Which cat food is best - a review of the best dry, wet, natural food in terms of price and quality, according to experts

Dry and wet food for cats is a complete, balanced diet that gives your pet all the necessary nutrients for an active life and maintaining health. For owners, ready-made diets are an opportunity to simplify animal care. However, to be sure that the food will not harm the cat, you need to meticulously study whether it is of high quality.

The simple solution is to choose high-quality diets made from organic ingredients. But food of guaranteed good quality does not come cheap. The solution is a compromise - budget diets that use safe and natural ingredients. Such food, even if given to your pet daily, is inexpensive. They do not contain preservatives dangerous to the liver, low-quality low-quality offal and other ingredients that do not harm the animal.

In this article we will look at what distinguishes high-quality cat food, what components should not be there, and give examples of good budget diets from different groups.

Positive and negative sides

Usually, having brought home a small miracle, the owner gives preference to food prepared independently, thinking that the pet will receive more benefit from it.

But what is the advantage of ready-made food:

  • Saving your time. Imagine how many hours you waste by constantly cooking at the stove;
  • Balance and nutrients. It doesn’t matter how old your pet is, he will receive all the necessary substances from ready-made food, and in the right proportions and dosages. Due to vitamins and healthy supplements, animals normalize digestion and are less at risk of getting sick;
  • Benefit from the purchase. It's a double-edged question. If the food is premium, then self-prepared food will be cheaper;
  • Taking care of your teeth. Many foods help in the fight against caries and do not harm the teeth in any way.

There are always negative points:

  • If the food is of low quality or budget, the pet will quickly get used to it.
  • Such food is very moist, which is detrimental to health.

Some foods do not fight caries, but form it and tartar.

What foods should and should not be given to cats?

Cat food from all categories differs in composition, safety and benefits for the animal, but the difference is especially noticeable for the premium and super-premium classes. To find the best diet for your pet, carefully read the ingredients. This applies to both dry and wet food. They can be given to cats alternately, combined with natural food (good quality meat mixture), but not mixed in one meal. It is recommended to combine “natural” food with one thing - dry or wet food.

To be sure of the good quality of the chosen diet, pay attention to:

  • animal protein - it is desirable that it be at least 20-22% (and preferably 35%), and it should consist of fresh or dehydrated meat and poultry;
  • offal - it should be heart or liver of good quality (up to 10% of the total volume), and a non-detailed composition should alert you;
  • sources of carbohydrates - a lot of wheat, corn and soy in food can cause allergies in a cat, and in the best diets their volume is reduced or replaced with rice, barley, oats, legumes and potatoes;
  • vegetables, fruits and herbs - it is desirable that they be included, but not more than 25% of the volume;
  • type of preservatives in the food - they must be natural (tocopherol, rosemary extract), and not synthesized;
  • energy value of food - for example, for active cats and growing kittens, the calorie content should be above 400-420 kcal, for sterilized animals that easily gain excess weight, below 365 kcal;
  • digestibility - it determines how well the cat will eat the food, and it is desirable that the figure exceeds 70%.

It is important that the food contains the vitamins, microelements and amino acids that cats need. These are vitamin B, E and unsaturated acids omega 3 and 6, for good wool quality, taurine, which improves the functioning of the heart and other internal organs, calcium for strengthening bones and other nutrients.

Cat food should not contain synthetic antioxidants (these are additives E320 and E321), polypropylene glycol, cellulose and other sweeteners, artificial colors such as E127. The best diets do not contain appetite stimulants; they are replaced by natural flavoring additives - animal protein hydrolysates. The food must be free of pathogens, toxic substances and GMOs.

Now we will give examples of diets with good quality and ratio of components - dry and wet foods, food for cats from one year old and kittens.

What classes are feed divided into?

Economy Most often these foods are purchased, the reason for this is the low price and great advertising promotion. You shouldn’t expect any benefits or vitamins from them, the products are unnatural, waste, soy proteins.

But the smell, flavors and harmful additives win the love of pets. Also, when reading the ingredients, avoid allergens.

Do not ruin the health of your pets and buy food from these brands:

  • Whiskas,
  • Darling,
  • Felix,
  • Purina One,
  • Perfect Fit
  • Kitikat,
  • Sheba.

Natural products as pet food

I would like to start with natural products, because they will bring great joy to your pet. It should be noted right away that feeding your pet natural products does not mean that you need to feed it from your common table. Dishes prepared for humans are strictly contraindicated for cats.

If you ask your veterinarian for advice on the best commercial food, he or she will undoubtedly recommend natural products. If you decide to feed your pet meals containing only natural products, you should remember that sometimes your pet will need mineral supplements and vitamins.

The main source of protein for the cat's body will be rabbit meat, veal and lamb. If you are planning to give your cat pork, you should remember that you should absolutely not give him fatty pork. In general, it is not advisable to give this meat to your pet, and it is best to reduce it to a minimum. If it is not very fatty, then initially it needs to be boiled in the same way as poultry meat. For example, turkey or chicken meat. Beef liver will provide your cat with a number of vitamins, such as A, B, D and H. It is also undesirable to give your pet raw fish; you risk getting helminths. It is best to pre-boil fish, like pork and poultry.

If you want to give your pet milk, remember that it is almost not absorbed by the cat’s body. It is best to give your cat regular water. But the best dairy products to give your pet are kefir, low-fat cheese, cottage cheese or sour cream. Be sure to supplement all natural animal foods with grains and vegetables. From cereals, you can choose oatmeal, semolina, rice or corn, and from vegetables, carrots, various greens and cauliflower will be useful. Cereals and vegetables are pre-boiled, and then they are simply blended and added to the animal’s feed.

Premium and super-premium

The content of meat, grains, and proteins is much higher than in economy class feed. And the amount of soy, grains, and by-products is kept to a minimum.

Of course, super-premium cat food is better in composition, and if possible, you should give preference to them and you won’t have to worry about your pet’s health.

  • Premium foods: Brit Premium, Probalance, Ontario, Nero Gold, 4 Paws Club, Hill's, Happy Cat.
  • Super premium food: Brit Care, Monge BWild, Summit, Brooksfield, Optimeal, Leonardo, Applaws, Bozita, Bosch, Organix, Pronature Original, Gina, Arden Grange, 1st Choice.

When choosing food, you should consult with your veterinarian; some foods containing large amounts of meat may have a bad effect on your pet’s gastrointestinal tract.

Natural food for cats

With natural feeding, you cannot simply boil a few foods and offer them to your cat. This is a complex job that requires painstaking calculations, time and money. Sometimes natural feeding is more expensive than elite store-bought food. After all, cat food should be prepared only from specific products. In addition, with natural nutrition, the animal most often requires additional support in the form of vitamin supplements (to choose them, you need to consult a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist).

I feed my younger cat natural food (if we have to leave home for a long time, we leave super premium dry food in the bowl). Over the years of raising tailed animals, I have adapted to distribute my time so that preparing cat food takes no more time than preparing dinner for the family. I buy products for this in a regular supermarket (it’s better to buy meat in large pieces, and vegetables in small quantities so that they don’t spoil). But I was lucky enough to communicate with a family where the wife specifically goes to the market to buy food for cats. She spends all her free time in the kitchen (and they also have dogs).

What can and should be given to your pet

Here is a list of products from which you need to make up your pet’s diet:

  • Meat and offal (beef, veal, lamb). Meat products can be given boiled or raw; in the latter case, it is recommended to freeze it.
  • Chicken, turkey and offal. Give in the same way as meat, but both should be at least 60% of the daily diet.
  • Sea or ocean fish (salmon, trout, etc.) - give only once a week and boiled.
  • Egg. Give only the boiled yolk no more than 2 times a week.
  • Low-fat fermented milk products (ryazhenka, Varenets, kefir, unsalted cheese).
  • Cereals (rice, oatmeal, buckwheat) in the form of porridges mixed with boiled meat or fish.
  • Vegetables and herbs (in any form and in any quantity).
  • Grass for cats (can be in any quantity).
  • Vitamin supplements.

The basis of a cat's diet when feeding it naturally should be meat.

What foods should you exclude from your diet?

It is important to remember those foods that are prohibited for cats:

  • milk (only for kittens up to 3 months, and the body of adult cats does not digest it);
  • fatty foods (sour cream, pork, lard, etc. - can lead to pancreatitis);
  • raw fish and raw, unfrozen meat (they may contain parasites, in addition, frequent consumption of fish can lead to metabolic disorders);
  • bones (any - they can get stuck in the throat or damage internal organs);
  • potatoes and other carbohydrate vegetables (foods that contain a lot of starch can lead to diabetes);
  • white cabbage (leads to bloating);
  • eggplants and mushrooms (potentially dangerous for cats and can cause severe poisoning);
  • salt (can lead to metabolic disorders, electrolyte imbalance, kidney stones);
  • spices (very dangerous in any form, leading to serious disruptions to the gastrointestinal tract);
  • sugar (promotes weight gain, leads to dental problems, diabetes);
  • chocolate (may cause allergies);
  • onions and garlic (contain disulfide, which destroys red blood cells and can lead to blood diseases).

Cats are skilled manipulators; sometimes they skillfully and pitifully beg for their favorite food, even if they are not very hungry. The owner who has chosen natural food for a cat should learn to refuse it. There is an opinion that animals “know best what is good for them.” This principle is often used to feed cats in rural areas. But feeding your cat what she chooses can lead to serious health problems.

Animals that eat store-bought food also sometimes ask for something “human,” but not so often. The owner of such an animal can kick the cat out of the kitchen with a clear conscience, because the store-bought product already has a balanced composition. And if it seems to you that your pet lacks vitamins, so she asks, for example, for fish, consult a veterinarian - he can prescribe a good vitamin complex.

Good pet feeding habits develop over the years. For example, members of my family have adapted to pampering cats with harmless “sweets.” My younger cat loves ice cream in cups, but it is fatty and sweet, and there are too many chemicals in such food. Now we are preparing special cat ice cream (it turns out that it is not so difficult). When a cat asks for smoked sausage, this does not mean at all that it is attracted by the pepper-garlic aroma that we like so much - the cat sees a long piece of minced meat. That's why we learned how to make sausage. There are many recipes on the Internet that do not require complex products and masterful talents.

Cats should not be fed food from the human table, even if they piteously beg for it.


The best, healthiest, high-quality food is in this section. Manufacturers do not skimp on them, you can safely feed your pet. The only thing is, due to its beneficial properties, such food is very expensive.

Popular holistic food brands:

  • Acana,
  • Superpet,
  • Jaguar
  • Carnilove,
  • Farmina N&D,
  • Almo Nature,
  • Innova Evo
  • Grandorf,
  • Pronature Holistic,
  • Gina Elite.

Advice and reviews from veterinarians

  • Do not under any circumstances mix ready-made food with natural products, this can lead to problems with the pet’s stomach and digestion;
  • If your cat eats dry food every day, he also needs to drink drinking water every day with his food;
  • In order for canned food to become more aromatic and tasty, they must be heated to 40oC;
  • If your pet is sick, use only medicated food;
  • Remember, cats like dry food that has smaller granules;
  • If you feed your pet natural products, never salt them. This may harm the pet;
  • Remember that if your animal is castrated (or sterilized) under no circumstances should it be given fish;
  • Raw meat can be consumed by animals, but only after refreezing;
  • Sausages and sausages, as well as pork, are strictly prohibited for cats.

In conclusion, I would like to note that no matter what food you choose for your pet, do not forget to provide it with clean drinking water. If you still find it difficult to choose food or diet for your pet, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Your choice

We have just talked about the different classes of food, and you can safely answer the question: “What food is best to give to a cat?”

  • Any super-premium or holistic class is ideal for your pet’s health.
  • Hunger will be satisfied for a long time, and the body will be saturated with useful substances.
  • If, due to your budget, you can only afford economy-class food, it is better to prepare food for your pet yourself.

Don’t be fooled by flashy packaging and advertising, trust the ingredients and our advice.

Calculation of the daily portion of natural drinks

On average, the daily portion for an adult cat is 5% of body weight. For simplicity, you can limit yourself to this indicator, but it is more reliable to take into account the characteristics of your pet and calculate not the number of grams, but the total calorie content.

For this purpose, it is recommended to use the following formula:

K*(30*m + 70), where K is the multiplier coefficient, and m is the weight of the animal.

The coefficient values ​​can be found in the table below.

Physiological features K
Lactation period 2-4
Pregnancy 1,6-2
Adult and active animal 1,6
Adult animal with low activity 1,4
Kitten or adult animal with low weight 1,2-1,4
Presence of castration or sterilization 1,2
Elderly age 1,1
Frequent overeating, fraught with rapid obesity 1
Physician-confirmed obesity 0,8

If your cat is carrying kittens and weighs 4.5 kg, then she will need 328-410 kcal per day. To get the serving size, the indicated number of calories must be divided by 2, since adults eat twice a day.

Food for different breeds

You can often hear the following questions: “Which food is better for British, Scottish or Maine Coon cats?”

  • The breed also plays a big role; the individual characteristics of the pet can affect nutrition.
  • If a cat, due to its breed, is prone to obesity, special food will prevent obesity and various diseases from occurring.
  • This happens thanks to the correct calculation of the proportions and dosages of products when creating food.

Why owners choose natural feeding

Most owners refuse dry food, choosing a more natural way of feeding. Citing the advantages of a “straight woman” as an example, they often forget about her shortcomings.


The main advantage is the ability to independently control the quality of ingredients. This eliminates the presence of harmful chemicals and artificial components.

With this type of nutrition, it is easier to choose an individual diet, based on the characteristics and preferences of your pet. It is much easier to accustom to “natural” than to “drying”. Cats are carnivores, so they happily eat meat and offal.

Possible disadvantages

Natural food for cats should always be fresh, which means it will have to be prepared every day. This takes a lot of time and effort, so not all owners are ready for such sacrifices.

In addition to the laboriousness of preparation, it is worth noting the difficulty of achieving a balance of KBJU (calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and the mandatory inclusion of vitamin and mineral supplements. There is also a high probability of helminth infection or poisoning associated with improper storage or preparation of products.


The most popular and easy to use food. Due to the small amount of moisture in the food, you should constantly monitor your pet's water balance throughout the day.

  • Dry food has a positive effect on teeth, cleaning them from plaque.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the pet’s age and needs when choosing.

What dry food is best for cats? Acana, Orijen, Grandorf. These are the three best dry foods from the holistic class.

Wet canned food for adult cats

Brit Premium with chicken and turkey

Pauchi, distinguished by good quality meat, is dietary chicken and turkey. The food contains no grains or dangerous chemical additives, and modern raw material processing technology preserves beneficial substances in the ingredients. Therefore, the diet is well digestible, satiates for a long time, and animals like its natural aroma and taste. Pouches can be given daily and combined with dry food from the Premium line.


  • cat food contains inulin (a prebiotic that improves digestion), so it is suitable for animals with a sensitive gastrointestinal tract;
  • thanks to vitamins and microelements, spiders strengthen teeth and claw tissue;
  • no allergenic food additives and GMOs.


  • Cat food contains chicken - may cause allergies;
  • in the total volume of protein there is a large percentage of by-products.

Animonda Carny Adult

This cat food has excellent animal protein levels. This is dietary hypoallergenic beef and beef by-products. There are no grains in the food, they are replaced by potatoes. Thanks to the presence of vitamin D3, phosphorus and other beneficial nutrients, the diet helps strengthen the musculoskeletal system of cats and reduce the occurrence of bone diseases.


  • good quality and detail of offal - heart, liver, kidneys, lung;
  • contains food coloring safe for cats - calcium carbonate;
  • can be used as a complete feed;
  • The food contains no gluten, preservatives or sugar.


  • not recommended for pregnant or lactating cats;
  • contains by-products of plant origin - not all cats digest them well.

Sheba Pleasure with chicken and turkey

Thanks to the good quality of the ingredients, vacuum spiders from the economy category are safe and suitable for both adult cats and kittens over the age of one month. In terms of composition, the product is even classified as premium. The food contains no dangerous preservatives or flavorings, it is affordable and the animals like it.

The Sheba Pleasure series produces spiders with different flavors. One of the most successful ones is with chicken and turkey. The food contains no soy or grains; it uses fresh, steamed meat. Cassava and tapioca flour are sources of healthy fiber.


  • taurine in the food improves vision and promotes proper functioning of the heart and intestines;
  • high saturation of feed - meat is processed using a special technology, maintaining nutritional value;
  • improves the quality of coat and skin thanks to vitamins and valuable Omega fatty acids.


  • should not be given to sick, weakened, sterilized animals and cats with pancreatic diseases;
  • there are a lot of by-products in the protein volume;
  • Not all cats like the smell of food.

Purina Pro Plan Delicate – turkey and lamb in gravy

Canned food for cats with sensitive digestion can be given daily or as an addition to the menu. Based on the balance of the composition, they can be classified as premium. The Delicate series wet food contains inulin, a prebiotic that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These canned foods are also distinguished by good quality protein - hypoallergenic turkey and lamb, which are carefully processed and perfectly nourish cats.


  • balanced and “rich” composition of vitamins, micro- and macroelements - the food contains unsaturated acids, taurine, selenium;
  • convenient sealed packaging of food - you can store spiders for a long time and take them on the road;
  • low percentage of fat - give canned food to cats prone to obesity and sterilized.


  • the composition of animal protein is not detailed in the food;
  • There are a lot of processed meat products, there are dyes and sugar.

Berkley Adult Duck&Berries

Canned food with duck meat and wild berries - cranberries and blueberries, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. They can be used as a complete daily diet. The food has a good protein composition - 50% of the total volume is duck, 20% poultry. Canned food helps maintain healthy teeth, claws and bones, as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and collagen-rich meat broth are added to the product.


  • canned food is grain-free and does not contain vegetable protein, which promotes better digestion;
  • cat food contains a lot of salmon oil, rich in fatty acids that improve the condition of the coat;
  • The food contains fiber to stimulate intestinal motility.


  • the composition of animal protein is not detailed;
  • There is a fairly high percentage of fat in the food - canned food can quickly spoil after opening.

Wet food

This type of food is pieces in sauce, its moisture content is medium. One small bag is enough for one time.

  • If your pet doesn't finish eating, throw away the leftovers; they will no longer be able to satisfy and benefit the animal.
  • What is the best wet food for cats? The greatest demand is for Grandorf, Solid Natura Selection, Royal Canin Digest Sensitive.

Drinking regime

Drinking water should be bottled or filtered. This eliminates the presence of salts. Renew the water daily and make sure it is always in the bowl.

To be safe, place several containers around the house. Sometimes cats are too lazy to get to the kitchen. For this reason, they may not reach their daily requirement.

Most nutritional recommendations are based on living conditions in the wild. Unlike stray cats, domestic cats rarely catch birds and mice, do not fight for territory and prefer a sofa lifestyle. Low activity and individual characteristics impose many restrictions that exclude similarity with average indicators. For this reason, it is better to discuss your pet’s menu with your veterinarian.

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Remember that the food may not be suitable for your pet, despite its class, even holistic people do not always win the love of animals.

  • Each of them is individual, you may not suspect what your pet is allergic to.
  • Only by trying a variety of foods will you find the right one.

The food is affected by the breed, sterilization, and disorders in the body. It is worth consulting your veterinarian once again.

Natural menu for cats every day for 7 days

For an adult animal, it is enough to divide the daily diet into two times, especially if it lives in a small apartment and does not have the opportunity to walk.

Sample menu for the week:

  1. Breakfast - chopped beef mixed with grated vegetables, dinner - cottage cheese mixed with half an egg.
  2. Breakfast - boiled chicken with rice, dinner - a piece of liver or heart.
  3. Breakfast - cottage cheese with low-calorie sour cream, dinner - chicken necks.
  4. Breakfast - boiled boneless fish, dinner - grated vegetables and beef.
  5. Breakfast – chicken with buckwheat and chopped herbs, dinner – kefir and egg.
  6. Breakfast - offal and boiled rice, dinner - chicken necks.
  7. Breakfast - fermented baked milk and buckwheat, dinner - defrosted sea fish.

By alternating foods, you can feed your animal tasty and inexpensive, maintaining the balance of nutrients it needs.

Important! The owner must remember that a cat with a natural diet must be given vitamin and mineral preparations for preventive purposes.

Photo of the best cat food

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