Valerian for cats: how it works and can it be given

Why do cats love valerian so much? A medicine made from valerian root is found in every home medicine cabinet, and people do not consider it necessary to hide this harmless sedative. But as soon as a cat appears next to the odorous composition, the danger increases to gigantic proportions.

These animals adore valerian and do not suspect the risk to their health and psyche.

Why cats love valerian and what happens to them

The specific reaction of animals to substances containing valerian root is known mainly from practical observations. Valerian for cats is an energy drink, a sleeping pill, and a deadly drug in one bottle.

And everything happens in exactly this order:

  • after taking valerian, the cat experiences a short period of hyperactivity;
  • then the pet becomes lethargic and drowsy;
  • and if the cat does not wake up for a long time - sometimes up to 2 days - you need to invite a veterinarian and save the animal.

An interesting feature of the aroma of the plant

So why are cats so attracted and excited by the scent of valerian, while humans are calmed by it? In other words, we can say that this plant is a kind of drug for our little brothers. Valerian extract causes cats to become intoxicated.

They really like it. Smelling this alluring aroma, cats begin to wriggle and purr loudly. If by chance, while walking, they come across a growing valerian in a clearing, they will immediately begin to ride on it, jump, do whatever they want to make the grass release its juices. But not everything is so good.

Why cats love valerian: the general process

Cats love valerian because it contains actinidin (a group of pheromones). Pheromones form behavioral algorithms associated with social and genetic processes. Cats like valerian for a completely natural reason - it works as an amplifier of “friend or foe” signals.

It sounds complicated, but in reality it looks much simpler. It is enough for an animal to sniff a drug containing actinidin, and its brain receives a signal about the close presence of representatives of a related tribe.

Valerian for cats is an impulse to mark territory, take a dominant position on it and show sexual desire.

When should you see a doctor?

  • If a decrease in mood has been observed for more than two weeks, and attempts at self-treatment have been ineffective.
  • If you have thoughts about not wanting to live or suicidal thoughts.
  • If a depressive state significantly disrupts the usual course of life: you cannot work, fully communicate with your family, or enjoy what previously brought joy.

You can contact a psychiatrist confidentially. Information about the fact of treatment, not to mention the diagnosis and treatment, is a medical secret: it is not reported to work, it is not disclosed. It is better to diagnose depression on time and begin treatment than to bring it to advanced stages.


  2. Antidepressant therapy and other treatments for depressive disorders. Report of the CINP Working Group based on a review of the evidence. M., 2008; 215 p.

The effect of valerian on cats: the similarity of the smells of feline and actinidin

To understand the mechanics of the process in more detail, you need to remember such a component of cat marks as feline. It is found in the urine of sexually mature individuals and serves as a natural marker. The reason cats love valerian lies precisely in the similarity of two fragrant aromas: feline and actinidin.

Animals simply confuse them.

Well, subsequent excitement is just a natural reaction of the body to the presence of a stranger cat nearby. Instincts and behavioral stereotypes come into play.

The animal mechanically performs a ritual programmed by nature. This is due to the almost identical effect of valerian on cats in all cases.

Valerian acts on cats for a limited period of time. Due to the too high concentration of actinidin, it causes a violent reaction and quickly takes away the animal’s strength, putting it into a state of apathy and drowsiness.

Opposite effect

Cats do not always become playful under the influence of valerian. For some, its aroma has the opposite effect. Pets can, after sniffing even a little of the extract of this plant, become aggressive, irritated, and even rush at their owner and bite him. And, despite the fact that your pet may already be of advanced age, under the influence of valerian he will begin, just like a young animal, to run and jump without stopping. But you should not forget that an elderly cat may develop heart problems after such a playful mood after taking the drug.

Does it affect everyone the same: the effects of valerian on different cats

All animals react to the drug individually:

  • A third of cats do not feel the effects of valerian. For them it is a normal smell, unremarkable and neutral. Even a kitten under the age of six months will not show interest in him - he is still far from reaching sexually mature instincts. Siamese cats will not be impressed by valerian. This breed does not react to actinidin odors.
  • Another 30% express an average degree of involvement - short-term activity is replaced by an equally quick rest and return to normal behavior.
  • The remaining group is a riotous madness. Valerian should not be given to such cats. The animal will experience severe emotional stress and a long period of rest.

The final group is at risk due to the “valerian hangover” syndrome. As soon as he comes to his senses, the cat will begin to look for the source of the remembered smell.

The active ingredient of valerian has a stronger effect on male cats. The fact is that the feline content in their urine is 4 times higher than in cats.

Why can't you take antidepressants without a prescription?

  • Only a doctor can assess the risk of side effects for a particular patient.
  • Different antidepressants have different nuances of therapeutic action. If the medicine is chosen incorrectly, at best it will not help, at worst it will harm.
  • Dose selection is carried out individually. If you increase the dose too quickly on your own, you can experience a lot of unpleasant consequences.
  • Cancellation should also be carried out gradually and under the supervision of a doctor. Otherwise, you risk withdrawal symptoms.

Behavior of cats after taking valerian: symptoms and consequences

Two categories tolerate contact with the drug quite neutrally, and they do not experience discomfort after the cessation of its action. Representatives of the first group simply avoid the intrusive odor, while the second easily tolerate both the active stress phase and the passive exit from it.

Things are worse for animals from the third group. It will not be difficult to give such a cat a drink of valerian. But to return it to normal, you will have to make an effort.

In addition to long sleep, the following will appear:

  • symptoms of poisoning;
  • lack of coordination of movements;
  • apathy, indifference to games and communication;
  • lack of interest in food or physical inability to eat it.

Sometimes, due to the use of valerian, aggressive habits develop and the character of the animal changes.

For cats, valerian is a highly dangerous drug. It is risky to offer it to your pet without a good reason and a veterinarian’s prescription.

What is depression really?

This is a long-term (2 weeks or more) pronounced decrease in mood, which is accompanied by several additional symptoms: decreased activity, slower mental activity, lack of joy in life. That is, if you are no longer touched by the usual joys - hobbies, family, get-togethers with friends, then this is a reason to think, monitor your condition and, perhaps, consult a doctor.

If your usual joys no longer touch you, then this is a reason to think about it and, perhaps, consult a doctor.

True depression is a serious and often severe illness that requires mandatory treatment by a psychiatrist with the prescription of special medications.

Is it possible to give a cat valerian: medicine or poison?

Much depends on the form of the drug. It is produced for humans and is therefore available in 3 forms: tincture, tablets and dry herb collection.

  1. If prescribed by a veterinarian, the cat is given a dried herbal composition - it is safer than others.
  2. In the absence of a decoction from a collection of dry herbs, valerian in tablets is preferred. In this case, allergies and mild malaise are the most expected and harmless consequences. Therefore, if you decide to give valerian in tablets, you should take into account that the medicine includes synthetic components.
  3. The most powerful effect will be if the cat is given valerian in alcohol. Cats do not have an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in their bodies, so they will get used to ethyl quickly. Giving cats an alcohol solution of valerian is strictly prohibited. Even a small dose received by licking can have a devastating effect on the internal organs of the animal.

Valerian tablets need to be ground into powder for a cat - if you give a whole piece, it will take a long time to dissolve in the gastrointestinal tract.

Benefits of valerian

Valerian is useful for cats only with a prescription from a specialist for the following medicinal purposes:

  • correction of thyroid disorder;
  • treatment of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • stimulation of cardiac muscle activity;
  • (sometimes) stimulating sexual activity in young animals during the first mating.

The benefits of valerian for a cat are clearly visible in stressful situations when transporting long distances: it calms the animal and makes it less susceptible to external irritating factors.

Valerian can have a calming effect on a cat.

Is valerian harmful for cats?

No permanent negative effects of the drug have been reported. The harm or benefit of valerian for a cat is always determined by the individual characteristics of the body.

  • Some animals experience swelling of the mucous membranes from the first use.
  • Valerian is more harmful to male cats due to excessive stimulation of sexual desire.

What to do?

There are a number of drugs that are sold without a prescription. They are not effective for clinical depression, but they will help cope with stress, short-term sleep disorders and irritability. With their help, you can try to ease your psycho-emotional state a little:

  • Glycine is one of the most popular remedies. Prescribed starting from childhood, for stress, fatigue, emotional overstrain. Sometimes effective for minor sleep disorders.
  • Afobazol . It has an anti-anxiety effect, eliminates feelings of fear, tearfulness, and irritability. It is used in the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia and even in alcoholism, to alleviate the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. Not addictive. Please note that it is contraindicated for children under 18 years of age.
  • Novo-passit . Quite a strong sedative for nervousness and irritability. Effective in reducing concentration, memory, and fatigue. Helps restore the nervous system during periods of increased stress.

Over-the-counter medications will not cope with clinical depression, but they can alleviate the psycho-emotional state.

  • Stressitis . Well calms, relieves irritability, anxiety, improves sleep. During the treatment period, driving and other activities that require increased concentration are not recommended.
  • Persen is a herbal medicine. Contains extracts of valerian, lemon balm and peppermint. Has a calming and anti-anxiety effect. It helps well with increased excitability, emotional lability, and tearfulness. Can be used in the complex treatment of mild anxiety and depressive disorders, facilitating the withdrawal of potent drugs.
  • Magne B6 . Increases the body's resistance to stress. Magnesium deficiency can lead to an imbalance in the nervous system, irritability, and sleep disturbances, so Magne B6 has a positive effect in these cases.
  • Tenoten . It has an anti-anxiety, calming, anti-asthenic effect, helps cope with stress and psycho-emotional stress. Relieves irritability and tension. Can be used for neurotic conditions.

How much valerian can you give a cat?

The amount of valerian that can be given to a cat is calculated based on its weight, size, physical condition, temperament and diagnosis made by a veterinarian.

When self-treating, it is not recommended to let the animal out of sight until it has fully returned to normal active activities. Any deviation from the norm is viewed with a negative assessment - even in small quantities, the effect of valerian on cats is unpredictable.

Before using the medicine, the animal should be fed. Giving a cat valerian on an empty stomach is strictly not recommended.

I am depressed!

This can often be heard from friends or read on the forum. But, as a rule, the person who makes such statements is mistaken. After all, what is meant by “depression” in a colloquial environment? Usually this simply means a short-term deterioration in mood, irritability, fatigue under the influence of circumstances. Sometimes a person is just having a “bad day” or “got off on the wrong foot” and they call it depression.

Nowadays, people are constantly faced with stress: overload at work, a frantic pace of life, inflated demands on themselves, a huge amount of information that flows from all sources. It is not surprising that many people cannot cope with so many stressors, and this can manifest itself in various symptoms:

  • anxiety;
  • irritability;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorders;
  • obsessive thoughts;
  • panic attacks.

If these symptoms are short-lived and go away on their own, do not be too upset. In most cases, just a good rest will help defeat them. But sometimes a vacation is not enough, and the body needs a little help. It is very important to choose the right medications for this.

Overdose symptoms

Characteristic features of the negative effects of the drug are visible from external signs of behavior or changes in habits:

  1. Toxic damage. Profuse salivation begins, foam appears around the mouth, vomiting and convulsions occur. The development of the process moves towards the respiratory organs and cardiac muscle. Severe spasms and stroke are possible.
  2. Persistent aggression, rapid mood swings, changes in socialization markers. For a cat, valerian becomes the goal of an incessant search, and its absence puts the animal out of psychological balance.
  3. Damage to internal organs. The first sign is blood in the urine and feces, manifestations of painful sensations. Often characterized by prolonged stomping in one place and purring. In this way, the animal independently produces an analgesic hormone and tries to overcome physical suffering.

Any differences from standard behavior should be a reason to immediately contact a veterinarian.

Experiments with valerian

Many owners let their cats smell valerian for fun. They are interested in observing sudden changes in behavior in a cat. But after a sudden surge of energy, the animal experiences a loss of strength, drowsiness and lethargy. The cat can simply fall asleep for several hours. It is also not recommended to repeat such experiments several times in a row. Because it can be addictive. Just like a person after drinking alcohol, a cat can subsequently experience real withdrawal symptoms. This aroma has a particularly alluring effect on males.

According to one version of scientists, the smell of valerian attracts them in the same way as the fluids of individuals of the opposite sex. Since experiments were carried out and valerian was given to kittens who had not yet reached four months of age to smell, their behavior did not change at all. And after the animal reaches puberty, it begins to react to such an alluring aroma. The animal simply begins to experience sexual arousal towards the opposite sex.

What can be replaced: a harmless alternative

It is not necessary to deprive your pet of the joy of short-term hormone production. Valerian does not possess this quality alone - its substitutes are both gentler and safer.

We are talking about plants that are informally grouped into the catnip group:

  • catnip;
  • budra;
  • common scent.

Having found such a bush, cats begin to rub against it, trying to damage the stem and lick the odorous juice. But the harm of this liquid is not commensurate with the effect of valerian, and the arousal effect passes quickly and without consequences.

Catnip is often used as a filler in toys or sold separately in pet stores. And if you buy it, you won’t have to risk your pet’s life to give him a couple of extra minutes of joy.

What drugs are used to treat depression?

They have a common name - antidepressants. It is worth noting that in recent years the indications for the prescription of antidepressants have expanded significantly. Numerous studies have been conducted that have shown the effectiveness of antidepressants not only for depression, but also for anxiety, sleep disorders (insomnia), neuroses and even neuropathic pain. Today, drugs from different groups of antidepressants are widely prescribed by psychiatrists, neurologists and even therapists.

The most commonly used drugs are two groups.

Tricyclic antidepressants

These are old drugs that are considered the most powerful:

  • Amitriptyline is a drug with strong sedative and powerful antidepressant effects. In large doses it is used to treat severe depression, in small doses for milder disorders. It relieves anxiety well and has a hypnotic effect.
  • Anafranil is a drug of balanced action, usually easier to tolerate than amitriptyline, and also relieves anxiety well. Prescribed for the treatment of depression from mild to severe, various anxiety disorders.
  • Melipramine has a stimulating effect and is used to treat apathetic depression.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

This is a more modern group of drugs. Their advantages are good tolerability and few or no side effects.

Often from this group are assigned:

  • Fevarin has anti-anxiety and good antidepressant effects. With long-term use, it normalizes sleep if it has been disturbed.

  • Zoloft is a fairly strong daytime antidepressant. Relieves anxiety and obsessive thoughts without causing drowsiness.
  • Paxil relieves anxiety and is often prescribed to treat panic attacks.

There are many more modern antidepressants that have few side effects and are well tolerated:

  • Ixel;
  • Velaxin;
  • Valdoxan;
  • Trittico;
  • Cymbalta and others.

But strong antidepressants are not sold without a prescription . They can only be prescribed by a doctor: a psychiatrist, a neurologist, or sometimes a therapist.

Cat alcoholism

Is it necessary to castrate a cat: what will happen if you don’t?

The composition of valerian roots is quite diverse. It contains alkaloids, esters, tannins, resin, sugar, glucosides, etc. In addition, ethyl alcohol quickly causes alcohol intoxication and addiction. The animals' heartbeat quickens, their blood pressure rises, and after a while they become lethargic and cannot stand on their feet.

Cat alcoholism

Therefore, the expression “cat alcoholism” is not an empty phrase. Animals cannot resist alcohol. As soon as they smell valerian or take a pill, they immediately become drunk, that is, cats “get drunk.” Often, many of them fall into a deep, drunken sleep, which is typical for people.


Often, owners do not know how to cope with their pet during heat. The cat begins to rush outside, screaming loudly not only during the day, but also at night. And if you don’t try to introduce her to the cat during this period, then, of course, a difficult period is coming for you and all the residents of the house. Since the animal begins to behave completely inappropriately.

He always needs supervision. Otherwise, the cat may simply run away and you will not find it. At night the owners stop sleeping. Because loud meowing can be heard throughout the house. In such cases, the owners begin to give the animal some kind of hormonal drug. It often has negative consequences for the pet's health. Owners also use antihistamines. But they can also harm the health of their pets.

And in search of harmless and effective drugs, many owners resort to their favorite cat arphrodisiac, without thinking at all about whether it is possible to give a cat valerian during estrus. Of course, this absolutely cannot be done. Since the cat already experiences a strong sexual attraction to the opposite sex, and then you and your valerian. All her symptoms will simply begin to manifest themselves more aggressively. Therefore, if you are trying to achieve a calming state in an animal, then it is not advisable to give this remedy. The most effective method and more or less safe for the health of cats is sterilization, unless, of course, you are breeding kittens for sale.

Uses of Valerian

So is it possible to give cats valerian or not? Today, some veterinarians still cannot come to a common answer. Because there are cases when this is simply necessary.

For example, when you want to match a cat with a cat, but for various reasons it doesn’t work out for you. At the same time, the female categorically does not allow the male to approach her. Then you can resort to tricks and put a couple of drops on her nose to increase her sexual desire.

Treatment of drug intoxication

The basis of treatment is drug withdrawal. Neurological symptoms are of great importance in diagnosing the condition. The drug and its breakdown products are eliminated through all excretory organs: intestines, kidneys, saliva, sweat glands. The main routes of elimination are the kidneys and liver. Toxins are eliminated from the kidneys quickly enough and are eliminated in the urine. The situation is more complicated with drugs that are eliminated through the gastrointestinal tract.

From the liver cells, the breakdown products of the drug enter the bile and end up with it in the intestines, where they can be reabsorbed and delivered to the liver. This process is called enterohepatic circulation of substances. In some cases, harmful substances are excreted from the intestines along with feces. Circulation can result in toxins remaining in the body for quite a long time. This creates a high load on the liver, provokes the activity of liver enzymes and unpleasant symptoms.

But the entry of drugs and their breakdown products into the stomach, as well as their further movement through the intestines, does not pass without a trace. Peristalsis is disrupted, mucous membranes are irritated, and an imbalance of bacteria occurs. For example, many antibiotics have a detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora. Frequent, prolonged use or an inadequate dose can lead to intoxication. You can speed up their removal with the help of sorbents.

It is important to understand that many mild symptoms of intoxication are an attempt by the body to independently remove excess substances. There is no need to interfere with these processes if they proceed in moderation. It is best to provide conditions under which natural cleansing will occur. For example, with moderate vomiting, you should not resort to the use of antiemetic drugs. You should sound the alarm if your temperature rises above 38.5 °C, uncontrollable vomiting that interferes with fluid intake, signs of dehydration and frequent diarrhea.

Treatment of drug poisoning is carried out using several methods:

  • gastric and intestinal lavage (according to indications);
  • intravenous infusions to accelerate the elimination of toxins, replenish lost fluid due to diarrhea and vomiting. This technique is appropriate for acute forms of intoxication, in a hospital setting;
  • prescribing enterosorbents for internal use to bind and remove toxic substances;
  • use of enzyme preparations and diuretics according to indications;
  • the use of probiotics and prebiotics to restore normal intestinal microflora;
  • vitamin therapy and antioxidant treatment to neutralize free radicals.

For chronic intoxications, outpatient treatment is allowed. But it is important to consult a physician to find out the exact cause of poisoning, adjust the dosage of regularly used medications, or choose an alternative.

In the future, you can cope with the elimination of toxic substances with the help of plenty of drinking, a gentle diet, and enterosorbents. One of the effective drugs to combat intoxication is Fitomucil Sorbent Forte. The product contains a plant sorbent, inulin - a prebiotic that promotes the growth of its own beneficial microflora, as well as live bacteria. The drug accelerates the elimination of harmful substances and improves motility of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a gentle effect on the gastrointestinal tract and does not cause bloating or abdominal pain.

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