White cats - overview of breeds, features of care and mating

White animals have always been distinguished by their external nobility, especially for representatives of the cat tribe. Such cats are a real decoration of the house. However, having decided to get a white cat, the owner may be faced with many questions regarding the health of the pet, its care, and, possibly, mating. After reading our article, which, among other things, lists the most popular breeds of white cats, with photographs and exact names, you can make the right choice of your future family friend.

Why is a cat born white?

From a scientific point of view, an animal that is white is most likely an albino, that is, its fur, strictly speaking, has no color. However, among white cats, albinos are rare, no more than one case out of 10,000. In addition to the albinism gene, either the dominant white gene or the piebald gene, which is responsible for the appearance of white spots, can be responsible for the white coat color.

The white gene, unlike the genes of other colors, does not depend on the gender of the carrier. This gene is highly dominant and does not allow the pigment to reach the fur and eyes.

The piebald gene allows small inclusions of other colors, but they are lost among the merged white spots and are usually not visible.

Three types of colors

Black Spitz: Pomeranian black and tan or black and white dog

There are three types of black and white colors that are most often found in pets:

  • Wang. In such animals, most of the undercoat is white. Dark fur predominates in the tail area, behind the ears and sometimes above the eyes. Blackish spots can also be seen on the sides or paws. Cats with this coloration look very beautiful and therefore they often take part in exhibitions.
  • Bicolor. A characteristic feature of such wool is the predominance of dark color. This type of coloring includes black cats with a white chest. Sometimes areas of light fur are located on the chin or paws. Light spots can be different and differ in size.
  • Harlequin. This type of color resembles bicolor, since it also has a predominant light shade. Dark spots are randomly located throughout the cats’ bodies. The spots may differ from each other in shape. Sometimes they resemble certain symbols or figures.

Bicolor is the most common color of two-color pets.

Eye colors

Cat with green eyes

The most common cat eye color is green. This color goes well with any color, including gray striped. Very bright, emerald or grassy, ​​rare. Much more often the eyes have an olive or gooseberry tint.

Almost as often, cats have yellow eye shades - light lemon and yellow-green.

Orange iris colors look very impressive and are usually found in ginger cats. Shades range from copper to amber-walnut.

In a white cat with green or yellow eyes, the coat color is controlled by the piebald gene.

The rarest of colors is blue, from light to rich. Typically, white cats have blue eyes, unfortunately, which are associated with various diseases that are associated with the white gene.

An extremely rare case is heterochrony - different colors of the iris. That is, when a cat has one eye, for example, blue, and the other orange. For cat lovers, this combination is considered the most desirable.

Khao Mani breed: distinctive features

The snow-white cat from Thailand, called Khao Mani, or diamond eye, has a very ancient pedigree. It is easier to care for such a cat than a Persian, because it is a short-haired breed. This species got its name because of the special cut of the eyes - they are brightly outlined and shine like diamonds. Although according to the standard the color of the eyes should be gray-blue, individuals with green and yellow eyes, as well as different colors, are now increasingly appearing.

Very few people will be able to purchase a cat with different eyes of the Khao Mani breed, since its cost is one of the ten most expensive breeds in the world. In addition, the breed itself is very rare, although it is now found not only in Thailand, but also in other countries.

It is better not to get this cat for those people who are rarely at home, because she does not like loneliness and does not tolerate it well. In character, cats of this species are closest to Siamese.

Deaf or not?

Deafness in cats is closely related to the white color gene. According to research from Cornell University, located in the USA, among white cats with non-blue eyes, from 17% to 22% are born deaf; among white cats with different eyes, the percentage of deaf is about 40; if a white kitten has two blue eyes, then the probability that it will be deaf, from 65% to 85%. Scientists have found that one of the negative effects of the white color gene on a cat is the degeneration of its inner ear.

Interestingly, people have a similar problem. In Waardenburg syndrome, people have a strand of white hair, and 5% of those with the syndrome have different colored eyes and are deaf.

17-22% of cats with blue eyes are born deaf

Features of coloring

The combination of black and white in cats has a number of features. Among them are the following:

  • Uniqueness. This coloring can be called unique, since it is impossible to meet two identical black and white cats. Multi-colored spots will always have different locations.
  • Spread of color to paws. Seals with light and dark coats may have two-colored pads on their paws. One part of them is painted in dark colors, and the second part is painted pink.
  • Unusual eye color. Most cats with black and white fur have unusual eyes that are colored green. Sometimes there are animals in which each eye is painted a different color.

Cat with black and white fur

Additional Information! Most often there are cats with asymmetrical two-tone coloring. Breeds with symmetrical colors are quite rare and expensive.

Mating white cats

For those who breed cats, the issue of selecting a partner to obtain the best offspring is the main one. Breeders are trying their best to increase the chances of having beautiful and healthy cats, because behind this lies not only income, but also prestige. There is a set of techniques that are used by professionals around the world.

Choose a partner for your white cat carefully

  • Inbred mating. This is the name for choosing partners along related lines. Such “marriages” produce very beautiful kittens, but their genotype is most often weakened by inbreeding.
  • Selection of a pair by elimination. This breeding method involves choosing partners based on their appearance, health, etc. Here, the breeder will need high professionalism, a large amount of knowledge and experience.
  • Selection of a pair by color. In general, no lengthy explanation is required here. Pursuing the goal of obtaining the appropriate color, the breeder selects options that, in his opinion, are suitable.

The easiest way, which is recommended for beginners, is to study the pedigrees of cats. Focusing on the “purity of blood” you can achieve very good results.

Recommendations for care and education

  • You need to take care of upbringing thoroughly and immediately as soon as the kitten appears in the house. First, he must understand that he occupies a subordinate position and the boss here is the master.
  • Under no circumstances should you raise your voice at your pet or, especially, hit it.
  • In the first few days, you should limit the space in which the kitten lives to a separate room where there will be no secluded corners. Of course, you need to provide the kitten with bowls for food and drink, a toilet and a house.
  • You cannot take a kitten out of the house by force - this is his personal territory.
  • You should not play with a kitten with your bare hands.
  • Changing the daily routine is contraindicated.
  • When changing food or filler, you need to accustom it to the new type gradually, gradually replacing the old one with the new one.
  • If you plan to walk on a leash, then you need to accustom the kitten to it little by little, adding more time to wearing it. First, put on the leash for five minutes, increasing the time each time.

You need to raise a kitten immediately after its birth.
You need to monitor the cat’s health through its behavior, which changes very noticeably when sick.

The coat of any white cat breed requires careful care, because any dirty spot or matted knot will be visible from afar. You need to get used to the fact that you will have to brush your cat every day. And it’s better to accustom her to this procedure from early childhood, so that you don’t have unnecessary difficulties in the future. If a cat owner complains about the pet’s bad behavior while brushing, then most likely he has neglected his animal too much.

For daily combing, it is better to use a set of three combs: a large one for long hair, for the neck, back, belly and tail, a medium one for the paws, and a small one for the head, ears and fingers. Use the slicker with caution, as frequent use can strip your cat of its undercoat.

Cat colors and genetics of cat colors for dummies

Cats differ from many other animals, even members of the same cat family, in their incredible variety of colors. For example, all lions, except for albinos, are approximately the same in color, cheetahs, pumas and jaguars within the same species are also exactly the same. Not to mention other animals such as zebras, giraffes and rhinoceroses. Cats, however, as everyone has seen for themselves, exhibit an infinite variety of color variations. In many ways, the variety of colors of modern cats is due to the variety of breeds and careful selection carried out by breeders to produce increasingly rare cat colors . However, even without any selection, cats are capable of much. There are not such a large number of genes responsible for the colors of cats, but in various combinations and under the influence of various alleles - lightening, type of pattern, etc. they create an infinite number and never cease to delight both breeders striving to obtain unusual colors and ordinary ones. cat lovers who find their pet or pet in the attic or basement.

Among the main genes responsible for the colors of cats, there are genes responsible for solid color or color in combination with white, the number of variations in the distribution of which is infinite, genes for black and red (red) colors, as well as their lighteners, giving lightened black - blue (usually called grey) and lightened red (cream). There are also genes that decorate a cat's coat with various patterns - stripes, spots or more intricate curlicues called marbling. These genes color a cat's fur different colors along its length. Different combinations of such staining also produce different colors. A gene that suppresses the expression of all these colors makes the cat completely white. The acromelanic color gene is light with dark markings and blue eyes. And if you imagine that these genes mainly work in a group, then it’s easy to guess that the number of colors is limited only by the imagination of nature (and the breeder), which, as we know, is inexhaustible. The colors of cats are more diverse than the colors of cats , because the color of a cat can combine the actions of black and red color genes, which is impossible in cats, since the red color gene can only be associated with the X chromosome. The chromosome set of a cat is XY, and that of a cat is XX. Accordingly, a cat, having only one X chromosome, can be either red or black (or bleached red or bleached black), while a cat can carry a combination of these two genes in normal or diluted (lightened) form. As a result of the combined action of the black and red color genes, cats are born with bright spots of black and red (red) color, sometimes in combination with white, with a pattern, with lightening, with acromelanic color and other most incredible colors. It is extremely rare for cats to be born that are red and black in color. This is the result of a genetic mutation (the genetic code of such a cat is XXY, not XY), so such cats are most often sterile (sterile).

So, how can you determine the color of the cat that lives in your home? A cat purchased from a cattery with documents has a pedigree that describes its color, as well as the colors of its parents and ancestors up to the fourth generation. What if a cat was picked up on the street, and all its documents are whiskers, paws and a tail? In most cases, determining the color of such a cat is also not difficult. The article is illustrated with photographs of both outbred and purebred cats, since I did not find illustrations with outbred cats of all the described colors.

The color of a white cat is clear as it is. White color is combined with blue, yellow, green eyes, as well as different eyes: a white cat can have one blue eye and one green or yellow. The genetics of the white color are not so simple, but we are only interested in the external manifestation - a cat with a solid white color without spots.

White cat

If a white cat has spots of any color on its head (colored “cap”), and its tail is painted the same color, then this combination with white is called van . In fact, genetically this cat is black, blue, red or another, depending on the color of the “cap” and tail, but its color is covered by a large white spot, leaving only small painted areas on the cat’s body. A cat with a larger number of colored spots, but no more than a third, covered by them, with sufficient spaces between the spots, has a color called harlequin . A cat that is about half colored and half white is bicolor . And finally, there are colors with residual white, with white spots, medallions, etc. - for example, a white spot on the chest, white paws - “slippers”, small white spots on the belly.

Combination with white: van color

Combination with white: harlequin color

Combination with white: bicolor color

Combination with white: color with residual white

The combination with white can be worn by a cat of any basic color. So, we have already learned that our cat is a van, harlequin, bicolor, either with residual white, or without white at all. How can you determine its main color? The main colors of cats that can be found on the street are not so diverse. Let's not take into account purebred cats thrown out onto the street by careless owners. Purposeful selection has produced a large number of shades - chocolate, lilac and many others - but now we are interested in “natural” colors. These are black, blue (gray) - a lightened version of black, red (red) and cream - a lightened version of red. These colors are easily distinguished from each other, both in solid form and in combination with white. In cats, unlike cats, as already mentioned, black and red (or their lightened versions - blue and cream) can be combined in the color of one individual, this combination is called tortoiseshell color, or tortie . The tortoiseshell cat is colored either black with “strands” of red, if it is without white, or large spots of black, red (or blue and cream) and white, with the white distributed according to the principle described above. That is, a cat can be white with a black and red cap and tail - this is a tortoiseshell van. There are also tortoiseshell harlequins and bicolors, both black and red and blue cream .

Main colors: black

Main colors: blue

Main colors: red

Main colors: cream (the kitten in the middle of the photo is cream and white)

Black and red tortoiseshell color

Black and red tortoiseshell with white

Blue cream tortoiseshell color

Still doesn't look like your cat? Then let's move on. Each of the described colors can be combined with a pattern (tabby) . A drawn cat differs from a cat without a pattern by the dark rim of the eyes and the letter “M” on the forehead (this is the main distinguishing feature, by which you can tell whether a cat is drawn, even if it is very fluffy, and the pattern on the back is blurred), as well as the pattern on the back . The color of the nose mirror will also be different. A tabbed cat also has lighter hair on the neck and belly, as well as on the underside of the tail. Several types of genes are responsible for the drawing of a cat; accordingly, a drawn cat can be spotted, tabby, marbled or ticked . We will not consider marble and ticking, since the wearing of these patterns is the privilege of mainly purebred cats. The back of a spotted cat is covered with spots, clearly separated from each other and contrasting with the main tone, the tail and paws are colored with rings. A tabby cat has solid stripes instead of spots; this pattern is also called brindle. In cats whose color is not supported by selection (that is, our beloved domestic Murziks and Muroks), the stripes may not be continuous, but broken, and then the color is something between a spot and a stripe. The spots or stripes are the color of the cat's main color - for example, a cat with black spots is a black spotted cat, a cat with gray stripes is a blue brindle. The general tone of the coat of such a cat is much lighter, for example, a black spotted cat is a brownish-brown shade with black spots. This tone confuses many when determining color - for example, the owner of a black tabby cat may think that it is chocolate, but in fact it is just a warm shade of the “base” of the spots. There is no mistaking the color of the paw pads and nose - black tabby cats have black paw pads and nose - brick red with a black outline. Also, many, knowing that there are no three-colored cats (a widely spread phrase, in fact there are no tortoiseshell cats, not just three-colored ones, and a cat can be two-colored - black and red without white, but nevertheless there cannot be the same two-colored cat ), they claim that they have a “phenomenal” tricolor cat - in fact, it is just a black spotted and white cat, whose warm coat tone was mistaken for the third color. Tabby can also appear on tortoiseshell cats, giving them an even more bizarre appearance. That is, for example, the same black-red-white (or without white) cat, being also drawn, has the letter “M” on its forehead and spots or stripes on its back. Even on a tortoiseshell, tabby markings will be visible - this is the same letter “M” if the forehead is colored strongly enough (or its upper “tails” if the colored part only goes down slightly onto the forehead. A tabby tortoise is called a torby ( from torty tabby) .Cats of red and cream colors are always tabbed (among purebreds, red and cream animals without a pattern are selected, but among outbreds there are simply no such animals).Therefore, a red, cream and even an unpainted tortoiseshell cat, or rather on its red or cream part, will always have a pattern ( Therefore, you can determine whether a tortoise is tabbed or not tabbed only by its black (blue) fur - a tabbed tortoiseshell cat will have stripes or spots all over its fur, and it will also have the letter “M” on its forehead).

Black spotted color

Black spotted tortoiseshell color

Blue cream tortoiseshell tabbed color

Black spotted color with white (bicolor)

Black brindle (striped) color

Blue spotted color

Non-drawn and painted cats can also carry smoke and silver . This is manifested in the color of the roots of the hairs - they are white, and when the fur of such a cat rises, it shimmers very beautifully. This can be seen, for example, when a cat moves. Drawing cats can be silver, their base tone is much paler than that of tabby cats without silver, it is almost white. The drawing stands out more contrastingly against such a background. Spots or stripes on silver can be of any of the primary colors - black, blue, red, cream (again, this is not a complete list, but we are not considering breeding colors). A solid colored cat's smoke can also be combined with any color - black or blue, red or cream smoke. Based on smoky colors, animals were bred whose fur hairs are colored only at the very tip (one quarter or one eighth). These are shaded and chinchilla cats - animals of fabulous beauty. But they don’t run on the street (ideally, cats shouldn’t run on the streets at all; after all, they are pets), so let’s go back to what we have.

Blue smoke color

Color black silver spotted

If among all this you still haven’t found anything similar to the color of your animal, and your animal’s eyes are bright blue or deep blue, then your cat is color point . This same color is called acromelanic or Siamese (since the first breed in which this color spread was the Siamese cat breed). The Color Point has dark markings on the face, ears, paws and tail , and the body tone is much lighter. The markings can be black or blue, or red or cream. Or tortoiseshell (red-black and blue-cream) in cats. These colors will be called seal point (black markings), blue point (blue markings), red point (red markings), cream point (cream markings); seal torty point (black and red markings), blue torty point (blue cream markings). The eyes, regardless of the color of the markings, are blue . It is possible to combine this color with white - for example, a cat with a dark muzzle, ears and tail and with white paws, as if shod in slippers, as well as with a pattern - however, on a light back the pattern will not be visible, but the letter “M” on the forehead is like that cats can be read unmistakably. Colorpoints with a pattern are called links points , for example seal-links point (black colorpoint with tabby markings). Acromelanic cats are incredibly beautiful creatures, both in solid color and in combination with white. In our country, such cats are very popular; even outbred cats of this color are called “Siamese” and have been bred for profit since Soviet times. Commercial mass breeding has served them poorly. When there were very few of them, just a few, everything that had dark markings and blue eyes multiplied, regardless of their character. But it is transmitted genetically, and many animals of this color have inherited a bad temper. Many of the cats with character ended up on the streets, creating populations of Siamese-colored animals and their carriers. And despite the growing momentum of purebred breeding of Siamese cats, as well as cats of other breeds of this color that have an excellent temperament, the people have an ineradicable belief that Siamese cats are evil and aggressive. And who knows how many years will pass before people stop thinking like that.

Seal point color (black color point, dark markings and blue eyes)

Seal Lynx Point color (black tabbed color point, dark tabby markings, blue eyes)

Red point color (red color point, red markings, blue eyes)

Seal point color with white (black color point, dark markings, white spots on the face and paws, blue eyes)

Well, all the main options have been looked at, so if your cat doesn’t fit any of them, it means she most likely had purebred ancestors, and she received something from them in her color. However, do not rush to think so, consider all possible options - perhaps you did not read something carefully, or the color is not clearly expressed due to too long coat (or unkempt coat in poor condition).

The color of the cat is definitely tabby (the letter M is visible on the forehead), but the pattern cannot be determined, because the fur is too long and already gray due to its advanced age

In the correct name of the color, the main tone comes first, then the type of pattern and then the combination with white. Next comes the eye color, if it is somehow unusual for this color. The usual eye color is not prescribed. For example, a black and white cat with approximately equal amounts of black and white would be called black bicolor . A cat that is gray in tone interspersed with light tan and darker gray spots, and has a white collar and paws, would be called a blue cream spotted tortoise with white residual . A brown-brown cat with black stripes will be called a black brindle (black spotted and brindle animals are also called brown tabby - from the English brown - brown, based on the shade of the coat). A cat with a red cap and a red tail with one blue eye and one green will be called a red van with different eyes .

Author: Irina Budkina,

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