable than others. In any case, a preliminary consultation with a specialist is required, a series of examinations that will help to describe the treatment regimen as accurately as possible.

The principles of therapy for dermatosis in cats are similar to therapy for humans, the same means are used. If it worsens, the veterinarian will prescribe injections; to treat the affected areas, the hair around them should be carefully trimmed.

The following drugs and groups of drugs are used for therapy:

For dry eczema, moisturizers are used to help soften the affected area and prevent peeling and cracking. For cats, it is recommended to use Vaseline, baby creams without fragrances and fragrances. To disinfect affected skin, antiseptics should be used. They are applied before using basic products, most often potassium alum, tannin solution, formaldehyde. For weeping eczema, dust, bismuth salts, and rivanol will be effective. To have a drying effect, the usual brilliant green and iodine are prescribed; for disinsection of the affected area, ethyl alcohol and hydrogen peroxide are prescribed. External treatment often requires the use of hormonal ointments. Steroids are prescribed for complications; they not only speed up recovery, but also alleviate the general condition of the pet

But hormonal medications for cats should be used with great caution to prevent side effects. Among the most effective remedies are Triderm, Advantan, and hydrocortisone ointments. Non-hormonal creams are used for topical treatment after taking corticosteroids

The drugs are taken for a month until remission occurs. Among the most effective are Radevit, Pikhtoin, Saphroderm and others. Antibiotics are used as part of antimycotic and antibacterial therapy for cats, but only a veterinarian can prescribe a specific drug after examination. The most suitable powders for pets are Tsamax, Ranosan, Anandin, tetracycline ointment, Vedinol and others.

To speed up a cat’s recovery, vitamin complexes and medications are often prescribed to strengthen the immune system and improve skin regeneration. Weeping eczema is the most difficult to treat, requiring additional action. Usually, doctors, along with traditional therapeutic methods, prescribe a number of folk remedies that help cope with the disease and significantly alleviate the animal’s condition.

Traditional methods of treatment

Eczema in cats can be treated using traditional methods, but only after consultation with a veterinarian. There are many methods, but all of them are external and are recommended as an addition to the main therapy.

The following recipes are recommended for pets:

  1. Decoctions from willow bark. Making such a remedy is very simple, you need to brew two tablespoons of bark in a glass of water (about 10 minutes), then cool the solution and wash the wounds with it several times a day.
  2. Tinctures of dandelion and burdock roots. To do this, you can use dried or fresh ingredients; they are infused in 0.5 liters. vodka in an amount of 2 full tablespoons of each component. Preparation time: 10 days; infuse in a dark place. The resulting tincture is applied to areas of skin damage in the evening and in the morning, treatment time is a week. The tincture relieves itching, relieves discomfort and other symptoms.
  3. An infusion of fresh currant leaves is well suited for washing wounds. A handful of leaves should be brewed in two glasses of boiling water, left for an hour, then cooled and used for procedures.
  4. For dry eczema, a compress based on regular sunflower oil and celery works well. The crushed root must be mixed with oil (only unrefined oil is suitable), after which the resulting product is used for compresses. This remedy removes itching, swelling, and alleviates the pet’s condition. Compresses can also be made at the stage when bubbles appear.
  5. Ointment based on celandine. Only a fresh plant is used for preparation; the ointment can be stored in the refrigerator for about a year. For preparation, a gruel of crushed celandine and petroleum jelly is used in a ratio of 1:4. The product should be applied 2-3 times a day, treating the affected areas.

Eczema is a disease caused by poor nutrition, emotional discomfort, and poor pet hygiene.

It is very important to immediately contact a veterinarian at the first signs of illness, as complications will be much more difficult to get rid of.


The veterinarian will examine the cat's head and neck, paying special attention to the scabs and the areas around them. Be sure to conduct a survey of the owner, during which they find out how long ago the first symptoms appeared, in what conditions the cat lives, what he eats and what he has been sick with recently.

Based on the clinical picture, the following diagnostic examinations are carried out:

  • examination of the skin under ultraviolet light;
  • biopsy of samples taken from scabs;
  • general blood tests;
  • bacteriological examination of smears or scrapings from scabs;
  • allergy tests using special test strips.

Until a diagnosis is established, it is advisable to isolate the animal or minimize contact with household members.

Dangerous skin diseases of cats

Caused by internal pathologies or quickly progress to the stage of exacerbation, life-threatening.


Microscopic mites are very active. Poisoning from bites spreads so quickly and abundantly that many cases of death are known.

In a mild form, white pimples with pus, partial baldness, red crusts, scratching and a small rash are noticeable on the skin. Over a long period of time, the cat easily scratches the pustules until they become ulcers, introduces infections and bacteria, becomes very weak, and loses appetite.

Demodicosis in cats


Ulcers are located in hair follicles. The hair bag becomes clogged with sebum, becomes inflamed, and a staphylococcal bacillus settles inside the bag. If the disease is not treated at the beginning, it quickly progresses into acute furunculosis and peptic ulcer.

It can be detected by redness around the roots of the hairs, purulent pimples up to the size of a pea, burst blisters with crusts on top. The cat becomes restless and does not allow itself to be petted, as touching causes pain.



Inflammation in the form of a soft cyst or lump on the skin. There is a lot of purulent exudate inside it. It starts to smell after it bursts and the liquid leaks onto the skin. The smell is especially pungent and unpleasant. Large abscesses greatly impair immunity. The cat may contract an infection during treatment. Therapy is also not fast. Drains are placed in the burst wound to remove all remaining fluid. We have to use strong antibiotics.

Abscesses on a cat's neck


Fungal infection. One of the most difficult to treat skin diseases in cats. Diagnosis is difficult and the course is protracted. Treatment requires heavy drugs that harm the rest of the body.

The characteristic smell gives off mold, spoiled cheese or milk. In the groin, near the back opening, behind the ears, near the mouth, claws and nose, you can find redness, rashes, moisture, and sores. The skin becomes painful, so the animal cannot be handled, hisses, and scratches. Relapses occur frequently and for a long time.

Malasseziasis is one of the most difficult to treat skin diseases in cats.


Pathology of an infectious fungal nature. Kittens and cats with oncology or weakened immunity after viruses are more often susceptible.

Fungal spores can be brought to your pet on street clothes or shoes. Spread occurs through household items and personal contact between animals.

The cat is actively losing hair on its head, limbs and tail. The skin in exposed areas peels, itches, becomes very red and pink. In these areas, pustules and crusts appear, which are easily scratched off with claws to open wounds. The disease can gain momentum for up to 2 years. With this course, the pet quickly weakens, loses weight, stops eating and may die from exhaustion. During this period, it is easiest to become infected with fatal infections, since the body does not have the strength to resist viruses. In severe cases, the ulcers spread to the paw pads and it becomes difficult to move.


Treatment without the participation of a doctor is impossible.

Atopic dermatitis

Chronic allergic reaction of the skin to irritants. The body reacts to dust, mold, pollen, household chemicals, and food with severe itching, rashes, hair loss, and ulcers. The cat will scratch especially a lot on the head, ears, chest, neck, lower abdomen and thighs. Dermatitis is severe and weakens the animal. Ulcers are constant and profuse. It is difficult to select living conditions and food for the safe living of a pet.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic allergic reaction of the skin to irritants

Cushing's syndrome

A rare hormonal disease, a reaction to too high levels of cortisol in the blood. Side effect of pituitary disease, adrenal tumors, injections and oral corticosteroids.

The cat suffers from thinning skin, acne with a small amount of pus. It scratches them off, which can result in difficult-to-heal wounds. The disease causes gluttony, a swollen abdomen, constant thirst, frequent urination, lethargy, muscle weakness, and hair loss.

Treatment is long and difficult. A severe metabolic disorder in the body may occur, leading to exhaustion and diabetes.

Cushing's syndrome is a rare hormonal disease, a reaction to too high levels of cortisol in the blood.

What causes wounds on a cat's neck?

The causes of skin diseases in cats are different, but “uninvited residents”, that is, fleas, can become irritants. To exclude this possibility, you should bathe your pet by treating it with a special shampoo. No flea collars should be worn; they can irritate the skin. If the fleas are removed, but the problems remain, you need to evaluate the general condition of the body. Symptoms of skin diseases in cats at the initial stage are as follows:

  • itching;
  • red spots inside the ear, in the armpits, in the groin area, on the stomach and neck;
  • local hair loss;
  • increased separation of scales in the form of dandruff (more noticeable on dark-colored cats);
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of weeping;
  • various types of rashes.

First of all , if a cat has wounds on the neck, you should think about the pet’s diet. They, like people, are susceptible to food allergies. Congenital predisposition is recorded by veterinary statistics in white cats.

To replenish the supply of vitamins, you need to grow oats in a tray and feed the cat grass.

If your pet constantly eats store-bought food, there is a high probability of disruption of the internal organs. The cat should be switched to natural food: boiled fish (cleaned of bones), fish soup without salt, boiled meat and, as a delicacy, lightly boiled liver (1-2 minutes).

Allergic skin diseases

Many breeders associate the word “allergy” with a runny nose, watery eyes and other minor troubles. This is partly true, but allergic reactions in practice are much more dangerous. In particular, they are considered the main cause of incurable and deadly diseases, but even in “moderate” cases of pathology, these pathologies can cause a lot of trouble.

Allergic dermatitis

Dermatitis is a pathology accompanied by inflammation of the skin. Accordingly, in this case, the inflammation is caused by a serious allergic reaction.

Firstly, the latter leads to a catastrophic weakening of the skin’s protective mechanisms, which is why it can no longer resist the action of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

Secondly, a much worse option is possible: due to increased vascular permeability, lymphocytes begin to migrate en masse into the thickness of the epithelium. This effect is called lymphocytic or neutrophil infiltration and, by the way, it often leads to the development of autoimmune inflammation. Stress factors accelerate and intensify the pathological process.

Symptoms of allergic dermatitis in cats

Unlike “simple” inflammations, the symptoms of which develop over a long period of time, allergies are lightning fast. Just yesterday, your cat could just be itching, and by morning, large areas of her skin would become inflamed. It becomes swollen, turns red, and acquires a slightly “watery” consistency of dense jelly.

Another sign of the allergic nature of the disease is always itching. It is so strong and exhausting that the cat can tear off shreds of skin by scratching it furiously. All this leads not only to the formation of many scratches and even wounds on the skin, but also to its purulent inflammation (due to the ubiquitous pathogenic microflora).


First, it is necessary to stop the allergic reaction, which is quite enough to treat mild and unadvanced cases.

The animal is prescribed loading doses of antihistamines (which include the widely used Diphenhydramine).

To prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections, broad-spectrum antibiotics are prescribed.

To eliminate diffuse areas of inflammation, anti-inflammatory corticosteroids are needed. Their advantage is that they significantly reduce the risk of developing autoimmune pathologies. The most common and effective medication is prednisolone. Its average dose is 0.1 mg per kilogram of live weight (once a day).

Often these drugs have to be used for a long time, several weeks. To shorten the treatment period, it is much more practical to simultaneously administer dexamethasone. This remedy allows you to reduce the dose of corticosteroids and reduce the period of their use.

Milliary dermatitis

One of the varieties of the previous pathology. However, this disease has specific features that make it possible to distinguish it into a separate subsection.


The disease also begins with severe itching and swelling, but edematous phenomena are rare, and instead of them numerous nodular rashes appear on the skin. Hair falls out en masse on the affected areas of the body, and the pet’s resting places are simply littered with it.

Treatment is similar to that for ordinary allergic dermatitis.

Allergic eczema

In many ways, this disease is similar to the previous one, but still it differs in a number of specific aspects, which is why these pathologies should not be considered comprehensively.


  • It all starts with an itch.
  • Soon, slight redness appears on the skin of the sick animal.
  • Red spots turn into ulcers and erosions. They are instantly contaminated with secondary bacterial microflora, resulting in purulent inflammation with itching.
  • The inflamed areas are very painful, the sick cat’s condition quickly deteriorates, and he refuses to eat.
  • The fur on the affected areas partially falls out and partially sticks together due to pus.
  • The skin along the boundaries of healthy and inflamed areas macerates and swells.


Similar to the treatment of allergic dermatitis. It differs only in large doses of corticosteroids, the mandatory prescription of large quantities of antihistamines (to quickly relieve itching) and dexamethasone.

Additionally, broad-spectrum antibiotics, without which it will not be possible to cope with bacterial inflammation.

If you have veterinary or medical experience

In such cases, you can act a little more boldly. But only if you actually have some understanding of what exactly you are going to do! So, here is a list of activities that can be carried out at home...

Wash the wound with a lukewarm, pinkish solution of potassium permanganate. Your task is to wash out all the debris that is there from the wound canal (and there is probably some there). It is advisable to rinse it not just with a stream: the liquid should flow under pressure. The best option is to do this using a syringe with a needle attached. If you don’t have anything like this at hand, you can use any spray bottle. Be that as it may, the strength of the jet should be adjusted so that it does not cause pain to your pet.

After this procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly dry ( using the same towels) the area around the wound. If the latter is too deep, and its edges are uneven and “sagging”, it is advisable to immediately consider the option of drainage, since the wound channel will most likely undergo purulent inflammation. Do not experiment under any circumstances! At home, the most “technological” drainage is a gauze tourniquet soaked in Vishnevsky’s balsamic liniment.

Such a design is easy to insert into the cavity of the wound canal, such drainage is very cheap and easy to manufacture, it effectively draws out pus and other types of wound exudate. Note that using cotton wool, even wrapped in gauze, in this “role” is strongly not recommended: the fibers of this material will certainly get into the very depths of the wound canal, which will subsequently only aggravate the inflammatory process. In addition, do not overdo it with the size of the drainage: they should be such that it can be easily removed and inserted (damaged tissue will inevitably become inflamed and swollen, which can greatly complicate the treatment process).

Types of eczema in cats

Eczema in cats can take different forms, it all depends on the provoking factors, general living conditions, and nutrition. It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis on your own, so at the first symptoms of the disease you should consult a veterinarian. Only in this way will the cat be given the correct treatment with the necessary effectiveness.

Experts distinguish three forms of dermatosis in animals:

  1. Neuropathic eczema. Most often caused by disorders of the autonomic nervous system, the main causes are stress, genetic disorders, and some congenital diseases of the pet.
  2. Traumatic dermatosis. Most often it appears with skin irritations, damage to the epidermis, cracks, and abrasions. This phenomenon is usually observed in those cats that constantly wear tight collars. The traumatic form is diagnosed in unkempt animals, with poor personal hygiene, and with lesions from blood-sucking parasites.
  3. The reflex form can be provoked by various factors, including the presence of allergic reactions, numerous flea or tick bites, and pathologies of internal organs.

In addition, there are types of diseases such as dry and weeping eczema in cats. In the first case, cracks, peeling, swelling appear on the surface of the skin and severe itching is observed. The weeping form is characterized by the formation of blisters and wounds that cause serious suffering to the pet.

Symptoms and treatment of feline eczema

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of inflammation in the upper layer of the epidermis, the signs of the disease are the same.

  1. The very first symptom is redness. This occurs as a result of the fact that it is in this area of ​​the dermis that there is lymph and blood circulation.
  2. Itching. The place where the inflammation began is itchy, and the cat persistently tries to scratch it. Toxins accumulate in tissues, nerve endings are irritated - this is why itching occurs.
  3. If you touch a red area of ​​skin, you can record an increased temperature in this spot. Sensitivity also increases.
  4. As a result of intoxication, bubbles appear. In the dry form, the blisters burst and the skin peels off; usually this form is characteristic of a chronic course. In the wet form, liquid leaks from the ruptured blisters, and the wound is constantly wet. This occurs due to infection of the inflamed area. Scratched wounds receive pyogenic microflora, which provokes wet, festering wounds.


The diagnosis must be made by a specialist and treatment prescribed.

Primary measures:

  1. Isolate the cat from drafts and cold places.
  2. Treat against fleas, worms and free her from the collar (if she is wearing) during treatment.
  3. If eczema is a secondary disease against the background of inflammation of internal organs (this is also determined by a veterinarian), the underlying disease must be treated.
  4. Analyze your pet’s diet, eliminate potential allergens, and introduce vitamins.
  5. It is better to shave the affected area, this will avoid infection, and also treat it with alcohol or Chlorhexidine.

Treatment with drugs:

  1. To reduce a cat's irritability, bromine is recommended.
  2. To normalize skin sensitivity, sodium thiosulfate is needed.
  3. Antihistamines: Suprastin, Diphenhydramine.
  4. Methylprednisolone, Prednisolone and Dexamethasone are effective in treating eczema.
  5. Furosemide is needed as a diuretic to rid the body of toxins.
  6. Weeping eczema in cats requires treatment with Chlorhexidine, peroxide or Miramistin.
  7. To provide an astringent effect, a solution of tannin or silver nitrate is required.
  8. Zinc ointment is suitable for drying pappules.
  9. If a cat has dry eczema, Vishnevsky ointment helps.

Folk remedies are also appropriate in the treatment of eczema.

  1. Treatment of the affected area with chamomile decoction, calendula solution, oak decoction (has an astringent effect) is effective.
  2. St. John's wort oil removes dry eczema and accelerates cell regeneration.
  3. Aloe juice has a wound healing effect.

Disease prognosis

Eczema can occur in acute and chronic forms. Acute is typical for young cats, chronic - for cats over 6 years old, as well as for weakened pets.

The acute form can last about a month, and intensive treatment is effective in combating it.

Stages of development and corresponding symptoms

The pathology develops in stages and goes through 3 stages. Each of them is accompanied by a specific set of symptoms:

  1. Erythematous

    . One area of ​​the skin becomes swollen and red. This occurs due to the accumulation of toxins and poor circulation. The pet becomes itchy, so it begins to actively scratch and lick itself.

  2. Papular

    . The inflamed area becomes covered with dense tubercles. Over time, a cloudy liquid appears in them.

  3. Vesicular

    . The bubbles, called vesicles, can be seen in detail in the photo. The vesicular stage develops according to one of two scenarios: the contents can resolve or break out. In the first case, the skin becomes rough and peels, in the second, it becomes wet and partially collapses. The leaked exudate corrodes neighboring areas, increasing the size of the erosion.

In place of the erythema, dandruff appears, the hair sticks together and falls out. Without timely treatment, the fur coat can not only lose thickness, but also disappear completely.

In addition to physiological changes, it is important to note behavioral ones. Due to constant itching and pain in scratched areas, the pet becomes apathetic and loses its appetite. The body's defenses are weakened, increasing the likelihood of a secondary infection.

Prevention of skin diseases in cats

Prevention includes the following measures:

  • timely treatment of the skin from cutaneous and subcutaneous parasites;
  • annual vaccination;
  • compliance with hygiene standards;
  • proper nutrition;
  • regular cleaning of carpets;
  • washing floors and toys;
  • wearing flea and tick collars;
  • inspection of the animal after a walk.

Once a skin disease is detected, the animal must be under constant supervision. It is necessary to give your pet medications in a timely manner, carry out the necessary treatment, and monitor his well-being.


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