Dentavedin for cats: instructions for use, composition, dosage and price

Instructions for use

Dentavedin in gel form is very easy to use; every owner can handle this task. The gel is used both for the prevention of diseases of teeth and gums, and for the treatment of existing pathologies. Mode of application:

  1. Wear disposable rubber gloves.
  2. Place your cat between your legs on its back; in this position it is easiest to apply dentavedin.
  3. Squeeze 1 drop of gel from the tube onto your finger.
  4. With one hand, open the cat's mouth, and with the other hand, gently rub the gel into problem areas of the mouth.

It is important to remember that after using the gel, the fluffy dog ​​should not be fed for half an hour.


For a one-time full treatment of the gums, one drop of Dentavedin gel is enough. This amount of the drug is quickly absorbed into the soft tissues, providing a therapeutic effect. Exceeding the dose of the gel can cause such adverse reactions as discoloration of the enamel of the cat's teeth, excessive salivation and loss of appetite. It is less common for a cat to develop an allergy. In this case, stop using the gel and, after consultation with a specialist, give the animal an antihistamine. If a small dose of gel accidentally enters the gastrointestinal tract, it usually does not lead to adverse reactions.

Effect of the drug

Treating your pet with dentavedin is absolutely harmless, because the composition contains mainly natural ingredients. Their impact is as follows:

  • Propolis perfectly heals small wounds and cracks on the gums.
  • Chlorhexidine bigluconate eliminates inflammation and disinfects the entire oral cavity.
  • The composition of the drug includes various tinctures and extracts from plant materials: sage, burdock, plantain, horsetail and others . Together they have a comprehensive healing effect, as the herbs eliminate fungal deposits, heal wounds, and strengthen gums.

pharmachologic effect

Dentavedin in the form of a gel contains natural components that have disinfecting, regenerating and anti-inflammatory effects. Chlorhexidine bigluconate is the active ingredient of the pharmacological product. The component relieves inflammation, disinfects microcracks and wounds on the gums and the inside of the cheeks. Dektavedin contains aqueous tincture of propolis (10%). The beekeeping product has an immunostimulating and regenerating effect. The gel contains a complex of extracts of medicinal plants: plantain, sage, horsetail, celandine and others. Medicinal herbs contain tannins, due to which they have an astringent, antifungal and wound-healing effect. Other medicinal properties of the drug: strengthening gums; provides prevention of tartar and caries; freshens breath; reduces the risk of loose teeth in older animals. For what diseases is a pharmacological agent prescribed: acute and chronic gingivitis; periodontitis; aphthous stomatitis; periodontitis; undergone manipulations to remove tartar. Dentavedin is a non-toxic drug due to its natural composition.


  1. chlorhexidine bigluconate;
  2. guar gum;
  3. propolis;
  4. distilled water;
  5. herbal extracts (nettle, eucalyptus, linden, sage, oregano, thyme, horsetail, yarrow, alder, marsh cudweed, echinacea, St. John's wort, birch and pine buds, dandelion roots, burnet, medicinal chamomile).

How to apply?

To prevent diseases of the mucous membranes, eliminate unpleasant odors and to prevent caries in cats, it is recommended to apply the drug to the animal’s gums 2 times a day.

The therapeutic course is 7-10 days. If during this period it was not possible to obtain the desired results, you can continue treatment. The therapeutic course is repeated, but with a break of 2-3 days.

If a cat has been diagnosed with calcium deposits (stones), teeth and gums are treated with Dentavedin 2 times a day. The therapeutic course is a week. At the end of treatment, when the deposits become soft, mechanical removal of the stone is performed. It is also necessary to treat (clean) the gums and periodontal pockets.

If the cat has undergone ultrasonic cleaning, after removing the stone, the drug is applied to the gums as a restorative agent for 2 weeks.

In animals that have been diagnosed with calicivirus or have other mucosal injuries, treatment is carried out by treating wounds (ulcers) with Dentavedin 3-4 times a day.

Side effects

No adverse reactions were identified during the studies, only sometimes rashes occurred due to individual intolerance to chlorhexidine. You should not use more than 1 drop per application, as allergic reactions (itching, rashes) may occur.


It is not recommended to use Dentavedin for the treatment of pregnant cats, as well as during lactation. This is due to the fact that this can negatively affect the health of future offspring.

What is this gel for?

Dentavedin is a zoological remedy that is intended for oral care.
The drug is not a medicine. Dentavedin can be prescribed to cats for the prevention and treatment of dental problems. The drug is recommended for:

  • cleansing the oral mucosa;
  • removal of tartar;
  • preventing the development of caries;
  • improving the condition of the gums;
  • eliminating unpleasant odor from the mouth.

The drug can be prescribed as an adjuvant in the treatment of calcivirosis, ulcers, burns and other injuries that cause damage to the mucosa.

What breeders say:

Sergey: A Siamese cat named Borya has been living in our family for 2.5 years now. We try to visit the veterinary clinic once a year for examination. And our cat has never been sick in his entire life, but a month ago he started having health problems. We noticed this because Borya began to approach the bowl less often and stopped playing with his toys altogether.

After some time, we made an appointment with the veterinarian, the specialist diagnosed stomatitis. The entire oral cavity of the fluffy was burgundy, and it was very unnatural. The doctor prescribed us a 2-week treatment with Dentavedin gel. Within 8-10 days the result was noticeable, as Borya began to bite and play with us again. Now I keep a couple of tubes of this wonderful gel in my medicine cabinet, and I recommend this product to everyone!

Ekaterina: Our British cat Sally became very ill last week. I couldn’t even think that cats could have problems with gums, but the veterinarian at the clinic showed me the opposite. My pet’s gums were swollen, and in some places there was even a little blood oozing out. For 3 weeks I applied Dentavedin gel to the cat’s gums. The first week there was practically no effect, but then I began to notice that the cracks in the gums began to gradually heal. The product is cheap, and at the same time it showed excellent results during treatment. I recommend dentavedin to all cat owners who are faced with gum or dental problems.

Video on how to brush a cat's teeth

Storage conditions

The shelf life of Dentavedin from the date of its production is 24 months. The date of manufacture is indicated by the manufacturer on the bottle of gel. Medicine for topical use is stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees, above 0. To store the gel, choose a dry place, protected from exposure to the sun's rays. The bottle of Dentavedin should not be stored in places accessible to children and pets. Also, the container with the gel should not be kept near food products. Dentavedin gel is a high-quality and inexpensive product for cats, but it should be used in the treatment of oral diseases after prior consultation with a veterinarian.

treating cat gums

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Side effects

If you use Dentavedin for oral care in cats and dogs according to the instructions, then the risk of unwanted effects is minimal. But allergies may still appear in the form of itching and skin rashes. In this case, you must immediately stop using the gel and, if necessary, give the animal anti-allergy medication.

Very rarely, darkening of the tooth enamel and an increase in the amount of tartar on the teeth can be observed. Isolated cases of changes in taste preferences have also been noted. It is best to discuss such points with a specialist.


Medicinal zoogel "Dentavedin" is prescribed for the following cat diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • periodontitis of various forms;
  • inflammatory periodontal disease;
  • aphthous stomatitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • periodonitis;
  • oral abscess.

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Most often, Dentavedin should be used for a cat in combination with other medications.

Scope of application

Zoogel Dentavedin for cats and dogs is intended for the treatment of the oral cavity and teeth. The product is used as a hygienic product when an infection in the mouth or inflammation of the gum tissue is detected. With prevention and constant comprehensive care, such problems not only disappear, but are also stopped at the initial stage. Regular use helps prevent their development. The gel also helps cleanse mucous membranes and restore natural microcirculation. The oral cavity takes on a healthy appearance.

Storage and cost

The medication for animals is available in 15-gram plastic bottles with a dropper. They are placed in a pack of thick cardboard, which also contains instructions for using the medicine. The average price of the drug is 50 rubles per bottle.

The gel must be stored in a dark and cool place at a temperature of +12 - +15 degrees Celsius. The maximum shelf life of the medicine is 2 years. It is prohibited to treat an animal with an expired drug. To avoid complications, in any case of discomfort, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.



Valentina, Moscow, 36 years old:

“The cat has tender gums. They can become inflamed after rough food, even meat. I used to brew chamomile and wipe the mucous membrane, but then they advised me to buy Dentavedin. Budget tool. For the first time I bought it for 45 rubles. Now the price has increased, but not by much. The gel comes in a convenient bottle with a dropper.

Positive results after use are visible already on the 3rd day. The animal becomes active. He gets an appetite. But it is better not to stop the course of treatment immediately, because symptoms can quickly return, and you will have to deal with the problem again. I smear my cat’s gums for 5-7 days.”

Sergey, Angarsk, 67 years old:

“We were diagnosed with gingivitis and the initial stage of periodontal disease. The mucous membrane was swollen and red. After the examination, the veterinarian prescribed immunomodulators (injections) and Dentavedin gel. It was difficult to do the injections, because as soon as the cat saw the syringe, he immediately hid, and reacted positively to lubricating the gums. I did not drip gel into the mouth, but applied the gel using a cotton swab.

A positive result from the treatment was already noticeable after a week. The swelling subsided, but the mucous membrane still remained red, although not as bright as before the start of therapy. The cat began to chew his food on his own (previously he refused to eat rough food, so he had to grind all the food with a blender). After 2 weeks, the redness of the mucous membrane completely disappeared.”


Irina Nikolaevna, veterinarian:

“Dentavedin hygiene product contains natural ingredients. This makes it safe for the animal, so it’s good even for kittens. But I don’t recommend starting to self-medicate. Some diseases cannot be cured with gel alone. It is necessary to find the source of the problem and carry out comprehensive treatment.”

Grigory Ivanovich, veterinarian:

“A good and inexpensive hygiene product. I recommend using it as a preventive measure for oral diseases in cats, dogs and other small pets.

If there is a small amount of hardened plaque on the teeth, I suggest this product as an alternative to mechanical cleaning. Unlike the stone removal procedure, which is carried out in the clinic and causes stress for the cat, Dentavedin gently solves the problem.”

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