How to remove a cat from a tree, service that removes a cat from a tall tree

Why do cats climb trees?

Some people are annoyed by this cat’s behavior, some are simply perplexed, and some immediately rush to the cat’s rescue to help her get down to the ground. The latter are right - the cat from the tree is calling for help. If a cat climbs too high in a tree, it is often physically unable to come down.

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Not in all cases it is necessary to immediately remove the cat

You need to remove a cat from a tree if:

  • The animal behaves restlessly, meows pitifully, screams loudly and makes unsuccessful attempts to get off. Usually young individuals who have no experience of descending from a tree behave this way. The structure of cat claws helps animals quickly and easily climb up, but when descending with their face down, the claws do not allow cats to cling to the trunk. Climbers have to descend backwards, and not every cat can decide to make such a descent.
  • A domestic cat with a leash or harness sits on a tree. A dangling leash can get tangled in branches when the cat moves, so due to the risk of suffocation, the animal must be removed immediately.
  • The cat sits on the tree for more than a day. During such a period of time without food and water in extreme heat, cats begin to become dehydrated within a day, but even in cooler weather, the animal’s body begins to suffer from a lack of fluid.
  • Adverse weather conditions are observed. In frost or strong wind, exhaustion develops quite quickly in animals, and a weakened cat can fall down and be injured or die (although cats land on their paws, 10% of cats die when falling from a height of 2-6 floors).
  • An emaciated, exhausted animal, unresponsive to external stimuli, sits on a tree. Exhausted cats not only fall from trees, but also become victims of crows.
  • Unaided descent or falling for any reason poses a danger to the cat.

If the animal needs help, you can try to remove it from the tree yourself or seek help from professional rescuers.

Work related to animal rescue

Tree pruning

We carry out various types of pruning: seasonal (summer, winter), pinching, sawing, breaking out. We carry out procedures to increase fruiting, give the crown a certain shape, reduce the height of the ground part, etc. Each type of pruning allows you to achieve certain results.

High-altitude installation work

This is a type of steeplejack work associated with construction, repair, installation or dismantling. They are performed on building facades, roofs, towers and other structures.

Feeding the steeplejack

Being predators by nature, domestic cats respond well to food offered to them. After sitting in a tree for some time, without food or water, the pet becomes more accommodating and may try to descend to the ground on its own.

For this method to be effective, it is necessary to offer the animal aromatic, preferably his favorite food. If help is provided to a street cat, you can offer fish (tuna has a strong smell) or minced meat. It is better if the food is warm, so the aromas will reach the cat's nose faster.

If the structure of the tree allows, the first small portion of food can be left on a horizontal tree trunk, between the ground and the stuck animal. The second portion of the bait should be placed on the surface of the ground, near the trunk.

After the aromatic complementary food has been placed, you need to move away some distance and wait until the delicious smell reaches the target. A bowl of clean water should be placed along with the food, since animals that have been sitting on a tree for a long time suffer primarily from dehydration. Both water and food should be supervised so as not to attract other relatives and especially dogs.


It is easy to remove the cat if it has not risen too high and is at arm's length. But if the pet is on top, you need to remove it carefully and carefully. To do this you will need:

  1. Look around carefully. Perhaps there is a dog near the tree, the cat is afraid and does not get down.
  2. Find out the reason for the cat’s reluctance to go down; perhaps it is worried about the crowd of people below. The crowd must be asked to disperse.
  3. Clear the area under the tree, spread blankets or cardboard under it.
  4. The owner should put on thick clothing, since a frightened cat may behave inappropriately and begin to scratch its savior.
  5. Talk to your pet calmly so that he calms down, after which you can begin active actions.

With the help of neighbors

Sometimes fate gives gifts. For example, at the moment when you are puzzling over how to remove a prodigal cat from a tree, it may turn out that a climber lives next door or just a fearless guy who is not averse to participating in the rescue of your pet. If he has never done this, a good person should be warned that:

  • getting to the cat is not everything. It is important to remove it from the tree and carefully lower it down. A frightened predator, at the sight of an unfamiliar but purposeful person, may fall into despair and firmly sink its claws into a branch;
  • the cat must be picked up on the first try, since the second, most likely, will not happen - having escaped from the embrace of the savior, the frightened cat will most likely climb even higher;
  • to prevent it from breaking out, it should be grabbed by the skin of the withers and under no circumstances let go, despite the song of protest and active resistance;

When you grab a cat by the withers, it is important not to let him go

  • Before lifting the cat, you should slightly pull it forward along the branch so that the claws curved back do not cling to the tree bark, otherwise you can dislocate the pet’s delicate paw. When the branch where the sufferer is sitting is higher than the second floor, it is better for the rescuer to take with him a backpack or bag made of thick fabric, where he can place the rescued animal.

Every cat owner should have a carrier bag

Upon returning to his native land, the tailed steeplejack should be handed over to the happy owner and only after that should he respond to applause and say words of gratitude.

The cat is saved!

Help from special services

If attempts to save an animal on your own are unsuccessful, an animal rescue service in your city can help. Such a service does not have special equipment, so if they do not have a professional steeplejack, they will not be able to practically help.

To save a cat, you need not only to find a service that can remove the cat from the tree, but also to provide foster care for the animal, since cats released onto the ground can immediately climb a nearby tree (an animal has to be removed several times during one call). It is recommended to show exhausted or fallen cats to a veterinarian.

Where to turn if the animal rescue service does not help. Services that can remove a cat from a tree:

  1. To the municipal services of the area . This option is often offered by the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but utility companies are reluctant to respond to such requests from citizens.
  2. In the Ministry of Emergency Situations . The responsibilities of the Ministry of Emergency Situations do not include rescuing cats, so the decision in each specific case is made by the service management. Most often, you will receive advice on how to solve the problem yourself or find out who removes cats from trees for a fee.
  3. To climbers who provide such services on a paid basis. Where you can call in your region to remove a cat from a tree, and how much such a service costs, you can find out on Internet forums or websites of industrial climbers and extreme sports enthusiasts. In the daytime, the service is cheaper, and not all climbers agree to work at night, so it is better to organize a rescue operation before dark.
  4. To private services that provide services, for example, cutting down trees. Nick specialists, as a rule, have professional training and appropriate equipment, for a fee, they provide owners with a service on how to safely remove an animal from a tree.

The service you don’t need to call to remove a cat from a tree is firefighters. They will refuse to help you, since in the time spent saving the cat, people may die in a fire.

How industrial climbers save cats

They most often help remove cats from trees, dangerous roofs and balconies:

  • First, the dispatcher finds out by phone and records data about where exactly and in what circumstances the injured animal is located. This is important in order to choose the most effective method of rescue;
  • if there is insufficient preliminary data, a specialist first goes to the site, collects the missing information and transmits it to the control panel;
  • special equipment arrives or, as an option, the climber climbs the tree using a special fastening system;
  • the rescued cat is placed in a special bag so that it does not jump out and is not injured during the descent;
  • the specialist comes down, hands the cat to the owner, and then unwinds the fastening system.

Employees of such companies, as a rule, quickly respond to calls, perform work promptly and flawlessly, as evidenced by hundreds of rescued animals.

Why did you come here?

How to help a cat vomit?

Vomiting is caused by using a solution of baking soda 1 teaspoon per glass of water or strong saline solution. The solution is injected from a syringe without a needle. You need to take the cat’s face with one hand, and with the other pull the cat’s lip to the side, then pour the solution into the corner of the mouth.

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Independent steps to rescue

The owner can try to rescue the animal from the trap on his own. There are numerous ways and tricks you can use to bring your cat back to earth without the help of a professional rescuer.

Before starting the operation to return the pet to the ground, it is necessary to clear the area under the trunk of foreign objects, especially the remains of building materials and hazardous debris. If possible, you should lay unfolded cardboard boxes, old things, mattresses, and blankets on the ground. Such measures will soften the blow if the cat falls or accidentally falls, and will prevent injuries and fractures when falling from a height.


To remove a cat from a tree, you can try to lure a steeplejack:

  • If your pet is sitting on the branches, he may respond to your persuasion and will go down if there are no frightening objects near you. You need to call the cat in a calm, gentle tone, moving a short distance away from the tree from time to time.
  • A strange or wild animal rarely yields to persuasion, so it is better to immediately try to attract it with food. You can offer your pet his favorite food (those who like dry food will have to rustle the bag loudly). It is recommended to offer fish or minced meat to an unfamiliar cat, as they have a strong smell. Warm food smells stronger, so if possible, the bait should be warmed up. If the shape of the trunk allows you to place the bait closer to the cat, the first portion is placed as close to the animal as possible, and the second on the ground near the trunk. Place water nearby to prevent dehydration, and move a short distance away - the cat should make sure it is safe, but the bait must be protected from other animals.
  • The Ministry of Emergency Situations often recommends using valerian drops as bait, which should be applied to the trunk at arm's length. This method is not suitable for all cases - only 30% of cats and 60% of males react to the smell of valerian; immature kittens do not react to the smell of valerian or avoid it, and can climb even higher. In addition, valerian-based preparations have an intoxicating effect on cats, so it is better not to remove a cat from a tall tree using drops of this plant.
  • To lure down a domestic and active cat, you can use a laser pointer . The laser beam is directed into the cat's field of vision, but the movements of the beam must be smooth. If the cat has shown interest in the light source, the beam should be slowly moved towards the trunk and down the trunk. This method is not suitable for emaciated animals.

Other methods

You can help an unsuccessful steeplejack using a ladder. After making sure that the descent will be safe, the extendable ladder should be placed against the tree trunk so that the descent is gentle. You should not hope that the animal will immediately take advantage of the help provided. It is necessary to give the pet time to get used to the new object and evaluate the situation.

The method that uses a broom wrapped in thick fabric is questionable in terms of safety. It should be understood that the animal may become even more frightened and climb higher. If you have a poor grip on a wrapped broom, there is a high risk of falling and injury. A lot of disadvantages of this method cast doubt on the feasibility of its use.

You should not swing the tree, try to knock down the animal with any object, or climb to a height behind it yourself. Such rash actions will lead to injury to the pet or the “rescuer” himself.

When the listed methods have been tried, but have not led to the desired result, the owner seriously begins to think about whether there is a service in the city to remove the cat from the tree.

Despite the fact that the help of specialists in lowering furry steeplejacks to the ground is not free, nevertheless, the health and life of the animal should be put in first place.

When to remove a cat from a tree

Cats' paws have a special structure that easily allows them to climb almost any vertical surface, including trees. But if a cat can climb up without any problems, then problems often arise with descent to the ground. Animals are simply afraid to climb backwards, and jumping is not always possible.

You can try to persuade the kitten to get off the branch

So how do you understand that a cat has climbed a tree and cannot get down, and what to do in such a situation?

The first sign that a furry one needs help is that it begins to meow pitifully. An animal can sit on one branch for a long time, afraid to move or walk a little where it considers it safe.

Note! If it is cold outside, then you need to start a rescue operation immediately. The cat may freeze, and weakened muscles simply cannot support the weight of his body.

In addition, it is worth remembering that the wind is felt stronger at the top, so it is extremely important to lower the animal before it gets frostbite. If crows are spotted nearby, then you shouldn’t hesitate either.

A cat can become an easy target for them, because on a tree he will not be able to repel these bloodthirsty birds, especially if he poses a threat to their nests

If crows are spotted nearby, then you shouldn’t hesitate either. A cat can become an easy target for them, because on a tree he will not be able to repel these bloodthirsty birds, especially if he poses a threat to their nests.

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