Pyrantel for cats: deworming drug, composition, instructions

The infestation of the pet's body with worms will be helped to eliminate the anthelmintic drug "Pyrantel" for cats. The medicine is sold in pharmacies for people and is produced in tablets and under the form of an emulsion. Kittens over 1 month old and weighing 500 g or more are allowed. Proper use will help avoid adverse reactions and intoxication. "Pyrantel" is also used to treat dogs.

Contraindications and side effects

The medicine is not prescribed for the treatment of lactating and pregnant cats, with exhaustion, infections and in a number of other cases. The following side effects may occur during its use:

  • feeling of nausea;
  • urge to vomit;
  • apathetic behavior;
  • decreased appetite;
  • diarrhea;
  • profuse salivation.

In addition, if the animal is hypersensitive to the ingredients of the medication, it may develop an allergy. It manifests itself in the form of digestive disorders, redness and itching of the skin. To alleviate the condition, your pet should be given antihistamines. Further therapy is symptomatic.

In case of overdose, a veterinary drug can cause poisoning, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • increased nervous excitability;
  • feeling of weakness;
  • change in heart rate;
  • profuse vomiting;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • impaired motor coordination;
  • increased salivation;
  • paw trembling;
  • profuse sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • loss of appetite.

If the recommended dosage regimen is exceeded, the animal must undergo gastric lavage. Then he should be given an absorbent to remove the toxic compound from the body. In case of overdose, supportive and symptomatic measures may be required using immunostimulants, vitamin complexes and other drugs.

To avoid negative reactions, you need to use Pirantel for cats according to the instructions.

When to use

If an animal is infected with worms, this can be understood by the following signs:

  • he loses his appetite;
  • profuse salivation appears;
  • the wool gives off an unpleasant odor;
  • vomiting and diarrhea appear;
  • Paws may tremble in sleep.

Sometimes there is an opinion that indoor cats and cats that do not go outside cannot become infected with worms. This is wrong. Is it necessary to immediately give the Pirantel suspension?

It is difficult to calculate the dosage for cats yourself, so it is best to consult a veterinarian. It is very important to understand what kind of worms the animal has become infected with. Tests will help determine this. The veterinarian will select another drug, for example Praziquantel. It all depends on what type of parasites have entered the animal’s body.

Composition and release form

The veterinary drug is available in the form of a suspension and tablets. The tablet form contains 250 mg of the active ingredient (pyrantel pamoate). The secondary composition of the medicine includes the following substances:

  • silica;
  • magnesium stearate;
  • lactose;
  • talc;
  • microcrystalline cellulose.

The tablets are sealed in cellular packs of 3 pieces. Each pack is placed in a thick cardboard box along with instructions.

The suspension has a yellowish or white color and a viscous consistency. It is placed in bottles of 10, 15 or 20 ml, made of polymers. 1 ml of liquid medication contains 50 mg of the active ingredient. Additionally, the suspension contains the following substances:

  • sorbitol;
  • simethicone emulsion;
  • glycerol;
  • filtered water.

In addition, the suspension contains flavorings and sweeteners.

Symptoms of helminth damage

The first symptom indicating the need for examination should be any allergic reaction without obvious contact with a possible allergen. An example would be a rash that was not preceded by contact with aggressive substances or abuse of foods from a group of potential allergens. Also, long-term bronchitis, treatment of which by a therapist does not give a positive result, may indicate the presence of a parasite.

Abnormal bowel movements are another reason to get tested for helminthiasis. If the parasite has settled in the intestines, it can interfere with normal peristalsis and bowel movements. When the intestines become a haven for certain dangerous types of worms, a person may experience a lack of strength and may also develop anemia or severe lack of nutrients in the blood. This is explained by the fact that the parasite eats all the beneficial substances in the intestines faster than they can be absorbed into the blood. Therefore, weakness is also a symptom.

Pinworms infect the anus. As a result, itching in the anus is the main symptom of the presence of the parasite. The female pinworm emerges mainly at night through the anus and lays eggs in the folds of the anus, lubricating them with her secretion. The substance irritates the mucous membrane, causing itching.

Oddly enough, nighttime teeth grinding has nothing to do with helminth infection. This is an erroneous opinion based on the assumptions of older generations. A person begins to grind their teeth due to the characteristics of the nervous system.

If there are parasites in the body, the number of eosinophils in the blood increases. The number of these cells also increases with a progressive allergic reaction. Therefore, if the number of eosinophils in the biochemical blood test is higher than normal, you should be tested for helminthiasis.

Indications for use

Before giving your cat this medication, you should keep in mind that it helps fight the following types of worms:

  • roundworms;
  • hookworms;
  • trichinella;
  • trichostrongylids;
  • intestinal acne;
  • pinworms.

Antiparasitic medication cannot fight tapeworms. It is weakly effective against whipworms, so it is better to choose other medications to combat such parasites.

Precautionary measures

Pyrantel should be given to a dog only after being prescribed by a veterinarian . Only tests previously carried out in laboratory conditions will help determine which type of parasite the animal is infected with, and therefore provide the most effective treatment. The veterinarian will also help you calculate the most accurate dosage and dosage regimen, based on the pet’s age, its actual and estimated breed weight, as well as the degree of parasitic influence, so to speak, the scale of the problem.

Important! To take Pirantel, the animal must not have any other concomitant ailments that weaken the body at the time of treatment. You should not mix the drug with medications containing piperazine, as it reduces the effectiveness of Pyrantel.

During treatment with Pyrantel, it is important for puppies to have constant access to water, since it is not uncommon for symptoms of dehydration to appear after taking the drug, which is especially detrimental for animals with low weight.

How much Pirantel should I give my cat?

The dosage of the drug in the form of a suspension is selected individually depending on the body weight of the animal. To do this, take 5 mg of the active ingredient per 1 kg of weight. If the drug is used in suspension format, then for every 10 kg of body weight of the pet you need to take 1 ml of the medicinal suspension. For cats weighing from 5 to 6 kg, 0.5 ml of medication is sufficient. For larger animals, the dosage regimen can be increased to 1 ml. It is not advisable to give kittens more than 0.2-0.3 ml of medication per day.

To measure the amount of the drug, you can use a regular or insulin syringe.

In case of severe helminthic infestation, the dosage regimen is increased to 10 mg per kilogram of body weight. The exact dosage is calculated by the veterinarian. At the same time, he pays attention not only to the cat’s body weight, but also to the nature and severity of the pathology, health status and other factors.

Correct use of the tablet dosage form involves dosages of 1/4 tablet for adult animals and 1/8 tablet for kittens. In severe cases of the disease, the dosage regimen is doubled, i.e. adult cats require 1/2 of the tablet, and small pets require 1/4 of the tablet.

It is recommended to give the medicine in the morning. The procedure must be performed once a day. After 10 days of treatment with veterinary drugs, you need to be examined again and pass all the necessary tests. If the diagnosis is positive, then the course of treatment is repeated.

The suspension must be poured into the cat's mouth. To do this, it is better to use a syringe from which the needle has been removed. The solution is poured under the root of the tongue or into the cheek area.

The tablet form must first be crushed and added to the feed. The prepared mixture should be treated to your pet. If the cat does not eat, then the powdered substance from the tablet is diluted with water and forcibly poured into the cat's mouth.

Before treatment with medication, the animal does not need to follow a specialized diet. During therapy, it is prohibited to give your pet laxatives, because they reduce the effectiveness of the antiparasitic medicine. There is also no need to take any additional measures.

How does Pirantel work?

The action of the drug is aimed at damaging the muscular system of helminths by blocking nerve endings. The medicine is active against mature worms, as well as against worms in their early development. The drug has no effect on parasite larvae.

Immobilized worms are eliminated from the intestines naturally, through bowel movements.

To completely destroy intestinal worms, the medication is taken in several stages over a certain period of time.

Despite the fact that the drug is intended for people, including small children, it is quite acceptable to treat young pets with Pirantel. It is often prescribed by veterinarians for worming cats and dogs. The most important thing is to stick to the correct dosage.

If parasites are found in a cat living in the house, then antihelminthic therapy is usually recommended for the whole family. In such situations, Pirantel turns out to be a practical choice, as it is suitable for absolutely everyone: children, adults, animals.

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To ensure that your animal does not have any side effects or complications while using the drug, you should familiarize yourself with the contraindications before treatment. Among them:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • severe infectious lesions;
  • significant exhaustion;
  • severe pathologies of the kidneys and liver;
  • individual intolerance to substances contained in the veterinary drug.

In addition, the medication is not used in kittens whose body weight is less than 500 g. It is also prohibited to give the medicine to animals under one month of age.

Pyrantel is contraindicated in combination with Piperazine and other antiparasitic drugs. This is due to the increased risk of complications resulting from the toxic effects of medications.

All information posted on the site is provided in accordance with the User Agreement and is not a direct instruction to action. We strongly recommend that before using any product, you must obtain a face-to-face consultation at an accredited veterinary clinic.

Can cats take deworming medication for humans?

Pyrantel was originally developed for the treatment of humans, but due to its good tolerability and effectiveness, it is used as an anthelmintic for cats. The medication is used only for medicinal purposes and is not suitable for disease prevention.

The drug blocks the nerve impulses of the parasite, causing its paralysis and death, and promotes the elimination of dead helminths in the feces.

Ineffective against eggs and larvae, which migrate with the bloodstream for further development in other organs. Therefore, deworming courses with Pirantel are recommended to be repeated twice - after 3 and 6 weeks, when the eggs and larvae develop into the next generation of parasites.

The product acts on roundworms and nematodes. This family includes:

  • roundworms;
  • nekator;
  • pinworms;
  • strongyloid;
  • whipworm

Since the spectrum of action of the drug is quite narrow, it is important to clarify the type of helminthiasis pathogen in order to prescribe an effective course of treatment.

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