10 actors from advertising. What do they look like in everyday life and who are they?

What breed of cat is in the Sheba advertisement?

It's no secret that cats have long taken over the Internet. They attract users with their cute and funny appearance, become the heroes of numerous memes and are simply pleasing to the eye. And it is not surprising that they are the ones who more often than others become the main characters of popular cartoons and even the face, or rather, the face of many famous brands. Sheba cat food was no exception. The manufacturer featured a cute fluffy in his advertisement, who settled in the hearts of millions.

He took over the championship from his former stars: the cat Boris, known from the commercials for Kitiket food, and the cute kitten from the Whiskas commercials. One of the first options that so caught the viewer’s attention was an advertisement featuring Eva Lognoria and that very same breed of cat. Thousands of TV viewers were eager to buy the same “purr” for themselves.

positions itself as a manufacturer of super premium cat food. In addition, the manufacturer produces products and accessories for pets. Mars Inc. founded the brand back in 1985, but it appeared on the shelves of the domestic market much later. However, thanks to well-made advertising, Sheba has already managed to win the love of Russian cat owners.

The cat breed from the Sheba advertisement "Sheba"

The cat breed from the Sheba advertisement attracted special attention from viewers. This is a Russian blue cat, and the video features its representative, a cat named Nick.

Cats of this breed are very suitable for the brand concept, because they are truly aristocratic and intelligent animals - the pearl of the cat world. The tailed pets of this breed, having a beautiful, powerful physique, are very graceful and photogenic. In addition, they are highly trainable. Few people know that they also have a second, unofficial name - Arkhangelsk, since the origin of the breed comes from the territory of the Arkhangelsk Islands in Russia. In 1875, with this name, this breed was first presented to the attention of visitors to an exhibition held in London.

These cats have a characteristic dense short blue coat with silver ticking, which shimmers very intricately in the sun, and sparkling emerald-colored eyes. Pets belonging to this breed of cats, as a rule, are medium in size and have rather large, but elegant ears. Another distinctive feature is the uniquely constructed cheekbones, thanks to which the muzzle acquires a slight smile.

It is no coincidence that the Russian Blue cat was chosen as a model for the brand and was featured in food commercials - representatives of this breed are indeed great lovers of good and tasty food. So the owner must carefully monitor his pet’s diet, and it is better to choose only high-quality, balanced food for feeding it.

A little about the Russian Blue breed

British felinologists suggest that the Russian blue cat comes from the outskirts of the city of Arkhangelsk. According to some reports, the first representatives of this breed were presented to English ambassadors by Queen Elizabeth II.

The cats from the Sheba advertisement are the embodiment of grace and sophistication. They can be easily recognized by their graceful posture and light gait, like that of a ballerina. However, the main distinguishing feature of the Russian Blue cat is its short and thick coat with soft hairs that do not adhere to the body.

It has a gray-blue tint, which is why the breed got its name.

The WCF standard gives this description of the Russian Blue cat:

The cats in the Sheba ad are medium-sized animals. The weight of an adult male is close to 5.5 kg, and that of a female is 3.5-4 kg.

Cats of this breed are characterized by only one type of color - blue with a subtle silvery sheen, formed due to light tipping. According to the English GCCF standard, the coat should be light blue with a pronounced silvery tint.

Which actors starred in Sheba commercials?

It was no coincidence that the choice fell on the actress in the advertisement – ​​Eva Longoria. In her grace, elegance and aristocracy, she is very similar to the Russian blue cat. Eva is a very famous model and businesswoman, despite the fact that television viewers remember her more as the heroine of the popular television series Desperate Housewives. However, few people know the fact that Lognoria takes an active part in the political life of the United States. Thanks to their sophistication, beauty, intelligence and strength, Eva Lognoria and the Russian Blue cat breed became a wonderful harmonious duet in an advertisement for Sheba cat food.

The updated version of the ad featured the (yet) little-known actor Brian Morabito. To date, his entire filmography fits into one short film released in 2016 called Sorry for Your Loss. Unlike the previous version with the beautiful Eva Lognoria, the new version received a mixed reaction on the Internet and gave rise to a lot of controversy. Viewers were divided into two camps: the first considered the commercial to be unusual and funny, and the second began to accuse the main character of almost bestiality. Well, here, as they say, you can’t please everyone. The hero, apparently, is indeed a big fan of cats. However, both warring camps are united by the opinion that the actor, of course, is very similar to his advertising partner - the Russian blue cat.

Why Russian Blue?

A huge number of views on popular video hosting sites indicates that this commercial has won the hearts of Russian viewers. Of course, Russian Blue cats have a special charm.

Everything about them is beautiful - physique, grace, look, coat color. This is probably why I chose this breed to promote through advertising of my brand.

The Russian Blue fits perfectly with the company's concept - before this, British shorthair and Scottish fold cats were featured in its videos. Representatives of these breeds have one thing in common - a gray-blue coat color, shimmering with silver.

Sheba cat breed from advertisement

Whatever our attitude towards television advertising, there is nowhere to escape from it. However, there are some videos that many people enjoy watching.

For the most part, these are videos featuring cute four-legged actors - dogs, and more often cats. Recently, such videos have not only created advertising brands for goods, but also often new “folk” cat breeds.

Every day, hundreds, and maybe thousands of users ask search engines what breed of kitten is from the Whiskas advertisement. Thanks to this, cute British tabby cats are already rightfully called Whiskas kittens.

However, the question becomes no less popular:

What commercials do cats appear in?

If a furry animal is filmed in the video, you can be sure that the TV will not be switched to another channel, and the story will be watched to the end. And there will be many such views. Along with attention to the animal, the viewer will also notice the promoted product. And these are not fantasies or assumptions.

Who else but a lazy cat, who, accompanied by classical music, advertised the “most aerodynamic production car in the world” Mercedes Benz CLA, allowed the automobile giant to end 2014 with a record sales of 1,650 thousand cars.

A little earlier, in 2013, thanks to another cat, who in the video was ready to spend his nine lives to end up inside a Toyota Corolla, the car became the best-selling car in Australia.

Nokia used a whole family of cats to advertise the new Lumia 930 smartphone.

The Swedish brand Monki invited a cat named Mosty to advertise its spring-summer 2015 clothing collection along with model Arvida Byström. By the way, the animal, before getting into the fashion business, won a competition on social networks.

Cat Maru had the honor of becoming the face of an advertising campaign for the UNIQLO clothing brand from Japan.

The cats starred in commercials for the IKEA store, the mobile operator Megafon, Puma sneakers, Arlistan coffee, and brought numerous bonuses to the companies whose products they successfully represented.

But there are representatives of the cat world who have become real screen heroes, whose fame has spread throughout the world.

Colonel Sanders (KFC)

In Russian commercials for the popular fast food chain, the image of Colonel Sanders was portrayed by actor Anatoly Gushchin, who is familiar to domestic audiences from his roles in numerous TV series.

But in the United States, the famous American country singer and actress Reba McEntire, who is familiar to many film fans from the film “Tremors,” was invited to play the role of the colonel in the advertisement. A woman in the image of a man, according to the authors of the video, was supposed to attract additional attention to the advertisement. The singer herself admitted that she is a fan of chicken wings, so she happily decided on this experiment.

The main message of Sheba

Sheba produces accessories for animals and luxury food . “Mongrel” cats do not take part in commercials. The company relies on aristocratic animals. The main message of the brand: elite cats get elite food. Previously, Sheba commercials featured animals of the British Shorthair and Scottish Fold breeds. These lords truly have an aristocratic appearance. But they are quite heavy and tightly packed.

When the company decided to shoot a new promotional video for “Sheba for Passionate People” , they needed a more graceful short film hero. After all, in the story, American actress Eva Longoria dances, and with her is her cat. The passionate tango of this couple emphasized the spiritual connection between the owner and her pet.

The video stars Eva Longoria's own cat, Nick.

What is the breed of the new hero? Russian Blue became the “face” of the Sheba brand. Many people think that this is chartreuse. This breed was bred in France back in the 13th century. Chartreuse really does have a gray coat with a blue tint, like Nick's. But according to the standard, representatives of this breed have amber or yellow eyes. And Nick’s are emerald blue. There is no doubt that he is a classic representative of the Russian Blue .

Why Russian Blue?

A huge number of views on popular video hosting sites indicates that this commercial has won the hearts of Russian viewers. Of course, Russian Blue cats have a special charm.

Everything about them is beautiful - physique, grace, look, coat color. This is probably why I chose this breed to promote through advertising of my brand.

The Russian Blue fits perfectly with the company's concept - before this, British shorthair and Scottish fold cats were featured in its videos. Representatives of these breeds have one thing in common - a gray-blue coat color, shimmering with silver.

This is a kind of “handwriting”, a reflection of her corporate style.

Marketers did not use kittens with white, red, motley or tabby fur in advertising, because viewers already associate such colors with other food manufacturers. Black animals subconsciously cause rejection in superstitious people.

Taking all these factors into account, the company chose short-haired smoky silver cats.

In addition to the beautiful solid color, the Russian Blue breed has other advantages that allowed its representative Nick to star in the “Sheba” commercial:

But the most important thing is that this particular cat is ideal for the heroine of the advertisement. An elegant, gentle, but at the same time passionate girl looks harmonious with her affectionate pet.

Eva Longoria herself somehow resembles a cat - her movements are light, smooth, like a puma. The heroine of the advertisement and her beloved cat literally became the face of the Sheba brand, which produces cat food.

Cat breed from the Sheba advertisement: photos and facts

Cats are loved not only by children, but also by housewives and many men. These cute furry pets will always find a way to cheer up their owner or please him with different “tricks”. Very often people get a cat after watching an advertisement, and the advertisement is not for the breed itself, but for cat food. So, previously the Internet was disrupted by questions about what breed of cat is in the Whiskas advertisement, but now many are wondering what kind of cat is in the Sheba advertisement.

Most often on television they show advertisements for Sheba food with Eva Longoria. In addition to the unsurpassed American actress and model, this video stars a cat of the Russian Blue breed. Graceful, smart, with magical fur and the same look - this is how the cat appears in front of the audience. It's no wonder that after this many people ask what breed of cat is in the Sheba ad.

Sheba cat food advert thriller

Sheba Thriller Ad for Valentine's Day

While many companies used well-known techniques for their advertising in the spirit of “buy gifts for family and friends for the holidays,” cat food manufacturers found a different approach


Statistics from 2022 showed that more than 80% of Russian citizens celebrate the New Year with their pets. Based on this, the Sheba brand took a creative approach to creating new advertising. It was released to celebrate this past Valentine's Day.

In an advertisement for cat food, viewers are presented with an intriguing thriller, rather than the usual cute faces of cats.

It should also be noted that there are no unnecessary details in the frame
. There are no hearts, boxes of chocolates and huge bouquets, which is typical for this holiday, but even without this a special atmosphere is felt. This is achieved through the correct placement of light from candles and garlands, dimly glowing in the background.

A young man arranges a romantic evening for his beloved lady

. He and his companion are sitting in the room - a charming blonde in a red dress. The man is about to give her a gift when suddenly they are distracted by a strange shadow. The music abruptly changes to a more intense one, and the characters themselves froze in anticipation of what will happen next.

A huge shadow appears on the wall,

frightening a couple in love.
It gets bigger and bigger when the soft paws of a pet come into the frame
. The young people sigh easily, but the graceful cat looks straight into the man’s eyes. It seems that the animal's pulsating pupils have a hypnotic effect.

Within a second, the three characters in the video move to the kitchen, where they feed the pet Sheba food. The cat immediately begins to eat the food with pleasure, and the voice-over reminds that no one forgets to congratulate their significant other during these holidays.

, that is, cats.

After viewing this advertisement, many people wonder: what kind of cat breed is this


The audience actually liked the unusual appearance of the animal. In appearance, he is strict and capable of terrifying, as can be seen from the video, but at the same time he is a graceful and affectionate animal. And emerald-colored eyes captivate from the first frames.

The cat from the advertisement is a representative of the Russian Blue breed

Attentive viewers will immediately remember that this particular breed appears in many Sheba brand advertisements. But there is no need to rush to conclusions, because the advertisement included both Scottish Fold and British Shorthair cats. All were united by their gray, almost silver fur. Perhaps this is a distinctive feature of Sheba
, because red, black or even tri-colored ones have long been featured in advertisements of other companies.

Actors from Sheba advertisements can be easily found on the Internet or even found out yourself. What is Eva Longoria worth, which many will remember from her role in Desperate Housewives. In the case of advertising for Valentine's Day, things are more complicated. Surprisingly, finding a young man and a girl was very problematic!

In the role of the man with the gift, and also the owner of the cat, is
Anton Udivanov
. You won’t see him on the big screens, although the young man positions himself as an actor. He was also seen in some minor roles in Russian cinema, such as in the film “Tell About Yourself”, the TV series “Chop”, etc.

Unfortunately, things turned out more difficult with the girl from the video, and it’s impossible to find her


Representatives of the brand wanted to create a non-standard advertisement that would attract the attention of viewers and could make them smile. It's safe to say that they succeeded. There has never been a single thriller starring a cat.

Interesting facts about Russian Blue

But we managed to learn a lot about the breed of the heroine of the promotional video. The Russian Blue officially appeared in 1939. In fact, cats with blue-gray fur and piercing green eyes have been known for a long time. The breed was bred in the region near the White Sea, which is why it is also called Arkhangelsk.

For a long time, charming cats did not cross the borders of Russia. But within the country they were in demand due to their beauty, cleanliness and easy-going nature.

It is known that the representative of the breed was the pet of Peter the Great.

When Catherine II ascended the throne of Russia, she made these cats an elite gift for European monarchs. The first representatives of the breed were taught by British ambassadors. In Europe, Russian Blue made a splash.

And not only bluish, very dense fur with a silvery sheen. This color is also found in other breeds - for example, Spanish Blue, Chartreuse, Maltese, British. People were impressed by the emerald eyes and special muzzle: the cat’s cheekbones are positioned in such a way that it seems as if she is smiling slightly.

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