Chausie cat. Description, features, character, maintenance, care and price of the Chausie breed

a brief description of

An extraordinary cat breed
The Chausie breed can be briefly described as follows:

IndexRating on a 5-point scale
Interaction with children3
Attitude towards strangers3
Financial costs of maintenance4
Health status4
Dietary requirements2
How much do they shed?3
Difficulties in care issues3
Need for communication2
Aggression level3
Intellectual development4

Chausie's characteristics are compiled based on reviews from owners and expert opinions. The information is averaged and may change in one direction or another.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:
  • unusual appearance;
  • friendliness and affection for the owner;
  • getting along with children and pets;
  • playfulness, energy;
  • absence of genetic diseases.
  • Minuses:
  • high cost of kittens;
  • hyperactivity and excessive curiosity;
  • picky eating habits;
  • impossibility of further breeding of purebred cats;
  • the need for space in the home.


Chausi originates in Ancient Egypt. The ancestors lived at the sources of the Nile - these are reed lynxes. The ancient cat Chausie led an isolated lifestyle and did not conflict with people living in the neighborhood.

Wild reed cat
If you look in profile at the ancient goddess Bastet (the patroness of cats and family), you can see a clear resemblance to the face of a reed cat. Also, many frescoes obtained confirm the dense population of Egypt with such animals.

It is known that wild cats were dexterous hunters. Often they settled down to live close to humans and caught rodents. After the era of the pharaohs' rule, people continued to be close to these animals.

In the past, researchers weren't particularly interested in the unique appearance of cats. They first became interested in this in the second half of the twentieth century. Tourists from America who visited Egypt spoke with inspiration about the wild lynxes they saw. The animals were first brought to America in 1960. Breeders began work on crossing with other varieties.

They decided to breed a species with the same characteristics and the same appearance, and also add softness and tractability in character. In practice, it was discovered that the Abyssinian cat is a suitable breed for breeding. The name of these representatives is borrowed from antiquity. Scientifically it sounds like felis chaus.

Felinologists accepted it with some amendments, although such cats are also called Shausi or House. The variety received temporary status only 30 years after its origin (this happened in 1995). The standard was developed that same year. Official registration granted in 2003.


The uniqueness of the Chausie F1 breed is emphasized by its very origin. Chausie F1 appeared as a result of crossing the exotic cat Jungle Cat and a cat of the traditional Abyssinian breed. Let us note that such a union is a very rare phenomenon, and now breeders have to make a lot of effort to “make friends” of such different pets.

Be that as it may, such a meeting took place, and the unusual-looking cats drew the attention of one inquisitive American tourist, who visited the Middle East in the 60s in search of exotic experiences. The result of his interest was the fact that the first F1 Chausie (chausie) were bred in the USA. And in the 90s, the new breed was already registered with TICA (The International Cat Association), and quickly found its fans.

Chausie F1 got its name from the Latin name of Jungle Cat's dad: Felis Chaus. The index “F” in the name of the breed means the following:

F1 - the father was Jungle Cat (the largest kittens in size, with at least 50% Jungle Cat blood);

F2 - at least 25% Jungle Cat blood;

F3 - at least 12.5% ​​Jungle Cat blood (kittens the size of a regular domestic cat), etc.

Description of the breed

Compared to ordinary kitties, Chausies seem like baby elephants.
The appearance of these cats cannot be confused with other individuals. In some countries they are called "swamp cats". Chausie can be considered a large animal - the weight of an adult individual is up to 16 kg, with a height at the withers of up to half a meter. They have developed body muscles. Cats are bigger than kitties.

Breed standard:

HeadWedge-shaped, small in size compared to the body. She has graceful features, no angularity or sharp outlines. The forehead is massive and flattened. On the top of the head there are large ears, spaced quite widely. They are wider at the base, with pointed tips and brushes.
MuzzlePretty, compact. The nose is straight, the transition line to the forehead is clearly visible. The jaws are strongly developed and strong. They have a scissor bite.
TorsoA powerful, long neck is immediately visible. Cats are dense in constitution, with clearly visible muscles. Wide chest and narrow shoulders, toned stomach. The back is straight throughout.
TailStraight, elongated and flexible. He is very mobile.
LimbsSlender, graceful, thin. The fingers on the pillows do not touch tightly.
WoolShort, dense, with undercoat. Visually it seems plush. Glistens under the sun.

Conditions of detention

Chausies are fairly large cats that can reach the size of some dog breeds. It is better to keep them in a spacious apartment or in a private house with constant access to walks in nature. In addition, Chausies are very active and energetic. Considering the rather large size of the cat, it is best to provide the pet with a place to play - this way you can protect the house from pogrom.

In any case, you need to monitor the safety of your pet, because curious cats can find trouble.

Photo from Chausie's page

What is the difference between Chausie f1 and f2

This breed is divided into hybrid categories, which are designated by the letter F and numbers 1-5. The number indicates the percentage of jungle cat blood.

The F1 hybrid is the most valuable option, considered a direct descendant from the mating of a Housey and a noble cat. It's about 50% wild cat. In appearance, the animals are almost identical to dad. And they are very similar in temperament: active, rebellious, sometimes aggressive. Large in size. Also denoted by the letter A.

Hybrid F2 - comes out as a result of crossing the first option with a descendant of Chausie. The content of wild blood is not less than 25%. This is the most common breed. The weight of the animal is 10-11 kg. Cats are endowed with a democratic character. The hybrid is also marked with the letters A or B.

Males of the first and second types do not participate in the reproduction of offspring.

Within-breed differences

Depending on the degree of close relationship with felis chaus, there are 4 groups of chausie cats.

The higher the percentage of wild blood, the larger and more expensive the kitten:

  • F1 is a direct descendant of the domestic cat and the jungle cat. A semi-wild pet, tamed, but not capable of full domestication. It can pose a danger even to the owner if the conditions of detention are violated and handled illiterately. The average weight is 12 kg, some individuals reach 15 kg.
  • F2 – the F1 cat is bred to an Abyssinian, which results in ≈25% of the jungle cat genes. Smaller, calmer, but the wild appearance is still noticeable. Average weight 6-9kg.
  • F3 – domestic cat and F2, ≈12% wild genes. This kind of chausie is almost no different from ordinary murk. Only a professional would recognize a wild ancestor in her.
  • F4, F5 and beyond look like pumped-up Abyssinians with strong bones and powerful chests. This is 90% of all kittens sold to the general public. They are taken out of breeding or used for mating with previous generations.

Buying an F1 or F2 is difficult, especially if you are not a breeder. This is valuable genetic material that is very expensive. It is impossible to find such a kitten based on an advertisement - these are scammers. It is necessary to take into account that in some regions there is a restriction or ban on keeping wild animals and 1st and 2nd generation hybrids.

Coat colors

Dark color Chausie
The peculiarity of such cats is their color. The guard hairs are unevenly colored in certain areas of the body. The standard provides several colors:

  1. Resinous. The animal is almost completely black. There are rarely any markings.
  2. Tecked black tabby. The fur is multi-colored, the undercoat is of a reddish-golden hue on the paws and tail along the inner surface. The chin and eye contours are lightened.
  3. Black with silver. The guard hairs have several stripes, usually silver or black. Deeply colored points in tabby will be considered a defect.
  4. In addition to the listed colors, there are others, but they are less popular. Such individuals are not allowed to reproduce.

What does a chausie look like?

Chausies are quite large animals, second in size only to the Maine Coon and Savannah. At the withers, pets reach 42 centimeters. Males are slightly larger than female cats, this difference is due to sexual dimorphism. A purebred cat resembles its ancestor and weighs at least 16 kilograms. But the further away the generation of the wild ancestor, the smaller the descendants.


As you can see in the photo, the Chausie's head is small, slightly elongated, with angular cheekbones and a pronounced chin. The main difference between the breed is the presence of a mark above the eyes - the letter “M” and between the ears - “W”.

The ears are quite large and set high on the head. There are tassels at the ends, but if they are not there, then this is not considered a defect. The slanted eyes are golden or greenish in color. The cat has a quiet voice, he purrs gently and with pleasure.

Body type

The Shawsie's appearance has the confidence and strength of a predator. The body is muscular, the sternum is well developed, the paws are athletic, quite large and long, the tail is equal in length to three-quarters of the cat’s body.

The skeleton is developed, the shoulder blades are located high and well defined - the pet’s movements are similar to the running of a cheetah. Medium-length forelimbs and long, proportional hind legs create a strong push. The cat's posture is semi-crouched; there is a loose fold on the stomach, allowing the animal to move with wide strides.

Coat and color

Thick, short, fairly elastic coat repels dirt and water well. It is silky, the guard hairs are ticked.

The varieties of Chausie cats in terms of color tones are few in number. In nature, you can find only 3 colors of Chausie: completely black, ticked silver and tabby (striped brindle). The most valuable is a cat with a silver ticked tabby and a black ticked tabby color, which resemble the coloring of a wild ancestor.

Character and behavior

Chausie, real tomboys
It is believed that the family connection with wild cats introduces aggressiveness and uncontrollability into the pet’s character. In fact, such cats are very sociable, lively and loving. They are affectionate if treated as such. But they are characterized by willfulness and independence. Cats become very attached to their owner and are devoted to him like a dog.

Those wishing to adopt such a Chausie kitten are recommended to choose a hybrid of the fourth type. They are softer in character. Chausies love to put food and other items they like in hidden places. Usually, owners discover such hiding places in various parts of the apartment. The owners say that these cats are real telepaths. They can predict events and wishes of their owner.

Chausies are smart and intellectually developed animals. Another feature of them is excessive activity. It is impossible to catch them lying on the sofa for a long time. It is important for them to have space where they can run and jump to their heart's content. If you leave your pet alone for a long period, it is advisable to provide it with toys so that it does not get bored and start making trouble in the house.

Surprisingly, Chausies love to swim. They get along with other pets without problems and even make friends with them.

The sight of a bird awakens the hunting instinct

Tips for choosing a kitten

Before purchasing a Chausie kitten, you need to immediately understand that getting from him purebred offspring with the characteristics of the parents is out of the question, since the value of the next litter is lost by half. As you move away from F1, the unique qualities of wild cats, their size and weight, decrease.

When getting an elite breed, you need to understand that this is a “disposable” elite pet, and it will not be possible to fully compensate for the costs by selling kittens. In addition, today you cannot buy Housei in the Russian Federation and CIS countries; there are official nurseries only in America and France.

If you are offered to buy a “purebred” Chausie cat on an online ad site, rest assured that you are dealing with scammers. A purebred kitten can only be purchased from an official breeder. To do this, you will have to send an application and wait 3-4 months for the next brood.

It is better to entrust the purchase of a kitten to a specialist with a good reputation. He will contact a time-tested foreign breeder and, with all the accompanying documents, will deliver the baby straight home to the new owner.

Interesting Facts

A breed that is interesting not only in appearance, but also in its history
. Here are some interesting facts about it:

  • often males are born sterile and unable to reproduce;
  • unlike most cats, Chausies are partial to water;
  • they walk on a leash without any problems;
  • Chausies are tolerant of various domestic animals, but not rodents and birds (they are prey for them);
  • love to run and jump over obstacles;
  • some have tufts on the ears and the tip of the tail, exclusively black;
  • this breed is quite specific in appearance (peculiarity in coloring: there are no red, white or gray cats);
  • Chausie is also called small pumas;
  • animals rarely release their claws during gambling, so those participating are not at risk of injury;
  • undemanding to living conditions;
  • Cats often guess the wishes of their owners - like psychics.

Pregnancy and childbirth

During childbirth it is necessary to help the pet

A cat's pregnancy lasts 63–66 days. The duration is counted from the day of coverage until delivery. Kittens may appear earlier. But if babies are born before day 58, they will not be able to survive.

The signs are as follows:

  1. The first symptoms of pregnancy are weakness and nausea of ​​the cat for 10 days after coating.
  2. After 3 weeks, you may notice an enlargement and change in color of the nipples, which turn pink.
  3. There is a change in appetite. The cat may refuse previously loved food.
  4. At week 6, the abdomen enlarges, and at week seven, fetal movement is already observed.

Important! In the second half of pregnancy, the cat should not be allowed to climb high furniture or jump. During this period, the female’s center of gravity shifts, which makes it difficult to maintain balance.

For childbirth, prepare:

  1. The box is 50x60 cm in size. On the walls you can build shelves 5 cm wide, where the kittens will subsequently climb. This will protect children from injury. The cat may lie down unsuccessfully and accidentally crush them.
  2. Place several layers of newspaper at the bottom of the box; they will absorb moisture. Do not use bedding that wrinkles easily. Kittens can become entangled and suffocate.
  3. During the first week after birth, maintain the temperature in the box at 29 °C, then reduce it every week by 3 °C to a level of 21 °C. This can be done using a thermostat, air conditioner or infrared lamp (250 W).

You also need to prepare:

  • towels;
  • napkins;
  • scissors treated with alcohol.

Signs of impending labor appear 3–4 days in advance. The cat begins to show anxiety, meow, and refuse food. Her body temperature drops to 36–37 °C, her stomach drops. At this time, you should show the cat the box. If the birth occurs in another place, immediately transfer the babies to the box. The cat begins having contractions 1 hour before the kitten appears and mucous discharge is observed. The birth process lasts from 2 to 6 hours. The intervals between the appearance of kittens are 5–30 minutes.

Important! Between contractions, you can offer your cat milk to restore her strength.

Within 15 minutes after the baby is born, the cat gnaws the umbilical cord. If this does not happen, cut it at a level of 2.5 cm from the tummy using scissors. Next, the placenta comes out, which the cat eats. After the process is completed, she is laid on her side, and the babies begin to suck colostrum. This way they receive all the necessary substances that form the kittens’ immunity.

Positive and negative traits

Unique creatures for extraordinary people
Any breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Chausie is no exception. The benefits include:

  • get along easily with other household inhabitants;
  • treat children with love;
  • in the excitement they will not scratch the owner;
  • atypical appearance;
  • endowed with excellent health;
  • sociable, cheerful and lively;
  • undemanding in terms of attention.

The disadvantages include:

  • are expensive;
  • rare (in Russia such representatives can be counted on one hand);
  • need a lot of space;
  • Infertile cats are often born;
  • require a special approach to nutrition, since they cannot eat fatty meats and grains, and raw water (only filtered or boiled) is contraindicated for them;
  • cannot stand being alone for a long time, otherwise they begin to damage the furniture, wallpaper and other attributes in the interior;
  • are predisposed to gaining excess weight with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • expensive to maintain and care.

How to care for your pet

Caring for the Chausie is not difficult at all. Since this cute cat is very clean, it is enough to comb her fur once a week with a massage brush, more to improve blood circulation than to remove dead hairs.

There are no restrictions regarding swimming - Chausies love to swim. There are often cases when they come to their owner’s bathroom while he is bathing and happily jump into the water with him.

Chausies love to swim

Despite the fact that most sources do not contain information on how often you can bathe a Chausie, I still do not recommend doing it more than once every 3 months. Like any cat, the skin of this breed is covered with a special fat, which, if washed off, can lead to problems with the skin.

You need to clean your pet's eyes and ears as needed. Teeth also need periodic examination and cleaning. It is enough to brush your chausie's teeth once a week to prevent the formation of tartar. Claw care will not be required if you have a scratching post, on which the fluffy beauty will regularly sharpen his claws.

With a scratching post, Chausie will be able to take care of his claws himself.

When it comes to toilet training with a Chausie, things are not that simple. The closer a kitten's generation is to its wild ancestor, the more difficult it is to teach it to relieve its needs in a specially designated place, but still this issue is not insoluble. With a certain patience and perseverance of the owner, after some time the Chausie begins to go to the litter box, which should be quite spacious, since this cat is quite large. You can choose any filler.

In my opinion, the best are clumping cat litters. They perfectly absorb odors, leave the cat's paws dry, and you can replace only part of the used litter, and not completely empty the entire contents of the tray.

Some owners even managed to train Chausie to go to the toilet.


As mentioned above, the gastrointestinal tract of the chausie has a peculiarity: it is not able to digest plant foods. The diet of these cats should consist of the following products:

  • raw meat of beef, rabbit, poultry;

    Chausie diet should be meat

  • raw fish;
  • raw quail eggs.

The bowl should always contain clean and fresh water, passed through a filter or boiled.

The Chausie's diet is also different from how other cats are fed. If the usual recommendation for feeding kittens is 6 meals a day until they reach 3 months, 4 times at the age of six months and 2 times at 9 months, then it is not recommended to feed Chausie at a young age more than twice a day. And when the animal reaches one year of age, the number of meals should be generally reduced to 1 time per day. At the same age, you need to start practicing a fasting day once a week. The amount of food that should enter the animal’s body should not exceed 5% of its body weight.

Breeders recommend feeding your pet super-premium industrial food. The food must be suitable for cats with sensitive digestion.

Breed care

The Chausie is considered a young breed due to its origin. It is also very expensive, so not everyone can afford to purchase such a representative. Many people do not know how to care for cats, since there is little reliable information on this issue.

Since Chausies are extremely inquisitive and active, you will need to create freedom for your pet. He is shown frequent walks outside, preferably with a leash. It is recommended to purchase more toys so that the animal’s leisure time is not boring.

Mandatory care measures:

  • daily combing of the coat using a brush with soft teeth;
  • twice a week cleaning of ears and teeth;
  • swimming in water with toys;
  • regular visits to the doctor for preventive examinations, nail trimming and vaccinations;
  • carrying out deworming.

The pet's diet must be balanced and meet the standards. Sometimes let your cat show its hunting instincts. It is important to have a scratching post in the house.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatment

To protect Housies from common feline infections, they are regularly vaccinated. The first time a kitten is vaccinated against rabies, panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis and calcivirosis at the age of 7-8 weeks, with a mandatory repeat after 28 days. Subsequently, Chausie is vaccinated once a year.

To kill fleas and helminths, the cat is regularly given antiparasitic treatment. Antihelminthic drugs are given to the Hausi twice a year, repeated every 10-14 days. To combat fleas, a cat of this breed is treated with special shampoos or drops.


It is better to start raising Chausie as early as possible. Thanks to its developed intelligence, the animal quickly learns everything and can even be trained. It is unacceptable to violate a pet’s personal space, but at the same time, do not deprive it of love and care. In order for an animal to grow up to be friendly and moderately obedient, it is necessary to value it and not limit its freedom.

Black tassels on ears

The first step is to accustom the kitten to the litter tray. Here you need to be patient and persistent, since puddles in the house are inevitable. The key to the success of the event will be the choice of location for the tray, the type of filler and attentive attitude towards the animal during periods of anxiety. It is possible to teach a cat to go to the toilet.

It will take time to explain where the claws need to be sharpened - he will introduce you to the scratching post. Any attempts to mischief must be cut off with a sharp shout, clapping hands, or spraying with water. Sometimes you can give a light slap on the back with a stick or something else. Immediately after the baby appears in the house, they make it clear to him that biting and scratching are prohibited.

From the first days they are taught hygiene. The pet must endure all necessary procedures without resistance. The socialization of the kitten is also important. To get him used to the leash, first put it on and walk around the house. Only after complete adaptation do they go out into the fresh air to get acquainted with the environment.

Chausie walking on a leash

Characteristics of Chausie

The character of Chausie is quite pleasant - the animals are sociable and cheerful.
They are not afraid to show love for a person, show affection towards him, or purr. But at the same time, they are distinguished by their independence: they don’t really like to sit on their owner’s lap; instead, they will prefer to walk around the territory. But the Chausie's devotion is undeniable. They are happy to talk to people and are always interested in what they are doing. It is worth noting that quite often representatives of the breed behave obstinately and stubbornly. They often refuse to obey their owner. This is explained by wild ancestors in the pedigree. Experienced owners say that it is better to take Chausies from the F4 generation, because they are very reminiscent of the familiar domestic cats.

Although the animals are dependent on the owner, they show a tendency to take care of themselves. Experts who studied the habits of the ancient Chausi found all kinds of supplies at the places of their death: pieces of bread, hair bands, and so on. This habit was also inherited from their wild ancestors.

A special highlight of the breed is its incredible intuition. Some people even believe that these cats are psychics. If the owner is cold, she will try to warm him up or give him slippers. This is explained simply: the animal quickly understands what the characteristics of the behavior and inclinations of the owner are, which is what it focuses on. The intelligence of the representatives of the breed is incredibly developed.

Chausie's activity is also at the highest level. You should not buy them if it is not possible to provide the ward with sufficient territory to realize all his energy. A cramped room is definitely not suitable for a cat; she will simply destroy it: tear the wallpaper, furniture, and so on. When leaving home, you should leave her toys so that she doesn’t get bored. Otherwise, she will easily find an object of entertainment on her own, using the owner’s personal belongings for this purpose.

Representatives of the breed are very fond of hygiene procedures.

, which distinguishes them from their counterparts. If a cat suddenly sees an open tap, it will immediately run to it and try to catch water. There is no need to force him to take a bath - he really likes bathing.

Housey company is needed

, although it may seem that they are completely independent. Therefore, there must be another pet at home - a cat or a not too large dog. But small animals are perceived as prey.

Cats treat children warmly

, easily find an approach to them and actively participate in games. But the child must know that the animal should be treated with respect and not pull its fur or ears. Particularly wild individuals may even respond to such actions with a blow of their paw.

In general, animals are balanced and intelligent

. They love attention and always return it. They always keep themselves in control, keep their fur clean, and also move very smoothly and carefully. You will never be bored with them.

Breeding cats

Breeding Chausie is difficult if you do not have certain skills. A breed with an excellent gene set, but infertile cats are often found. Cats are most susceptible to this. Sometimes, after the first mating they become incapable of procreation. Cats remain reproductive longer. The main thing is to choose the appropriate partner. In this regard, Abyssinians of tekked or wild color are suitable. Only then will purebred Chausies be born.

Abyssinian representative

If the partners immediately liked each other, then after 70 days kittens appear. There are usually 2-5 of them in a litter. During pregnancy, cats do not require any special treatment, with the exception of an individually developed diet that includes vitamins and microelements. It is preferable to look for Chausie for mating in specialized nurseries.

Breeding and organizing a chausie nursery

Breeding Chausie is allowed only to people with a felinologist diploma and who understand all the nuances of the breed. Therefore, before taking on this difficult task, you need to attend felinological courses and consult with professionals in this field. It would also be a good idea to spend some time breeding Abyssinian cats, since breeding Chausie cats is allowed only in professional nurseries with responsible breeders.

Breeding Chausie has several disadvantages:

  1. Firstly, cats of this breed are extremely expensive. In order to buy a pair for breeding, you will have to shell out at least half a million rubles, and to purchase a jungle cat, with which it is best to start breeding Chausie, you will have to shell out at least eight hundred thousand.
  2. Secondly, this is a very risky business, since the breeder faces many difficulties: infertility and mutations in kittens, inbreeding and many others.
  3. Thirdly, this business is designed for a very narrow category of people who can afford to spend 200,000 rubles or more on a cat.

But if you have sufficient funds, knowledge and experience and are not afraid of difficulties, then it is quite possible to try. But remember: cats must be purchased only from a specialized nursery with all licenses.

The Chausie breeder will have to work hard to get a cat that fully meets the standard.


For a novice breeder, the best choice would be an F1 generation cat. Breeding chausie involves many difficulties and nuances:

  1. Chausie cats up to the third generation are born infertile. Therefore, if you want to buy a couple of studs, then you need to take an F1 female and an Abyssinian cat.
  2. When you have already gained experience, you can also buy a reed kitten, always a male, since a wild female will not let a domestic cat near her. It should be crossed with an Abyssinian cat. A jungle cat may not agree to a proposed mate, so you may have to go through several females.
  3. The F2 female is also bred to an Abyssinian cat.
  4. Make sure your cats are blood type compatible. Cats have only two groups: A and B. Cats A and cats B are compatible with any partner, cats B are mated only with males B, males A are mated only with females A.

First generation Chausies love to hunt


Some features of pregnancy during breeding should also be taken into account:

  1. The pregnancy of an Abyssinian cat from a jungle cat will last about 67–70 days, and she will bring two or three kittens. Moreover, some of them may not meet the standard and look more like an Abyssinian cat than a wild cat.
  2. A female Chausie F1 and F2 will give birth to about 3-4 kittens, which may also not meet the standard.
  3. Chausie males cannot have offspring until the third generation, so the boy can be sold under the F1 label if he is the son of a jungle cat and an Abyssinian cat; F2, if he is the son of an F1 female and an Abyssinian cat; F3, if he is the son of a Chausie F2 and an Abyssinian cat.
  4. Only Chausie females that fully comply with the standard are allowed to be selected for further breeding.

As you can see, breeding chausie is a very difficult matter. Only people who have the necessary knowledge and are ready to devote all their time and even their lives to chausie can achieve success.

Chausie needs an owner who can devote a lot of time to them

Note to the breeder

Before you start breeding Chausie, you need to obtain permission to breed Chausie and register the nursery.

  1. The breed is recognized only by TICA. Therefore, the nursery must be registered there.
  2. Each cat, both Abyssinian and Chausie, must have a breeding rating of at least “excellent” in the open category or a title certificate. You can get them at the exhibition.
  3. Each cat must have a confirmed pedigree.
  4. For each kitten, a birth certificate and a breeding sheet are issued, which is assigned a four-digit number. If you have a felinologist diploma, you can do this yourself.
  5. Chausies receive the same vaccinations as regular cats. Kittens receive a veterinary passport from 3 months.

What to feed Chausie

Cats with an Unbridled Appetite
Feeding Chausie is the most difficult part of keeping. They have an excellent appetite, but their digestive tract is too sensitive. When developing a menu for your pet, you need to take into account that cats cannot digest grains. And they are contained in most feed mixtures. The basis of the diet should include meat.

The problem with these cats is their inability to restrain themselves from eating.

If at an early age they do not particularly gain weight due to active movement and walks in the fresh air, then as they grow older they begin to suffer from excess weight. The meat should be lean. Pork is prohibited. Beef, rabbit, turkey, quail, and chicken are suitable.

You need to feed twice a day for up to six months. Then they switch to single meals. From time to time, fasting days are arranged. It is acceptable to include various cereals in the menu in the form of porridges (oatmeal, rice). Fermented milk products with low fat content are shown. Give fresh vegetables and fruits little by little. Industrial food is not prohibited for wild pets. It is better if they are holistic.

They are produced on the basis of human food products: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. They also contain the optimal amount of vitamins and microelements. It is necessary to provide the animal with free access to fresh drinking water. It is pre-filtered or boiled and cooled.

Reviews of Chausie cats

  • Bella.

I want to tell you about my Chausie cat named Henry. He is very sociable and always follows me around. Loves harness walks. If you pick him up, he immediately fidgets and tries to run away. He likes to communicate with other animals, even dogs. She loves water procedures and gets into the bath with pleasure. Such a cat can be called a cat. If someone wants to buy a dog, but also loves cats, this breed is the ideal option. A smart and loyal cat, he just doesn’t bring slippers in his teeth yet.

  • Artem.

These are very picky cats that take a lot of time and effort from their owners. However, if you teach them to use the toilet and eat food from a bowl, they will give you a lot of positive emotions. By nature, they are very kind pets, and they do not take up much space in the house. Look at the photo of my Chausie cat.

What health problems might there be?

Healthy from birth
These cats are endowed with good health and strong immunity. They don't get very sick. But Chausie, like other cats, is affected by worms. These representatives also have a weakened gastrointestinal tract and can get sick if they eat improperly.

Lack of exercise can lead to excess weight gain. Therefore, it is necessary to feed your pet less often (twice a day is enough) and make him move more often.

Also, Chausie cats can easily catch a cold if, after bathing, they are dried in a cool room or in a draft. A cold manifests itself in the form of discharge from the eyes, sneezing, lacrimation, apathy, and refusal to eat and drink. Due to their tendency to lick themselves, cats ingest a lot of hair and may experience indigestion. Therefore, they are combed out more often.

It is recommended to visit a veterinarian once every 6-7 months to remove tartar. If you do not do this, there is a high risk of gingivitis and tooth loss, as well as inflammation in the mouth.

Health and illness

Chausie is distinguished by truly heroic health. Although the cat is heat-loving, it is not afraid of light frosts and does not get sick from the slightest draft. Chausie also has quite sensitive digestion. The only disease these cats are prone to is obesity.


Obesity in the Chausie occurs due to its exorbitant appetite. Chausie can literally eat non-stop. The owner needs to stop begging, otherwise the cat will quickly turn not only into a kind of ball on its paws, but also into an eternally hungry meowing tail that does not disdain to steal food from the owner’s table.

Symptoms of obesity:

  1. The cat's weight is 20% or more higher than normal.
  2. Severe shortness of breath with little activity.
  3. Mobility problems.
  4. Inability to feel the ribs or spine through the fat layer.

Chausie loves to beg, but he can be weaned from this habit by simply ignoring the behavior

What causes obesity:

  1. Genetic predisposition.
  2. Uncontrolled eating.
  3. Hormonal disbalance.
  4. Lack of sufficient physical activity.

Obesity is much easier to prevent than to cure. To do this, the cat must be provided with maximum physical activity and proper, balanced feeding. But if the cat does get sick, then treatment involves diet, physical activity and, if necessary, taking hormonal medications.

How much does it cost - price per kitten

Chausie kittens are amazingly cute creatures.
Due to the rarity of the breed, kittens are quite expensive - 600 thousand to 1.5 million rubles. (if you buy in Russia). They should be purchased from specialized nurseries. The best age is 3 months.

How to choose a kitten

When choosing a baby, you need to pay attention to:

  1. Compliance with standard. They especially look at the color. Pedigree representatives do not have white, gray and red colors. The tassels on the ears and tail are only black.
  2. Kittens should not be aggressive, even towards strangers.
  3. Accompanying documentation is required.
  4. The animal is active.

When purchasing such a kitten, you need to understand that you should not expect purebred offspring from it. Therefore, it will not be possible to compensate your costs in full by selling babies.

Reproduction and lifespan

Despite the excellent genes of wild ancestors, Chausie cats quickly become infertile, sometimes after the first generation, and cats last longer, and it is on them that the production of hybrids of subsequent generations is based. It is permissible to cross the Chausie with the Abyssinian breed and European shorthair cats of wild and ticked colors.

Breeding chausie is a difficult, troublesome and thankless task for ordinary hobbyists. This process is only possible for breeders, and even then not always. Imagine how you persuade a jungle cat, a predator from the wild, to pay attention to a proud Abyssinian “lady”?

After all, only this alliance produces a real Chausie kitten . Even if the union took place, you will receive 2-5 kittens worth their weight in gold. And that’s it, then you will either have to “ask” House again, or the breed will disappear in the third generation. The further you go, the lower the value of the kitten. Moreover, hybrid cats are no longer your help. So breeding Chausie is not for the weak.

If you are buying a Chausie kitten, be sure to get it from a reputable cattery. You will be offered a special contract, which will stipulate the issue of offspring, participation in exhibitions and other important issues. It is recommended to adopt a kitten at least 3 months old. They live on average 15 years.

Myths and misconceptions

Chausie F1 is an extremely rare breed, not only in Russia, but throughout the world. This fact makes Chausie F1 incredibly prestigious, but it also has a downside: few people have sufficient information about Chausie F1, but many try to pretend that they know everything about them. This situation has led to the emergence of many myths about Chausie F1, which do not stand up to criticism. Here we want to dispel the most common of these myths.

Myth: “F1 Chausies are aggressive and not friendly with children”

This myth is most likely invented by envious people who cannot afford to have a friend like Chausie F1. A well-bred cat will never allow itself to be aggressive towards members of the owner’s family, and gets along well with children.

Myth: “Not all F1 Chausies grow to their stated size.”

The source of this myth is one incompetent article in the media, where the author clearly translated the description of the Chausie breed from English without understanding the generations of hybrids, because This statement applies only to Chausie generations F2, F3. Owners of F1 generation Chausie should not worry, all male cats are clearly larger than traditional breeds.

Myth: “F1 Chausies are no different from Abyssinian cats”

Chausie F1 is just somewhat similar in color to Abyssinian cats, nothing more. Even in childhood, Chausie F1 resembles little bears, and at the age of 1.5 months. are the size of 3 month old Abyssinian cat kittens. Having seen the Chausie F1 live, you will never confuse them with the traditional breed of Abyssinian cat, which is too far from the size of the Chausie F1, their massive bones, wide nose, thick coat, presence of spots, tassels on the ears, stripes on the legs, spotted belly and white medallion on the chest.

Myth: “To keep an F1 Chausie you need to have a huge house”

Having a big house is always a good idea, no matter what breed of cat you have or whether you even have one. But Chausie F1, despite the fact that it is larger than other cats, does not require any additional space for maintenance. Even in a medium-sized apartment there is always room for your pet!


Owners of the 1st and 2nd generations need to take care of natural products, since cats do not tolerate ready-made food well. The diet includes:

  • rabbit, turkey, lamb or veal meat;
  • boneless fish;
  • rice, oats;
  • fresh herbs;
  • cottage cheese and eggs.

You can give the whole carcass or buy live rodents or fish so that your pet can satisfy its hunting instincts.

Important! For the sake of personal safety, it is not recommended to disturb the chausie while eating.

From the 3rd generation onwards, pets are more like ordinary cats, so food is selected accordingly. It is advisable to purchase products with a high content of easily digestible protein. It is necessary to ensure that the pet does not overeat and does not hide food in secluded places.

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