Why you can’t play and punish your cat with your hands

Play is the best way to communicate with a cat. However, many owners believe that such entertainment is only interesting to kittens, and adult pets no longer need them. But that's not true. Kids play with pleasure in order to learn how to interact with the objects and people around them. In other words, with the help of games they learn about the world faster. Adult animals no longer need this, they just need to move more.

Because if a cat is completely deprived of physical activity, then this has a bad effect on its health. Fortunately, almost every owner can devote some time to their pet to play with it. There are a variety of games that your cat may enjoy.

Tennis ball game

If you don't have a tennis ball, you can use any other one. The main thing is that it is small and light. Since such a ball will not be able to hit the cat too much, even if it hits him, and it will not cause damage to your furniture. Any smooth surface is best for playing with it. Therefore, it is unlikely that you will be able to play on the carpet with such a ball. A corridor or a spacious room with clean floors is the best place for such cat entertainment. The ball can either be rolled or hit on the floor. As soon as the cat notices that the toy is moving away from him, he will immediately rush to catch it.

Table tennis

This game can be played even without a table. Use a regular ball, which is suitable for many games: throw it on any hard surface. Its attractive sound will constantly attract attention, and any game will not harm either your cat or your furniture - the ball is light enough and can neither cause injury to the animal nor damage the furniture. In addition, the best way to play with a cat with a ball is to roll it along a long corridor or room: the cat will run after it, trying to catch it, and thus will be constantly on the move.

Package game

A paper bag is best for this game. It can be purchased at any large supermarket. Open the bag and place it on the floor, and then begin to lightly tap it with your hand or stick. The pet will certainly want to climb into it. Once this happens, continue tapping the bag. This will warm up the cat's interest in the game. To make it more interesting, you can put a candy wrapper or a ball in the bag.

What games are suitable for a cat's age?

Depending on the age of your pet, he needs to be offered different types of entertainment. Month-old kittens will be happy to play any game, because they are just learning about the world, everything is interesting to them. But older kittens, at the age of 5-6 months, need to try to interest them in order to divert their attention from such fun as stripping furniture and wallpaper.

Well, an adult pet needs not only to play, but also to express itself, so as to feel its victory over the “victim”. In principle, the same games are quite suitable for both adults and children, but they need to be complicated as the cat grows up.

Laser pointer game

All cats love to catch sunbeams. But if it’s cloudy outside, you can entertain your four-legged friend with a laser pointer. Dim the lights in the room, close the curtains and start moving the laser along the wall or floor. The cat will happily start hunting for an incomprehensible glowing red dot. Just don’t shine a laser pointer into an animal’s eyes, as this can seriously damage its vision. By the way, the most ordinary flashlight will be suitable for such a game.

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Pet safety during play

Before you entertain your cat, you need to take care of the safety of your tired pet. This is especially true if you have to play in a tight space. From birth, cats are very agile, their instinct of self-preservation is developed at the highest level. But the animal may simply get carried away and not notice the danger, especially if we are talking about a small kitten.

Care must be taken to ensure that the play area is free of sharp corners, small toys scattered on the floor, and sharp objects.

In addition, there is a psychological danger during the game. Without meaning to, we can frighten or upset our pet. For example, if you attack a cat in a game, the animal may perceive this as a real threat. This often happens if the cat likes to control the situation. If your pet clings painfully to your hand, freeze so that he understands that you are his prey and loosens his grip. Be demonstratively offended by your cat and don’t talk to him for a while so that he realizes his wrongdoing.

Cleaning is fun for your cat

If you don’t have any time to play with your pet, then try to combine business with pleasure. To do this, take a string with rustling paper and tie it to your ankle, and then start doing your usual household chores. If you don't have rope, you can use a bright ribbon instead. The cat will certainly begin to follow you on your heels in order to catch the moving rope. The main thing is to be extremely careful. Be careful not to trip or step on your pet during this game.

What are the benefits of games for cats?

Firstly, the game allows the kitten to acquire useful skills. From the ability to steal something tasty from the owner’s plate to the ability to solve a problem with a real mouse. The animal needs to develop hunting instincts, train the tenacity of its paws, and attentiveness. Cats, just like people, need to learn to communicate and be able to protect themselves at the right time.

Another undoubted advantage of games is activity. Movement is life, it is unreasonable to deny it. And your pet simply needs healthy activity to feel content and happy. If your cat doesn't play games, this is an alarming bell. Most likely there is some kind of illness that prevents him from having fun. Be sure to contact your veterinarian without attributing the problem to the fact that the animal is simply too lazy to play with you. Of course, this rule does not apply to older pets.

Labyrinth of boxes

Take a few boxes and make a real maze out of them. To do this, you just need to fasten them together. First, you need to make holes in each of the boxes that your cat can easily fit into. Your pet will happily explore the boxes, thus traveling through the maze. To make the game more interesting, you can throw another small ball there.

Cat toys

Pet stores offer an incredible number of different toys for animals: mice, balls, pendulums, puzzles. The item purchased for the kitten must meet safety standards.


Your pet needs a durable toy made from high-quality materials.

A mouse for a small kitten should not have small parts. Therefore, it is necessary to remove her plastic nose and eyes. Otherwise, your pet may swallow them.

It is recommended to give preference to handmade mice made from natural materials. Small details are sewn in or painted with safe paints. They will cost a little more.

Tease and balls

You should not buy a teaser with feathers. During play, the cat likes to take an object into its mouth and bite it. Feathers will irritate your pet and may harm him.

The ideal choice would be a teaser with a ball made from real fur. There are small peas in the center that make a sound when the ball moves. This item is safe for animals. The fur does not come out after numerous games.

Cats' favorite toys include balls. They are made from different materials. For a cat, it is recommended to purchase a medium-sized rubber ball so that your pet can roll and chew on it.

Entertainment center or lodge

Cat entertainment centers look like multi-story houses, equipped with everything necessary for an animal. There the cat can hide, relax on a cozy bed, run along the stairs or tunnel, and sharpen its claws. This device is especially appropriate if the owner is often away from home.

Rug with a secret

For this game you will need a small mat. You need to stretch the ribbon under it, leaving its long end on one edge and the short end on the other. Then just start tugging on the ribbon on your side; on the other side, the long end of the ribbon will begin to gradually disappear, thereby forcing the cat to hunt for it.

Treasure Hunt

There are special puzzles for cats; they are sold in pet stores. You need to put a treat inside such a toy, which the cat will certainly try to get. Many animals happily play with these things for hours. You can make this puzzle yourself. To do this, you need to take an old glove and hide the treat in one of its fingers. The cat will have to find the hidden treat.

Can cats get offended and when do they do it?

An animal can become bored for various reasons. For example, older cats, no less than people, can suffer from pressure changes or joint pain. During such periods, the animal is not active and tries to hide away, often in a dark corner. Almost always, when the cause of the blues is illness, other symptoms of malaise are noticeable, the range of which depends on the pathology. These could be, for example:

  • digestive disorders - nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. They cause weakness and cause refusal of food;
  • frequent urination, with screams and howls while on the tray. You can also guess about problems with the urinary system by looking at the puddles that the cat leaves anywhere. What some owners consider to be revenge against them is, in fact, the results of a search for a place where it would not be painful to go “in a small way”;
  • strange behavior of the cat. For example, if he sits for a long time with his muzzle to the wall or resting his forehead against it, this is not a reason for laughter and jokes, but a sign that the animal is suffering from a severe headache.

What ailments can affect your cat, how to recognize and treat them, you can read in the material on our website.

Another group of causes of bad mood is insufficient care:

  • Poor quality feed can lead to the formation of tangles. For long-haired breeds this is a real disaster. An unkempt fur coat becomes overgrown with a huge number of mini felt boots. They cause skin itching, which intensifies and becomes permanent after the addition of a fungal infection. Sometimes tangles form if a cat, due to age-related joint problems, is unable to fully care for itself;
  • Cat chewing on chicken and other bones can lead to tooth loss and inflammation of the digestive tract. In some cases, this is followed by temporary discomfort, in others there is a real threat to life.

We have already written about what you should not feed cats on our website.

  • Ingrown or overgrown claws are both the result of destructive changes in the body and the lack of a normal claw post. The cat first experiences discomfort, and then pain. Due to his natural characteristics, he does not complain about his misfortune, preferring to quietly be sad on his bed. In general, it is impossible not to notice this problem - the animal acquires a clicking gait, which announces its approach long before its appearance. Some owners are sure that the animal must solve such problems itself. It's a delusion.

You can read how to trim a cat’s claws correctly and what tools are needed for this here.

The cat is offended

If the cat's sadness is not accompanied by signs of health problems, but the pet is clearly not in the mood, it may be offended by the owner who:

  • was absent for a long time;
  • didn’t “say hello” upon returning from work;
  • brought strangers into the house;
  • forgot to feed or change the water, ignoring the animal’s numerous requests;
  • I didn’t wash the “fragrant” tray in the morning, but for a predator to live the whole day in the aura of its natural aromas is extreme stress and inconvenience;
  • I didn’t treat you to what was lying on the table and smelled deliciously of meat;
  • had the carelessness to pet another cat or (God forbid!) dog;
  • drove me from my favorite chair, and even shouted.

On a note! When a furry person defiantly sits with his back to his owner and nervously beats his tail, this is definitely an insult and an expectation of compensation for moral damage.

Mouse Hunt

Hunting mice is one of the most favorite pastimes of cats. For this game you will need to purchase a toy mouse from a pet store. There are edible and groovy mice. Choose any of them and show it to your pet. If he likes the new toy, he will not let it out of his clutches for a long time.

How to communicate with a cat

But no toys can replace personal communication. Let us remind you: cats believe that people are such big cats, their relatives (unlike dogs, who realize that humans are another biological species). That is why your pet extends all the “herd” behavioral habits to you. Remember this and be understanding that the cat gets the fantasy of “petting” while you are working at the computer. She just needs support and communication with a relative.

In moments of rest, watch the cat, pay attention to how she sleeps, eats and plays. You will not only get a lot of positive emotions, but perhaps also solve several everyday problems (for example, watching a cat drink, the author of these lines realized that the water bowl is not very convenient and should be changed). And, of course, keep your smartphone handy. Original photos and videos “with cats” are worth their weight in gold these days...

Observing your cat will also help you understand what it is missing. Most often it is not about food or toys, but about a comfortable place to relax. Arrange a place for her (preferably higher and with a good view). If the cat is highly socialized, this place should be “in the thick of things,” while a wild pet may prefer to “perch” on a high shelf or cabinet. Remember the main thing: self-isolation will end someday and we will go to work again. Therefore, try to continue to spend more time with your pets.

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Cat fishing

There are fishing rods for cats, they are sold in pet stores. But if you don’t have such a toy at home, you can make it yourself. To do this, simply take a stick and tie a treat, a candy wrapper, or any other thing your pet likes to play with. You can sit in your favorite chair and start controlling the bait the way you want, forcing your pet to chase it.

Try to play with your cat regularly. Because she needs to move a lot in order to always feel good. We must also remember that games allow you to establish warmer and more trusting relationships with your pet.

How else can you play: puzzles using improvised means

There are other options for cat toys for different tastes and budgets (including complex electromechanical gadgets), but a true “cat lover” firmly remembers the sacred truth. It reads: “No matter what you buy for your house, the cat will always be happy, because a BOX appears in the apartment!!!” In fact, if it is not possible to order a toy for a cat, any cardboard box will perfectly fulfill its role. If you have a small one, it’s great: we cut holes the size of a paw in it, put a ball or treat inside and voila: the cat is occupied for at least an hour. The large box will not remain idle either. If you just leave it on the floor, after half an hour you may well find a cat hiding there. And if you cut out an “entrance”, “exit” and a few smaller holes in the box for putting paws through, it will become the best toy for a couple of weeks.

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