How cats are euthanized in veterinary clinics, can you do it yourself at home?

Undoubtedly, for every cat owner, his pet is a member of the family, and he wants the cat to live next to him as long as possible. But, unfortunately, not every pet is destined to live to a ripe old age. There may come a time when euthanasia becomes the only option for your pet's suffering. How to euthanize a cat and whether it can be done at home is to be found out in this article.

In what cases is euthanasia required?

There are times when the only thing the owner can do for his beloved but unhappy cat is to euthanize him for medical reasons.

Modern techniques allow euthanasia to be carried out painlessly and unnoticed by the pet.

Euthanasia is recommended in the following cases:

  1. Congenital defects incompatible with life.
  2. Acquired, incurable diseases, accompanied by severe, constant pain.
  3. Injuries leading to the inability of the animal to move independently, feed, etc.

You can guess about the unbearable pain present in your pet by its behavior. The cat hisses, reacts painfully to any touch, and moves with uncertainty.

It's hard to be a god

Euthanasia or “happy death” (from the Greek eữ - good and thanatos - death) is the termination of life in order to get rid of pain and suffering. We all want to give our cat every chance at life, but at the same time we don't want her to suffer. But how can you understand whether your pet has really reached his last hour or whether he still has the opportunity to move away from the “abyss”?

~ unfavorable prognosis (incurable disease with deterioration of condition, which is accompanied by physical suffering), based on the opinion of qualified doctors (!);

~ quality of life As long as the animal does not refuse food, communicates with its owners, and shows at least some interest in what is happening around it, it must live. But if life no longer brings him anything but torment, is it worth prolonging such an existence?

This is your animal, no one knows it better than you, and it is you who bears the responsibility of choosing between its life and death. It's up to you and only you to decide.

Methods of painless euthanasia and drugs

The anesthetic part of euthanasia takes place in several stages:

  1. Intramuscular injection of a relaxing drug - a muscle relaxant. Under its influence, the animal’s body completely relaxes.
  2. Introduction of basic anesthesia. Intravenous and subsequent intramuscular injection of a sedative at intervals of 3-4 minutes. After the injections, after a short period of time, the animal falls asleep.

To reliably euthanize cats, injections based on drugs are used:

  • sodium thiopental;
  • sodium hydroxydione succinate;
  • gilded;
  • T-61.

These drugs have analgesic, sedative, anticholinergic, and antihistamine effects.

How to put a cat to sleep temporarily?

Sometimes it is necessary to put the cat to sleep for a while, for example, in order to:

  • medical manipulations;
  • hygiene procedures.

Be sure to read:

Gingivitis in cats: how to recognize and treat the disease

Veterinarians in hospital settings use strong sedatives such as Vetranquil, Rometar, Propofol to calm animals.

More suitable for home use:

  • Stop stress;
  • Fitex;
  • Cat Baiyun.

Important! The drug and dose are prescribed by a veterinarian!

The difference between a sleeping pill and a sedative

The sedative does not put the cat to sleep, but simply makes it calm, one might even say lethargic.

If the cat has a long journey ahead, a visit to the veterinarian for a consultation with a doctor or a change of environment can be completely sedated.

This group of drugs is also recommended for use when adding another animal to a cat or during participation in an exhibition.

During periods of sexual arousal, it is better to resort to herbal-based sedatives.

How are cats euthanized in veterinary clinics?

Before the procedure, the veterinarian examines the animal and determines its weight.

The killing of cats in veterinary clinics is carried out according to the principle of humanity in several stages:

  1. Relaxing injection.
  2. Basic anesthesia, which puts the animal into deep sleep: the central nervous system is blocked, the receptors do not function. At this stage, the pet is in a state of absolute immunity to the environment. The cat does not hear, does not feel.
  3. Heart failure. It is carried out in different ways: by injecting a special drug into the heart muscle, or by administering a sedative drug by intravenous injection. The procedure is painless. Breathing stops.
  4. The heart is listened to with a stethoscope, the doctor diagnoses the death of the animal.

Sometimes in old or severely weakened cats, cardiac and respiratory arrest is recorded at the second stage of euthanasia.

The drug and dose are prescribed by a veterinarian

Euthanasia by veterinary clinic specialists has a number of advantages:

  • high-quality certified drugs are used;
  • the dosage of the medicine is determined by a qualified veterinarian according to the attached instructions, taking into account the weight, age of the cat, and concomitant pathologies;
  • the ability to choose the location of the procedure: at home or in the hospital;
  • the opportunity to entrust the disposal of the body of a euthanized animal to specialists from a veterinary clinic.

The method and drugs for euthanasia are determined by the doctor based on the condition and pathology of the animal.

My kitten cries at night - is he sad?

Your kitten doesn't have many outlets for self-expression. He can't open his mouth and just say, "Hey, I'm hungry" or "Hey, I want to play."

The only way kittens will send you a message is by crying or meowing. Some kittens will cry like babies, while others will meow.

And even if your kitten cries at night to tear your heart apart because they are so sharp, they are not an expression of your kitten's sadness, but simply a way to get your attention .

In general, when a kitten cries at night , don't cry because it's unhappy (except for the first few nights, as stated above). In fact, if your kitten cries at night, it probably wants to be taken care of (needs to eat, go out, play, etc.) or has failed to do so. 'fall asleep (see below how to put a kitten to sleep ).

However, it can also be the pain of crying . Indeed, your kitten may be suffering physically or mentally and express this by crying or meowing at night. Therefore, it is recommended to call this crying or meowing to your veterinarian to get his opinion or diagnosis.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of euthanasia varies between 1000-2000 rubles and depends on the following factors:

  • size of the settlement (in megacities the price of the service is approximately 30% higher than in small towns);
  • veterinary clinic level;
  • pet's weight;
  • list of services provided (home visits, subsequent cremation, etc.).

Calling a specialist to your home will increase the total cost by an average of 1000-1500 rubles. Sending a deceased cat for cremation will require an additional at least 500 rubles.

Be sure to read:

Correspondence between the ages of cats and humans: methods of determination, stages of development by human standards

In many clinics, the price for euthanizing an animal weighing up to 10 kg is fixed. The cost of the procedure for larger animals is negotiable.

Some veterinary hospitals offer lower price lists for euthanasia services. The main criteria when choosing a clinic should not be the amount of material costs, but the professionalism of the doctors and the quality of the drugs used.

Animal behavior after using sleeping pills

The cat's behavior depends on which drug is chosen for administration. They are divided into groups according to the duration of the effect:

  • short-term - after taking them, the cat may not fall asleep, but the body will be completely immobilized, the animal will allow any manipulation with itself;
  • medium-term – the cat completely relaxes (both the muscles and the nervous system), while the animal does not feel pain;
  • long-term – also has an analgesic effect, the cat is relaxed and will sleep for 8-10 hours.

Important! After sleeping pills, the cat will come to its senses throughout the day. If the animal’s condition has not returned to normal during this time, you should contact a veterinarian.

It is quite difficult to name specific breeds of cats that do not tolerate the effects of sleeping pills well. Veterinarians say that a cat’s condition does not depend on the breed, but on its condition before the administration of sleeping pills. For example, the drug is not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating cats, as well as kittens under 6 months.

How to painlessly euthanize a cat at home?

Situations when a decision is made to euthanize a cat at home are not uncommon.

Reasons for this choice:

  1. Loving pet owners understand that transporting a seriously ill animal to a veterinary clinic will bring additional suffering. In a familiar environment, the animal feels more comfortable and calm.
  2. The death of a beloved cat is a tragedy for a person; it is psychologically easier to bear the death of a pet at home.
  3. Lack of free time for the owner.

Doctors often euthanize cats at home . Technically, the procedure for euthanizing animals at home is similar to the procedure in a veterinary clinic: the same medications and veterinary instruments are used.

The close presence of the animal owner obliges the specialist to carry out all euthanasia procedures in accordance with the required medical rules.

Reasons for euthanizing a dog

There are reasons why owners decide to euthanize a pet, despite moral principles.

What can serve as a basis for administering a lethal injection:

  • The dog becomes very old or is in great distress due to an incurable illness or severe injury.
  • Uncontrolled aggressiveness , posing a danger to others.
  • Inability to keep an animal.
  • Allergy.
  • Animal bites.
  • Rabies or plague.

  • Euthanasia may be necessary if infected with rabies.

Self-euthanasia at home

Doctors often euthanize cats at home.
Euthanasia of an animal requires certain skills and knowledge from a person; the procedure is complex from a psychological point of view. Experts do not recommend carrying it out to a cat owner who does not have experience in such work.

Sometimes people are in a hopeless situation and decide to euthanize their pet on their own for the following reasons:

  • financial difficulties;
  • a significant distance between the house and the veterinary hospital;
  • problems with free time.

However, veterinarians warn that it is not possible to purchase the necessary medications: such medications are issued only to licensed specialists or veterinary clinics.

The use of low-quality analogues can significantly complicate the euthanasia process and cause painful convulsions in the animal. In addition, it is difficult for an inexperienced person to determine the correct dosage of medications. It is absolutely unacceptable to use various poisons for another purpose during euthanasia.

The conclusion of the professionals : it is impossible to euthanize a cat at home without pain for the animal!

Let go if you love!

It's hard to decide to take someone's life. And it’s very hard to lose a beloved friend. If everything that can be done has already been done, and the pet has no “taste for life” left, well, perhaps it’s time for a parting gift - to give him the opportunity to fall into a peaceful sleep, leaving pain and suffering behind.

How will I live without him? Of course, pets are a significant part of our lives; a strong emotional connection is established between us, and sometimes it is simply impossible to imagine our existence without them. But this is not a reason to keep your four-legged friend by being selfish. Remember that love is also the ability to let go in time. Let it be a consolation to know that your little friend is no longer suffering.

What to do with the animal's body (cremation or burial)

What to choose: a regular burial in the ground or cremation of a deceased pet is decided by the owner, depending on financial and other possibilities.

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The laws of the Russian Federation prohibit burying animal corpses in urban areas and areas adjacent to the city. Violation of the law is punished administratively - a fine is issued.

In most cases, it is wise to cremate the cat's body.

In large cities there are special ritual agencies for animals that offer the following services:

  • 24-hour removal of the body of a deceased pet to the factory;
  • return of ashes after cremation.

Sterile and safe ashes can be buried in the forest or in a summer cottage, placed in an urn and placed at home in memory of your beloved pet.

Funeral agencies provide their services for a fee; individual cremation of a deceased cat costs about 1,000 rubles.

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