A cat came into the house - is it a good omen or not, what does a black or white cat or kitten come to?

The house in which the black cat lives is protected from evil spirits. The pet protects its owners from the evil eye, damage and thieves. Particularly lucky is a stray cat who asked to be taken into the house. This means that no harm will happen to this home.

A ginger cat is in the house - fortunately, says an old sign. Red pets are the best rodent hunters. They were also valued for their healing properties - they were treated for diseases and addictions.

Unlike black cats, white cats have always been revered by people. It is a symbol of purity and light, as well as an attribute of luxury.

Black cat in the house - signs

Before the Inquisition in Europe, a black cat was considered a companion of prosperity. Keeping dark-colored cats improved crop yields. And single girls got a black cat to meet their betrothed.

Ancient signs and customs associated with the black cat:

  • Medieval monks believed that demons came to them in the form of black cats.
  • In Rus', during a thunderstorm, a dark pet was released from the house. It was believed that it attracts lightning.
  • Western Slavs placed a crib in the place where the cat liked to rest. This place was considered blessed.
  • A popular sign is to be the first to let a furry pet into the house. But in order to protect the house from dark forces and robbers, our ancestors first let in a black chicken, and then a black cat.
  • The villagers believed that a black cat could be exchanged with demons for an irredeemable coin that would never disappear from one’s pocket.
  • In England, it is customary for brides to kiss black cats on their wedding day to strengthen their marriage. Sometimes girls secretly asked their girlfriends to throw them a dark kitten along the way.
  • In America, it is customary to let a stray animal into the house so that it brings happiness inside at the tip of its tail.
  • In Japan, it has been known since ancient times that meeting a black cat is good luck.

The prejudice that black cats bring bad luck appeared in the Middle Ages, during witch hunts. Then red-haired women, furry pets, as well as scientists, healers and all those whom the church considered heretics were at risk.

Interpretation will be taken by month

If a stray cat wanders into your home, then for a more accurate interpretation of the belief you should pay attention to the calendar. Knowing the date of your visit will help you anticipate upcoming events:

January. If a cat comes on a cold January day, then the owner can expect new acquaintances, hobbies and travel. The animal hints that it’s time to stop sitting on the couch and rush towards the unknown.

February. A cat looking into an apartment this month promises positive events and changes.

March. A new romance or renewal of an old relationship awaits a person.

April. If a cat entered the house in April, then it will bring positive energy with it and show the right path.

May. This month, tailed soothsayers come to the house where a robbery is about to take place. To avoid a bad prediction, you need to rub your wallet on the cat's fur.

June. If a cat strays towards the house in June, then according to signs this is a warning sign that there are many extra people around the owner. You should get rid of old connections and make new acquaintances.

July. A visit from an animal this month portends healing of both soul and body.

August. If the cat came in August, then it will become a faithful protector from adversity and loss.

September. A cat found on the threshold foreshadows getting rid of bad thoughts and exposing enemies.

October. A cat coming into the house will avert troubles and sorrows and help preserve the family hearth.


According to signs, the owner needs to pay more attention to his significant other, and the cat will help improve the relationship.

December. If a cat enters the house in December, this portends problems for relatives and loved ones.

Red cat in the house - signs

It has long been noted that fiery color lifts the mood and overcomes apathy. The secret of red pets lies in the fiery aura that matches the bright color. It feels warm, friendly and associated with gold.

In ancient times, people got rid of migraines, pressure and loss of strength by stroking a ginger cat. Sometimes cats came to the bed where the patient was suffering, and relief from the torment came.

Signs associated with ginger cats:

  • the animal sneezed - to inclement weather;
  • sneezed three times - to illness;
  • the red pet left home - happiness went with him;
  • a cat came to an unmarried woman’s house - for a wedding, a cat came - to the children;
  • an animal meows at a wedding - fortunately for the newlyweds;
  • when a black and a red kitten are born in a cat's litter, it is customary to give the first one as a gift, and leave the red one at random;
  • washes himself on the windowsill - “washes” the guests;
  • In order not to quarrel with the brownie, a red-haired pet should only be taken into the house of a red-haired mistress.

You cannot pay for a red kitten as a gift. It is allowed to give a small coin to the donor, but not a large amount, otherwise the kitten will get lost or run away.

Why can't you hurt cats?

A cat that is often offended or punished will eventually become aggressive and vindictive, or downtrodden, intimidated and unhappy. It is believed that if you grab a cat by the tail, it will shit anywhere. The cat in the house does not feel guilty, but he very subtly senses when he is not loved and remembers it.

Under no circumstances should physical violence be used against these animals. This promises nothing but problems. For educational purposes, completely different methods are used that are safe for their health. For example, various repellent devices with unpleasant smells or sounds for cats.

There are also very gloomy signs among people associated with the killing of cats:

  • cat killer: dooms himself to seven years of misfortune, in the future he will go to prison, and is capable of killing a person;
  • a cat is the first one to meet its owner in the next world, so it cannot be killed;
  • drowning kittens means loneliness and lack of money. Within seven generations there will be drowned people in the family.

Hitting a cat with a car is definitely an ominous sign that has several interpretations:

  • a person who hits a cat will lose his luck for seven years;
  • warning. You should drive more carefully, otherwise there will be trouble. There may be a serious accident in the near future;
  • knocking down a cat means betrayal by loved ones;
  • if a cat dies - to grief because of a woman; if the cat is because of a man. There will be failures in your personal life;
  • if the animal was hit by a woman, she will have a rival;
  • when the newlyweds were in the car - this is a bad sign, promising the breakdown of the family.

The best thing to do is to stop the vehicle and check the condition of the animal. If it is still alive, you should try to get it to a veterinary facility.

White cat in the house - signs

White color is the most expensive, and ordinary people could rarely buy a snow-white pet. In Tsarist Russia, aristocrats and daughters of rich landowners carried white kittens with them. They were considered a symbol of purity and innocence.

An old superstition says that you should not drive away a white cat when it comes to your doorstep. Caress her.
In return, the grateful animal will give the sheltering home an atmosphere of comfort and kindness. The white cat does not come just like that: quarrels will disappear, and relations between household members will improve. Other signs:

  • a white cat sleeps at the feet of a seriously ill person - it’s close to death;
  • when a pet sleeps at the owner’s feet, the person wakes up rested and cheerful - the animal has cleared the aura of negativity;
  • when a cat licks its hand, it is a sign that the animal is bored or relieves pain;
  • a pet that sleeps near a person’s head scares away death that has come too close;
  • another sign, in which a cat sleeps near the owner’s head, says that the person has a weakened nervous system;
  • a white pet laying down on a pregnant woman’s stomach - foretells an early birth;
  • the cat lay on the heart - to prolong youth;
  • a cat who sleeps on his lap cleanses a person of negativity; when the animal leaves, it cannot be restrained;
  • white cat on the stomach - problems with the stomach or intestines;
  • the animal sniffs the owner’s face - it senses illness;
  • there was a seriously ill woman in the house, and the cat ran away - trying to take death with him.

I recommend getting a white animal for those who often experience stress. Stroking the white fur will calm your nerves and put you in a peaceful mood. Usually animals themselves come to a person when they feel that he needs help.

From a healing perspective

It is believed that these animals have the gift of removing any negativity from people, as well as anticipating death.

Signs about cats in the house, how and where they sleep:

  • the cat lies at the head of its owner - protects against death;
  • in the heart - delays old age;
  • in the legs - relieves fatigue.

If he sniffs a person's breath, he will soon fall ill.

If a cat runs away from home and the sufferer feels better, they say that she took the illness to herself. A cat sleeping next to the bed of a seriously ill person is a sign of imminent death.

What color to choose a kitten

According to popular belief, the color of a kitten will change the life of its owners for the better. More about the meaning of color:

  • gray is the color of stability and balance;
  • black – hidden possibilities, clairvoyance, lunar energy;
  • red is a solar sign of warmth, comfort and happiness;
  • white – healing, white magic.


The most ominous sign that has been preserved since ancient times is a black cat that crossed the road. In ancient times, it was believed that in this way the animal warned a person of danger. Over time, the meaning of this sign became distorted - the animal became not a harbinger of trouble, but a source.

This prejudice is still popular in society. To ward off trouble, people knock on wood, spit over their shoulders or grab a button, wanting to protect themselves from misfortune in the form of a stray cat.


Red, red and all shades of brown are symbols of happiness, wealth and protection. The ginger cat is a homebody, he does not tolerate moving well and makes friends with the brownie.

Ginger cats and cats are children's companions. According to popular belief, fiery-colored pets help parents establish contact with disobedient children.


Gray is considered an inconspicuous color. But the true meaning of gray is resilience in the face of life's adversities. In Europe, it is still customary to give a gray kitten as a wedding gift. This is done for the well-being of the young family and with parting words to survive adversity.

In alchemy, the color gray symbolizes metals and durable alloys. Therefore, a gray kitten is a wish for the spouses to have strong love and a long life together.


A white pet is an attribute of a white magician and healer. The aura of a white cat cleanses the home of negative vibrations and calms the nerves of household members.

Here's my advice - never chase away or hit your pet, especially if it's white. The fragile aura of a white cat is vulnerable to evil spirits and needs protection, especially at night.

Tricolor, bicolor, spots, stripes

Three-colored favorites are suitable for those who have not decided what exactly they want to enhance in the aura of their home: happiness, comfort or mutual understanding. Two-colored pets are considered protective animals; they give protection and attract financial well-being to the home.

In fact, tricolor and bicolor contain four colors. They appear at the genetic level, but are not always visible on the coat.

Tricolor cats are popularly considered sources of good luck, wealth and harmony. Each color adds a certain aspect to the animal's aura:

  1. Black – protection from evil spirits and treacherous people.
  2. Red – love and sunny joy.
  3. White – healing from emotional wounds and peace.
  4. Gray – wisdom and stability on the path to harmony.

Signs say that a person will receive good news when a motley cat reaches out to him. If a multi-colored cat washes itself against its grain, then expect bad weather.

Interpretation by month

In addition to the color of the cat, you need to pay attention to the time of year, as well as the month when the uninvited guest visited you. The significance of the four-legged visit is broken down by month

January: at this time they come to lonely people who need warmth and care, but do not notice this, immersed in themselves. If someone else's cat comes to you in cold January, it's time to call old friends and make an appointment. Don't forget to save the traveler from the cold by sheltering her. February: the visit portends imminent changes. Cats, and especially kittens, bring them into your life as early as possible at this time. Soon you will change your image, make a rearrangement, or go on an unplanned trip. March: In this month, March cats come along with whirlwind romances to all single people. If a four-legged animal visits you in the first month of spring, a relationship cannot be avoided. Such a guest can bring passion and new colors to an existing relationship. April: the cat that arrived in April is full of strength and energy, so he will feed you with his vitality, inspire you to new achievements and successes. Despite possible difficulties, vigorous activity will certainly bring good luck. May: this month cats act as guardians of your material wealth. Their appearance indicates a loss of money, theft, an unsuccessful contract, or a scam. June: the appearance of a strange cat at this time indicates the need for rest after a difficult school and working year. Fluffy will help restore physical and moral strength, and in addition to this, it will relieve you from dating that is bothering you. July: according to superstition, July cats are medicine for the soul. Depression and illness will disappear with the appearance of the quadruped. The kittens that came to you in July will have a beneficial effect on the energy of your belongings and will create comfort in your home. August: the cat that came to you at the end of summer will protect you from evil spirits, save your family from possible bad weather, and maintain an atmosphere of comfort and well-being. September: the cat that arrived at the beginning of autumn will be your protector not only from a negative environment, but also from yourself (a fluffy one will help drive away bad thoughts, self-doubt, constraint, and will add courage). The arrival of such a guest speaks of the need to cleanse your home of unnecessary things, and your consciousness of thoughts that burden you. October: the kitten or cat that came with the onset of the first cold weather wants to protect your family from danger. The appearance of a stranger indicates the need to reconsider your immediate environment, determine who values ​​you and who uses you for personal, selfish purposes.

It is better to postpone making important financial decisions (signing a contract, applying for a loan, changing jobs) to another month. November: Pay attention to your significant other. The appearance of a cat indicates possible difficulties in your personal life; try to devote more time to your partner to protect your relationship. December: Pay attention to your relatives

They are in danger from the authorities or all kinds of groups.

In January, cats come to lonely people


The color of the coat is not important if you have a warm relationship with your pet. The animal must be fed, washed and provided with everything necessary. In this case, the cat will repay the owner with love and affection. Here's another nice video:

Tags: Denis Dementyev, Signs

About the author: Denis Dementyev

For me, esotericism is the key to the heart, spiritual practice. This is the desire to look behind the screen of the world and find there the abyss of the divine. Wake up. During your lifetime, step into the fire that opens the gates of immortality and find true freedom.

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Mr. Cat recommends: the opinion of scientists

Scientists have conducted studies to find out whether snow-white cats can help the owner in the fight against various kinds of pathologies. Surprisingly, this theory has received scientific confirmation.

They were able to find out that a variety of cats with a light coat color is capable of using its own energy field to influence the following indicators of the body’s functioning:

  • balance a person’s mental state;
  • normalize the functioning of internal organs;
  • increase brain activity;
  • eliminate depression and stress;
  • improve rates of disease that requires surgical intervention.

If you have health and emotional problems, it is better to seek the help of doctors and psychoanalysts. However, it is allowed to use cute snow-white pets as an additional source of energy. Unlike black and white, red or tricolor ones, they are able to sensitively respond to changes in the functioning of the vital systems of the host’s body and have a beneficial effect, restoring them.

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