A cat gave birth to kittens in the house: what do folk signs say?

The cat is an animal that has lived next to humans since ancient times; it is the first living creature that people allowed into their home. Currently, there are many signs and beliefs about cats. In different countries there are a large number of different superstitions about these amazing animals. In this material we will cover this topic in as much detail as possible.

Ancient signs about cats

Previously, these animals were credited with magical abilities. People believed that a cat's eyes could see things that were inaccessible to the human eye. Many signs associated with cats have been invented. Some of them:

  • In order for a pet to take root, it cannot be accepted as a gift, it is necessary to give a symbolic “ransom”
  • In order for a brownie to accept a new tenant, you need to choose a kitten with hair the same color as the owner’s hair
  • For unmarried girls, a cat is more suitable so that it attracts a man to the house
  • In order for the family to have prosperity and happiness, you need to choose a kitten with a short tail
  • to quickly add a new addition to the family, you need to take a pregnant cat into your home and allow her to give birth in comfort and warmth
  • adult cats do not take root well, so it is better to take a small kitten
  • to attract good luck you need to take a stray animal from the street

Why is the cat allowed into the house first?

Since ancient times, owners have entered a new home after their furry pet. This sign is considered the most famous about cats in the house. It is based on the belief in the cat's ability to sense and neutralize negative energy. If the cat was the first to enter the apartment, the family will live in prosperity and happiness. The animal will eliminate the negativity remaining from the previous residents and appease the brownie.

Why might a cat leave the house?

If a pet leaves the apartment of his own free will, he takes with him impending troubles. If the cat is lost, a child will soon be born in the family. If a pet escapes from the home of a seriously ill person, it will soon die. Sometimes a cat runs away from a house in which a lot of negativity has accumulated. The animal is unable to cope with it.

Often the reason for voluntary departure is not mystical reasons, but the bad attitude of the owners. If a person is indifferent, does not show love and care, the animal feels unnecessary and leaves the house.

About the guests

  1. If the cat washes itself while sitting on the windowsill or at the front door, visitors will come to the house.
  2. The pet washes its head behind the right ear - guests will come with good intentions.
  3. If it rubs behind the left, it means a visit from enemies.
  4. Assumptions about visitors can be made based on the temperature of the animal’s paws. Warm limbs mean a friend will come, cold limbs mean an enemy.
  5. If a cat is affectionate with a visiting guest, he is reliable. An animal does not approach a hypocrite.

Signs about death

If the cat lies down on the table, someone in the house will die. The animal foreshadows the death of a seriously ill person if she lies by his bed and does not leave. The cat marked the clothes of the sick person - the illness will soon pass. The cat lies down at the feet of the patient - to recovery. If the animal moves away, the person will die. A cat goes to sleep next to its owner's head - foretells imminent death. The long, loud meow of a cat foreshadows the death of a household member.

Road signs

A common belief about a pet crossing the road says that there will be no path. It's better to turn back or take another road. In England, there is another sign - if someone going on a trip hears meowing, it is better to postpone the trip.

When you go on the road, you can ask your pet to protect the house from thieves and uninvited visitors. If the animal purrs in response to affection, everything will turn out well. A loud meow warns that you cannot leave your home.

You can tell by your pet's behavior how successful the trip will be. If it fits in the suitcase, the trip will be successful. The animal throws things away - you need to stay home.

Cat and material well-being

There are several beliefs associated with furry pets that help attract money. One of the superstitions tells how to get an irredeemable coin from evil spirits with the help of a black cat. It is believed that it always returns to the owner and helps to get rich. Together with the cat at midnight they go out to the intersection of roads and turn to the west. The pet is pinched several times to make it meow. A spirit will come asking you to sell the animal. The person must agree and ask for a ruble. This coin will remain with the person forever and will mark the beginning of wealth.

The Chinese believe that a cat in the house attracts material well-being. But you can’t adopt a stray cat. Otherwise, financial success will leave a person.

A cat that caresses its owner attracts expensive gifts and profit. To gain wealth and good luck, you need to pet a gray pet with white paws on the waxing Moon.

Cats and weather

The animal fell asleep, curled up in a ball and covering its nose with its paw, in anticipation of the imminent onset of frost. The pet goes to bed close to a heat source - when it gets cold. The cat scratches the furniture and wallpaper - it will be windy outside. The animal spreads its paws in a dream - to warm weather. If your pet washes itself with its paw behind its ears, it will rain. The loud meowing of a cat on a ship foreshadows a storm. If the pet spreads its tail, a storm will begin.

Why you shouldn't hurt cats

If a pet is treated poorly, it becomes aggressive and begins to take revenge on its ungrateful owners. Some cats turn into downtrodden, frightened animals. If you drag your pet by the tail, he will walk past the tray. You cannot beat cats for educational purposes if they damage furniture or mark your apartment. It is better to use substances with an unpleasant, repellent odor for this purpose.

Signs associated with killing or harming a catInterpretation
Kill a catImprisonment, 7 years of misfortune. She will be the first to meet her owner after death in the world of the dead
Drown a kittenPoverty, loneliness, drowned people in the family for 7 generations
Hit a cat with a carLuck will run out for 7 years, a serious accident will happen soon, loved ones will betray you
The cat diedTo the appearance of a rival
If the cat is injuredFailures in personal life due to men
Newlyweds hit a catTo divorce

Why you can't offend

In Rus' it was believed that physical violence should never be used against purrs. The people know very gloomy signs regarding the killing of these animals:

  • kill a cat - 7 years of no happiness;
  • drowning a kitten means poverty and loneliness; in addition, there will definitely be drowned people in the family;
  • torturing an animal means a serious illness or painful death of a close relative.

On a note! Hitting a cat with a car is a modern bad omen. The driver's luck will turn away for seven years.

Representatives of the cat family have enjoyed special treatment since ancient times. They were credited with a connection with the world of the dead, magical properties, and healing abilities. It was believed that they could be harbingers of various events, protectors of the family hearth, friends and helpers. That is why there are so many superstitions about them. Perhaps some of them are worth listening to, and then the wisdom of our ancestors will help improve life and avoid troubles.

Signs about cats depending on their behavior

By observing a pet, they predict upcoming events.

Squints his eyes

The behavior indicates a calm, contented state of the pet. The cat made friends with the brownie. Residents do not need to worry, there will be no trouble.

Rubs against owner's legs

A cat cuddles up to a person if she feels positive energy from him. The behavior of the animal portends favorable events.

Scratches furniture

If a cat spoils the wallpaper or upholstery, the weather will change. A long, heavy rain will begin. According to another version, the animal simply sharpens its claws.

Changed the direction of movement

If a pet turns in the other direction at the sight of a person, bad news awaits him. To neutralize negativity, you need to take a few steps to the side.

Why does a cat sneeze?

There will be changes for the better in the family. The owner will unexpectedly receive a profit and an old dream will come true. The more the pet sneezes, the longer it will take to get what is predicted.

Sleeping on the doorstep

The animal senses negative energy and protects the house from negativity. If the cat was sleeping, and then jumped up and ran away, guests will come.

Washing his face

The animal cleans its face with its left paw - a sign of a visit from old friends. Right - warns of the arrival of enemies. Long, leisurely washing - guests will come in a few days.

If your pet starts shitting anywhere

A cat will never behave this way by accident. The owner should try to find out the reason for this behavior of the animal. Perhaps your pet is just jealous or something is bothering him. In any case, you should not punish your pet without understanding what is going on.

It often happens that cats feel negative energy in a certain place or from a specific object . They try to inform the owner about this, attracting his attention.

Numerous stories of cats shitting near a closet with a bad item or ruining the shoes of a guest who did not have the best intentions confirm their ability to sense things that are inaccessible to human perception.

These furry creatures live in parallel in two worlds: our real and astral, the so-called other world. They see what is inaccessible to humans, so people can only trust their pets.

Signs about the connection between humans and cats

Many pet owners notice that animals can treat the sick and influence their personal lives.

Health status

The ability of cats to relieve pain and anticipate the owner’s departure has long been noted. If the pet rests on the heart area, it prolongs the years of life. At the feet - relieves fatigue. If a cat sniffs its owner's breath, he will soon get sick. When a pet leaves the home of a seriously ill person, and he is on the mend, they say that the cat took the disease for himself.

Women's loneliness

It is considered a good omen if a cat sneezes next to an unmarried girl. She will soon marry a loving, caring man. The marriage will be long and strong.


To understand the meaning of dreams about cats, take into account the color of the fur of the dreamed animal. Red pets warn of the appearance of envious, deceitful people. Perhaps the dreamer was harmed by a woman who knows black magic.

A woman's dream about spotted cats warns of the appearance of a rival. Black people dream of quarrels. Whites promise flattering friends.

Video on the topic

Folk signs about cats in the video:

Some people are skeptical about cats. They consider it irrational to have a pet that needs care, food, and therefore requires additional expenses.

Such people really should not have a kitten, because the animal is very sensitive to how it is treated. But, if you are capable of sincere affection for a furry, purring lump, then goodness will return to you with health, well-being and prosperity in your home.

Signs about cats of different colors

Depending on the shade of the coat, the meaning of the prediction changes. Color affects the presence of magical abilities of the pet.


There are negative signs about such cats in the house. In the Middle Ages, black cats were considered companions of sorcerers and witches. But the appearance of such a pet in the house is beneficial for the owners. The animal wards off troubles and protects homes from fire and thieves.


Pets with light fur are a symbol of harmony and purity. White cats are owned by people who face risk. They eliminate negativity, relieve fatigue and tension. If such an animal crosses the path of an unmarried girl, she will soon get married. A snow-white cat brought kittens - to peace in the house.


Such pets bring good luck if they are treated well. Offending a red cat means trouble. Pets with fiery fur bring family happiness and eliminate diseases.

Two or three colors

Spotted pets are distinguished by loyalty and devotion. They protect the owner. Such pets bring happiness, prosperity, and protect the home from intruders.

Tricolor cats have the ability to attract good luck. Pets with tortoiseshell color bring happiness to their owners.

A kitten came to the house

It is believed that if a kitten comes to the house, the sign should be interpreted in the same way as when adults appear. But ancient Slavic beliefs say that a kitten comes to the call of a brownie. Therefore, it is impossible to drive away, give away, or sell a small representative of the cat family - the brownie will become angry and take revenge. You should adopt a kitten to live in peace and prosperity.

Read also: What does the presence or absence of wisdom teeth mean according to signs?

How cats predict the weather

Cats, by their behavior, can not only warn the owner about upcoming events, but also predict the weather:

  • the animal hid its muzzle between its paws - frost is approaching;
  • sleeps imposingly on his back, showing his tummy - for warm weather;
  • go to bed on a radiator or in a warm place - it will soon get colder;
  • straightens the tail and begins to clean it thoroughly - to precipitation;
  • plays and has fun - signs foretell rain;
  • sleeps with his back to the heat source - there will be a thunderstorm;
  • cannot find a place and behaves restlessly - according to signs, a strong hurricane is approaching;
  • scratching the ear or nose - to precipitation;
  • rolls on the floor - you should prepare for windy weather;
  • washes his face or sneezes - beliefs promise heavy rain or snow.

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