Why you can’t look a cat in the eyes for a long time: signs

Since ancient times, cats have been endowed with mystical properties - in China, for example, this animal was considered, on the one hand, a representative of dark forces, and on the other, a patron of trade. In Japan, cats lived at the courts of the emperor and enjoyed all the privileges of the courtiers, and in Egypt these tailed cats were considered sacred.

The mesmerizing gaze of a cat is familiar to every owner of this tailed cat - it seems as if she sees something that is beyond our control.

In fact, for a pet, “gazing into emptiness” is a common thing, but you should not look closely into the animal’s eyes. Let's look at the mystical properties of a cat's gaze and answer the most popular questions and superstitions associated with these furry pets.

Myths about the cat's gaze

Its origins date back to Ancient Egypt. And this was associated with the cat goddess Bast, who was believed to hold the connection between the human world and the other world, silently overcoming these boundaries. This is where the belief came from that, by looking into her eyes, a person looks into the underworld. And only her equals could look into the clear eyes of the goddess. All others who allowed themselves to raise their gaze to the deity faced a terrible punishment.

Egyptian cat goddess Bast

Over time, cats spread from Ancient Egypt to Ancient Rome and further to Europe, where each family rejoiced in its hunter. But the dark Middle Ages came, when cats, as servants of the devil, often with their mistresses, who were assigned the regalia of witches, were burned at the stake by the Inquisition. It was then that the myth about the inadmissibility of looking a cat directly in the eyes was finally strengthened. So that the unclean does not enter a person and drag him into a noose or into a river.

Myths were born one after another. If you kiss a cat on the face, your energy will go away. I saw cat’s eyes in a dream, according to the dream book - this is a warning about grief, misfortune, failure. Be careful. Beware of evil spirits. The appearance of the photograph also did not spare the cat. Even an animal accidentally caught in the frame promised terrible troubles or death. Not to mention taking a special photo with your tailed pet, who will look at the people in the photograph with his own eyes. Then troubles certainly cannot be avoided.

One cannot help but recall fairy tales about witches who always had black cats with glowing eyes, which served them as an attribute of witchcraft. After all, this color has always been associated with the devil and mysticism.

In ancient, pagan Rus', cats were also not held in high esteem. She was considered a dark force that could not be allowed into the bathhouse. Because it was very hot there, this place was associated with hell. And the animals, acquiring their true appearance there, could begin to speak in a human voice. And, having met the gaze of such a werewolf, those nearby went crazy or died immediately.

The other side of the coin

Cats were not always or everywhere associated with evil. For example, in Ancient Egypt they were especially revered animals. The Egyptians loved these graceful and independent creatures. Each pharaoh had a pair of cats. They were cared for and worshiped. The most ancient rock paintings eloquently testify to this.

Japanese emperors also treated cats with special reverence. In China there is a saying that every merchant has his own pet. If it is not there, it is a bad trader.

There is an opinion that a cat has some kind of connection with the other world, which a person cannot see. Using a special channel, the animal receives information. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to know that your pet chats in the evenings with someone you can’t see. However, there is no scientific confirmation of this.

Why you can’t look a cat in the eyes: mysticism

For centuries there has been a belief why you should not look a cat in the eye. If you look into them, they begin to attract, bewitch and bewitch. And all because they reflect the other world, evil forces. After all, cats are the guardians of the underworld.

There has long been a sign that if a cat looks into the eyes, then a person’s vitality begins to decline, he is overcome by weakness, chills, illness, which ultimately can even lead to death.

People were afraid of the cat's eyes, glowing in the twilight. Therefore, when they saw the animal, they turned away and tried to leave as quickly as possible the place where the animal, which had gone out hunting at night, was located.

The mystical side of cats

The cat is very friendly with the brownie; it is through him, as a conductor between worlds, that the brownie communicates with its owners. If a brownie is deprived of such joy, he will easily begin to take revenge on the person. In addition, a cat can be a real doctor: lying on a sore spot, it takes away human pain. And simply stroking this animal will relieve a person from depression, stress and obsessive unpleasant thoughts.

Cats are very good at anticipating danger. That is why in Italian Naples cats live in every family. There is an active volcano called Vesuvius, the destructive power of which everyone knows. People living in that area trust cats, who can notify their owners of approaching danger.

There are many signs and superstitions associated with cats. I want to refute one of them right now. This applies to black cats and cats that cross the road and are harbingers of failure. Esotericists assure suspicious people that a black cat, on the contrary, gives people happiness.

In England, people respect black cats and consider them to be good omens. Now let’s try to figure out what a cat’s gaze conceals, why you can’t look a cat in the eyes, and what are the reasons for this.

Mystical theories

One of the most important mystical stories about cats originated in Ancient Egypt. The myth tells of the Cat Goddess - a woman named Bastet with a cat's head. She was considered a source of kindness, beauty, and also fertility. It was believed that before giving birth, an animal had to live in the house of the expectant mother. Bast stood on a par with the greatest goddesses; in the name of the woman, cats built temples. She had two moods - good and evil. If the homeland was in danger, the woman reincarnated as Sekhmet - a woman with a lion's head.

The Egyptians believed that the power and ability to transform was given to the Goddess by the devil himself to transmit information to the afterlife. The cat's body transmitted the energy of life to the other world through invisible lines. Not a single witch of antiquity could do without such a guide, and cats were suitable for this role like no other. During the extermination of witches, several thousand cats also left the world.

People really believed that a cat was not just a four-legged friend, but also a transmitter of human energy to other worlds. It is impossible to feel how a cat takes power from another living creature. This happens through completely different levels beyond human control.

Only the most sensitive people could perceive the connection between the cat and the underworld. Each witch settled one, or even more, cat in her hut. As a rule, they had black fur. The black shade is considered something mystical, devilish and at the same time incredible.

This myth has caused people to firmly assert that by looking into a cat’s eyes, a person loses vitality. This can lead to unpredictable consequences, and even death.

In Ancient Rus', cats were relevant to the darkest force. It was believed that a pet should not be allowed into the bathhouse, since it was very hot there and the place looked like hell. In the sauna, cats can take on their true appearance and speak in a human voice. The scriptures never mention this animal, which is quite strange.

Important! Legends about the mystical influence of cats are still relevant. Communication with the subtle world is accepted as the most important reason that one should not look a cat in the eye.

Is it possible to look a cat in the eyes for a long time: reality

But not in all cases, the behavior of a cat can be explained from the mystical side; the scientific side of the issue must also be taken into account. A cat is a predator and its eye is designed in such a way that in the dark its pupils dilate noticeably, and the specific shape of the lens makes it possible to see perfectly.

Their vision is peripheral and they can clearly see any object out of the corner of their eye. In addition, if a cat looks in one direction for a long time, this means that it is either watching what is happening or resting with its eyes closed.

Cats rarely look into their eyes. And this is explained by the fact that they can only do this in a state of aggression or hunting.

Well, if you see eye to eye with a cat, then watch her. Maybe she expresses her dissatisfaction, bad mood, well-being and even stress. Perhaps you forgot to feed her, and in this way she asks you to do it immediately.

Why is this look so creepy?

We agree: under such a prickly gaze you want to shiver. Remember where and when you crossed your pet’s path. But the real solution may be unexpected. Or rather, pleasantly unexpected. A long, attentive cat's gaze actually means great affection for a person, bordering on great love and adoration. “What a big and wonderful cat,” the pet thinks, looking at you intently. – Kind, affectionate, will always pet you and praise you, and treat you to something tasty. How lucky I am in this life!”

In principle, nothing unusual: cats and I just have a different interpretation of a long and intrusive gaze.

Egyptian legends

According to ancient Egyptian legends, all cats are descendants of the goddess Bastet , who was revered as the mother of life. Being the daughter of Osiris and Isis, she also personified the light of the moon and the sun. They asked her for the blessings of life and health. Offending a cat was the same as cursing oneself, so they treated it with deep respect, and bowed their heads when they met.

The Egyptians believed that these animals could speak to the souls of the dead, so they brought them offerings of meat and asked them to convey the message to their deceased relatives. However, at the same time, they carefully avoided their gaze, since they believed that it was he who broke the line between the world of the living and the dead.

Why does a cat look into its owner's eyes?

The reason that a cat looks into his eyes may also be that she wants to catch his mood or state of mind. Thus, he analyzes whether he can ask for a treat now or wait for a more convenient moment.

If the pet does not really like to meow, then with the help of eye contact he tells the owner that he wants to eat or drink. But there are also times when a cat behaves this way before attacking. Maybe she feels threatened by the person, or she wants to play.

Why can you get stares from street cats?

These creatures have enough worries and worries. The main concern is quite obvious - how to get food for yourself. The second concern: how to get food, so that I don’t have to pay anything for it. That is, the street cat looks appraisingly with the following goals: a) can you be used to its advantage and b) do you pose at least a minimal threat. Some cat lovers, when they see a cute street pussy, stop and try to pet it. But it’s better not to expect a response: stray cats are not used to maintaining physical contact with people. For them, safety is a priority.

Realistic look

In reality, of course, all cat owners no, no, and they will look into the wondrous eyes of their pet. And no one has yet been seriously harmed by this. And the myth is supported by the fact that most of these inscrutable animals do show noticeable anxiety when making direct visual contact.

The thing is that the structure of the visual apparatus in cats is very different from that of humans. In humans, a clear image is transmitted only to the central part of the retina, so in order to better see an object, he needs to move his gaze. A person's peripheral vision is blurry and unclear. For cats, everything is different and they see objects located on the periphery of their gaze just as well as those directly in focus. They don’t have to look closely at the object that interests them; they can clearly distinguish it, which is called “out of the corner of their eye.”

Cats, like their wild ancestors, use their gaze and direct gaze at the moment of confrontation. Thus, they demonstrate both an aggressive attitude towards the enemy and a lack of fear. Everyone is familiar with the scene when two cats glare at each other, nervously twitching their tails and making guttural sounds. This is exactly the case when animals share something and try to prove their superiority to each other.

When eye contact is interrupted, it means that at the next moment one of the opponents will attack (or will flee, deciding that the opponent is stronger).

Sometimes a cat can stare at one point for a long time, not move and, it seems, not even breathe. At such moments, she experiences fear and prepares to attack or defend. As a rule, a tense gaze directed at something is observed in a hunting situation. This is why people are so scared when cats look like this into empty space (it is unknown what she sees there).

When a cat makes eye contact with a person, it experiences the same emotions as when making visual contact with other animals. For her, this is a confrontation, a struggle, and the one who first looks away (and then does not attack), in her opinion, turns out to be a loser, worthy of contempt, giving up without a fight.

This is why it is believed that you should not look cats in the eyes. Often in such situations the animal attacks.

Surprisingly, large representatives of cats are completely calm in visual contact with humans. Although their habits in the wild are the same: visual confrontation, and then fight. They apparently don’t consider a person to be a serious adversary, so they don’t worry when he looks them straight in the eye.

Perhaps the cat wants to tell you something?

A word from Dr. Kathryn Primm: “Cats appear to be wired for nonverbal communication with people. Looking at its owners, the cat seems to ask for help in understanding the correctness of this or that choice, probes for a possible reaction and at the same time shows what it itself needs from them. The cat carefully reads human eyes and studies body language. Perhaps she herself “says” something at the same time. She really needs to see the owner's reaction, since she actually considers herself part of the family. It is very important to respond to your pet with exactly the same piercing gaze. By doing this, you calm the animal, assure it of some kind of social stability, and instill a sense of confidence. A calm owner means a calm cat. If you move your gaze somewhere else, your mustache will do the same.”

A cat's gaze is a kind of declaration of love, if you will. The next time you catch a “prickly” and “unblinking” look on yourself, return it to your pet. And as if by accident, blink at the same time. May love live long in your home!

source https://ilike.pet/ru/articles/koshka-sverlit-vas-vzglyadom-chto-eto-znachit_19/

How to look at a cat correctly

There is nothing wrong with looking your pet in the eyes. But experts who understand the psychology of cats do not recommend doing this for a long time and carefully. This may make him nervous because he will think that you are being aggressive. It is best to look at the tailed animal without making eye contact.

But if eye contact is established between you, then you should start blinking slowly. This way the cat will not perceive your gaze as aggressive. You shouldn’t take your eyes off your cat right away; she may consider you weak and stop respecting you. Nothing bad will happen if it is a simple street cat, but if it is your pet, then it is better not to practice abruptly stopping eye contact with it.

Experts also recommend practicing the gaze technique in some cases. This way the owner can establish authority, or in this way tell the pet that he has done something wrong. To do this, just take him by the scruff of the neck and look closely into his eyes. This way the cat will understand that it did something wrong and will continue to try to avoid such punishment.

But you shouldn't use this technique too often. The cat may lose trust in its owner and begin to fear him, which ultimately will not lead to anything good in the relationship.

The science

Scientists explain that looking into a cat's eyes is acceptable, but only for a short time. Eye contact with a person causes hostility and discomfort in the cat. She is overcome by fear of danger.

Despite the fact that prolonged eye contact with a person is unpleasant for a cat, she herself can look into human eyes. This happens when an animal wants to lure out a treat or catch a person’s mood.

Prohibition from a biological point of view

In the past, the cat family had to endure a lot of hardships. The cats fought for food, shelter and their own safety. Prolonged eye contact infuriates the animal, and deep-seated survival instincts become more acute. The feeling of danger is due to the fact that the animal is afraid of losing its sleeping place or daily food.

You may notice that before a fight, cats first look intently at each other, making aggressive sounds, and their fur rises up. And if none of the participants takes their eyes off, the battle will take place and the cat will defend its territory.

Anatomical rationale

Cat eyes are different from human vision. The human eye sees only what it purposefully focuses on. But the cat clearly distinguishes all surrounding objects and simply may not understand what a person’s gaze means and what he wants. And therefore, a direct, prolonged gaze from a person can cause aggression and misunderstanding in a cat.

REFERENCE. A person can make visual contact with an animal, but only for a short time. It would be better to just blink at the cat, so he will understand that there is nothing to fear, and the owner is friendly.

About street cats

Outdoor cats are less prone to aggression when making eye contact with a person. The fact is that animals from the street need attention and care, as well as food. And they simply do not have the motivation to have a negative attitude towards a person’s eyes. They are ready to do anything for a treat or just affection from a person.

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