Traumatin for cats: instructions for use, composition, dosage and price

Many who have cats often encounter situations where their pets injure themselves as a result of an unsuccessful jump.

In this case, it is necessary to help the animals. For example, you can use the homeopathic remedy Travmatin. It works as a pain reliever and also helps in treating inflammation. Although homeopathy has a bad reputation, Travmatin is considered a reliable remedy for treating wounds or injuries. Travmatin received positive feedback from both animal owners and doctors. The drug works quickly: after a while the pet should stop feeling severe pain. In addition to this, the medicine heals wounds and damaged areas. The drug is produced in the form of a solution for injection, drops, gel and tablets.

Instructions for use Traumatina

The drug Travmatin is widely known in veterinary clinics as a highly effective, safe treatment for cats and dogs. Despite its effectiveness, the use of the drug requires compliance with the standards prescribed in the relevant instructions. To achieve the desired result, it is important to carefully read the sections with indications and contraindications and understand the distinctive features of the methods of use.

Composition and release form

Travmatin is a homeopathic preparation of plant origin. Includes:

Active ingredient Functions
Arnica Hemostatic effect, toning and strengthening the walls of blood vessels, preventing the development of sepsis, accelerating the healing of wounds and bruises
Chamomile Rapid relief of acute pain, sedative effect, reduction of inflammation of the mucous membranes
Calendula Effective fight against purulent wounds, acceleration of restoration of damaged tissues in lacerations, frostbite, burns
Echinacea Strengthening the immune system, helping the body resist infectious diseases, preventing sepsis
St. John's wort Pain relief, regeneration and restoration of the nervous system in case of damage to the spinal cord or brain, rupture of nerve fibers
Belladonna Reduction of elevated temperature, acute pain, swelling, relief of heat and redness in acute localized inflammation
Sulfur calcium liver Improving metabolic processes at the cellular level, launching regenerative processes, eliminating suppuration
Immunomodulator ASD-2 Increasing tissue immunity, launching regeneration processes, improving blood circulation

The auxiliary components of the medicine are water, ethyl alcohol and sodium chloride. Travmatin is available in the format of a clear, colorless solution for injections, a thick transparent gel, and tablets. Injections are given intravenously, subcutaneously, the gel is applied to the skin or affected areas, tablets are intended for oral use. The medicine is packaged in vials.

The principle of action of the drug

The drug eliminates pain of any nature; after injections there is no need to take other analgesics. Intravenous injections provide immediate anti-shock action. The drug stops bleeding, resolves swelling, hematomas, normalizes blood flow at the site of injury, stops inflammation, prevents wounds from festering, starts regeneration processes, and prevents the spread of infections in the body. By stimulating redox processes, the animal recovers from anesthesia faster and recovers after surgery.

Treatment of injuries

By the fourth day, the owners ran out of medicine, and by the evening the leg was swollen and began to look much worse. The next morning they bought it, the course of injections was resumed, and after a few hours the inflammation had practically disappeared, the edges of the postoperative wounds were completely closed again. So this medicine really works. When it was time to remove the stitches, only a slight lameness reminded of the schnauzer's serious injury.

Moreover, based on the results of the initial examination of the dog, all orthopedists believed that he would probably remain disabled and would not be able to walk normally. After five months of using Travmatin, even deep wounds left small scars, small ones healed without difficulty, and there were practically no signs of lameness. So Traumatin for Animals can really be recommended for serious injuries.

The second similar example is a nine-year-old dog who was “punched up” by his own relatives. There was a deep bite wound on the thigh. Initially, it was treated, but due to the severely frayed edges, it was not possible to completely stitch up the damage. Levomekol and streptocide powder were used, but the animal’s condition did not improve significantly.

Then they started injecting Travmatin into the dog. After only four days, the secretion of ichor and exudate completely stopped, the edges of the wound began to close, and signs of serious inflammation practically disappeared. After three weeks, the wound was completely healed, and no side effects such as lameness or other complications were recorded.

Unlike many drugs, this drug can be prescribed during vaccination, and there are all real reasons for this: there are many types of vaccines that leave a noticeable lump at the site of their administration. If you start administering Travmatin as a precaution, this will not happen, and standard complications after vaccination will either not appear at all, or will occur in a much smoother form.

Finally, many veterinarians strongly advise the use of this medicine in case of castration of male dogs. For them, this operation often occurs with numerous side effects (especially if the testes were removed from the dog at an older age), and Travmatin helps to avoid such serious troubles. By the way, when administered intravenously (after surgery), the medicine improves the animal’s well-being, softening the “recovery” from anesthesia. Considering that older dogs tolerate this condition with difficulty, this property is very valuable.

Indications for use

Travmatin is prescribed for fractures, dislocations, cracks, and other tissue damage. It is prescribed for cuts, lacerations, burns, and frostbite. Other general indicators of drug use:

  • abscesses, phlegmons, purulent accumulations;
  • arthritis, arthrosis, joint diseases;
  • dermatitis, eczema caused by ectoparasites;
  • oncology;
  • inflammation;
  • traumatic, painful, anaphylactic shock;
  • heat, sunstroke.

For cats

Traumatine for animals helps to stop and reduce even severe bleeding. It has an anti-shock effect, therefore it is indicated for conditions or diseases:

  • skin diseases: injuries, thermal and chemical burns, all stages of frostbite, biting, lacerations, incised wounds, infectious dermatitis, eczema;
  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, fractures, bruises, dislocations, traumatic swelling, pain reactions;
  • inflammatory diseases: abscesses, ulcers, phlegmon, fibrous mastitis;
  • periodontal diseases, otitis;
  • obstetric care: prevention of ruptures of the birth canal with excessively large offspring, elimination of placenta retention, pyometra, endometritis.

For dogs

All of the above indications also apply to dogs. Gel and injections help them recover from anesthesia easier and faster, heal faster, and restore tissue integrity. The use of the drug does not lead to the formation of scars due to intensive cell regeneration. During childbirth, the drug eliminates pain, facilitates the process, and prevents injuries and bleeding. If puppies do not have a sucking reflex, the medication restores it.

pharmachologic effect

Here are examples of cases when you can use Travmatin: injuries of various types: dislocations, sprains, fractures, hematomas, bruises; skin damage, wounds, bites; acute inflammatory processes: abscesses, phlegmon, periodontal disease. Due to its properties, Travmatin is often prescribed after surgery, as it speeds up the pet’s recovery process. In addition, the drug makes it easier for cats to endure childbirth. During contractions and attempts, he controls their strength. The drug can also be used to treat frostbite or to stop blood loss. Travmatin is considered a non-hazardous drug. No negative effects that could affect the health of cats were observed. However, one should not assume that the drug is an alternative to complex treatment and antibiotics. Traumatin rather speeds up the body's recovery process.

Directions for use and dosage

The form of release of the drug directly affects the method of its use. Tablets are used orally, injections are made intravenously or subcutaneously, and the gel is applied to the affected areas of the skin. Intravenous injections have anti-shock, analgesic and hemostatic properties.


Traumatin tablets are given 1-2 pieces per day, depending on the weight and age of the animal, regardless of food intake. During childbirth, it is given once at the beginning of the process. If necessary, the dose is repeated after 3-4 hours. For small kittens and puppies, take a quarter of the dose from an adult animal. The duration of treatment is about two weeks.


The dosage of the injection solution is calculated based on the weight of the animal: 0.1 ml per kg of weight or 0.5-2 ml in total for puppies. Injections are given twice a day for a course of 5-10 days, but it can be shortened or increased depending on the indications. In the absence of a sucking reflex in puppies or kittens, the solution is dripped into them at intervals of half an hour until functionality is restored. The solution is administered subcutaneously under the shoulder blade - this way it is absorbed faster.

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The medication in gel form is used for local application in a thin layer to the site of localization of damage. The medicine is intended for long-term use because it does not accumulate in the animal’s body. This form of the drug is not intended for severe injuries and tissue damage; it can be combined with other medications (antibiotics, analgesics).

Side effects

As a rule, no side effects are observed when using the medicine in accordance with the above instructions for use. This is due to the fact that the drug belongs to the fourth class of danger, and therefore it can be prescribed to all categories of cats, including newborn kittens and lactating females, without any fear.

Only in extremely rare cases is individual intolerance to the components included in the drug possible. This usually happens in animals suffering from allergic reactions to vegetation. In such situations, the medication should be stopped immediately and antihistamines prescribed.

special instructions

The drug can be used in conjunction with drugs of symptomatic or etiological action, corticosteroids, vitamin complexes, and antibacterial agents. When using tablets, it is not recommended to skip doses to avoid a decrease in the therapeutic effect. If an injection is missed, treatment is restored at the first opportunity according to a previously approved scheme.

Traumatine does not pose a danger to humans, but when working with it you should adhere to some safety precautions. So, you need to wash your hands with soap after using the drug, keep it away from food and small children. If the solution or gel gets on the mucous membranes, irritation may occur, which can be eliminated by rinsing with plenty of water to avoid the development of allergies.

Storage conditions

When choosing a storage location, it is worth remembering that Travmatin should be in a dry place, protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 30 degrees. The shelf life of Travmatin, if not opened, is 3 years. After opening - 3 weeks. After the expiration date, throw away the medicine; it is prohibited to give it to animals.


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Travmatin's analogs

It is dangerous for animals to use drugs intended for humans, therefore only similar homeopathic remedies can replace Travmatin:

  1. Renel - tablets containing aluminum, extracts of common barberry, tomentose hododendron, serenia serenata, soft grass, nitric acid.
  2. Traumeel - gel, tablets and drops used for sprains and bruises. Contains arnica, calendula, belladonna, chamomile, echinacea, witch hazel.

Characteristics of the drug

It is a complex homeopathic remedy, which contains painkillers and anti-inflammatory components of plant origin. The components of Travmatin are:

  1. Belladonna extract. This medicinal plant is considered poisonous. However, in homeopathic doses it has good anti-inflammatory properties. The component helps reduce pain sensitivity. Therefore, the drug is prescribed for convulsions and colic in animals.
  2. Arnica extract. The plant is actively used in folk and official medicine. The components of arnica are hemostatic agents.
  3. Calendula extract. It has an excellent wound healing effect, which allows the medicine to be used for eczema, burns, dermatitis, and wounds.
  4. Echinacea extract. The medicinal plant is very popular because it improves immunity and stimulates the animal’s metabolism.
  5. ASD-2. It is an immunostimulant that promotes the healing of burns, wounds, and injuries. The substance can even fight malignant tumors in the early stages.

As you can see, the composition of the medicine has a universal restorative effect. Therefore, its use is justified in cases of severe bleeding, a state of shock in an animal, wounds of varying severity, burns, fractures, all types of injuries, and severe infectious diseases. The medicine can significantly alleviate the condition of a sick animal and speed up its recovery. Even the name of the homeopathic drug testifies to this. It quickly relieves traumatic swelling. Traumatin is often used in the postoperative period, mitigating many problems.

There is an opinion that the drug acts as an antibiotic. But it is wrong. In combination with antibacterial agents, the drug promotes the animal’s recovery. However, Travmatin cannot replace antibiotics. By the way, it is prescribed even to small kittens. After all, over many years of use in veterinary medicine, no side effects of Travmatin have been found. And the consequences of its overdose in animals were also not observed.

Price Traumatina

The cost of the drug depends on the volume of the bottle, its form, region, type of pharmacy and pricing policy. Tablets and gel are rarely found on sale; a solution for injections is more often presented. For example, for Moscow the following prices will be relevant:

Type of medication Price, rubles
Tablets 50 pcs. 190
Gel 20 ml 125
Solution for injection 10 ml 280
Solution for injection 100 ml 1100

Dexamethasone for cats description of the drug

As we already said in the introduction, Dexamethasone is a drug that was originally invented specifically for humans and is sold in human pharmacies. However, since the bodies of humans and animals have many similarities, it is also suitable for treating our pets.

This drug is a complete analogue of the hormone cortisol, which is produced naturally in living beings. This drug has a depressing effect on the immune system, as a result of which the combination of biological substances that provoke the development of inflammatory processes is prevented. The drug works great as a remedy whose action is directed against:

  • allergies;
  • inflammation, etc.

Dexamethasone is an effective drug

This drug is released in the form of:

  • solution for subcutaneous administration;
  • eye drops;
  • tablets, etc.

In liquid form, the drug has a transparent color, provided that you purchase it in an injection format. You can buy ampoules with a volume of 50 and 10 milliliters.

The spectrum of action of this product is really wide, as is the scope of its application. Thus, in veterinary practice it can be used not only in the treatment of cats, but also dogs and other animals.

During their lives, cats suffer many ailments, which Dexamethasone can cure.

Indications for the use of the drug may include various diseases in cats, for example:

  • various pathologies of the adrenal glands;
  • rheumatoid type arthritis;
  • various pathologies of the animal’s nervous system;
  • arthrosis;
  • ailments associated with damage to the lungs and respiratory tract;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • skin diseases;
  • ailments associated with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • traumatic shock, etc.

However, it is important to remember that the drug, as we have already said, is highly effective and strong, so you need to use it with caution if your cat has:

  • pathologies of the heart and circulatory system of the body;
  • kidney failure;
  • liver failure;
  • diseases of the digestive system;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the visual organs.

Selecting the correct dose of Dexamethasone that a cat needs in a given situation will determine whether the treatment will have negative consequences

It is extremely important for the veterinarian to know how to choose the correct dose of the drug, and for this he needs to have a good understanding of what result he expects. The fact is that it is strictly forbidden to prescribe Dexamethasone as a remedy “just in case”

The fact is that even in small quantities this hormone provokes an imbalance in the endocrine system.

If cats have allergies or any inflammatory processes requiring intervention, Dexamethasone is prescribed to animals in the form of:

  • injections;
  • tablets;
  • less drops.

The product is sold in any human pharmacy, including veterinary

It is worth saying that the effect of Dexamethasone, for comparison, is several times more effective than the effects of such drugs as:

  • "Cortisone";
  • "Prednisolone", etc.

Provided that the cat does not take the medicine pointwise (not by dripping into the eyes, for example), all systems of its body receive some part of the incoming substance. This drug itself rarely acts as the main drug, but it almost always becomes an element of complex therapy for diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the conjunctiva of the eye;
  • eczema;
  • otitis, etc.

Dexamethasone is great for treating conjunctivitis in cats

Other types of inflammatory diseases

But most often this medicine is used to treat various ailments associated with inflammatory reactions. The list is very long, but we will still give examples of the most common pathologies:

Abscesses, ulcers and phlegmons, as well as other types of cases of purulent inflammation.

Mastitis, including fibrous. Practice shows that without Traumatin, a sick cat has a much greater chance of being left without mammary glands.

Thus, this drug is universal in many ways. But many veterinarians and animal owners forget about one more valuable quality. The point is that Travmatin can be successfully used as an effective anti-shock agent. If you administer it intravenously immediately after the animal receives some kind of injury, the likelihood of death from pain and shock is significantly reduced. The only problem here is that not every animal lover knows how to administer drugs intravenously.

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