British Fold: description of the breed, genetics, health and character of the cat

At the beginning of the last century, England was the felinological center of Europe. Breed standards were drawn up here for the first time, the first cat show in world history was held, and 3/4 of the 170 animals announced for participation in it consisted of British shorthair cats. Among them they found a kitten with curled ears, which became the first representative of the new breed.

British Fold cats quickly gained popularity and took pride of place in the breed hierarchy. Subsequently, a standard was drawn up for them and their character, habits and health characteristics were studied in detail.

Brief history of the breed

Experts disagree on exactly when the British Fold appeared.

  1. The first version dates back to the time when the ancient Romans conquered Britain (around 43). Egyptian cats also came along with the invaders, who later adapted to the new climatic conditions.
  2. Another hypothesis mentions the Crusades - the warriors appreciated the useful abilities of the eastern rat catchers and brought them home.
  3. Cats infiltrated merchant ships that sailed between the Old Continent and Africa. There were always a lot of mice on ships, and the crew favored small animals that helped get rid of rodents.

What is known for certain is that the first British cats came to the European mainland from North Africa and the Middle East. Further formation of the breed took place under the influence of local conditions: the animals developed thicker hair and developed immunity against diseases common in the area.

Color options

Wool can be dyed monophonically or with a mixture of several colors. Color the hairs by 1/3 and 1/8. There are ticked colors of Scottish Fold cats. You can find a variety of coat colors in Scottish Folds:

  • striped;
  • white;
  • black
  • blue;
  • lilac;
  • smoky;
  • tabby color;
  • chocolate;
  • marble;
  • brown;
  • peach

The color of a kitten depends on genetics, a combination of the main shades - white, black and red. Certain inherited genes are responsible for the dominance of one color or another. The photo gallery presents a wide variety of Scottish Fold color options.

Interesting facts about the British cat breed

Descriptions in ancient books and images in paintings indicate that the first British cats were not fold-eared:

  • The Gospel from Lindisfarne (7th century) contains an image of a cat that is very similar to the modern Briton.
  • The Book of Columba, a recognized handwritten masterpiece of the Irish monks, also contains illustrations of straight-eared cats.

You can read more about straight-eared Britons in this article.

Artists and sculptors depicted them to pay tribute to the beauty and grace of these animals. The monks wrote in poems that the life of hermits becomes more interesting and fun if a cat lives nearby. She was the only pet allowed to live on the grounds of nunneries.

This is interesting! England became the first country to pass a cat protection law. In 936, the English prince Howell Dda issued a decree prohibiting any violence against these animals.

Health problems

When buying a kitten, sometimes you may encounter hereditary diseases that will appear several years later. The most common disease of this breed is problems with the formation of the skeleton. Usually these are deformations of the spine, paws, and fingers.

Growths may appear on the paws. Because of them, the animal can have difficulty walking and limp. In this case, surgical intervention is required. Sometimes heart problems may appear. This usually happens after a year. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the situation by periodically performing ultrasound of the heart muscle.

Description of the British Fold breed: standards, appearance and character of the cat

The breed standard details the characteristics required for the breeding of the British Fold cat.

Dimensions and weight

A strong, medium-sized cat with a dense build. Newborn British Fold kittens weigh from 70 to 130 g. In the first week, body weight increases 1.5 times. Further indicators will depend on the gender of the pet - boys gain weight faster, and girls are traditionally more petite and graceful.

The average weight of an adult British cat is 8 kg, and female cats are usually 2-2.5 kg less. The average height of an animal is 28-35 cm, with cats being approximately 5 cm taller than female cats.

Important! One of the peculiarities of the breed is that the British reach puberty at 2 years of age, but they gain weight before the age of 5.

Anatomical characteristics of the British Fold - what a cat of this breed looks like

British fold cats can be divided into three groups:

  1. Traditional British Shorthair. The auricles are small, with a slight rounding at the apex. The coat is thick and shiny. Powerful and flexible tail of medium length.
  2. Long-haired cat. Breeders crossed the British with other breeds (Persians or representatives of the Somali branch) in order to obtain new colors. But in addition to color, the animals inherited long hair from their parents. Such kittens were first culled, and later interbreeding was prohibited. But the population of mestizos increased and was subsequently officially recognized by felinologists as the British longhair cat.
  3. Fold-eared Briton. A cat with short, thick hair and ears that curve forward. The body is wide, the paws are low. Some international felinological organizations do not officially recognize the breed because they consider lop ears to be a defect that was caused by a gene mutation.

This is interesting! All newborn kittens of this breed have straight ears, so it is impossible to immediately determine whether the pet will have fold ears.

British coat color and type

The Scottish (or British Fold) breed took from its parent branch a short, thick coat with a dense, elastic texture and a warm undercoat.

Traditional colors include:

  • blue lop-eared British;
  • gray fold cats;
  • tabby tabby cats.

There are about 200 combinations of different colors in the colors of the British Fold cat breed, including the exotic acromelanic color point.

Possible breed defects

An uncontrolled mutation negatively affects the condition of skeletal bones, joints and spine in (Scottish) British fold cats. To counter the deterioration of the genotype, felinologists and breeders had to develop some rules that prevent the development of irreversible defects.

  1. When crossing, the union of two fold-eared parents is avoided. In a cat “marriage,” a British Fold is matched with a cat from a different breed—an American Shorthair or an exotic.
  2. Even as a result of mating with representatives of other breeds, offspring may be born that are predisposed to loss of tail flexibility due to fused vertebrae. For this reason, felinologists cull short-tailed British cats, which are more prone to developing this disease than others.

Geneticists were able to find out how this mutation affects the health of the British Fold cat. It turns out that negative consequences occur only in the presence of a homozygous form, when both acquired genes are present in the same paired state.

Alleles that scientists have already studied are responsible for lop ears. In the FdFd variant, they lead to irreversible consequences, and the Fdfd combination is completely safe for the health of the British Fold cat.

Important! If the cat has signs of lameness, and small kittens avoid active movements such as running and jumping, this is a signal of the presence of a congenital disease.


British Folds do not yet have specific breeding standards, since the breed has not received official recognition. All breeding advice is considered only a recommendation from amateur felinologists.

Who to set up with

Today the breed is still unstable. It is recommended to improve the health of cats and diversify the gene pool by crossing British Shorthairs and British Folds.

Photo: British Folds are recommended to be mated with either British Straights or Scottish Straights

Not all kittens will have curled ears, but they will form without any abnormalities. You can also breed British Folds with Scottish Straights.

Only in such couples are healthy babies born. Felinologists strongly do not recommend breeding two British Folds: the offspring are often born underdeveloped and sick.


Seals of this breed reach sexual maturity at seven to nine months. However, mating must be done after the animal reaches one year of age. Otherwise, the animal itself may be injured, and the babies will most likely be born dead.

Photo: mating of cats of this breed can only be carried out from the age of one year

For mating, you can choose any suitable purebred cat (or cat). The couple is then left together for several days.

There is no need to worry if the young cat was unable to get pregnant during her first mating. This is completely normal! Don't be alarmed and don't take your animal to the veterinarian.

Features of pregnancy and childbirth

The pregnancy of British Folds lasts 9 weeks and proceeds approximately the same as in Scottish relatives. During the first days, the cat is in a peaceful state, and the animal’s appetite increases significantly.

Photo: British Fold pregnancy lasts about 9 weeks

The first signs of pregnancy are detected in the second week: the nipples become darker and swell. By the fifth week, the tummy is rounded, and you can even notice the babies moving. Before giving birth, be sure to prepare a shelter house for the expectant mother!

The character and temperament of the British (how they treat children, do they get along with other animals)

The habits of the British Fold cat and its character do not at all correspond to the parent breed:

  • The behavior of the British cat is balanced; it does not show aggression towards others.
  • A distinctive character trait of the British Fold is devotion to the owner and other family members.
  • Despite their sociability, representatives of this breed can easily tolerate loneliness.
  • British cats get along well with children and enjoy taking part in general games, but do not like to be treated roughly.


The luxurious plush coat of the British Fold is always stuffed and soft to the touch, and thanks to the cleanliness of this breed, it is always shiny and looks well-groomed. At the same time, kitties have a neat and gentle appearance, while cats can be slightly disheveled.

Colors can take on a wide variety of shades and patterns, including:

  • Single color solid. Gray-blue representatives are more common, although some have fur that can be red, black, grey, brown, lilac, and less commonly white or peach.

Solid white

  • Striped, marbled or spotted colors are indicated by adding the word "tabby" to the base color. At the same time, on a lighter base there are dark stripes, stains or spots that form the letter “M” on the forehead.


  • A smoky shade appears when each hair is colored only a third of the main color, and a chinchilla shade - if it is an eighth. The rest of the fibers may be silver or white. Also read the article about the British chinchilla.

Chinchilla shade

  • The Siamese Colored has a light body with darker limbs. Thus, chocolate or almost black paws, tail, ears and muzzle stand out against a cream background.

Siamese Colored

  • Tortoiseshell coloration is often black with splashes of different shades of red. Sometimes cream can be combined with gray or brown.

Tortoiseshell coloring

  • Bicolor has two colors - white with blue, chocolate, black. Light in the lower part of the body, combined with tortoiseshell at the top, forms the “calico” color, characteristic of Scottish cats.

Color Bicolor

Leave the content of the British

British cats are short-haired, so they are brushed at least once a week, and every other day during heavy shedding. To care for the fur, use standard “cat” combs or special gloves, which can be purchased at a pet store.

The presence of slight discharge from the eyes and nose is normal for the British Fold cat. The owner needs to regularly carry out hygiene procedures - clean the nose and eye area from dirt.

Particular attention should be paid to cleaning the ears of a British Fold cat. The unusual structure of the shell complicates the procedure, so you need to act very carefully so as not to harm your pet.

  1. First, the bent tip of the ear is bent and access to the inside is freed.
  2. Using a cotton swab, carefully clean the areas that are in your field of vision.
  3. For deeper cleaning, use special ear drops or other preventive liquid preparations that can be injected into the ear canal.

Unusual cat behavior is a cause for concern. If your pet shakes its head or there is an unpleasant odor coming from the ear, you should immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

Feeding a British Fold cat

The diet depends on the individual characteristics of the cat. The pet owner must choose one of three options:

  • natural food;
  • industrial feed;
  • mixed feeding.

Practice shows that in real life all three points are used. During childhood, owners and breeders most often feed British Folds with homemade food and independently calculate the portion and calorie content.

Adult cats switch to dry kibble without any problems. And in old age, the animal happily eats both the first and the second.

Important! Representatives of this breed are prone to overeating and gaining excess weight. This is dangerous for the cat's health, since it has a genetic predisposition to diseases of the bones and joints.

Features of care

The breed is capricious; the British Fold requires careful care and high-quality nutrition. Therefore, the potential owner should consider whether he is ready to devote a lot of time and effort to the kitten.


Representatives of the fold-eared breed are gluttonous, so the owner needs to carefully monitor the diet and control the size of portions so that the pet does not become obese. The cat is fed 3-4 times a day, but the size of one portion should not exceed 200 g.

You can feed the “British” with the best quality ready-made food or natural food.

If the second option is chosen, then the diet includes:

  • lean boiled meat and poultry;
  • boiled fish without bones;
  • boiled chicken or quail eggs;
  • boiled vegetables (zucchini, carrots);
  • fresh herbs (cucumber, parsley);
  • cereal porridges (rice, millet, oatmeal);
  • fermented milk products (kefir, cottage cheese).

You should not include salted foods, smoked foods, confectionery and bread products, milk and fatty sour cream, alcoholic beverages, spicy and seasoned foods in your diet.

Hygiene procedures

Clean the cat's ears every 2 weeks. Due to lop ears, dirt and wax quickly accumulate in your pet's ears. For cleaning, use a cotton swab soaked in veterinary ear cleaner.

Every morning the British man's eyes are checked. Accumulations in the tear ducts are removed with a cotton swab moistened with warm water.

Nails are trimmed with a nail clipper once every 3 weeks. Leave no more than 3 mm from the edge so as not to touch the blood capillaries.

They bathe the “British” at most once every six months, using zoo shampoo. And then only if necessary, if the animal is dirty or infected with fleas. Frequent bathing spoils the appearance and structure of the coat. The water is heated to 40 °C.

Castration and sterilization

Representatives of the British Fold cat breed reach sexual maturity at 9 months. If the owner does not plan to breed kittens, then the pet must be castrated or sterilized.

The operation can be performed on a 3-month-old kitten, but stronger and more mature 7–8-month-old kittens are more often castrated. Before the procedure, the animal is examined by a veterinarian and given anthelmintic treatment.

IMPORTANT! In most cases, fold-eared kittens are sold already castrated, since felinological societies prohibit the breeding of an unrecognized breed.


The British cat's luxurious, dense coat should be brushed regularly. If this is not done, then the animal will, while licking itself, swallow balls of hair that disrupt the functioning of the digestive tract.

The long-haired "British" is scratched 2 times a week, especially carefully walking the comb over the stomach, back of the head and hind legs. A short-haired cat can be brushed once a week.

Education and physical activity

Despite their sociability, the British are independent and willful. Therefore, when training and raising a pet, certain rules should be followed:

  1. You need to show your cat your dissatisfaction immediately after committing an offense.
  2. It is important to maintain consistency in the training process - for example, you should not allow your pet to sharpen its claws on the back of a chair today, and scold your pet for it tomorrow.
  3. Praise is very important for the British Fold - do not forget to reward the cat for positive actions.

Physical activity is one of the main indicators of an animal’s quality of life. It is necessary to provide the animal with sufficient space for play, prepare toys and be sure to engage with it.

Does it make sense to pursue a career as a domestic cat?

Both British and Scottish breeds are popular and in demand. Cats with unusual colors are of particular interest. Nowadays, blue and purple colors are most widespread in Russia.

If we are talking about a show-class career, then it depends on the value of your pet as a carrier of the breed’s genes and, possibly, some particularly rare color. The purity of the genetic line is documented upon purchase, and any structural and coloring features can only be determined by an independent expert. In the future, a career is built on participation in exhibitions and prizes that the cat can receive. It is better to get advice from the regional felinological society about the intricacies of breeding and mating.

Vaccinations and antiparasitic treatments

A standard scheme for the prevention of internal and external parasites (endo- and ectoparasites) is applied to British cats.

Before a kitten goes to a new owner, the nursery must carry out deworming and flea treatment. In the future, preventive measures are carried out according to the following scheme:

For lop-eared Brits who don't go outside:

  1. Treatment against external parasites using drops or in combination with a special collar – once a month.
  2. Antihelminthic procedures are carried out once every 6 months, in the first week after treatment against ectoparasites.

Cats that go outside are dewormed and treated for external parasites 2 times more often.

Important! You can become infected with worms and fleas even in an apartment - the larvae are brought into the room with shoes or clothes.

Recommended food

1. The diet must be balanced and contain the necessary vitamins, macro- and microelements. Give preference to food from trusted manufacturers. You can choose dry

food, and also combine them in equal proportions.
2. Spayed and neutered animals are prone to gaining excess weight and developing urolithiasis. Specialized food
is suitable for them .
3. It is better to feed kittens with wet food, switching to dry food is carried out from 3 months. 4. Don't forget to change the water in the bowl
If it is not possible to monitor the amount of liquid, an automatic drinker
5. Periodically pamper your pet with treats
6. To prevent vitamin deficiency, the usual diet can be supplemented with dietary supplements
containing the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is best to consult your veterinarian before use.

Sterilization and castration

In order not to deteriorate the breed, experts recommend spaying/castrating cats with minor or critical defects. Not everyone knows that sterilization and castration of animals are two different procedures, and cats are also castrated.

  1. Sterilization does not involve the removal of organs, but only limits their reproductive functions. It is considered more gentle and humane towards animals. However, after sterilization, the behavior of cats does not change. They still have a natural desire to mate, but are physically unable to produce offspring.
  2. Castration is carried out on both male and female cats. As a result of surgery, the testes (for males) and ovaries (for females) are removed. The production of sex hormones stops, reproductive function is absent.

Hidden dangers of surgical procedures exist, but such operations are always planned and have already become familiar to veterinarians.


Each individual has its own character, habits, disposition. However, there are common features that are characteristic of one or another breed. Distinctive features of the breed include:

  • attachment to the owner;
  • dislike of human hands;
  • restraint in behavior;
  • independence, sometimes even pride.

Scottish Fold cats are clean animals. They monitor the cleanliness and condition of their fur. If your pet shows signs of sloppiness, you should contact your veterinarian. This may indicate deteriorating health.

Material on the topic: what is the character of a British cat.

Pros and cons of the British cat breed

Positive traitsNegative qualities
Unusual appearanceTendency to genetic diseases
Sociability and loyalty to all family membersEars require special care
Good learning ability
Resistance to common diseases

Experts believe that it is already possible to detect the presence of genetic diseases in a British Fold cat at the age of 3-5 months. In addition, conscientious breeders adhere to recommendations regarding mating in order to improve and strengthen the breed.

In such conditions, the risk of developing pathologies is reduced to a minimum, which means that the risk of acquiring a sick animal is significantly reduced. A healthy and cheerful fold-eared cat is always joy and good mood for its owner.

Buying a kitten

If you decide to buy a British Fold, take a closer look at the animal from the shelter. It is worth remembering that such a pet is not suitable for exhibitions or breeding, but it is quite suitable as a beloved pet. When buying a kitten from your own hands, you should be careful not to buy an animal with a bunch of hereditary diseases.

How much does a British Fold cat cost?

Since British Folds are not considered thoroughbreds, they have a lower price than their purebred relatives. A beautiful cat can be found for a nominal price. The cost of a pet without documents can range from 2-6 thousand rubles and more. You can buy it online, in underground passages, or at the market. Some owners simply give them to good, kind hands.

No matter what breed your cat is, it is, first of all, an animal, and it needs affection and love. In return for the warmth, the owner will receive a lot of positive emotions.

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