Canadian Sphynx cat breed - features of the breed, description of cat care and education (115 photos)

History of the breed

More than 50 years ago, a cat with very short hair gave birth to a hairless kitten.

After this, the kitten was cross-crossed with its mother, which resulted in completely hairless kittens. They became the basis, but from which the breed of the Canadian Sphynx was developed.

Main characteristics

The Canadian Sphynx breed is characterized by:

  • The head is wedge-shaped, slightly pointed downward.
  • The nose is short, usually covered with sparse short fur.
  • The ears are set very wide apart. They are large in shape and have rounded ends.
  • The breed usually does not have whiskers, but may still have them.
  • The eyes are lemon-shaped, widely spaced, and large in size.
  • The body is round, with a wide chest.
  • Upon visual inspection, the fact that the hind limbs are much longer than the forelimbs is striking.
  • The toes are long and clearly defined, sometimes covered with fine short hair.
  • The tail is whip-shaped and also not pubescent.
  • The Canadian Sphynx is distinguished by the presence of an abundance of folds throughout its body. Most of them are in the head, neck and limbs.
  • Cats weigh on average 4 kg.

Description of cats of the Don Sphynx breed

Cats belonging to the Don Sphynx breed have an extremely unusual appearance, which really resembles the cat figurines of Ancient Egypt: flexible, elegant animals with long legs and very large lively eyes.

The very description of the appearance of the Don sphinxes recalls the mystery of their origin: they seem to be aliens from outer space. However, while characterizing the breed, it is nevertheless possible to highlight its distinctive features.

Don Sphynxes have a strong and muscular body. The fact that cats don't have hair helps us see their almost athletic physique better. The animal's croup is quite wide; it happens that its width exceeds the width of the shoulders, as a result of which the silhouette of the cat resembles a pear in shape.

The size of the Don Sphynx is standard, medium, similar to the size of many other cats.

The paws of these cats are long and graceful, they look surprisingly fragile, but in fact this is not the case at all. The front legs are shorter than the hind legs. The fingers are also long.

The Sphynx's tail is long and thin, with a rounded tip. In general, the cat’s entire body seems long and fragile, which makes its appearance even more mysterious.

Adult females weigh about five kilograms, and Don Sphynx cats weigh about seven kilograms.

The cat's head is wedge-shaped with pronounced cheekbones and brow ridges. The chin is small, but quite powerful, and the nose is medium-sized, smooth and straight.

On a flat forehead, fan-shaped skin folds are clearly visible, smoothing out under the eyes.

The ears of the Don Sphynx are quite large and wide with rounded tips and a slight slope. The eyes are oval shaped and small in size. Eye color is not limited by any standards. One of the outstanding features of cats of this breed is that kittens’ eyes open almost immediately after birth, just a few hours later. Don Sphynxes do not have eyelashes, nor mustaches; cats with curly mustaches are only very rarely found.

Based on existing standards, the cover of the Don sphinxes can be of three varieties. These cats are not always completely naked.

The following types of cover exist:

  • bare-born - animals born without hair, their fur feels like rubber to the touch;
  • velor (flock) – there are very short hairs, the skin feels like velor to the touch;
  • brush - developed wool, but still rare. The peculiarity of cats with such fur is that they can get rid of it and then grow it back.

Newborn kittens may have fur that will disappear around age two.

The color of the Don Sphynx is varied:

  • pure white;
  • smoky;
  • black;
  • ginger;
  • red-pink;
  • blue;
  • lilac.

Colors of the Canadian Sphynx

Numerous photos of Sphynx cats indicate that the color can be very diverse - from white-beige, through gray, chocolate, piebald, etc.

Read here Ragamuffin cat - description of the unique breed and the pet’s character (95 photos and videos)


The main differences between the Sphynx and the Sphynx are that they behave differently from most members of the cat family. They are more like small children, showing curiosity and exploring everything around them.

They also have:

  • Love for others.
  • Lack of aggression.
  • Restlessness.
  • Playfulness.
  • They love to communicate and are happy to do this not only with members of the household, but also with strangers.
  • This breed is easy to train - cats are very smart.
  • But they also have pride. They won't ask for anything, they will just take it.
  • Cats especially love to climb somewhere, so you need to take this into account when arranging a place for the cat.

In any case, the character of the Canadian Sphynx is distinguished by its comfort for living in any family, both where they love noise and mobility and where they prefer peace and comfort.

Features of the sphinxes

Despite its unusual appearance, the Sphynx cat is the friendliest creature in the world. There are interesting facts about sphinxes. These cats are believed to have the gift of healing. They lay precisely on the owner’s sore spot and take all the pain for themselves. Sphynx cats are extremely loyal. They are ready not to leave their owner for hours, and when he is not at home, they are very bored.

There is an opinion that sphinxes are very vindictive, but this is absolutely not true. They quickly get offended, but will never take their anger out on their owner. No other breed gets along like Sphynxes with other cats. The Sphynx kitten will be a great friend for little family members. They will arrange fun games together and rush around the rooms.


If a Sphynx cat is brought into the house, then a real family member has appeared here. This is the kindest and most affectionate pet that is very attached to humans. They love to sit in your arms and need constant affection. Many owners say that their affection sometimes even becomes intrusive. The Sphinx sleeps with great pleasure on the bed with its owner.

Such a pet will never lie indifferently on the sofa all day long. He joyfully greets all family members in the evening when they return from work. This is a cat with real habits of a devoted dog.


Sphynxes are very active by nature. At an early age, they misbehave with great pleasure; they love to ride on curtains and jump on shelves. To prevent the pet from causing damage, the owner needs to devote the maximum amount of time to it, entertain the pet and play with it as often as possible.

Thanks to their playfulness, Sphynx cats get along well with children. They are even trainable. They can be trained to fetch toys in their teeth. Pets are delighted with a variety of ropes, bows, mice and balls.

Not aggressive

The appearance of Sphynx cats can create the misconception that these animals are aggressive. But in fact this is a deep misconception. Sphinxes are not at all prone to aggression. Even in case of danger, they prefer to run away rather than attack the enemy.

If a Sphynx kitten is brought into the house, and another pet already lives here, you need to properly introduce them. Most often, sphinxes get along well with other animals if the size of the territory allows.

These representatives of the cat breed do not know how to take revenge at all. They are not vindictive, they will never deliberately harm a person. These are noble animals. But very vulnerable. They should not be shouted at, treated roughly, or physically punished. This will cause deep psychological trauma to the animal.

The Sphynx cat is very curious, like a child. She will explore every corner of the house. Dangerous things should be hidden away from her in an inaccessible place.

The characteristics of sphinxes are their pride and stubbornness. The master will always be their equal, so they will never obey him. It can be taught the simplest commands, but this may take years.


It is best to purchase Sphynx kittens from nurseries. Here you can choose a pet with documents and pedigree. This is a guarantee that the kitten will be healthy and purebred. The most popular nurseries are:

  1. Etereo – located in Moscow, specializes in breeding Canadian Sphynxes.
  2. Canadavillage - located in Severodvinsk and Moscow, breeds Canadian breeds.
  3. The Don Sphynx can be purchased at the Hieroglyph nursery, located in St. Petersburg.

Knowing everything about Sphynxes and the differences between the different varieties of the breed will make it easier to decide on the choice of a pet. And he will become a real member of the family.

Caring for the Canadian Sphynx

Due to the lack of fur and the fact that the cat sweats, be sure to wipe it with napkins or a cloth, otherwise the sweat may dry out on the skin and form a crust on it.

Carry out washing no more than once a month. And use only special mild detergents, preferably hypoallergenic.

Ears - they require regular cleaning - this will help cats look more aesthetically pleasing.

The air in the room should not make sudden changes and drafts should be excluded. The diet should be varied and such as to promote the health of the pet’s skin.

Castrate males in a timely manner. Leave the cat unneutered only if you are planning to breed a Sphynx.

It is also worth giving your pet the opportunity to expose its skin to direct sunlight. But this should be done strictly in doses, otherwise the cat may get sunburn. This procedure will help you achieve a brighter skin color.

  • Animal cremation.
  • What are the benefits of grooming animals?

  • Ultrasound of animals. Why is it made?

History of the origin of cats of the Don Sphynx breed

Don Sphynxes have long been incredibly popular both in Russia and abroad. The history of their appearance began by chance, which occurred in Rostov-on-Don in 1987.

A small cat was found on the street, which was considered sick due to the fact that it had no fur and looked very weak and cold.

The cat was taken home. The new owners were intensively treating Varvara; they wanted to restore the coat, which, as it seemed to them, had been lost due to the disease. However, after taking tests, it became clear that the cat does not suffer from any skin diseases, and the lack of hair is more than normal for her.

Time passed, Varvara gave birth, and the father of the kittens became the most ordinary mongrel cat. The kittens took after their mother in appearance: they were completely bald, but at the same time they were in good health, felt great and were not at all behind in development from any other kittens.

Lack of hair was later recognized as a mutation that was inherited.

In the early nineties, it was proposed to recognize hairless cats as a separate breed, and its name should combine the name of the place where the animal appeared and visual resemblance to its “relatives” from Egypt. The cats became Don Sphynxes. Today, the possibility of adopting this cat breed is being considered.

This is exactly how cats the Don Sphynx breed , but where the very first of them, the beautiful Varvara, came from, still remains a mystery.

The main diet of the Canadian Sphynx

Pets are not picky about food, as they have an excellent appetite. This is due to the fact that the Canadian Sphynx has an accelerated metabolism.

You should always be prepared to feed your cat. For this it is better to choose:

  • Meat, it is advisable to choose lean varieties.
  • By-products, preferably those that do not contain excess fat.
  • A variety of vegetables.
  • It is possible to use dairy products, but you should still prefer fermented milk products.
  • Various cereals.
  • Eggs.

The character of the Canadian Sphynx: 7 features of these cats

Not all sphinxes are the angels that breeders sometimes try to make them out to be. Much depends on the conditions of detention and the correct behavior of the owners. And most importantly, it depends on how compatible the temperaments of the sphinx and the people with whom it lives are. At the end of the section you will see a table that clearly shows that the same character trait can be both a plus and a minus.


If you think that a cat should be independent and inconspicuous, the Sphynx is not for you. This breed is famous above all for its desire to communicate. The Sphinx is always next to its owner, no matter what he does.

Hello, do you need any help?

Baby yoga, or rather cat yoga

These cats climb on your hands at every opportunity, and can jump on your shoulders if you don’t wean them off. They spin around under your feet and actively help in everyday life - they throw themselves on a floor rag, take away your toothbrush, and chew on the pen you are trying to write with.

In addition to physical contact, the sphinx communicates through “talking”. Canadians meow a lot and willingly, and in different ways, depending on the occasion.


The Canadian Sphynx is a real energizer, especially when young. This cat needs active games. The Sphynx can chase a teasing rod until he becomes out of breath, which is definitely not what you would expect from more phlegmatic breeds like the British.

A naked kitten is often called a monkey in people's hearts - not because of its external resemblance, but because of its endless pranks. A Canadian Sphynx left unattended can turn an apartment upside down. Perhaps only Abyssinian or Bengal cats can surpass them in activity.

What are you looking at, turn back!

Kittens are very active and always ready to play


One of the advantages of the Canadian Sphynx is their love of love. They always readily respond to affection, and they themselves demand attention, butting and rubbing themselves against their owners. In case of conflict, the Sphinx prefers to run away and hide rather than engage in open confrontation. This breed is not characterized by aggression.

You smell like chicken, can I lick you?


Even if the sphinx does not leave the apartment, it will continue to explore the space again and again. It is very important to install protective screens on windows and remove wires and other hazards from access.

There's nothing interesting in the closet, I checked


Sphynx cats have an intense metabolism and require more food than a regular cat of the same size. You'll be surprised how much one naked cat can eat if you give it free rein. Owners laughingly describe how the cat puts its muzzle right into their mouth in the hope of begging for a tasty morsel.

Give me something tasty, man!


Canadian Sphynxes have developed intelligence, which is confirmed by the stories of their owners. One woman's cat learned to turn off her computer because she picked him up and pet him when she rebooted the computer. In another, he rang a special bell with his paw, demanding food. The Sphynx can be trained simply by observing it and rewarding certain behaviors.

Treat the sphinx!


The Canadian Sphynx cannot be punished. The cat won’t understand why, and you’ll make the problem worse. If your kitten scratches your legs while trying to climb up, you shouldn't spank him. You should not poke a cat into a puddle made in the wrong place, even if it was your pillow.

Sphynx cats are gentle and affectionate cats, but their trust is easily destroyed by impulsive actions. If you are taking a naked kitten into your home, you better be patient in advance.

Glass left unattended - shared

The character of the Canadian Sphynxes: pros and cons

Character Trait Plus- Minus

SociabilityA sociable and affectionate pet, a lot of positive emotions.Does not tolerate loneliness well, can be intrusive and disturb.
CuriositySphynxes are not cowardly, they make contact with other animals, adapt when moving, and love to learn new things.They climb into places they shouldn’t, which can lead to injury – a window, a washing machine, a dresser drawer.
VoracityThe pet will not be picky, willingly gobbling up the food that you offer it.Due to the constant feeling of hunger, sphinxes are prone to begging and theft, and if they are overfed, they become obese.
FriendlinessThe Sphinx is a good companion for children; it is unlikely to bite or scratch unwary children.If you pay little attention to your sphinx, he will experience stress. The pet needs to be petted a lot.
ActivityThe cat is always ready to play and will not let you get bored, charging you with its energy.People often mess around at home - they scratch furniture and curtains, throw things off, and destroy indoor plants.

You don't need to study, pet the cat!

Cost of kittens

For those planning to purchase a Canadian Sphynx, you should consider the following features:

  • Specifics of the content.
  • The specificity of the species - not everyone likes it. It is worth considering that Sphynx kittens may look cuter than adult representatives of this breed.

The price for kittens reaches 10,000 rubles.

Reviews of cats of the Don Sphynx breed

  • Marina.

When I first held my friend's Don Sphynx kitten, he won my heart. The feeling is great! The kitten is so naked and warm with a completely childish look. We also decided to buy a Don Sphynx , and now he has been living with us for two months. Cats of this breed are very affectionate and calm, and are friendly with small children. I got used to the tray in one day, but I just eat everything in a row. One of his characteristics: he will not jump so as to land on his paws, it is noticeable that this causes him pain. He likes to steal from the table, which we are trying to wean him off. He takes everything: even bread, even sweets, even fruits or vegetables.

  • Lyudmila.

The Don Sphynx appeared in our family about a year ago. They were worried about how their relationship with the child would develop, but it was all in vain. The Don Sphynx is an excellent nanny even for an infant. He treats the child with affection and care, and his behavior reveals the habits of a dog: he protects and warms him with his own warmth. I know for sure: when my son grows up, he and the cat will become best friends.

  • Dmitriy.

As a professional photographer, I can say that Don Sphynxes are great models for photos ! They are very graceful, and their gaze with its attractiveness is simply something! The Don Sphinx resembles a figurine. It is photogenic and colorful, so you can take a variety of photos with it: serious or funny, attractive and bright. In addition, the Don Sphynx is a wonderful friend and reliable companion for a man.

  • Anna.

My Don Sphynx cat's name is Alisa. I didn’t even train her to use the tray, I just put it on the floor, and she understood everything on her own. I also chose the house myself. In the closet, on the lowest shelf, there was an old blanket, which she chose as a “nest.” There she sleeps only at night, and during the day she dozes, lying on the radiator.

I bathe her once a week. If this is not done, the cat's skin becomes dirty and sticky, which can cause various diseases.

By nature she is very sweet, kind and affectionate. She hates sitting at home alone.

Next is a photo of my Don Sphynx Alice.

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