10 Ways Cats Show You Their Love

Purring creatures have long become an integral part of the family for many people. Cute suckers can quickly win your heart. Sometimes, of course, it seems that the animal is acting in its own selfish interests because it is hungry or smells the smell of delicious food.

A cat can pity anyone. Various techniques are used. The pet will try until it achieves what it wants. And yet, many owners of purrs are convinced that they sincerely love them. This statement is not unfounded, because each animal has its own character and behavior that is different from others.

One cat may sleep in the closet after a meal, another will climb into a person’s arms to be petted. Many owners already know how their cats express their love. This is especially noticeable when several pets live in one house.

Your pet is purring

All cats purr - this is their natural “voice”, with the help of which they can demonstrate their love and tenderness to their owner. To be sure, listen to the sounds your furry friend makes. They differ in volume, timbre, softness and sonority. From a soft and subtle “whisper” sounds can turn into a loud roar, similar to a car engine.

Depending on this, you can understand what feeling the cat expresses. If she purrs subtly and almost silently, then she expresses comfortable tenderness and love, complete trust in the person. A loud rumbling sound demonstrates delight and pleasure from the procedures of scratching the abdomen or feeding. A low purr can indicate anxiety and tension in your cat. If the cat saw the owner and began to “sing songs,” this definitely demonstrates her love for him.

Rolls from side to side and calls to play

Cats are often in a playful mood - they roll from one side to the other, look expressively at a person, and sometimes rub against their legs, inviting the person to play. This is another way to show your love, greet your owner, or even ask for their attention. If he squints his eyes slyly while rolling, it means the cat is in a cheerful mood.

You can give your pet an artificial mouse, ribbon or other object of interest so that the cat chases and chews it. There is an option to simply stroke the cat’s soft belly to show your tenderness in exchange. Know that if a cat shows its belly, this indicates complete trust in a person, because the tummy is the most vulnerable place in an animal, and it protects this area and can become angry if handled incorrectly.

Submits his stomach

Lying on your back and showing your tummy is another clear manifestation of love between cats and their owner. A cat is a cautious and suspicious animal. To expose such a vulnerable spot for her is a sign of deep trust and respect, and they still need to be earned. Such an honor will not be given to a stranger. Remember that a cat uses body language to convey a message to us, to show its mood. Sometimes by exposing her belly, she invites you to play, and sometimes she simply demonstrates that she feels good and calm next to you.

Sharpens claws on upholstered furniture

If a cat sharpens its claws on upholstered furniture in the apartment, do not rush to punish it. This action speaks of the same love for the owner. Sharpening its claws, the cat prepares its “weapon” to protect the person. Leaving scratches on furniture, wallpaper, puffs on curtains, biting leaves of plants, the cat demonstrates how well it lives in the house. If the cat is not neutered, he can still mark his favorite claw points with odorous urine - this is how he marks his territory and shows that he is completely attached to the person and will not do this in any other conditions or specially designated places.

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Trampling on owner's body parts

Adult cats can often come to the owner’s lap and trample a whole path on him. Many people think that this is a manifestation of a request for feeding. This is partly true - the trampling reflex develops in a kitten during breastfeeding, when it kneads its mother’s belly, “milking” the milk. In adulthood, this habit indicates that the cat is relaxed in the presence of its owner.

They identify a person with his mother, who is a symbol of security, calm and serenity. Stomping on a person's stomach or chest indicates that the cat loves you just as he loved his mother as a child. If during this the animal releases its claws, do not rush to scold your pet - this is done unconsciously and with pleasure.

Why cats are more reserved in expressing their love than dogs

It has been proven that an adult cat has an intelligence level equal to that of a forty-year-old person. You can often suspect your pet of hatching some kind of cunning plan or wanting to take revenge for something in a sophisticated way.

In dogs, the level of intelligence development is comparable to that of a five-year-old child. These animals express their tender feelings more sincerely and violently and become very attached to their person.

Cats, on the contrary, become attached to their habitat, but this does not mean that they do not have any feelings for the people who care about them. You just need to know how to understand that a cat loves its owner. This is expressed in different ways.

All purrs have different characters, in principle, just like people. It is also believed that it is the cat who chooses its person. Through these animals, loved ones who have passed away try to communicate with us. But this is all on the verge of the supernatural. But you can understand how cats show their love for their owner after just a few weeks of living together.

Those animals that were saved by humans from the street from hunger, illness, dogs, and ill-wishers are considered especially loyal. The animal understands everything and feels sympathy, does not forget goodness. If, accordingly, he treats the pet poorly, constantly scolds or bathes him, he can do all sorts of dirty tricks. The most common of them are toileting on the bed or in shoes, fights with other pets.

The fact that a cat claws upholstered furniture does not mean that it is doing harm. The animal simply needs to “scratch” its claws, and if there is no specially equipped scratching post, the way out of the situation is found in a similar way.

The "Breadwinner" brings you a gift

Cats are natural hunters, catching mice, birds, small insects, chasing a ribbon, a dot from a laser pointer, and rolling toys. If a cat brings another prey from the street, do not doubt her love and generosity. This is how she shares her spoils and thanks for the love. The pet should be praised for this behavior, because he tried to surprise and “feed” the owner.

If a person scolds an animal, it may be offended and leave the owner without gifts. Likewise, you should not yell at your cat if he is playing too much. This is how cats show their love. This is especially true for small kittens, who scratch, bite, and spin endlessly right in the hands of a person. The human family member who receives the most attention is the animal's favorite.

Top 18 manifestations of love

There are signs of a cat's love for its owner, which can be seen in the animal's behavior. The pet treats the person well, even if it seems that he is constantly doing dirty tricks: he tears up the wallpaper, marks your shoes and the bed. This behavior may indicate resentment or lack of attention on the part of the owner. For some pets, a full plate and a clean tray are not enough; they also need companionship and your love.

However, the character of the animal must be taken into account. Some cats do not like affection and communication, do not go to hands, do not sleep with people. The person they adopt may occasionally pet and hold the pet . In this case, the main sign of love will be eye contact. Therefore, do not require all of the items listed below from the animal. The top 18 manifestations of cat love are collectively created based on the observations of scientists and pet owners.

Memories of childhood

  • " Milk move ". Pay attention to small kittens that knead their mother while feeding. Such movements improve milk production. If the pet gently tramples them like dough before lying on his lap, he loves and trusts the owner as his own mother cat.
  • Sucking clothes, licking hair . Some cats like to bury themselves in hair or lie on their chest, sucking on their owner's jacket. Perhaps he was separated from his mother early or she abandoned the kitten. Therefore, the pet asks from you for love and attention.
  • Shows and allows you to stroke your belly . If the pet trusts its owner, it can sleep on its back, roll from side to side during play, and expose its tummy. Do not ignore such impulses and stroke them, at this moment cats express love.

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Looks attentively at you eye to eye

The small kitten has slightly off proportions of the eyes relative to the body - they are large, so they seem bottomless. Due to their visual system, cats receive a lot of information from the outside world, so they protect their eyes and are not used to establishing long-term visual contact with someone. If the owner notices the cat's gaze on himself, he knows about the pet's love.

Some animals literally follow a person with their eyes, relentlessly following and seeking attention. This demonstrates the cat’s complete trust in the owner, gratitude for the feeling of security and tenderness. Zoologists often call a cat's gaze a "cat's kiss." If the animal blinks during eye contact, do the same - show reciprocal love.

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Stares intently

Sometimes you can notice how a cat looks straight into the eyes. This piercing gaze is another way of demonstrating sincere feelings. By maintaining eye contact with the object of its affection, the animal feels safe, expressing trust and affection.

It must be said that cats only look into the eyes of someone they really trust - she will not show her feelings to a stranger like that.

He meows

Some people don’t like long and persistent meowing, but this does not mean that the cat wants to drive you crazy or cause hostility. Veterinarians say that such cat sounds are intended exclusively for communication with humans, because even among themselves animals communicate non-verbally or through howls and sniffs. If the pet starts talking to the owner, he likes you.

There is an analogy here as with people - they only talk to those they like, ignoring unpleasant individuals. It’s the same with cats - they consider a person pleasant to communicate with, so they express their feelings by speaking their language. The exception is situations when the cat complains or begs for food - he meows persistently, loudly, looks expressively at the bowl of food, the door, or wags his tail in dissatisfaction.

The pet “takes care” of you

It is important for cats to keep their fur in perfect condition so that their scent is not picked up by enemies or prey. Some animals demonstrate love for their owner by licking their cheeks, hair, and hygiene of their feet and fingers. This does not mean that the person smells bad or does not wash enough, according to cats.

Licking and grooming a person speaks of exceptional love. By washing some part of the owner’s body with its rough tongue, the cat leaves its scent on it. In the wild, cats lick every member of their large family, so when caring for a person, this indicates that the animal considers the owner a relative.

How do cats show love?

How to understand that a cat loves its owner

If with dogs everything is most often clear right away, then you need to look closely at a cat and notice signals in its behavior that will help you recognize its love. Here they are.

  • Purr

This is the simplest and most recognizable sign of a cat's disposition towards humans. When a cat purrs, it means that she enjoys communicating with a person and being stroked by him.

  • Cheek friction

When a person’s face is close to a cat’s muzzle, the pet can give you a kind of “cat kiss” - rub its head against your cheeks.

The fact is that cats have glands in the head area with which they mark well-studied objects. If a cat “butts” your cheeks with its forehead, it means that it is calm and safe in your presence.

  • Licking

Cats use licking to show another cat their good attitude in the company of their relatives. This is a sign of care and a desire to take care of the fur coat of your love object. Cats behave the same way with people - they try to lick their faces, hands and hair.

  • Present

Sometimes gifts can be harmless, such as your own favorite toys or other small items. But cats that walk outside can present their owner with unexpected surprises after their outings in the form of dead mice or birds.

Although such a picture evokes negative feelings, it is better not to show them to your pet, because he showed concern for you. He also demonstrated that he is a hunter, earner and breadwinner, and therefore worthy of your praise.

Don’t scold your pet for “gifts”; it’s not his fault that the sight of dead animals scares you. And if you punish and scold the cat, she will consider it a betrayal.

  • Rolling near the legs and showing off the belly

A cat who loves a person certainly feels completely safe next to him. Therefore, he can safely lie on his back and show the most vulnerable place for any creature - the stomach. Rolling around on the floor near your feet, the cat seems to be saying: “Look, I completely trust you, you can pet me.”

  • Eye contact and blinking

In the wild, cats do not like prolonged eye contact with their relatives and regard this as aggression. But if a cat looks into a person’s eyes and squints at the same time, this speaks of love. To show your pet that you reciprocate, also look into his eyes and blink slowly - the cat will understand you.

  • Biting or sucking on hair or clothing

It is difficult to confuse loving biting with playful or embittered “bite”. Expressing love, cats bite very carefully and carefully, without causing pain at all.

By sucking on hair or clothing, the cat imitates sucking on the mother's breast and thereby shows that you are like a parent to her.

  • "Milk Step"

Another “bell” from childhood is trampling, the so-called “milk step”. Babies knead their mother’s belly with their paws while suckling, trying to squeeze out more milk. If your pet is actively nurturing you, it means that he associates you with a mother cat.

  • Begging for affection

A cat that loves its owner will demand attention and affection. And it’s better to give the purr time so that she understands that you value her too.

  • Walking on your heels

The cat will follow you with its tail and will not lose sight of you for a moment, because it does not want to be without your company even for a short time.

  • Turning backwards

People are very embarrassed and even indignant when, while resting on the bed, a cat jumps on its chest and turns its place of origin towards its face. Don’t be confused - cats don’t show their disdain this way, but vice versa. Cats won't let just anyone near their tail. Moreover, in childhood, kittens turn their backs to their mother so that she can lick their anus and they can go to the toilet. So your pet is not trying to humiliate you, he just trusts you completely.

  • Funny Games

A loving cat will want to spend interesting time with its owner playing together.

  • Patience

We are talking about trimming nails, bathing, cleaning ears, etc. Usually cats do not like all this, but if they love a person, they will wait patiently until the owner finishes making them beautiful.

  • Lying nearby

If the owner is resting or sleeping, the cat will certainly want to lie down next to him. In a dream, cats are defenseless, but next to a person they trust, four-legged animals can calmly fall into oblivion.

  • Twitching Tail

Pay attention to how your cat behaves when you come home. If she runs out to meet you, meows joyfully, holds her tail like a pipe, and its tip twitches slightly - it means that your pet dotes on you.

  • Jealousy

Cats do not like to share the attention of a loved one, so they will drive away and offend any rivals, as long as the owner belongs only to them.

  • Sleeping on the owner's clothes

When a person is away from home for a long time, the cat, wanting to feel his presence, lies down on his clothes and inhales the familiar smell. Therefore, if you find a cat sitting on his favorite shirt, do not scold your tailed friend - he just wants to be closer to you.

  • Tags

We all understand how cats mark territory. They do this not only with urine, but also with their claws, tearing off the owner’s sofa or carpet. But this way the pet only demonstrates its affection for the house and you, and therefore marks its territory.

However, walking past the tray should not go unnoticed. If a cat flatly refuses to sit in the litter box, this may be an alarming symptom. Be sure to consult a specialist.

Even if you don’t really like some manifestations of cat love, do not show your pet your indignation. The cat may be offended and radically change its attitude towards you.

The cat puts marks

Almost all people who find a “surprise” in a shoe or on a bed in the form of cat urine scold the animal very much. This should not be done, because there are several reasons for such a demonstration. The first of them is related to the manifestation of love. Unneutered cats tend to mark all their favorite things, including their owner. Only some do this with fur or tongue, while others do it with urine.

The second reason for marking territory is related to stress. If the cat has never left his marks on the owner’s bed or clothes or shoes before, then he is worried about his safety. The reasons include moving, a change of environment for the animal, a new family member in the house, or a long absence of the owner from the apartment. It’s worth scolding your pet, but there’s no need to punish it – for a cat this condition is already painful.

Fluffy tail display

Unlike the belly, which is a vulnerable place that requires protection, the tail is considered a favorite part of cats. Animals need it to coordinate movements, deft jumps, balance, and land on all 4 paws and not on the head. Just like their bellies, cats protect their tails and will not let a stranger or unpleasant person touch the area. Trying to touch the furry part of the tail will result in bites or scratches.

If a cat willingly lets his tail be touched, stands in the middle of the room, raises his pipe and looks invitingly at his owner, this demonstrates love for the person. With this appearance, the animal shows that it is ready for dialogue, demands attention and is not afraid to let its beloved owner touch its tail. You should show care and tenderness, pet the cat, scratch it behind the ear or give it food.

People that cats love

Sometimes cats express love for only one person. The choice is made regardless of who feeds, walks and spends more time with the pet. For people who have many cats, it happens that one of them does not recognize the owner at all.

Most often, cats choose a person who is phlegmatic or even melancholic. Animals feel protection, calm and positive energy. They will be attracted to a calm, balanced family member with a quiet, monotonous voice. Perhaps your pet will like your habits with minimal physical activity. People who like to read, knit, embroider, watch TV for a long time or sit at the computer will be able to enjoy cat company to a greater extent.

Also, the pet will like a person who does not bore you with his attention and does not require constant affection from the cat. Therefore, many avoid communicating with hyperactive children. If you want to make friends with your pet, blink slowly a couple of times while making eye contact. Such a gesture is a small declaration of love.

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The cat shows you its furry butt

A cat's sometimes seemingly incongruous habit of showing off its furry bottom goes back to ancient times. This is how the kittens greeted their mother, waiting for them to return from hunting for prey. This reflex remains in adult modern domestic cats, which, when meeting their owner or jumping onto their laps, turn with their tail and poke their butt in the face.

Not the most pleasant picture speaks of the true love of a pet for a person. This is how the cat shows affection and care and greets you. The procedure is very confidential and emotionally deep for the cat - she will not turn her back to the first person she meets. If she does this all the time, take care of the cat and pet her.

Innate reflexes

  • Cat purring . A loud purr in your lap means your cat is comfortable with you. If he makes such sounds while playing, the animal loves you and expresses a feeling of devotion. Do not forget about the painful or death purring, which is accompanied by anxiety and general malaise of the cat.
  • Licking . A peculiar kiss indicates that the pet wants to care for you as one of the members of its family. Therefore, do not throw away or ignore the cat if he decides to lick an open part of the body, ear or neck.
  • Meowing . These sounds are intended only for communication with people; cats howl or purr among themselves. If you hear meowing, but the cat is not hungry, he needs communication and love. Pay attention to the animal, it is lonely at the moment.
  • Marks territory . Some cats may sometimes deliberately not go to the litter box in order to make it clear to other animals that this is his apartment and owner.
  • Removes upholstered furniture . The cat leaves its scent on the furniture, which comes out from under its nails. Most often, the owner's favorite sofa or chair is scratched.
  • Pipe tail . If an animal runs towards you with its tail in the air, it is happy to see its owner. Also pay attention to the tip of the tail. If he twitches nervously, the cat loves his owner.
  • Shares prey or toys . If a cat likes to catch mice or birds, she can share the catch with her beloved owner. A pet that shows such generosity is grateful for your care and concern. Say thank you and throw away the surprise later. Some pets may share their favorite toys, bringing them to the bed or place in the apartment where you are often.
  • Showcasing the tail and hindquarters . The most beloved and protected part of a cat’s body from strangers is the tail. Therefore, the moment he turns his back to you should not embarrass you. A cat loves and accepts whoever it allows to stroke and touch its tail.

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