4 tips on where to place a cat so that the animal does not end up abandoned on the street

You found a kitten on the street, but other family members are against it living in the apartment? A cat gave birth to kittens in your building. You can’t keep her, but would you like to help her? Here are some tips.

First, let's figure out what you CAN do for a found cat or kitten.

  1. You can take the foundling to your apartment and keep it until adoption. Then all you need is help with PR.
  2. Are you ready to take charge of your cat? This means that you cannot adopt a cat/kitten, but you are ready to look for foster care for it (paid or free) and begin to adopt the cat. Then read the instructions for novice curators (see below).
  3. You can't do anything yourself. You want to find someone who would take care of the cat's adoption. A couple of options for the cat’s fate may come to mind:
      Advertisements “We will place your kittens”
  4. Shelters
  5. Think carefully. Make inquiries and read the brief information on our website (below). And you will understand that these options will most likely only aggravate the cat’s plight.

Remember: by interfering with someone’s fate (in this case, the fate of a stray cat), you take on a huge responsibility. Try to make sure that your intervention actually helps and does not harm the cat!

Why does it become necessary to part with an animal?

Statistics show that almost half of Russian residents choose cats as pets. These animals are not whimsical, beautiful and graceful, and even if the owners are full-time, caring for them does not cause any particular difficulties.

Kittens are a headache for all owners who don’t know where to place them.

When getting a small cat, the owners plan to live together under one roof until she is old. However, there are a number of reasons when a family is forced to part with a pet, no matter how painful and difficult it may be. And there are several reasons:

  • Allergy in one of the family members. In some situations, when a cat is already in the family, people may not immediately realize that they have an allergy. Symptoms include itchy nose, frequent sneezing, tearing and other unpleasant phenomena. This condition is treatable, but has high costs and low success rates. Only about 20% of those who seek help are able to overcome allergies to fur or animal waste products. If the problem was identified immediately after the kitten arrived at its new home, it is not difficult to solve - it is enough to return the animal to the previous owners, explaining the reason. However, if the cat lived at home for a long time, and an allergy was discovered at the birth of the child, then the addition will take time and effort;
  • changing of the living place. Most often, this problem occurs among families living in rented housing or who are forced to move regularly. Unfortunately, new apartment owners are not always willing to accept residents with pets;
  • serious illness or death of the owner. Very often, lonely older people get pets to relieve their loneliness. And after their death, relatives are not too happy to inherit four-legged friends. As a rule, they kick the cats outside. Volunteers or neighbors are forced to look for new families for animals;
  • unplanned kittens. Owners of unsterilized cats who live free-range are able to get kittens 3-4 times a year. And if there are always people who want to buy purebred animals, then you should also try to place mongrel animals in good families.

It's better to warn than to surrender the cat

Situations when you need to get rid of an animal are very unpleasant, psychologically difficult, and sometimes costly. Therefore, to avoid them, it is better to warn them.

Get serious about finding a new home

Here are some tips:

  • never give animals as gifts to anyone if you yourself do not want to receive a return gift at the most inopportune moment;
  • do not take a kitten to your children or teenagers if you yourself are not ready to become the owner of this kitten;
  • if you cannot keep your pet when moving, renovating, having a child, or buying new furniture, it is better not to get a pet at all;
  • Before buying an animal, weigh whether you can keep it if it gets sick;
  • never get an animal unless all family members agree;
  • never buy a purebred animal because of fashion.

All you need is desire and action. It will take time to surrender a cat, but your pet's life is worth it.

And yet... I would love to write a bunch of suggestions on how to survive all the obstacles, but keep your beloved purr next to you.

When a person takes an animal into his home, he cannot predict all situations in advance. A sudden departure, the development of a disease in a family member that is incompatible with the presence of a pet, the birth of a child.

If you really want the best for your cat and are serious about finding a new home, try to find someone you know well

This list can be continued for a long time. But the result is the same - the animal needs to find a new owner, sometimes urgently. This is an incredibly complex, difficult matter, traumatic for the psyche of both the owner and the cat. Therefore, if there is a chance to at least approximately foresee this situation, it is necessary to start looking for solutions in advance, because it may not be possible to accommodate the animal the first time. Sometimes the search lasts for weeks, months, and the new owners, due to the dissimilarity of characters, may return the pet.

It is best to give the cat to someone you know

Where to put a cat if you don't need it? This question has several answers. After all, an animal can be housed temporarily (vacation, business trip), or forever. In the second case, there may also be different situations: you give the cat away forever and move away, or you will live not far from its new home. From here there are several options for adopting an animal:

  • familiar people (friends, relatives, colleagues);
  • advertisements (sale or transfer for free to strangers);
  • shelters, hotels, foster care.

Get serious about finding a new home for your cat.

If you really want the best for your cat and are serious about finding a new home, try to find someone you know well or recommended, in whose good intentions you will be 100% sure. The worst, inhumane, inhumane way to solve the problem is to throw the animal out into the street, where it will simply die - we, naturally, do not consider this option.

Never throw your cat outside

Option for housing domestic cats

Give a dog to a shelter forever: where to place it

As you can see, the need to house a cat can arise for several reasons. And this should be done according to all the rules, by finding a good caring family.

Important! Throwing a domestic cat outside means signing its death warrant. Pets are not at all adapted to harsh conditions.

There are several ways to find good homes for your pet, including:

  • friends or relatives;
  • cat cafe;
  • newspaper advertisements;
  • PR on the Internet;
  • overexposure;
  • shelters, etc.

Overexposure is a temporary home for a cat, the accommodation in which is paid for by its owners. These can be specialized hotels for animals or private apartments. Paid foster care is relevant in cases where a new home has not yet been found and it is not possible to keep a pet.

Sterilization is the best solution for a domestic cat

It is better to choose foster care based on reviews or recommendations from friends. After all, the mental and physical health of the pet will depend on the responsibility and conscientiousness of its owners.

Note! When visiting such an establishment, you should pay attention to the conditions in which other animals are kept, how healthy they are, their psychological state and living conditions.

Cat cafes are cozy establishments where visitors can enjoy communication with animals. Cats living in such places have all the necessary vaccinations and are also treated against fleas and other parasites. It will not be so easy to place your pet here, but if it works out, it will end up in responsible hands and will be given regular attention and care.

A shelter is not the best solution to the question of how to quickly place a kitten in good hands. There have been no empty beds in decent shelters for a long time, and poor conditions of detention differ little from the worst prisons. As a rule, shelters accept animals that ended up on the street and were caught by special services.

When should you give your cat away?

The first question from the buyer is why you are giving away your pet:

  • cannot keep at home due to allergies;
  • the cat has fallen and the kittens need to be placed;
  • found on the street or in the entrance;
  • tired of looking after her or putting up with her pranks - this is always perceived negatively, so it’s better to remain silent or say another reason.

The first thing you need to do is take your pet to the vet to check his health. Selling a healthy kitten is easier and faster. Therefore, you may have to spend money on treatment for parasites and vaccinations, which will take time, which means you won’t be able to quickly adopt the cat. Be sure to get a certificate from a veterinarian.

How to create and place an ad to adopt a cat

Where to put kittens if they are not needed and no one will take them

You can adopt a pet via the Internet. To do this, it is important to correctly compose the text, take a high-quality photo, and also take into account other important nuances. There are several recommendations to consider:

  • The photograph of the animal must be of high quality. It is better to capture a cat against a beautiful background, in a jump, with a beautiful toy. Ideas can be very different;
  • The text in the ad should be no less catchy than a beautiful photo. As practice shows, potential owners pay attention not to dry facts about the animal, but to its humorous features (a top-class massage master, the best pill for sadness and melancholy, and much more);
  • It is not recommended to invent elite roots for a purebred cat. Having fallen into the hands of people who are chasing free elite animals, the cat will quickly end up on the street, not meeting their expectations.

Important! Black cats should not be placed before black dates and events. At this time, they can be taken away for the purpose of subsequent sacrifice.

Features of writing text

Before placing kittens or finding a new family for an adult cat, you need to deworm them, treat them against skin parasites, get the necessary vaccinations, and you can begin to correctly compose the text for the advertisement.

Since there are quite a lot of outbred animals available for free adoption, it is necessary to create an advertisement in such a way that it attracts potential owners.

Posting advertisements as a way to adopt a cat

So, a good text should include:

  • animal's name;
  • gender and castration (sterilization) data;
  • information about vaccinations and treatments performed;
  • an interesting description of the animal, combining information about its character and habits;
  • high-quality, catchy photo.

Note! As practice shows, future owners like advertisements containing humorous facts, interesting emotional stories and a non-standard description of the pet.

When writing text, you should consider several rules:

  • originality. You should not copy other people's advertisements, because the result will not be unique, and the description will correspond to a completely different animal. Correctly chosen words that characterize a particular cat are the key to success;
  • psychological picture. Each animal is unique, so it is necessary to correctly describe its character and behavior. To do this, you should take a closer look and describe her type: socialized, knows her worth, leader, balanced, shy, charismatic, curious, etc.;
  • positive attitude. As practice shows, people do not always want to know about the tragic fate of a particular cat. It is better to create an ad with a positive attitude;
  • one animal - one ad. This rule especially applies to the placement of kittens.

Video “How to Adopt a Cat”

If you can’t pass a crying kitten on the street, then watch a video on how to find him a home.

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PR on the Internet

How to stop a cat from biting arms and legs: 5 tips

In view of modern trends, advice on how to place kittens in good hands is based on using the capabilities of the Internet. Therefore, you can post a post on your personal page on social networks and relevant groups, on the forum and free message boards.

Social networks as an option for animal adoption

Note! If potential owners are in another city, you can transfer a kitten or an adult cat via rail transport.

At the same time, the first thing users pay attention to is the photo, so it must be of high quality and beautiful. Before photographing an animal, it should be washed, combed, and ears and eyes cleaned. The sweeter and more touching the photo is, the faster people will pay attention to it.

Search by ad

If there are no acquaintances or friends who want to take the animal forever, the second way to search for you can be advertisements. This method has been working flawlessly for several decades with the advent of specialized sites with advertisements on the Internet. This search for a new home for a cat is fraught with some dangers. It often happens that people who initially make a good impression actually show hostility towards animals.

A home for your pet can be found through an ad on the Internet.

Having suffered with the character of the new four-legged tenant, they simply send him out into the street. It is impossible to protect your pet from such an outcome. Especially if you are looking for “good hands” for him in a hurry. But we will focus on a favorable outcome. In addition, if you do everything correctly from the beginning, perhaps your pet will live happily and for a long time in the new place. What should the ideal owner-wanted ad look like? It must contain:

  • detailed descriptive text;
  • several high-quality photographs;
  • a list of all contacts through which the new owners can contact you at any time.

You should not keep silent about any shortcomings of the cat in the ad.

Advice! When you don’t know where to put the cat if you don’t need it, and you choose an advertisement as a way out of the situation, compose the most detailed text possible.

Don't hide anything, don't embellish anything. Be sure to indicate the true age of the animal, its origin, describe in detail its habits, habits, and character. You especially shouldn’t keep silent about some not entirely positive aspects (sometimes aggression, urges to scratch or bite, unsociability, illness). It is these surprises that emerge over time that can cause the cat to be abandoned or thrown outside. But the virtues, positive, attractive qualities of character (intelligence, intelligence, sociability, affection, cleanliness) should be described as picturesquely as possible. Perhaps this will, on the contrary, attract potential owners.

Be sure to supplement your ad with the highest quality photos.

Advice! Be sure to supplement your ad with the highest quality photos from different angles and situations.

You may need to hire a professional photographer for this purpose. After all, by taking a low-quality, dark, blurry photo, you will not only diminish the dignity of your pet, but also reduce the number of applicants for it. You want to present him in the best light, right? Then the photographs must be appropriate.

Be sure to include all your contact information in your ad.

Be sure to provide the ad with all your contacts so that those interested can not only contact you in the early stages, but also continue to maintain a relationship with you after your pet changes its place of residence. Be sure to make sure that the new owners will not throw the cat out the door if the slightest problem arises, but will try to overcome all difficulties. This is very important, because the cat is not at all to blame for your circumstances and should not pay for them with his life. Providing him with a normal life after your move is your direct responsibility. Therefore, try to fulfill your last duty as an owner to your pet with dignity and with full responsibility.

Be sure to make sure that the new owners will not turn the cat out the door.

Relatives and friends

Strange as it may seem, you should start with friends, relatives and just acquaintances first. Perhaps some of them do not have pets and have been thinking about getting a tailed friend for a long time. And the previous owners will be able to visit their pet and monitor its future fate.

The little kitten who found his family

Often, having already had one cat, people want, but are afraid to take a second one. They worry that the animals will not be able to get along, and it will be difficult for the owners themselves. In reality, keeping two cats is much easier than keeping one. This is worth conveying to future owners.

Important! If a cat is given to a family that already has a cat, it is recommended to sterilize it in advance. Otherwise, the unwanted offspring of kittens, who will also have to be adopted in the future, will not be long in coming.

Why is it important not to kick your cat outside?

Very often, people who are not too concerned about the fate of the animal simply throw the unwanted animal out into the street. They motivate this by the fact that the animal is a beast, and the beast needs nature, freedom, etc., etc.

In fact, it is simply impossible to do this.

Don't throw your pets outside

  • a cat, especially one that grew up in a house, does not know how to defend itself from dogs, it will simply die;
  • suffer from relatives;
  • the immunity of a domestic cat is very weak to withstand many diseases that an outdoor cat will pick up from relatives or get from stress;
  • the pet will not be able to get its own food;
  • she does not know cars and other transport;
  • she will not be able to withstand the frost.

They are the easiest prey.

Preparing the animal for transfer

If all recommendations have been followed, requests from potential owners will soon be received. At this stage, it is important to ensure that the cats are in good hands. To do this, it is advisable to communicate with people personally, find out their plans and intentions regarding the animal. It is important to understand that a cat is a living creature that may not be in the mood and behave badly, and may get sick. This means that the owners are fully responsible for the life and health of the pet.

What does a cat cafe look like?

Finding a new family for a cat, as well as adopting small kittens, is quite a responsible matter. To get a favorable outcome, you should approach it with all responsibility and sincerely desire to find a loving family.

Search among your surroundings

Finding a new owner among well-known, close, and dear people is the best option possible. Especially if the animal knows the potential owner, there is already mutual sympathy between them. A friend or loved one who will take responsibility for the maintenance of your favorite animal will treat it with love and attention. In addition, he will be able to contact you in any situation, clarify any questions that have arisen, and tell you about the pet’s condition and mood. A familiar person is your protection from several moves, when the animal can be taken/returned more than once.

Moving to the shelter

Advice! When a problem arises about where to put a cat if it is not needed, shelters should be the last resort.

Of course, if the only alternative is the street, you will have to consider this option even if it has a large number of disadvantages. The state of domestic shelters, compared to other countries, not only leaves much to be desired - sometimes it is appalling.

Shelters should be the last resort

Unsuitable enclosures, lack of food, a cold (to put it mildly) attitude towards animals and, as a result, a short lifespan in them - all this should at least make you think very carefully before taking this step. An animal from a shelter can have 2 options: new owners or death. Do you really want such a fate for your pet? Let us list at least the main disadvantages that should stop a loving owner who is looking for an option where to place a cat if it is not needed, and is leaning towards a shelter:

  • cats are kept not far from dog enclosures in cabins, where their number can number in the dozens;
  • lack of normal food, and only economy food that is hazardous to health;
  • incompetent staff who, to put it bluntly, don’t care about animals;
  • problems with treatment.
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