Why a cat shouldn’t sleep with its owner: objective reasons

Why are they doing this?

I wonder why and why cats persistently climb into people’s beds? After all, loving owners buy special houses for them, mats, bedding, and even hammocks. In the end, there is always a place on the rug, under a warm radiator.

The reasons for this behavior of mustachioed striped animals are not always obvious, and can be both completely scientifically based and based on esotericism and myths.

Why is it dangerous to sleep with a cat in bed?

Photo: envato.com

There are also several arguments against sleeping in a bed with a cat. For example, sleeping with a cat creates ideal conditions for the transfer of parasites from cats to people. If your cat is regularly dewormed and vaccinated, this risk is significantly reduced. However, with cats that go for walks, there is a risk of bringing types of parasites such as fleas or ticks into the bed.

Publications in the field of dentistry periodically describe cases in which it is said that tooth decay occurs more often among cat owners who sleep together with their pets. However, this experience has not been clearly confirmed.

Objective reasons

Cats are very smart and practical creatures; for any of their behavior, even very strange ones, there is almost always a reasonable explanation.

Cats love sleeping with people because:

  • It's warm to be next to a person! These animals love warmth, and, for example, the radiator may be too hot.
  • Cunning and rather selfish creatures understand that a person chooses the best places in his home. This means they are trying with all their might to get there.
  • Children's, long-forgotten feelings of mother's closeness, safety and warmth. Well, you can really understand the cats here!
  • The simplest explanation: cats feel calm next to their beloved owner!

You need to sleep where it's soft

While a dog can fall asleep almost anywhere, comfort is extremely important for cats. The cat sleeps with the owner because he knows that you are soft and comfortable. A sleeping place for a demanding pet can be a carefully padded down pillow, a warm blanket, neatly folded bed linen, towels and even a doll’s crib.

You don't need to be a psychic to know why cats love to sleep with their owners. The human body is an ideal warm surface that can be wrinkled, preparing the “bed” for a well-deserved rest.

Esoterics and bioenergy

Almost from the moment of domestication, cats are endowed with mystical abilities: the ancient Egyptians worshiped them as gods; in the fairy tales of the Slavic peoples there is the Bayun Cat, kind and wise.

In fairy tales and myths of different nations, cats occupy an important place. Perhaps this is not without reason:

  • Cats sense unfavorable energy structures and intersection points of biofields. In an effort to normalize them, they fit into the very center of such places.
  • These animals are able to identify painful and problematic places in the human body and even treat them to the best of their ability, lying next to or on the person.

Can cats detect pregnancy?

Many years ago, when tests had not yet been created, cats were used to determine pregnancy. Women really believed that this way they could find out the presence or absence of an interesting position.

When a woman wanted to determine whether she was pregnant or not, she placed a cat on her stomach.

Conclusions were drawn based on the animal's behavior. For example, if the cat lay down on her stomach, curled up and fell asleep, then the baby should be expected soon. When the cat ran away, it meant that the woman was not pregnant.

Reasons for the ban

Cats should not sleep next to humans for several reasons. And there is no place for myths and emotions, only “naked” medical contraindications:

  • People who are prone to allergies should absolutely not take cats into bed with them, even if there is no reaction to the pet yet. The key word here is “yet.” If the pet owner suffers from hay fever, an allergy to household dust, or asthma, then anything can provoke an exacerbation, including secretions from the cat’s glands.
  • Cats should not be allowed to sleep with small children, old people or seriously ill people. There are cases where people suffocated under the weight of a cat's body.
  • Do not forget that cats are carriers of dangerous diseases and parasites. If there is even the slightest suspicion that your cat has a disease, you should not take it to bed!

Signs about cats' holidays

It is the tradition of the people to notice the behavior of domestic cats and be guided by it in making decisions. Even the baby's cradle was not approved in the chosen place until the pet slept in it. Only then was it believed that the place chosen was good and the child would grow up calmly.

However, in Rus', a cat who fell in love with sleeping with its owners was not always approved. People were even warned that if they got into the habit of sleeping with animals, they would end up with frogs in their heads. But this superstition is unlikely to have a magical basis. Everything is simpler - freely roaming cats could bring infection from the yard.

Now that our pets are kept clean and regularly undergo parasite prevention, there is nothing wrong if they jump into bed with their beloved owner.

There are several versions as to why exactly they do this:

  • the desire to be closer to a person even during sleep is an indicator of devotion and love;
  • Among adherents of magical practices, it is believed that a cat has very strong energy and can even heal a “ward” person. And for this it’s worth staying nearby;
  • if the purr tries to be closer and settles down on the pillow, perhaps she wants to feel safe and perceives you as a reliable protector;
  • Heat-loving animals, cats, strive to find a comfortable place to sleep. The master's bed is one of them.

There are also explanations for exactly how your pet is positioned in your bed. Each of the locations may also have a non-trivial background.

If the cat sleeps at your feet

Esotericists explain this by the presence of negative energy, which accumulates in the lower extremities, and the pet removes all negativity and cleanses the aura.

In addition, the reason for this choice of place to sleep may be your fatigue. Loaded legs, pain and aches are said to be felt by animals, and the cat is in a hurry to relieve you of unpleasant sensations by acting as a furry “doctor.”

Experts in mysticism say that if your pet repeatedly settles in the area of ​​his legs, listen to his non-verbal signals and visit a doctor. Perhaps your cat is warning you about an onset of illness.

If the place to sleep is on the owner’s stomach

There is no need to be alarmed if your cat can sometimes take a sweet nap on your stomach or chest. Perhaps he is just comfortable and calm. But when a pet suddenly suddenly changes its habits and tries to lie down in these places over and over again without changing its choice, this can serve as a bad signal. At least that's what psychics say.

What could be the reasons:

  1. Inflammatory process and increased body temperature. The person doesn’t notice anything yet and everything is fine, but the cat, like a living thermometer, already diagnoses a deviation from the usual temperature.
  2. Negative emotions. When you are irritated and angry, the furry pet, nestled in the chest area, conducts a kind of session of cat psychoanalysis, removing all the accumulated negativity with its healing effects.
  3. Heart and lung problems. They say that you need to think about this reason if a very small kitten is clinging to your chest.
  4. Pregnancy. This reason is most likely a joyful one for many. And popular wisdom believes that it is the cat that is able to be the first to recognize the birth of a new life and let the owner know about it through her behavior.

Dozing on the owner's head

Experts who study the behavior of tailed animals argue that such a choice of resting place indicates a strong attachment of the pet to its owner. If a cat basks in the area of ​​its head, it means it trusts you and even shows its concern.

As for esoteric moments, a cat lying on its head is quite capable of feeling and driving away a migraine, coping with high blood pressure and even lowering its temperature.

In addition, sitting at the top of the head, the cat “relieves” heavy thoughts, relieves unnecessary worries, calms and induces healthy sleep.

What threatens the neighborhood?

Cats, especially those kept in free-ranging conditions and without vaccinations and proper care, pose a real danger to human health. They can give their owners very unpleasant “gifts”:

  • Ringworm. The disease is highly contagious and requires very long treatment.
  • Toxoplasmosis. It is extremely dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes irreversible damage to the development of the fetus. It is worth noting that most people who have contact with cats suffered from this disease in childhood and have antibodies to its causative agent, but when planning a pregnancy, it is better to undergo the appropriate tests.
  • Pasteurellosis is a serious infectious disease.
  • Various types of fungal diseases.
  • Worms.

Even if the cat is domestic, you need to pay enough attention to it, get vaccinated and contact a veterinarian if:

  • The animal suddenly began to lose hair
  • A rash has appeared
  • The cat started sneezing and had a fever
  • A lot of dirt has accumulated in the animal's ears
  • There is discharge from the eyes
  • Diarrhea and/or vomiting began.

Love your pets and be healthy!

How to stop a cat from sleeping on the bed?

How to stop a cat from sleeping on the bed? If a cat is used to sleeping on the owner's bed, then it is difficult to wean it off. Many owners punish and scold, but everything is useless. How to stop a cat from sleeping on the bed? Some tips:

  • The best remedy is to not allow her to sleep in the bed from a very early age. At this time, the cat can be punished, explaining that this cannot be done.
  • Give your cat a new sleeping place. Perhaps she goes to bed because she does not have her own place to sleep. Buy a special basket, a soft pillow and a bed.
  • Spray the animal with water from a spray bottle.
  • Place double-sided tape on the bed. The cat will jump and its paws will stick to the tape - this will give it the courage to do it.
  • Scold your cat even before she wants to jump on the bed . But, if the animal does end up on your bed, continue to swear at it until it leaves. This way the cat will get used to not being allowed to jump into this place.

There are many different opinions about the habits of “mustachioed psychics.” Some say that a cat only lies down in a place with negative energy, while others are sure that a cat will not lie down in a bad place. There is even a belief that where the cat most often sits in the house, that’s where the bed should be placed. Each person chooses for himself what to believe in and what not. But we can definitely say that without fluffy and mustachioed pets our home will be empty and uncomfortable.

"I believe in good omens"

At Yana's house we were met by a Bombay cat named Chernysh. His pure black fur was shiny and shiny, his round copper-colored eyes sparkled - well, just a real small, wild panther. And the character is the most friendly and playful. He is the first-born in her cat family, therefore, as the eldest, he behaved sedately: he guarded the watermelon.

The girl said that she is a fan of Bombay people and believes in folk superstitions. Believes that black cats take away negative energy and bring good luck. I then looked at Yana in surprise and asked: “Luck?”

She confirmed with a smile: “Yes. Blackie belongs to the British bomb family, and in England it is believed that black cats bring good luck.”

The owner knows that Bombay cats do not like to be alone. That's why she bought a young Scottish Fold so that Blackie wouldn't get bored alone at home while the owner was at work. At first, the furry firstborn did not receive the new resident very joyfully: he hissed, arched his back, but did not fight. And soon the cats became friends, to the delight of the owner.

Gray in the photo looks so gloomy and gloomy, but in fact he is a sociable, cheerful cat, loves to play pranks, but religiously observes order in all his cat affairs.

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