The best dry cat food: making an informed choice

Wellkiss brand ready-made diets for cats are sold by one of the large chain Russian pet stores. The name of the brand itself sounds quite unusual and has little to do with cats and their health: if you translate it literally, you get something like “a good kiss.”

In the range of these foods, a special place is given to products for sterilized cats and neutered cats. We decided to find out what the pros and cons of Wellkiss diets are by looking at one of the brand’s products - dry food with lamb for sterilized cats called Cat Sterilized Lamb. We bring to your attention a description and characteristics of this food based on the composition indicated on the label.

What is to the point, and what is for the sake of a nice word?

The food package looks quite stylish, there is a photo of a cute cat, a silhouette of a lamb to indicate the taste, and an indication that the food is intended for feeding sterilized cats and neutered cats from 1 to 6 years old. There are also several icons on the packaging labeled “Optimal Digestion,” “Weight Control,” “Skin and Coat Health,” and “Activity and Longevity.”

A couple of ingredients in the food do have something to do with these claims: the added L-carnitine is designed to reduce fat storage and stimulate energy metabolism, and the prebiotic inulin feeds beneficial intestinal microflora, thereby improving digestion.

But in general, these are rather marketing statements, since the manufacturer wrote on the package exactly what the owner of any cat wants to get from the finished food.

Other feeds to replace Maurizio

"Maurizio" can be replaced with higher class feeds:

  • premium (Royal Canin, Pro Plan, Hill's);
  • superpremium (Leonardo, Gina);
  • holistic (Almo Nature, Applaws, Gina Elite).

Table: feed to replace Maurizio

Feed classNameType of feedFlavor optionsUnwanted IngredientsMedicinal and “baby” foodsPackagingPrice
PremiumRoyal CaninDry food and canned food
  • fish;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • meat.
  • synthetic dyes;
  • flavoring additives;
  • yeast.
There is kitten food and a veterinary diet
  • packages from 400 g to 6 kg;
  • pouches and lamisters of 85 g and 195 g.
From 54 rubles (pouch)
  • trout;
  • tuna;
  • bird;
  • pork.
  • potato;
  • peas.
There is a preventive line for kittens and adult cats
  • pouches 82 and 85 g;
  • packages from 400 g to 10 kg.
From 66 rubles (pouch)
  • bird;
  • ocean fish;
  • lamb;
  • beef.
Food has been developed for old cats and for kittens (“Kitten”), pregnant and lactating females
  • cans of 190 g;
  • packages from 400 g to 15 kg.
From 130 rubles (can)
  • chicken;
  • rabbit;
  • lamb meat.
  • yeast;
  • cereals.
The children's line is represented by the food "Kitten 33"
  • packages from 400 g to 8.5 kg;
  • bags of 15 and 18 kg.
From 250 rubles (400 g)
  • fish;
  • rabbit meat;
  • meat
  • shrimps;
  • liver.
YeastThere is food for sterilized cats, a medicinal, “children’s” option - “Kitten”
  • pouches 100 g;
  • packages of 400 g and 1.5 kg.
From 950 rubles (1.5 kg)
HolisticAlmo NatureCanned food
  • shrimp with chicken or tuna;
  • chicken with pumpkin;
  • rabbit;
  • seafood.
There is a veterinary line and Legend children's food
  • pouches 55 g;
  • cans of 70, 85, 100 and 140 g.
From 70 rubles (can)
  • chicken;
  • ocean fish;
  • meat;
  • fruits.
  • cans of 70 and 156 g;
  • 100 g sachet;
  • pots of 60 g.
From 83 rubles (can)

Overview of the main components of Wellkiss Cat Sterilized

Component No. 1 in this food is “meat and meat derivatives (lamb 14%).” It is a source of animal protein, but what exactly is included in this mixture, other than some lamb, is completely unclear.

On the back of the package we found the mysterious phrase “cereals reduce the risk of allergies.” It is extremely doubtful that this is true. Not all cereals are hypoallergenic, and in this case, the number 2 place in the composition is occupied by the ingredient “cereals (rice 14%),” that is, a mixture of unknown grains, in which only 14% rice is present.

In addition, here we came across a mention of the presence of cellulose. Probably, this coarse and unwanted fiber is encrypted in component No. 3 “derivatives of plant origin (lecithin 0.5%, inulin 0.2%)”, since it is not reflected separately in the list of ingredients. Cellulose is a minus of the diet, since it is absolutely impossible to identify what it is actually obtained from.

As the analysis of Wellkiss Cat Sterilized Lamb shows, position No. 4 in the list of ingredients belongs to another vague mixture called “oils and fats” - it can include various plant and animal components, the quality of which leaves much to be desired.


The Wellkiss cat food catalog is extensive.

For kittens under one year of age, the following options are offered:

  • dry food with chicken. This is a complete diet, including Omega-3 and Omega-6 amino acids (keep the kitten's coat and skin in good condition), yeast, lecithin, rice cereals, taurine and cellulose.
  • 2 versions of pouches: turkey with chicken in sauce and lamb with beef in the same sauce.
  • Option 2 of canned food in jars of 100 and 200 g: with chicken and tender veal. Can be used as the main food, or can be supplemented with dry food. It is not recommended to give it cold.

Each Wellkiss package states how much in grams the animal is allowed to give, based on its weight.

Wellkiss dry food for adult cats is offered as follows:

  • with chicken or salmon - for adults;
  • with turkey or lamb - for sterilized cats.

Wet food: with salmon and trout in sauce; with beef and lamb in sauce; with veal and poultry in sauce; with rabbit in sauce; with duck in sauce; with chicken in sauce or jelly; with lamb in jelly.

Wellkiss canned food in packaging with a light label. Kinds:

  • with beef;
  • with lamb;
  • with Chiken;
  • with tuna and salmon;
  • with duck;
  • with a rabbit.

The volume of the jar is 410 g. Ingredients: meat and offal, cereals, minerals and vitamins. Moisture - 81%, crude ash - 2%, fat - 4.5%, fiber - 0.5%, protein - 6%. Dry granules are packaged in packs of 400 g and 1.5 g.

Wellkiss Delice canned cat food in cans with gray label is available as follows:

  • chicken with asparagus;
  • chicken with shrimp;
  • chicken with rabbit;
  • beef with flaxseed oil;
  • turkey and veal;
  • salmon with vegetables;
  • duck with turkey.

Ingredients: meat component is at least 50%, salmon oil, minerals, broth, vegetables (asparagus, etc.). It is allowed to give 40-60 g of feed per 1 kg of weight.

If you take wet food out of the refrigerator, be sure to dilute it with warm water. You should not give your cat cold food - it may catch a cold. You can't heat it too hot either - you might get burned.

Yeast and other additives

Yeast rounds out the top five ingredients - and nothing is said about them either. In general, yeast is considered a source of B vitamins and prebiotics, but I would like to understand exactly what kind of yeast (brewer’s or baker’s) and in what state of aggregation (dry, inactivated, etc.) are added to the diet.

The manufacturer has deciphered several mineral and vitamin supplements on the label in detail - we have placed this information after the main list of ingredients.

Antioxidants are used here as a technological additive - again, it is unclear whether these are natural compounds or synthetic chemicals.

General information about the manufacturer

The corporation positions Wellkiss food as a premium class, although by foreign standards they belong rather to the economy class, like Whiskas, Friskies, etc. Pelleted diets are produced in Belgium, and pouches in Germany and France. The same factories produce Grandorf, Dukes Farm and Mealfeel feeds, so there is no doubt about compliance with the rules for processing raw materials.

Advantages of food and its disadvantages

The advantages of the brand include:

  • In all formulas, ingredient #1 is meat.
  • Large assortment - the brand produces both dry and wet food. The line of wet food includes pouches (bags) and canned food in jars.
  • The composition includes a good vitamin and mineral complex.

Cons of Wellkiss:

  • Meat and vegetable ingredients and cereal components are not deciphered.
  • The names of preservatives and antioxidants are not indicated.
  • Does not produce medicinal feed.
  • High price for food of this class.

What class of feed does Wellkiss food belong to?

Cat food is divided into 4 classes:

  • economy - cheap food, often advertised and offered in almost any store (they contain almost no meat, artificial preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers are added, and the source of protein is cheap cereals);
  • premium - food that may contain meat and offal, but in small quantities, and dyes and flavoring additives may be natural;
  • superpremium - products with a meat content of up to 65%, they can be purchased in specialized stores and online platforms;
  • Holistic is the most expensive food that is not advertised at all (the food can contain up to 100% meat, a minimum of additives, and even a person can eat such food).

The creators of Wellkiss recipes position their products as premium food, but some cat owners classify it as super premium.

Video: classification of cat food

Wellkiss Cat Sterilized Lamb: food complaints

The main disadvantage of this product is that it is not clear exactly what it consists of. As a review of the composition of “Wellkiss” with lamb for sterilized cats showed, the basis of the food is represented by a mixture of meat products, 14% of which is lamb, in combination with a cereal mix, including 14% rice, unclear derivatives of plant origin and a mixture of some animal and plant fat

We oppose such generic ingredient names because they are completely indicative of the quality of a diet. In addition, such a non-fixed composition may change depending on the needs of the manufacturer, which negatively affects the well-being of pets.

The abundance of questions about the composition did not allow us to give this food even an average score - the Wellkiss Cat Sterilized Lamb rating was quite low.

Description of Mnyams food for cats

According to ideology, this is not simple cat food. It takes a completely new approach to traditional pet cuisine using a variety of healthy and unusual ingredients. Main product features:

  1. Gourmet cuisine is available. Not only humans can be gourmets: some cats have special taste preferences. You can pamper your pet with an interesting delicacy made according to a unique recipe from another country.
  2. Up to 90% of the product composition is pure animal protein. does not use processed or soy-based meats.
  3. Availability of treats that will please even the most picky animals. With the help of “Mnyams” you can express your warm feelings for your pet.

Mnyams products are designed specifically to encourage cats

Where and by whom are the products manufactured?

"Mnyams" is a European brand. Dry food, most treats and wet food flavored with meat and poultry are produced at the Landguth plant in Germany, as well as at the Pro Pet factory in Austria. Wet food that contains sea fish or seafood is manufactured in Thailand. This is due to the manufacturer’s desire to include only natural ingredients in the composition. The fish is not frozen, but is immediately put into production while maintaining all processing technologies: this makes the taste of treats and food more intense.

What class do Mnyams products belong to?

According to the information, it is a premium food. For its preparation, natural ingredients and a minimal amount of by-products are used, and it also contains the necessary vitamin and mineral supplements, and there are practically no ballast substances. Due to this, the food has the necessary energy value. Food and treats also have certain certificates confirming the quality of the products.

The certificate confirms the quality of Mnyams products

Main advantages of food

Mnyams is one of the fairly young and little-known cat food brands. However, it already has some advantages that distinguish it from other manufacturers:

  1. Availability of several types of products. “Mnyams” offers not only traditional food for your pets in the form of dry and wet food, but also various treats in solid and liquid form.
  2. Safety. The analysis of the feed did not reveal the presence of microorganisms pathogenic for animals (bacteria, fungi), as well as salts of heavy metals and antibacterial agents.
  3. Fresh products included. This cat food does not contain preservatives or other additives that allow the product to be stored longer than expected.
  4. The composition of the product satisfies the basic needs of the cat's body for vitamins and mineral components. The products also contain a balanced amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  5. Mnyams products retain their taste throughout their entire shelf life. The food does not taste bitter, its appearance does not change if storage rules are followed.
  6. Availability of new tastes. Your pet is invited to try unusual combinations: chicken with berries, ostrich fillet in sauce, lamb with rice, scallop cream mousse.
  7. There is a range of products designed for kittens, adult and senior cats. This allows you to choose a treat or food for an animal of any age group.

Disadvantages of Mnyams products for cats

The food also has some disadvantages: this must be taken into account when choosing food for your furry pet. The main disadvantages of the product include:

  1. The amount of protein indicated on the package does not correspond to the actual amount. Despite the fact that the food is generally balanced, the study reveals that the protein level is lower than stated in the composition.
  2. Presence of a small amount of pesticide. It can be transferred into feed from plant materials, which are used to make products. Pesticides have undesirable effects on the animal's body and can lead to digestive disorders. Owners whose cats have problems with the gastrointestinal tract need to take this point into account.
  3. There are no medicated feeds. The products are designed primarily for healthy animals, but if your pet suffers from any disease, you will have to choose a different brand.
  4. Not all types of treats can be bought in the store. Some special flavors require special ordering and a 2-4 week wait.


We analyze the characteristics of the composition using the example of kitten food.

Wellkiss feed composition

The manufacturer does not provide details about the composition of the feed. From the information on the packaging, it is clear that chicken meat derivatives, as well as cereals, mainly rice, are used equally to make the dry product. Apparently, the feed included waste from chicken and grain processing.

It is not clear what plant derivatives are. It is possible that soybean meal, wheat or corn gluten was used. In addition to the fiber from the plant components, purified cellulose was added. The feed mixture included 4% fish and its derivatives. Yeast was added in small quantities, as well as egg powder. The feed mixture is saturated with fats, but the manufacturer does not say which ones. The inclusion of taurine smoothes out feed deficiencies.

The feed mixture contains 34% proteins, 22% fats, 2% crude fiber, microelements, and vitamins. In terms of the concentration of nutrients, the food corresponds to the premium class, but in terms of composition it falls short of it due to incomplete information about the components.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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