A cat or cat left home: signs, reasons, what to do if a cat left home, how to return a cat if it left home?

There are many cat lovers in the world who dote on their pets, and the departure of their beloved cat or cat from home is perceived by them as a real tragedy. But, besides this, anxiety for themselves also settles in the souls of the owners, because scientists have already proven that cats have incredible instincts, and they can even foresee the danger that threatens the family, which is why they flee. Cats are also credited with a connection with an unknown, parallel world, from where they get information and can even save people living in a house that, for example, is about to collapse or burn.

But this does not always happen, and therefore if a healthy and seemingly happy animal suddenly, for no apparent reason, disappears somewhere from its habitable place, then people involuntarily think about a possible misfortune or even the imminent death of one of the members families. But do not rush to accuse your cat of betrayal - it is quite possible that she acted this way for completely different reasons. According to what? Read on and you will understand everything!

The cat left home: signs

The cat left home to ward off trouble

  • There is such a version of the sign why cats leave home - some kind of trouble really threatened the family, but your hypersensitive pet, having accepted the information about it, took it with him. Away from home, where everyone loved him so much, cared for him and cherished him.
  • So there is no need to blame this devoted animal in vain - who knows, perhaps, leaving his beloved and loving owners, he suffered a lot. But he couldn’t do otherwise, because he was protecting your family from some impending black misfortune. This small animal can harbor great affection for a person, which is why it is able to shoulder this dangerous burden, which was originally intended for people. And sometimes even at the cost of his own life.
  • Therefore, there is no need to carry out any rituals, as if, due to a bad omen, trouble suddenly happened to you - the cat did everything themselves.
  • Some people who have one of their family members seriously ill are sure that the cat’s departure during this period marks an imminent death. And even if the patient believes in these prejudices, his condition may indeed worsen significantly.
  • But the behavior of a cat can also be viewed from a diametrically opposite angle. It is quite possible to assume that the animal does not predict the arrival of death in your home, but, on the contrary, takes it as far as possible. Mentally thank the animal for the good deed it has done and wait for the health of the sick member of your family to improve. Convince him that the cat leaving the house is a good sign, and then he will have a real chance of a speedy recovery.

This is how a cat gets out of trouble

Signs: the cat left home and disappeared to make room

  • There is also such an opinion - the cat feels that its owners have decided to get someone else for themselves, and in this case, it can leave your house, as if making room.
  • It is not known what motivates the animal, resentment and disappointment, or, conversely, nobility, but one thing is important - there will soon be a replenishment , and not a loss at all.
  • Maybe you are about to have a baby, or maybe you are thinking about adopting another cat or dog? Then it becomes clear why your pet left you.
  • People knowledgeable in mystical manifestations claim that cats have psychic abilities. That's why they found out about your plans in advance and decided to do the best.

Why do cats leave home?

How to get rid of a stray cat

I regularly encounter an abundance of stray animals on my property. Some stay to live with us, and some still manage to find a home. I'll tell you what to do if someone else's animal is given to you.

Find the owner

Firstly, the animal can actually get lost. If a cat is wearing a collar, gets scared by loud noises and readily approaches people, it is probably lost. Another option is that she was forcibly taken to another area. The best thing you can do in this case is to take a photo of the foundling and post an ad on social networks. There are special groups to search for missing animals.

Secondly, the animal could have been deliberately disposed of in such a cruel way. If you live in a city, you can try to track the person using cameras, try to identify them, or post an announcement about this incident on the city's social networks, attaching photos. It is unlikely that a person will return for a cat, but in this way cruelty to animals can be stopped.

Contact the shelter

One day, an obviously sick dog came to live in our yard. We managed to agree with the shelter, which cooperates with the clinic, that we would bring them the animal. As it turned out, the animal was suffering from an incurable disease, and giving it to a shelter was the best option. There the dog was taken care of, and she lived out her days calmly, under the supervision of medical staff.

If you are faced with a similar problem, call the city's shelters and find out if they have available beds for the homeless. Most often, you will be asked to have your cat vaccinated and sterilized before being admitted to the facility. If possible, help the shelter: bring food, clean rags and necessary medicines.

If the cat is stray, you can easily catch it and bring it to the shelter. If she is feral, that is, raised on the streets, this process can be long and dangerous. I recommend reading my article on how to catch a cat in advance.

Agree on mutual assistance with neighbors: the check from the clinic for sterilization and vaccinations can be divided equally, as well as the responsibilities for finding a shelter and delivering the cat there.

Another way is to call the animal control service. The facility does not take away animals forever, but sterilizes them and can provide assistance with treatment. The service will return the animal to its original place, but now healthy and not bearing offspring. All you have to do is give clean water and food.

Ways to scare away animals

To avoid having to get rid of stray animals, prevent their appearance. You can do this in several ways:

  1. Remove all food sources (leftover food, food scraps).
  2. Feed animals at a distance from the front door of your house or entrance (at least 10 m).
  3. Don't allow shelter in your yard: caulk all cracks, close the shed tightly, and don't store building materials in the yard.
  4. Buy a spray at the pet store that repels cats but does not harm them.
  5. Install an automatic watering system on your site that will respond to movement and scare away uninvited guests.
  6. If an animal is digging up your garden beds, watch a video that gives tips on how to keep cats away from your garden.

What does it mean if a cat leaves home often: signs and mysticism

  • You can get one cat after another, but for some reason they all leave home. If you adhere to mystical beliefs, then it can be argued that the brownie does not allow all these furry creatures to take root.
  • In ancient times, they said in such cases that the cat was “out of place” , that is, the brownie did not like the color of the animal. Our ancestors believed that he could only accept cats with fur of the color he liked into the house; he simply expelled all others.
  • There are ways to appease the brownie. First, get a cat of a different color - what if this is the one he likes?
  • When you first bring your new pet into your home, place your right hand on his head, and then say in a loud voice:

Conspiracy for a brownie

  • And at the same time, please the invisible owner with some delicacy and a glass of good wine - let it all sit on the table at night.
  • And the brownie will treat your request with understanding, if, of course, he likes the treat and is treated with respect. You can also give parting words to the cat herself.
  • Every time you leave home, tell her:

Parting words for the cat

  • In this case, you can hope that they will find a common language with each other, and the cat will finally take root with you.
  • However, brownies are not the only reason why young cats leave home. One of the most frightening signs is the curse hanging over the family.
  • Dark forces can harm health and even take the lives of entire generations. Many of them, living in a cursed house for decades, do not even suspect what kind of sins cause an endless series of misfortunes and troubles .
  • Unlike cats, these sensitive creatures instantly pick up the negativity spilling everywhere in the house, and therefore try to leave this unfortunate place as quickly as possible.
  • If the impact of negative energy is very strong, then you need to act in this case without any hesitation or delay. In this case, only a priest can help expel dark forces from the house by consecrating the home.

Mystical nature of the cat

Cats have always been associated with magic.
Their imposing behavior and deep, soulful gaze give them mystery. Observing the habits of domestic predators, people attached special importance to it. Depending on the worldview, time and country, superstitions associated with them may change, but there is one common feature - all signs about cats have a long history. There is a theory that cats sense the subtle world and, receiving information, warn their owners about upcoming events in a way that is accessible to them. Signs help you learn to understand these signs.


Cats are sensitive to places of strong vibrations and are able to transform the negative energy of geopathogenic places in the home. Thanks to this skill, the home environment becomes cozy and positive.

Why do cats leave the house: real reasons

It is not at all necessary to associate the cat leaving the house with signs. People who do not believe in mysticism can name completely different real reasons why animals sometimes do not return home.

Let's look at some of them:

  • The cat might have gotten lost. Everyone knows the facts when dogs and cats have traveled vast distances in completely unfamiliar places in order to return home. However, one should not think that all animals have exactly the same superpowers. Some of them may well get lost just a few blocks from home, chasing a bird or fleeing a vicious dog.
  • The cat leaves the house to die . Very often cats, sensing their imminent death, leave home. They have this feeling inherent in their nature - to die alone, so at this time they even mistake their beloved owners for unwanted witnesses.
  • The cat could lamb. It is quite possible that you are worrying about the loss of your cat in vain. If the time came, she could find a place somewhere outside the house to give birth to kittens. This is especially possible if you drowned her previous litters, and she remembered this and hid away from you for this reason. In this case, only a few weeks will pass, and she will return to you, carrying already grown kittens in her teeth.
  • The cat is being mistreated. If a cat is constantly kicked and fed disgustingly, then the proud animal can simply run away from this inhospitable house.

Could have left due to mistreatment

  • The cat is jealous. If another pet or a new family member has appeared in the house, then the cat that has lived with you for quite a long time may soon disappear. And do you know what the reason is? She was offended by the loss of your attention, because animals, just like people, feel jealousy and suffering, feeling that they are superfluous here.
  • The cat doesn't like the situation in the house . If the psychological situation in the house is tense, then cats have the ability to change it for the better. However, sometimes an aggressive relationship develops between the owners, they constantly quarrel with each other, and sometimes they even give up. Believe me, the cat will perfectly feel such an atmosphere and will probably not stay in such a house for long.
  • The cat doesn't like children. A cat may experience constant stress due to annoying children. They can play with this woolly meowing miracle for a long time, squeeze it, drag it by the tail, and few people might like this. To prevent your pet from leaving you because of this, you should make it clear to the child that the cat must be treated kindly, and not torment it with long games.

Signs about cat energy

Stroking a cat

At all times, it was believed that cats are able to see and contact the other world. This belief arose due to the sensitivity of these animals to energy flows and anomalous phenomena. Cats may stare into empty space for a while or catch invisible objects with their paws. Folk signs about cats in the house often connect this animal and the other world.

Experts also say that Murka or Murzik, who rub against a person’s legs, transfer some of the good energy to him or fuel themselves. You cannot drive the animal away at these moments, since an offended cat can take too much or give off bad energy.

There is an opinion that cats are prone to energy vampirism and dogs are better suited for people with internal disharmony or a weak energy background. However, representatives of cat breeds primarily pay attention to attitude. If the owner is kind to them, then the pet will help resolve the internal imbalance.

The cat left home: a conspiracy to return

  • To return a cat that has left home, you need to pour your favorite food into its bowl, next to which a white candle should burn. Next, you should turn in your thoughts to the bright forces of the Universe, with a request not to allow anything bad to happen to your pet.
  • With all your heart, ask that the animal return to you safe and sound . Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  • Fill a glass with water and place it on the threshold of the house, say the following spell:

To return the cat

  • And at the same time, clearly imagine how your pet returns to your home. Next, you will need a rope, which should be used to tie all the legs of the dining table.
  • Hold the second burning candle near the open window, while saying loudly:

We continue the ritual, we need to say

  • Believers should not cast spells and perform rituals - it is better to go to church, light a candle and turn to God with a request that your missing person return to you.
  • You shouldn’t give up while you still have a chance to return the mustachioed fugitive home. After all, there have been cases when animals did not make themselves known for several months in a row, and then suddenly appeared. But if time passes and your pet still hasn’t appeared, let him go from your soul.
  • Anything can happen, either something bad happened to him, or he really took the trouble away from you, thereby taking all the negativity upon himself. Remember the good moments associated with your furry pet and live in the present. And in life there is always a reason for joy!

Cat in the house of a lonely woman according to Feng Shui

According to the science of Feng Shui, every thing in the house is endowed with a certain energy, and this invisible substance moves in orderly flows. Household members are also endowed with their own energy, including their pets.

However, if you follow the science of Feng Shui, a cat cannot in any way affect the marriage or lack thereof of the owner.

Psychologists of the twentieth century argued that unmarried girls should not have these pets. Caring for a pet creates the illusion of family life, which is why a woman loses the desire to look for a partner or have children. This is how the superstition about the old maid with many cats is scientifically explained.

But in the last decade, many experts have changed their minds and recommend that single girls keep cats at home. These animals create comfort in the apartment, and they can also help cope with nervous disorders.

Also, representatives of cat breeds sense the energy of people well, and if the animal does not like it, then such a person may feel bad. If a cat sits on a man’s lap or lies on his chest, then you can build a family with such a person.

For a long time, people have been wary of those at whom cats hiss. According to signs, the animal can also sense the presence of evil spirits and defiantly scratch at the door or meow loudly.

What to do to prevent the cat from leaving the house?

  • No matter how tame and domestic your pet may seem, two main instincts can still take their toll - procreation and hunting. In the heat of love or in pursuit of a bird, your cat may fall out of a window or slip through an open door and get lost. And if your apartment is located high, then he may be injured or even die. To prevent this from happening, you need to follow certain rules.
  • When you decide to get a kitten, you should not only take care of its health and proper feeding, but also think about its safety in your apartment. In plastic double-glazed windows, the presence of mosquito nets can protect the cat from falling out of the window. If the apartment still has old-style windows, they should be surrounded with bars.
  • It is also worth thinking about sterilizing the animal. If the operation is performed in adolescence, the animal will not go on long sprees with the risk of getting lost somewhere. In addition, there is another huge plus in favor of castration or sterilization: cats that have undergone such an operation live much longer than their non-operated counterparts.
  • If your cat is a representative of an elite breed and he walks on the street unattended, then he may be stolen . Owners of such cats should have microchipped - in this case, he can be quickly found.
  • If the owners are planning to change their place of residence and are happy about it, then the cat may not like such a move. And if he doesn’t like it in the new house, he may well return to the old home, and hundreds of kilometers will not be a hindrance for the cat. In order for your pet to quickly adapt to a new place, the owners need to pay more attention to it.
  • A herbal sedative can also help reduce nervousness in a cat . If you really value your pet, put a collar , on which you write your address and telephone number - these measures can help return your restless tailed pet home.

The cat also needs care so that it does not leave.
Interesting information at the end: according to signs, cats of different colors have their own special abilities. For example, a black cat’s purpose is to protect the home from evil spirits , a red cat’s love with it , and a gray cat’s purpose is to strengthen well-being and prosperity. The white cat is designed to heal and harmonize family harmony, and the tricolor one good changes into the lives of the people who shelter it

However, you should not believe that the red cat’s departure will deprive you of a romantic relationship, and with the departure of the black one, some evil spirits will settle in your house. In this situation, neither the color nor the gender of the animal matters.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with other signs:

  • How to properly throw away your old wallet
  • Why you can't re-gift gifts
  • What can and cannot be given as a housewarming gift?
  • Why you shouldn't kill spiders at home
  • Why can't you knock on the table?

Signs about color

Regardless of breed, all cats are capable of healing people and improving the atmosphere of a home. Watching their pets, people noticed peculiarities not only in behavior.

The emerging superstitions affected, in addition to the actions of the animal, its color, giving a certain color a special meaning:

  • white paws on a cat - improve the well-being of the family;
  • striped animals - improve mood;
  • Taking a multi-colored pet into your home means providing your family with happiness.

All shades of red indicate that the animal is capable of treatment. Accumulating the energy of the Sun, it gladly shares it with its owner. Possessing a balanced character, they are able to adjust the space around them to prosperity, which has a positive effect on the financial well-being of the family.

By purchasing a golden-colored pet, you get an ardent homebody and connoisseur of home comfort. Ginger cats are distinguished by their excessive guardianship over small children, which makes them excellent nannies. Legends say that the brownie loves such pets most of all and is happy to establish contact with them.


The powerful energy of a black cat scares people. Superstitions characterize people’s attitude towards such animals in completely different ways, but are united in one thing - the strength of this animal.

Black pets protect and defend their owner. Their healing ability is great, and their character is calm and balanced. They share their powers with a sick person and help restore health.

Attitudes towards black cats vary. In Europe and on the territory of Russian-speaking states, they are considered harbingers of troubles and failures. In past centuries, they were undeservedly exterminated, perceiving a chance meeting on the street with a black cat as fatal. Folk omens about cats say that if such an incident occurs, to neutralize the negative, you need to throw salt and spit over your left shoulder three times. There is a belief that they attract lightning, so during a thunderstorm they were left on the threshold or in the barn.

In some countries, residents are confident that an animal that lives in a house protects it and scares away burglars. They try to appease black cats and create good living conditions so that they protect their home even better.

Since ancient times, in the families of sailors, it was considered a good omen if a black cat strayed. It became a talisman, and men often took the animal with them on sailing trips.

There was a belief that they are the best companions of witches and protect them from evil spirits, so people who practice magic buy them to create a mysterious atmosphere. They have strong energy and are the best healers in the cat family.

The white color is associated with purity and tenderness. These animals are favorites of aesthetes, and their ability to relieve stress amazes even skeptics. After a hard day, it’s enough to stroke the furry doctor’s fur for a few minutes, and the fatigue will go away as if by hand.

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The subtle energy of cats resonates with the lunar energy, which arouses interest among people who practice magic. Meeting you on the street is a good omen, so wait until she crosses your path.

According to the old English tradition, gray cats were given to newlyweds on their wedding day. This contributed to a long and prosperous union. This peculiar color makes the animal a little inconspicuous, but of all of them they are the kindest and most affectionate.


The aristocratic appearance of the Siamese cat is gradually transmitted to its owners. They have a complex character, but are loyal and courageous. Their property is to attract good luck and success to the house where they live. They help their older generation family members maintain their health and set them up for an active lifestyle.


If your pet's coat is colored in three colors, then there will always be happiness, luck and wealth in the house. When combined with each other, the color colors harmoniously complement each other and help enhance the magical energy of the animal. Calico cats often show signs and give their owners answers in difficult situations. In many countries they are considered a talisman that brings happiness.


The color of a combination of two colors indicates the docile and calm nature of the animal. Cats with this color are able to protect their place of residence from all kinds of adversity and disasters. They are friends with the brownie and are reliable guardians of the home.


Pets with a tortoiseshell color are magical and develop intuition. They subtly sense a person’s sore spots and promote a speedy recovery, giving the necessary energy to the unhealthy place. By placing your pet's tail on the wart, you can make it disappear quickly.

Cats and weather

in the old days, people tried to find a connection between the behavior of cats and weather phenomena

  • The cat sits in the stove in the cold.
  • Cat in a ball - to frost or cold snap.
  • The cat scratches the floor - in the wind, in the snowstorm.
  • A cat hides its face - to the cold, to bad weather.
  • A cat sleeping soundly or sleeping with its belly up means warmth or heat.
  • A cat licking itself against the grain means rain.
  • Licking his paw and smoothing the hair on his head - good weather.
  • Sharpens its claws on the leg of a table or chair - when the weather changes.
  • If a cat washes itself turning to the east, this is a harbinger of good weather; if turning towards the west, the weather will deteriorate.

Since ancient times, people have relied on cats as four-legged weather forecasters. In some areas of the planet, these traditions are still alive today. For example, fishermen in France closely monitor the behavior of their pets before going out to sea; they have long noticed that if a cat passes its paw behind its ear while washing, it means rain. If you clean your nose, the wind will rise. If the cat lies down on the ground and begins to spin, the weather is getting better. If the purr hides its nose in its paws or tail while sleeping, there is no need to wait for warmer weather; this is a sure sign that the cold weather is dragging on. If a fishing cat purrs louder than usual, you should not go out to sea, this is evidence that storms and storms are approaching.

What are superstitions?

superstitions associated with cats are often contradictory, for example, the Irish consider ginger-and-white cats, rather than black ones, to be sinister

Folk superstitions about domestic cats begin to accompany the animals even before potential owners appear in their lives. The purchase of a cat was accompanied by various magical actions; since ancient times it was believed that it was impossible to buy cats. The animal had to be taken from the street or exchanged, for example, for a chicken egg. According to Slavic and Finno-Ugric folk beliefs, cats are at the disposal of brownies. Therefore, it was customary to have cats of the same color as the hair color of the owner of the house. Otherwise, the brownie will dislike the purr and constantly throwing it off the stove and drinking the animal’s milk will drive it out of the hut.

Further more. Signs about cats among residents of different countries were able to cover spheres of human activity, natural phenomena and fears of the inexplicable. Attitudes towards these superstitions may vary, but they will certainly make you look at your pet differently:

  • In the Slavic tradition, before putting the baby into the cradle for the first time, a cat was placed there so that the child could sleep better.
  • Before entering a new hut, a black rooster and a hen were allowed in there on the first night, and a black male cat on the second.
  • During a thunderstorm, you need to throw the black cat out of the hut, otherwise it may attract lightning and burn the hut.
  • Never spit on a cat. She will take revenge and failures will haunt you.
  • Under no circumstances should you trim a cat's whiskers until they grow back and the person who did this will never be happy.
  • The time of high and low tides can be recognized by the shape of the cat's pupils. Oval pupils - low tide. Round - tide.
  • A person who stops a cat from meowing will lose everything if he starts gambling.
  • They say that if a cat cannot purr, it is more dangerous than a snake.
  • If a cat is castrated, he will stop running away from the house.
  • If a cat jumps over a dead body, it is bad luck.
  • In Ireland, it is not black cats that are considered sinister, but ginger and white cats.
  • When the cat is licking itself, grab it by the back paw and make a wish. It will come true.
  • It is a good sign to have a cat that is not afraid of water and loves to go out in the rain.
  • If a cat washes itself in the presence of a large crowd of people, whoever it looks at first is the first to die.
  • If you wish a person harm, give him an Angora kitten. With this gift, illness, misfortune and death itself will enter his door. To prevent a series of misfortunes, you need to symbolically pay at least a small coin for the cat.
  • If a cat constantly screams at night, he is tormented by devils.
  • To prevent the animal from running away at night, you need to trim the hairs in its ears. When dew gets into his ears, it will be unpleasant for him, and the next night the cat will stay at home.
  • If a cat who died a natural death is buried under a barren tree, it will begin to bear fruit.
  • It is believed that humans cannot digest cat fur. And if even one hair gets into the stomach, a person can die.
  • A person who sees a black cat in a dream on the night before Christmas will become dangerously ill that year.
  • If a cat eats boiled peas, it will go deaf.
  • Whoever sleeps with a cat gets frogs in his head.
  • The cat does not leave the patient or lies under the table on its back - to the death of the patient.
  • Whoever carries a cat's whisker in his wallet will not run out of money.
  • If, while a cat was sitting under the table, a man emptied a bottle of alcohol to the bottom, he will get married this year (Breton superstition).
  • A black cat bone taken during a full moon will make a person invisible. Also, in exchange for a black cat, you can get an invisibility cap and an irredeemable chervonets from the “evil spirit” (Old Russian belief).
  • Demons tempt the holy elders, appearing to them in the form of black cats (from the writings of medieval monks).
  • A cat gives life, health and well-being. She does this day after day and ensures a calm old age (inscription on ancient graves).

About family happiness

A cat sneezing next to the bride is a symbol of a successful marriage and a happy family life.
Any bride should be glad if a cat sneezed next to her. This is a wonderful sign. The marriage promises to be happy, the life together will be long, and the husband will be loving, caring and attentive.

The sudden appearance of a tricolor cat in the home of a married couple promises the couple a quick replenishment. And if a pregnant tri-colored purr has a completely black newborn in the litter, according to popular belief, the woman’s next child will be a boy.

Why can't you hurt cats?

according to popular beliefs, a person who was cruel to cats during his lifetime will take revenge in the afterlife

A person who offends a cat will certainly face some kind of retribution - this is what our ancestors believed. In some ancient cultures, retribution was not some kind of abstract, but quite concrete and equivalent to the deed. For example, in Pharaonic Egypt, killing a cat was punishable by death. In ancient Rus', of course, cat abusers were not executed. But what did folk superstitions promise a person for such atrocities?

  • Tormenting a cat is a sin. The first meeting in the next world will be with a cat: if a person was cruel to her, then the cat will scratch and tear his flesh with its teeth for an eternity.
  • Killing cats means never having any luck in anything.
  • He who kills a cat will become a killer of a person.

Cats and profit, benefit

According to legend, cats can both attract good luck to a person and scare it away

Folk signs associate cats not only with home comfort, but also with well-being or the lack thereof. Since ancient times, it has been believed that cats can contribute to a person’s luck: “if a cat is drawn to a person, it promises him benefit or a new thing,” the ancients said. Such beliefs exist on all continents; for example, merchants in Japan are still confident to this day that if a cat runs its left paw over its ear, then visitors will definitely come into the store and a profitable deal will be made. In China, a cat is considered the guardian of wealth, but at the same time, if someone else’s purr appears in the family, this is an omen of impending poverty. A Portuguese proverb says: a house without a cat or dog is a miser's house! In the Slavic tradition, cats were not only personified with wealth, but were even “used” for the purpose of enrichment. For some, these superstitions may cause a condescending smile, while others may take them into account and seriously try to improve their financial situation in this way. There are beliefs that in order to attract big money on the new moon, you need to stroke a gray cat with white paws, saying: “Kitty-bayushok, give us a bag of money” or “Kitty-bayushok, give us some money, perhaps a little more.” There was also an opinion that with the help of a black cat you can get an irredeemable ruble. To do this, on a moonless night with a black cat without a single white mark, you need to stand at the crossroads of four roads, so that one of them leads to the cemetery. In this case, you need to pinch the cat so that it meows loudly. When a stranger comes up and asks you to sell an animal, you need to demand one ruble for it - this ruble will become irredeemable: no matter how many times you give it away, it will certainly come back to you.

Other signs

Signs associated with cats are varied. If your pet has babies, you can give away all but the black ones, because you may lose luck. If it lays on clothes, it will bring happiness.

By observing the behavior of furry pets, people predict the events that await them:

  • take your pet fishing - to catch a catch;
  • hearing a squeal while setting off is not good;
  • a cat accompanying you down the street means profit;
  • washes himself calmly and thoroughly - to the guests;
  • reaches towards the person - towards purchases and gifts;
  • a cat sneezes at a wedding - fortunately for the newlyweds;
  • sniffs your breath - to an imminent illness;
  • lies on the table - a family member survives;
  • shit on someone's bed - profit is just around the corner;
  • pour on a cat - reduce lifespan;
  • rubs against legs - removes the evil eye;
  • dream of a white animal - to wealth;
  • dream of an evil cat - to a quarrel;
  • Dreaming of kittens means trouble.
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