Is it safe to use the sedative Kot Bayun for dogs?

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Various sedatives are used to correct the behavior of cats. One of them is “Cat Bayun”. The product based on herbal extracts is dosed and given to the pet according to the instructions for use. The medicine helps the animal adapt to new living conditions and survive a stressful situation without negative consequences. Thanks to sedative substances, it is possible to reduce aggressiveness and increased anxiety in cats.

Release form and composition

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Cat Baiyun for cats is produced by a domestic company specializing in the development and production of veterinary products. The drug hits the shelves in two forms: infusion and tablets. Both forms are intended for oral use.

The main components of the Kot Bayun infusion are aqueous extracts from oregano herb (0.45%), valerian rhizomes (0.23%), sweet clover herb (0.23%), as well as a complex of plant extracts (1.45%). The latter includes 14 plant species:

  • hawthorn;
  • hop;
  • motherwort;
  • mint;
  • budra;
  • catnip;
  • Melissa;
  • meadowsweet;
  • St. John's wort;
  • thyme;
  • cottonweed;
  • solyanka;
  • nettle;
  • peony.

The sterile medicine is bottled in glass bottles with a capacity of 10 or 16 ml. The containers are hermetically sealed with rubber stoppers and aluminum caps. One cardboard box contains two or three bottles, a dropper nozzle and a leaflet with instructions for use. Different batches of goods may differ in the color of the liquid. It varies from yellow-beige to dark brown. The aqueous solution has a light herbal odor, which is due to natural plant components.

The total proportion of valeric acid in the liquid product is at least 0.25%

The composition of the tablet form is similar to the liquid preparation. The dry extract of herbal components is 6.4 mg per tablet weighing 0.2 grams. Additional ingredients are calcium stearate, starch powder, lactose. Biconvex tablets Kot Bayun are white or slightly yellowish in color. The capsules are packaged in plastic jars with a screw cap, 50 pieces each.

general description

The drug has the trade name Cat Baiyun. The mechanism of action is determined by the active elements of the plants included in the composition.

Effect of components on the body:

  • reduce the feeling of fear;
  • relieve muscle spasms;
  • reduce the perception of pain;
  • reduce emotional stress and anxiety.

The animal’s body receives important plant ingredients that promote adaptation in a difficult environment and stabilize behavior. The drug corrects the recovery time after the exciting cycle, regulates the mechanisms of nervous activity under normal conditions and in various painful situations.

The herbal remedy belongs to hazard class 4 in accordance with GOST 12.1.007 . The components do not accumulate in the body with prolonged use. Natural elements do not have a toxic effect on the fetus and the dog’s body during pregnancy. Cat Bayun increases immunity and improves the overall well-being of the pet. The dog becomes calmer and its aggressive behavior stops.

Animals experience a certain fear during trips to the country, for joint recreation in nature. Sometimes owners transport their pets long distances to participate in exhibitions, and the pupils suffer from loud sounds and noise. When the owner leaves for work, dogs often bark for no reason, conveying their anxious state.

In this case, you cannot shout or prohibit anything, as this will complicate the situation even more. It is better to use a biological stimulant to coordinate behavior. Before planned trips, it is better to start a course of treatment in advance.

Composition and release forms

The drug is produced by the Veda association in Russia, whose production facilities are located in the city of Protvino, Moscow region. The product contains only plant extracts. The medicine is sold in the form of drops and tablets.

Drops are produced in the form of a dark brown solution, which has a natural herbal aroma. 10 ml liquid is packaged in glass vials. Along with the bottle, instructions for use and a special dispenser syringe are placed in a cardboard box. An additional component in the infusion is distilled water. When stored in solution, a precipitate may appear.

Herbs that are part of the drug:

  • thyme;
  • motherwort;
  • swamp grass;
  • sweet clover;
  • hawthorn;
  • sticky meadowsweet;
  • peppermint;
  • Melissa;
  • valerian;
  • ivy-shaped budra;
  • oregano;
  • evasive peony;
  • St. John's wort;
  • nettle;
  • hop cones.

The composition of the medicine in tablet form is no different from the liquid form, but instead of distilled water they use calcium stearate, starch and lactose. Tablets of 50 pieces are packaged in plastic bottles or placed in plastic bags.

Indications for use

The drug is prescribed for the occurrence and regular manifestation of anxiety and increased nervousness in dogs. The medicine does not have an immediate effect, so it is given several days before the expected change in usual circumstances.

The product does not have a hypnotic effect, so the pet’s nervous system will gradually return to its normal mode of functioning. The duration of the course is allowed to range from one week to a month, depending on the degree of excitement.

The veterinarian prescribes medication for behavioral disorders:

  • dogs of different ages regularly mark their territory;
  • bark in calm conditions for no apparent reason;
  • display hostility or outright aggression towards the owner due to fear or excitement;
  • lick themselves continuously;
  • they get scared by sounds and hide in secluded places;
  • eat their own feces;
  • show inadequate hyperactivity and restlessness.

Inappropriate behavior often occurs in a dog when it is placed in a stressful situation, an unfamiliar environment, or the animal is abused.

Nervous disorder manifests itself differently in all breeds. Some lick their paws until they bleed, grab imaginary insects around their heads, and constantly chase their own tail. Compulsive behavior is effectively regulated when undergoing a course of treatment with the drug Kot Bayun.


Cat Bayun in the form of an aqueous extract is given to the cat 1/2 teaspoon (the exact dose is 2 ml). The frequency of use is 3-4 times a day. This treatment regimen is followed for 5 to 7 days and repeated every month at regular intervals.

If the sedative is in the form of tablets, then it is given to the cat in two pieces 20-30 minutes before pouring the food into the bowl or an hour after the pet has eaten. The frequency is 3-4 times a day. The duration of the course is also 5-7 days with monthly repetition.

Drug price

A package of 3 bottles of 10 ml costs 182-190 rubles in online pharmacies. This amount is enough for 1 week course of 0.5 tsp. and three times application. In retail sales and in the regions, the price may be different, but not much higher: the drug is affordable, domestic, and inexpensive plant raw materials are used in its production.

The cost of 1 bottle (50 tablets of 0.2 g) is lower, and the medicine can be purchased in online pharmacies for 116-130 rubles. The specified amount, if the dosages are observed, will be enough for 3-4 days, i.e. 1 week course will cost an amount comparable to taking the liquid form of the product.

The drugs can be purchased in veterinary pharmacies and special departments of pet stores, and can be delivered to your home.

How it works

To produce the drug, plants are used that have a sedative effect to one degree or another. The sedative Kot Bayun is prescribed to adult cats to correct the functioning of the central nervous system. Indications for this may include inappropriate forms of cat behavior:

  • Aggressive reaction towards the owner or other people.
  • Various types of phobias (fear of loud sounds, separation, travel, new places).
  • All kinds of disorders associated with sexual behavior in males and females.
  • Aggression towards relatives caused by a competitive struggle for dominance.
  • Frequent meowing for no apparent reason, excessive licking of fur.
  • Increased activity or, conversely, deep apathy due to stress.
  • Food taste distortion and coprophagia.

The drug has a sedative, antispasmodic, analgesic, restorative, anxiolytic (phobia-suppressing) effect. The complex of plant extracts is a source of biologically important substances that ensure the cat’s adaptation process in extreme and normal conditions.

Mechanism of action and indications for use

The active components of the drug calm and reduce the pet's fear, relieve spasms of smooth muscles. As a result, after taking the medication, the cat becomes more balanced, and its anxiety and aggression decrease. The product is also used for dogs.

Indications for tablets and drops are the same:

  • behavioral disorders during sexual hunting (aggression, loud meowing, etc.);
  • fear of traveling in transport, moving;
  • stress before exhibitions, going to the veterinarian;
  • excessive anxiety during false pregnancy;
  • fear of noise;
  • fear of being alone;
  • attacks on the owner out of fear or struggle for dominance;
  • excessive activity, rushing around the apartment;
  • signs of nervous disorder, such as constant licking of fur or eating feces;
  • if an animal marks an apartment, shits in inappropriate places.

Although Kot Bayun is a natural and safe drug, it is still advisable to consult a veterinarian before using it.

Instructions for use of Kota Bayun

To measure the liquid product Kot Bayun, open the bottle and place a pipette on the neck, which is included in the kit. Next, the specified volume of the drug is added to the water. If the animal does not refuse to lick the infusion in concentrated form, you do not need to dilute it with water. Since the opened bottle is stored in cool conditions, the next time the dose is kept at room temperature for some time before drinking.

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Kot Bayun tablets can be fed using an introducer or by placing them in a piece of minced meat. Another option for use is to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of water and drink it to the cat in the usual way.

When using the medicine, you must follow the rules of personal hygiene. Before and after working with the medicinal product, wash your hands with soap. In case of individual intolerance to the ingredients if they come into contact with the mucous membranes, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse the area with water.


The drug Kot Bayun contains safe components of plant origin, therefore it is classified by pharmacists and veterinarians as a harmless product. Contraindication for use is individual intolerance to all or individual ingredients. The list of restrictions includes the age of the pet. If 10 months have not yet passed since the kitten was born, then it is not allowed to treat it with this sedative. The drug is also not given to pregnant and lactating cats.

If an allergic reaction occurs, the cat must be shown to a doctor to select a suitable analogue and prescribe adequate antihistamine therapy.

Storage conditions

Tablets and tincture are stored closed in original containers. After removing the aluminum cap from the bottle, Kot Bayun drops are placed in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, since there are no preservatives in the composition. The shelf life of the infusion after opening is no more than a week. To preserve the medicinal properties, the drug must be kept away from direct sunlight in a room with a temperature of 0 to 25 degrees. It is not recommended to place the drug together with food, cat food, household goods, or in places accessible to small children.

During long-term storage of the liquid preparation, sedimentation may occur. It is eliminated by gentle shaking. In this case, the solution becomes slightly cloudy. This circumstance does not serve as a sign of poor quality and does not affect the intake of drops.

The shelf life of the medicine is one year. After this period, the drug must be disposed of.

Why this name

Old Russian legends abound with descriptions of various kinds of fantastic creatures, the prototypes of which are animals familiar to us. Cat Bayun is one of them.

  • Previously, he often appeared in fairy tales. And in our time it was almost forgotten.
  • However, an interesting description of this folklore character has been preserved.

This is a hefty (the size of a good horse) cannibal cat, the owner of a magical voice, through which he lulls and lulls the travelers he meets. He devours his victims, who do not have the strength to resist this spell.

But the hero who can defeat Bayun will receive healing from all ailments, because the Cat’s fairy tales have the power of healing.

As we can see, the name of the drug was not chosen by chance: it relieves stress, anxiety, calms and lulls.


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If necessary, Kot Bayun for cats can be replaced with drugs with a similar effect. The choice of medication should take into account the age and condition of the animal. This will avoid unwanted consequences for the cat’s health. Analogues include:

  • Fitex. Soothing drops containing extracts of valerian, hops, motherwort, and skullcap. They have a moderate sedative effect without a hypnotic effect.
  • Stop stress. Domestic drops, the formula of which consists of sedative plant extracts and the strong nootropic compound phenibut.
  • Relax Plus. The tablets are produced by a Latvian company. The product is exclusively natural, as it contains only plant extracts.
  • Zoomir Antistress. Available in tablet form. Contains plant extracts, taurine, vitamins, brewer's yeast. In addition to the sedative effect, the medicine has an immunomodulatory effect.
  • Feliway. An innovative French product in the form of a spray or diffuser. The latter operates from the mains. The active substance is a synthetic pheromone, odorless and colorless.

Drugs with similar effects

Sometimes Kot Bayun does not have the desired effect, since the product is herbal, not hormonal, and one should not expect one hundred percent effectiveness. You cannot increase the dosage or extend the course of treatment if the cat still has problems after treatment. Most likely, Kot Bayun is simply not suitable for your pet, and you need to try another remedy. There are a number of medications used in similar cases. Before choosing, you should consult your veterinarian.

Table: comparative characteristics of sedatives for cats

Drug nameRelease formCompoundIndicationsContraindicationsApproximate price (according to Yandex.Market)
  • valerian officinalis;
  • motherwort;
  • common hop;
  • Baikal skullcap.


  • distilled glycerin;
  • water.
  • fear, high excitability;
  • excessive activity;
  • constant barking, whining, loud meowing;
  • fights with other pets;
  • the animal “marks” the apartment;
  • anxiety and loud meowing during estrus in cats, hypersexuality in cats;
  • prevention of stress before guests arrive, travel on transport, or visit a veterinarian.
  • individual sensitivity to the components of the drug,
  • reduced blood pressure.
150 rubles
  • inositol,
  • nicotinamide, L-
  • tryptophan,
  • calcium,
  • vitamin B6,
  • vitamin E,
  • zinc,
  • selenium,
  • vitamin D3.
Used to reduce stress in the following cases:
  • when traveling in transport, motion sickness, moving;
  • before visiting the veterinarian;
  • at animal shows;
  • when cutting, bathing, nail correction;
  • for fear of loneliness/
  • serious liver diseases;
  • disturbance of brain activity;
  • significant intestinal disorder, such as enteritis.
450–550 rubles

Photo gallery: sedatives for cats

The packages of Kota Bayun with tablets and infusion are similar, but slightly different in size. Previously, the packaging of Kota Bayun looked different; Occasionally, even now you can find medicine from old stocks on sale. The packaging of the drug Fitex, suitable for cats, depicts a cat. Depending on the country of manufacture, the packaging of Sanal Relax may look different

Reviews about Kota Bayun


, Petrozavodsk:



Natural, not expensive



Individual, does not work for everyone

Having brought the package home, I immediately gave my cat the required dose from a pipette, as stated in the instructions... but after 30 minutes she screamed again. I was shocked... it didn’t work... I tried again, increasing the dose, and again after 30 minutes she screamed... But I still found a way out. Apparently my cat has horse health, since these herbs do not take her.



After we dripped this infusion to the cat, she continued to scream as if nothing had happened. It did not have any sedative effect. But she swallowed it without disgust; she probably liked the taste.

Perhaps the drug has a calming effect on the nervous system of animals, or helps with stress, but it is ineffective in cats’ sexual hunting...

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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