Russian blue cat - keeping a pet, description of the breed, character and care of the animal (125 photos)

Origin story

There are no reliable sources about the appearance of a beauty with mysterious fur. The first mention of it appears around 1860, when a cat of this breed was brought to England. She was then called “Arkhangelsk”, so, most likely, she came from a cold northern city, however, according to other sources, a similar cat was called “Spanish”.

Based on all sorts of legends, the beauty with gray-blue fur could have come to Russia from Spain or the East. However, legends remain legends, and this breed is everywhere recorded as the “Russian Blue cat”.

During the Second World War, the breed almost disappeared, but was restored by specialists.

A photo of a Russian Blue cat perfectly demonstrates the beauty and grace of this breed.

Personality of the Russian Blue cat

The breed embodies all the best features of the Russian intelligentsia - it is aristocratic, meek and soft. However, if desired, she can be willful and independent.

Russian Blue kittens are very playful and retain this quality in later life.

The Russian Blue will play and jump with pleasure, but will not allow itself to be made into a resigned toy.

The cat is considered an excellent hunter, and this feature constantly forces it to look for prey. A fly or mouse will make her throw away all aristocracy and behave like an ordinary Murka. At the same time, the graceful animal will try not to demolish half the house.

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If there is no live prey, the cat will happily engage in its own toys or outdoor games. Therefore, it is better for her to purchase a multi-story house filled with labyrinths and stands.

If there is no such house, the cat will easily use cabinets and shelves to practice jumping.

The Russian Blue gets along well with children, can play with them endlessly and will never scratch the baby.

The cat is also quite friendly towards other family members, especially if they play with it. She does not choose one owner, treating all owners equally.

Not an intrusive and completely independent nature, the blue beauty will happily play with people, and if they are not inclined to move, then she will simply sit next to them, enjoying their presence and giving a gentle purr.

These cats do not particularly like strangers and prefer to sit somewhere until the guest leaves. But the Russian Blue will study all new subjects from all sides.

How to care?

Caring for gray-white cats is not much different from caring for animals whose fur has other shades. However, there are still some characteristic features.

So, in the process of keeping an animal, as well as caring for it, one should take into account all the features of the breed that are characteristic of this animal

Particular attention should be paid to the behavioral patterns of cats.

In addition, as a general rule, when eating, you should avoid including animal products rich in iodine in your diet. The thing is that a high content of this component in the animal’s body can affect its appearance in such a way that the gray-white wool will have a brownish tint. If you want to preserve the original purity of the color, then this rule should in no case be neglected.

The diet must be saturated with all microelements and substances that are necessary for the full growth and development of the animal. It doesn’t matter whether you prefer dry food or natural food.

Due to the light color of the coat, grooming measures for it deserve special attention. Gray-white cats need bathing and hygiene procedures more often than other cats. This is especially true for those animals that spend a lot of time outside (for example, if you live in a private house and let your cat out into the yard). Combing procedures are also necessary, the regularity of which depends on the length of the fur of a particular animal.

Of course, to keep a cat at home, it must be provided with all the necessary equipment: a tray that acts as a toilet, its own bed, bowls of food and water, and a scratching post. Try to create the most comfortable and convenient conditions for the cat, because in your apartment he should feel at home, and not as a guest.

Despite the fact that all of the above aspects of cat care and maintenance are very important, the basic and basic principle of keeping a pet is still constant monitoring of its health. In order to maintain the animal's health at the proper level, from the very first day of keeping him, make sure that he has received all vaccinations and other necessary medical procedures. Do not forget about regular systematic visits to the veterinarian to treat the animal for fleas, worms and other harmful organisms.

Thus, you and I were able to see that in nature there are a huge number of species and breeds of gray-white cats. Some are more valuable and cost more than others. Despite this, there is no doubt that regardless of breed or lack thereof, the gray and white color attracts many

It is important to remember that the physiological and psychological characteristics of a particular animal will depend more on its breed, and not on its color. Therefore, before buying a pet, carefully study the characteristic features of cats of the exact type you plan to have at home.

About the Siberian breed of gray cats, see the video below.

Representatives of this breed are not friends with dogs.

A completely independent animal, it tolerates separation from its owners well, so it is great for people who are rarely at home. But it hates closed doors, so it's best not to confine it to one room.

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The cat does not like changes in environment, so you should not change its place of residence. In an unfamiliar place, he will try to climb up and study the new environment from a safe height.

During breeding, the Russian Blue breed almost did not retain the instinct of self-preservation, so it is not recommended to take it outside.

This is a very quiet representative of the cat breed; she will never meow idlely.

All owners leave only the most positive reviews about the Russian Blue cat.


It is believed that Russian Blues can be tolerated by people with allergies better than other cat breeds. This is explained by the fact that they produce less Fel d 1 glycoprotein, the main source of allergies in cats.

Thick fur also traps skin particles, simply dandruff, which is the source of allergies. However, not only her, also saliva. So this does not mean that they are hypoallergenic and are recommended for people with cat allergies.

This means that the allergy is possible simply with less strength, or for a shorter period.

Interesting Facts

The cat is very smart and quick-witted, she perfectly understands and accepts the conditions of her owners. Considered one of the smartest representatives of the cat family. Breaking the rules of behavior is not in honor of this breed.

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The blue-coated beauty is considered a hypoallergenic breed.

Chartreuse (Carthusian cat)

Size: girls medium, boys large.

Broad shoulders and deep chest, muscular build.

The tail is of medium length, massive at the base and tapering to an oval end. The legs are relatively short. The pads are round and medium in size, but may appear graceful in relation to the size of the body.

Coat: medium length with undercoat.

Cats of these breeds are always blue. The only exception is British Shorthair cats, which can be not only blue, but also other colors.

Caring for a Russian Blue cat

The cat does not require special care; it is enough to comb the animal’s fur once a week. If the animal sheds, then it is better to do this exercise twice a week.

The Russian Blue cat is very clean, so her litter box should always be clean with fresh litter.

Photo of Russian Blue cat

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