Hemobalance - an effective vitamin preparation for cats

There are many external and internal factors that negatively affect metabolism, immunity, and homeostasis. To normalize and restore them, specialists use vitamin-mineral complexes or amino acid preparations.

Often, nutrients have to be introduced separately. They can be used for long periods of time with multiple administrations throughout the day, which causes stress in cats. Hemobalance is an effective, safe and easy-to-use complex of nutrients that stimulates the normal course of biochemical processes.

Composition, release form

Hemobalance looks like a colorless liquid with an amber tint. Packaged in sterile glass containers with a volume of 5, 100, 500 ml. also have a protective aluminum cap, which eliminates the possibility of introducing germs.
Each substance included in the composition enhances the effect of other components and has a positive effect on the animal’s body. The composition compensates for the lack of vitamins in cats.

Main active substances

L-lysine hydrochloride is an amino acid responsible for the creation of bone tissue and the absorption of phosphorus and calcium. Also promotes the formation of red blood cells. A deficiency of this amino acid in the body causes fatigue, anemia, decreased concentration and disorders of the reproductive system.

DL methionine is an amino acid that promotes metabolism. Synthesizes tissue proteins, hormones, enzymes. Lack of methionine contributes to loss of appetite, muscle atrophy and impaired kidney function.

Glycine is responsible for good memory and emotional balance.

Biotin takes part in metabolic processes.

Cobalt sulfate synthesizes hemoglobin and participates in metabolic processes. Helps remove fluid from the body and produces thyroid hormones. In case of cobalt deficiency, anemia, loss of appetite, exhaustion and deterioration in the appearance of the coat occurs.

Vitamin B2 promotes growth, development, and improves immunity . A lack of vitamin can be identified by such signs as: hair loss, rare breathing and slow pulse, decreased body temperature, and malaise. This also affects the condition of the cat’s eyes and skin: clouding of the cornea, cracks. Kittens with a lack of vitamin B2 are developmentally delayed.

Vitamin B6 supports the functioning of the nervous system. Its deficiency can cause delays in growth and development in kittens. If an adult cat does not receive the required amount of vitamin with food, then it may develop seizures and various skin diseases.

Vitamin B4 (choline) is necessary for animals to prevent fatty liver.

Vitamin B8 is needed for fat metabolism. A lack of vitamin can lead to increased cholesterol levels, general weakness and cramps in the paws. Hair problems are also possible.

B12 is necessary for the maturation of red blood cells and the formation of antibodies. A lack of this vitamin will lead to decreased fertility in cats and the birth of weak kittens. A rough cat with developed dermatitis, poor appetite, and gas formation are the first symptoms. In more advanced cases, disorders such as paralysis, poor coordination and unsteady gait may develop.

Indications for use

Hemobalance has a wide range of applications:

  • Using the drug during pregnancy will improve stamina and prepare the cat for the upcoming birth. The cat will recover faster, and the kittens will develop better;
  • Hemobalance can prevent the appearance and development of most diseases associated with a lack of vitamins, as well as prolong the activity, endurance and youth of your pet;
  • Prescribed in conjunction with other medications for recovery after major operations.
  • Able to eliminate side effects from the use of other medications;
  • Recommended for use if the animal is exposed to increased stress;
  • Anemia and blood loss;
  • Liver dysfunction;
  • If the integrity of the coat is damaged;
  • For allergies and diseases such as bronchitis, pneumonia, gastritis, etc.;
  • For poisoning and infections;

Hemobalance is an effective immunostimulant. Helps recovery in the shortest possible time and improves body tone.

Useful action

Hemobalance in many cases helps the cat alleviate any ailments, promotes a speedy recovery and leads to full restoration of strength. The animal begins to show motor activity, demonstrates a good mood and vigor.

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The properties of the drug Hemobalance are visible after just a few uses..

  • Exchange processes . The drug has a strong positive effect on the metabolic process. Hemobalance also supports overall muscle tone. Thanks to this, the cat really feels good.
  • Supports the functioning of internal organs . Hemobalance affects the circulatory system and liver function. As a result, all the necessary processes in the body proceed correctly, without significant disturbances. This is very important if the owner cares about the well-being of his pet. The activity of the entire cat’s body is gradually stabilizing and returning to order.
  • Eliminates intoxication . During the course of the disease, the animal always loses a lot of vitality. All resources are spent on fighting the disease. Hemobalance is able to cope with a severe state of malaise and help to fully recover without significant losses. With its participation, it is possible to actively support the optimal ratio of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Instructions for use

The drug is prescribed as an injection intramuscularly or intravenously. If necessary, you can resort to desoldering. In case of intravenous administration, Hemobalance is recommended to be used together with saline solution.

As a preventative measure, the drug should be used once a week. For treatment 2 times. Course 7-10 days.

The dosage should be determined based on the weight of the cat: up to 5 kg - 0.25 ml, from 5 kg to 15 kg - 0.5 ml. At increased loads, the medicine is administered immediately before a stressful situation.

Hemobalance cannot be used together with drugs that contain iron.


Individual intolerance and sensitivity of the cat to the substances contained in the drug. If allergic reactions or hair loss occur, stop taking the medication and visit a veterinarian. However, cases of allergies are extremely rare. In case of overdose, vomiting may occur.

How to use

If there is no effect from the hemobalance, the treatment is reviewed by the veterinarian, re-examination and correction are necessary. In a dosage of 0.25 ml, it is prescribed to cats weighing up to 5 kg; if the weight is more than 5, but less than 15 kg, then 0.5 ml. For dogs, its dose is on average 1 ml.

If the animal is going to have competitions, competitions, or any heavy or physical activity, the drug is started to be used in a course of 4-6-8 days before the event and on the day of it.

Many people are interested in what the price of the drug “hemobalance” is. It is not cheap, for 5 ml it costs from 240 rubles. For a bottle of 100 ml they will ask for approximately 2700-2900 rubles. For cats (if you are not a breeder or the owner of a veterinary hospital), there is no point in purchasing large volumes. The hemobalance cannot be frozen, and an open vial must be used within a month after opening. Please note when purchasing that the liquid in the bottle should not be sedimentary or cloudy, without flakes or foreign inclusions. You also cannot buy the drug from your hands.

Reviews from veterinarians

Andrey, veterinarian with 6 years of experience

An effective but painful drug. Often, small lumps appear at the injection point, but they go away on their own and do not require medical intervention. Prescribed for kittens with developmental delays. Helps in most cases, but there are exceptions. An effective drug for use in combination with other medications.

Nikita Alekseevich, veterinarian with 13 years of experience

Hemobalance is a good vitamin complex. I constantly use it in practice. I didn't find any side effects.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before treatment with Hemobalance, it is worth considering all the positive and negative aspects of the drug, which are presented in table form:

AdvantagesMinimal risks of adverse reactions and allergies
Used for preventive and therapeutic purposes
Wide range of effects
The first results are observed after 1-2 days
Use in youth and adulthood
FlawsThe dosage form of “Hemobalance”, which is difficult for some owners to use

Storage conditions

The shelf life is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. It is 18 months, which is counted from the date of issue. The opened bottle is used without residue, the sealed bottle is stored out of sunlight at an air temperature of +4° to +25°. At negative temperatures, the healing properties are lost.

Catozal, Vetosal, vitamin B 12. A short review

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Indications for use

The drug is usually allowed to be used at home. Reviews about this medicine are mostly positive. It is recommended to give Hemobalance to a cat in the following cases .

  • Lack of vitamins . The state of hypovitaminosis and microelementosis has an extremely negative effect on the general health of the animal. If it is observed for a long time, it is necessary to support the pet with something. In case of anemia, the medicine will also be useful.
  • Infectious diseases . There are diseases that are extremely dangerous for the life of a four-legged pet. In this case, you have to act quickly, without postponing treatment until later. To quickly restore a cat’s physical strength after an illness, it is recommended to use Hemobalance.
  • Liver diseases . The medicine acts quite effectively and fights the cause of the disease, which is also very important.
  • Allergic reactions . When a cat has to be treated for allergies, Hemobalance is ideal. In a short time it eliminates any unwanted manifestations.
  • Postoperative period . Recovery of any living organism cannot occur quickly. A cat, like a person, needs increased nutrition at this time. The use of the drug Hemobalance helps to achieve the goal in a relatively gentle way.
  • Stress loads . Cats, like people, also need additional protection from unnecessary worries. If the owner is planning to move to a new apartment or is planning a long trip with the pet, you should worry about the emotional balance of the animal in advance. It is better to start introducing the medicine a week before the planned stress. Then the cat will tolerate it better and will be able to adapt to new conditions more quickly. Hemobalance solution for cats will help your pet cope with heavy mental stress. Instructions are provided in each package.

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Opinions about the medicine

Breeders of mustachioed pets and veterinarians generally leave good reviews about the vitamin and mineral complex. It is easily tolerated by individuals of all ages and does not cause negative reactions from important systems and organs.

From personal experience, I can say that Hemobalance is an excellent support for the immunity of domestic cats, especially those that are often sick. I never prescribe this drug separately, since it works well only in complex therapy due to severe injuries, operations or poisoning.

Anton, veterinarian

For the past 4 years I have been regularly giving Hemobalance for preventive purposes to adult cats and young animals. The product perfectly strengthens the immune system, ensures proper development, and animals practically do not get sick. Moreover, we managed to avoid the panleukopenia epidemic and not become infected.

Vladimir, breeder of purebred cats

The cat's herpes did not go away for a long time.
Over the course of 3 weeks, we underwent several therapeutic courses, but all to no avail - a couple of days after the end of treatment, the sore reappeared. The veterinarian recommended piercing the Hemobalance, which saved our Murka. The herpes disappeared after 5 days, but we still completed the full course in 2 weeks. Marina, 36 years old

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