“I saw it, I regretted it, I picked it up”: what to do if you find a stray pet on the street

Many people have a feeling of pity and compassion for a homeless kitten, a cat that is wet in the rain and shivering from the cold. The animal’s big eyes are filled with melancholy, a plea to passers-by who can become owners and provide a warm, cozy shelter. Not everyone will agree to perform the heroic act of adopting a homeless pet, sheltering it in their apartment, and providing proper care. But if you still decide to take such a responsible step, study the recommendations of specialists on the correct adaptation of the animal. This will help protect the household and make the process of getting used to the new home more favorable for the cat.

Visit to the veterinarian and self-examination

It is necessary to show a kitten picked up on the street to a specialist. The veterinarian will conduct an examination and determine the condition of the animal. If the presence of diseases is suspected, the doctor will perform additional tests. If necessary, he will select effective treatment and prescribe medications. A variety of diseases spread among homeless animals. Some of them are dangerous to humans. A professional examination will help maintain the health of your pet and protect family members.

If it is not possible to contact a veterinarian at the first stage, it is necessary to arrange a quarantine for the new resident. For 2-3 weeks it should be placed in a room where there are no drafts, the optimal temperature is maintained, and the pet’s condition should be carefully monitored. It is necessary to exclude his contact with other animals, if there are any in the house. The cat should have a separate bowl, its own tray.

A kitten picked up on the street must be carefully examined. In a healthy pet:

  • there are no damages, growths on the skin, no bald spots;
  • there is no redness on the mucous membrane of the eyes, no lacrimation is observed;
  • there is no unpleasant odor from the ears, there is no excessive amount of wax;
  • The nasal speculum is in good condition, there is no runny nose.

You need to feel the paws to make sure there are no fractures. You should also lightly palpate your tummy. If there is damage to internal organs, the animal will feel pain and react accordingly. It is necessary to check the cat's reaction to light and water. If she is terrified of these factors and exhibits aggressive behavior, this may be a sign of rabies. You need to contact a veterinary hospital urgently.

Seven tips for those who have adopted a kitten


You saved a living being. You brought home a kitten from the street, and you didn’t even imagine that you would have so many questions. Is there something in his ear? Why are tears flowing from my eyes? He won't eat food from a bag, and does he even need a bowl? What to drink - milk or water? By the way, I might as well not pee on the carpet as a thank you... What if he is sick and contagious? And why hasn’t he crawled out from under the sofa for half a day?

When you adopt a cat from breeders, you get everything ready - a clean animal with vaccinations, toilet trained, usually a veterinarian’s phone number and the name of the food that this animal is guaranteed to eat. A kitten from the street is an unpredictable creature. He is afraid of his savior, he is not used to normal food, he has never been washed, he may have all possible diseases. In general, to turn an outdoor kitten into a pet, be patient.

1. Take to the vet

A kitten from the street can bring not only joy, but also ringworm, worms, fleas and ear scabies mites (dangerous for other pets).

“Give the kitten time to adapt to the new home, calm down, do not touch it for three days,” advises veterinarian Irina Bolotova. - And then, if the animal feels well, drinks, eats and runs, be sure to take it to the veterinary clinic. They will take tests from him, check his skin, ears, eyes, and advise him on what anti-worm remedy to choose and what anti-flea drops to put on the withers. 10-14 days after deworming, you need to make an appointment with a doctor to get your kitten vaccinated.


Vaccinations can be given to a cat only after he is 2 months old. The age of the “foundling” will be determined by the doctor. Typically, at 1 month, kittens weigh approximately 700-800 grams.

2. Feed

You don't know what your kitten will want to eat, so try buying several types of wet food to offer your guest. If you decide to feed regular food (minced meat, fish, meat), do not mix it with ready-made food. There should be water in the bowl at all times. NOT MILK! Contrary to fairy tales and folk beliefs, cats do not digest milk well.

3. Put him to bed

Don’t expect a street-frightened kitten to immediately lie down on your lap and have fun playing with a toy mouse. The cat can sit under the sofa or in the closet for a couple of days (he himself will find a place to hide). Give him a room, don’t try to lure him out, get him, or pick him up. If you have other pets at home, do not rush to introduce them to the new one. Let the kitten sit in silence, get used to the sounds of your home, sniff and realize that he is not in danger.


If you want to make friends with your other pets, you can try this: first pet the new kitten with a sock or towel, and then pet the other pet with the same sock or towel. This way the animals will understand that their smells “live” nearby in the same house.

4. Play

A kitten needs games just like a child. This movement, without which the cat is at risk of becoming overweight, is both a mood and an opportunity for you to make friends with a new pet. There are no cats in the world who would remain indifferent to a paper bow or a rustling piece of paper on a string, or a feather on a stick. All this will help you lure a scared cat out of hiding, and help him relax and have fun. Start the game unobtrusively, don’t crawl under the sofa and don’t insist. Wait until the cat comes out to play.

5. Stay close

Picking up a cat, bringing it home and leaving it alone for the whole day is pointless. So the animal will not get used to you, you will not be able to make friends. At first, try to spend as much time as possible with the “foundling” - play, stroke and scratch the baby, talk to him. As soon as the cat understands that you love him, he will stop being afraid.


When the cat feels like the master of your house, he will very quickly seize power, kick you out of your favorite pillow and take your cashmere sweater for himself. Remember, tenderness is tenderness, but the pet must understand who is the boss in the house and who is the cat. Learn to show your cat cunning.

6. Train to the tray

Buy a tray and add filler. It is important for cats to have something in the litter box that they can dig and bury in. Sand, fine filler. It is not interesting to bury it in newspaper or paper. Select a suitable location for the tray and wait. As soon as the kitten fusses and starts digging or looking for a place to toilet, carefully and calmly pick him up and carry him to the litter box. If he “does the job” on the carpet, scold him and take him back to the litter box. The main thing is that the kitten can see the way to the litter box, and that the door to the toilet or bath (where his toilet is located) is always open.

7. Don't be annoying

It’s clear that you want a soft fluffy ball to lie in your arms all the time, purring and purring. But the cat is an independent animal and does not tolerate annoying owners. If you pick him up, he will run away. You put him on your lap, he will jump off. There is no need to chase the kitten (and it is very important to explain to young children that a cat is not a toy that can be dragged around and dressed up in a dress). Give him the opportunity to “choose” you, come up, lie down in your arms. Just be prepared to pet your cat at all times.

Monitoring a cat during quarantine

During the quarantine period, the kitten must be closely monitored. Important indicators are appetite, consistency, and color of stool. There should be no foreign inclusions, impurities, blood or purulent discharge in feces and urine. You should pay attention to the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. They should have a light pink tint. The appearance of a yellow, bluish color is the reason for a visit to the veterinarian. You need to go to the hospital if you experience:

  • lack of appetite;
  • loss of shine on the coat;
  • depressed state;
  • temperature increase.

If no negative signs appear within two to three weeks, then you can stop quarantine, allow the kitten to move freely around the apartment, and get to know other pets.

Washing and antiparasitic treatment

A homeless animal has no chance of avoiding infection with parasites. The new tenant of the house must be rid of them. First you need to bathe the kitten using shampoo with acaricidal ingredients. This product will help to efficiently remove all dirt from the fur and skin, and rid your pet of fleas. One procedure for controlling insects is not enough. After a couple of days, you need to treat fleas with special products.

Another common parasite of stray cats is worms. A week after the anti-flea procedure, you should give your pet angelmint. It is advisable to use a drug that destroys all types of worms. If your cat's health is good, you can treat fleas and worms at the same time. After a week, the deworming drug must be given to the animal again. But you need to try to find out the age of the kitten. If he is not yet three months old, not all medications can be used in antiparasitic treatment.

Is it worth taking a kitten from the street and how to care for it?

Definitely yes. However, before you pick up a kitten, carefully weigh your strengths. This may require a significant investment of money and time. If you want to help a stray cat, but are afraid you won’t be able to cope, you can take your mustachioed friend into the care of animal rights activists. They give away animals that have already been quarantined and sanitized.

If you pick up a kitten on the street and shelter it in an apartment, as a rule, very grateful and faithful animals grow up. They quickly become accustomed to the litter box, are not picky about food unless they are spoiled at home, and will thank their rescuer forever.

Vaccinations for a selected pet

Cats need vaccinations. It will provide protection against common diseases. The timing of drug administration and dosage must be determined by a veterinarian. Please note that vaccinations are given only to healthy cats that have been treated for worms. You need to go to a veterinary hospital after the end of quarantine. Pets are vaccinated against:

  • calicivirus;
  • rhinotracheitis;
  • chlamydia;
  • panleukopenia.

Nowadays complex preparations containing components for vaccination against all common diseases are used. 2 vaccinations are required with an interval of 4 weeks. Rabies vaccination is done annually. There are new drugs with a validity period of 3 years.

Limiting contact with other animals

As soon as the furry tenant is brought home, where pets already live, you should take care of a separate closed place where the kitten will spend at least a month. A new pet should not cause other animals to become ill. If you can’t allocate a whole room, you can place it in a spacious, lockable cage or glassed-in loggia. The furry resident should be completely isolated. Pets should not be allowed to interact with the new pet for the duration of the quarantine.

Temporary isolation is an important stage on the path to a new life

After treatment for parasites and vaccinations, the kitten must be kept in isolation for 21 days. For some, this path may seem too long. But this is the only way to protect old-timers at home from unwanted diseases.

Proper feeding of your pet

Many cat owners prefer ready-made food. These products provide balanced, high-quality nutrition. But if it is not budget category food that contains harmful substances that lead to liver and kidney diseases. It is important to choose products that are appropriate for the age of the animal. For owners who do not have the opportunity to regularly purchase ready-made “extra” class food, it is better to feed the kitten with natural products, ensuring an optimal supply of all necessary microelements.

It is understandable to want from the heart to feed a hungry homeless animal. But you need to understand that street life does not contribute to the proper digestion process. Most likely, the system functions are impaired. At first, the cat needs to be fed dietary food. Volumes should be reduced, overeating during the period of getting used to homemade food is unacceptable.

Proper feeding will allow the body to adapt to a new diet without stress and will avoid stool disturbances and diarrhea, which can lead to dehydration.

To get along in character

Photo from the website sputnik.md
In order to find new owners for a dog, these owners need to first know about it.

Submit advertisements. In newspapers, magazines, on ad sites on the Internet, on bulletin boards at entrances. Finally, post advertisements in nearby areas.

“Try to imagine: what kind of owner would be suitable for your ward, who is this person, what does he do and what newspapers (websites, magazines) does he read? For example, if you find a calm small dog, then it can be a faithful friend for older people. Accordingly, advertisements should be submitted to newspapers that are popular among pensioners (these are free regional newspapers, newspapers with a TV program for the week (“Antenna”, “TV program”, “KP”), advises Anastasia Shukaeva , a volunteer at animal shelters with extensive experience in adoption animals.

– If you found an active young dog, then perhaps she was (or will be) a joy for people living outside the city. Submit advertisements in newspapers near Moscow or simply post them at commuter train stations. Or she can find her home in a family of young people - then advertise on the website avito.ru, on the vkontakte.ru network and on other Internet resources. Universal newspapers (those that are read by almost everyone) are Komsomolskaya Pravda and the Metro newspaper.”

We are installing the foundling. Instructions

  • Shelters do not accept puppies because : 1. Puppies require special care; 2. Puppies, most likely, simply will not survive;
  • What to do : 1. Look for foster care where they will take you for a fee or free of charge; 2. Look for owners.
  • What you need for this : 1. Take good photographs; 2. Write a text about the dog\puppy\cat\kitten (age, character, perhaps a story about how you found the animal). Indicate that you cannot keep the animal (for whatever reasons), that you need help finding the owner or temporary foster care. 3. Leave your contacts. This can only be a link to your page, or maybe also a phone number (at your discretion). For some people, for example, it’s easier to write than to call. 4. Write to the administrators of large animal protection groups with a request to place your ad (text and photo). 5. If there is a person who is ready to help, do not be lazy and talk to him. Anything can happen... including bad intentions.
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