Canned food for cats Mnyams - horns and legs?

Mnyams food for cats

Mnyams are dry and wet food, as well as treats for domestic cats.
These products are manufactured in factories in Austria, at a factory called Pro Pet Austria Heimtiernahrung GmbH). And also in Germany (dry food from Bosch Tiernahrung, and spiders from Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH). Thus, when buying Mnyams, you can be sure of European quality and complete safety for your beloved pet. Average rating: 3.42 Votes: 31

Advantages and disadvantages

  • offers customers several types of both dry and wet food, as well as treats (liquid and solid).
  • An independent examination showed that Mnyams food does not contain heavy metal salts that are dangerous to cats, pathogenic microorganisms (fungi, bacteria) and traces of any medications.
  • There are no preservatives in the composition, which means that your pet receives the freshest possible food for his table.
  • The composition is as balanced as possible: Mnyams food contains a sufficient amount of protein, fats, carbohydrates and healthy components. So the basic needs of the cat's body will be satisfied.
  • A rich palette of flavors helps you choose a treat to suit every taste. Scallop cream mousse, lamb with rice, ostrich fillet, chicken fillet with berries - any pet, even the most capricious, will be happy.
  • The food lasts its entire shelf life and does not change its taste for the worse (of course, subject to storage rules).
  • The Mnyams line of food is divided into age groups: for kittens, adults and older cats.
  • An independent examination showed that the actual protein level does not correspond to the declared level.
  • During the research, pesticides were also identified, albeit in small quantities. It can be assumed that they enter the feed with plant materials, which, in turn, are treated with special preparations to protect against pests. Pesticides are also harmful to people, let alone cats! Owners of animals with stomach problems should pay special attention to this.
  • There are no medicinal foods in the Mnyams food line.
  • The selection of Mnyams food in stores is scarce. Many have to be ordered online.
  • The price tag for the product is quite high.

Get to know interesting cat breeds with the help of our encyclopedia: Abyssinian, Cymrik, Himalayan

Feed overview

This product belongs to the premium class in its composition. However, it is worth noting here that it is better than many representatives of this class. Thanks to quality control at all stages of production and compliance with IFS and BRC - international safety standards.

The range of Mnyams cat food is quite large:

  • A line of cat food called “Delicacy”. Exquisite Luxury class treats with an amazing taste palette that every domestic cat will really like.
  • Wet cat food.
  • A line called “Fedor the Cat”. These are interesting flavor combinations of delicacies from Fyodor the Cat.
  • Cream treats.
  • Haute cuisine dishes. Complete cat food created using original recipes from around the world.
  • Canned chicken breast and tuna fillet. Free of artificial ingredients and soy. Only natural ingredients.
  • Vitamin treats.
  • Traditional delicacies.

Among the main advantages of this cat food, it is important to highlight the following:

  1. The brand's food contains a very good complex of healthy vitamins and various minerals.
  2. A wide range of products: treats, spiders, as well as dry food and canned food.
  3. In dry food, the majority of the protein comes from real meat.

Among the main disadvantages of the product are the following:

  1. Today, dry food of this brand is not yet widely distributed in stores.
  2. There is no description of the antioxidants used on the packaging.
  3. High cost of the product.

Composition of Mnyams food for cats

Mnyams food consists of almost 93% real meat and various meat by-products that have not been specially frozen. Plus, you won't find foods that aren't good for cats, like soy, wheat, and corn.

Information about the composition of Mnyams food from the official website of the manufacturer

Information about the composition of Mnyams food from the official website of the manufacturer

Information about the composition of Mnyams food from the official website of the manufacturer

Information about the composition of Mnyams food from the official website of the manufacturer

What types of treats are there for cats?

Treats come in different forms. There is a wide selection of cat treats. Manufacturers produce them in different shapes and flavors.

They are divided into three groups:

Soft (natural pieces of fish or meat)

Natural pieces of meat

  • Dry (biscuits and snacks)
  • Chewable (sausages and dried meat)

Dried sausages

Depending on the purpose of the treat, there are:

For benefit

These include sausages, sticks, enriched with vitamins, minerals, and all necessary nutrients. The delicacy will help the cat get the necessary nutrients.

For encouragement

Such food is not always healthy for your pet. Many treats include sugar and artificial colors and flavors. But sometimes an animal can be pampered with such a tasty treat. When your pet is stressed, you can treat him with marmalade or a piece of meat. The main thing is to observe moderation.

For disease prevention

Manufacturers produce special lines that help get rid of many problems, such as gastritis, constipation, and tartar.

Nutritious food

Dry food, for example, contains all the necessary nutrients. This product is a balanced diet for the animal. It does not require additional additives.


Manufacturers often add artificial colors and flavors that are harmful to the cat's body. Also, such food has a high calorie content, which can cause an overdose of vitamins.

Healthy cat delicacy

However, cat treats can be beneficial

It is important to choose food of good composition. Natural meat should come first. The composition may also include vegetables, egg whites, cereals

The composition may also include vegetables, egg whites, and cereals.

Good quality products can have a positive effect on your pet's health. Healthy treats:

  • Replenishes the lack of vitamins, minerals, micro-, macroelements
  • Strengthen immunity, improve pet health
  • Relieve stress and improve your mood
  • Promotes hunting instinct
  • Help in teaching commands

Release form

Manufacturers of finished cat products produce sticks, pads, and pieces. They can be dry, soft, crispy.

What is the release form?

The pieces are made from meat by-products. Meat or poultry is finely chopped and served to the pet. Products of this form are produced by manufacturers Dezzie, Almo Nature, TITBit, Wanpycat.

Pieces of meat by-products

Sausages are soft, moist products made from meat, poultry, fish, offal, as well as vegetables and grains. Sausages are produced by Almo nature, Edel Cat, Bilanx Best Friend.

Meat sausages for cats

  • Sandwiches and rolls are portioned soft, moist products in the form of curly pieces. Brit, Delipet, Wanpycat produce treats in the form of sandwiches and rolls.
  • Sticks are dry and crispy sausages. Mnyams, Vitacraft, Gimpet produce sausage sticks.
  • Dry food is a balanced diet for cats. It is made from meat, vegetables, eggs, and grains. It is worth choosing premium, super-premium and holistic food. Manufacturers: Origen, Bosh.

Dry cat food

The pads are made in round, square, and shaped shapes. They consist of meat, dairy products, vegetables, and grains. They also include all the essential minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Pasta is a good treat for your cat. It consists of meat and dairy products. This is a tasty addition to your pet's diet. Marmalade is a jelly made from fish, meat, and offal.

It has an interesting appearance, so it attracts the pet's attention. A cat can be easily trained using marmalade. However, treats are not healthy, so it is not recommended to give them to your cat often.

Cream soup is a homogeneous mixture of meat and fish products. Dry grass pieces are a catnip supplement that can be used in training.

However, treats are not healthy, so it is not recommended to give them to your cat often. Cream soup is a homogeneous mixture of meat and fish products. Dried grass pieces are a catnip supplement that can be used in training.

Dry grass pieces for cats


I am the owner of several cats and I know very well how difficult it is to find good food these days. In this regard, I was very pleased with the new line of wet food “Mnyams”. They look very appetizing and have a pleasant smell! Cats eat with pleasure! This is truly “haute cuisine”!

Great composition. None of my pets had to be persuaded to taste the contents of their bowls. Everyone finished it in 5 minutes and asked me for more. I would like to note the pleasant price-quality ratio of the product. I recommend! And not only spiders, but also sticks, pillows, tidbits - we sweep it all away with great pleasure!”

Review from Igor Kitaev

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

I share my impressions of the next new product “Mnyams”. This time – “Mnyams Delicacy” canned food for cats with pieces of shrimp and tuna in sauce. The first thing that immediately attracted me was the interesting design of the jars. There are about 6 types in the range.

Of course, I couldn’t pass up this new product, especially since it’s our favorite “Mnyams”! Normal composition: 40% fish. No preservatives or flavors. Production: Liechtenstein, Ospelt plant (Iams spiders were previously produced at this plant).

Inside the jar there are pieces in the sauce. Pleasant aroma. The cats really liked it. In 2 minutes the bowls were licked to a shine. Not a crumb left!

Review from Anna Spiridonova

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

In a can of Mnyams Tuna and Mackerel, weighing 70 grams, we found a huge piece of hard polyethylene! If it had been smaller and the cat had been an adult, it could have swallowed it and died. The composition of the product and the price spoke of the high quality of the product, but it turned out to be a complete disappointment!

Review from Olga Vilchenko

The photograph is not a direct representation of the reviews presented in the review.

My cat loves this food very much! A bag for breakfast, a bag for dinner. And during the day and at night she gobbles up dry food. After sterilization, she likes to fill her belly, so you have to choose food for sterilized cats. She ate spiders without being distracted by anything and licked the plate until it was shiny, which she had never done with other food. I recommend!

Types of treats for cats

It is better to pamper healthy pets with food additives; goodies are not recommended for kittens and pregnant animals. The attractive components of tasty food are, first of all, pieces of fresh meat. The increased caloric content means that the treat should be a small part of the daily diet.

Pet stores sell food in the form of:

  • granules;
  • dried slices;
  • straws;
  • pads;
  • snacks;
  • cream jelly.

All treats can be divided into three main groups:

  • wet - jelly, puree, cream soup;
  • hard – pieces, sausages;
  • liquid – puddings, drinks.

Treats are also distinguished by their purpose, the purpose of the treat. Owners typically want:

  • just pamper your furry pet from the bottom of your heart;
  • make the little predator hunt for tasty prey;
  • reward with a tasty treat for patient behavior during the hygienic procedures of bathing, trimming nails, and combing;
  • distract your pet from the dreary anticipation if he has to be left alone for a while.

Various goodies are used to reward animals during training in order to achieve commands.

Mnyams cat food

The Mnyams brand of cat food, which is positioned as a super-premium product, belongs to the Russian company Valta, although the production itself is located in different countries of the world (Germany, Thailand, Liechtenstein). To attract the attention of consumers, the company uses various marketing ploys in the form of mouth-watering names and claims about natural ingredients. The slogan “You'll lick your paws” on the label also sounds very appetizing and it is quite possible that Mnyams food has a pleasant taste for cats. But when choosing food for pets, it is not so much the taste that is important, but the actual components in the composition. It is with their analysis, as well as the diversity of the assortment, that we propose to understand this article.

Vetlife food for cats

If your pet is healthy and has an excellent appetite, then you are in luck: it can be fed with any type of food - dry factory diets, wet food, or natural food prepared at home. What if your cat has diseases that require special nutrition? In this case, veterinary diets come to the rescue of the breeder, which are developed taking into account all the medical indications inherent in a particular ailment.

One of the leaders in the global market for such diets is the Vetlife brand, which produces food for cats with chronic diseases, as well as for animals with special conditions. This article describes what it is made from, what animals it is suitable for, and whether the food meets the stated characteristics in terms of veterinary indications.


The Mnyams brand offers owners of domestic cats and cats a wide range of food. At the same time, you can choose not only dry granules, canned food or pouches that are traditional for pet food, but also a wide range of treats. Let's consider the main lines of the brand.

"High Cuisine Dishes"

Complete food (wet and dry) for kittens and adult cats, the formulas of which were created based on recipes from around the world. Here are products with very appetizing names. For example, Ossobuco Milanese (lamb with rice), Bouillabaisse Marseille (fish with seafood), Parisian Fricassee (rabbit with herbs), Tasmanian Beef Stroganoff (juicy ostrich fillet), etc.

Complete canned food

Canned food in 70 g jars provides a complete meal based on chicken or tuna in various flavor combinations. The manufacturer focuses on using exclusively fresh ingredients, so canned food is produced directly at the place where the tuna is caught - in Thailand.

Wet spiders

Pouches, which are produced in Liechtenstein, are presented in packs of 100 g. They are classic diets for everyday feeding for kittens and adult cats in 6 flavor variations.


The line includes two types of food:

  • moist, complete delicacies with different meat flavors in the form of mousses and fillet pieces, which are suitable for everyday feeding;
  • tasty sticks that can be used as additional nutrition and reward for pets.

"Fedor the Cat"

The line includes complete wet food (in soft packages of 100 g) and treats in the form of dry granules (50 g each). Each of the products is presented in 3 variations: “Meat Carnival”, “Hunter’s Feast” and “Fish Festival”.

Vitamin treats

Additionally, “Mnyams” offers to pamper your pets with various treats, which include:

  • Drops.
  • Crispy pillows.
  • Delicious sticks.
  • Mnyamsik.

The offered treats are enriched with vitamins, minerals and other additives, which are designed to provide an additional beneficial effect (removing hair from the stomach, improving the condition of the coat, preventing the formation of tartar, etc.)

All Mnyams products feature bright packaging and attractive slogans that promise healthy skin and coat, joints and heart. But you can check how well they correspond to the internal contents after analyzing the composition.

Matisse wet food

The lines are represented by mousses for cats. They are produced in tin cans. A special ring makes it easy to open the package without kitchen tools. Formulas for cats come in chicken, rabbit, salmon, sardine, and lamb flavors.

Wet food has an increased percentage of moisture. In this line it is 78%. The protein ratio is 11%. Crude fats and oils are included in the proportion of 7%, crude fiber – 0.5%, crude ash – 3%.

Pets love wet food. They are just as balanced for animal nutrition as dry ones, but they contain more moisture. They contain fiber and generally have a higher percentage of meat than dry croquettes. The packaging allows you to store this delicacy for much longer.

You should not give wet food to animals constantly to avoid the risk of developing dental diseases. Since cats are carnivores, they need food that is dense and chewable.

Give wet food as a treat. When feeding, transfer the mousse from the jar to the animal's bowl. Do not leave uneaten food to prevent it from spoiling. Your pet should always have access to clean drinking water.


To analyze the composition, let’s take as an example one of the most popular products - dry food from the “Gourmet Dishes” series “Cataplana in Portuguese”. Conclusions about the quality of a product are usually made based on the ingredients listed at the beginning of the list. In the selected sample, at the beginning of the list are:

  • Fresh poultry (min. 18%).
  • Rice.
  • Millet.
  • Animal fats.
  • Trout flour (min. 4%).

This is followed by potato protein, liver meal, poultry meal, protein hydrolysate, meat meal, herring meal (min. 1.5%), dried beet pulp, cellulose, flaxseed, egg powder, dried brewer's yeast, fish oil and potassium chloride. The list is completed by a number of herbal supplements (dried blueberries, lingonberries and calendula flowers, chicory powder, etc.).

The guaranteed analysis indicators indicated on the packaging are within the established standards for cat food, but it remains to be checked how such indicators were achieved.


In the first place of the composition, fresh poultry meat is indicated - in general, a good source of protein, but there is completely no information about whose meat it is and what parts are used in the feed. The minimum amount of 18% means that the amount and combination of this ingredient may vary from batch to batch, so a constant composition is not guaranteed.

Several types of flour (trout, poultry, liver, meat and herring) and egg powder are used as additional sources of protein. Unlike fresh ingredients, flour has less nutritional value, and its quality depends entirely on the raw materials used.


The main sources of carbohydrates are two types of cereals. The first of these is rice - a fairly non-allergenic component with a low glycemic index. The second - millet - is a rare component in cat food, which is the least allergenic, does not contain gluten and is well tolerated by the gastrointestinal tract of cats. But no matter how useful these grains were, they are listed in the 2nd and 3rd places of the composition, therefore they form the basis of the feed and are used to increase the overall proportion of protein, and, as you know, for predators, meat or other animal protein should predominate in the diet.

Feed composition

To familiarize readers with the composition of Farmina food, we decided to choose the most popular diet - N&D grain-free food containing chicken and pomegranate. This is a complete, balanced diet for animals over 1 year old, fully satisfying the cat’s needs for proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. Below is an overview of the composition of Farmina cat food.

The percentage of nutrients included in this food is as follows:

  • 44 percent protein;
  • 20 percent fats and oils;
  • 8.5 percent ash;
  • 1.8 percent fiber.

Everything is within normal limits. This is an ideally balanced food for an active, mobile, unsterilized cat with free access outside the apartment or house.

It should be noted that about 70 percent of this nutrition comes from meat and fish (fresh and dehydrated), while the remaining 30 percent is given to plant components no less useful than proteins - fruits, vegetables and medicinal herbs

The presence of the latter component is extremely important for the health of the cat. Remember how your pet carefully, thoughtfully chooses among the thickets of weeds the only medicinal herbs known to her and eats them with great pleasure

As for vegetables and fruits, Farmina food includes carrots (dried), apples, oranges, blueberries and black currants - everything your cat likes to eat.

You shouldn’t be surprised at the presence of such a component as brewer’s yeast in the food. They significantly improve the condition of the coat and skin, help cope with dandruff and make your pet’s coat thick, fluffy and shiny.

At the end of the list we see turmeric root, sodium chloride and chondroprotectors, the percentage of which is not indicated, but, as laboratory tests show, the content of these components does not exceed normal limits.

Product prices

You can buy Mnyams cat food in pet stores, veterinary clinics and online stores. Since the products belong to the super-premium category, the price cannot be called low. For example:

  • Dry granules from the “High Cuisine Dishes” series will cost from 230 rubles. for a package of 400 g up to 6499 rubles. for 20 kg.
  • Pouches of the “High Cuisine Dishes” series from 60 rub. per package 85 g.
  • Canned food from 67 rub. per jar 70 g.
  • Drops from 195 rub. per package 60 g.

You can now view the current price of food and buy it right here:

Feed composition

The contents of different types of nutritional mixtures are slightly different.


Let's look at the example of the “Cataplana in Portuguese” packaging:

  • Protein. Provided by poultry. The packaging says 18%, but remember that during processing most of the volume is lost, so about 5% remains. Other sources include flour from various types of fish and meat, egg and potato powder.
  • Carbohydrates. Millet and rice are used.
  • Fats. Animals and fish included.
  • Cellulose. Flaxseed, beet pulp, cellulose, dried flowers and berries.

Additionally includes:

  • Brewer's yeast;
  • salt;
  • mussel and chicory powders;
  • yucca extract;
  • additives.


The contents of the package of this type of product are described more concisely by the manufacturer.

The composition of one of the most popular products, Kitten & Junior, is given:

  • meat and offal - 25% poultry and 6% pork;
  • fats and oils (0.2% is fish);
  • herbal ingredients;
  • Sahara;
  • minerals;
  • vitamin and chemical supplements.


There are often reviews on the Internet about Mnyams cat food. At the same time, pet owners often prefer wet food from this brand and choose canned food or pouches.

Olga Petrovna, veterinarian:

“I think that Mnyams is a pretty decent food both in terms of composition and taste characteristics. According to reviews from my clients, not a single cat has yet refused the food offered, especially if it was canned food or treats. And the healthy state of the animals themselves only confirms my words.”

Julia, Persian breeder:

“I am always very careful when choosing food, but the Mnyams line of wet food is what my cats need. I really like canned food and treats. Everything looks and smells very tasty, the pieces hold their shape. My pets eat with pleasure and look great. The latter is very important for us, since we regularly go to exhibitions.”

Natalya, owner of Marquise:

“I received several bags of Mnyams food as a gift and decided to give it to my cat to try. The appetizing name “Ossobuco alla Milanese” or lamb meat with risotto caught my attention. But in fact, it turned out that lamb meat in the composition accounts for only 4%, and that is from its flour, and the rest of the meat is unknown poultry. Our Maine Coon is used to always having dry food in his bowl and periodically coming to it for a snack, but with “Mnyams” he ate 2.5 times more than the amount recommended by the manufacturer. It turns out that dry granules are completely non-nutritious, so I definitely won’t buy it.”

Review Reviews

Mnyams brand food is actively discussed by pet owners. But opinions about them are not always clear. For example, reviews of cat owners about the brand's spiders are difficult to classify as positive - the composition of the product is not pleasing with its high content of meat and fish, it contains soy protein and other plant materials. The opinion on the delicacy line is a little better. Mention is made of the variety of flavors and decent composition, convenient piece size, and the absence of artificial colors and flavors.

Dry cat food is also not particularly exciting. In purebred animals, cases of indigestion occur. At the same time, buyers indicate that, in general, the composition is satisfactory. It contains more than 35% meat ingredients. Cat owners also give excellent recommendations to pillows with pate inside.

Dog owners respond much more favorably to Mnyams products. The owners note that the canned food from this company contains real pieces of meat with fiber, and the smell does not indicate the presence of artificial flavors. Treats from this brand are also quite popular. They are available in a variety of flavor variations and are divided into easy-to-chew pieces.

Dog owners cite only the high cost as a disadvantage of the company's food. The rest of the impressions are positive. There are no reviews of allergic reactions or digestive disorders. Owners are also satisfied with complete dry food; many owners of purebred animals prefer the products of this brand on an ongoing basis.

Mnyams cat food review

Dry food, treats and wet food for cats Mnyams are produced in Germany (pouches at the Landguth Heimtiernahrung GmbH plant, dry food at the Bosch Tiernahrung plant), Austria (at the Pro Pet Austria Heimtiernahrung GmbH plant). The official website is, where you can find information about the composition, recommended feeding rates, etc.

The composition of this food corresponds to the premium class, but at the same time it is better than many representatives of this class. Dog food is also produced under the Mnyams brand.

Composition of Mnyams food

Since dry food, canned food and spiders are produced under the Mnyams brand, we will consider them all separately.

Dry food

Let’s look at the composition of dry food using the example of the “Cataplana Portuguese style, for adult cats” option:

Photo of the composition indicated on the food packaging.

The first ingredient, fresh poultry (18%), is a good source of protein. However, we must take into account that after cooking, fresh meat will lose about 3/4 of its volume, that is, in the final dry food it will no longer be 18, but about 5%.

Further in composition there are other sources of protein - trout flour (4%), potato protein, liver flour, poultry flour, protein hydrolysate, dried animal protein, meat flour, herring flour (1.5%), egg powder.

Dental line from Mnyams for dogs and cats

Designed to effectively cleanse plaque, prevent the formation of tartar and promote fresh breath. A wide selection of sizes and shapes corresponds to the anatomical features of the jaws of animals of different sizes.

Crocodile sticks, star sticks, eucalyptus sticks and toothbrushes made in Holland will please your four-legged friend and also help mechanically clean teeth. Dental Mnyams treats are tasty, low-calorie, low-fat, low-fat, high-fiber chewy treats. The original shape and texture help mechanically clean the dog’s teeth from plaque without the threat of damaging the gums.

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Dental sticks for dogs with eucalyptus are a tasty and healthy treat for your pet! Not only is it great for rewarding your dog during training, but it also removes plaque from teeth, and the eucalyptus contained in the sticks will make your dog's breath fresher.

Mnyams cat food - reviews

There are quite a lot of reviews about wet food and Mnyams treats on forums and social networks; reviews about dry food are less common. Below we have collected some of the reviews found on the Internet.

Reviews from veterinarians

Customer Reviews

At the pet store I noticed a new dry food for us, Mnyams, and bought it and another treat in the form of pieces of the same brand. Food packaging with a zipper, convenient. The granules are small, about 0.5 cm in size. The smell, in my opinion, is very unpleasant. The price for a 400 g package is 270 rubles.

I bought this food because I was attracted by the composition. Unfortunately, as often happens, not everything is tasty and healthy. Simply put, my cat didn’t like the food, she ate very poorly, and tried to bury the granules. She added it to her usual food, but she left the granules of the new food, choosing only the old one.

As a result, we fed it to street cats, they ate it anyway) Maybe my cat is a little spoiled, she eats both chicken fillet and wet food. But since my cat didn’t like Mnyams, I won’t recommend it.

Review of canned Mnyams with tuna and mackerel. We've already tried the same ones before, but with tuna and anchovies, it seems

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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