A living amulet to protect your home: folk signs about gray cats

Signs about gray cats

What does the gray color of a cat mean for a house and its inhabitants? According to the sign, such an animal attracts harmony into the life of the family. If household members are constantly in conflict with each other, a pet will solve this problem. Gray cats are a real magnet for money, and they also get along well with brownies. Such an animal can calm the spirit and improve its relationships with family members.

If a gray cat appears on your doorstep, you should definitely let it in and feed it. The sign says that in this case, home owners will be able to forget about financial difficulties. If such an animal crosses the road, then good luck awaits the person.

Mustachioed - Striped

Tabby cats and female cats will be a separate story. The combination of several colors and the location of stripes on the pet’s body are also interpreted differently. In this case, they mean upcoming changes in a person's life . Pronounced stripes are a sign of very sudden and unexpected changes. A smoother transition between colors promises events that will happen gradually. The red color mixed with the main gray color indicates very minor changes.

Light stripes on the animal’s body are a favorable sign. Such a cat promises goodness and prosperity. A white or light-colored tail tip promises a good completion of all endeavors and difficulties. A pet with black or dark stripes hints that you should be prepared for unpleasant events.

How gray cats help

Pets are endowed with a rare gift that allows them to protect their owners from any trouble. There is an opinion that gray cats are able to look into the other world. They do not allow outsiders to enter the house.

Such an animal attracts not only good luck, but also money. If a gray cat lives in the house, you don’t have to worry about your material well-being. They protect their owners from ill-wishers and envious people. If a cat does not want to let a person into the house, you should take a closer look at him. There is a possibility that he is plotting evil against his owners, since pets easily pick up negative energy.

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A gray cat is worth getting for those who dream of moving up the career ladder or starting their own business. Owners of such animals will certainly succeed in all endeavors.

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The most common, so-called “tortoiseshell” color is inherited only by females, in which the colored spots of the coat are mixed together, and is a talisman for the family hearth. The positive energy of such an animal is very great, and it is enough not only for an individual person, but also for his entire family, as well as the house and territory that he considers his own. Therefore, the owner of such a pet will always be safe, being under the magical protection of his furry friend.

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Smoky cat

Smoke-colored pets have been revered for centuries. Our ancestors believed that such cats draw energy from the moon, which gives them magical powers.

If an unmarried girl encountered such an animal on her way, it promised her a long and happy marriage. In anticipation of motherhood, women tried to contact smoky cats more often and stroke them. The sign promised them an easy birth and healthy babies.

Psychologists claim that smoky cats treat their owners from anxiety disorders, depression and neuroses. Their presence in the house has a positive effect on the sleep of household members.


Korat is of Thai origin. These beauties are also called “symbols of good luck.” If such an animal appears in your home, expect prosperity and happiness. Also, thanks to its beautiful smoky silver color, many believe that the cat is capable of summoning wealth and a rich harvest.

The breed was only recognized in 1965. Cats are bred mainly in America, Canada, Australia, and Britain. But the Korats are especially popular and loved in their homeland, where they are considered sacred. Thais are against selling or exchanging cats.


Breed Features

The maximum weight of an animal is 5 kg, the minimum is 2 kg.

Table 4. Distinctive features of the Korat

Cat body partBreed Features
TorsoStrong, not massive, muscular. There is an inherent gracefulness. All body lines are smooth and graceful
HeadThe area above the eyebrows is convex. Pointed chin. The head can be compared in shape to the heart
EarsLarge, wide. The ends are sharp
EyesBig ones. Highly placed. Widely spaced from each other. They perform a little. Color green, amber
NoseSlightly convex. Lion's. Dark blue color
LimbsThe limbs are short. Paws are oval. The pads are dark blue in color
TailThick, tapered at the end, medium length
WoolFits tightly to the body. Short, thin, with a sheen. No undercoat. Color only blue with a silver tint


These cats are very energetic, playful, and smart. They are very affectionate and gentle. They require great love from the owner. They do not want to share it with other pets. Therefore, it is quite difficult to get along with other four-legged household members. They respond well to training. They quickly get accustomed to the tray, scratching post and other convenient devices.


Cats play with children. They rarely show aggression. However, their hearing and sense of smell are heightened. They are afraid of sudden movements and sounds. Korats are true purrs; they love to chat with their owner, and with different tones. This allows the owner to quickly understand what his pet wants. Such pussies have a hard time being separated from their owners.

Health and care

Cats have good health, however, in veterinary practice, cases of atelosteogenesis (impaired proper bone formation) and gangliosidosis (retardation in physical development) have been reported.


Life expectancy under good conditions can reach 20 years. As for care, its methods are standard - combing (once a week), cutting nails, cleaning ears and eyes.

Who should get a gray cat?

A gray cat is an excellent purchase for novice businessmen. A pet will help increase your wealth and become a talisman that protects you from mistakes, risky deals, and dishonest partners.

People who, due to their line of work, constantly find themselves in dangerous situations should also think about getting a gray cat. Smoky animals have mystical powers that allow them to ward off trouble.

It would be useful to place an ash-colored cat in the house of a person suffering from nervous disorders or cardiovascular diseases. This animal can also be recommended to expectant mothers. Childbirth will be easy and successful, children will grow up healthy.

Plain smoky cats help unbalanced people find peace and get rid of negative energy. Gray striped pets give self-confidence to a shy person.

Origin of snow color

It is simply impossible not to notice the snow-white cat among his brothers. This angelic creature attracts the attention and wins the hearts of even those people who do not consider themselves cat lovers. There is a certain magic in snow-white cats. Perhaps the reason lies in the genes of the pet.

A kitten most often inherits its snow-white color from its parents.

Pigmentation of an animal's fur occurs long before it is born. Even at the stage of embryo formation, pigment cells are formed in its nerve fibers. They are not yet able to color their fur. These cells acquire their main function already on the way to the hair follicles. At this same stage, pigment cells are modified under the influence of genes inherited from the kitten’s parents. It is this “inheritance” that determines the color, location of spots on the body and their shape.

It is possible to determine which gene was responsible for the cat’s color only through further crossing.

However, it also happens that during the transformation some cells lose the ability to produce pigment. This is how kittens with white points are born - in “socks”, with a “shirt front” or with a snow-colored belly.

It also happens that absolutely all the cells decide to “rest” and not dye the fur in any of the colors. One insidious gene sends them on vacation - W. Having appeared in the genotype, W suppresses all other colors, coming to the fore. This is how snow-white kittens are born. For example, the genotype BBOoSsddWw will belong to a kitten with colorless fur, despite the presence of color genes.

It is quite easy to identify an albino kitten: its eyes will not have a blue tint.

If we are not talking about albinism, then white is not considered a color. Strictly speaking, this is its complete absence. But the offspring of such an animal will not necessarily be white. If the cub does not inherit the W gene, its coat will be colored. Based on this pattern, geneticists claim that a snow-white kitten can appear if one of its parents was completely bleached by the same gene.

A kitten can become white, despite the fact that its genetic code will contain other colors

There is another option for the development of events. In addition to W, the S gene is responsible for the light color of the coat - the key to spotted coat. Appearing in the chain, the element gives the animal snow marks. It happens that S “captures” a large area. Then the whole cat is painted with one white spot, although its genetic code may contain other colors.

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