Manx (Manx cat): description of appearance and character, photo, price of kittens. Find out everything about the breed from A to Z here!

Origin story

In the Irish Sea, exactly between the ports of Belfast and Liverpool, is the Isle of Man. It is famous not only for the megalithic complex “Castle on Heights”, but also for its tailless cats. Let us, however, make a clarification: not all Manx cats are completely devoid of such an important attribute. Some retain several vertebrae, and in some individuals the host has the length we are accustomed to.

The reason for this feature lies in a banal genetic anomaly - the isolation of the island and the lack of “new blood”, which ultimately led to connections between relatives. The result is a hole or a funny stump instead of a tail in the descendants.

The first exhibition was held in 1871 in England, and 30 years later a club for Manx cat lovers was organized there. The standard appeared a little later: in 1903.

Gradually, Manx cats began to spread throughout the globe: the first registration took place after the appearance of the breed in America. In Europe, Manx were not considered a separate species for a long time: precisely because of a genetic mutation, they were classified as a defective type and they insisted that breeding was simply dangerous for new generations. But the popularity of cats eventually broke even the most steadfast. Today, almost all major world felinological organizations have recognized them, and the CFA Association has classified them as Cymrics, considering them to be of the same type.

They are still arguing about their ancestors: they could have been British shorthair cats (they have many common features), but one thing is certain: the first cats were brought there by settlers, took root and began to actively reproduce.

A little about the breed

The Manx cat is quite difficult to confuse with other breeds. In appearance it resembles a decorative rabbit. A genetic feature is the complete or partial absence of a tail.

In order to find a purebred kitten, you need to know certain standards. The purity of the breed depends on the animal's compliance with the basic characteristics. Initially, only short-haired cats were considered the standard, but in 1994 the CFA recognized individuals with semi-long hair as a subspecies of the Manx cat.

One of the main important signs of a purebred cat is the roundness of all its shapes.



Manx weigh little: males weigh a maximum of 5 kg, females - 3.5-4 kg.

HeadRound, small, chubby cheeks. The ears are erect, with rounded tips. Both inside and outside are abundantly pubescent. The cheekbones are wide and prominently protruding.
EyesLarger, wide open, set slightly askew. The iris can be any color, but matching the color is highly valued.
FrameRectangular, elongated, massive, with strong bones. The hind legs are longer than the front legs, the front legs are short and strong, which is why the cat’s sacrum is noticeably raised. The chest is wide, the back is arched. Short and massive neck. The paws are round and elastic.
WoolThick and plush to the touch. There is a dense undercoat. The Manx's fur feels like a rabbit's skin.

There are 4 types of tails:

  • Rumpy: there are no tail vertebrae at all, and in the place where the tail is located in other cats there is a fossa. Such cats are rated higher than others at exhibition events.
  • Rampy riser: there are 1, 2 or 3 vertebrae. They are allowed to participate in exhibition events, but only if the cat passes a kind of test: a specialist pets the animal and, if the vertical tail does not interfere with the hand, the cat is considered admitted.
  • Stampi (stampi): from 5 to 14 fused vertebrae (lumpy or in tension).
  • Longi: The tail of this species is of standard length. Many owners stop it in kittens: this helps prevent ossification of the vertebrae in old age.

Manxes, unfortunately, are a rare breed and it is difficult to find a cattery. And not only in our country, but also in neighboring countries. Most of them are concentrated in the United States, but there are a few in Europe. Therefore, acquiring a Manx is a difficult and expensive task. The approximate price tag is from $450 and above. The cost consists of several factors: it is not only the geographical location of the seller, but also the class, the merits of the parents, whether the animal is purchased for breeding or for oneself. To purchase a show-class Manx, you must make a reservation in advance.

Disqualifying signs:

  • No slanted eyes;
  • Triangular head;
  • Excessively elongated torso.

How to take care of your health

The average lifespan of cats is 12 to 15 years. But some representatives live up to 18 and even 20 years.

Cats have good health and their main drawback is “Manx syndrome”, which is associated with taillessness. They have a gene that leads to shortening of the spine and complex changes in its spinal region: spina bifida, shortened vertebrae, problems with the abdominal cavity, pelvis, etc.

Abnormalities are not always immediately visible in a kitten; they usually appear by 4 months. If parents are “rampi”, then the likelihood of diseases occurring is very high.

Cats sometimes also develop deafness, corneal dystrophy, and problems with the genitourinary tract.

Throughout their lives, monitor your pet's weight, as they are very prone to obesity.

Vaccinations for Manx cats are given in the same way as other cats, according to the schedule established by the veterinarian.

Character and behavior

Reviews about these cats are the most positive. They are friendly and intelligent, and feel comfortable both in a large, noisy family and in a small one-person family. They love attention very much, but do not demand it, and are excellent at entertaining themselves. They are active, love to run and jump, so you should equip a special cat corner in which your pet can climb as much as he likes.

Manx treat people with great sympathy, both acquaintances and strangers. They are not afraid of guests and are the first to come up to introduce themselves, and at first they behave more than restrained, but when they get used to it, they allow themselves to be naughty, like kittens.

Children are not offended: we are ready to entertain them from morning until evening. They get along well in the same apartment with dogs (even large ones) and cats, but only if the neighbors behave calmly and do not show aggression. Manxes also know how to stand up for themselves.

They are obedient, quickly grasp information on the fly, and rarely allow themselves to be capricious about food or filler. They love to look at water flowing from a tap or shower. Some individuals even manage to open the taps for this!

They are excellent fishermen and hunters, so choose who will live in the same house with you: either Manx, or fish and decorative rats.

After running and jumping, they can rest for a long time, sitting on the windowsill and looking with interest at the world behind the glass. If you open windows for ventilation, install special strong nets on them in advance so that your pet does not fall out.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

Do not allow your pet to climb onto high cabinets: the lack of a tail prevents them from grouping properly when doing so, and the cat can be seriously injured.

Since Manx cats have fur that grows very close to the anus (and there is no tail), the remains of excrement often stick to it. Therefore, you will have to look under the cat’s tail every day, and, if necessary, clean contaminated areas.

Owner reviews

Absolutely all Manx owners note their peaceful and non-conflict character, which definitely has some dog-like traits. Sometimes these cats resemble dogs in behavior, as they are very devoted and faithful.

It is also noted that they are extremely fond of watching water flow. They can sit for hours and watch the thin stream running from the tap. But they can’t stand swimming.

Care instructions

Human care products - shampoos, toothpastes, gels, etc. - are designed exclusively for humans and are not suitable for animals. The components included in their composition can cause not only banal skin dermatitis, which takes a long time and is difficult to treat, but also intestinal upset and even poisoning. Therefore, buy care products only in pet stores. You don’t have to grab the most expensive ones - and the cheap ones do their job perfectly.


Thick fur requires regular grooming. During the shedding period, the cat needs to be brushed daily, the rest of the time - 1-2 times a week. To do this, you will need a fine-toothed metal comb, a comb with natural bristles and a furminator. It is better not to untangle the resulting tangles (this causes severe discomfort to the animal), but to cut them off with nail scissors.

Does your cat like to swim?

Not really


The eyes are washed daily by soaking a cotton pad in strong tea leaves, fresh chamomile infusion or clean boiled water.


The ears are examined every week. If dirt and wax have accumulated in them, wipe it off with a cotton pad soaked in ear lotion. You cannot pour anything inside, nor use aggressive products (with alcohol, dyes and fragrances).


Brush your teeth 2-3 times a week using cat toothpaste and a baby toothbrush with trimmed bristles.


How to feed the animal - the owner must decide in the first weeks of the kitten's appearance in the house, since jumping back and forth will not benefit the animal, and feeding it either natural food or ready-made food is completely harmful. Manx are not picky, and are easily accustomed to both the first and second options. If the breeder’s baby ate dry food, and you plan to prepare his food yourself, transfer the kitten to a new regime gradually.

When choosing a menu, remember a few rules:

  • Adult animals are fed no more than 2 times a day (an exception is made for weakened animals, lactating and pregnant cats), kittens 4-6 months - 3-4 times a day, under 4 months - 5-6 times.
  • Drinking water must be fresh. Change it 2 times a day. Tap water is not suitable: it may contain harmful compounds and components. Drinking water can be purified using a filter or settled. Cats should not be given tea, juices or herbal decoctions; the same applies to compotes, alcohol and alcohol-containing products.

Natural products

Natural feeding does not mean that the cat is suitable for food from your table. Most of the dishes are absolutely not suitable for animals. This applies to sweet, salty, sour, flour, fatty, spicy, smoked, canned. As you can see, the list is extensive.

In addition, Manx should not be given fatty meat (pork, goose, lamb), large bones and tripe, lard, river fish, raw eggs, dairy products with dyes, potatoes, tomatoes, fruits (except for apples and melons), flour, baking.

But lean meats, sea fish, porridge, stewed vegetables (zucchini, carrots, beets, pumpkin, asparagus, broccoli, green salad), raw chicken yolk, low-fat sour cream, yogurt and kefir can and should be given.

Be careful with cow's milk: some adult cats stop digesting lactose as they age. Porridge and meat are cooked in plain water, without salt and spices.

Recommended food

Holistic and super-premium food classes are made from much better quality products than premium and economy food classes. They cost more, of course, but the price tag is quite reasonable: they contain dehydrated meat, plenty of vegetables and berries, and only natural preservatives. Examples of high-quality food from the holistic group: Acana, PureLuxe, Wildcat; super-premium: Brit Care, Savarra, Vet Life. And be sure to pay attention to the markings: age, health status, activity level of the animal.

Below are recommended super-premium foods. Links with the names of the food are clickable, on them you can, within our website, get acquainted with the descriptions of the food and read reviews from owners of Manx cats.

HolisticSuper premiumSuper premium
GatherGuabi NaturalMealfeel

In addition to food, you should choose the right vitamin and mineral supplement. Dry brewer's yeast can be purchased independently and given in courses, following the instructions. The rest should be purchased only after consultation with a veterinarian.

Feeding the cat

To keep your Manx active and healthy longer, you need to feed him only high-quality food.

If a cat eats dry food, it is given premium or super premium products that do not contain questionable ingredients. It could be:

  • Royal Canin;
  • Farmina;
  • Bosch;
  • Hills.

When feeding Manx with natural products, his diet is designed so that it contains at least 70-80% meat. Additionally, the cat menu includes:

  • boiled vegetables;
  • porridge with water;
  • boiled eggs;
  • offal;
  • dairy products;
  • ocean or sea fish.

Pork, potatoes, beans, smoked meats, baked goods and sweets are permanently excluded from the Manx cat's menu. Also, representatives of the breed are never given river fish, sausages, or any leftovers from the master’s table.


  • Corneal dystrophy - this pathology occurs only in the Manx breed and is characterized by gradual clouding of the cornea of ​​both eyes, turning into an ulcer. At the same time, the cat loses its appetite, has lacrimation and nasal discharge. Diagnosed at the age of 3-4 months. Treatment can be either medication or surgery. During treatment, cats need complete rest and isolation from people and animals.
  • Pyoderma of the posterior part of the body is an inflammation of the skin with the release of pus. Reason: a consequence of advanced allergic dermatitis or infection in the wound. The fur begins to fall out, and blisters with purulent contents appear on the skin. The cat begins to scratch and lick the injury site and sleeps poorly. Untimely treatment can cause the formation of colloidal scars, decreased immunity, and sepsis. It is recommended to carefully cut off all the hair in the affected area, treat the skin with iodine solution, potassium permanganate or chlorhexidine, and lubricate it with antibacterial ointment (Bacitracin, Mupirocin, Baneocin).
  • Concrescence (fusion of vertebrae) is one of the most serious diseases. Medicines help improve the quality of life.
  • Spina bifida (congenital) is characterized by the following symptoms: back pain, hunched back, refusal to climb stairs or jump on chairs and sofas. Treatment depends on the severity of symptoms. In some cases, it is enough to provide the animal with rest; in more severe cases, surgery is indicated.
  • Manx syndrome: with this pathology, the structure of the spinal column and brain stem is disrupted, problems arise with defecation and urination, coordination, and gait. Often a hernia appears, pinched nerve endings in the spine and fusion of the vertebrae.

A pair of tailless genes leads to the fact that the offspring often die. Therefore, experts recommend breeding one tailless and one tailed Manx.

Expert opinion

Dusheba Vera Ivanovna

In 2010, she graduated from the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after K.I. Scriabin with honors, specializing in veterinary medicine. I regularly attend veterinary conferences, congresses, and webinars.

If you notice that your pet's behavior has changed (for example, he began to sleep constantly or sleep little, he itches, refuses to eat, has difficulty walking) - take the cat to the veterinarian for an examination. Timely assistance can not only restore health, but also save lives!

Do not try to diagnose and cure your pet on your own, buying medications at the pharmacy at your own discretion. Some illnesses have similar symptoms, and if you miss the time, the situation will get much worse. Don’t forget about preventive vaccinations and deworming: even if your cat is completely domestic and has only seen the street from the window. A number of dangerous pathogens can enter the house on human shoes, clothes and hands (if you do not wash your hands first, but pet the cat, you should know - this is a bad habit), with food or water.

Choosing a kitten

The search for kittens is carried out through nurseries or through advertisements of breeders, sometimes through exhibitions. It is advisable to clarify the availability of pedigree and vaccination certificates at the correspondence stage.

You can distinguish a Manx kitten from other tailless cats, that is, bobtails, by its denser and more rounded body, pronounced cheeks and a special “rabbit-like” manner of movement.

To reduce the risk of purchasing an animal with Manx syndrome, it is advisable to adopt a tailless kitten at the age of no earlier than four months.

During your visit, make sure the kitten looks healthy. He should have clean, clear eyes, fluffy fur without bald spots, and healthy skin. Discharge from the nose or eyes, an inflamed anus, nervous or cowardly behavior indicate illness.

Pay attention to the way your baby moves. Weakness, unsteady gait and hind limb degeneration usually indicate Manx syndrome.

The breeder must issue:

  • animal passport, which indicates its name, pedigree and date of birth;
  • contract of sale;
  • certificate of vaccination status.

The average price of a kitten is 30 thousand rubles.

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