5 options for where to place kittens from an ordinary cat

A cat is a convenient animal for a city apartment: it eats economically, takes up little space, a system of shelves and houses is enough for games, it does not require walking and does not become sad if the owner works a lot.
And for a private home, a cat is generally a necessary animal. But sometimes, having taken home a kitten, it becomes necessary to find a new home for it (allergies appear) or the domestic cat feeds its litter and the kittens eventually need to be placed. It is at such moments that the question arises about options for where to place kittens.

Fortunately, now the world has access to the Internet and there are more options for where to place kittens than just handing them out to friends and “good hands.” The only thing you need to take care of before looking for a new home for your baby is the appropriate age and medical readiness.

Why does it become necessary to part with an animal?

Statistics show that almost half of Russian residents choose cats as pets. These animals are not whimsical, beautiful and graceful, and even if the owners are full-time, caring for them does not cause any particular difficulties.

Kittens are a headache for all owners who don’t know where to place them.

When getting a small cat, the owners plan to live together under one roof until she is old. However, there are a number of reasons when a family is forced to part with a pet, no matter how painful and difficult it may be. And there are several reasons:

  • Allergy in one of the family members. In some situations, when a cat is already in the family, people may not immediately realize that they have an allergy. Symptoms include itchy nose, frequent sneezing, tearing and other unpleasant phenomena. This condition is treatable, but has high costs and low success rates. Only about 20% of those who seek help are able to overcome allergies to fur or animal waste products. If the problem was identified immediately after the kitten arrived at its new home, it is not difficult to solve - it is enough to return the animal to the previous owners, explaining the reason. However, if the cat lived at home for a long time, and an allergy was discovered at the birth of the child, then the addition will take time and effort;
  • changing of the living place. Most often, this problem occurs among families living in rented housing or who are forced to move regularly. Unfortunately, new apartment owners are not always willing to accept residents with pets;
  • serious illness or death of the owner. Very often, lonely older people get pets to relieve their loneliness. And after their death, relatives are not too happy to inherit four-legged friends. As a rule, they kick the cats outside. Volunteers or neighbors are forced to look for new families for animals;
  • unplanned kittens. Owners of unsterilized cats who live free-range are able to get kittens 3-4 times a year. And if there are always people who want to buy purebred animals, then you should also try to place mongrel animals in good families.

Assessment of the situation

Before deciding where to surrender a stray cat, it is worth considering the benefits for it. An adult animal that has gained authority in the pack will have a hard time with shelter and attempts at socialization. This is especially true for males. Moving from conquered territory to a cage or room with other occupants will cause stress to the fighter.

The street hardens. The suburban environment provides the animal with combat experience and resources for survival. Thanks to loopholes in houses, small animals and permanent residents, the country (rural) cat can withstand winters. The city influences conditions in two ways. It is easier for the animal to find food. But safe housing is limited by competition, municipal policies (brewing, installation of fine-mesh grates in basements) and the activities of dog hunter activists.

When you see a stray, you shouldn’t immediately think about where to place the stray cat. Perhaps the pet has found its niche. Yards and villages include quite altruistic-minded citizens. It is worth taking care of your pet if it:

young – kittens without a mother have a low chance of survival;

clearly recently been a pet - the pet is characterized by a neat appearance and increased attention to people.

Often the characteristics are combined. A kitten that has disappointed its owners with its behavior or health status will be drawn to people. This feature distinguishes it from its wild relatives and potentially simplifies socialization.

Possible actions when discovering a stray cat

In cases where stray cats are found, a person must decide where to go when they find them. Someone will pass by, someone will feed them, and some will try to take part in their fate. Active action is required in 2 cases: the pet is clearly lost or cannot survive due to health conditions.

A missing animal has a chance of being reunited with its owner. Cats rarely voluntarily stray far from home. The owner may be in the same entrance, residential complex, or yard with the temporary owner. It’s worth posting advertisements and studying messages from local thematic groups on social networks.

Animals are often thrown away. Unwanted litter suffers, adults who have lost their owner due to:

Pets that come outside from home have less chance of survival. A slow cat can be attacked by a dog or hit by a car. Having noticed a new animal, an individual with obvious signs of injury or disease, it is worth taking action. Help is also required for pregnant females and females caring for their offspring.

Support for homeless animals

Providing comfort is a simple way to help stray animals that have “legally” settled in the territory. Yards are often inhabited by dogs and cats - their presence does not indicate low social status. Thus, animals become voluntary guards, rid the territory of rodents, and bring joy to people who are unable to keep pets at home.

Option for housing domestic cats

Give a dog to a shelter forever: where to place it

As you can see, the need to house a cat can arise for several reasons. And this should be done according to all the rules, by finding a good caring family.

Important! Throwing a domestic cat outside means signing its death warrant. Pets are not at all adapted to harsh conditions.

There are several ways to find good homes for your pet, including:

  • friends or relatives;
  • cat cafe;
  • newspaper advertisements;
  • PR on the Internet;
  • overexposure;
  • shelters, etc.

Overexposure is a temporary home for a cat, the accommodation in which is paid for by its owners. These can be specialized hotels for animals or private apartments. Paid foster care is relevant in cases where a new home has not yet been found and it is not possible to keep a pet.

Sterilization is the best solution for a domestic cat

It is better to choose foster care based on reviews or recommendations from friends. After all, the mental and physical health of the pet will depend on the responsibility and conscientiousness of its owners.

Note! When visiting such an establishment, you should pay attention to the conditions in which other animals are kept, how healthy they are, their psychological state and living conditions.

Cat cafes are cozy establishments where visitors can enjoy communication with animals. Cats living in such places have all the necessary vaccinations and are also treated against fleas and other parasites. It will not be so easy to place your pet here, but if it works out, it will end up in responsible hands and will be given regular attention and care.

A shelter is not the best solution to the question of how to quickly place a kitten in good hands. There have been no empty beds in decent shelters for a long time, and poor conditions of detention differ little from the worst prisons. As a rule, shelters accept animals that ended up on the street and were caught by special services.


A cat has settled in your building. You can’t take her in, you can’t take care of her, and a brilliant idea comes to your mind - to hand over the cat to a shelter. There she will be taken care of, there she will have food and a roof over her head. Don't flatter yourself! It’s not just you who comes up with such brilliant ideas. All private shelters are overcrowded. Due to the crowded housing of a large number of cats, epidemics occur there. There are not enough material resources or volunteers willing to care for the cats. Advertising about adopting cats from shelters is also very poorly done: for example, have you heard that you can come to such and such a shelter and adopt a cat? No? And no one heard. If a cat ends up in a shelter, its chances of finding a new home are minimal.

In addition to private ones, there are state shelters. In essence, this is a prolonged euthanasia: if the animal does not settle down within six months, it is euthanized. But the animal cannot find a home, firstly, due to lack of advertising, and secondly, due to illness. Cats in government shelters are kept in small iron cages in unheated rooms. Apart from the cat, this cage only fits a tray and a bowl. Sometimes cats are placed two or three in one cage. Because of the cold and overcrowding, cats get sick, and few manage to survive even these six months.

Here are some photos of cats at the government shelter:

If you have the opportunity, help the shelters! You can help with money, food, or just your hands. You can help by posting advertisements and posting them on the Internet. Shelters always need volunteers. But just don’t bring your cats to the shelter! Try to find them new owners YOURSELF!

How to create and place an ad to adopt a cat

Where to put kittens if they are not needed and no one will take them

You can adopt a pet via the Internet. To do this, it is important to correctly compose the text, take a high-quality photo, and also take into account other important nuances. There are several recommendations to consider:

  • The photograph of the animal must be of high quality. It is better to capture a cat against a beautiful background, in a jump, with a beautiful toy. Ideas can be very different;
  • The text in the ad should be no less catchy than a beautiful photo. As practice shows, potential owners pay attention not to dry facts about the animal, but to its humorous features (a top-class massage master, the best pill for sadness and melancholy, and much more);
  • It is not recommended to invent elite roots for a purebred cat. Having fallen into the hands of people who are chasing free elite animals, the cat will quickly end up on the street, not meeting their expectations.

Important! Black cats should not be placed before black dates and events. At this time, they can be taken away for the purpose of subsequent sacrifice.

Features of writing text

Before placing kittens or finding a new family for an adult cat, you need to deworm them, treat them against skin parasites, get the necessary vaccinations, and you can begin to correctly compose the text for the advertisement.

Since there are quite a lot of outbred animals available for free adoption, it is necessary to create an advertisement in such a way that it attracts potential owners.

Posting advertisements as a way to adopt a cat

So, a good text should include:

  • animal's name;
  • gender and castration (sterilization) data;
  • information about vaccinations and treatments performed;
  • an interesting description of the animal, combining information about its character and habits;
  • high-quality, catchy photo.

Note! As practice shows, future owners like advertisements containing humorous facts, interesting emotional stories and a non-standard description of the pet.

When writing text, you should consider several rules:

  • originality. You should not copy other people's advertisements, because the result will not be unique, and the description will correspond to a completely different animal. Correctly chosen words that characterize a particular cat are the key to success;
  • psychological picture. Each animal is unique, so it is necessary to correctly describe its character and behavior. To do this, you should take a closer look and describe her type: socialized, knows her worth, leader, balanced, shy, charismatic, curious, etc.;
  • positive attitude. As practice shows, people do not always want to know about the tragic fate of a particular cat. It is better to create an ad with a positive attitude;
  • one animal - one ad. This rule especially applies to the placement of kittens.

Tips on how to place kittens in good hands

When a cat gives birth, the kittens are small, cute and fluffy, but time passes and you need to look for somewhere to shelter them. It’s easier for owners of purebred animals - kittens with a pedigree are in demand, some even have queues. What if she is a “Ural street servant”? It may be difficult to give it away. Perhaps some tips will help you:

  1. Kittens should be given away no earlier than 2.5-3 months of age. By this time they will get stronger and will receive good immunity from their mother’s milk. The kitten needs to be trained to use the litter box, otherwise the new owners may get rid of the nasty pet and throw it outside.
  2. Try offering kittens to friends, colleagues, and family. Perhaps someone wanted to take a mustachioed baby into their home or give it to elderly parents.
  3. You can place an ad - in a newspaper, social networks, on classifieds websites and cat breeder forums. Don’t forget to take beautiful photos and describe the kitten’s character and habits.

PR on the Internet

How to stop a cat from biting arms and legs: 5 tips

In view of modern trends, advice on how to place kittens in good hands is based on using the capabilities of the Internet. Therefore, you can post a post on your personal page on social networks and relevant groups, on the forum and free message boards.

Social networks as an option for animal adoption

Note! If potential owners are in another city, you can transfer a kitten or an adult cat via rail transport.

At the same time, the first thing users pay attention to is the photo, so it must be of high quality and beautiful. Before photographing an animal, it should be washed, combed, and ears and eyes cleaned. The sweeter and more touching the photo is, the faster people will pay attention to it.

Relatives and friends

Strange as it may seem, you should start with friends, relatives and just acquaintances first. Perhaps some of them do not have pets and have been thinking about getting a tailed friend for a long time. And the previous owners will be able to visit their pet and monitor its future fate.

The little kitten who found his family

Often, having already had one cat, people want, but are afraid to take a second one. They worry that the animals will not be able to get along, and it will be difficult for the owners themselves. In reality, keeping two cats is much easier than keeping one. This is worth conveying to future owners.

Important! If a cat is given to a family that already has a cat, it is recommended to sterilize it in advance. Otherwise, the unwanted offspring of kittens, who will also have to be adopted in the future, will not be long in coming.

For those who can't do anything themselves

Well what can I say? You can try opening a topic on PiK e and give the cat a chance. Perhaps there will be a person who will feel sorry for her. But the likelihood of this is extremely low. PiKa users are ordinary people with their own problems and everyday troubles. They have children, elderly parents who need help, they, just like you, suffer from lack of money, they also do not have enough time and energy for anything. Often they carry a supervised cat on themselves, denying themselves the most necessary things. As a rule, an old-timer of the forum cannot take on more than he currently has. If there is a person who is ready to take care of the cat you found, this is a great success.

But still, if you find an animal and want to help it, try to do it yourself, without shifting the entire burden of responsibility and worries onto the shoulders of others.

Preparing the animal for transfer

If all recommendations have been followed, requests from potential owners will soon be received. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the cats are in good hands. To do this, it is advisable to communicate with people personally, find out their plans and intentions regarding the animal. It is important to understand that a cat is a living creature that may not be in the mood and behave badly, and may get sick. This means that the owners are fully responsible for the life and health of the pet.

What does a cat cafe look like?

Finding a new family for a cat, as well as adopting small kittens, is quite a responsible matter. To get a favorable outcome, you should approach it with all responsibility and sincerely desire to find a loving family.

How to prepare kittens for adoption

Before actively looking for new owners for a kitten, you need to make sure that it is completely healthy. It doesn’t matter whether you adopted a furry baby from the street or your cat has added a new addition to the family – a visit to the veterinarian should be the first step. Most likely, the kitten will be prescribed a number of tests and examinations. If a preventive examination does not reveal any health problems (for example, the presence of parasites), then the kitten will still need vaccinations. In any case, you can start adopting a kitten only after it is absolutely healthy and vaccinated. Otherwise, he may end up on the street again - no one likes unpleasant surprises.

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