How to choose a nickname, the meaning of some letters in the nickname

When a kitten appears in the house, the first question that arises before the new owner is how to name the cat a beautiful name. Another owner will not bother with a nickname for his four-legged friend; he will call him the usual Murka or the usual Vaska. Someone will consult with family members, relatives and friends. And some will look for a name for their pet on the Internet, selecting several beautiful names for cats and cats, according to the gender of the animal. They will “try” each of them on their kitten, think everything over, and make a choice.

Choosing a name according to the letter

For purebred cats, there are certain rules when choosing a name. For example, a cat has her first litter, which means the letter “A”. Accordingly, each subsequent litter begins with a specific letter. The names of these animals are beautiful, not common, and exclusive. Usually, the kitten is named by the breeder himself, but the owner has the right to take part in choosing a name for the future pet. Beautiful names for cats can be found on the Internet, and the chosen ones can be discussed with the animal’s breeder.

Popular nicknames

The most famous Russian names for cats:

Now – names for male kittens:

Kazbek himself:

Choosing a beautiful name for cats based on breed characteristics

The purchased animal is purebred, but there is no pedigree, and therefore no letters. Is it really impossible to find beautiful names for cats in this case? Not at all. The owner can name the pet based on the basic character qualities inherent in the breed.

For example, beautiful names for Scottish cats, such as Elsa, Isa, Ice, Don. Short, sonorous, moderately aristocratic and soft - these names will emphasize the uniqueness of the animal. But, you should not focus on the similarity of a cat with a plush toy, and call it Bun, Muffin, Pukhlya, Mishka and other nicknames that are quite offensive to moving animals. This cannot be called a name, nothing more than a nickname.

Famous women

Famous women with this name:

  • Stefanie (Steffi) Graf is a German tennis player with a record 22 victories at prestigious Grand Slam tournaments;
  • Stefania Belmondo is an Italian skier, participant in five Olympics, where she won 10 medals, four-time world champion;
  • Stephanie Fernandes di Britto - Brazilian film actress, model and TV presenter;
  • Stefania Gurskaya (Stefcia Zadrozińska) - Polish dancer, singer, theater, film and cabaret actress; Honored Worker of Culture of Poland;
  • Stephanie Seymour - American supermodel and actress;
  • Stefani Germanotta (Lady Gaga) - American singer and songwriter;
  • Stephanie of Belgium - married Crown Princess of Austria;
  • Stephanie Diana Wilson - American astronaut;
  • Stephanie Chavez-Jacobsen is an Australian actress, best known for her role as Laura Young in the TV series Melrose Place.

Choosing a name based on the exterior

Exterior is the appearance of an animal. Each cat, whether purebred or outbred, has its own unique appearance. We are talking not only about color, but also about physique, the expression of the eyes, and the “features” of the animal as a whole. Take an ordinary tabby “noble” cat. Its color may be the same as that of other relatives and does not stand out in any way among the many felines. But, only this cat has a dark spot on its cheek, or a particularly curved stripe along its back. And only the name Flick, which translates as “speck,” suits her.

The red, fluffy, handsome cat can be called Fire, that is, Fiery. Or, give him the name Simba - in honor of the main character of the famous cartoon. And for an imposing black cat with emerald eyes, the name Bayadera, Byroness, or Smeralda is perfect. This translates from English as “emerald”.


The meaning of the name Sima endows its owner with kindness, responsiveness, honesty and devotion. A woman values ​​her loved ones very much and is always ready to lend a helping hand to those in need, even if this causes her some inconvenience. The owner of the name charges others with her optimism, so they are drawn to her. She is always in a good mood, does not complain about problems and does not share personal experiences with anyone.

Despite her sincerity and openness, Sima knows how to hide her feelings and emotions. Even those close to her are unaware of her mental anguish and are in the dark about her problems. The woman herself does not seek help and advice, preferring to deal with her troubles alone.

Choosing a name based on your pet's character

Sometimes, a person becomes the owner of an already adult animal. In this case, the owner thinks about how he can name his cat a beautiful and rare name, focusing on its character. To do this, it is enough to observe the “new resident” for two or three days, highlight one of the most striking traits of his character, or give a name to the pet, summarizing all his traits.

For a cat whose characteristic feature is kindness, Kindness would be a good name. It is translated as “kindness”. The affectionate purr that does not leave the owner’s lap is none other than Caress (English: Caress - tenderness) or Purri (English: Purr - purr). A playful mischief-maker whose abilities do not include the ability to sit in one place deserves the name Frisky or Engine. From English they are translated as “Playful” and “Motor”.

Folklore nicknames

A good option is to name a cat after a character from a famous folk tale, legend or epic:

  • Snow Maiden.
  • Bova (Korolevich).
  • Vasilisa (Beautiful).
  • Share.
  • Gorynych.
  • Kolobok.
  • Bayun (fairytale cat).
  • Koschey.
  • Lisa (Patrikeevna).
  • Medvedko (the name of the hero).
  • Polkan.
  • Nesmeyana.
  • Chernava.
  • Sadko.
  • Kikimora.
  • Wolverine.
  • Indrik.
  • Gamayun.
  • Sirin.
  • Gagana.
  • Parsley.
  • Kudeyar.
  • Pihto.

Kitten Sadko on a walk in the garden:

  • Anika.
  • Gorynya.
  • Volga (Svyatoslavovich).
  • Danube (Ivanovich).
  • Evpatiy (Kolovrat).
  • Nikitich).
  • Kalin (Tsar).
  • Mikula (Selyaninovich).
  • Ratmir (hero).
  • Svyatogor.
  • Nightingale (Robber).
  • Samson.
  • Saur.
  • Tugarin.
  • Stavr.
  • Churilo (Plenkovich).

Strong Samson is ready to perform his first feats:

Choosing a name based on the cat's date of birth

If the exact date of birth of the pet is known, then the choice of name can be made based on the time of year in which the animal was born.

“Winter” cats and cats, as a rule, are stubborn, dominant, and often try to become leaders among members of their owner’s family and among other pets. “Autumn” are the owners of a strong, balanced and mobile central nervous system, that is, sanguine people. They are not particularly affectionate and demanding of the owner’s attention, balanced and a little cunning.

These two types are suitable for names that soften “harsh” character traits. Soft, melodious, without the presence of aggressive endings and the letter “r”. For example, Sean, Kant, Ozzie, Aisa, Gesta, Senta.

Animals whose birthday falls in the spring are distinguished by a certain isolation. They are cautious, if not timid. But, at the same time, they are very affectionate and active.

Summer rewarded its “children” with such traits as noisiness. These animals are active and energetic, characterized by affection for humans and sociability.

For “spring” and “summer” felines, names that contain the letter “r”, are expressive and somewhat harsh, are suitable. For example, Ares, Kurt, Yuran, Aira, Irma, Urma.

Childhood and youth

The meaning of the name for a girl has a direct impact on the formation of the personality of the owners of the name Sima. Fate has prepared for the baby a happy and carefree childhood surrounded by loving family members. The girl’s warmest and most trusting relationship is with her father, whom she resembles in appearance, which is why she is often called “daddy’s girl.” The baby inherits her character from her mother.

Since childhood, Sima has been distinguished by diligence, responsibility, hard work, and a desire for order. The girl's room is always clean and tidy, there are no scattered toys. She willingly takes on any work and always finishes what she starts so as not to let down or disappoint her loved ones. She always tries to be helpful and does not cause any inconvenience to anyone.

The owner of the name studies diligently, for which all teachers and lecturers love her. Often a girl becomes the “face of the school”; she is set as an example to other students. She thoroughly prepares for all tests and exams, attends electives, but she cannot be called a nerd. On the contrary, Sima is very sociable, loves company, and easily finds a common language with both boys and girls.

The name is an inheritance from the owner

When an owner gives a pet a name, he strives to ensure that it fits the animal perfectly. There are usually no problems with a name for a cat. As for the representatives of the “female” cat, not everything is so simple. The owner often thinks for a long time about how to give a girl cat a beautiful name.

So that the new owner does not have to think long, rare and beautiful names for cats and cats will be given below.

Personal life

The meaning of the name Sima gives its owner charisma and incredible charm, so she never lacks fans. Nevertheless, a girl may make excessive demands on her chosen one. I must say that many guys admire, but are also afraid of, an intelligent and principled young lady. Because of this, Sima’s personal life does not work out for a long time.

In love relationships, the owner of the name is faithful and devoted, but the first marriage usually fails. A woman cannot come to her senses for a long time, and therefore does not even consider other gentlemen as potential husbands.

She finds spiritual harmony in adulthood, in her second marriage. For the sake of her husband and children, the bearer of the name can sacrifice her career. He treats children with special reverence, surrounds them with love and care, which is why they can grow up to be very selfish.

Names for cats

Ares, Apollo, Argon, Ajax, Ax, Ice, Art, Ast, Aron, Brainen, Bright, Brown, Baileys, Belkant, Bernitz, Bern, Blade, Belt, Vogue, Van, Weiss, Veit, Vix, Vilor, Good, Greg, Gray, Gold, Gard, Grost, Gals, Grant, Grand, Don, Dor, Dil, Deep, Deutsch, Daze, Dark, Joger, En, Es, Ekt, Ero, Ens, Evt, Zhen, Joss, Giscard, Zhaldo, Zan, Zart, Zayn, Zane, Zeus, Sieber, Zorro, Zilber, Yves, East, X, Irt, Ilt, Imgar, Ilgar, Irben, Iberius, Kurt, Kors, Kant, Claude, Card, Kent, Crete, Kyle, Cold, Crais, Craze, Kukki, Keinth, Lir, Lord, Land, Laid, Lox, Lourd, Loki, Man, Mat, May, Main, Malt, Mars, Maze, Mabe, Mays. Munni, Neil, Knox, Nord, North, Novel, Orc, Ors, Oys, Obby, Ozzie, Otto, Olin, Pet, Paul, Page, Prince, Prax, Pussik, Reeve, Rick, Ron, Ram, Ray, Reeves, Rain, Ramiro, Seth, Siv, Soul, Sens, Saint, Sorn, Strike, Strife, Sun - Rain, Thor, Ted, Tem, Time, Toys, Tris, Tais, Tant, Twix, Tiger, Tinger, Un, Urs, Uys, Ulk, Uls, Uyron, Uaron, Fan, Face, Fidzh, Fain, Phlox, Floyd, Finner, Khan, Hot, Hoys, Hans, Hunt, Khives, Khros, Heit, Tsak, Cent, Tsoik, Tsamb, Tseyn, Tsorin, Cham, Chem, Chim, Chus, Choiz, Es, Eiz, Ers, Ert, Egs, Ern, Evz, Engels, Yun, Yud, Yus, Yuks, Yuld, Yutis, Yuran, Yussi, Juventus, Yamb, Yand, Yax, Yars. Yani, Yaki, Yass, Yasso, Yambo, Yarro, Jason.

Names for cats

Aiza, Aina, Aira, Aisa, Amma, Abba, Alna, Alsa, Athena, Artemis, Aphrodite, Ashanti, Baby, Basie, Barsa, Bunny, Bagheera, Bayadera, Weisa, Vilna, Vaira, Verna, Verta, Vurma, Vesta, Vicky, Valarie, Girl, Gabby, Gracia, Gessy, Goldie, Gasta, Greena, Gami, Grenji, Deya, Dale, Darley, Ginny, Diana, Daina, Daisy, Dottie, Doro, Dolly, Dora, Jadi, Deianira, Ema, Era, Evvi, Essi, Yerona, Europe, Zhadi, Zhazi, Zhani, Zhandi, Zharsi, Zhazira, Zhinna, Zena, Zana, Zazi, Zoli, Zefi, Zira, Zema, Zora, Zarya, Zolli, Ivi, Ima, Inka, Irma, Ista, Ilda, Ilga, Istia, Ilmira, Yokki, Kami, Kali, Cassi, Kissi, Clotho, Kenny, Kenya, Cameo, Kiara, Kissi, Callisto, Lucky, Luci, Livi, Livia, Lorna, Lizzie, Misa, Mika, Miss, Moli, Mani, Masya, Myra, Maisie, Missy, Martha, Mirta, Menzi, Monica, Nemi, Nema, Nola, Nala, Nari, Nora, Nori, Nyuta, Nyuma, Nyuza, Noyza, Nokki, Nicey, Nessie, Nikki, Neilly, Nemesis, Oda, Ola, Orsi, Oiza, Oggy, Oji, Oira, Ossie, Pani, Pati, Pati, Peggy, Peira, Parma, Pussy, Princesses, Panyan, Rina, Riga, Rona, Rose, Raina, Royce, Rocky, Ressi, Sif, Sera, Sonya, Suzy, Saina, Senta, Sunny, Setti, Tofa, Toki, Toda, Toma, Tavi, Teffi, Terra, Teira, Tokki, Toysi, Teinchi, Una, Hurray, Ussi, Urma, Ukki, Ulna, Floya, Fani, Floxie, Fanta, Feyra, Fappy, Jorja, Hensi, Haina, Hitti, Tsana, Tsora, Tsara, Tsolli, Tsaina, Tsanni, Tsushima, Chami, Chiba, Chita, Chafi, Choyzi, Shiva, Shiba, Shora, Shaky, Shoni, Shelley, Shaera, Esi, Era, Erna, Eina, Ezzy, Eska, Elba, Elda, Elsa, Erona, Yuna, Yusa, Yufa, Yudi, Yuldi, Yusta, Yutta, Yunira, Yudviga, Juno, Yana, Yasa, Yara, Yalma, Yalta, Yaska, Yassa.

Work and career

The meaning of the name Sima gives its owner sociability and sociability, so she usually chooses those professions where it is necessary to communicate with people. For example, a doctor, teacher, hairdresser, salesperson, social service worker, etc. The bosses value the girl for her hard work, responsibility, and complete dedication. You can entrust her with the most difficult tasks, without doubting that she will complete them on time.

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