Where to put kittens if they are not needed and no one will take them

An event may suddenly occur in the life of every person or family when they urgently need to place a cat or kitten somewhere. This could be a serious, long-term illness, moving to another country, etc. It is very difficult in such cases to part with a four-legged friend, but there are places and institutions where they can help shelter a pet and find it a new family.

Russian legislation on liability for killing animals

Federal Law No. 52-F3 “On the Animal World” obliges citizens to humanely treat representatives of wildlife - wild animals and pets. There are no administrative sanctions at the federal level, but they are provided for in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Moscow, Primorsky and Krasnodar territories, St. Petersburg.

Adopting kittens is an eternal headache for breeders

For your information! Criminal liability arises under Art. 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Cruelty to animals”, if it resulted in the death or injury of an animal/pet.

The court does not distinguish between the severity and cause of the crime. Why people are punished:

  • beating of animals;
  • use in battles;
  • sacrifice (cult rituals);
  • conducting experiments with cutting off limbs;
  • leaving in a dangerous situation.

What threatens cruel people:

  • fine up to 80,000 rubles*;
  • correctional labor for 15 days;
  • restriction of freedom for up to a year;
  • arrest for 6 months;
  • prison for 3 years.

Note! If the actions were committed in front of children, or videos of bullying were distributed on the Internet, then the punishment is doubled. Therefore, it is worth placing the cat and kittens in a safe place if it is no longer possible to keep them at home. You can’t throw them out into the street, because for this you can end up in jail.

It is very difficult to place an adult cat in a new home.

Castration of a domestic cat - preventing the problem

Castration is still viewed with hostility by many cat owners. However, if there are no plans to breed these animals, there is no point in preserving their reproductive function. A castrated male does not mark his territory and does not ask to go outside, the female does not scream for a cat, and does not risk her health by taking hormonal drugs to relieve the symptoms of sexual heat. The main advantage of castrating a pet is that there is no need to look for a new home for the babies that appear regularly.


Reasons why people get rid of adult cats

Where to leave your cat on vacation: where can you take it?

Cats have lived alongside people for thousands of years. Unpretentious companions brighten up a person's life. Smart and affectionate, wise and crafty, they do not cause any trouble in keeping them. But there are reasons when owners are wondering where to place their beloved cat forever:

  • allergy to animal fur. It is especially dangerous to keep cats in the house if a child suffers from the disease;
  • moving to another country. It is difficult to obtain documents for a pet to cross the border. Therefore, before leaving, people decide where to place their kittens or cat;
  • death or serious illness of the owner. The cats are urgently looking for a family, otherwise they will end up homeless.

If an unsterilized cat has numerous offspring, what to do with the extra kittens is another headache for the owners.

There are many reasons why owners abandon their pets.

Cat shelter

The word scares and repels, a picture of a dirty place with a large concentration of stray animals appears. Poor care, illness, quick death.

Where to put kittens if they are not needed and no one will take them

This is an outdated idea. To some extent it concerns government agencies. Funding there is weak, there are more pets than the funds allocated for their maintenance. However, shelters perform 4 functions:

  • prompt veterinary care. Even euthanasia is possible to end the suffering of hopelessly ill individuals;
  • long-term supervision;
  • attempts to find the owners of a lost animal;
  • search for new owners.

For your information! The work is carried out by company employees and volunteers. There are very few such organizations, but private institutions have come to the rescue. They are opened by interested people with their own money and sponsorship donations.

Animals here are rescued from critical situations: abandoned by summer residents, the owner died, or born in a gateway. In shelters, cats are fed, treated, and vaccinated.


  • manager - organizes work, distributes funds;
  • veterinarian - responsible for the health of pets;
  • workers - feed ownerless animals, clean cages, disinfect bowls and drinking bowls;
  • PR people - disseminate information about students, find new owners;
  • sponsors - help financially;
  • volunteers - catch strays, transport them, help care for them;
  • dispatcher - receives calls and requests for keeping animals.

Important! Private enterprises have the goal of finding a home for a homeless creature. You can give your cat to such a shelter without fear.

The easiest way is to place kittens in a new family

How to place kittens in good hands

There are more homeless animals than people willing to take responsibility for them. When they decide where to put the cat if it is not needed, they turn to friends and relatives and advertise.

Give a cat to a shelter: where to give kittens forever

How to find good people:

  • take the animals in a box to a park where there are a lot of people. If someone is interested in a pet, it is worth talking to the person. Genuine interest is easy to understand;
  • advertise with a beautiful photo of a kitten/cat. A candidate for “adoption” should look well-fed and well-groomed;
  • should not be taken to the poultry market. There are resellers who don’t know what they will do with the animal;
  • You don’t need to trust impulsive, irritable, impolite people. These qualities can be determined in a telephone conversation or by correspondence;
  • You can ask your friends, perhaps someone is just looking for a four-legged ward.

What to do if a person finds a kitten on the street, where to give it - the problem is more complicated. It is best to first show the stray child to a veterinarian, determine the health of the animal, and take it home. The pet needs to be washed, treated for insects, fattened, and then adopted.

Note! If it is not possible to take a street tramp into your apartment, you can arrange a shelter for him in the basement or another place, bring him food, while simultaneously searching for kind people.

Free foster care

Write that you found an animal, you don’t have the opportunity to keep it, since you already have five dogs, two pythons and an owl, or you simply have unpleasant consequences from communicating with our smaller brothers in the form of itching, rhinitis and other signs of allergies. For the most part, free foster care helps. Even if they themselves do not have places, they will run all over the city, call all the same animal lovers, but will find at least a temporary, but still shelter. What will be required of you?

You must understand that you can’t just dump responsibility on others: you couldn’t keep it, but you didn’t pass it by, but they leave it and will look for a permanent home. You will need basic help in the form of transporting the cat to the place of foster care, purchasing food and the most necessary things - foster care is free, private, and lives only on your hard-earned money and on the mercy of those who care. Then you can help find a home: leave comments under the photo of the animal in advertisements, make reposts, and even post such advertisements yourself.

Where to put a cat if you don't need it

Where do dogs go after death, where does the soul go?

Compassionate and responsible people do not abandon animals to their fate. There is always the possibility of an extension:

  • overexposure. During a vacation or urgent business trip, a cat can be temporarily handed over to people who, for money, will place the animal in their home. In addition to paying for services, you need to provide care products, a tray and toys for your pet. Owners call the people who look after the cat and inquire about its condition. Separation passes quickly;
  • cat cafe In cities, establishments where you can give a cat if you don’t need it are gaining popularity. Visitors come to special cafes to chat with furry friends. There, the animals are provided with good care; the owners of the establishment, if necessary, deal with the issues of adding cats themselves;
  • through the Internet. Here you can find the addresses of hotels for pets, and contacts of people willing to look after the animal for free. Information is posted on social networks, on Internet boards, and city forums for pet lovers;
  • shelters for stray animals. It's the last resort, but they don't allow cats to starve or die under the wheels of a car.

The “Cat House” website takes a very responsible approach to the maintenance and placement of tailed cats. In order for the kitten to have a chance to find a new family through the site, the owners provide the most complete information about the pupil. The site administration does not answer where to place newborn kittens, since only adult kittens are housed here.

Sample advertisement for adopting a cat

What to do if you pick up a stray cat or kittens on the street?

The baby (and even the adult animal) needs to calm down and feel safe. You should not force feed or bathe him right away. You should not introduce him to other pets so that they do not become infected with parasites and infectious diseases that he may have. If you do not plan to keep the kitten in the family, it is better not to play with it. How to help an animal that has just entered the house?

Urgent help: feed, wash

It is necessary to examine the animal for injuries and assess its condition. If he experiences symptoms such as excessive lacrimation, including with pus, salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, inclusions of mucus, blood and helminth eggs in the urine and feces, bald spots and inflammation on the skin, not to mention dislocations and fractures , you need to take him to the vet as soon as possible. If the animal’s condition is satisfactory, the visit to the clinic can be postponed for several days.

It is necessary to feed and water the cat. As a ready-made food, it is recommended to use canned food, natural food - buckwheat and oatmeal with finely chopped pieces of lean meat without veins and bones. Very young kittens are fed a special milk formula, but not milk, because they do not digest lactose well, which often leads to intestinal upset.

You should not rush into bathing, so as not to cause even more harm to the animal’s health. You should not bathe your pet if you have lichen, because in this case, fungal spores are spread throughout the body, except for the generalized form, which is severe extensive damage to the skin. You should not self-medicate and select flea shampoos yourself - they can be too toxic for a weakened body. In this case, remove serious dirt with a damp cloth. In other cases, you can bathe your pet with pet shampoo.

Preparation for “good hands”: deworming, vaccination, litter box training, castration

To prepare a cat for transfer to new owners, you need:

  • Examination by a veterinarian. It is necessary to assess the cat’s health, find out whether he is neutered, determine his age and weight - this information is necessary to determine the dosage of veterinary medications. If necessary, treatment of identified diseases is carried out.
  • Antiparasitic treatment. First, the cat is treated for ectoparasites, then dewormed.
  • Vaccination. 10–14 days after taking anthelmintic drugs, if the pet is healthy, it is vaccinated against herpesvirus, calicivirus, panleukopenia, chlamydia, viral rhinotracheitis and leukemia. After 3 weeks, re-vaccination is carried out, including rabies vaccination.
  • Toilet training. To train a kitten to use the litter box, you can soak a piece of paper in its urine and place it in the litter box so that the baby understands where to relieve itself. You can watch the kitten, and as soon as he starts to sit down, quickly move him to the cat litter box. You can use a special spray: it is sprayed onto a piece of paper, which is placed in the tray.
  • Castration. It is recommended to castrate males and females at 7-8 months, as surgery at too early an age can cause developmental delays. It can be carried out at 6 months, but only if the cat weighs at least 2.5–3 kg. If the kitten is very small, you can offer the future owner to pay for the procedure.

How to create an ad

Most often, people who want to adopt kittens advertise. If it's written correctly, it gets a lot of responses.

The text should be interesting and creative. But you should always stick to the truth. It is necessary to talk about the animal, its appearance, color. The owners provide information about the gender, date of birth, and height of the ward. Potential owners may be interested in the pedigree and gender of the kitten.

It is worth noting your health status and listing your vaccinations. Talk honestly about habits and skills: is the child accustomed to the tray and scratching post, does he shit in the corners, does he not tear the curtains.

Important! Touching photographs showing a happy and cheerful kitten will complete the job of winning the hearts of future owners.

Proper communication with future owners

Conversations with potential owners need to be conducted in a balanced manner. Do not persistently force kittens to attack a person. It’s better to talk in a calm tone about the pet’s merits: what commands he understands, how he behaves in the apartment and with family members, what he likes to play with.

Note! Each cat has its own character. You need to describe it truthfully. In a conversation, if this is a stranger, they take a closer look at him and draw up a psychological portrait of the applicant.

You want to give your favorite animals or a street foundling to safe hands so as not to worry about its future fate. Therefore, the owners watch the person they want to entrust the care of the cat to. Whether he has a sincere desire to have a companion, whether he is a friendly person, whether he is ready not only to feed the animal, but also to treat it, to vaccinate it on time - such moments are gradually clarified in the conversation.

Important! You need to make it clear to the person that if he doesn’t cope, so that he doesn’t have to worry about where to put the cat, they are ready to take him back.

Politeness and objectivity are the main directions of dialogue with future cat owners. If something in the conversation is embarrassing or remains unsaid, it is better for the applicant to refuse.

A well-groomed domestic cat is more likely to find a new home

How to prepare a cat for transfer to a new owner

People are more willing to take animals into their home when they are already grown up and socialized. You should not tear a suckling baby away from its mother. We need to teach him to eat on his own, use the toilet, and communicate with people.

For your information! At 8-10 weeks of life, kittens are vaccinated. The veterinarian checks your health and issues a sanitary passport. A person must be sure that he is adopting an animal that does not have developmental disabilities and is not dangerous for family members. Adults are castrated/sterilized before being handed over to someone else.

In families where cats live, situations arise when they are forced to part with the animals. How to give a kitten to new owners is taught on forums by people with experience in adopting animals. The main thing is not to throw kittens out into the street in the hope that kind people will pick them up. You just need to place the animal and be sure that it will be provided with care: feeding, treatment, education. To do this, they advertise on pieces of paper with tear-off phone numbers, in newspapers and on the Internet.

*Prices in the article are indicated as of March 2022.

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Optimal time to search for a home

An already grown-up pet will more easily tolerate changes in its usual lifestyle than a small kitten. Before looking for a new owner, it is important to teach your baby to feed himself, use a litter box, and treat people without fear.

Also, the animal must be in good health, it must be treated with special flea products and checked by a veterinarian. After 8-10 weeks, vaccination is mandatory. Now you can start looking for a new home for the kitten.

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