How to make a beautiful and comfortable cat harness with your own hands

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Whatever you can do for your beloved four-legged animals! After all, they love us openly and devotedly. Especially when you meet their inviting gaze eye to eye: your heart melts, there is a smile on your face, and you are ready to take your pet to the ends of the earth, and not just on a daily family walk.

But for safe, comfortable hikes and travel, your pet needs special equipment with a leash.

Of course, everything you need for Murky promenades around the city and forest parks can be bought at a pet store or made to order. But there is another option: a DIY cat harness.

Why a harness and not a collar with a leash?

Alas, friends, the collar is not suitable for mustachioed and striped ones for city festivities, because:

  1. This is a traumatic type of control: it puts direct stress on the furry’s neck. With a sharp jerk, a pet can cause injury to its delicate throat and cervical vertebrae.
  2. Unreliable type of fixation. The cat, I don’t know how, but somehow miraculously almost always manages to pull its head out of the collar and gain the long-awaited freedom. Then catch the runaway on some tree.

You should know:

It is easiest to train a furry pet to go for walks at a young age. And an adult animal, when trying to walk for the first time, can get very stressed: break out of the collar, run away, and get lost. Therefore, a harness is a more reliable and convenient option.

Choosing a harness for a cat

When choosing a harness, you should, first of all, be guided by considerations of safety and convenience. The accessory should not cause inconvenience to the pet, but at the same time it should be reliable and provide a tight fit. An incorrectly selected or low-quality product can easily tear, and the animal can simply slip out of it.

A poorly chosen harness can be pulled off by a cat.

It is recommended to take measurements of the cat in advance. To do this, measure the circumference of the chest behind the front legs.

When choosing a restraint device, you need to consider the following points:

  1. The material should be dense, but not rough. The product should be easy to wash.
  2. Nylon devices are considered the most suitable, as they fit well to the cat’s body, but do not rub anything. Nylon harnesses reliably secure even young and extremely active pets.
  3. For older pets, cotton products are more suitable, because such cats no longer show excessive activity when walking.
  4. For cats with delicate and sensitive skin, you can find products with a soft felt or fleece lining.
  5. The optimal width of the straps is considered to be in the range of 10–15 mm.
  6. A leash with a length of at least 2 m must be easily unfastened.
  7. You should carefully read the instructions on the packaging; all the necessary dimensions and parameters are written there.
  8. Leather products are of little use for cats, as they are heavy, bulky and rub the skin.

It is not recommended to wear leather harnesses on cats, as they are heavy and bulky.

It is better to choose a roulette leash that allows you to control the length.

Experienced cat breeders advise using a harness made from straps during the warm season. You can use a harness-vest, which is made of transparent mesh fabric; the animal will not be hot in it. In winter, various overalls are more suitable, which will also protect your pet from the cold.

Types of walking equipment for cats

Manufacturers offer a large number of models. Their appearance and name depend on the shape of the belts and their connection to each other. For example:

  1. The 8-shaped ammunition is made of two rings of straps and is shaped like a number;
  2. The V-shaped harness differs from the first type by the addition of a lower jumper. It runs along the tummy and relieves pressure on the purr's neck. And the straps themselves cover the cat’s neck on both sides and resemble a letter of the Latin alphabet. This model does not prevent the fluffy from moving freely during a walk.
  3. The H-shaped model differs from previous harnesses in the presence of an upper jumper; a belt ring is securely attached to it.
  4. Cat clothes with a fastening ring act as a beautiful, comfortable harness. The models are made in the form of colorful vests or insulated overalls. Often, cat owners like to make this type of equipment themselves.

The photo shows the main types of walking equipment:

What is a harness and why is it needed?

A harness is a specialized restraint device for walking cats and small dogs . This equipment differs from a dog collar in that the leash is attached at the top of the body (usually between the shoulder blades), and not on the neck.

For cats, it is better to use a harness rather than a collar.

There is no need to walk your cat every day, however, situations arise when you need to take the animal outside the house. This could be a visit to an exhibition, a trip to the countryside, or a visit to the veterinary clinic. To ensure safety, it is recommended to wear a harness on your pet, which allows you to always keep it under control.

When walking, the cat must be under the control of the owner.

When finding itself in an unfamiliar environment, a cat may become frightened and panic . A pet that has climbed a tall tree will be extremely difficult to reach. And sometimes they cannot go down on their own and sometimes even break when they fall. If the cat runs away and hides in a quiet and secluded place, then it may not be found at all. It will not be possible to rescue her soon from the basement where a frightened cat will run. When traveling to the country, it is recommended that the animal be released for free range not immediately, but only after a few days, when it is completely accustomed to its new environment. Before this, you need to walk the cat on a harness throughout the entire territory of the site and familiarize it with the surrounding area.

The cat may get scared and climb a tree

Even if you carry your pet in your arms, there is always a chance that it will break free and run away. Therefore, to maintain your own peace of mind, it is better to always put a harness on your cat before going outside.

Hand Made - necessity and love for creativity

Imagine that you are a handmade master and have created a real masterpiece in which your kitty will walk like “Mr. Cat” or “Princess”. Even the “Angel of Goodwill” can be demonstrated to everyone. A homemade suit will definitely be in the singular.

Let me note that the creative process can become a collective family activity: children love to help adults. As a result, the cat's family will become many times friendlier and stronger.

When choosing a design, new ideas and fantasies always come, and there is the Internet to help. The search will immediately offer various patterns that you can use.

Experienced needlewomen easily, simply come up with a style or model on their own in different color combinations. Craftswomen just have to see a few interesting features with their own eyes, and their imagination and hands will work at their best. And a new masterpiece will turn out quickly and without a pattern.

But for beginning cat fashion designers, of course, they will need step-by-step instructions to help them cope and please themselves and their furry little paw with a vest for a walk.

How to put on a leash correctly

  • Before dressing your cat, try to calm him down with petting and calm speech. The dressing process should also be calm so as not to frighten the pet.
  • After this, pay attention to the remaining distance of the ammunition to the body. The loops should be tightened optimally: not too tightly, so that the animal will be uncomfortable, but not too loosely, so that he cannot remove it on his own.
  • It will take you a few tries to figure out how to put the harness on. At the same time, the cat should perceive it as something positive. Try to reinforce this reaction with a treat before and after trying it on, and let him walk around in it at home while playing.

How to put on a cat leash correctly

Step-by-step instructions for a figure eight harness:

  1. Place the short strap under your pet's belly.
  2. Insert the long one into the hole near the buckle and you will get a ring that is intended for the head.
  3. Thread the tip again, but into the hole at the bottom of the short one.
  4. The loops are put on over the head, then the paw is inserted into the hole from the long and short strap.
  5. The end of a long belt is fastened to the back of the animal using a buckle. The buckle tongue is inserted into the hole on the strap.

For H-harness:

  1. Place the cat's head through the smaller loop and fasten.
  2. Lay the connecting piece along the back to the cat's shoulder blades.
  3. Wrap the larger loop around the cat's body and fasten the strap under the front paws.
  4. Adjust the product according to the parameters of the animal.


  1. Lay it out on the floor, leaving as much space as possible for your paws.
  2. Place the four-legged animal over the product so that the paws are in these loops.
  3. Raise the harness and fasten it at the back.

Remember that a cat is a willful animal. Operating it while walking is useless and even unsafe. Especially during the first outings, try to just hold the leash and let him explore the new territory, without stress and nerves for himself.

Hand-Made Scheme

To get a beautiful harness, follow these steps step by step:

Step 1. Prepare a measuring tape, a large sheet of paper, a pencil, scissors, fabric, braid for finishing, threads, needles, pins, a metal half-ring for attaching a leash, fasteners or Velcro, as well as elements for decorating the finished product.

Step 2. Take measurements of your beloved pet as shown in the photo:

Step 3. Using the diagram on paper, draw a pattern and cut it out.

Step 4. Before transferring the pattern to the fabric, check the dimensions of the pet again, taking into account the length of the harness along the back.

Step 5. Fold a suitable piece of fabric in half along the grain thread. The fold line will be the center of the future clothing and the attachment point for the ribbon with the ring for the leash.

Step 6. Using the paper form, draw two blanks on the fabric.

Step 7. Cut out the drawn parts with a seam allowance of no more than one centimeter. Where one pattern will be the top side of the harness, and the other will be the lining.

Step 8. Sew the braid with a ring along the center line of the front piece, and then fold the two parts on top of one another, facing inward, and sew the product around the entire perimeter, taking into account the seam allowance.

Step 10. Turn the product inside out and iron it.

Final step: decorate the harness with the prepared decorations. And the handwork is ready!

Making a harness for a cat with your own hands

You can make a harness for your pet yourself. To do this, you will need a nylon or cotton tape 1–1.5 cm wide. First, take three measurements from your pet:

  • girth of the chest behind the front legs (B);
  • cervical girth (A);
  • the distance along the back from the base of the neck to the place where the chest circumference was measured (C).

The simplest model is the H-shaped harness design. You don't even need a sewing machine to make it. A needle and strong thread will be enough.

The easiest way to make an H-shaped harness

Step-by-step instructions for the process of making an H-type harness:

  1. We cut a piece from the tape according to measurement C for the jumper with a margin of 2 cm at both ends.
  2. At the ends of the jumper we bend the tape and make loops for the subsequent placement of the main retaining loops.
  3. We are preparing a strap for the chest according to measurement B. It is necessary to provide a fastener at its ends. It is best to use plastic locks. Velcro fasteners are not recommended, as they do not provide the required level of reliability.
  4. The neck strap for measurement A is made using the same technology.
  5. The prepared jumper is threaded through a metal ring to connect the leash. You can sew the ring tightly to the belt.
  6. The neck and chest straps are inserted into the loops on the jumper.

This is what the finished product looks like

The finished product is very similar to the letter "H". The length of the straps is adjusted to the size of the pet.

You can sew other harness designs.

You can sew a restraint device from any fabric like a harness-vest

Video - how to make a harness for a cat with your own hands

Little tips for beginners

  1. Make the first test ammunition, that is, cut it out of simple fabric that is no longer needed in everyday life. For example: from an old duvet cover.
  2. Try on a trial version, correct any errors, and then take into account all the corrections in the real version.
  3. Do not sew all the way around the edge of the harness, but leave 2-3 cm of the seam without stitching. Turn the product right side out through the hole left. Smooth out the edges, iron the finished harness, and carefully sew up the turning area by hand.

Features of making ammunition for kittens

The accessory for kittens is made using the same technology as for adults. However, for a small animal, slightly less materials will be needed, and they themselves should be softer and more pleasant to the touch. For example, the base of the harness can be made smaller in width, 1.5 cm, from velor or fleece.

The advantage for the owner is that it is much easier to accustom him to the street than an adult cat. You can start as early as 3 months of age, when all vaccinations have been done and an antiparasitic course has been completed. In order for the baby to calmly accept the first walk, you need to introduce him to the equipment in advance: let him smell it, put it with toys, put it on at home for 15 minutes. This way, the experience of going outside for the first time will bring him less stress, and he will not feel constrained in an unfamiliar harness.

How to train a cat to wear a leash

How to leash train a domestic cat

Even a short trip outside can provide you and your pet with many new experiences. However, it is better to do this through safe walks on a leash, which you can do yourself with minimal time and money.

  1. Prepare the necessary materials and tools for making a harness. Read the instructions and assemble the product.
  2. Introduce your pet to the leash and show him that he should not be afraid.
  3. Let the cat walk around in the new equipment so that he gets used to this condition.
  4. Try short walks outside, but keep an eye on the animal's emotional state. If he doesn't get very scared or resists, gradually increase the time.

We hope everything works out for you. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Harness patterns for cats

Measurements for cutting a harness

An example of a cat harness pattern

How to knit a harness for a cat - this question may be relevant for needlewomen, since with the help of knitting skills you can also make an original and unique decoration for your cat. The product will be comfortable for your pet: use threads made of hypoallergenic material (usually aricl or natural cotton fabrics), do not use synthetic dyes. In this process, all you need is measurements, rings for fastenings, threads, a hook or knitting needles. The process will take some time, but it will certainly be a memorable accessory for your pet.

An example of a knitted harness for a cat or small dog

In what cases is the use of a harness prohibited?

  • If an animal is not vaccinated, veterinarians prohibit it from walking outside. A cat can catch the disease from street animals.
  • It is not recommended to take small kittens outside. The immunity of children is not sufficiently developed.
  • It is difficult to train cats over 10 years old to wear a harness. They do not recognize an accessory made even from things that are familiar to them. Therefore, it is better to walk them in sparsely populated or deserted places.
  • It is not recommended to walk pets with a harness after illness, surgery, or pregnant cats.
  • If a cat is terrified of a leash or begins to behave aggressively at the sight of a harness, you should not try to force train it.

Popular models - characteristics, price

  1. Harness for cat ROGZ ReflectoCat S;
  2. Dezzie Kitten Kit;
  3. Hunter Smart cat harness Stripes;
  4. Trixie harness for kittens;
  5. Trixie harness with leash for large cats.

Cat harness ROGZ ReflectoCat S

The polyester model comes complete with a leash (1.8 m). Side fasteners made of acetate plastic open easily and do not damage the animal’s fur.

The carabiner connecting the harness to the leash opens freely with strong tension - this is important if the pet is stuck on a tree or fence. The degree of ease of opening the lock is adjusted depending on the weight and activity of the animal

The product has a bright design and is equipped with a bell. The width of the strips is 1.1 cm.

  • Plus: a reliable carabiner with an opening adjustment system.
  • Disadvantage: high cost.

Price: 1188 rub. More details about the product

Dezzie Kitten Kit

The kit is designed specifically for kittens. The kit includes a harness (23x43 cm) and a leash for cats (120 cm). The width of the straps is 0.8 cm.

The product is made of pink nylon. A pattern in the form of a cat silhouette is applied along the entire length of the product. The material from which the model is made does not rub the kitten’s skin, and the convenient side carabiners do not injure the animal’s fur.

The harness is connected to the leash with a metal carabiner, which guarantees a reliable connection.

  • Plus: cheap.
  • Disadvantage: preliminary training of the animal is necessary.

Price: 394 rub. More details about the product

Hunter Smart cat harness Stripes

Very light nylon harness with a leash made of multi-colored material. Suitable for cats and small breed dogs.

Plastic sliders on the slots adjust the dimensions of the product and ensure reliable fixation in the selected position.

The length of the leash is 1.2 meters. Suitable for cats with chest circumference – 22-46 cm, neck circumference – 22-33 cm.

  • Plus: adjustable size.
  • Cons: narrow straps.

Price: 740.02 rub. More details about the product

Trixie harness for kittens

A comfortable and reliable harness for kittens made of nylon from a well-known German manufacturer. The product is sold complete with a leash. The length of the leash is 1.2 meters. The product evenly distributes the load from the leash onto the kitten's chest and shoulders.

The adjustment system allows you to adjust the size of the harness to your pet. Product dimensions: 21×32 cm. Strap width – 0.8 cm.

  • Plus: does not rub the skin and does not injure the coat.
  • Disadvantage: Replacement is necessary when the animal grows.

Price: 423 rub. More details about the product

Trixie harness with leash for large cats

The model is designed specifically for large breed cats. Product material – nylon. The sizes are smoothly adjusted using special plastic sliders on the slots. The side carabiners are made of high-quality plastic, are easy to unfasten and do not injure the cat’s fur and skin.

The leash is connected to the product with a reliable metal fastener. Suitable for animals with a chest circumference of 34-57 cm. The width of the stripes is 1.3 cm.

Price: 675 rub. More details about the product

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