Cornish Rex: description of the breed, character, care, maintenance, nutrition, reviews, price - many interesting facts about the breed

If you go to visit your friends and see an animal that looks like a cat, but is covered with curly hair and has long ears, do not think that this is an “alien.”

It seems that this animal got its ears from a bat, its skin from an astrakhan sheep, and its muzzle from a kangaroo. The breed is called Cornish Rex and they love their owners very much, they are brave, smart...

This is the case when breeders took into account the wishes of fans of the unusual appearance of cats - and created the Cornish Rex breed.

Looking at his face, you might think that this is a fairy-tale elf or a bat (some people have associations with the head of a kangaroo). Slanting expressive eyes, an elongated profile and disproportionately large ears will not allow you to confuse this breed with other representatives of the cat tribe.

The second characteristic feature is a soft curly coat. The back is completely covered with silky waves. The standard allows for both single-color and three-color painting. There are no strict criteria for colors; it is only important that the transition from one color to another has clear boundaries.

To all the advantages of the Cornish Rex, one more important factor can be added: the animal’s fur does not have guard hairs and does not fall out in large quantities. If there are allergies in the house, perhaps this particular breed will not provoke negative reactions.

Often cats of this breed have eyes of different colors. Above the organs of vision there are pronounced curly eyebrows. There is an opinion that a blue iris indicates deafness, but there is no scientific confirmation of this opinion. The Cornish Rex is endowed by nature with very sensitive hearing; it picks up sound vibrations that are inaccessible to humans.

Another amazing characteristic is cats' paws. The front limbs, as usual, have 5 fingers, and the hind limbs have 4. The animal does not notice this anomaly and runs, jumps, climbs trees... furniture, wallpaper and curtains perfectly. And if you carefully examine your pet’s foot, you will see webbing between the toes (just don’t think that you have a waterfowl breed; the Cornish Rex hates swimming).

The body of the Cornish Rex is graceful and flexible. There is a thickening at the tip of the tail. Cats are not large in size: the weight of a male does not exceed 4.5 kg, and that of a female – 3 kg.

At exhibitions, an animal may be disqualified for the following defects:

  • Bald patches on the body;
  • Too thick build;
  • Very short or excessively shaggy coat;
  • Short legs or tail.

History of the breed

The Cornish Rex breed appeared a little over a hundred years ago. They were first noticed by residents of England. It was the British who started breeding them.

Later, information appeared about the existence of a similar breed of cats in Devonshire. Representatives of the breeds were somewhat different from each other and it was decided to assign names to them: Cornish Rex and Devon Rex.

The breed was popularized in the 60s of the 20th century. However, new individuals continued to be born with some changes, and standards for the Cornish Rex breed were approved only in 1983.

In the 80s, individuals of this breed increasingly began to appear in other countries. However, they could not be bred for a long time, as various mutations appeared.

According to biologists, such frequent and long-lasting changes in the genetics of individuals were influenced by ecology.

cats reviews

Valeria Bigun (breeder St. Petersburg)

I am also writing a review about the breed of cats and kittens, as the owner of a Ural Rex.

So... a review about the cat breed.

The story of how the Urals came into the family is sad. We picked up an adult gray and white cat on the street. We've never seen anything like this. It's like it's made from two skins. Those who came to visit were surprised by the pet’s appearance. And six months later he ran away and died... they were very worried.

Friends suggested that they saw photographs of animals similar to our cat on the Internet. I looked and in fact some similarities are visible, first of all the color. It turned out to be a Ural Rex breed. Until this moment I had never even heard of this.

We wrote a letter to the Ural Rex breeder in Moscow, Olga Ivanova, telling her about the situation. The breeder responded and told about the Urals and the characteristics of the breed. After looking at a lot of photos, we fell in love with the Urals. Beautiful and graceful. Those slanted eyes and curly fur—we immediately decided that we wanted such a handsome man.

cat breed reviews

Soon, kittens were born in the Uralochka nursery - two of them were blue cats. Having seen the photos, we chose Kiryusha without hesitation. There was a feeling that this kitten would take a full place in the family. When he grew up, we went to pick him up. It was risky - just like that, choose a kitten only from a photograph and go to another city to pick it up, but suddenly they made a mistake...

But Kiryusha... no disappointments. One might even say I was captivated from the first minutes. And for a year now, the miracle has been living and delighting every day with devotion and tender love. Does not separate - treats both owners equally. It turned out that it really is as they write about the Urals.

Kiryusha is affectionate without being intrusive. Loves being the center of attention. If guests come, Kiryusha comes out to introduce himself and there is no fear. He loves to sit in your arms, sleeps where it is warm, even sometimes under a blanket. In the morning, if I sleep, Kiryusha comes and wakes me up. He sits on a pillow or on his chest, moves his paws and purrs. How can there be no lifting - you want to stroke, scratch your tummy, and this gives the guy pleasure.

cat breed reviews

It’s really nice to pet the Urals. They have amazingly silky fur - well, the most delicate to the touch. I just want to touch her all the time. And caring for this type of coat is simple: brush the coat with a soft rubber brush for a couple of minutes a day. If there is no shedding and the brush is clean, that’s enough for today.

Moulting near the Urals is interesting. We were warned about this feature. Otherwise, they ran to the veterinarian, deciding that Kiryusha was sick. Having noticed the shedding, we comb it out and in the end the cat turned out to be a little naked! This looks unusual, because other pets shed differently. The fur is growing back and the curl has begun to return.

Last May, Olga unexpectedly offered to buy a cat of the same breed. Unlike Kiryusha, she has straight fur, but is a carrier of the curly hair gene. They agreed immediately. After all, Kiryusha was bored alone, and already grown up, it was time to think about the bride.

cat breed reviews

This is how Dasha appeared in the family. The pets immediately became friends, and after the first mating they became a tenderly loving married couple. We look at them as they sleep, hugging each other with their paws.. And the purrs are in love.

In the fall, their first kitten was born. At first they wanted to, but then they realized that the firstborn would remain in the family. They called it Arish. The cat turned out to be a beauty. Moreover, her fur began to curl earlier than her father’s. Already at three months a clear wave appeared. Curly today. Affectionate, agile and playful.

It’s interesting to watch how Dasha and Kiryusha take care of their daughter and teach her wisdom. She grew up a little and began to follow her parents to the litter box and eat from a bowl. Dasha taught her daughter “martial arts.” Now little Arisha attacks her parents herself when she plays. Even adult pets love to play. Moreover, they have mice, which both Dasha and Kiryusha happily bring as dogs.

cat breed reviews

Today there are three pets in the family - three little miracles. They live separate lives and remember their owners. They play together, sleep together, come to eat together. When it comes to food, Ural Rexes are unpretentious. Kiryusha and I decided that without training him to feed, they fed him human food, although it was a little difficult to balance the diet. After all, if you feed “human” food, your diet should include vegetables and grains and meat.

Pets prefer lean meat - chicken, turkey or beef, or with porridge (rice or buckwheat) or boiled vegetables. Vegetables include cauliflower or broccoli. In addition, we give vitamins.

The problems with the toilet were gone - he knew the tray with an A+. While still a little boy, from the very first minutes in the new house, Kiryusha understood where the toilet was and everything went smoothly. These pets are clean.

cat breed reviews

To conclude the story, I will say - Urals are purring pets. As soon as the Ural Rex appears in the house, it immediately wins hearts. This friend is smart and affectionate, gets along with children and other animals.

Urals do not doubt for a second that they made the right choice and continue to delight and charge with positive emotions day after day.
Only positive feedback about the Ural Rex cat breed. I hope that this review as the owner of a cat of this breed will help in finding a pet. reviews of a rare cat breed

Care and maintenance

Cornish Rex individuals are very thermophilic. They prefer to rest in cool places. Therefore, they should be provided with a warm and cozy place to sleep and relax.

Some representatives of the breed are quite active and will be happy with the play complex. The Cornish Rex must have its own “corner”.

Also, before purchasing a kitten, you should take care of the following in the house:

  • Cat litter box;
  • Hygiene products;
  • 3 bowls (2 for food, 1 for water);
  • Toys and carriers;
  • Medicines, high-quality filler and special food (breeders will help with the choice).

You will definitely need a carrier for further walking of the animal. When transporting your pet outside, be sure to provide him with warm clothing.

Features of the body

Four-legged friends can live for two decades, remaining cheerful and playful throughout this period. But the average duration is still five years less, much depends on genes and content. In general, they do not have a single genetically transmitted disease, which is rare for purebred animals.

Cats, like people, are prone to colds and cystitis, so if it’s cold in your home, put something warm on your pet so that he doesn’t suffer later. Otherwise, he may start sneezing or coughing. In addition, they are sensitive to anesthetics, any drugs can cause unusual effects and should be treated with caution. Do not self-medicate and remind your veterinarian about this.

Photo of Cornish Rex


You can feed your furry family member with special food or natural food - the choice is up to the owner. In this case, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • If you feed natural food, the menu contains eighty percent meat. Remember that your pet is a carnivore and needs to be fed accordingly. The remaining twenty percent are vegetables and all sorts of goodies.
  • Meat should be purchased lean and not served raw. If you still want to serve a fresh piece, freeze it first - this will kill off the worms, if there are any there. You can also just boil it.
  • Change the water every day . It is very important! Especially if you feed dry food. The water must be clean, preferably filtered.
  • It is advisable for cat cats to have fasting days about twice a month. This way they will not gain weight and will maintain freedom of movement. The main thing here is to overcome yourself and not give up when you see a pitying look.
  • It is better to place water and food not in a double bowl, which are so common in pet stores, but in separate ones. This way, pieces of food will not get into your drink, and it will remain clean.


Previously, when such a breed was rare in Russia, the cost was much higher than it is today. Now it reaches fifteen to twenty thousand rubles. By buying an animal from a good nursery with a reputation or from a reputable breeder, you ensure yourself confidence in healthy genes, blood purity and excellent health of your future friend.

When choosing, pay attention to the parameters described above and the character of the pet. If he meets all the requirements, but you do not have mutual understanding, it is better to look for another - after all, this is a companion for a long period of your life. But this most likely will not happen, because these cuties have a good-natured disposition and excellent character.

Remember that kittens are born curly , but after a week the curls straighten. Only at six to eight months can you see what the hair will be like in the future. Therefore, carefully check your documents so that you are not deceived by unscrupulous breeders. In addition, they must have all the required vaccinations and show you this on paper.

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