How to choose a bowl for a cat: tips for caring for pets

This seemingly elementary thing is a cat bowl. But there are pitfalls here too! Choosing the right bowl for your cat can help prevent many nutritional and even health problems.

Pet stores are filled to the ceiling with various cat paraphernalia: this bowl, that bowl, and with pictures, and multi-colored, and expensive, and cheap - however, the owner of the animal is usually guided by his own preferences in the choice. You can’t ask a cat which plate it would be more pleasant to eat from, and what method of serving it prefers. In order to save you as much as possible from the agony of choice, we wrote this article.


Typically, cat bowls are represented by the following materials:

  • plastic;
  • metal (stainless steel);
  • glass;
  • porcelain;
  • ceramics.


Plastic bowls
The most common and inexpensive material for cat bowls. The quality of plastic varies from product to product:

  • Cheap material can have an unpleasant odor, and also absorb the smell of food, bend, crack, and even release dangerous toxic substances - phthalates.
  • More expensive and high-quality plastic does not have these flaws, and its service life is much longer.

However, be that as it may, in most cases this material has a porous structure in which pathogenic bacteria can multiply, even if you wash the bowl regularly. In particular, the occurrence of acne in cats is associated with plastic bowls. Plastic, especially cheap plastic, is not our option.

Metal bowls

Metal bowls
are much more durable than all others. They usually have a rubberized base that prevents the bowl from sliding on the floor. Stainless steel utensils are absolutely safe for health and easy to clean, but they are also much more expensive than plastic ones.

There is, however, one aspect - dry food can rustle and ring in a metal bowl, which the animal may not like.

Glass, porcelain, ceramics

Ceramic and porcelain bowls
do not have a porous texture, are safe for health, and are easy to clean both by hand and in the dishwasher. In addition, such dishes are available to everyone - probably every house has a couple of saucers or small plates lying around. However:

  • such bowls can be accidentally broken (unlike plastic and metal ones);
  • they can slide on the floor (as they are usually not equipped with rubberized legs or a base);
  • If you preheat food in such a container, you or your pet may accidentally get burned.

Glass bowl
We conclude - plastic is bad, glass, ceramics and porcelain are acceptable, metal is good, but expensive. But material is not everything! The shape of the bowl is of great importance.

Wet food for cats: rating of the best according to veterinarians

Wet cat food is an alternative to natural food. The high percentage of protein in this food provides all the necessary nutrients and a long-lasting feeling of satiety.

Pros and cons of wet food

There are three types of cat food. One is based on the consumption of natural food, which the person himself eats. The other two are commercial dry and wet food that are sold in pet stores.

Cat health is the result of proper nutrition

Pros of wet food

  • Diet variety. High-quality food can be made from meat, poultry or fish, and also contain additives in the form of crab meat, shrimp, vegetables and fruits. You should only experiment with exotic treats if your cat is not allergic.
  • Source of protein and fat. A cat's diet should include plenty of protein and fat to meet the animal's needs.
  • Large amount of moisture. Dry food is only 10% moisture, so it is important to make sure your cat drinks enough water. When feeding moist (wet) food, which is 75% water, this is not necessary.
  • Nutrients and taste appeal. Liquid cat food is less heat-processed. This retains more nutrients and has less impact on taste.
  • Portioning. One sachet of wet product is designed for a single meal for an adult cat weighing 5-7 kg.
  • Preventing overeating. Cats eat less when fed high-protein wet food, as it helps keep your pet well-fed.

Cat obesity as a result of overeating

Note! For sterilized cats, the number of kilocalories in the diet changes.


There are fewer disadvantages to wet food than disadvantages:

  • Price. Costs more than dry.
  • Deterioration of the oral cavity. Long-term use leads to bad breath. Because the texture of the food is soft, it does not work as a toothbrush and does not prevent plaque and tartar buildup. In this case, the owner must monitor the cat’s oral hygiene himself using a special toothbrush and toothpaste.
  • Perishable product. Wet food in a bag or bowl can stand at room temperature for no more than two hours, after which the contents are no longer suitable for feeding.

Veterinarians do not recommend basing your cat's diet solely on wet food. Only a combination of dry and wet gives a diet as close as possible to natural in nature.

Feeds are ranked by class: from economy to super premium. The difference comes down to the composition of the canned food for cats - the quality rating is presented below.

Important! You should not mix food from different manufacturers.

The best wet food for cats and economy class cats

The main advantage of such nutrition is its reasonable price. In addition, each brand has its own advantages.

Economy class food


The line includes meat and fish flavors, vegetable stew, and wet food for kittens.

  • price 15-25 rubles per package*;
  • vitamins and minerals included.
  • high content of wheat, an allergen for cats;
  • low percentage of protein content.

Perfect Fit Sterile

Created specifically for spayed and neutered cats. The recipe is based on controlling the weight and urine pH of a four-legged pet.

  • price 25-30 rubles per package*;
  • zinc and sunflower oil to improve wool quality;
  • a complex of special minerals against the formation of kidney stones.
  • Strong smell;
  • cereals;
  • proteins from animal flour and soy concentrate.

"Our Brand"

The best canned food in the low price segment due to the high level of natural animal protein in the composition of food in this category - at least 15%.

  • price 25-30 rubles per 100 g*;
  • prebiotic included.
  • The basis of the food is corn, an allergen for cats.

Felix “Appetizing Pieces”

A wide selection of flavors will help diversify your cat's diet.

  • price 25-30 rubles per package*.
  • there is no information on the ratio of animal and plant proteins;
  • flavorings, dyes.


This wet food is also inexpensive.

  • soy free;
  • price 30-35 rubles per package*.
  • offal and processed meat products.

Important! The advantage over analogues is the absence of cereals, a dangerous allergen for cats.


Not the most recommended option for wet cat food, since the first ingredient in the composition is grains.

  • Price 15-20 rubles per package*.
  • offal, both meat and vegetables;
  • unknown dyes and preservatives.

Rating of premium wet cat food

If your budget allows, you can switch your pet to a premium diet. However, the opinion of veterinarians is that it is better to use these foods in cases where the cat has certain health problems.

Premium food

Dr. Clauder's Anti Struvit diet

Canned food is intended for the prevention of urolithiasis.

  • high percentage of protein and low percentage of grains (rice only);
  • two volume options: 200 g and 400 g.
  • price 150 rubles per 200 g*;


German manufacturer of wet food in canned and pouch formats.

  • free of grains, soy, sugar, artificial colors and preservatives;
  • for cats of different ages;
  • natural proteins and fats.
  • price 150-200 rubles per 200 g*;
  • by-products among the ingredients.


The American company Hill's has created three lines for cats: Prescription Diet for disease prevention, Science Plan and Ideal Balance for a daily diet.

  • Available in the form of canned food and pouches;
  • reasonable price 65-70 rubles per 85 g*.


Proplan premium food produced by Purina. Some factories are located in Russia, so the batches are tested by an independent commission of quality. Suitable for disease prevention and daily diet.

  • The medicinal food contains natural meat;
  • price 65-75 rubles per 85 g*.
  • high percentage of soy and corn content;
  • small amount of vegetables in the composition;
  • animal fat, liver, offal flour.

​Anti-rating of premium wet food

Food from some manufacturers causes deterioration in the health of cats. It’s worth knowing about this so as not to make mistakes in planning your diet.

Anti-rating of premium food

Royal Canin

The composition of the Kanin diet is, unfortunately, of low quality.

  • components that cause allergies in cats;
  • indigestion.

Brit Premium

Economy class ingredients.

  • proteins are a mixture of chicken meat flour and dried chicken;
  • rice and wheat included;
  • the number of special ingredients (sources of vitamin B and MOS, herbal and fruit extracts) that increase the cost of feed is extremely small. It will not affect the cat's health in any way.


Composition of economy class products at a premium price.

  • no palatability for cats;
  • cereals;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • The guaranteed volume of vitamins is low and does not contribute to improving the health and appearance of the pet.


Low quality composition.

  • high price for such a composition;
  • no meat, only animal proteins;
  • unknown preservatives and antioxidants.

Note! Some veterinarians attribute the growth of cancerous tumors in animals to the consumption of this food.

To keep your pet healthy, you need to choose the best canned food for cats.

Super premium wet food rating

As a rule, this is food with natural ingredients, however, finding it in stores can be difficult.

Super premium food


The composition of German canned food and pouches from Leonardo is completely natural. The food is one of the top 5 foods recommended by experts.

  • 70-90% of the composition is chicken meat; the remaining 10% - seafood, fish, fish oil and offal;
  • natural preservatives (tocopherols).
  • Not sold in all pet store chains.


Applaws fully meets customers' expectations of European quality standards. None of the diets presented by the UK manufacturer contain grains or gluten.

  • high percentage of ingredients made from natural meat;
  • All grains have been replaced with potatoes, which are easily digestible by the cat’s gastrointestinal tract;
  • low price for food of this level.
  • Not sold in all pet stores.


Food for picky gourmets. Whole pieces of fish and meat, complemented by exotic fruits such as papaya and mango, set GimCat apart from others.

  • up to 90% of the composition is natural fish and meat;
  • low price with this composition 90-110 rubles per 1 jar*;
  • only rice (3%).
  • Once opened, it should not be stored for more than 24 hours.


Swiss cat food undergoes strict state quality control. The diet contains an immune system stimulant.

  • fish and meat ingredients;
  • no dyes.

Opti meal

The composition consists of 80% meat and offal.

Note! To improve digestion, beans and carrots are added as fiber, and cranberries act as an antioxidant and help normalize the functioning of the urinary tract.

  • high protein content;
  • food is enriched with vitamins and minerals;
  • prebiotics for digestion.

​Rating of wet holisticists

These foods are made from products intended for human consumption.


It has an extensive meat menu. Belgian wet food manufacturer Grandorf offers 12 meat and fish menu options. The composition is transparent, like no other food: 75% meat and 25% own juice.

Additional Information! High-quality fillets are processed at low temperatures to preserve all beneficial properties.

  • high quality composition;
  • An acceptable price for such high-quality food is 90-100 rubles per can.
  • Not sold in all pet stores.

Hill's Science Plan Feline Adult 7+ Youthful Vitality

Designed for aging cats over 7 years old. A balanced diet enriched with vitamins C and E is designed to maintain the health of an elderly animal by increasing immunity and slowing down the aging process.

  • natural composition;
  • 2 flavors to choose from: meat and fish;
  • affordable price when purchasing food with a special formula - 70-80 rubles per package*.
  • large pieces that are difficult for a cat to chew if they have dental problems that arise during aging.

Advice! It is worth following the manufacturer's recommendations when choosing food for your cat.

Solid Natura Selection

Canned wet food for kittens and adult cats, consisting of 97% meat, is produced by the Yelets meat processing plant. The diets are monoprotein and are based on veal, rabbit, quail, chicken and turkey.

  • natural composition;
  • no soy, GMOs, dyes.
  • Due to the lack of taste and smell enhancers, some cats are reluctant to eat.

High-quality wet food is a good addition to your cat's diet. The healthiest food will be food made from natural animal protein, without grains and with natural preservatives. An option close to this composition can be found from manufacturers of each class. The list above will help with this.

With proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, all useful substances are absorbed, which affect the thickness of the coat, bone strength and the condition of the body as a whole. A healthy, well-cared-for cat can live 15-20 years and be a joy to its owner.

*Prices are current as of October 2022


An example of a proper bowl is a flat saucer that does not touch the whiskers.
The most common form of a cat bowl is a more or less deep plate of small diameter with high sides. Sometimes it is wider at the base and seems to taper at the top.

Often two bowls - for food and water - are combined into one. And so the owner, satisfied and proud of himself, having acquired such a bowl, puts delicious food into it with a generous owner’s hand and... watches in disappointment as the cat pulls a piece out of the bowl and eats it on the floor. Why is this happening?

  • Many cats prefer to eat as if reclining or sitting on half-bent legs (squatting), and high sides make it difficult to take their favorite position.
  • Cats don't like it when the edges of the bowl... touch their whiskers! Vibrissae - tactile organs - are very sensitive, and excessive rough touches irritate the animal and can even provoke a stressful state.
  • Flat-faced cat breeds, such as Persians and exotics, experience all of the above difficulties at once: the whiskers, you know, get hurt, and you have to put your whole head into the bowl.

A plastic bowl especially for Persian and British cats has low sides and a ribbed bottom.
Thus, we conclude: the lower the sides and the wider the “mouth” of the bowl, the better. Ideally, this is the most common flat plate or saucer familiar to all of us. The box just opened! However, such a bowl also has a drawback - food can periodically end up “overboard”, so a bowl that is too flat is also bad. But that's not all!

How does the cat breed influence your choice?

Does what breed a pet belongs to affect the choice of dishes? Yes!

And all this is due to the variety of cats' faces.

For example, the favorites of the British or Persian or exotic breeds have a flattened nose and a small “retracted” jaw.

Will such cats be able to reach the bottom of a deep bowl? Of course not!

Consider the long-haired beauty of the Norwegian forest cat .

The fluffy fur of such a cat will often get dirty if the animal is forced to eat from a shallow plate.

Therefore, it is recommended to choose a bowl based on the breed characteristics of your pet.

Important! Canned food and other soft foods are best served in containers with low sides, while dry food and liquids are best served in containers with high sides.

Everything has been decided with depth, but what to do with dimensions?

Surely it will not be news to every pet owner that for large pets (for example, the same caracals ) it is more practical to use large-sized dishes.

And for small cats such as bobtails, a medium-sized bowl is suitable.

Nowadays, stores are full of a variety of bowls; everyone can choose a product to suit their taste.

Do you need coasters and mats?

Examples of stands - wooden, metal and plastic
The range of cat gadgets is full of different stands, ranging from plastic to wooden. Their purpose is to give the bowls stability, to please the owner's eye aesthetically, and to prevent food and crumbs from spilling on the floor. Some of them are attached to the wall, leaving space on the floor free. But as practice shows, many cats don’t like them. Why?

  • Metal stands again prevent the cat from adopting a “half-bent” position; even if they are adjustable in height, they will still have to be lowered to the floor as much as possible - why not just do without them?
  • Wide stands in the form of a tray or stands with niches into which bowls are inserted are also not liked by everyone, since they either raise the bowls higher or have a fairly large area, but limited by the sides, which makes it difficult for the animal to access the bowl from different sides.
  • Rugs can have an unpleasant odor or scare the cat away from the bowl, since for the animal it is an incomprehensible substance that does not want to get its paws dirty. Although the item itself is useful - rugs can also absorb spilled water, some of them even have sensors that will prevent the robot vacuum cleaner from crawling into the bowls.

Silicone bowl mats
are suitable for your pet if he prefers to eat while sitting or standing. If you want to keep the floor clean, but the cat does not perceive a beautiful stand or rug, you will have to accept it or use regular paper towels, changing them from time to time. Cheap and cheerful!

If there are several pets in the house

Do you have several cats? Then the problem of eating can become quite serious for you, because one animal can eat from the dishes of another.

If cats eat the same food, then there is no problem. However, what to do in a situation where the diet of four-legged animals should be different?

For example, you have an adult cat and a kitten, or one of the pets has been prescribed therapeutic food.

Place dishes away from each other. An older cat's containers can be placed on a raised platform or stand - where the kitten cannot reach them.

If two adult cats are prescribed different diets, and they eat from each other’s bowls, there is only one option - carefully monitor your pets during meals and prevent them from stealing food from each other. Containers should be removed after eating.

The same advice is relevant when you have a cat and a dog at home. If you are unable to keep an eye on your four-legged dogs every time they eat, purchase bowls for your dog on a stand whose height can be adjusted.

IMPORTANT! Each pet should strictly consume only the type of food that is intended specifically for it. You can’t feed a kitten with food for adult pets, and a dog with food for cats!

Water bowl

The shape of the water bowl is very important, because getting a cat to drink water again is not an easy task. But in reality it's simple:

  • The water bowl should have a very wide mouth and low sides.
  • The container itself should not be very small - focus on a soup plate or small basin.
  • It is better to purchase several of these “basins” and place them in accessible places (but away from electrical appliances).

You can also pay attention to automatic fountains - constantly circulating water attracts cats more than just a bowl of water. A variety of shapes and materials will allow you to purchase a fountain to suit every taste and budget.


The cost of bowls depends on the material and the presence of additional elements, such as a tripod or tray. So, for example, metal products with a tripod cost from 500 to 3000 rubles, the cost of ceramic ones varies between 200-1000 rubles, plastic containers are the cheapest - about 300 rubles. Automatic feeders are the most expensive; their cost starts from 2000 rubles and depends on the set of functions and the complexity of the design.

Similar articles:

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  • Tablets for fresh breath from dogs' mouths
  • Dog ear cleaners
  • Choke collar for dogs
  • Outdoor enclosures for dogs

Gadget bowls

Automatic feeders should be selected according to the following principle:

  • not very high sides;
  • wide base;
  • high-quality plastic (after all, as a rule, such feeders are made of plastic).

There are different types of automatic feeders:

  • Some work on the principle of communicating vessels - as soon as the bowl is empty, the container throws out a portion of food.
  • More advanced models run on batteries - recently one of our subscribers shared her experience of purchasing such an automatic feeder for six feedings.

There are also interactive feeders, or food puzzles. They are great for animals with eating disorders:

  • swallowing food too quickly without biting the croquettes;
  • aerophagia;
  • vomiting of undigested food and so on.

Automatic feeders

If you do not have the opportunity to feed your cat twice a day and are often away, it makes sense to purchase an automatic feeder.

Automatic feeders are different:

The use of automatic feeders has a number of features:

That's probably all. The instructions for choosing bowls turned out to be voluminous. All you have to do is choose which bowl is best for your cat.


Main varieties

Next, let's try to figure out which shape of bowls is most convenient to use.


Round and oval bowls are suitable for most cats. They are stable, compact, and you can always choose a stand for them. Without a stand, it is advisable to use models that expand downwards, as if “sinking” into their own sides. For picky pets who do not tolerate contact of their whiskers with dishes, wide rectangular containers are suitable.


Designer bowls with intricate shapes in the form of fish, stars or birds look original, but are not practical to use. In such dishes, food gets stuck in the corners, the cat cannot get it out of hard-to-reach places, and washing shaped bowls is very inconvenient, especially if the container is small and your hand is large.

Double and triple

Many people find such models convenient, because you can immediately pour water into them and put different food in them. But in practice, it turns out to be the opposite - the food is constantly mixed, gets into the water, and all 2 or 3 compartments have to be washed, even if one is dirty.

Electronic feeders

“Sophisticated” electronic or automatic feeders may seem like a waste of money to some, but you simply can’t do without them:

  • if the owners spend a lot of time outside the home and there is no one to feed the pet on time;
  • if the cat sometimes stays at home alone for several days (business trips, travel).

As a rule, such feeders are equipped with dispensers and timers, thanks to which the pet follows its regime, receiving food at certain intervals and in the right quantity. The device can operate either from the mains or from a battery.

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