Why cats don’t take root in the house: reasons and signs

Need for freedom

Not all cats crave to live in a calm and peaceful atmosphere next to loving and sometimes overly intrusive owners.

Among these proud animals there are many who prefer freedom to comfort. An energetic and inquisitive cat, confined within four walls, will feel sad from idleness. Especially if the owners are away most of the time, and after coming home they do not want to play with him.

If an adult cat was picked up on the street, where he felt quite comfortable, then life in a city apartment without access to fresh air will definitely not be to his liking.

Cat behavior in the house

Cats in Egypt and Thailand lived in temples as guards. They could smell the evil thoughts of the person who was sneaking in for the treasure. In this case, even the monks could not always save the wicked. To some extent, they still protect human housing.

Your cat's behavior can give you clues about what's going on in your home. Her actions are not rash, they just need to be understood:

  • the cat does not want to come into the house if it feels a lot of negative energy that it cannot cope with;
  • A cat can look at one point for a long time. This means that she sees what a person cannot see - an otherworldly force;
  • bypasses or avoids a certain place in the house - you need to check this place for the presence of negative energy;
  • If she stops fawning over her owner, then he gives off an unpleasant odor for her. In this case, she may even hiss and bristle. As an option: the cat feels the negative energy that the owner brought with him after meeting someone or it is on the brought object;
  • the cat can pick up negative energy and leave the room. She won't come into the house until she gets rid of it.

Cats can not only take away bad energy from the house, but also change the home atmosphere for the better. Perhaps the stray cat did not just choose a certain house to live in. With its appearance, the health of its members may change for the better, or relationships between them will improve. Often happiness and tranquility settle in the house with a cat.

Also read: People and cats: why these animals do not become attached to all people

Unpleasant housing energy

Esotericists believe that cats have a certain connection with the other world. They are able to see and feel what is inaccessible to human understanding.

For this reason, it is customary to let animals into a new home first, and to place a children’s bed in the place chosen by the cat.

If a pet feels unpleasant energy in a room, it will not want to live in it.

There are also several contradictory signs that explain a cat leaving home:

  • If a cat runs away from home, it means that some kind of misfortune will soon befall him. Until the death of one of the owners.
  • Misfortune really threatened the family, but the sensitive four-legged guard found out about it in time and took him away from the house.
  • The disappearance of a pet from a home in which there is a seriously ill person is considered an extremely bad sign. It is believed that his days are numbered. However, according to another version, the cat does not prophesy death, but takes it with it.
  • By leaving, the cat made room for someone else. The family is not expected to lose, but to be replenished.

Signs when a cat does not want to come into the house

Since ancient times, the cat has been considered a mysterious creature with powerful energy. She lives with people, but remains an independent animal. Capable of protecting the house and its residents from evil spirits, or at least can point to this fact.

In some cases, the cat does not want to enter the house where it lived until now. Owners may not immediately understand what their pet wants. She may ask to come into the house, but she won’t even cross the threshold. If you close the door, this procedure may be repeated again. There is no need to be angry with your pet. You just need to look for the reason.

Reasons when a cat does not want to come into the house:

  • it is believed that she is letting some entity pass ahead of her. That’s why she doesn’t take the first step;
  • cats are very sensitive to negative energy, and if they cannot cope with it, they will avoid the place that worries them;
  • Perhaps the cat refuses to be indoors due to poor health. In this case, you need to visit a veterinary hospital with her;
  • check the air in the room. Cats are very sensitive to all sorts of fumes, so if she cannot be in it, then how can a person live there;
  • reaction to air conditioner or chemicals used during cleaning. Cats know their scent and their owners, so they jealously perceive other scents.

Also read: How cats show their love and choose their owner

Love for a pet

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These creatures react acutely to a change in the situation in the house, the appearance of a child or another person. Also, not all cats are delighted when a new animal appears in the apartment. You should not forget about all these points when you get a kitten.

Cats are often picky. Experts advise to always keep the tray clean and feed and water your pet on time. The cat must have a scratching post, its own toys and a sleeping place where the animal can rest peacefully without the presence of strangers.

Cats need care and affection just like people. The more love you give your pet, the more likely he is to love you back. Take care of your pet and he will never leave you.

Animals become attached to their owners and respond with love to care. A person, due to his inertia or irresponsibility, is inclined to believe that there is no need to walk with a cat. But this is not true at all. In city conditions, cats are walked on a harness with a leash. This fact has its justification.

Cats without owner supervision face many troubles:

  • Keep in mind that they may fall under the wheels of passing vehicles.
  • She can be offended by bad kids who like to make fun of animals.
  • A cat can get into a dog's teeth.
  • He may get lost and lose his bearings and not return back.
  • Cats, both domestic and feral, control their territory. Your pet may become a victim of a battle for her.
  • Many cats from the private sector become victims of poisoning. Having caught a mouse poisoned with a special bait, he himself consumes the poison and dies.
  • How many neighbors hate any animals and try to harm them? Or chasing cats who got into the habit of their kitties. No one wants to ruin the potential kittens that their pet might bring.
  • Out of curiosity, a cat can go into someone else's metal garage and die there from hunger, being closed. After all, the owner has no idea that he has guests.
  • An animal can climb a tall tree and fall from a height, breaking its legs or spine.

It may be threatened by rodent traps.

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Need for attention

Sometimes pets experience attention deficit. Therefore, meowing under the door, as in any other room, may be a reason for the owner to finally notice them.

Experts say that what matters to them is the fact that you will take time away from your own business and provide them with such a service.

You should not think that the cat is mocking you, because, like any other creature, they need affection and care, especially some breeds.

Representatives of some cat breeds can test your loyalty in this way. No matter how rude it may sound, your action will determine how your relationship will be built in the future.

White cats

The white cat is a symbol of wealth, joy and success. Such a pet will bring its owner a lot of happiness. Since ancient times, white cats have been considered the best healers. If you suddenly feel tired and unwell, then you just need to lie down for 10-15 minutes next to the snow-white fluffy. This will allow you to restore lost strength and health. However, remember that these animals do not tolerate disorder and chaos. So if you don’t want your four-legged friend to leave you, teach yourself some order, organization and discipline.

Why did the cat suddenly get scared?

Cats love to project confidence and fearlessness, but they don't always feel that way on the inside. Cats are good at hiding their fear and trepidation because they don't like people knowing that they are afraid or vulnerable.

If your cat gets hurt, you may not know it. Cats do everything they can to hide signs of injury. Your cat is worried that the injury is seen as weakness. This can cause the cat to lose territory or dominance status.

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It's the same with illness. Cats hide their pain, but they are frightened by feeling unwell. For example, according to Hormones and Behavior, parasitic infections (roundworms, tapeworms, heartworms, hookworms, and whipworms) are a concern because cats don't know what's wrong.

Cat abuse is a broad definition. Your cat may have been physically injured many years ago. Unfortunately, certain smells and places can trigger memories of this traumatic event in the past.

Scolding a cat for unwanted behavior leads to anxious behavior. Anxiety and fearfulness are more likely when punishment occurs after an action because cats do not associate scolding with behavior problems. Your cat will become nervous, wondering if she will be punished again.

How can you return what you lost?

The loss of a pet is a sad event when all available methods are used: advertisements on the Internet, hanging leaflets on poles and even going around nearby basements. Do not despair if all of the above methods did not bring a positive result. Folk omens will tell you how to find what is missing.

To return the cat, use simple rituals:

  1. Take a new white candle that you haven't used yet. Light it and say the spell: “Smoke up the mountain, and (pet’s name) towards the house.” Place the cat's bowl nearby, pouring the animal's favorite treats into it. Wait until the candle burns out completely.
  2. Pour milk or water into a saucer and place it by the door. Imagining your pet returning home, repeat the words three times: “To my house, to my doorstep.”
  3. Use the help of a brownie. To do this, wait until the clock strikes 12 am, then go to the kitchen. After pouring milk into a bowl, respectfully ask the spirit to return the cat to its home safe and sound.

Orthodox Christians are advised to refrain from such actions. Believers can visit the temple and light a candle while praying for the safe return of the pet.

If the cat has left home, signs recommend taking a close look at the situation in the home and the relationships between family members. A pet appears in a person’s life for a specific purpose - to teach him to love, take care of others, and listen to his heart. Even if you are a skeptic and don’t believe in omens, think about the question of whether it was your behavior that forced the cat to leave the walls of its home.

Signs for personal happiness

Among the people there are special signs and beliefs associated with cats and personal life. For example, it is noted: if a young man loves cats, then he will certainly love his future wife.

  • Did a cat come to the wedding and walk to the altar? Married life will be unsuccessful and difficult.
  • The cat that scratched the bride on her wedding day warns the girl that her husband will be jealous and angry.
  • If a pet meows and hisses for no reason on the eve of the wedding, then the new marriage will soon fall apart or be unhappy.
  • Family life will be difficult if a cat appears at the moment when the girl is trying on her wedding dress.
  • If a cat sneezes near two lovers, then a folk sign says that they will definitely get married.
  • Has a stray cat appeared on your doorstep? Soon there will be a noisy wedding in the house.
  • A man who drank an alcoholic drink to the bottom and saw a cat that was strictly not his will get married this year.
  • A loud sneeze from a cat, especially a black one, near the bride promises happiness to the newlyweds.

Brownie is offended

Sometimes things go wrong in the house. Things break or disappear. This brownie is offended by the tenants. The brownie helps his owners only of his own free will. If he was offended through ignorance or inattention, he will show his temper.

Cats know how to contact evil spirits. But the brownie is still an evil spirit. Therefore, animals feel when the spirit of the house is angry, and they cannot do anything in such a situation, and therefore they leave.

If the brownie is very embittered, this threatens disaster. Without causing direct harm to people, he sends diseases to domestic animals and torments them. The dog cannot escape, but the cat runs for its life.

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