Why cats don’t take root in the house: we understand the realities and folk superstitions

A family that decides to get a cat may face a problem - the pet may simply not take root in the house. Why is this happening? This article highlights 4 obvious reasons why your pet does not take root in an apartment or house.

Why don't cats live in the house for a long time?

Very often, owners blame themselves for the loss of an animal: they didn’t keep track, they offended, the cat took the negativity upon itself. There are also those who don’t really think about the cause of what happened. In addition, sadly, every living creature has its own life span. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing the situation in order to avoid troubles in the future.

How to avoid negative consequences

Popular signs and beliefs indicate that if cats die in a house or do not take root, this promises trouble for the owners. Perhaps a lot of negative energy has accumulated in the apartment, or envious enemies have damaged one of the family members. To protect yourself, you should try to accurately determine the reason for your pets leaving and eliminate it. It would be a good idea to go to church, sprinkle the corners of your home with holy water, while reading a prayer at the same time.

Additional measures will help you avoid losing your beloved pet - a collar with an address and phone number, regular trips to the veterinarian to check the cat’s health, or fashionable and convenient chips that can always be used to track the movements of your beloved purr.

When faced with the fact that cats do not take root in the house, you should not give up keeping pets or take your anger out on defenseless kittens. These animals do not mean anything bad, but, on the contrary, are considered a powerful amulet and always strive to protect their beloved owner. It is necessary to analyze the situation and identify what caused the cat to leave, and then eliminate the unfavorable factor and live calmly and happily with your furry pet.

Tips for keeping your pet

If cats do not take root in the house, then you should try to understand the reason and eliminate it. In addition, there are some actions that can help prevent the loss of a cat.

Proper nutrition. It is necessary to monitor the correct diet of the animal so that it is comfortable in the house. Then he will not have to look for food outside his home. Constant surveillance. It is unacceptable to let your cat walk on its own. The trajectory of her journey is unpredictable, so you should follow her route. In the city it is not recommended to let your pet out of the house at all. Since in cities there are many more risk factors, such as highways and stray dogs. If such a pet does not suit a person, then he should not have a cat, since he is not responsible for its life. Cats do not thrive in homes unless they are supervised. Castration. Cats leave home more often than cats (less likely to settle down), because their natural call forces them to look for a partner. Such searches may take the pet far from home, where it may end up in one of the situations described. Neutering can solve this problem because the cat will have no reason to leave home. Another positive aspect will be that the cat will stop marking the territory with an unpleasant odor. In many homes, cats get along well without any surgery. It is enough to have a living plant or valerian extract in the house. Its smell matches the pheromones of cats, so it distracts the pet from other adventures. True, there is a possibility that the cat will behave more aggressively and inappropriately, because he will try to detect an object that emits a captivating aroma. Collar with address. There are many kind people in the world who find a cat far from its home. Sometimes they post advertisements, look through those that already exist, or take it to a cattery (where cats do not take root, but survive). They could return the pet to its owner if they knew where it lived. If a cat has a collar with an address on it, it is much more likely to return

It is important, after the pet’s return, to find the reason for the pet’s “non-adoption”, otherwise it will leave again. Chipping. In Europe, microchipping is a common practice for caring for your pet.

There are no arguments about “whether they take root or not,” only dry facts – correct or incorrect care. A microchip is implanted into the cat's body, which can be easily tracked on a computer. So, a person can always know where his ward is and find him in case of loss. Such chips practically do not break, and the cat himself will not be able to remove it, so this is a reliable way to control the movements of the pet. Cats take root if they are given proper care and attention.


Sometimes the negativity emanating from the inhabitants of the house prevents the cat from settling down. For example, many people are sure that a black cat is a bad omen and will bring misfortune to the house. Such people will constantly show aggression towards such a cat: angry looks, warning poses, sounds.

In nature, cats define their territory not only with marks, but also with ritual battles, which manifest themselves in a demonstration of strength in front of an opponent. A person is stronger than a cat, so she will regard constant attacks as a mark of her territory and will be forced to leave the “foreign” territory. Cats are animals that do not recognize a person as their owner, but only live next to him. So negative messages can cause people to leave. Cats usually do not take root near the source of power.

Thus, before getting a pet, you need to assess your capabilities to ensure the safety of the pet, understand the responsibility for its life and study all the possible risks that you may encounter when keeping it. Only after this can you get a cat. Pets settle into homes where they do not experience stress and have adequate care and attention.

Cats have accompanied humans since ancient times. Even in those distant years, when Egypt was ruled by the pharaohs, these animals already lived with people, they were idolized and worshiped. It is quite natural that they are surrounded by a huge number of legends and superstitions. They explain what happens if cats don’t take root in the house.

Good and Unfavorable Energy

Each home has its own energy. It can be natural and formed by the people living in this housing. Household food is familiar to four-legged pets. It happens that people come to our house who do not always mean well. After them, our biofield suffers due to the negativity that appears. Domestic cats are creatures with very subtle sensitivity. Sensing something is wrong, they try to avoid contact.

Your home may be located in places with negative natural energy . Therefore, when your pets often go missing, you should check this reason too. It happens that in former times people who were involved in some kind of crime or suffered from serious illnesses lived in the house. Perhaps they were just unpleasant. Their negative emotions have accumulated in their home. To get rid of them, you need to clean your space.

Important ! Pets are the first to take on an aggressive environment and try to resist it. They may get sick and leave, or take on the negativity intended for someone at home. If they are cured, they return home. But when they are unable to cope, they may die far from you . In this case , you should thank the animal and remember it with a warm feeling.

Behavior of cats in March.

Adaptation of an adult pet

Not only future owners, but also pets need to prepare for moving to a new place. It's no less stressful for them. To quickly adapt the animal to new conditions, the owners will need to take the following simple steps.

  • A couple of weeks before moving, buy a special sedative for cats at the pharmacy. It should be started before the move, so that at the crucial moment the cat’s psyche is stable, and it will cope with the move more easily. Preparation for such an event begins in advance: you put all your things away, remove carpets, curtains and other furniture. This is also incomprehensible and exciting for the pet. This is the second reason why it is necessary to start giving your pet a sedative in advance.
  • To quickly accustom an adult cat to a new home, try to complete all repairs before moving. She will be scared anyway, and if there is still noise and dust all the time, then she will not be able to feel safe at all.
  • When moving, try to be with your pet. He genuinely doesn't understand what's going on. He needs your help and support. When you enter a new apartment, walk with him through all the rooms. At the same time, it is advisable to stroke and talk to him affectionately.
  • Often, in a new environment, cats find a secluded corner and hide there. Don't worry about this. This is natural behavior. Do not try to remove the animal by force. Give him time to calm down and understand that it is safe here.
  • Don't forget to bring your pet's belongings to your new apartment. An old house or bed, bowls and a tray will help you quickly get used to the new environment. Even if these items are already worn out and you would like to replace them, do not rush. This can be done a little later, when the pet has fully adapted.

Energy at home

Esotericists say that a cat feels something that not every person can feel. If there is negative energy in the apartment, the pet will try to spend more time outside the house or even run away. Another scenario will be that the cat will take all the negative energy upon itself. This can seriously affect him and even be fatal.

Before purchasing a home, make sure it is not located in a former cemetery. You should also check to see if any terrible events have occurred in the apartment. If you find that something terrible happened in your apartment earlier, carry out an energy cleansing of the room. Priests or esotericists will help you with this.

Poor quality feeding

The notorious saying: “We are what we eat” is also true for our smaller brothers. Providing adequate nutrition for your pet requires significant financial investments, special knowledge and time. That is why the overwhelming majority of the population offers their favorites a “low-budget” menu that does not cause much damage to the family income.

Its main products are economy-class dry food made from cheap low-quality raw materials, “soft food” from bags containing mainly soy and flavoring additives, as well as market fish such as capelin, sprat or gobies.

Consequences of feeding cheap food. The cat has no choice but to consume the food offered, flavored with artificial flavors. As time passes, the internal organs experience overload and begin to function intermittently.

As a result, a whole “bouquet” of ailments arises in the body, including:

  • urolithiasis;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • colitis;
  • allergies;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • eczema.

What is the danger of a straight girl? Natural “delicacies” such as lake catch or sausage for animals also pose serious dangers. Thus, raw freshwater fish is a natural reservoir of helminthic infestation, and its thin, needle-like bones can injure the oral cavity, esophagus and stomach. “Cat sausage” is made from minced meat and bones containing sharp fragments that can cause inflammation and intestinal blockage.

How to prevent. To avoid the development of chronic diseases, as well as their fatal consequences, it is necessary to provide your pet with high-quality food, balanced in nutritional and mineral composition.

Cats and perfume

Frequent disappearances of cats are associated with the dissatisfaction of the brownie , and those who have a house in the private sector, with the activities of the barnkeeper (the brother of the brownie priest) . But here the accusations are clearly in vain .

They are both protectors of the home, family, and economy. Therefore, they are not interested in harming their household. Most likely, another creature, like a “poltergeist,” has settled in the house, which provokes unpleasant events.

Good or bad?

A cat in the house is definitely good.
It is no coincidence that when crossing the threshold, it is she who is the first to be launched. By the way, why do they do this? It is believed that a cat not only protects the owners and the apartment from bad energy, but also cleanses them of existing negativity. She distinguishes between the intersections of magnetic fields, so the place where she lies down is considered the cleanest in terms of energy, and that is where the bed should be placed.

If during its stay the animal feels the presence of evil spirits, it will certainly make this clear by its behavior. At first, the animal will deal with the entity: who or what it is, why and why it appeared in the apartment, whether it poses a threat. If the energy field of the entity turns out to be negative, the cat simply draws it into itself, using its own field, and takes it out of the apartment.

It is quite easy to determine the presence of negative energy by the behavior of a pet: usually the cat freezes in the same place, often in a strange position, and looks in one direction. In this way she tries to understand the nature of the entity. To cleanse the aura of the apartment, you need to stand in this place and read a prayer.

Another indisputable advantage of living with a cat is its warm relationship with the brownie. The latter, as you know, are very fond of tailed animals, since they are intermediaries between two worlds.

Brownies do not harm people in whose apartment there is this furry animal. When a cat rubs against its owner's legs, it most likely lacks affection and attention. But another reason for this phenomenon is the desire to share your positive energy.

By refusing the magical power that the animal is happy to share with its owner, a person dooms himself to the pet’s disfavor. Next time the cat will certainly remember the refusal and will no longer be so generous and may even try to take away the astral power.

Finally, the medicinal properties of cats are also known. Firstly, intuitively it falls on a place that is conditionally weak. Thus, she involuntarily heals the owner and other family members. Secondly, stroking a cat, a person calms the nervous system, gets rid of stress, and relaxes.

There is an opinion that stroking the tail of a white cat can improve vision.

What kind of cat should I have in my apartment?

From the point of view of personal preferences, of course, you can focus on breed, age, cost, or simply choose the animal that will immediately win your heart. But from an energy point of view, the choice should be based on the color of the fur.

What does fur color mean?

  1. a black cat , contrary to popular opinion, is a very good choice. In magic and witchcraft, she is a good helper, since her energy power is greater than that of any other cat. A black pet takes away negative energy from the owner, and also gives wisdom and wards off troubles;
  2. white is a source of healing power. It gives the owner beauty, is able to relieve stress, improve health and heal;
  3. redhead _ Traditionally considered the best friend of witches. Her presence in the house promises wealth. In addition, those with red hair are filled with very powerful masculine energy, as well as the energy of the Sun and Yang;
  4. gray _ Brings love, happiness, good luck to the house, improves mood and calms;
  5. color point (color of a Siamese cat) is an amazing color. Pets of this color bring longevity, success, fame;
  6. Calico (tricolor) is a classic symbol of good luck. Many people know that this is the kind of cat that is adopted to attract fortune. A tricolor cat brings prosperity, peace, happiness to the house, protects the family and home from troubles;
  7. two-color . Gives the owners the energy of wisdom and understanding;
  8. tortoiseshell _ He shares his energy with people more actively than others. So, she can grant clairvoyance and even the ability to heal other people;
  9. golden _ Helps to comprehend wisdom and solar magic.

Love for a pet

Animals become attached to their owners and respond with love to care . A person, due to his inertia or irresponsibility, is inclined to believe that there is no need to walk with a cat. But this is not true at all. In city conditions, cats are walked on a harness with a leash . This fact has its justification.

Cats without owner supervision face many troubles:

  • Keep in mind that they may fall under the wheels of passing vehicles.
  • She can be offended by bad kids who like to make fun of animals.
  • A cat can get into a dog's teeth.
  • He may get lost and lose his bearings and not return back.
  • Cats, both domestic and feral, control their territory. Your pet may become a victim of a battle for her.
  • Many cats from the private sector become victims of poisoning. Having caught a mouse poisoned with a special bait, he himself consumes the poison and dies.
  • How many neighbors hate any animals and try to harm them? Or chasing cats who got into the habit of their kitties. No one wants to ruin the potential kittens that their pet might bring.
  • Out of curiosity, a cat can go into someone else's metal garage and die there from hunger, being closed. After all, the owner has no idea that he has guests.
  • An animal can climb a tall tree and fall from a height, breaking its legs or spine.
  • It may be threatened by rodent traps.

Neglect of preventive measures

It is known that disease is easier to prevent than to treat. However, preventive measures seem to many owners to be a pointless waste of money, especially if the pet is exclusively “clean and domestic” or, on the contrary, “simple and mongrel” and therefore not worthy of attention.

Lurking danger. Helminths, dermatomycosis and skin parasites undermine health and slowly destroy the body. Accordingly, against the background of weakened immunity, the animal becomes unarmed against a formidable enemy, such as a virus or bacteria.

Veterinarians warn:

  1. Fleas can cause generalized dermatitis, mental distress due to constant itching, and even anemia.
  2. Parasitic worms inhabit not only the intestines, leading to general intoxication, metabolic disorders and organ failure. Mass infection of roundworms in small kittens is fraught with intestinal rupture and death.
  3. The entry of fur into the digestive tract during the licking process leads to the appearance of compressed lumps, reaching the size of a tennis ball and occupying the entire volume of the stomach. The digestive processes are disrupted. Long-haired cats and pets are especially affected during the molting period.
  4. Unvaccinated animals lack protection against infection, so a slight illness can turn into a severe form of illness and even death. Kittens under 6 months of age, as well as weakened and old animals, are especially susceptible to infections. Even a cat who does not leave the apartment is at risk, since most viruses and bacteria are spread by airborne droplets and “travel” on the owner’s shoes, clothes, hands and hair.

How to prevent. Veterinarians and professional breeders place great importance on preventive measures. Help keep your pet healthy:

  • annual vaccination against infectious diseases (vaccinations);
  • quarterly deworming (deworming tablets);
  • regular treatment for skin parasites (anti-parasitic collars, sprays and drops on the withers);
  • systematic measures to remove hairballs from the stomach (special pastes or medicated food);
  • prevention of urolithiasis (decoctions of kidney herbs, tablets, medicinal and preventive foods from the “urinari” series);
  • visiting a veterinary clinic for preventive examinations and tests;
  • daily monitoring of the animal’s well-being.

Historical reference

It is widely believed that cats were domesticated by the Egyptians. It was refuted by an interesting discovery by scientists at the beginning of the 21st century: a burial dating back to 9500 BC was discovered in the Middle East. e., in which a cat was buried along with a man. Despite this discovery, the idea of ​​a deep and long-standing connection between cats and the Egyptians still lingers in the mind. The ancestor of the pet is considered to be the steppe cat, which to this day lives in some areas of Africa, Asia, India and the Caucasus.
Over time, the genome of the steppe cat changed, resulting in the appearance of domestic cats. The first attempts to domesticate the steppe cat occurred around 10,000-9,000 BC. e. An interesting version is that the wild animal itself showed interest in humans.

Noticing that rodents often appeared near food, the cats came to the conclusion that it was better to be friends with people. Starting from 4000-3200 BC. e. cats began to spread everywhere, but given the fact that they are not big fans of traveling and changing their place of residence, we can conclude that there was human intervention in their settlement.

How to recognize a false pregnancy

The pathology develops against the background of hormonal imbalance, in which, without fertilization of the egg, all signs of pregnancy appear, not only internal, but also external. Theoretically, false or imaginary pregnancy can develop in any breed of cat; Sphynxes and Cornish Rexes are at particular risk. The pathological condition lasts about 2 months. It goes away on its own or requires the help of a qualified specialist.


  • sexual contact with a sterile, neutered cat;
  • diseases of the genital organs, especially cysts, fibroids, endometritis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, endocrine system;
  • diabetes;
  • severe stress, lack of affection from the owner;
  • irritation of the vagina by artificial means, often by taking a smear;
  • direct proximity to pregnant females;
  • hormonal imbalance.

A false pregnancy can occur if you keep a cat in an apartment, constantly ignore her estrus, and do nothing to improve the female’s condition.


  • change in mood, character, behavior pattern;
  • frequent meowing, chasing the owner;
  • preparing a future place for “birth”;
  • the animal is almost constantly in a state of half-asleep;
  • the presence of causeless anxiety or indifference to everything that happens;
  • enlargement of the abdomen, mammary glands;
  • the appearance of colostrum;
  • increased appetite at first, apathy for food after a few days;
  • diarrhea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • mucous discharge.

With clear manifestations of a false pregnancy, it is impossible to distinguish it from a real one. The symptoms are identical, even down to the physiological changes. If there was contact with a full-fledged cat, only a specialist can determine the presence of kittens inside. You can go to the vet 15 days after mating or as soon as signs of pregnancy appear in a cat that has not been out for a walk.


It is wrong to ignore the condition of the female. False pregnancy does not always go away on its own without leaving a trace. Internal organs and systems are involved in the pathological process, and the psyche suffers. Lack of proper attention from the owner leads to the formation of mastitis, neoplasms, and inflammation of the uterus. The treatment is complex and includes the following steps:

fluid restriction; exclusion of dairy products from the diet; reducing the amount of protein - meat, fish, eggs; administration of sedatives - Nutri-Vet, Kot Bayun, Fitex, Felifriend; use of a drug that stops lactation - Galastop; symptomatic treatment - taking anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics, massages for the development of mastitis; increased attention from the owner. False pregnancy in cats is a fairly rare phenomenon, typical for dogs.

But there are cases when a pathological condition appears after each heat in the absence of a cat

False pregnancy in cats is a fairly rare phenomenon, typical for dogs. But there are cases when a pathological condition appears after each heat in the absence of a cat.

Estrus in cats is a natural, complex process. If the owner is not ready to make an effort, tinker with the animal, and take the necessary measures, it is better to get a male.

Superstitions, omens and evil eyes

All sorts of signs are associated with missing cats, which can be very easily refuted. We are used to dividing them into bad and good. And very often we involuntarily subject ourselves to self-hypnosis. As soon as a sign is associated with some negative situation, we begin to think about it more often and, as a result, attract it into our lives.

Very often, lonely, elderly people who get a pet to brighten up their lives suffer from the loss of a cat. They feel the loss of an animal so acutely that they worry for a long time.

In some situations, owners treat their animals like children who don't exist. And when pets disappear, they convince themselves that they “are not given the opportunity to have children.” But everything can be quite the opposite. Feeling that the young housewife will soon become a mother, the cat makes room for a new person.

There are people who believe that the cat disappeared due to the evil eye. Allegedly, they have ill-wishers who know how dear he is to his owners, that they will worry about him and deliberately provoke his disappearance.

Many people think about a persecution or a curse sent to the entire family. He is sent with the aim of destroying the entire human family and those close to him, even animals.

Advice! Having discovered a dying animal on the threshold of an apartment, people prepare for trouble. This is a clear sign indicating ill-wishers. The corpse is taken away and buried. After returning home, after thoroughly washing your hands, take an additional shower . At this time, they imagine themselves in a protective cocoon.

Lack of proper treatment

Like all living beings, cats get sick, and if the body cannot cope, then its strength melts away every hour, leading to a sad outcome. Most owners, seeing their animal in a bad mood, do not rush to the veterinary clinic the same day:

  • Some owners wait a day or two and only then decide to visit a doctor. In some cases, the disease develops so rapidly that time is lost and it is no longer possible to help the cat.
  • Naturalist owners prefer not to interfere in the fight against the disease, hoping that the cat will lie down in a corner or “find medicinal herbs on its own.” They consider pills and mixtures to be harmful “chemistry”, which “heals one thing, and cripples another.”
  • Some “professors” hope to activate the reserves of the cat’s body with the help of a spoonful of vodka, forcibly poured into the animal’s mouth,
  • There is also a special category of “compassionate” citizens who simply take the weakened animal away and leave it to die alone, arguing that they “cannot bear to watch the suffering.”

How to prevent. If the pet is dear to its owner, then it is his duty to immediately show the sick cat to a professional veterinarian and, after making a diagnosis, strictly follow all instructions.

Coldness of the owners

A cat is an independent creature, but just like people, it needs love and good treatment. If one of the family members treats the animal unworthy, the pet may simply run away or be constantly nervous. Sometimes the owner treats the cat well, but with noticeable coldness.

To avoid such a problem, talk with your loved ones and rethink your attitude towards the animal. If it seems to you that this is the whole point, contact with your pet will improve. Remember that the cat needs your care.

Responsibility and love

Cats, like all animals, feel when they are loved or treated with indifference. If someone in your family treats or abuses an animal badly, then it is not surprising that he will not settle down and will want to find another place for himself.

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These creatures react acutely to a change in the situation in the house, the appearance of a child or another person. Also, not all cats are delighted when a new animal appears in the apartment. You should not forget about all these points when you get a kitten.

Cats are often picky. Experts advise to always keep the tray clean and feed and water your pet on time. The cat must have a scratching post, its own toys and a sleeping place where the animal can rest peacefully without the presence of strangers.

Cats need care and affection just like people. The more love you give your pet, the more likely he is to love you back. Take care of your pet and he will never leave you.

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Need for freedom

Not all cats crave to live in a calm and peaceful atmosphere next to loving and sometimes overly intrusive owners.

Among these proud animals there are many who prefer freedom to comfort. An energetic and inquisitive cat, confined within four walls, will feel sad from idleness. Especially if the owners are away most of the time, and after coming home they do not want to play with him.

If an adult cat was picked up on the street, where he felt quite comfortable, then life in a city apartment without access to fresh air will definitely not be to his liking.

Rational reasons

There are several reasonable and understandable explanations why cats do not get along in the house.

The animal got lost

Not every cat recognizes the area well. There is always a risk that she might get lost several blocks from home. For example, if he runs away from a dog or runs after a dragonfly.

Another option is for a cat to run away in search of its relative during the mating period. An animal may go on a spree and not come back. It is recommended to sterilize your pet. Then there will be no desire to leave your personal territory.

The cat was stolen

The big disadvantage of walking your pet on its own is that it can be taken by strangers. No one is immune from this. Theft can happen on the street near a private house, in the entrance, or near a multi-story building.

Walking down the street unattended often ends in the death of the animal. Danger awaits at every step: the risk of getting hit by a car, in the hands of flayers, in the teeth of an aggressive dog. A cat may accidentally eat poison that is put out for mice, rats, and other pests. Walk your four-legged friend under supervision and his life will be safe. To do this, you can purchase a collar and leash.

Bad attitude

If cats often run away, think about it. This happens because the animals are unhappy with something. Perhaps annoying behavior from children, hunger, abuse, constant screaming, increased tone of voice. A cat is an independent animal and can go where it will be treated better.


It happens that cats die in the same house one after another. The cause is a virus. After all, some of them can be stored in a residential area for a year. Viruses settle everywhere: on furniture, walls, things, carpets. Therefore, the new pet becomes another victim. If a cat suddenly dies, treat the house with a quartz lamp and a disinfectant solution. It is better to get a new pet after a year. There is a greater chance that he will not contract the virus. If the animal has had lichen or another fungal disease, the house should also be disinfected.

Remember that it does not matter what reasons the animal leaves home are based on: mystical or rational. One thing connects them - a cat will never continue to live in a house where it is uncomfortable and ill.

A healthy adult cat has passed away - what should I do?

If an unneutered pet left home, it is possible that he began to estrus and went in search of a partner for mating. Pregnant pets often leave to give birth to offspring in a calm environment. A pet can also leave home due to poor treatment or the addition of another animal to the family. What to do when a healthy adult pet runs away? How can I get it back?

Will the animal find its way home?

Cats are territorial animals. They always strive to return to their habitat. Lost pets usually find their way home on their own. They are helped in this by vision, smell, hearing and memory. With the help of a keen sense of smell, they are able to detect the smallest concentrations of odorous substances and determine the location of the source of the smell. The hearing aid in cats is designed in such a way that they perfectly remember not just a “video sequence,” but a full-fledged “video clip” with a sound track. Thanks to this ability, they can reproduce it in memory, finding their way home.

The easiest way for a free-range pet to return to its native land is because, unlike a pet, it is familiar with the area. There are many stories about cats returning to their owners, traveling hundreds or even thousands of kilometers. There are even cases where pets returned to their owners 5 years after they went missing. Scientists have not yet been able to figure out how they do this. Presumably, cats use an electromagnetic field to orient themselves in space. How exactly they capture radiation is unknown.

How long can you wait?

If a cat is lost and has never been outside the home, the search should begin immediately after the loss is discovered. An animal not accustomed to the street may run away out of fear in an unknown direction and get into trouble. The more time passes from the moment your four-legged pet left home, the less chance you have of finding it.

Don’t panic and search the entire yard if your pet, which is free to go outside, went for a walk a few minutes ago. You should start searching if the animal has not returned by the end of the day. It is advisable to begin the search operation before dusk, so that the cat does not have to spend the night in the open air, and its owners do not have to worry all night.

Where to look for a pet first?

To return a pet, sometimes it is enough to search the home. Perhaps the cat did not go somewhere beyond its boundaries, but simply hid, for example, under a sofa, closet, bathroom, behind a curtain, in a box, on a sideboard or in a pantry. Some tailed pranksters like to hide in the washing machine. If the animal was not found in the house, you need to look for it:

  • Under the windows. Perhaps your pet, while hunting for a bird or a sunbeam, fell from a balcony or window.
  • At the entrance. If a cat sneaks through a slightly open door, it can be found on the upper or lower floor.
  • In the attic, when there is easy access to it.
  • In an open basement where a frightened pet that had fallen out of a window could hide.
  • Under the cars. Frightened animals, once outside, look for secluded places.
  • On the nearby trees. To escape from dogs, passing cars, and aggressive relatives, they climb higher.
  • In neighboring areas. If a cat has disappeared from a private home, it may be hiding with neighbors.
  • In buildings located in the local area: in a garage, bathhouse, barn, woodshed.

If the missing tailed animal has not been discovered, you should not give up trying to find it. You should ask your neighbors if the cat has wandered into theirs. You also need to walk along the road, suddenly an animal trying to cross it is hit by a car, it lies on the side of the road, and it can still be saved.

Children love animals and are unlikely to let a well-groomed beautiful cat walk out of their sight. It is worth asking local children if they have seen the cat. It is necessary to name the special features of the pet.

You should try to look for your pet again when it gets a little dark and the bustle outside has died down. In the silence of the night, extraneous sounds will not drown out the owner’s call, and there is a high probability that the cat will respond to a familiar voice. In addition, in the dark, the animal can be given away by its glowing eyes. Grandmothers talking on a bench near the entrance, janitors, mothers with strollers - all these people can help in the search for a missing animal.

How do folk signs suggest returning something lost?

Sometimes cats just get lost

We will not talk about practical ways to return a missing animal now. A lot has been written about this on the Internet. But when all real methods have been tried and all you can do is wait, you really want to resort to the help of higher powers! Why not try it?

  • Place your missing pet's favorite treat in his bowl, light a white candle and place it on the floor next to the bowl. And then mentally ask the bright forces of the Universe to save the animal and return it to you safe and sound. Let the candle burn out completely.
  • Pour water into a glass and place it at the front door, saying: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this time, try to imagine in detail how the missing animal enters your apartment.
  • Tie a rope around the perimeter of all four legs of the table at which you are dining. And wait for good news.
  • Standing with a burning candle near the open window, say loudly: “Smoke up the mountain, (name) to the house!”
  • If you are a believer, it is better not to resort to rituals, even the most innocent ones - you will only bring confusion into your soul. Go to church, light a candle and ask your pet to come home. In your own words, but with all your heart.

While there is a chance to return the escaped cat home, do not give up. It happened that the animal found its owner a month, or two, or a year later! But if days go by and your furry pet doesn't return, try to mentally let him go. Either a tragic accident happened to the animal, or it actually protected you from something worse. Enjoy the good moments you have experienced together and look to the future. In any case, it is better than useless experiences.

Magic rituals for returning a cat

For supporters of the superstition that if a cat leaves home, it will bring trouble with it, the unexpected return of the pet is alarming. In fact, why does the cat come back? Maybe she brought back on her tail the bad things she carried away? Definitely not! According to signs, the return of the furry creature does not bode well. Be happy that the animal found its way home.

When all real ways to return a runaway cat have been tried (ads are posted, everyone around is notified of the loss), and you just don’t have the patience to wait, you can turn to higher powers for help.

It is better for believers not to perform any, even the most innocent, magical rituals. Otherwise, it is difficult to avoid the settlement of turmoil in the soul. It’s better to go to the temple, light a candle, pray in your own words, ask God for the missing animal to return.

If you are not very religious, you can follow a number of simple steps:

  • Place and light a white candle next to your pet's bowl. While it is burning, mentally ask the Universe to return the cat home. May he return safe and sound. The candle should burn completely, without cinder.
  • Leave a glass of water in front of the front door and say the following words: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this moment, imagine with maximum detail how a lost cat enters your house.
  • Tie the 4 legs of the dining table with ribbon or twine to form a rectangle. Now we just have to wait for good news.
  • Holding a lit candle near the open window, shout loudly: “Smoke mountain, (cat’s name) home!”

Very often, a sad and inexplicable phenomenon occurs in the lives of cat owners - their pets disappear without a trace. Moreover, this may have some pattern. For example, certain homes do not accommodate cats of a certain color or gender. There are several answers to the question why cats do not take root in the house, and before getting a pet, you need to study this issue. There are several options for the disappearance of an animal, some of them are natural, such as old age and death.

But some options have no obvious reasons:

  • Care of an animal at a certain age,
  • Disease,
  • Hunger strike.

All these actions are incomprehensible to a person, because everything he does is aimed at the normal “adoption” of the cat and its behavior (the fact that it does not take root) is stupefying

But, it is important to understand that there is always a reason for this behavior of cats and it is important to understand it before getting a pet.


The most common version is that the brownie is playing pranks. From time immemorial there has been a belief that cats and brownies never get along. Simply put, a certain spirit is against the presence of these animals in the house and, therefore, tries in every possible way to drive them away or, even worse, to harm them.

There are countless tips for this problem on every mystical forum. And if you are not an ardent skeptic, then why not try them?

Popular wisdom advises simply making friends with the brownie. This can be done with the help of a kind of “bribe”, exemplary behavior and a request to save the life of the pet. You can find instructions on how to present a “tribute” to a brownie on the same forums.

However, it is worth noting that the problem may not only be with the brownie. Perhaps there are more serious “ill-wishers” in your home that you do not see. Spirits and clots of negative energy can also trigger the loss of a pet. But first things first.

Magic rituals for returning a cat

When all real ways to return a runaway cat have been tried (ads are posted, everyone around is notified of the loss), and you just don’t have the patience to wait, you can turn to higher powers for help.

It is better for believers not to perform any, even the most innocent, magical rituals. Otherwise, it is difficult to avoid the settlement of turmoil in the soul. It’s better to go to the temple, light a candle, pray in your own words, ask God for the missing animal to return.

If you are not very religious, you can follow a number of simple steps:

  • Place and light a white candle next to your pet's bowl. While it is burning, mentally ask the Universe to return the cat home. May he return safe and sound. The candle should burn completely, without cinder.
  • Leave a glass of water in front of the front door and say the following words: “To my house, to my threshold.” At this moment, imagine with maximum detail how a lost cat enters your house.
  • Tie the 4 legs of the dining table with ribbon or twine to form a rectangle. Now we just have to wait for good news.
  • Holding a lit candle near the open window, shout loudly: “Smoke mountain, (cat’s name) home!”

Most people feel guilty when a cat goes missing. But there is no need to indulge in despondency or engage in self-criticism. Think about happy times, playing together, mentally thank your pet for its faithful service. Keep hoping that the live cat will definitely return!

The fact of losing a pet is connected with everything. Some owners blame themselves, others blame fate or karma, others nod to natural selection and are not particularly worried. If we put aside emotions and attempts to justify ourselves, then the wording that cats do not take root in the house does not even occur to us; there is always a reason for everything.

Naturally, “non-adoption” cannot be associated with an animal from old age.

There is nothing you can do about it, every living being has its own time. When a pet goes over the rainbow in old age, the owner needs to accept it and not blame himself

I, give myself time to adapt and move on. Not many people decide to have another pet, since the death of a cat from old age is equivalent to the loss of a family member.

There is another side of the coin, a person gets a cat, it doesn’t live even a year... and the person gets a new cat. This continues for some time and the owner either comes to terms with the fact that the animals are “short-lived”, or builds chains (not always logical) and looks for the cause of the tragedies.

The first people who are blamed by owners who regularly lose their pets are the brownies, and when living in a private house, the courtyards also participate in the “showdowns”.

Simply put, some spirit does not want you to have cats and in every possible way dares them... or kills them. “Mystical” forums are full of advice on what to do in such cases. To a skeptic, these recommendations will seem ridiculous, but why not try.

So, if cats do not take root in your house, you need to establish friendship with the brownie. This can be done through a “bribe”, exemplary behavior and a request to save the life of the pet. Instructions on how to give a brownie something nice are available on the same forums, but now there is a little skepticism.

If you delve into the primary sources and look for information about “what a brownie is,” you will be surprised to find that it is an assistant, protector, watchman, healer, but not a bandit and certainly not a killer.

Isn’t it strange that they don’t remember about brownies until something like this happens? Bad, scary, sinister? Most likely, the good spirit is confused with a poltergeist, whose “activities” are clearly described in Hollywood films. So, we’ve dealt with the brownies, courtyards and other household inhabitants, let’s move on.

The fugitive has returned home

What if the cat left home, and after some time reappeared on its own doorstep? Didn't they bring with them the bad things they took away? No and no again! According to tradition, this event... means absolutely nothing! Just be glad that your favorite furry has found his way to you.

And even if you are mystically inclined, think about this: if the cat really disappeared, taking trouble away from you, would it come back, dragging it back on its tail? Of course not. Most likely, the reason for your pet’s spree was spring and ardent feelings for an animal of the opposite sex.

Can it cure a person?

Despite their proud and independent nature, cats have powerful healing abilities.
It has long been noted that if a cat has a good relationship with all family members, it will sleep next to the one who is in poorer health. They feel the negative energy of pain and intuitively choose a place near its source. They perfectly treat inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, as well as insomnia, stress, and nervous disorders.

If a cat lives in a house with a child who has a developmental delay, then its energy helps the child begin to make progress, sometimes completely getting rid of the diagnosis. Of course, this does not happen so quickly, sometimes it takes several years, but the beneficial influence of a furry friend is beyond doubt.

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