Cats, cats and kittens started gnawing wires: why and what to do

Unlike dogs, cats are less attracted to electrical wires. But still, some inquisitive furry pets chew on cables or play with pleasure, for example, with chargers or telephone cords, especially in the absence of their owners. Such a harmful habit of a pet can not only lead to equipment failure, but also cost the cat’s life. If the electrical cable is energized and the cat is connected to the electrical network, it may receive an electric shock or suffocate if it becomes entangled in the wires. Therefore, owners of furry cats should know how to stop their cat from chewing wires.

Why is a cat attracted to wires?

There are many reasons why felines are attracted to wires from electrical appliances. First of all, this is an interesting item to play with. What else makes a cat touch a moving wire:

  1. Itchy teeth Baby teeth are replaced by molars. At this time, the kittens' gums may itch quite severely, and they begin to chew on everything, including wires.
  2. Oral diseases and plaque Stomatitis, gingivitis, periodontal disease are diseases that require treatment. Your cat may chew on wires to scratch and soothe sore gums. Cats also use wires to try to clean plaque.
  3. Boredom If a cat has nothing to do and is often left alone, he may chew things. Wires are no exception.
  4. Lack of attention If the owner of the house does not pay attention to the pet, then most likely the cat will want to attract him and will do something that is not allowed. For example, it will start biting the TV wires while you are watching it.
  5. Lack of nutrients in the body A lack of aluminum or copper in a cat’s body provokes strange food addictions. Wires can make an attractive snack.

Some useful tips

If the kitten chews on electrical wires and the methods described above did not help, adjust your pet’s diet. If the cat is kept on a natural diet, after consulting with a veterinarian, supplement the diet with multivitamin complexes, vitamin-mineral supplements, probiotics, and enzyme agents. Offer your cat grass, fresh herbs, and chewing bones.

If your cat receives ready-made food, give preference to products of proven brands, trademarks and only “premium” and “extra” class.

Monitor your pet's oral hygiene and dental condition. Once every two weeks, brush your cat’s teeth using a soft brush and a special paste for animals. This procedure is unpleasant for cats, so it needs to be taught to them from an early age.

Make your cat's leisure time active and varied , especially if the cat does not walk outside. Build a playground and buy toys. Kittens love to play with wind-up mice and balls. To prevent your cat from getting bored, pay more attention to your pet.

Even if the problem does not resolve immediately, be patient. Wean your cat off this bad habit gradually. If you use various methods and learn your pet’s habits, over time the cat will definitely understand and understand that gnawing and playing with wires is prohibited.

We stop chewing wires

Of course, you can’t beat the cat for these pranks. Felines are very touchy and will remember your brute strength for a long time, and if necessary, they will take revenge. Stop the attack on the wires calmly and methodically.

Firstly, the wires can be saved if you take simple measures:

  • cable channels in the form of closed profiles on the wall will reliably hide the wires;
  • fix the wires on the wall with tape at a height of at least 50 cm;
  • wrap them with double-sided tape, which the cat will not like;
  • Wrap it in foil for a curious kitten - it crunches terribly;
  • Place all little-used extension cords away.

Secondly, there are home and store-bought remedies to wean a cat off its love of wires. Look for them in veterinary pharmacies or pet supply stores (sprays like Antigryzin). There are budget and expensive sprays. These products are safe for cats and people, they do not leave any traces.

Home remedies:

  • citrus oil – emits a pleasant aroma that cats cannot stand. Lubricate wires with it or place citrus peels nearby. When the smell weakens, replace it;
  • aloe juice, garlic or onion, and mustard taste bitter. They will keep the cat away from the wires, but you will have to endure the strong smell;
  • a can of compressed air - keep it nearby. When your pet starts chewing on the wires, go over and give it a whack. Usually animals are afraid of this. The cat will understand the cause-and-effect relationship.

Psychological influence is an effective weaning method. If you see the cat walking towards the wires or already biting them, make a loud sound. Clap your hands, place your hand on the table, or call your pet sternly. He must realize that unpleasant noise follows prohibited actions.

To prevent your cat from playing with wires, offer him other toys. If you have a craving for long ropes, then let them play with laces or ribbons. And spend more time with your pet, relieving him of boredom.

To replenish the lack of nutrients in the body, select vitamins for the animal, after consulting with a veterinarian. Adjust the diet if the weaning methods described above did not help, and the cat stubbornly climbs towards the wires. Offer grass and fresh herbs, special chewing bones.

Behavior adjustment

In order to wean your pet once and for all from the dangerous habit of chewing wires, as already noted, you need to eliminate the cause.

Remember! Rough physical methods, disrespectful attitude, shouting, and especially beating will not help in this situation.

This approach will only embitter the animal and the cat may begin to do everything to spite you. Show consistency in actions and persistence. Be patient. Cats are smart, quick-witted, but rather capricious and stubborn animals.

You need to teach your kitten good behavior from an early age. You can begin parenting when the baby is completely accustomed to the environment and the members of his family. From an early age, an animal must clearly understand what is allowed and what is prohibited. Adult cats are more difficult to train and it is almost impossible to eradicate some “bad” habits.

Method No. 1 If a kitten or adult pet shows interest in the wires, plays and chews on them, you need to immediately stop this behavior. At the same time, the simplest and most effective method that will wean a cat from gnawing wires is to remove them from the animal’s reach and visibility. For the safety of your furry pet, and also if you just got a kitten and don’t know its habits and manners, hide them in places inaccessible to pets or, best of all, place them in special cable channels (corrugated tubes, boxes).

Advice! Make sure that the wires do not resemble cat toys (ribbons, strings, laces).

If the electrical cord hangs from the table, it will attract your pet's attention. Insulate the wires behind the furniture, secure them tightly to the walls and floor. In this case, they will become unattractive for the game. Several wires can be fastened together with special clamps. Thick “bundles” of cables are less attractive to cats than individual cables.

Method No. 2 When charging your phone or other electronic devices, place them on elevated surfaces or in places that are difficult for your cat to reach. Stores sell special devices in which the telephone is placed and the entire structure is connected to the outlet.

Do not leave devices charging overnight as cats may become active at night. After charging, hide the devices in places inaccessible to the animal (cabinets, bedside tables).

Be sure to block any gaps between the floor and the bottom or the wall and the back of electrical equipment and household appliances. Don't forget that cats can easily get into small holes.

Method No. 3 The following simple and effective methods and available means will help you stop a kitten from gnawing on wires, including:

  • repellent odors, special repellents;
  • diet adjustments;
  • "Antigrisin";
  • aloe juice;
  • foil, double-sided tape;
  • severe reprimand, harsh sounds.

Method No. 4 As soon as the pet shows interest in the wires, use a stern tone and clap your hands to scare the cat away from the object that interests him. Spray your cat with water or use an empty can of compressed air. Cats are afraid of loud, sharp, hissing sounds, pops, and rustling objects. Movements and repellent actions should be unexpected for the cat.

Method No. 5 Lubricate the entire surface of the electrical cables with something tasteless, for example, mustard, onion, garlic gruel, lemon juice, essential oils with a strong pungent odor that will scare away the little playful.

Important! Do not use substances, mixtures, medications, or chemicals that are toxic to cats, which can cause severe poisoning, intoxication, allergies, or harm the pet’s health.

Many cat breeders recommend treating wires with aloe juice. The bitter taste of the medicinal plant will not harm the cat, but will provoke profuse drooling. Therefore, after the “lesson” taught, you need to pour boiled water into your pet’s mouth. Despite the inhumane nature of the method, it is very effective and the cat will forget for a long time what it is like to chew wires. Also, many felines do not like the smell of citrus fruits. If you don't have aloe, you can use orange peel.

Method No. 6 Buy “Antigrisin” at veterinary pharmacies and pet stores. Lubricate the wires with it. Wrap the cables with foil and double-sided tape. Cats simply hate sticky things.

Actions of the owner when an animal receives an electric shock

What to do if a cat chews wires?

It is important not to make mistakes, so as not to get hurt yourself, and to help the animal. Here's what to do:

  1. Carefully, wearing gloves, unplug the cord from the outlet.
  2. Take a stick or mop (wooden) and move the cable further away, but under no circumstances pick up the animal.
  3. If the pet does not show signs of life, you should take it by the hind legs, turn it upside down and twist it in different directions. This will improve blood flow to the brain.
  4. If after 15 seconds the cat still does not show signs of life, try to give him artificial respiration.
  5. Everything should take no more than three minutes from the moment of impact.

Therefore, having cat proof electrical wires is very important. This will help avoid playing with dangerous objects and further negative consequences.

Special devices for protecting cables from pets' teeth

Hide all wires and cables

Without finding such attractive wires in sight, the animal will soon forget about them. And switch to something else. You can hide the wires using special devices:

  • attach to the back surfaces of furniture using special fasteners.

  • hide in baseboards or ceiling cornices.

Collect in large bunches

Collect all the cables into one thick bundle using a tie - quite often this is enough, because the pet is not interested and uncomfortable in gnawing on something that does not fit in its mouth.

Cover with a special shell

One of the most cost-effective and reliable ways to protect cables from pets is to securely close them in special protective boxes, tubes, corrugated tubes, etc.

Causes of addiction

The main reason lies in the curiosity of the cat. The baby learns about the world through smell, taste and touch, trying out all the interesting and new objects by heart. In addition, kittens chew wires because:

  1. They are teething and hard objects help relieve itchy gums. During this period, kittens chew everything they come across.
  2. They look like various toys - fishing rods, ribbons, “swings”. Loose wires are a tempting object for playing with them, since cats are attracted to the movement, which awakens in the baby the instinct of the “great hunter” of dangerous snakes or lizards, which thick cables or thin wires from headphones are so similar to.
  3. The smell of the insulating material attracts cats. Pets like plastic. You can often see a cat licking a plastic bag. Obviously, the material emits some special aroma, inaccessible to the human sense of smell, but attractive to a cat.

An adult animal. Mature mustachioed tabbies can also chew wires when:

  1. The diet does not have enough solid food that can maintain oral hygiene - massage the gums, clean teeth from plaque.
  2. Not enough attention. You should observe the behavior of the pet; if it chews and glances slyly at the owner, then in this way he invites to play and demands attention to his own person. The cat understands that the most effective way to attract attention is to do something that is forbidden - scratch furniture, tear wallpaper, chew wires. Even the busiest owner will be distracted and pay attention to the person of the furry robber.
  3. Boring. Pets often experience a lack of impressions. If there are no special slides, exercise equipment, or educational toys in the room, then the animal receives positive emotions and new impressions with the help of improvised means.
  4. There are not enough vitamins and microelements in the food that the owner gives his pet, and he tries to find what he needs in inedible items.
  5. There are mental disorders that cause a perversion of taste and a desire to eat inedible things: sand, pebbles, paper, rags, wires.

Most likely, the cat has good reasons for gnawing wires, so it should not be scolded for such “tricks,” much less beaten.

The cat, acting for his own understandable reasons, will perceive the punishment as an insult and will take revenge, losing trust in the owner and contact with him.

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