Cystitis in a cat: symptoms, prevention and treatment of inflammation

Cystitis in cats is a common problem characterized by inflammation in the urinary system. The disease constantly returns and becomes chronic, so owners will need to carefully monitor the health of their pet. The disease is accompanied by a lot of difficulties, but timely diagnosis makes it possible to successfully treat cystitis.

The risk group includes cats with weak immune systems that prefer a minimum of movements. Young or old animals, pregnant women, those treated with corticosteroids - all of these categories have an increased risk of developing pathology.

Inflammation of the bladder causes suffering in pets. They have a weakened immune system, are prone to obesity, and infection can even be acquired during surgery.

The danger of cystitis in cats

Lack of diagnosis and treatment leads to a sharp exacerbation of the symptoms of cystitis, which provokes serious complications. Bacteria, entering the body, spread through the blood and penetrate the kidneys, which causes renal failure and peritonitis. The reproductive system is often affected.

There is a deviation in the alkaline environment of urine, and stones form. Cats are more susceptible to urolithiasis; they have a narrower and more tortuous urethra. A small amount of sediment is enough to block the passage. The salt plug stops the excretion of urine. The life expectancy of a pet in such an extreme situation, without medical assistance, will be several days.

Untreated cystitis becomes chronic. Relapse of the disease is provoked even by banal hypothermia. Treatment should be carried out only if the presence of cystitis is confirmed. The inflammatory reaction may be caused by another disease that will need to be eliminated first.

What is the danger of the disease?

Cystitis in cats is a deceptive disease. Why? The fact is that it is prone to relapse. Periods of relief can easily be confused with recovery, which is why many owners are in no hurry to seek professional help. Moreover, cystitis in cats is difficult to treat, and their body is severely depleted due to constant pain.

Consequences of cystitis:

  • weakening of the immune system,
  • deterioration of general condition,
  • dysfunction of the bladder,
  • formation of urethral plugs,
  • paracystitis (inflammation of the tissue located next to the bladder),
  • reducing the life expectancy of a pet.

It is possible to prevent these consequences. The main thing is to promptly seek veterinary help when the first signs of the disease occur.

Causes of the occurrence and development of the disease

Both external and internal factors can provoke inflammation, namely:

  • infection of the urinary system;
  • helminths;
  • diabetes, in which the level of glucose and protein increases, creating conditions acceptable for bacteria;
  • eating low-quality feed, overeating;
  • low fluid intake when regularly eating dry food;
  • walking in low temperatures;
  • the formation of salt deposits and calculi in the urine;
  • infection that has become chronic (leukemia);
  • pelvic injuries as a result of an unsuccessful jump;
  • damage to the reproductive system (endometritis), complications after childbirth.

Even stress can provoke inflammation. It negatively affects the immune system and weakens it. Cats are lovers of cleanliness, unsanitary conditions in the house, an uncleaned litter box - all this becomes the cause of cystitis.

Frequent abstinence increases the concentration of urine, creating an acceptable environment for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. A capricious pet needs to be carefully monitored, changing its tray daily.

Common causes of the disease

Cystitis occurs as an independent disease, but in some cases it can be a consequence of any disease. Most often diagnosed in small kittens. With age, the likelihood of developing cystitis gradually decreases. It is often observed in animals whose immune systems are severely weakened (for example, after an infection).

Common causes of cystitis in cats:

  • Frequent stress.

Stressful situations lead to disruption of the production of cortisol (a steroid hormone) in the cat’s body, which causes inflammation of the bladder.

  • Mechanical damage and trauma in the pelvic area.

Severe injuries or bruises (for example, from falls from a great height) can lead to damage to the musculoskeletal system, and then to cystitis.

  • Hypothermia.

The likelihood of bladder inflammation increases if the cat lives in a cold or damp, drafty room.

  • Poor nutrition.

If your pet's diet contains only dry food and there is no sufficient access to water, the composition of the urine changes. This can lead to the development of a severe inflammatory process.

  • Disorders of the urinary system.

Chronic diseases (for example, urolithiasis or pyelonephritis) can lead to irritation of the mucous membranes and the occurrence of cystitis.

  • Obesity or physical inactivity.

These problems are common in spayed and neutered male cats. They can lead to stagnation of blood in the urinary system, which will cause an inflammatory process.

Classification by type of inflammation

Pathology is divided into 7 types, according to the cause of occurrence and accompanying symptoms. Treatment follows a similar scheme, despite the differences.


This variety is characterized by the absence of factors provoking inflammation. The manifested symptoms have varying degrees of severity.

From the point of view of veterinarians, one of the causes of the disease is stress. They disrupt the neuroendocrine regulation of the bladder. Hormones are actively released that increase vascular permeability. The result is the appearance of vulnerability of the walls of the bladder.


A plaque of pus is present in pets with weak immunity. The nature of the disease is bacterial. An active inflammatory process provokes intoxication and fever. Urine has small clots of pus mixed with bloody streaks and pieces of tissue covering the bladder.


This form is a complication of purulent pathology. The muscle tissue is subject to deformation, and festering ulcers appear on it.


This type of pathology does not have clear boundaries. The mucous membranes contain white blood cells produced by the body to suppress infection. Such cystitis often occurs with immunodeficiency and paracystitis, characterized by an inflammatory process in the tissue of the bladder.


Extremely severe form. One likely outcome is the development of peritonitis. Inflammation is present throughout the organ, causing tissue necrosis.


Refers to purulent and serous-catarrhal forms of cystitis. Blood vessels become thinner, their permeability increases, which is accompanied by severe hemorrhage, red blood cells are released along with the urine. The urine will contain red bloody clots.

Urolithiasis causes damage to internal tissues. The passage that removes urine becomes clogged with dense blood clots.


This form of cystitis is characterized by profuse swelling of the mucous membrane and dilation of blood vessels. Particles of the urinary epithelium begin to flake off. Excessive levels of leukocytes cause the formation of inflammatory exudate. Urine becomes cloudy, as dead cells, mucus, and other products formed under the influence of inflammation are excreted along with it.

Application of Stop Cystitis

Stop cystitis for cats

Among other herbal preparations intended for the treatment of cystitis in cats, the most popular among owners and veterinarians are Stop Cystitis and its modification Stop Cystitis Bio.

It is not for nothing that the medicine is considered the best: it effectively eliminates the inflammatory process, has a diuretic and antimicrobial effect, relieves spasms and eliminates pain in many pathologies of the feline urinary system, as well as cystitis. The first option is presented in tablet form and in the form of a suspension, the second - only a suspension. The average cost of drugs is 200 rubles, while Bio costs 20-30 rubles more.

  • Stop cystitis. Contains components of plant origin and is used as a medicinal product. It has a complex effect on the organs of the animal’s urinary system. Typically, a single dosage of the drug is 2-3 ml of suspension or 1-2 tablets. When treating a disease, it is taken twice a day, and for preventive purposes - once. Course duration is 5-7 days. Can be given to newborn kittens and cats awaiting replenishment.
  • Stop Cystitis Bio. More relevant to additives with preventive and therapeutic effects, as an addition to basic medications. Allows you to improve the functioning of the kidneys and bladder, alleviates their condition during the recovery period, prevents the formation of sand and stones, and relieves inflammation at the initial stage. Despite the fact that this is a biological additive, it can only be used as directed by a veterinarian. The dose, frequency of administration and duration are the same as the previous option, unless otherwise specified by a specialist.

Although Stop Cystitis is of natural origin, according to the instructions there are contraindications for use: heart and vascular diseases, kidney failure. Stop Cystitis Bio can be given to all cats without exception. Both drugs practically do not cause adverse reactions, but sometimes individual intolerance to some ingredients is possible in animals.

Forms of flow

Based on the severity of symptoms, cystitis can be divided into acute and chronic forms. The first variety is the starting one. Lack of treatment for a long time allows the pathology to progress into a chronic form.

In the acute form, the entire list of symptoms is present. The animal suffers from pain and may empty its bladder outside the tray. A pronounced character appears soon after exposure to a pathogenic factor. If you take the animal to the veterinarian in time, it will be possible to restore the soft tissues of the affected organ, and the inflammation will not have time to cause significant harm to them.

Chronic pathology has episodic symptoms. The cat may get better, but the disease will periodically return. Chronic cystitis weakens the immune system and negatively affects life expectancy. The muscle tissue of the affected organ becomes thicker, which prevents the animal from recovering. Recurrence of cystitis can occur more than twice a year, occurring in an acute form.

What is cystitis

Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder. Most often, this disease also affects other organs of the urinary system, for example, the urethra.

Cystitis is an extremely common disease in cats. It is accompanied by painful symptoms. The disease, once started, often recurs, so owners of cats who have once been diagnosed with cystitis need to be extremely careful and regularly monitor the pet’s condition.

It is extremely important to complete the treatment of each episode of cystitis, otherwise the risk of relapse will be higher.

Symptoms of pathology

It is not difficult to detect the presence of the disease, since the animal changes its lifestyle and uncharacteristic habits appear.

The key symptoms of cystitis are as follows:

  • frequent use of the litter box, but the volume of urine released will be reduced;
  • the cat begins to purr or meow plaintively due to the discomfort present;
  • the urine has changed color and there is blood or pus in it;
  • the stool has acquired a putrid or ammonia-like odor;
  • depressed state, lack of physical activity, partial or complete refusal to eat;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain when lightly pressing the bladder.

Cats are associative animals. They will attribute pain during urination to the litter box, trying to avoid it in the future. The transition to a chronic form becomes a real problem. The cat does not control the excretion of urine; the weakened walls of the bladder no longer hold urine. The only way out of this situation is the use of specialized diapers.

Main symptoms of cystitis

Depending on the stage of development of the pathology, clinical signs can vary from barely noticeable to pronounced. You can notice the symptoms of cystitis by observing the cat’s behavior and his trips to the toilet. At the same time, it is important to know the characteristics of the symptoms of cystitis in order to be able to seek professional help in time.

The main manifestations come down to two types of urination disorders:

  1. The cat sits in the tray for a long time (from 2-5 to 30 or more minutes), struggling to urinate. As a result, it is possible to “squeeze out” only a small amount of urine, and the urge to urinate does not leave the sick pet.
  2. Urination occurs without difficulty; on the contrary, too much urine is excreted at one time. With this course of the disease, urinary incontinence is also often observed, and the owners observe drops or small puddles throughout the house, in places where the cat was or passed.

In addition to the common symptoms mentioned above, other signs of cystitis are often present:

  • Painful sensations of varying severity, they can be constant or occur directly in the process (when trying) to urinate. As a result, the cat behaves restlessly, may try to go to a place other than the litter box to relieve itself, and meows or hisses loudly.
  • Hematuria is another common manifestation in which blood is found in the urine. Typically, this symptom is present in the later stages of cystitis progression or when it is initially severe.

In most cats, due to urocystitis, their appetite also decreases and their overall body temperature may increase.


If you notice any of the described signs, you need to take your pet to the veterinarian as soon as possible, the doctor will help reduce the suffering and prescribe the necessary medications.

Diagnostics in a veterinary clinic

Preliminary diagnosis consists of collecting anamnesis, assessing the general condition of the pet, and palpation. A complete picture can be obtained after the following procedures:

  • studying blood and urine tests, any deviations from the norm will be displayed in an unstandardized number of basic indicators;
  • blood biochemistry studies, analysis will help determine the degree of damage to the urinary system;
  • Ultrasound, which helps to track the presence or absence of tumors in the kidneys;
  • Bacteriological culture can determine sensitivity to antibiotics, and the causative agent of the disease is determined.

If necessary, x-rays and cystoscopy are prescribed. Cystoscopy focuses on the inner surface of the bladder. The image will allow you to track the condition of the internal organs.

Diagnosis of the disease

To choose effective treatment, the veterinarian needs to make an accurate diagnosis and determine the cause of the disease. Cystitis is preliminarily diagnosed based on a thorough examination, palpation of the abdominal area and anamnesis obtained from the cat’s owner.

If necessary, the veterinarian prescribes the following diagnostic methods:

  • Analysis of urine,
  • ultrasound examination of the genitourinary system (allows to detect thickening of the bladder),
  • bacterial culture of urine,
  • X-ray examination of the urinary system.

If your cat has previously been diagnosed with cystitis, be sure to tell your veterinarian. The fact is that diseases of the lower urinary tract in animals are a lifelong problem. This means that an episode of illness, even with proper treatment, may recur in the future.

First aid and treatment

If the animal is suffering from severe pain, an antispasmodic may be used. The exact dosage depends on the weight and age of the pet, but it must be agreed with your veterinarian.

Temporary abstinence from food will help reduce the load on the kidneys, but you need to monitor your fluid intake. This helps reduce the concentration of urine and remove some bacteria from the body.

The pet should be placed in a place protected from drafts to prevent the progression of cystitis. It is not recommended to carry out palpation on your own; excess pressure on the organ can lead to rupture of soft tissues.

Causes of cystitis

Most often, cystitis is provoked by normal microflora - these are bacteria that “live” in the bladder constantly. In a healthy cat, they do not destroy the organ mucosa and do not cause clinical symptoms. When exposed to triggers, the immune system weakens and microbes can cause cystitis.

Such provoking factors include:

  • hypothermia;
  • frequent stress;
  • poor nutrition;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • taking certain potent drugs;
  • accompanying pathologies.

When exposed to them, the body's defenses are depleted and it is unable to resist infection. Sometimes other concomitant diseases arise that also require treatment. In some cases, cystitis develops spontaneously, without exposure to provoking factors.

Procedures at the veterinary clinic

Veterinarians clean the bladder. The procedure is carried out using a catheter with an antibiotic and an antiseptic (boric acid, Furacilin, KotErwin). If there is a critical lack of fluid in the body, a dropper with Ringer's solution or glucose is placed.

In a critical situation, combined with a risk to life, surgical intervention may be performed. The veterinarian artificially empties the bladder if it is filled with urine and the natural passage is tightly blocked. In other cases, conservative treatment is carried out at home.

Treatment of bladder inflammation

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If necessary, the pet's bladder is cleansed of infectious contents. To do this, warm saline solutions, for example, sodium chloride, and then antiseptic solutions are injected into the organ cavity using a catheter. Washing is repeated until the emerging liquid has a transparent color. If the body is severely dehydrated, the animal is given drips with a saline solution, which restores the water-mineral balance. In some cases, glucose is administered. The number of droppers depends on the volume of urine excreted per day.

A veterinarian should prescribe medications for cystitis and treat them, since he has information about the compatibility of drugs and the cat’s health condition. Knowing about the presence of concomitant diseases, the specialist can adjust the standard treatment regimen. The task of the owner of a fluffy cat is to follow the purpose and create optimal home conditions.

How to care for an animal

During treatment, the animal must be isolated from drafts and not allowed to lie on the tiles. Heating the bedding is also not recommended. There are a number of other useful recommendations:

  • no walks. On a warm and clear day, you can go out with your pet in your arms to saturate its body with oxygen;
  • It is forbidden to bathe a cat until complete recovery;
  • make sure there is enough fluid. For picky animals, you can install electric fountains, host mugs or buckets, and place them in different rooms;
  • do not expose your pet to stress;
  • Visit your veterinarian regularly to monitor changes in health.

Particular attention should be paid to weak, pregnant or lactating pets. Low immunity accelerates the development of inflammation, which affects the kidneys.

How is ICC treated?

First of all, you need to focus on proper nutrition and improving the cat's living conditions, as they are important in the treatment of cystitis.

Encouraging more frequent urination and, accordingly, the production of less concentrated urine should alleviate the condition of a cat with cystitis. This is achieved in part by changing the cat's normal diet. A good effect, along with other measures to increase water consumption, is achieved by switching from dry food to wet food.

In addition to moisture-containing foods, veterinary therapeutic diets (only those recommended by a physician) have been formulated for cats with lower urinary tract disease. Such diets include polyunsaturated fatty acid supplements, which have the potential to reduce inflammation.

Additional measures to increase your cat's water intake:

Your cat should always have fresh water. Some cats prefer running water (there are special fountains for such cats) - this also stimulates water consumption;

To encourage your cat to drink more, it is important to place water in several places where it is convenient for the cat to spend time. Avoid noisy places and areas near the litter box. It is best if the water is in a ceramic dish - metal and plastic can emit an unpleasant odor or taste for the cat. It is better to use small dishes so that the cat can see what is happening around while she drinks, and her whiskers do not rub against the walls of the saucer (this can be unpleasant for the cat).

Reducing stressful situations has a positive effect on the well-being of cats with ICC. In a calm environment, the cat drinks and goes to the toilet more often, which helps reduce the frequency and severity of exacerbations of cystitis. Ensure your cat can freely visit the litter box. If there are several cats, each should have its own litter box plus one (ideally, for 2 cats, 3 litter boxes in different places). Try to find a suitable location and type of litter box that suits your cat.

It is important to try to identify and rule out any specific causes of stress - these could be other animals, sudden changes in diet, renovations, numerous guests and much more. If possible, we should try to eliminate or neutralize the causes of stress.

Cats that spend most of their lives indoors are also sensitive to stress. Compared to their wild ancestors, domestic cats often live in very confined spaces with few options to occupy their time, which can also cause significant stress. Quite simple measures can help in the fight against it, for example: set aside time to play with the cat, allow the cat to visit forbidden places - rooms, balconies, arrange the room in such a way that the cat can find something to do (for example, install scratching posts) and rest comfortably. A cat needs some territory and a comfortable place to control this territory, at least to some extent. It is important that the cat has something to explore and that there are places in which to hide - ideally at heights.

Medicinal feed

A standard diet is not acceptable during therapy. Natural food should contain a minimum amount of fat and protein, but the norm is difficult to determine on your own. The task can be simplified by using a line of specialized high-class medicinal feeds. The composition contains the necessary list of components, vitamins, and a small amount of salt. There is a weak diuretic effect.

Using medicated food on a regular basis will help:

  • reduce the amount of salts in the urine;
  • increase the rate of primary urine formation per unit time;
  • protect the liver from excess stress;
  • normalize the flow of urine from the bladder.

The brand is selected by a veterinarian. Popular and trusted brands include Hill's, Royal Canin, Purina, Advance, etc. It is allowed to change feed when diagnosing urolithiasis. This will regulate the acidity of urine.

Switching your pet to a new food is extremely simple: you need to mix it into the old one, gradually increasing the amount. A sudden change can lead to an allergic reaction or gastrointestinal upset.

Causes of the disease and its clinical manifestations

Currently, in veterinary practice, doctors quite often encounter bladder diseases in cats that are not associated with infections of the lower urinary system. Owners bring their pets to the reception with complaints of sharply increased frequency of urination (pollakiuria), lack of urination (anuria), sometimes with additional signs in the form of blood in the urine (hematuria), repeated sitting outside the tray (periuria), urine excretion drop by drop, vocalization (dysuria), constant licking of the groin area. Often, owners pay attention to strange behavior not on the first day of the problem, because... acute signs of the disease can disappear spontaneously just as they appear.

From the anamnesis collected at the appointment, the owners note that the diet did not change, the pet behaved absolutely normally before the illness, and also during a conversation with the doctor, it may become clear that a factor that is not so important for the owners as recent possible stress, since guests appeared in the house , the animal could also be in foster care, new pets have appeared and other factors leading to disruption of the animal’s peace and personal space.

Despite years of research, the cause of idiopathic cystitis (FIC) remains unknown. Factors that may play a role in the development of FIC include stress, type of diet (especially dry food diets high in minerals), strict indoor confinement, genetic factors (eg, long-haired cats), and include viruses. It is believed that the accumulated inflammatory particles and mineral crystals can form a plug that occurs in the cat's urethra, resulting in an emergency. FIC affects both male and female cats, but cats rarely develop urinary tract obstruction because their urethras are shorter and wider than male cats' urethras.

Hypothetically, the first reason is the structure of the nervous and endocrine systems of cats, which are partly associated with the structural features of the bladder. The nervous system gives an impulse, the endocrine system responds with the release of hormones, tissues and organs carry out certain actions and functions. Release of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) and cortisol into the blood. In cats with idiopathic cystitis, the concentration of catecholamines is high, and the concentration of cortisol is reduced, which together leads to disruption in all links of this chain. The nerve impulse is either depressed or hyperactive. The bladder responds with an inflammatory process even in the absence of an infectious factor.

When examining such an animal, as a rule, the prepuce and penis are unchanged, some pain in the abdominal wall can be detected upon palpation of the bladder, the bladder itself may be more often than moderately full or practically empty, and idiopathic cystitis can cause acute urinary retention, while it may be abruptly filled and displaced into the abdominal cavity.

Prevention and relapse prevention

It is not always possible to detect the disease in time, so it progresses into a chronic form. Preventive measures can reduce the frequency of relapses, as well as smooth out symptoms.

To help your pet, you will need to follow a number of simple recommendations:

  • equip a comfortable sleeping place, supplement it with a thick blanket. The bed must be protected from natural or artificial sharp air flow. It is best to install it on a hill;
  • Leave medicated food in the diet after complete recovery. A return to normal diet should be discussed with your veterinarian;
  • carry out regular examinations. This way, it will be possible to promptly notice the emergence of a new inflammation or a relapse of an old one;
  • minimize stress factors. Moving, going to the veterinarian, or otherwise transporting an animal has a negative impact on its nervous system. You can buy natural-based sedatives. Resorting to physical punishment is strictly prohibited;
  • prevent injuries. Do not allow pets to climb to high places. If this is the cat's favorite place, it is better to build a ladder along which he will climb and descend.
  • keep an observation diary and note the amount of fluid consumed in it;
  • get the necessary vaccinations in a timely manner;
  • treat the animal for parasites. This way it will be possible to strengthen the immune system by eliminating the infection factor;
  • collect a first aid kit;
  • If there is a change in behavior, including lethargy, refusal to eat, or plaintive meowing, you should immediately contact a veterinary clinic.

Cystitis in cats is a dangerous pathology that needs to be treated with specialized means. Self-medication can be disastrous for the animal. It is recommended to independently carry out preventive measures prescribed by a veterinarian, which will help strengthen the health and immunity of your beloved pet.

Are there risk groups?

Cystitis in a cat

Any pet with a mustache can get cystitis, but cats and kittens can be identified as being at risk. First of all, weakened animals are susceptible to cystitis: those who have had the disease, newborns, and the elderly. Since their immune system is reduced, any infection or cold living conditions can trigger an inflammatory process.

Experts also note that cats are more susceptible to cystitis than cats. And if you compare sterilized (castrated) animals with those who have not undergone surgery, the former get sick more often. This may be due to both a weakened immune system and an infection introduced during the operation.

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Features of the treatment of Urolithiasis

If you suspect that your cat has urolithiasis, we recommend that you immediately contact your veterinarian. Only a competent specialist will be able to accurately determine the stage of the disease, identify the number, composition and size of stones. Set the level of complexity of the disease.

Important! If an animal has blocked canals, severe poisoning of the body, or obstruction of the urinary tract, then every minute will count!

The main factor in the treatment of urolithiasis for the animal owner should be the recommendations of a veterinarian. The fundamental ones are:

  • pet's diet;
  • quality and quantity of food intake;
  • availability of clean drinking water in free access;
  • If oxalate stones (with an insoluble structure) are detected, exclude foods rich in calcium, liver, sour vegetables from the diet, limit meat, fish, eggs.

Drug therapy for urolithiasis

Urolithiasis in neutered cats most often requires drug treatment. Only a veterinarian can prescribe medications necessary for an animal. Based on the test results of the animal, its condition. It is unacceptable to self-medicate urolithiasis in cats. May be assigned:

  • Antibiotics. Used only in the presence of an infectious disease. Antibiotics from the group of cephalosporins are most often used.
  • Uroseptics are used - 5-NOK, Furagin. Prescribed for the treatment of the genitourinary system.
  • Regidron is used when the animal is severely dehydrated.
  • Cantaren can be used for a diuretic effect.
  • For pain, give No-shpa, Baralgin.

If the animal cannot relieve itself on its own, it is catheterized. Using a special tube through which urine and stones are removed. You may need to rinse your bladder to remove the stones. In the case of large stones, calcium deposits, or blockage of urine ducts, surgical intervention may be prescribed.

Features of cystitis

Cats suffer from the above disease much more often than their female friends.
This is explained by the anatomical features of males. Females have a short, straight and wide urethra, which ensures the unimpeded excretion of salts in the urine. The urethra of cats is much longer than that of cats. In addition, plugs of salts and mucus often form in its bends and narrowings, making urination difficult. Neutered cats are at increased risk for the occurrence and development of cystitis, since the genitourinary system of such purring cats, unlike ordinary cats, functions somewhat differently. Thus, blood stagnant in the genitals provokes edema, and edema, in turn, causes spasms, retention of urine, stagnation in the cat’s bladder, urolithiasis and, as a result, chronic cystitis.

Often, with cystitis, kittens deliberately try to relieve themselves past the litter box, since thoughts about their own litter box cause them to associate with pain during urination. There are cases where pets were afraid of the toilet even after complete recovery.


Only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. It is unacceptable to treat cystitis in cats on your own, especially with the help of human medications or folk remedies. The treatment regimen and medications depend on the causes of the disease, age, gender and physiological state of the animal.

First aid

First aid is as follows:

  • the animal is placed in a warm place;
  • provide complete peace;
  • stop feeding;
  • give a lot of liquid.

The liquid will clear the bladder, and a strict diet will help reduce the concentration of urine.

Basic treatment measures

  • Catheterization to improve urine flow.
  • Antispasmodics, to relieve bladder spasms and relieve discomfort.
  • Antibiotics to treat infection.
  • NSAIDs to relieve pain and inflammation.
  • Diuretics for increased urine output.
  • Uroantiseptics with a disinfecting effect.
  • Rinsing the bladder with special solutions.
  • Apply heat to the bladder area, unless there are contraindications such as tumors.
  • A special diet with a reduced amount of salts and protein.
  • Sedatives to relieve stress.


It is unacceptable to prescribe medications and choose a treatment regimen on your own. This can lead to irreparable consequences!


The treatment regimen is determined by the veterinarian, who also prescribes medications.

The following drugs are used in veterinary medicine:

  • Stop cystitis. Tablets and suspension to relieve inflammation and reduce pain in urological diseases. The formula is based on two chemical ingredients: drotaverine hydrochloride and nitroxaline. Their effect is enhanced by natural extracts of medicinal plants. The drug has diuretic, antimicrobial, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects. The course of treatment is 5-7 days. Tablets are given in 1 piece. 2 times a day (weight less than 5 kg); 2 pcs. 2 times a day (weight more than 5 kg.) You can purchase a package of tablets (15 pcs.) for 250 rubles. (83 UAH), a bottle of suspension (30 ml) for 330 rubles (85 UAH).

Read how to give the Stop Cystitis suspension here.

  • No-shpa (Drotaverine). A popular antispasmodic from a human pharmacy. It is prescribed to cats as part of complex therapy to relieve muscle spasms and relieve pain. Used in the form of tablets and injections. Dosage: twice daily injections 0.1 mg/kg, for acute cystitis 0.2 mg/kg; tablets give 0.1 mg/kg. A package of tablets (60 pcs) costs 189 rubles (112 UAH); injection solution (2 ml No. 25) 430 rub. (309 UAH)
  • Papaverine. Antispasmodic drug. Relaxes the smooth muscles of internal organs (urethra, ureters). Due to this, pain is reduced, spasm is relieved and blood supply to the diseased organ is improved. Cats are prescribed in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories and intramuscular injections. Prescribe 1-2 mg/kg, twice a day. You can purchase a pack of tablets (20 pcs.) for 8 rubles. (18 UAH); candles (10 pcs.) 36 rub. (160 UAH); solution for injection (10 ampoules of 2 ml.) 30 rub. (52 UAH).
  • Platyfillin. An antispasmodic of plant origin is made from an extract of ragwort. In veterinary medicine it is most often used in the form of injections. Cats are prescribed subcutaneous injections at a rate of 0.06-0.07 mg/kg 2 times a day. The price for a package (10 ampoules) is 80 rubles. (49 UAH).
  • Bicillin-3. An effective long-acting antibiotic of the penicillin group. Release form: powder for the preparation of intramuscular injections. Dilute with saline solution. Widely used in veterinary medicine to treat bacterial and viral infections. The dosage is calculated by the doctor individually. You can buy it at a human pharmacy for 75 rubles. (35 UAH).
  • Ampicillin. A popular semi-synthetic antibiotic of the penicillin series. It is highly effective against cystitis. Release form: tablets, powder for injection. Standard dosage – tablets 20-40 mg/kg 2 times a day 1 hour before meals or 2 hours after meals; injections – 10-20 mg/kg 2 times a day. Price for the drug: tablets (20 pcs.) – 45 rubles (35 UAH); powder for solution (bottle) – 10 rub. (8 UAH).

Traditional medicine

Various herbal infusions have proven themselves to be successful and should only be used as a supplement to the main treatment. Herbal remedies are most effective if the cat has inflammation in the bladder.

Collection No. 1

  • 2 parts plantain herb;
  • 1 part Potentilla anserina;
  • 1 part horsetail.

Collection No. 2

  • 1 part horsetail;
  • 1 part chamomile.

Collection No. 3

  • 2 parts birch leaves;
  • 1 part juniper fruit;
  • 1 part dandelion root.

Collection No. 4

  • 1 part bearberry;
  • 1 part oak bark;
  • 1 part linden flowers.

Mix and chop all the herbs. To prepare a medicinal infusion, take 1 tablespoon of the collection, put it in an enamel bowl and pour a glass of boiling water. Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool. Strain through cheesecloth or strainer. Bring the volume to the original volume with boiled water at room temperature (1 cup). Give cats 5-10 ml. Half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Rules for caring for a sick cat

  • Keep your cat warm. It is unacceptable to place the sleeping area on cold surfaces or in a draft.
  • It is prohibited to use heating pads for warming without a doctor's prescription.
  • Do not change the treatment regimen prescribed by your veterinarian. Do not experiment with a combination of folk remedies and traditional medicine.
  • Follow the recommended diet. During the treatment period, it is best to switch to professional medicinal food.
  • Don't let your cat go outside. On warm days, you can carry it for a short time in your arms.
  • It is forbidden to bathe the animal until complete recovery.

Diagnosis of feline cystitis

Diagnosing cystitis, like any other ailment in cats, is much more difficult than in their owners, who can at least talk about their own painful sensations. This expresses the main difficulty of veterinary diagnostics. Moreover, in the case of cystitis, for example, symptoms may not always appear. Therefore, to make an accurate diagnosis, aibolit perform a number of laboratory tests: a general and biochemical blood test for a furry patient, a urine test, and an ultrasound of the bladder.

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