Can a cat's paw pads change color?

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Finding out the breed of a kitten is not difficult, everything is written down in the documents!
The color of the paw pads and the entire kitten in general does not in any way prove its purebred! If there are documents, it means he is purebred. And all the colors of paws, eyes, noses, butts are complete nonsense.

There is no connection between color and breed. If the pads are black, then the kitten is black or with black, if it is pink, then the kitten is white or with white, etc. Colored cats have blue eyes, regardless of the presence/absence of the breed. The breed is in the pedigree, the rest is lyrics.

There is no connection at all between the color of the eyes, and even more so the color of the pads on the paws, and the breed of the kitten.

No, it's different for everyone.

The color of the paw pads and nose of cats corresponds to the color. In blacks it is black, in blues it is blue, in whites it is pink, etc. the color of the eyes also corresponds to the color. Blue eyes are found only in white, colored and sometimes bicolor cats.

But the breed is completely different. If you compare, for example, a black Persian, an Oriental, a Maine Coon and a barn cat, you will understand that it is not a matter of color at all.))

Cats are digitigrade; they walk using their toes. Walking and running on your toes increases the chances of a successful hunt, because the speed of movement increases, the stride lengthens and noiselessness is ensured.

The front paws are ideal grooming tools. With the help of their front paws, animals clean hard-to-reach places - the area behind the ears, neck, muzzle. Cats first lick their paw several times, moistening it with saliva, and then wash themselves with it. Kittens begin to wash themselves using their front paws when they reach 4 weeks of age.

How many fingers does a cat have?

Cats usually have 18 toes. The front feet have five toes and the hind feet have four toes. However, there are individuals with a large number of fingers due to a genetic mutation - polydactyly. If one parent had the mutation and the other had a normal number of toes, then up to 50% of kittens will be born with polydactyly. A cat from Canada with 27 toes was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

Extra toes are not harmful to health and do not interfere with the normal life of the animal. But caring for claws becomes more complicated; trimming claws requires more time and care.

The feet of some individuals with polydactyly are mitten-shaped (with a thumb like a hand) due to the extra toes on the side. The owners of such pets observed their ability to open windows independently, in which the animals were helped by their thumb.

There are certain breeds (Maine Coon) in which polydactyly is considered a breed feature and is not a disadvantage.

Tabby colors

Scottish tabby cats are very popular among breed lovers. This color suggests the presence of patterns on the pet’s fur.

Depending on their shape and size, tabbies are divided into three types:

  • Striped (tiger) color - the presence of clearly defined vertical stripes.
  • Spotted (leopard) - the pattern is made up of spots on the animal's fur.
  • Marble color is a pattern of larger chaotic marks of different shapes.
  • A prerequisite for tabby cats is the presence of the letter “M” on the top of the animal’s forehead. The color combinations of wool are surprising in their diversity:

  • cream;
  • golden;
  • blue;
  • marble on silver;
  • black marble;
  • silver;
  • silver-blue.

Important: Scottish tabbies with a silver tabby color resemble the mustachioed pet from a cat food commercial. Many believe that it is the Scottish straight-eared cat with a tabby pattern that appears on the screen. This color is also called the whiskey color of Scottish cats.

Paw pads

The small pads are unusually sensitive and contain a large number of nerve endings. Thanks to the sensitivity of the pads, cats feel the texture of surfaces and feel vibrations, which allows them to estimate the distance to prey.

The paw pads are resistant to adverse environmental conditions, but they are very sensitive to low and high temperatures. Soft pads are quickly damaged when in contact with the surface of hot asphalt or icy sidewalks.

The front legs and paws of cats are weaker, but larger than the hind legs. These animals can climb up very well, clinging and holding on with their claws, but their claws do not help them with their descent. Cats often cannot descend on their own from great heights; they have to jump and, thanks to the pads, the blow is softened when landing. They seem to land gracefully and easily without feeling any pain.

The pigmentation of the pads matches the coat color. Colored cats often have black spots on their pads; gray cats have grayish pads; black cats have black pads; white and red cats have pink pads.


For various reasons, phenotypic differences in the silver color group are very conditional. In practice, all these colors smoothly flow from one to another. First of all, the length of the tipping (dyed part of the hair) and the intensity of the contrast with the undyed part of the hair is largely determined by polygenes. Therefore, there are many variations and quality levels of these colors: darkened chinchillas, too light or too dark silver shaded, smoky colors with insufficient tipping or practically no root highlighting of the hair.

In addition to polygenes, the entire silver group of colors depends on age and seasonal changes: the pigment is produced only at the beginning of hair growth, so during periods of molting and new hair growth we are not able to see the true color of a particular animal. That is why all short-haired breeds are not divided into chinchillas and shaded ones, but are combined into one color group with the common name “tipped” . In judging long-haired animals, I would advise using the following criteria:

1. If the question arises whether the cat is too dark a chinchilla or too light a silver shaded, then use the outside of the hind legs to the hock as a guide. If the coat color in this place is white, then the cat is assessed as a chinchilla; if it’s gray, then it’s like shaded silver.

2. If the question arises whether the cat is too dark silver shaded or too light smoke, then you need to use the mirror of the nose as a guide. If a cat has an "agouti nose" it is rated as a shaded silver; if the mirror of the nose is completely colored, then it looks like smoke.

3. If the question arises whether the cat is smoky with insufficient contrast or is it a solid color (at least not silver) with uneven color along the length of the hair, then they are guided by the ear brushes (not the tips of the ears, but in the ears). If the ear brushes are white, then we judge the cat as smoky, if not, then it is in no way related to the silver color.

Of course, with a silver red color, even these criteria are not always accurate. And let's agree on the terminology of the names of colors in the red silver group. Red (or cream) chinchillas and red (or cream) silver shaded are commonly called Shell Cameo (or Shell Cream ) and Shaded Cameo (or Shaded Crea m). But never call red smoke or red silver tabby Cameo Smoke and Cameo Tabby . This is what these colors are called in some American associations, but this introduces unnecessary confusion and therefore it is more correct and logical to say Red (or Cream ) Smoke and Red (or Cream ) Silver Tabby .

Felinological terms

Let's take a look at the different terms used to describe the colors of different breeds. “Snow ” color in the Bengal breed is similar to any point colors in other breeds. In Bengals, all colors are divided into two groups: Brown Tabby & Snow Bengals . Snow Bengals are further subdivided into Seal Lynx Point (cscs, 2 Siamese), Sepia Tabby (cbcb, 2 Burmese) and Mink Tabby (cbcs, 1 Burmese and 1 Siamese).

The European Tabby Point Lynx Point in America , and the European Red Point is both genetically and phenotypically similar to the American Flame Point .

The European Siamese Lilac Point Frost in some American associations . In the Persian breed there is a lilac ( Lilac ) color, but the same color in the Oriental breed is usually called lavender ( Lavender ).

Also know that the difference between Foreign White and Oriental White is the eye color: Foreign White has blue eyes, while Oriental White has green eyes.

Don't forget that the Tonkinese "Mink " corresponds to the following colors: Natural Mink = seal brown , Honey Mink = chocolate or chestnut , Champagne Mink = lilac .

The American Burmese is a breed that is completely different in color name from the European Burmese. Her color names are sable ( seal-brown ), champagne ( chocolate ) and platinum ( lilac or lavender ). But, be careful, try not to get confused: Champagne Mink is a lilac color, and the chocolate color of Tonkinese is called Honey Mink .

Also remember that Blue Cream and Blue Tortie are the same color, they just use different terms for the diluted tortoiseshell color in different associations. Brown Tabby and Black Tabby mean the same color: a tabby with a brown pattern is still the same genetically black cat in the presence of the agouti gene.

Classic Tabby is used for the same pattern pattern as Blotched Tabby . And only in the Bengal breed the tabby pattern tbtb is called not Blotched , but Marbled .

Different terms in American and European associations are used to name colors in the Abyssinian breed. If the Americans call the genetically black Abyssinian Ruddy , then the Europeans call it Usual . European Red is a truly gender-locked Red , the color of a boiled carrot. The American Red in the Abyssinian breed is the European Sorre l (genetic agouti cinnamon). Non-sex-linked Cream is a true Fawn or Beige , genetic colors of the black series.

Chartreux is all shades of dark gray, from ash to graphite. Ocicat 's Tawny color is the familiar Black Spotted Tabby . Ebony for Orientals is solid black.

Check and control

As in solving any problem, check the answer you receive, if possible, by all means available to you. When determining color, look not only at the color of the coat, but also focus on the color of the eyes, eyelids, nose, the color of the feathers between the toes, the color of the paw pads and the end of the tail. Do not risk solving the problem of determining color solely at a distance, by eye. Pay attention to details and specifics. Carefully inspect the undercoat, pass the fur between your fingers to see the root part of the hair, do not forget the inside of the legs.

If you think that you have correctly solved the problem assigned to you and checked the answer in all ways available to you, then you are ready to pronounce your verdict. You have taken everything into account... A cat with a Siamese coat color (be it Siamese or Himalayan) cannot have any other eye color other than blue. Blue Silver Tabby cannot have black lips or black paw pads. A cat with a brick red nose flange edged in black cannot be a solid color. A cat of black series color without a brick-red nose border cannot be a tabby. If you are in doubt between Blue Tabby and Blue Patched Tabby , first check the gender of the kitten and be sure to carefully look at the paw pads: are there any pink spots on them? Tortoiseshell turtles cannot have solid black areas.

So, you have carefully examined, analyzed everything and are ready not only to announce your decision, but also, if necessary, to justify it. Understand and remember that determining color is often a thankless job. Do not enter into discussions and debates about this, it is useless. Remember the announcement of the verdict in court and say: “This is my verdict, the case is closed.” If the exhibitor does not agree with your decision, he must appeal to another court to another judge

Jean-Paul Maas AB ICF expert

Cat paw print

The print of a cat's paw is round, without traces of claws, because representatives of the family walk with retracted claws that do not touch the ground. The paws leave a mark of four toes and, no matter the hind leg or the front leg, and the metacarpal soft. The two front fingers are located in close proximity to each other, while the side ones are slightly distant from the central ones. When landing a jump, a profitable fingerprint may be left behind. When pursuing prey, the tracks of the four legs come closer together.

Signs of the disease: what can be noticed during examination

When observing such cats at the RosVet VC, the veterinary dermatologist does not note strict age and breed characteristics. This means that plasmacytic pododermatitis can occur in any pet; it is impossible to predict the disease.

Mainly one central pad on the paw is affected, but it is also possible that several toe pads will be involved in the pathological process.

  • the formation of a soft, painless swelling;
  • hyperkeratotic, alternating stretch marks of the skin on the fingers;
  • the color changes from pinkish (dark) to pale blue with a purple tint.

When the pad is ulcerated, granulation tissue begins to protrude and local lymphadenopathy is observed. For a cat, plasmacytic dermatitis in the initial stages does not cause severe discomfort, there is no pain, so the owner of the animal does not always notice the first clinical signs.

Cats with plasmacytic pododermatitis have not been associated with carriage of the leukemia virus or immunodeficiency virus. Very rarely, along with swelling of the pads, the back of the nose may also swell.

Diagnosis and differentiation from similar pathologies

An accurate clinical picture and laboratory tests help make the correct diagnosis. Biopsy material is taken and examined histologically. Plasma cells are found in stained fingerprint smears.

There is practically no need to differentiate plasmacytic pododermatitis; its clinical picture is unique. But just in case, fungal, bacterial, collagenolytic granuloma, and squamous carcinoma can be excluded. Conducting a study for calicivirus and herpesvirus infection of cats.

Black ticked color

The coding for this color is as follows: n 25. Cats with this color have a black pattern on a copper background. The nose and eyes of animals are surrounded by a rim. The color of this edging is dark. Cats have a brick red nose and eyes that can be any color, including green. Pets with such fur do not have only blue eyes. The paw pads of black ticked animals are brown or black as standard.


Treatment methods and techniques are selected based on the characteristics and type of pathogen, or negative environmental factor, under the influence of which inflammation occurred in each specific case. Thus, antibiotics are used for bacterial infections, acaricidal drugs are prescribed if pododermatitis occurs due to the action of parasitic mites. A therapeutic dose of prednisolone will help combat some of the inflammation caused by the autoimmune disease. In all cases, it is useful to wash the animal’s paws using antiseptic agents.

If the problem is not treated, the inflammatory process will cause discomfort and pain to the animal, prevent the cat from moving normally, and the animal will limp. It is recommended to trim ingrown claws at home with special pliers, or use the services of a specialist.

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This is the rarest and very beautiful color of cats with the coding ny 25. The background of the animals’ fur in this case is apricot, and the stripes on the hair are dark. The most common golden ticked color is found in British cats. According to the standard, the eyes of such pets should be emerald green. The paw pads, as well as the outline of animals in this group, are brown or black. The nose of cats of this color is brick-red.

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