All evening long: 5 reasons why a cat loves to sit on the windowsill and look out the window

Many cats love to look out the window. Thanks to this pastime, pets see new events and new characters every time. In addition, observing the outside world stimulates mental activity. Here are the five most common reasons cats love windows.

Interested in birds

A domestic cat does not have the ability to really hunt, but live prey is very attractive. At the sight of a bird, the hunting instinct awakens in a small domestic predator. And although she cannot jump and catch the bird, the animal experiences great excitement. Often at these moments you can hear the purr clicking its teeth.

Bird watching saves your pet from boredom. This is especially true for those cats that do not go outside. They spend every day at home, see the same objects and the same people. Bird watching is a good way to have fun. In this case, the window becomes a cat's TV.

Why do cats love to look out the window so much?

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Many cat owners have paid attention to an interesting feature of their pets - they try to jump onto the windowsill by hook or by crook. Having made themselves comfortable, the cats begin to carefully observe what is happening on the street. It seems that not a single even more or less significant event escapes their watchful eye. An hour passes, then another, and the cat continues to watch. What is so interesting she sees? Maybe the tailed one asks to go outside, but doesn’t know how best to do it? We'll figure out.

Staring out the window is a pleasure. Not long ago, an interesting survey was conducted among cat owners in the United States: what actions, in your opinion, do your pets perform to gain pleasure? Owners of 577 cats were surveyed, including 304 cats that had never gone outside. The results are as follows: 84.3% of respondents noted that their pets look out the window for several hours every day. The owners were also asked to share their personal observations - what, in their opinion, attracts the attention of their pets there, outside the window. Among the answers: watching birds, rustling trees, other cats, people, insects and other small animals. Nothing surprising.

What exactly do cats see from a scientific point of view? Cats are believed to have very sharp eyesight. This is not entirely true. Modern scientific data have led to a different conclusion: cats are myopic. They are good at seeing things and objects located a few steps away from them. But they most likely see distant objects as fuzzy (blurry). Anyone who suffers from myopia and wears glasses has a good idea of ​​what it is. But peripheral vision (the ability to see objects outside the focus of attention) is an order of magnitude better in purrs: a cat’s eye covers a field of 200 degrees (while we only go up to 180, and this is in the best case). Another highlight of cat vision is the ability to distinguish objects in low light conditions. That is why cats are considered unsurpassed twilight (night) hunters.

Among other things, cats have problems with color vision. They see the world in color, but not in the entire color palette, like you and I. Purrs see well in blue, red and yellow, but their sensitivity to other colors is reduced or completely absent.

Cats can get bored. And they can be understood. Imagine if your living space was limited by the walls of your home or apartment. Of course, for the sake of variety in your leisure time, you would go to the window and look at what is happening on the street. Look out the window right now. At first glance, there is nothing interesting on the street - the landscape sometimes does not change for years. But cats pay attention to every little thing. For example, a gust of wind stirred and dispersed a pile of last year’s leaves. The leaves began to spin and fly in different directions. It seems like a mere trifle, but the cat is interested. Some cats watch life outside the window and at dusk (and you already know the reasons). You can leave the lighting on: the lamp on will attract insects, which are very interesting to watch.

From what has been said, we draw one conclusion: if a cat strives for the window, there is no need to prevent it. On the contrary, make access to the window as convenient as possible. Place a chair, for example, or make a ladder. It is better to set aside indoor plants or move them to another window. Take safety measures to prevent your pet from accidentally ending up on the street. Do not leave windows or transoms open.

Cats love to watch birds - this sight causes genuine delight in pets. You can help your furry friend. Now, in winter, this is especially easy to do: arrange a small bird feeder outside the window. In one fell swoop you will kill two birds with one stone: feed the birds and benefit the pet.

But spring is just around the corner. Spring will bring with it new temptations and a sea of ​​new wonderful smells. Cats are known to have a delicate, sensitive sense of smell; they absorb these aromas with pleasure.

In addition, purrs like to imagine themselves as the masters of everything and everyone - at least of their own home. Watching what is happening on the street, mustachioed pets feel a bit like a guard dog. If suddenly an unfamiliar cat comes to your property or yard, your pet will arch its back, or even hiss. It’s nice to know that you are protecting your home and doing a good deed.

Let us mention one more reason - heat. The sun has begun to appear more often, its warm rays are already penetrating into our apartments. Where it's warm, there's a cat. Sometimes cats see their own reflection in the window, which also attracts attention.

Possessing acute hearing, the purr can sense a mouse or bird. You will immediately understand from the position of your pet’s body that he has turned all attention.

Advice: your purr may be upset and worried when she sees outside the window strange cats and dogs frequenting your yard. In this case, it is better to stop excursions to the window by tightly curtaining the windows. You don't need unnecessary behavioral problems.

Based on : Why Do Cats Love Looking Out Windows? Author : Vanessa Salvia. Source : Photo:

Looking for the owner

Cats feel much more acutely than humans. They are able to remember the sound of footsteps, the smell of perfume, even the sound of the owner's car. They anticipate a person’s arrival home in advance and already look out for their people in advance. Purrs also have a very sensitive internal clock. Therefore, if the owner returns every day at approximately the same time, then it is not amazing sensitivity that is triggered, but a sense of time.

Sometimes waiting for the owner on the windowsill can be a sign of fear of separation. Contrary to popular belief that cats are very self-sufficient animals, for some of them separation becomes a real stress. Typically, such disorders are observed in those who were taken away from their mother early. In this case, the pet will not just sit and look out the window, but will nervously walk along the windowsill, knock on the glass with its paws and meow loudly.

The outside world is exciting

There are many reasons why a cat likes to look out the window, let me give you a few examples.

  • Birds - We all know cats love birds as long as they aren't too big! They love the squeaky sounds they make and their somewhat random movements make them the perfect challenge! If only those pesky birds would get inside for just a second...
  • Other cats - we also know that cats like to protect their boundaries, and we don't decide what those boundaries are, they do. With an indoor cat, they can't mark their territory outside, so the best they can do is watch. You may hear them make a strange meow-growl, a sure sign that they have spotted another cat approaching their suspected territory.
  • Other animals - basically anything that moves is of interest to your cat. If it's a dog, you may see worry in their eyes and they may even jump off the windowsill even if they are completely safe. Or they may simply be intrigued by a strange, ugly animal.

Of course, there are many more things they can look at. For example, they might be looking for us!

If one of us has to go outside every day, he can eventually find out what time you will be back. They will watch you come home and then deliberately ignore you when you enter their home in the first place as punishment for leaving.

© shutterstock

Explores the world

Cats are very curious animals and love variety. When every corner of the house has already been explored, you want something new. This is where the view from the window comes to the rescue. People walk along the street, cars drive, trees sway... You can see so many new things in just 15 minutes. Watching the world will help you not get bored. Especially when the pet is left at home alone. Therefore, it is worth thinking about the possibility of conveniently equipping an observation point. For example, put a cat tree nearby or arrange a cozy bed right on the windowsill. If you secure the window with a special mesh, your pet will explore not only with its eyes, but also with its nose. Exploring the world around you stimulates mental activity and helps you better control your territory. In addition to the fact that exploring the world around us brings pleasure, it also helps the animal feel more confident.

Boredom and curiosity

In city apartments, cats are in conditions of sensory deprivation (lack of impressions). They do not hunt or communicate with their own kind. A normal, healthy cat needs to play for at least an hour a day.

She should have her own toys for independent play. But the owner must also devote some time to the pet to play with it with a fishing rod, a bow on a string, or a laser pointer.

The lack of fear of heights in cats is associated with an arboreal lifestyle and this plays a bad joke on them.

I saw insects

If your cat seems to be staring into space, it's likely that she's spotted an insect. Just as in the case of birds, instincts awaken and an imaginary hunt begins. But if the insect is inside, then the matter will not be limited to observations. In this case, the person will see the pet in action. After all, the hunter cannot resist the temptation to catch real prey. This is very convenient in the summer, when mosquitoes are in full swing. With a little huntress at home, their number will greatly decrease. But it is important to ensure that your pet does not catch a wasp, bee or bumblebee. Such a bite can cause allergies. To protect yourself and your pet, just install a mosquito net.

Why does a cat growl for no reason?

Dissatisfaction and irritation Another reason

, because of which
the cat growls
and hisses - this is irritation. This often happens when the animal is not in the mood to play with you and your guests and wants to be left alone. Ignoring these signals may also provoke an attack.

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Having fun with curtains

If your pet is tired of toys, curtains can be considered a new form of entertainment. This is another reason for long sittings by the window. The pet can play with the fabric itself and with accessories, if any. When there are blinds instead of curtains, the rope with which they are adjusted becomes a toy. It is advisable to protect the cat from accidental injuries and make sure that everything that it can cling to or hang on is inaccessible. To keep the curtains intact, just attach a special toy to the window sill.

The window easily becomes a cat’s favorite place, because it is both entertainment, an opportunity to enjoy the sun, and passive (and sometimes active) hunting. Observing the world keeps the pet occupied and helps not to get bored, helps to use the mind and therefore feel more confident.


I saw evil spirits

Cats can not only feel the negativity coming from a person, but can also see and feel otherworldly forces. It is not for nothing that cats have been considered mystical pets since ancient times, which were most often kept by witches and sorcerers. Many people have probably noticed how sometimes their pet suddenly stood up like a pillar, staring at one point and starting to follow something invisible, meowing at the same time.

A situation where a cat suddenly rushes to a window or door, begins to hiss, meow, scratch window frames or door frames, watch the invisible movements of something in space, means that something not very good is happening in your house, and evil spirits are actively in charge in your apartment and life. The cat is trying to escape from the house, which is why it so actively attacks windows and doors.

Sexual instinct.

Do not forget that during the rut in cats and in heat in cats, animals lose their heads and try to go in search of adventure. If your pet is not of breeding value, then it is better to castrate or sterilize it.

Such animals are much calmer and live longer. You will also protect them from genitourinary diseases. Food for castrated and sterilized cats will help keep your pet in shape so that he does not gain weight after surgery.

To protect animals from falling from the window, it is necessary to place a strong mesh on the windows (a mosquito net is not a barrier for a cat) or a lattice. It is better to glaze the balcony.

If the animal does fall out of the window, it must be found and urgently shown to a veterinarian. The limbs, spine, jaws and internal organs are most often injured. Even if the animal looks unharmed, show it to the veterinarian.

With the advent of plastic windows, a new type of injury has appeared. When ventilating vertically, cats, trying to climb through the window, get stuck between the sashes and, under the weight of their own body, compress their internal organs. Very often this ends in severe injuries and even death of the animal.

In your absence, leave the double-glazed windows in micro-ventilation mode.

Oddly enough, walking on a harness can help, especially with a dog (if you have one!). The cat gets used to walks and is not interested in what is happening outside the window. You can have an aquarium with fish for your cat, securely covered with a lid.

Then your pet will watch the fish, and not outside the window. You can also make a sleeping place for your pet on the windowsill or feed it there.

Play with your cat, enrich its environment, and it will have no interest in windows.


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