The owners are faced with the task of not only teaching the kitten to go to the toilet correctly, but also learning how to use the litter box. Although there is nothing complicated about it. To make cleaning quick and comfortable, you will need a dustpan and brush.

If it is a clumping type of litter, bring trash bags as well, as the used product cannot be disposed of down the toilet. In this article we will look at how to use wood filler, silica gel and mineral and how to pour the product correctly.

How can you tell if your cat's litter box is too small?

He does not sit completely in the tray, but only with his hind legs. Often this indicates that the animal’s tray is very small, although the pet tries to somehow fit into it and not “miss the mark.” Or the small tray is poorly placed to save space. Places one paw in the tray or not at all.

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There are no absolutely universal solutions - each has its own pros and cons.

To begin with, all fillers are divided into two types: absorbent and clumping.

Absorbent ones are cheaper, but you have to change this type of filler more often, cleaning the entire tray.

Clumping ones are more expensive. However, when wet, they form dense lumps that are easy to remove with a scoop. As a result, such fillers “work” longer and do not require frequent replacement. Some of them even change color:

  • when wet (so you can immediately see which lump needs to be removed);
  • when the composition of urine changes (if the cat is sick).

Clumping type filler

Clumping litter can be considered somewhat more popular among pet owners, as it can be considered a more convenient means for this type of situation. This is due to the fact that, by absorbing moisture, it can create a fairly dry lump of a certain size, which is very easy for the owner to remove from the pot using a special spatula and throw away. At the same time, the remaining volumes of the filler remain completely dry and do not acquire any additional odor from the animal.

To make it, recycled clay is used, which is processed in such a way that it can subsequently absorb fairly large volumes of any liquid. At the same time, this material becomes quite dense and creates a dry lump that separates from the main mass of the material. They can also use paper, fine wood shavings, as well as other various waste from various industries, or intentionally manufactured raw materials for such substances.

Therefore, it is generally accepted that pet owners are more inclined to purchase clumping litter. This is both convenient and quite economical, and allows you to produce it in any color, with an additional pleasant smell. At the same time, the most expensive varieties have such a quality as changing the color of the area where the cat urine got in. This allows the owner to quickly navigate and choose to throw out exactly as much used filler as actually absorbed the liquid in the tray.

This allows you to save money and not throw away dry and usable filler for nothing. Another important fact is that this kind of cat litter can be quite easily accompanied by a special component called fragrance, which creates a pleasant smell in the room where the pet toilet is located.

DIY tray

Many owners make their own kitten toilet. You can make a tray for your pet from any material you like, but durable plastic or wood is preferable. The grate will always come in handy. And for those who like to do their business in solitude, it is recommended to arrange a toilet in the form of a tray house.

A flat litter box is definitely a practical option that suits most cats. The recommended depth is 7-8 cm (for kittens) and 10-13 cm for adults. The tray must be spacious, otherwise problems may arise. Cats can ignore the narrow and long “toilet” and do their personal business in any other place.

Now there are many options for filling the tray. As a filler, you can use either purchased biofiller or scraps of newspaper, sand, sawdust or small wood shavings. The option with sand is the most economical and without synthetic additives.

Can several individuals use one toilet?

Our smaller whiskered brothers are naturally territorial animals. As in the wild, in the house they distribute among themselves places that they will consider their personal possessions. Therefore, the toilet will have to be divided: acquire several attributes and even choose a filler that every cat will like.

But the owner cannot always afford such innovations. Living in a small apartment, a person does not have the opportunity to provide each furry guest with an individual restroom. You will have to train all your pets to relieve themselves in one place.

When training several cats to defecate in the same litter box, be prepared to clean the litter box several times more often. Otherwise, pets will choose their own personal bathroom.

How to wash, how to clean

Hygienic procedures are mandatory when using filler and without it. In the second case, you will have to clean the litter box after each time your pet goes to the toilet. If the attribute is not taken care of, then one of the consequences is an unpleasant odor that will quickly spread throughout the entire apartment . But the tailed pet will begin to regularly look for new places to relieve its natural needs, since the smell of excrement scares them away.

To clean your cat's litter box, you will need disinfectant (eco-friendly) detergents, a soft brush and paper towels.

Procedure. Everything will take no more than five minutes.

  1. The used filler is sent in a plastic bag.
  2. Having unfastened the removable mesh, the base is washed under warm water.
  3. Apply or spray detergent onto the tray and leave for a few minutes. Then the base is cleaned with a brush.
  4. The removable grate is cleaned in warm water.

Tray cleaner

Choosing a detergent

The most important criterion is the absence of strong odors. Be careful when using toilet bowl cleaners. Many of them have a pungent “aroma” that can scare away a cat.

As a result, the pet will have no choice but to go looking for a more comfortable place to go to the toilet.

Acid-containing products effectively fight urinary stones, which settle on the surface of the tray over time. An analogue of these is ordinary vinegar, but it only eliminates the smell and is not suitable for regular cleaning.

Eco-friendly disinfectants are the best option. They smell nothing and contain virtually no chemicals.

Where to put it in the apartment

This issue should be resolved on the first day the cat is in the house. The pet must be accustomed to one place for excrement, so that later the owner does not find “surprises” throughout the apartment.

Ideal areas are those that have low traffic and those that have virtually no noise. These are the most comfortable conditions under which the pet will agree to relieve itself and feel safe. Otherwise, “there will be trouble.”

If the choice falls on the toilet, make sure that the ward always has access to it. Residents will have to put up with an open door, or constantly come running when their pet calls.

Do not change the location of the tray. Cats are very conservative creatures and cannot tolerate any changes in their lives without stress. More temperamental individuals will declare “war” and continue to go where they went before.

How to accustom an adult cat to a litter box with a mesh?

Place a small amount of feces in the tray or lightly blot the urine with a piece of paper so that the cat recognizes its smell and quickly gets used to the tray. 4. If the cat is restless, fidgeting, or raking his paws outside the tray, take him to the tray, talking to him gently. 5.

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How to dispose and clean cat litter?

It is very important to clean your pet's litter box correctly to completely eliminate the smell and residue of the hygiene product. It is strictly forbidden to flush the substance down the drain, since there is not enough water in the tank to completely dissolve the granules and the toilet will clog. An exception is wood product, but you should also not bother with this method of disposal. If the entire layer is contaminated, you should completely collect the filler and throw it into a garbage bag, then into a general trash bin.

After emptying the cat litter, you should rinse it thoroughly under running water using a disinfectant. If soaked granules are stuck in some areas, soak the grate in warm liquid for a few minutes. It is extremely important to clean the mesh from limescale deposits that appear when it comes into contact with cat urine. If this is not done, an unpleasant odor will soon appear. When cleaning, it is important to use rubber gloves, and after the procedure, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

When a cat appears in the house, the question immediately arises of purchasing a comfortable, and most importantly, economical toilet. A tray with a mesh meets these requirements. Due to its versatility, you can use both silicone filler and regular wood filler. Many pet owners consider it the most practical and convenient option.

Errors when changing filler

You need to change the filler not only regularly, but also correctly. Sometimes a cat owner, trying to increase the level of comfort for the pet, makes critical mistakes.

Scented bedding and bags

Absorbent scented litter tray mats are comfortable and add a pleasant scent to the air, but your cat may simply not like it. In addition, such bedding can interfere with the “burying” of excrement and cause discomfort to the pet.

Most cats ignore the smell of bags, but some are repelled by it.

In general, you should be careful with any scented products and materials - deodorizing balls, fragrances, etc., as cats are too sensitive to foreign odors. It is especially undesirable to change the cat’s usual smell of the litter box after a move, veterinary procedures, or other circumstances that are associated with stress in animals. This may cause your pet to ignore the toilet.

There is too little or too much filler in the tray

The amount of filler is indicated as the layer thickness in centimeters. Each litter has an optimal volume that allows the cat to satisfy its instinct to bury excrement without spilling the contents. Too thin a layer - the pet has to “dig” the bottom of the tray. Too much granules or flakes - they spill out, which allows the smell of the litter box to spread and “lure” the cat to go not in the litter box, but outside it. Therefore, it is advisable to change the cat litter with the same amount of litter that the cat is accustomed to.

ATTENTION, TEST! Answer a few simple questions and find out what kind of owner you are for your cat:

Does your cat have a name?

How often do you play with your pet?

Do you get your vaccinations and parasite treatment up to date?

Is your kitten spayed/neutered?

What do you feed your purr?

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The amount of filler depends on the composition used (coniferous sawdust, wood pellets, a mixture of clay and zeolite, silica gel). Before pouring a new portion of granules, powder or sawdust, you need to wash the tray and wipe it dry.

A mesh is placed on top of the filler. Once it has become clear where to pour the filler into a tray with a grate, you need to learn how to replace old granules or sawdust with new ones in a timely manner.


Simple absorbent litter should be completely changed every three days - at least. As the urine absorbs, it turns into a wet mess and starts to smell. This is unpleasant for both cats and people.

Clumping litter is consumed more slowly. You remove only swollen lumps and feces, adding fresh filler from time to time. A complete cleaning of the tray can be done once every two to three weeks.

Wood fillers

They are both absorbent and clumping. They are produced in the form of large or small granules from pressed waste from the woodworking industry. Large granules are recommended for long-haired cats; small granules are suitable for kittens and short-haired cats.

Advantages of all wood fillers:

  • smell like wood;
  • absorb urine well and block odor,
  • do not generate dust;
  • safe for health, do not cause allergies, recommended for kittens.

Disadvantages of cheap options:

  • do not clump and turn into wet dust;
  • are quickly spent. Cheap wood filler must be completely changed, otherwise it stops absorbing moisture and retaining odor;
  • crumbs of wood filler stick to the paws and fur, after which the cat spreads them throughout the house.

Pros of expensive options:

  • When wet, they stick together into clumps, which are convenient to clean up and can even be flushed down the toilet;
  • are consumed more slowly than cheap ones;
  • economical;
  • don't create dust.

Clay (aka bentonite and silicate) fillers

Absorbent ones are cheaper, clumping ones are more expensive. They are made from different types of clay, silica and a substance that absorbs moisture - sodium bentonite.

The pros and cons are the same as for wood fillers. Absorbent ones require frequent replacement, clumping ones last longer. However, at a comparable price, clay fillers have many disadvantages:

  • silica in packaging inevitably turns into fine dust. This dust rises in a column when you pour the filler into the tray and scatters in all directions;
  • bentonite is dangerous for kittens. While playing with the litter, a kitten may inadvertently swallow a lump swollen with moisture - it’s the same as eating a piece of concrete;
  • bentonite crumbs stick to paws and fur. While washing, the cat swallows them (see above);
  • clay fillers cannot be flushed down the toilet - there will be a blockage;
  • these fillers do not decompose. At all. Never.

For a detailed comparison of wood and clay litter, read the article “Cat litter box: what to fill it with?”

Silica gel fillers

This is an advanced version of clay fillers. They clump, are expensive, but are used economically. A tray with silica gel filler may not be renewed for one to three weeks.

Unlike clay fillers, silica gel fillers naturally generate less dust and look more attractive (to humans). But for a cat everything is not so clear:

  • silica gel granules, from his point of view, look strange;
  • they crunch under the paws and hiss when urinating;
  • granules of some fillers, similar to crystals with sharp edges, are unpleasant for paws;
  • blue granules may stain paws;
  • granules can get stuck in paws;
  • swallowing them is as dangerous as bentonite granules.

Not all cats like silica gel litter and are not at all recommended for kittens. But if your adult cat has nothing against his granules and does not try to eat them, then the filler, despite its high cost, may turn out to be the most optimal in terms of price and effectiveness. And if you use a tray with a grid, then the cat will not be harmed, and the consumption of filler will decrease even more.

Corn and paper fillers

Natural ones are similar in properties to wood ones, but cost a little more. They are both absorbent and (less commonly) clumping. Produced from corn processing waste or waste paper.

These fillers are pleasant and safe for cats, they rustle nicely, generate almost no dust, and are flushed down the toilet. True, corn litter is not suitable for long-haired cats - its light particles stick to the fur.

In terms of efficiency, corn and paper fillers are inferior to silica gel. In all other respects there are only advantages.

Our range

The catalog of the pet store "World of Tails" presents products from famous world and Russian brands, including:

  • Cat Step - economical silica gel compounds that only need to be changed a couple of times a month;
  • Ever Clean - the manufacturer offers several varieties with different flavors;
  • Fresh Step - the best absorbent compositions with activated carbon;
  • Pi-Pi-Bent is an effective budget option based on bentonite clay;
  • Pretty Cat is a Finnish brand whose products are known for their high environmental friendliness;
  • BRAVA - sorbents with bactericidal properties are used in production.

You will find detailed characteristics and composition of cat litter products on the corresponding product pages of the catalog.

If you are in doubt about what type of product to choose, call us - the store’s specialists will help you choose a litter based on your budget and the needs of your cat.

Online store of pet products “World of the Tailed”

Not every owner knows how to use cat litter and whether it can be flushed down the toilet. After purchasing a cat, the first thing the owners of an apartment or their own house do is choose a place for him to eat and use the toilet. While it’s easy to purchase bowls and fill them with food and water, choosing a tray is much more difficult.

Precautionary measures

Of course, precautions must be taken when selecting and using a tray.

  • Be sure to use filler. It will definitely make life easier for both you and your cat. Change it more often, change types. You will definitely find something you like.
  • Do not use or display substances that a kitten could easily eat. Kittens are very curious and if substances get into the respiratory and digestive tracts, problems cannot be avoided.
  • Keep it clean. Cats are clean and also do not like to go to dirty places.
  • Never add fragrances to attract the animal or to block unpleasant odors.
  • Replace cheap plastic pots once a year. More expensive trays can be replaced every three years.

By the way, in order to remove the pot quickly and without hassle, you can use one piece of advice. Place a garbage bag on the tray of the pot and pour the filler into it. This option fights unpleasant odors and does not deposit urinary stones.

Differences between mineral and wood filler

Structure and size of granules

Wood litter for toilets is lighter and less dense in structure than mineral litter. Owners who use wood products often complain that their pet spreads wood dust and sawdust from the tray throughout the apartment. Mineral filler granules, on the contrary, do not stick to the animal’s fur and paws. Modern manufacturers offer different options for short- and long-haired cats.

Cheap mineral compositions have a serious disadvantage - dusting. Manufacturers of high-quality fillers (for example, Fresh Step) eliminate this effect using special anti-dust additives.

The size of the granules may vary. The most convenient for the animal are medium and small granules: they are crumbly, and it is convenient to dig holes in them.

Ease of use

Compared to wood mineral filler:

  • more hygienic - does not stick to paws,
  • It is used more economically - this is especially true for clumping products,
  • effectively prevents the spread of unpleasant odors.

If you wish, you can use a scented mineral litter - for example, with a slight scent of lavender or pine. Try to avoid strong scents like citrus - your pet may not like them.


The environmental friendliness of wood and mineral composition is approximately at the same level. To produce the second type of material, quartz sand, chalk, and bentonite are used. They absorb moisture well, are absolutely safe for the environment, and are hypoallergenic.

Attention! If you have a kitten in the house, the choice of filler should be made taking into account the fact that babies like to try everything. Small granules are dangerous - the kitten can swallow them. Mineral litter is optimal for adult cats; wood litter is suitable for small kittens.

Why do you need a grille?

This accessory has a practical meaning. The filler is poured strictly under the grate, as it absorbs urine. The excrement will remain on top: the owner only needs to remove the part to rinse it under running water.

Some owners try to avoid mesh, citing the cat's physiology as an excuse. In their opinion, the accessory interferes with burying animal waste products, which means it will certainly cause discomfort. In the future, such a solution creates a whole wave of problems: the pet scatters the litter, dirt quickly accumulates and cleaning turns into a daily chore.

When your cat does its business

Having noticed that your pet has gone to relieve himself, the best thing you can do is to leave him completely alone, pretend that you are not concerned about his affairs. Do not disturb, do not communicate, or in any way contact the animal at this crucial moment. In addition, give him a little more time to properly “bury” the results of his labors. Plus a little trick - wait a little longer, let the cat come to its senses and go on about its business. There is no need to defiantly stand at the ready with a dustpan - this behavior will upset the cat, which needs its own space. Five minutes - and you can clean up!

If it goes not into the filler, but onto the grate of the tray (and the filler is under the grate), then exactly the same. We do not change the filler, but we remove the “targeted” places in the filler. We remove the kaki immediately. The smell of urine will be enough for him.

If he just walks on the grill without any filler, then you can slip a newspaper under the sausages and not remove it right away. The kitten must come two more times and scoop up the sausages. Then you can remove them. Urine can be poured out once a day. You can lay paper on the grate (about half of the grate) and put filler on it - let it row if it wants. Reduce the amount of filler every month. Then completely abandon it.

It is better, of course, if a small kitten goes to the litter before the hormones mature (about nine months). Then it is better to refuse the filler. When their hormones mature, the filler no longer protects them from odors. Then it is better to gradually switch to the filler under the grate, and then abandon the filler altogether.

How many accessories do you need for one cat?

One tray is enough for an adult. Let us remember that cats are conservative by nature and, as a rule, defecate in only one place. But under certain circumstances, the number of bathrooms can be increased.

  1. When accustoming a kitten to relieve its natural needs, the owner must determine which location will be preferable for his ward. To do this, you need to put several trays in the apartment where a new member of the household has already visited with certain intentions.
  2. When a cat changes its place of residence, its litter box also changes. To help the client choose, the owner can also place several trays in different areas of the apartment. And only when the cat decides, leave one attribute.

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