Marble and fold: genetics of lilac, tortoiseshell colors in Scottish cats

Scots are a relatively new breed. These cats are notable not only for their cute faces and curled ears, but also for their variety of colors. The breed standard specifies more than 200 colors and their combinations, with some shades considered very rare. If, for example, a fold-eared cat in a tortoiseshell color will no longer surprise anyone, then the lilac range with marble stains is a completely unique achievement of breeders and breeders.

Maintenance and care

The shorthaired Scottish Straight needs brushing no more than once a week.
Highlands with long hair are brushed more often. Cats easily accept this procedure. It's more difficult with bathing. More kittens need to be accustomed to it, otherwise an adult cat will never sign up for such an adventure. It is not recommended to bathe these cats often; two or three times a year is enough, and only if your cat is extremely dirty. The cat endures the rest of the care procedures - such as examining the ears, trimming claws and brushing teeth - stoically. It is advisable to accustom kittens to unpleasant manipulations. An adult animal is distrustful of everything new.

However, these cats are almost problem-free pets; they do not require extraordinarily complex care procedures. You just need to carefully monitor feeding so that your cat does not get fat, and provide him with a place to play and relax.

Genetics of tortoiseshell coloration

A separate feature of the tortoiseshell color is that it is almost never transmitted to cats. Basically, only cats can boast of such a fur coat. This is due to the genotype, in which only the X chromosome can carry coat colors.

There are exceptions: in order for a cat to have tortoiseshell hair, there must be an unusual chromosomal abnormality in its DNA makeup. Such animals have three chromosomes - XXY. Usually these cats do not give birth, but there is an exception even here.

In 2014, an unusual tricolor and very fertile Maine Coon was born in Germany, which was named Mesomix. His chromosome set (HUKHU) is even more unusual, which is why scientists call him a chimera cat.


A Scottish Straight kitten is purchased at the age of 2.5-3 months. At this age, kittens from professional breeders are socialized: they are toilet trained, scratching posts, and have received the necessary vaccinations. To keep a cat in the house, the owner must purchase:

  • scratching post;
  • a bed with a removable cover or a house;
  • bowls for food and water;
  • litter tray;
  • high-quality filler;
  • nail clipper;
  • shampoo;
  • special toothpaste;
  • massage brushes with bristles and sparse metal teeth;
  • various toys: balls, fishing rods and other items for cat fun.


The undercoat of Scottish Straights is thick and dense. It is very difficult for a cat to get rid of old fur on its own. Scottish cats are very clean animals - by carefully licking themselves, they can swallow a large amount of hair. This leads to unpleasant consequences: clogging of the animal’s intestines.

Daily brushing will help the cat.

Bathing also helps remove unwanted lint. Scots should be washed 2 times a week with a mild shampoo. Cats are patient about bathing.

Some useful tips:

  • It is convenient to wash the wool with a rubber glove strictly in the direction of growth from top to bottom;
  • You should avoid drafts when bathing your pet;
  • Do not leave the cat to dry on its own;
  • You can blot the plush coat with a damp towel and then dry it with a hairdryer.

Eye care

  • The animal's eyes are washed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. The movement should be soft and gentle.
  • Do not press or rub your eyes. It is imperative to use different discs for each eye (especially if one of them is diseased).
  • If the discharge from the eyes is cloudy or purulent, this means that the animal has an infection. You should consult a veterinarian.

Behind the ears

  • The animal's ears are cleaned with cotton swabs. The inner surface of the ear is treated. You cannot go down into the ear canal during the procedure.
  • Light movements remove dust particles and possible natural secretions. Healthy ears should not have copious deposits of secretions, sores or unpleasant odors.
  • After the procedure, you should wipe your ears with a weak solution of potassium permanganate or hydrogen peroxide and lubricate them with baby cream to avoid the appearance of crusts.

For tooth and claw

Taking care of your teeth is extremely important to prevent tartar buildup and the possibility of oral infections. The teeth are wiped with a swab dipped in a chamomile solution and cleaned with toothpaste and a pet brush.

Once every two weeks it is necessary to trim the animal’s claws. This must be done carefully so as not to injure living areas. Then you should disinfect the claws with a solution of potassium permanganate. It is necessary to give the animal anti-worm medication in a timely manner and treat it with a flea and tick remedy.


Scots are low maintenance. Keeping them in order does not require much time or special skills.


Short-haired cats need to be brushed once a week. Long-haired dogs deserve a little more attention. Highland Folds tend to form tangles and swallow hair, so it is worth brushing them at least three times a week. Ideally - every day. To make the procedure easier, you can purchase a furminator.

Fold cats need to be bathed with special shampoos once every two months, long-haired cats - monthly. You should also purchase a paste to remove hair from the body.


As for nutrition, here, like with any other cats, there are three options:

Natural food. They use various types of lean meat (chicken, veal, rabbit) raw or boiled, fermented milk products, eggs and fish. Raw meat is taken only after preliminary freezing for a week, chopped and heated slightly warmer than room temperature.

Ready-made dry food and spiders

The main thing here is to pay attention to the composition. The lower the cost, the lower the percentage of meat content and the higher the percentage of cereals, starch and flour.

It is better to take premium food.

Combined nutrition. This option is two meals a day. In the morning, they give ready-made food, and in the evening, self-prepared food, or vice versa. But experienced breeders do not recommend sticking to this option due to the risk of developing problems with the digestive tract.

The cat is fed from a clean bowl. Free access to clean drinking water must also be ensured. It needs to be changed at least once a day.

Caring for ears, eyes and more

In addition to fur, other parts of the body also require care:

  • Eyes are examined daily. If necessary, wipe with a damp swab.
  • The ears are cleaned approximately once every two weeks using a swab dipped in water. Using cotton swabs risks damaging your ear.
  • Teeth. If the pet is on ready-made food, then the need to brush its teeth disappears by itself, since hard food cleans the surface of the teeth from stone and plaque. For natural nutrition, pastes and brushes should be used. This should be done at least every other day.
  • Nails are trimmed once every 2-3 weeks. We have previously written about how to properly trim a cat’s claws.
  • Animals need to be treated for worms and fleas twice a year.

Walking your pet

The Scottish Fold is suitable for keeping in any room, be it a private house or apartment. Whether or not to let an animal go outside for a walk is at the discretion of the owner.

If the decision is left to keeping the animal outside, then be sure to ventilate the room so that the animal gets fresh air. If the cat goes for a walk, then, in order to avoid loss, you can wear a collar with a capsule for the address and phone number or implant a chip.

Care and maintenance of Scottish straight-eared cats

Caring for straights is easy. Once a week you need to comb the coat with a special comb to remove dead hair. The Scottish Longhair cat requires more careful care of its coat, so it needs to be brushed more often.

Necessary hygiene procedures include: wiping eyes, cleaning ears, teeth, trimming nails with tweezers or scissors. Bathing the pet is carried out as needed using cat shampoos.

Regarding the question of what to feed a Scottish Straight cat, veterinarians are unanimous on this issue: Scottish Straight cats have some special features of the digestive system, so feeding should be approached responsibly.

If natural food is a priority, then the pet’s diet should be enriched with proteins, vitamins and macroelements. The menu to feed the kitten should contain lean meat, offal, marine fish, fermented milk products (except milk), cereals, and vegetables.

Products containing large amounts of sugar, fat, and salt are prohibited, as they contribute to weight gain, decreased mobility and activity. The main requirement for a natural diet is that the daily dose of food must contain the required amount of calcium.

Food from your table is strictly contraindicated for your pet. Sausages, sausages, and semi-finished products can be dangerous to the health of the animal.

If you decide to feed your Scottish kitten with ready-made industrial food, then you should give preference to super premium products.

Features of care

If you do manage to become the happy owner of a snow-white, blue-eyed miracle, you need to provide your pet with comfortable living conditions.

It is best to place a house for a kitten in a secluded place, protected from drafts, to which kittens are very sensitive. It is necessary to regularly examine the animal's eyes and nose, as watery eyes can be a sign of a cold. There is also a very high risk of developing bronchitis.

Scottish Folds quickly get accustomed to the tray, but for white animals its height must be chosen higher to avoid contamination of the paws and belly.

Snow-white wool will require more frequent bathing (for other colors, bathing is necessary once every 2 months), and detergents should be soft and neutral, without coloring ingredients and fragrances

After washing, wet wool should be carefully blotted with a towel and dried with a hairdryer to prevent dust from sticking.

A kitten needs a complete diet, rich in vitamins and microelements, which can contain natural food (lean meats, fish, boiled vegetables, cereals, dairy products) or premium food. If necessary, you can include various dietary supplements in your diet.

For information on the features of caring for cats of this breed, see the following video.

Scottish Straight cat breed: description, standard

It is impossible to describe in words how touching the representatives of this beautiful breed look: plush fur coat, chubby cheeks, round expressive eyes and a touching, naively childish look. And Highland Straight cats also have long fur, so they look not just cute, but chic and majestic.

Straights are not large in size: a cat weighs on average 5-6 kilograms, a female cat weighs from 3.5 to 5 kg. With visual density and heaviness, the animals are very mobile and active, easily standing on their hind legs, for example, to ask for another treat.

Scottish straight. Description of the breed standard:

  1. The body is proportional, dense, strong, massive.
  2. Limbs of medium length, short, strong.
  3. The coat is short, close to the body, plush, soft, with a dense undercoat.
  4. The tail is medium length, flexible.
  5. The paws are round and neat.
  6. The neck is short.
  7. The head is rounded.
  8. The forehead is convex.
  9. The cheeks are dense, round, convex.
  10. The nose is wide.
  11. The chin is strong.
  12. The eyes are large, widely spaced, round. The color matches the coat.
  13. The ears are straight, erect, set high, with the tips of the ears spread apart.

The most common colors include:

  • ginger;
  • chocolate;
  • white;
  • black;
  • grey;
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • cream (beige);
  • tortoiseshell;
  • bi-color;
  • chinchilla;
  • ticked;
  • color point;
  • tabby

As you can see, the number and variety of colors is great: for every taste.

Tortoiseshell color in various breeds

The genetic combination that gives the coat a tortoiseshell color can occur in any cat. Another thing is that it is not considered acceptable for every breed. Among the most popular domestic breeds, tortoiseshell colors may include the following:

  • British;
  • Scots;
  • Siberian cats;
  • Norwegian forest;
  • Turkish Angora;
  • Cornish Rex;
  • bobtails of all varieties;
  • sphinxes;
  • orientals;
  • Maine Coons;
  • Persians.

All “turtles” are good, regardless of breed

The most common bizarre tortoiseshell color is found in ordinary outbred murks - there are simply much more of them than purebred animals. The genetics of the formation of this color are common to all cats, regardless of their purebred or outbred. But in each specific case it still looks different.

British and Scots

Both the British and Scottish cat breeds have gained well-deserved popularity around the world; fashion and demand for them have not gone away for a long time, not only in Foggy Albion, but also far beyond its borders. The tortoiseshell color is recognized by breed standards, and kittens with such coats are born very often. But breeders, alas, are not always happy about this.

Tortoiseshell is not the most popular color among British cats

The fact is that British tortoiseshell cats are not liked by experts and are rarely successful at shows. Consequently, they receive few titles and are valued lower than their peers with fur coats of other colors. The Scots often repeat the same story.

But Scottish cats of bright calico color are very attractive to buyers - and even the number of titles does not matter much. They really are just adorable!

Calico color suits Scottish cats very well

Siberian and Norwegian cats

Tricolor Siberian cats are rarely bright in color - the red and black spots in the tortoiseshell variation of this breed are usually blurred and weakened in pigment. But the patterns of Siberian “turtles” more often than other breeds contain a tabby pattern. And this is an undoubted advantage!

This baby will grow up to be a real Siberian beauty

The origin of Norwegian Forest cats is similar to Siberian cats - both breeds have aboriginal roots. But the tricolor of many Norwegians looks much richer than that of Siberians, which looks especially impressive on their rich fur coat.

Norwegian Forest in the tricolor version looks impressive

Turkish Angora

There is a misconception that Angora cats are exclusively white and have different eyes. Yes, this color is considered preferable in the Angora’s homeland, Turkey, but the world breed standard approves of various colors of these cats, including tortoiseshell and calico. This is good because tri-colored Angora cats are beautiful!

Such a cat will bring not only good luck to the house, but also beauty and good mood.

Cornish Rex

The curly, “tortoiseshell” Cornish Rex will not leave anyone indifferent. The unique coat structure of this breed makes any color exclusive, but tortoiseshell still remains unrivaled. With the unique grace and aristocratic build of these cats, he looks very bohemian and impressive. The breed standard does not allow too many colors, but tricolor variations are strongly encouraged.

The tortoiseshell coloration of the Cornish Rex involves the presence of red spots on the main black background of the coat.


Cat breeds with short tails (the result of a genetically fixed mutation) are cultivated in various countries. Bobtail standards welcome tricolor colors, and tortoiseshell in particular. Bobtails are interesting not only for their unusual appearance - they are smart and sociable, excellent in training and generally have a lot of advantages.

The Japanese Bobtail looks like a cheerfully colored hare with short ears.


The tortoiseshell color on the bare skin of sphinxes looks unusual and even absolutely incredible. The demand for hairless breeds is constantly growing - fans of hairless cats are often attracted not even by the exotic appearance of their pets, but by their amazing affection and touching affection for humans, which not all breeds of domestic cats can boast of.

Isn't this Don Sphynx cat charming?


The tortoiseshell color is one of the most popular in the rich palette of the Oriental breed - the standard allows for about four dozen color variations for these original animals. Smart and beautiful oriental cats are extraordinary in everything, from appearance to character . Therefore, the bizarre tortoiseshell patterns simply fit perfectly into the image of the breed - there is no more unusual color in nature.

Oh, who has such big ears and such a bad mood?

Maine Coons

The mysterious giant of the cat family is the Maine Coon, one of the largest domestic cats. The origin of the Maine Coon, its unusual history of the breed, its unique nature and impressive appearance - all this attracts attention and attracts the love of many fans. The tortoiseshell color looks very advantageous on the fur coats of representatives of this breed, adding wild impressiveness and mystery to the huge shaggy cats.

Maine Coon looks majestic as always

Persians, extreme sports and exotics

The Persian breed, in terms of its numbers and prevalence, undoubtedly breaks world records among domestic cats. And the breed branches of extreme sports and exotics that arose on its basis only add to the diversity and further expand the circle of lovers of these incomparable animals.

Although the peak of fashion and demand for Persians has already passed, this breed still has many loyal fans. They claim that the tortoiseshell pattern of the long coat perfectly complements the complex oriental image of the Persian cat, emphasizing its royal beauty and bright character.

Mongrel cats

The tortoiseshell cat can be found everywhere: both in a rural farmstead and on the streets of a big city. Despite the fact that many people are happy to take tricolor kittens into their homes, many of them remain strays. Don't pass by this colorful bundle of fluffy happiness - perhaps with his appearance in your life it will change for the better.

Beauty does not require documents

It doesn’t matter whether the cat has documents - outbred “tricolors” can boast not only beauty, but also intelligence, good health and strong genetics. It is in litters of yard “turtles” that most cats are born that inherit their mother’s color.

If you're lucky, there may be several "turtle" kittens in one litter.

Features of character and behavior

Of course, much in a cat’s character depends not on its color, but on its breed, genetics, living conditions and other factors. But in the behavior of most tortoiseshell cats, many similarities can be observed, which allows us to say: color also matters!

Tri-colored cats are unusually flexible and friendly - you can always come to an amicable agreement with them. At the same time, they are proud, independent, know what they want, and will not do what they do not like. They are persistent, and sometimes even too stubborn, and always try to get their way. However, the “turtles” are not doing this out of harm; they have a heightened sense of justice, which they try to restore wherever they are present.

A regal appearance requires aristocratic manners

The only authority for such a cat is its beloved owner. Only to him can she allow a lot and forgive him. But it is better for a stranger not to show familiarity and disrespect for such a royal person - he will instantly receive a harsh rebuff. Veterinarians say that tortoiseshell cats behave worse during appointments than all the others: well, they don’t like that the doctor takes liberties...

Of the obvious shortcomings of tricolors, only one can be named - they are poorly accustomed to the tray. If your pet has chosen a certain corner of the house to relieve itself, no force can force her to change the place for the toilet - it will be easier and more effective to move the litter tray to where she likes it. This is indeed a problem that many turtle owners complain about. Well, don’t forget to change the filling more often - a dirty tray is not suitable for royalty!

Tortoiseshell cats are caring mothers

Those who are lucky enough to own a calico cat admire its excellent maternal qualities - it turns out that color can also influence this.

Description of appearance

According to the breed description, this is an elegant medium-sized cat. Due to some roundness of the body and the developed front part of the body, the cat looks quite massive, but most of the effect is achieved due to the dense coat. Scottish Straight is a breed of very dexterous, beautiful and harmonious cats:

  • body. Medium-sized body with a well-developed chest and shoulders. All proportions of the cat are respected, although the body is somewhat elongated in length. The muscular frame is well developed. Paws of medium length with rounded pads;
  • head. The cat's well-proportioned, rounded head is set on a short, muscular neck. The cheeks, bases of the whiskers and jawline are clearly visible. The nose is wide, proportional, in profile the transition from the forehead to the nose is clearly visible. The ears are small, erect, triangular in shape, wide at the base, harmoniously emphasizing the round shape of the head;
  • eyes. Wide-set, round, large eyes give the cat an expression of surprised interest in what is happening. Eye color is directly dependent on the color of the cat;
  • wool. The cat's dense coat does not adhere to the body and has a dense, plush structure; it is this structure of the coat that gives cats additional volume and roundness. The coat can be either semi-long or short;
  • colors. The Scottish Straight is almost the champion in the number of popular colors; this is an accompanying characteristic of the breed. The colors of cats are as varied as that of their close relative, the Scottish Fold. The most common colors of cats include: chinchilla, lilac, blue, marbled, chocolate, cream, red and black. Such rare colors of cats as black smoke, calico (tortoiseshell) and color point look very impressive.

Fifty shades of round is an apt description for the appearance of an adult cat. It would seem an incompatible variation, but it is so. The general picture when looking at a cat is as if they tried to depict it with a compass, but something didn’t work out, and instead of clear circles we have smooth curves.

About the breed

Based on the name, this breed first appeared in Scotland. However, some researchers claim that similar cats lived in eastern countries several hundred years ago. Fluffy cats look very much like British Shorthairs.

The characteristics of the breed include the following.

  1. Strong muscular body of correct proportions.
  2. Small head with a round muzzle. Outwardly, the Scot resembles a teddy bear.
  3. Short well developed neck.
  4. Massive limbs with soft paw pads.
  5. Expressive eyes. In most cases, this breed has orange eyes, but there are blue-eyed and green-eyed individuals.
  6. The Scottish coat is soft (plush) and shiny. The fur fits tightly to the body. There are short-haired and long-haired varieties of the breed.
  7. Adult cats weigh no more than 6 kg. Small kittens are especially adorable and resemble a soft toy.

The main feature of the breed is the shape of the ears. The fact is that Scottish cats are divided into several types: Scottish Fold and Straight (short-haired) and Highland Fold and Straight (long-haired). Straight cats have straight ears, while animals called fold have fold ears.


Pronounced spots appearing against a contrasting background form a tabby or tabby color. Typically, spots or stripes are visible on the face, ears, around the neck, paws and tail. On the frontal part of the animals, the silhouette of the letter M is clearly visible.

Felinologists distinguish several types of tabbbing:

  • shaded or marble;
  • spotted or spotted;
  • mackerel or tiger.

Marble on silver

The merle color is characterized by the presence of butterfly-shaped spots on the cat's shoulders. The back is divided by three large stripes, and there are many small spots on the fluffy belly. Kittens with gold or silver marble are especially prized.

Spotted Scottish cats have one stripe running along the spine. The sides are covered with round and oval spots. Tiger folds are distinguished by stripes throughout the body.


Ticked Scots look the most impressive. The term ticking refers to the alternation of three-color colors on each fiber. The presence of layer-by-layer coloring in the fur gives the animal a unique appearance. Typically, when ticking there is a transition from yellow to black or brown tones.

Features of marble color, types

The fur of a Scottish marbled cat looks very impressive. There are several general features of the drawing:

  • the presence of dark lines on a light background;
  • bright arrows coming from the outer and inner corners of the eye;
  • the letter "M" on the forehead;
  • hairs at the base are light, darkening towards the tips;
  • striped tail (wide rings);
  • bright stripes on the neck and chest, framing them like a necklace;
  • spots, circles on the sides, located symmetrically relative to the line of the spine.

Each individual type has its own color scheme. Black marble (another name is brown) has a warm beige background, and a dark brown pattern, almost black in places. The undercoat is light beige. The animal's eyes are a rich amber color, and its paw pads are black.

Marble on silver differs from the one described above in the color of the undercoat. On a light, silver background, dark spots look like a bright contrast. The color of a cat's eyes varies from amber to honey. There are individuals with green irises. Paw pads are black.

Blue marble has a bluish-grayish primary coat color. The peculiarity of the type is that the pattern is not as pronounced as that of the black or silver type. It's slightly blurry. The iris is amber. The color of the paw pads is grey.

If an animal has the pheomelanin gene, then the predominant coat color is red. These individuals include red marble. Red marbled kittens have a rich yellowish base color of fur, on which there is an orange pattern. The pigment is also present in the iris; it is yellowish-brown. The pads on the paws are soft pink.

The tortoiseshell species is especially interesting. It can only be seen in females. The organism of individuals combines two pigments: black and red. As a result, the animal looks like black marble, in which there are chaotically scattered red spots. Such “sunny” inclusions do not always make the pet attractive. You can see a spot on one of the toes. Tortoiseshell cats, respectively, give birth to black or red Scottish marbled offspring, so this species is a favorite of “cat lovers.”

Marble on gold is considered a rare color. The sheen of noble metal is provided by the undercoat. The drawing amazingly combines black and apricot colors. The iris of the eyes is green, the skin of the paw pads is black.

The chocolate shade contains different shades of brown. This is a very beautiful pet with amber eyes and brown paw pads. Breeders approach with particular scrupulousness the selection of a pair of marbled tabby cats, so that as a result amazing offspring are born.

Solid (solid)

Monochrome is considered a classic color scheme. The coat has a uniform toning of the same shade. Since British cats took part in the development of the Scottish Fold breed, the fur coat often acquired a blue or gray color. Moreover, the animals had amber pupils of their eyes.

Blue solid

Various combinations of dominant and recessive genes have led to the emergence of other solid color options:

  • ebony (black);
  • cinnamon (milk chocolate);
  • brown (chocolate);
  • faun (deer);
  • red (red);
  • peach (cream);
  • lilac (pale gray);
  • white.

In the photo there is a black Scottish fold cat (ebony)

Eye color often directly depends on the color of the coat. White folds have predominantly blue or multi-colored pupils. Lilac and black Scots typically have bright yellow or copper-colored eyes. The amber look is characteristic of chocolate-colored Scottish dogs.

Standard color point color

With the correct color point color, the color of British cats should be high-contrast and bright. There is a clear boundary between the light-colored body, darkened paws, muzzle, and ears. Residual patterns and spots on the body are considered defective.

The British colorpoint are the owners of very beautiful eyes - blue or blue, and the saturation of the shade is most valued. A genetic feature of color points is the low production of melanin, which determines the only eye color. This is the uniqueness of this color relative to others.

Color Point Britons have another alternative name - Siamese Britons. They have dense hair and a white undercoat.

What to name a Scottish kitten

Many new owners of plush kittens prefer to follow the beaten path and give their pets well-known nicknames: Barsik, Murzik, Vaska. But for open-minded cat lovers, choosing a name for a boy or girl is a great way to show creativity and imagination.

What nickname can you come up with for your pet so that it is associated with Scotland? This is not difficult, because the history and culture of this country are known throughout the world. Kilt, bagpipes, whiskey, tartan - this is not a complete list of words that make us think of distant Scotland.

You can rack your brain and come up with a name based on the suggested words. But most often male kittens are named Scott (Scotty), Shot (Shotti), Valli, Rob, Roy, Baxter, Archie and even Holmes or Watson. The girls are called Foxy, Orange, Athena, Shakira, Martha, Chessie, Shaddy.

Is it only cats?

There is a persistent myth that only cats can be carriers of tortoiseshell coloring - due to the fact that their sex chromosomes look like XX and make it possible for both black and red colors to appear simultaneously. It is not true. It is also not entirely true that, according to statistics, for every three thousand tortoiseshell cats, only one cat of this color is born - and that one is somehow sick, defective and practically sexless.

Tortoiseshell cat or tortoiseshell cat?

The quirks of nature are much more diverse and sophisticated than our understanding. Genetic solitaire games sometimes produce unpredictable results that are difficult to explain from a scientific point of view. For example, felinologists claim that the birth rate of tricolor cats directly depends on the region of their residence - scientists have not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon. But statistics on this matter, alas, are inaccurate—systematic studies have not yet been conducted.

Tortoiseshell cats

Contrary to popular belief, tortoiseshell - calico - cats do exist. But in order for the “female” color to appear, the cat must have a certain gene anomaly: the formula of their sex chromosome set is XXY. Such males are usually sterile, although there are exceptions.

One of the most famous calico cats was born in Germany in 2014, his name is Mesomix, he is a Maine Coon, and he is very fertile. The breeding nursery is rightfully proud of this phenomenon, from where Mesomix regularly travels for matings and examinations around the world. Scientists have found out that he is a chimera cat with an XY/XY chromosome set.

Tricolor Maine Coon Mesomix - the famous chimera cat

Quite a lot of tricolor chimera cats are known. They can be anatomically and behaviorally similar to cats, practically do not mark their territory, do not react to females in heat and, accordingly, do not give birth to offspring. Calico-colored cats are more common than “tortoises”; they are usually cryptorchids - but that’s a completely different story.

Friends of the Smith family from Great Britain vying with each other to say that happiness has come to their friends’ house since a calico cat named Jake settled there. Richard Smith promised his son a kitten as a gift, and together they went to choose a purchase. My son liked the bright calico-colored baby, and for some time the whole family was sure that they had bought a cat. Only a couple of months later, during an examination by a veterinarian, it turned out that they had made a unique acquisition - a tricolor cat. He was given a new name - Jake; The cat is absolutely healthy and cheerful. And since then, good luck has come to the Smith house.

Calico cat Jake brought good luck to his owners

Since the nineteenth century, felinologists from different countries have described many tricolor cats. Unfortunately, most of them were not only sterile, but also did not live long, since along with the genetic mutation they received various serious diseases.

What is the difference between straight and british

As a result of this crossing, 2 new cat breeds appeared: Scottish Fold - fold; and Scottish Straight - straight-eared.

Only the Straights have long been classified as British due to their external similarity and genetic relatedness. Until in 2004 the differences between the breeds were recognized and the Scottish Straight breed was officially registered.

Differences between breeds in the following indicators:

  • Scots are lighter and slimmer;
  • The British have a more “knocked down” skeleton;
  • the childish expression of the face remains in the animal’s adulthood, unlike the British. This is due to the different structure of the skull and the position of the nose;
  • The muzzle is more rounded in Scottish cats.

Rare colors of Scottish cats

You can find a pet of almost any color, but Scotch tortoiseshells are of particular value to breeders. Such individuals have a combination of genes for two primary colors - red and black. For lovers of the breed, gold and silver colors are now in fashion. They are also called precious. Those who are looking at this breed and are going to buy a Scots kitten will be able to choose the color they want - the variations are very rich and varied.

Tortoiseshell Scottish cats.

Scottish fold color

The genes of the British Shorthair breed gave the Scots the most incredible colors and bizarre shapes

Solid colors are quite rare (if you do not take into account solid colors). Most often, you end up with two or three stacked on top of each other.

We propose to consider the most popular colors of modern tartans.

Tortie suggests the presence of two colors at once: black and red in a variety of ratios.

Smoky is characteristic of wool, where each hair is colored unevenly: the tips are black or dark, and the undercoat is painted in lighter shades. A striking example is the coloring of the chinchilla.

Tabby is perhaps the most popular coloring, second only to solid. Characterized by dark stripes and markings all over the cat's body. A distinctive feature is also a clearly visible mark above the eyebrows in the shape of the letter “M”.

Color-point is a beautiful and very unusual coloring, typical for Neva Masquerade and Siamese cats. In this case, the entire body is painted in a light (white or milky, beige) color, and the tips of the paws, ears and the mask on the face are dark.

Calico is an extremely rare coloration, popularly called the “patchwork turtle.” It is unique to cats and combines bicolor and tortoiseshell. The lower part of the body is painted white, and the upper part is painted in two colors in equal proportions. Such a cat is the dream of any breeder, since her genes can produce kittens with an incredible and varied coat color.

Scottish Fold color codes

The concept of color is represented by the color of the cat's fur, the pattern of stripes or its complete absence, the presence or absence of white spots on the fur . Also degrees of coloration. The basic colors are red and black.

This is interesting! Currently, for the purpose of unification, an absolutely clear coding system has been developed, which is used by FIFе and WСF specialists.

This system is very convenient, and includes not only alphabetic, but also digital designations:

  • a - bluе or light blue color;
  • b - chocolate, brown and chestnut or chocolate, brown coloring, as well as Havana and champagne;
  • c - lilac, lavender or lilac and lavender, as well as platinum color;
  • d - red, flame or red color;
  • e - cream or cream color;
  • f - tortoiseshell and patch or tortoiseshell color;
  • g - blue-cream and blue-tortie or bluish-cream, bluish-tortoiseshell color;
  • h - chocolate-tortie or chocolate tortoiseshell color;
  • j - lilac-toortie or lilac-tortoiseshell color;
  • n - black, ebony, seal, sable and ruddy or black, ebony and seal colors, as well as sable and wild colors;
  • o - sorrel, cinnamon and honey or sorrel and cinnamon, as well as honey color;
  • p - beige fawn or yellow-brown and beige color;
  • q - sorrel tortie or red-brown, tortoiseshell color;
  • r - beige fawn tortie or beige tortoiseshell color;
  • s - silver and smoke or silver and smoky color;
  • w - white or white color;
  • x - unregistered or color of an unregistered type;
  • y - golden or golden color.

Registered digital designation of the coat color of the Scottish Fold breed:

  • 01 - van or “van”;
  • 02 - harlequin or “harlequin”;
  • 03 - bicolour or “two-color”, “bicolor”;
  • 04 - mitted/white point or color point with white markings;
  • 09 - little white spots or with white spots measuring 1-2 cm;
  • 11 - shaded or with the upper part of the coat darkened by a quarter;
  • 12 - tippred, shell or with darkening of the upper part of the coat 1/8 from the tip;
  • 21 - tabby, agouti or with stripes, “agouti factor”;
  • 22 - blotched, marble or “marble”;
  • 23 - mackerel, tiger or “mackerel” and “tiger”;
  • 24 - spotted or “spotted”
  • 25 – ticked or ticked “Abyssinian”.

Thanks to convenient classification and coding, it is possible to select an animal with the most incredible coat color.

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Features of character and behavior

By taking a Scottish Straight into your home, you will forever forget that a cat can tear up wallpaper, ruin furniture, or rip a curtain off a curtain rod. Scottish Straight plays pranks, but on a very limited scale; after such a game, one would not dare to say that a hurricane swept through the house. Everything is orderly, peaceful, noble. The innate intelligence and delicacy of a cat does not allow it to play mischief, so it is difficult to see the cat on the table in search of tidbits. He will just wait for you to treat him yourself.

This is not to say that adult cats or kittens are hyperactive animals. They don't exercise much, so they may suffer from overeating. If you see that your cat has become even more rounded, it’s time to go on a diet or start actively walking. Innate curiosity makes this cat an attentive observer and even a hunter. Cats living in a private home can hunt successfully, bringing their prey to the owner for display.

This cat's patience is truly limitless and extends to all households, including noisy small dogs. Scottish Straight never makes a scandal, he just goes away and hides in a hard-to-reach place. And it’s unlikely that you’ll get him out of there until he wants to get out. These cats rarely speak, preferring other methods of attracting attention.

Scottish Straight loves all family members equally, not depriving anyone of attention. He has favorites, but the cat will not demonstrate this

She also does not need too close contact with her owner; the cat prefers to sleep next to her, and not on her lap or hands. The Scottish Straight is a very caring cat, and often makes the rounds of all family members in turn. From the outside, it looks like a visit from a caring family doctor: the Scottish straight-eared cat will definitely sniff you, touch you, let you pet him, and, making sure that everything is okay with you, will move on.

Kittens can be a little willful in nature, but they train well, easily accept the rules of the game and are able to get used to the tray and unpleasant grooming or bathing procedures in a short time.

Mutual respect, love and understanding will reign in your home with a Scottish Straight cat. You will listen with surprise and an incredulous smile to the reviews of colleagues and acquaintances about mischievous or harmful pets, remembering your ideal cat.

Character of exotic cats

The characteristics of cats belonging to this breed, as well as their character, can be perfectly represented by numerous reviews from the owners of these animals.

In the character of these cats there is absolutely nothing from their distant ancestor - the American Shorthair, but there is a lot from the Persian. Their voice is soft and calm, as they are, and can only be heard in certain situations (for example, when the pet wants something).

Exotic cats have an unusually cute expression on their faces, which is why children simply adore them. Exotic is a calm and patient pet with a peaceful character. These cats are incredibly smart, cheerful, energetic and completely devoid of aggression. It is easy for them to find contact with small children and other pets living in the house.

Exotics are loyal to their owner, so they do not tolerate loneliness and really appreciate increased attention to their person. A pet of an exotic breed is always ready to travel with its owner, since it is really very difficult for him to endure loneliness

Therefore, if you decide to get an exotic cat, remember that you need to respect his affection and reciprocate love with love, under no circumstances leaving him in the care of strangers (for example, if you are moving)

A pet of an exotic breed is always ready to travel with its owner, since it is really very difficult for him to endure loneliness. Therefore, if you decide to get an exotic cat, remember that you need to respect his affection and return love with love, under no circumstances leaving him in the care of strangers (for example, if you move).


A kitten or adult Scottish Straight cat with such a spectacular color looks amazing. Breeders do not skimp on laudatory epithets for cats with similar coat colors, comparing them to silver or black pearls. Indeed, wool of such a rare and complex color looks like an exquisite jewel.

Visually, the coat looks like a single color, but if you look closely, you can see a thin “spraying” on the coat. This effect is achieved by painting the ends of the hairs to 1/8 of the length. There are at least ten variations of chinchilla color: lilac, chocolate, as well as cream and red (cameo). The eyes should be green. By nature, chinchillas are calm and friendly.

Smoky (smoky, smoky)

The main condition for this color is that the hairs at the base of the body must have a silver-white tint. Those. the silvery-white hair turns into another color, such as black or blue. This phenomenon is called typing and occurs as a result of a dominant silver gene. The smoke can be different, for example, chocolate.

There are often cats with additional patterns on their fur, but according to color rules this should not be the case.

Don't confuse this color with a solid color! If you're not sure, part your cat's fur and see what color is at the base of his fur.

Buying a purebred Scottish Straight kitten

A kitten at the age of 3-4 months is already psychologically stable, can eat adult food and use a litter tray, and most importantly, it has already been vaccinated and is ready to tear itself away from its mother. Therefore, it is worth purchasing a small Scottish dog at this age.

A good place to buy is at a show or a reputable nursery. If you like a little mustache, then take a closer look at his behavior - he should be cheerful, playful and well-groomed.

As soon as the baby grows up, his character and excessive hyperactivity will be replaced by balance.

Once in a new home, the little furry will quickly adapt, and most importantly, give its residents joyful emotions and a devoted friend in his person.

Superstitions and signs associated with tortoiseshell cats

Not every calico cat is a tortoiseshell, but every tortoiseshell is always a calico cat. It is the combination of three colors in color that gives such a cat the mystical properties of a living amulet. After all, each of the colors has its own meaning:

  • white color symbolizes purity;
  • black color neutralizes negativity;
  • The red color attracts wealth and good luck.

The unusual and unique color of the tricolor at different times impressed different peoples so much that the “tricolors” managed to acquire a fair amount of myths and legends, signs and superstitions. Which of them can be completely ignored, and which are still worth paying attention to - judge for yourself.

It is no coincidence that many signs, superstitions, and even mystics are associated with tricolor cats.

For example, many wedding signs are associated with these cats. If such a “turtle” accidentally wandered into your yard, there will be a wedding soon, even if it has not yet been planned. Under no circumstances should you chase away a calico cat that has come to you - in this way you drive away good luck.

In England

Rational Englishmen are superstitious, but practical - they understand: everything in this life costs money. Therefore, they will never accept a tricolor cat as a gift just like that - they will definitely give at least some small change to the donor for it. And if the tortoiseshell kitten itself came to the house, then you are supposed to pay for happiness in the following way: leave three silver coins, no matter what denomination, at the crossroads.

The British know: you have to pay for happiness

British and Scottish cats are the national pride of England. The British are happy to have them in their homes - and the tricolor color is very popular. English sailors tried to take calico cats with them on long journeys: for protection not only from rodents, but also from storms, and even from... attacks by pirates.

In Russia

Probably everyone in Russia knows: a tricolor cat brings happiness to the house . Such cats have long been called rich and welcomed in every possible way. In Rus', cats have always been considered the helpers of the brownie - but help from them in good deeds should only be expected in cases where the color of the owner’s hair and the cat’s fur matched. In this sense, the tortoiseshell color was a win-win, since it contained a spot for any human “suit.”

The main assistant of the brownie would be the legendary cat Bayun: he took care of small children, scared away all sorts of evil spirits from the house and did a lot of other things useful for people. However, judging by the descriptions of this magical beast, he was still a cat, and not a cat - too many colors were combined in his fur.

Meet Bayun the cat, the brownie's deputy

Among the most common Russian signs associated with the tricolor cat are the following:

  • the cat washes itself - expect guests;
  • the cat is stretching in your direction - you will receive a gift or new thing;
  • the cat sleeps curled up in a ball or licks itself against the grain - there will be bad weather.


Americans call “turtles” money cats - according to many owners, it was after the appearance of the three-colored cat that unexpected wealth appeared out of nowhere and success in business came. Therefore, in the USA, as well as in many other countries, it is customary to be the first to introduce a fluffy tricolor into a new home - it will definitely bring prosperity with it.

Of the American-bred breeds, bobtails are most often tricolored. This is still a very rare breed and is highly valued in its historical homeland. American Bobtails are real heroes: they have an athletic build and look like real defenders. And such a three-haired warrior cat will definitely be able to protect his owners from all troubles.

In Japan

The Japanese place figurines of tricolor cats at the entrance to their homes. Then happiness, wealth and harmony will come to the house, hand in hand. These can be any images, but maneki-neko figurines, a purely Japanese know-how, have gained the greatest popularity all over the world. Maneki-neko most often depicts a white cat with black and red spots - waving its front paw invitingly, the talisman lures good luck in all its manifestations into the house.

The maneki-neko mascot has become popular all over the world.

Live tricolor cats of “our own production” are also very popular in the Land of the Rising Sun, primarily Japanese bobtails. These bob-tailed cuties become favorite amulets in many homes.

The Japanese Bobtail is everyone's favorite in the Land of the Rising Sun

In Arab countries

Muslims revere cats much more than dogs, and they consider tricolor cats to be very important amulets. After all, if you believe the ancient Arabic legends, it is these cats that reliably protect the house from fire and other misfortunes.

Origin story

I would like to immediately clarify the issue of the origin of Scottish Straights. This is the name of the second line of the Scottish cat breed. A Scottish Fold cat's litter may include straight-eared Scottish Straights and fold-eared Scottish Folds. The line was fixed because crossing Scottish Folds with other felines did not give the desired result - stunted, sick offspring were born, with genetic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Only straights helped to successfully fix the lop ear gene and improve the genetic material.

Due to this dependence of the lines on each other, some time ago the Scottish Strat was recognized as a breed. Moreover, they are really quite different from Scottish Folds in character and temperament.

Difficulties in selecting a pair for the reproduction of lop ears make both breeds inextricably linked. We can say that the Scottish Straight is the other side of the coin of the Scottish Fold cat, in no way inferior to them in beauty and intelligence.

Color standards and disqualification

Professional systems of felinologists where the Scottish Fold cat breed is recognized: WCF, CFA, TICA, ACF, ACFA. They all have their own characteristics, but in general there is a set of color standards for the Scottish breed. If an animal does not comply with them, it is disqualified from all breed shows and competitions and cannot be allowed to breed. Of course, a cat disqualified for color can have offspring if the owner does not want to sterilize it. But her kittens will never have a pedigree that is recognized among breeders.

Table of Scottish cat colors and disqualifications.

The variety of colors of Scots is huge. To obtain such a palette, the breeder needed decades of crossings with other breeds similar in genotype. Today, crossing with other breeds is practically not used (unless we are talking about Scottish Folds), since the Scots have already received a stable set of genes necessary to continue their pedigree.

Exterior Features

The body of the animal is medium to large in size, very muscular and squat. The cat has a wide, rather massive chest, shoulders and back; their neck is short and voluminous.

Scottish Folds are characterized by thick, round paws, a medium, thick and very mobile tail with a slightly rounded tip.

The ears are small, slightly curved forward and down, their tips are slightly rounded. They are set wide and pressed tightly to the head, which emphasizes its round shape.

The fur is short, very thick and not adjacent to the body. There is also a quite thick undercoat, which makes the coat as a whole very dense, “plush”.

All colors are accepted for these cats, including color point without white.

The eyes are large, round, widely set. The color matches the coat.

Adults are about 30 centimeters tall at the withers and weigh from 4 to 10 kilograms.

What are the varieties?

Features of solid breeds

Scottish cats have one color. In veterinary medicine, such pets are called solid or solid. Purebred fold kittens are lilac, gray, beige, red, cream or silver. It is also common to see a black cat or male cat, but there should be no impurities, stripes or other patterns on the coat of the Scots.

Black color

This color of the Scottish Fold resembles black marble on gold; the color of such cats is always rich and bright. A pet may have several light hairs, but if there are large patches of beige or brown color, then such a fold-eared cat is not purebred. True purebred animals of this breed are distinguished by black ears and dark undercoat. At the same time, the first ones are tucked towards the head, like all Scots. The exception is straight-eared cats.


This type of pet is found with blue eyes, orange and other colors. It is not uncommon to find pets with amber and even copper visual organs. Unlike lilac, gray, chocolate and merle colors, light colored Scottish cats have straight ears. White kittens remain this way until the end of their lives, without changing their color.

Chocolate tones

This color of the Scots looks impressive, but is rare. The following characteristics of pets with a brown tint are distinguished:

  • The kittens' coat should be plain and chocolate-colored.
  • The Scottish Fold cat with dark brown fur is considered nobler.
  • A similar shade is obtained only if the pet’s pedigree includes chocolate, bicolor with a brownish tint, or color point.

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Name of kittens with blue color

This breed of Scottish cat can also be called Blue Point. The coat of different pets differs in blue tint. Some are almost gray in color, while others have hairs that are close to blue. To make a Scot like this look good requires every hair to be rich. The kitten comes with white spots or has a silver pattern, which soon disappears. Like Black Scots, Blue Scottish cats often have marbled eye color at 3 months of age.

What makes cinnamon stand out?

Fold-eared pets, which resemble milk chocolate in color, have a similar name. Unlike chocolate Scottish cats, these cats are softer and lighter in color. This breed of cat is notable for its beige or pinkish-brown nose. The ears are almost never pressed to the head, but stick out upward. You may notice striped patterns with a darkish tint.

Lilac or lavender color

A similar color of cats is often observed, and it is obtained if the pet has a lilac color point in the pedigree. This pet color is also known as coffee with milk. Most Scots have dark noses, and the lilac color goes well with this eye shade:

Cream cats

A distinctive feature of this color is the peach-brown shade, thanks to which the breed looks even more elegant. At first glance, the cream type of Scottish Fold cat is similar to the ginger or red Scottish Fold, but if you look closely, the difference is noticeable. The cream breed has light hairs.

A peculiarity of this shade of Scotsman is the presence of a fuzzy pattern on the paws and in the tail area. But it is important that your pet does not have leopard spots.

Red shades

This color is rare. The Scotsman is also known as the red one. The red fold-eared cat is distinguished by defects in the tail area, where the fur is unevenly colored. Pets with such hairs on their foreheads and paws have patterns that indicate their mixed blood. Scottish red cats give birth to kittens with ears straight or pressed to the head.

Scots fawn

This breed is also called faun, but it is found in rare cases. Sometimes the color is mistaken for a lilac Scottish cat, but its difference is the lilac shade. The paws and nose are distinguished by a beige-pinkish color. The Fawn Scots often have amber or marbled eyes, and straight ears, and occasionally you come across straight-eared pets.

Gray or silver

Unlike a black pet or any other solid-colored Scottish cat, this breed has a white undercoat, and the hairs at the tips are colored gray or silver. A special feature of these cats is their green eyes with black edging. The last characteristic is inherent only in silver shaded Scots, and is absent in other colors. The nose is brick-colored, and the mouth and pads are dark-lined.

Proper care for your pet

Regular care, quality nutrition, attention and love will ensure your pet has a normal weight and a long life.

  • Water procedures. Scottish Straight cats do not like water very much, so they need to be bathed when they get dirty and before the exhibition. It is worth using baby or special cat shampoo and making sure that water does not get into the ears. Afterwards, dry the cat and place it near the heater, avoiding drafts. The fur should be combed once a week.
  • Ear care. Inspect them regularly and clean them from dirt using a cotton swab soaked in vegetable oil.
  • Eye care. If your Scottish cat has discharge from the eyes that shouldn't happen, contact your veterinarian for advice.
  • Claw care. The transparent part of the claws should be trimmed with tongs or scissors. At the same time, the cat must have a scratching post.
  • Help during heat. After 7 months, a Scottish cat may go into heat and become irritable. During this period, it is necessary to add sedative herbal remedies to the cat's food to alleviate the condition of the expectant mother.

In turn, you need to submit your pet for preventive examinations in order to identify any diseases in the early stages, as well as get vaccinations on time that will protect the mustachioed from the possibility of contracting an infection. It is also always a good idea to consult with a cat care professional to find out your cat's exact weight.

Description of the breed

Among the representatives of the breed, gray fold-eared cats occupy a special place. They look a bit like the British Shorthair breed, so there is often some confusion. The Scottish cat is a medium-sized animal that weighs up to 6–8 kg. There are also other distinctive features.

The physique of such cats is quite stocky, and the chest is large. The animal's back is wide, its hips are massive, and its neck is very short and thick. The paws are also quite wide and thick, and are also extremely well developed. The flexible tail can be either short or long. The head of such beauties looks a little like a ball. The eyes of fold-eared cats are widely spaced and have a round shape, which gives the animal a slightly surprised look. Their nose is small, and their chin is quite powerful. The fur of these animals is short and soft, a bit like plush. However, among them you can also find cats whose coats are long and fluffy. Since their ears are very small, they are practically invisible behind their long fur.

That's why these rare Scots look more like a ball of fur. The small ears of Scottish gray cats are very attractive. After all, they are practically broken in half and cover the entire auricle. The uniqueness of such cute animals also lies in the fact that their colors can be very diverse.

There are solid and spotted specimens.


An adult cat is fed 2-3 times a day. The Scottish Straight diet consists mainly of protein foods:

  • lean boiled meat (beef, chicken, turkey);
  • boiled sea fish without bones (given twice a week);
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, cottage cheese, unsweetened yoghurt and even cheese, but you should not give it often or a lot, the cat may develop intestinal upset);
  • various porridges with meat broths;
  • vitamin supplements.

When choosing vitamins for a cat, you should seek advice from experienced breeders or a veterinarian; Scottish Straight cats are prescribed calcium with caution. According to reviews from breeders, it is better for kittens to choose a balanced specialized food for feeding, which already contains the additives necessary for an active and fulfilling life

According to reviews from breeders, it is better for kittens to choose a balanced specialized food for feeding, which already contains the additives necessary for an active and fulfilling life.

The straight-eared side of the Scottish medal is an unexpected surprise for cat fans. A smart, intelligent and well-mannered cat is an undoubted blessing for constantly busy owners.

White based colors

These colors of Scottish breeds are:

Bicolor. Two-color ones, in turn, are presented with the addition of the following colors to white: blue, black, cream, red. The muzzle, abdomen, limbs and thighs remain entirely light. The eyes are the color of gold or sky. Such tartans can have eyes of different colors.

Wang. Almost all the fur is white, only the tail and a couple of markings on the head are colored.

Harlequin. The edge is mostly white, only a fifth of the surface is colored.

Ticking. All fur with distinct ticking. The eyes are all shades of gold; those with a silver color are greenish.

Solid colors of Scottish breeds

This group of colors is characterized by monotony, patterns, markings and ticking are absent.

Types of solids:

Snow-white. The fur is iridescent, absolutely white. The eyes are the color of amber or heavenly. The standard also allows for different eye colors in an animal. The nose and pads are pinkish.

Although Scottish cats have flattened ears, they use them in the usual way, that is, to communicate: the ears rotate in response to sound; pulls them away if they are angry; he will pick them up when he has something to eat. In the case of flattened ears, there is no doubt about the deformation, which, according to the veterinarian, can easily lead to inflammation of the ears, which can damage the hearing, which is one of the most important sensory organs for cats.

Smoky color

Occurs when the silver gene is dominant in an animal. The coloring looks very interesting: the base of the hairs will always be white-silver, and the tips black, red or blue. It is important to remember that such individuals are not allowed at exhibitions, although breeders are happy to use them in breeding work and consider them undervalued.

Personality of the Scottish Straight cat

The Scots are similar in character to the British. These are calm, balanced cats that are difficult to anger. However, among them there are also restless ones who are ready to chase a fly all day. But in most cases, Scottish cats prefer to snore peacefully in a secluded corner rather than rush around the apartment.

The Scottish Straight is a proud and serious cat that does not tolerate total control from its owner. Don't expect that you will allow yourself to be squeezed or held on your lap. The cat will come to you for a portion of veal tenderness whenever he wishes. It is worth noting that the Scots are by no means hermits, they simply require a little more personal space compared to representatives of other breeds and do not like it when people interfere in their cat’s affairs.

The peak activity of Scottish cats is observed in the first year of their life. Kittens are restless and playful to a fault, and adult male cats are known for their exemplary behavior and restraint.

Straits easily tolerate loneliness, but only for a short time. They will most likely even be glad that the owners left the house for a few hours and left them alone. However, prolonged separation from humans negatively affects the character of these cats. They become capricious and grumpy, and may even take revenge for the long absence of their owners. Some owners tell how their purrs suddenly begin to shit past the tray or rummage in flower pots, although they previously demonstrated exemplary behavior.

Straight-eared Scottish cats, in moments of special tenderness for their owner, turn on their soothing quiet motor and massage with their paws, burying their nose in the neck area. At the same time, it is impossible to predict in advance when a cat will bestow this mercy on a person. Moreover, they do this not with all family members, but only with those whom they love and respect. Most likely, such a favorite will be the one who feeds the “Scottish king” on time, does not scold him, allows him to sleep in the bed and does not bother him over trifles.

Scottish cats welcome strangers and guests generously - without aggression or unnecessary suspicion, but they also do not demonstrate violent delight.

Scottish Straight cats are emotionally stable animals that are not subject to mood swings. However, behavior in the style of “the most disgruntled cat in the world” occasionally slips through. In addition, representatives of the breed are characterized by amazing persistence. If they want something, they will definitely achieve it. The cat will follow the owner wherever he goes and accompany him with annoying meows.

The Scots do not try to pull the blanket over themselves when it comes to the distribution of roles between other pets. Cats are loyal to dogs, to their relatives, and to small rodents.

Representatives of the breed easily learn the rules of etiquette. They clearly understand that wallpaper and sofa upholstery cannot be torn if the owner has forbidden it, and they feel a person’s dissatisfaction subtly. Cats are quite stress-resistant and quickly cope with changes in environment.

Many Scots are extremely passive. They prefer to watch what is happening from the side, for example, sitting on a sunny windowsill. Sometimes it seems that they are immersed in their thoughts and do not notice what is happening under their noses.

Favorite toy: feather teaser. Cats can chase such a treasure for hours.

Interesting. Scottish cats need tactile contact with a person, but at the same time they do not like to be picked up.

Training and education

There are almost no problems with raising Scottish cats. It is not difficult to accustom a Straight to a scratching post and a tray; the main thing is to start from infancy and act gently but persistently. Often, it is enough to take the baby to the tray several times for him to understand where to relieve his physiological needs. If your kitten makes a puddle on the floor, take a piece of toilet paper and place it in the litter tray. The baby will smell his own urine and understand where to go.

You can’t poke a prankster into a puddle, much less beat him. This behavior of the owner will cause aggression and a desire to do mischief out of spite. But this kitten will hide safely.

Experts do not advise training straights, they do not like it, especially since unquestioning obedience is not in their character. Show-class individuals can master the training program. In the future, they will be able to demonstrate their skills at exhibitions.

If a cat violates the boundaries of what is permitted, stop it with the command “No!” Say it in a loud and stern voice.

If the baby does not obey, lift him by the withers and imitate a cat hissing. The kitten will understand this language faster.

If your pet tries to steal food from the stove or table, clap your hands loudly to scare it away.

If your cat gets into the habit of digging in pots or chewing flowers, spray him with water from a spray bottle.

Don't scold or praise your pet after the fact. Despite his developed intelligence, he is not able to connect yesterday's exemplary behavior and today's encouragement.

International system of classification of colors and other external characteristics of Scottish cats

An important factor when choosing a Scottish kitten is its color. However, it is worth considering that the pattern on the fur will become relatively clear and understandable by the age of 3 months of the animal’s life. But you can accurately determine the color only by 6-7 months! It often happens that certain marks on a kitten's fur disappear as it grows. The price of a cat is primarily influenced by color, more details in this article.

In the world, it is customary to divide cats by color according to the international classification system (WCF).

The color code looks like this: xx.NN.NN.NN. (NN), namely:

(can combine 2 signs - xx)(can combine up to three pairs of signs (NN.), the fourth (NN) is additional
first digit “0” of the code (presence of white color)first digit “1” of the code (presence of tipping)the first digit of the code is “2” (presence of tabi color)the first digit of the code is “3” (presence of point color)the first digit of the code is “5” (tail length)the first digit of the code is “6” (eye color)the first digit of the code is “7” (ear placement)
a – blue - blue01 –van-van11 — shaded (the hair is darkened in the upper part by 25%)21 - tabby, agouty - striping, agouti factor31 — Burmese color51 – rumpy – tailless (Manx breed)61 - blue71 - straight ears - straight ears or “straight”
b - chocolate (brown, chestnut) - chocolate, chestnut, brown, Havana02 - harlequin12 - tipped, shel - veiled (the hair is darkened in the upper part by 12.5%)22 - blotched, marble - marble32 - tonkinese color - Tonkinese52 -rumpy riser - tail with 1-2 vertebrae (bob-tail)62 – yellow, golden – golden, yellow, red72 – curled ears – ears curled back or “curl”
c –l ilac(lavender) – lilac, lavender, platinum03 - bicolour-two-color, bicolor23 - mackerel, tiger - tiger33 – Himalayan(siam) color – Himalayan (Siamese)53 – stumpy – tail from 7 to 13 cm when curled63 - oddeyed - odd-eyed73 – folded ears – ears curled forward or “fold”
d - red, flame - red04 - mitted/white point - with white markings (color-points)24 – spotted – spotting34 - singapura color - Singaporean54 - longy - normal long tail64 - green - green
e - cream - creamy05 - snowshoe -snow-shu25 – ticked35 - abyssinian color - Abyssinian65 – Burmese – eye color in Burmes cats
f – tortoiseshell - tortoiseshell09 – little white spots – individual white spots (“collar”, “socks”)66 – tonkinese – eye color in Tonkinese cats
g- blue – cream - blue cream, blue tortoiseshell67 – Himalayan or siam – eye color in Himalayan (Siamese) cats
h - chocolate-tortie - chocolate tortoiseshell
j - lilac-tortie-lilac tortoiseshell, lavender tortoiseshell
n - black, ebony, seal, sable, ruddy - black, seal, sable, wild
o - sorrel, cinnamon, honey - sorrel, brown, red-brown, honey
p - beige fawn - yellow-brown
q – sorrel tortie – red-brown tortoiseshell
r - beige fawn tortie - yellow-brown tortoiseshell
s - silver, smoke - silver, smoky
w - white - white
y - golden
x - unregistered - unrecognized color without registration

For example, the color code “red bicolor tabby (tabby)” would look like this: d0321.

Red spotted tabby bicolor – d2403
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How to choose a kitten

Scottish straight kittens are just as adorable as fold kittens. Before buying a baby, study the breed standard and choose a nursery with a license to breed Scots.

Healthy Scottish cats smell pleasant, have lush and shiny fur, clear expressive eyes, a soft, non-bloated belly, and clean fur under the tail.

Trouble-free kids willingly join in the game and show a keen interest in strangers. Lethargic kittens are most likely sick with something.

Observe the character of the parent couple. This will help you understand what traits the kittens will inherit.

Shaded color

Very popular among breeders. The animal's upper third of the hair is colored silver, red or golden; the base can be white or cream. For individuals, the standard is a light undercoat, and a shaded color is located on the back, head, ears, tail and sides. The base of the tail, belly and chin remain light.

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