Why can’t cats be cut and how long does the fur of long-haired cats grow?

Pet hygiene is one of the essential procedures. It is not enough to simply feed and pay attention to your cat. And if cutting nails or bathing are necessary procedures, then grooming is a separate issue. Currently, there are fierce debates not only among owners, but also among professional breeders regarding this procedure.

Opinions vary radically. Some claim that this is dangerous and nature will take care of them itself, for example, seasonal molting. Others are convinced that the aesthetic side of the issue is extremely important. Especially for pets who participate in exhibitions. So, if you cut a cat's hair, how long will it grow?

Let's consider the issue from the point of view of hygiene and aesthetics. Let's try to find a middle ground. Let's answer the question, what are the dangers of frequent haircuts? Looking ahead, it should be noted that the truth lies somewhere between two opposing opinions.

Features and frequency of cat haircuts

Often glamorous pet owners strive to update their model hairstyles every month, which often causes severe stress for cats.
The frequency of haircuts in case of urgent need depends on the speed of hair regrowth. Usually, a pet becomes completely overgrown in 4-6 months and it is enough to carry out the procedure 2-3 times a year.

It is better to comb your pet regularly, because tangles usually form under the paws (armpits), in the groin area, behind the ears, on the tail and neck.

Haircuts for cats come in two categories:

  • hygienic;
  • model.

The goal of the former is to prevent skin diseases, remove tangles, protect the cat from overheating, and solve other veterinary problems (diseases of the digestive tract, high secretory activity of the anal and fatty glands, old age).

Model cat hairstyles are for decorative purposes only. Sometimes they are performed before special cat shows. Typically, such haircuts are done in the spring, 3-4 months before the competition, since the skin takes a long time to grow and does not look better immediately after the procedure.

The most popular models are:

French Lion - the back of the body and tail are cut short, but a pompom is left at the tip. I form a kind of mane on my head and neck.

Puma is a simplified version of the Leo hairstyle, in which the tail is completely (almost bald) cut off.

The dragon is the most creative but harmful cat hairstyle for your pet. Various symbols and signs are formed on the animal’s body - letters, ornaments, patterns, and other elements, for example, a dragon crest. Very often, some areas are painted in different colors. After such a haircut, hair grows unevenly, and thermoregulation is greatly impaired.

Graduated haircuts are Socks, Knee Highs, Puss in Boots, Harlequin, Modern, Continental Chic.

Puss in Boots In most developed countries, model haircuts for cats are condemned, since they are performed solely at the whim of the owners and can cause significant harm to the health of pets.

What is required for the procedure

Of course, it is better to entrust the procedure to professionals. But a simple, cosmetic haircut can be done at home. What devices are best to have on hand?

In most cases, you will need the help of a partner. First, for safety reasons, you need to trim your pet’s claws.

Here are some common recommendations that will help speed up hair growth in cats:

Ultimately, it does not build to abuse the haircut. Pay special attention to exhibitions, because Hair loss leads to numerous unpleasant consequences, ranging from diseases to communication problems.

Cats' fur takes an average of 6 months to grow. The optimal hair length after cutting is 1 cm. The best time for cutting is spring-summer.

Cat grooming at home

If you decide to shave an animal, then for the procedure you will need:

hair clipper with one or more attachments;

scissors with rounded ends; comb;

hydrogen peroxide (if you accidentally injure your pet).

You will also need an assistant who will hold the cat trying to escape. If the animal is very active, you will have to give it a sedative.

Start trimming your cat from the sides, then proceed to the back.

Next is the abdominal area. Here you should act especially carefully so as not to injure the mammary glands and genitals.

Then the hair in the armpits, around the anus and on the hind legs is trimmed.

You don't have to touch the tail at all. If you decide to tidy it up, be sure to make a tassel at the end: the cat will chew the bare tip of the tail.

Please note: you cannot cut the hair on the head, ears, or whiskers.

Turn on the machine at some distance from the animal to scare it less. The nozzle should leave a fur length of at least three millimeters. You can cut the wool both in the direction of growth and against it. The second option slightly increases the cat’s discomfort, but allows you to complete the procedure faster: in this way, a larger amount of hair is removed at a time. Be sure to stretch your pet's skin in the area where the machine passes. Cut off missing hairs with scissors.

Upon completion of the haircut, thoroughly comb your pet with a slicker brush and wipe with a damp towel. This way you will remove all the cut hair so that the cat does not lick it later.

Grooming a cat is not an easy procedure. If you are not sure that you can handle it on your own, or your furry pet needs to be groomed for an exhibition, it is better to contact a professional groomer.

Is it possible to shave a cat bald?

The answer to the question whether it is necessary and whether it is possible to cut a cat’s fur will be both “yes” and “no”. You definitely can’t completely shave a cat. But a 3 mm haircut is sometimes indicated. There are situations in which a cat needs to be shaved. These are, first of all, medical indications for such a procedure as a hygienic haircut:

  • foci of fungus and other skin infections;
  • a large number of tangles, when it is easier to shave them than to cut them out;
  • weeping wounds and ulcers: shaving in such cases is indicated on the affected areas to make it easier to apply medications;
  • the animal became so dirty that it was impossible to wash it off;
  • shaving certain areas before surgery and ultrasound;
  • the animal sheds heavily and swallows a huge amount of hair, which creates a threat of blockage of the gastrointestinal tract: in this case, you can shave until the cause of excessive shedding is eliminated.

Shaving, indeed, allows you to stop severe shedding when the house is literally drowning in fur. This helped in our situation: we went to the groomers with a request to comb out the hair, but in the end they solved the problem completely. Naturally, if the cat is prone to such shedding, as soon as the fur grows back and the season comes, the problem will arise again. Those. shaving, in fact, does not solve the problem, but only hides it: short hairs continue to fall out, but this is no longer noticeable.

What happens if you shave a cat's head directly depends on the color and individual mental traits of the cat, as well as on the conditions in which it lives. For example, smoke-colored cats are cut and shaved with great care, but color-point cats should not be cut or shaved. Many who are reading these lines now will object, they say, they have points, they were shaved - and everything is fine. Yes, some points are fine. But in the classic version, the points darken after that. Tested on mine and many other cats. Smoky and tipped colors also run the risk of deterioration.

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As for other conditions, many cats have a psychologically difficult time with the shaving process and its consequences. And also, because In cats, after shaving, the heat exchange that is maintained by the hair is disrupted; in the first time after the procedure, the cat may freeze, even despite the warmth around.

Grooming a cat at home

You need to prepare for the haircut process. First, armed with special tweezers, trim the cat’s nails. The instrument must be disinfected. Grasp the pad on your paw and squeeze it lightly

Quickly and carefully shorten the claws without touching the skin. This will ensure safety in case of animal aggression.

For the first haircut, you will need an assistant to hold your pet's sides. Cats often behave very aggressively. Therefore, the clinic must purchase a plastic collar in advance. It will fix the head in a constant position and the cat will not be able to bite. In any case, the paws must be held.

A stationery clip on the back of the neck helps calm the cat. In extreme cases, violent animals are given inhibitory or sleeping pills. You should not use them yourself, so as not to harm your pet.

Holding the pet

Haircut process

Before turning on the machine, the cat is placed on its side and its limbs are fixed. Using leisurely and careful movements, remove the hair on the sides. After this, they proceed to the back and stomach. Cats can be groomed according to hair growth or against it.

If there are tangles, cut them off first. To accustom the cat to the sound of the machine, it is turned on in the distance. The cat adapts to the noise and after some time you can begin. It is recommended to install a nozzle of at least 3 mm. Moving the machine without an attachment severely injures the skin.

The stomach is the most delicate area and requires special attention.

This is where the mammary glands and intimate area are located, and it is important not to injure them.

At the end of the haircut, it is better to cut off the remaining hairs with scissors. Moving the machine over the skin will cause discomfort and microtrauma. At the cutting site, the skin should be pulled back slightly to avoid cuts. Especially when working with scissors.

When doing a haircut, you need to be more gentle and talk to the cat. Then the unpleasant procedure will pass quickly and painlessly.

How quickly does fur grow back?

Please tell me! I'm going to cut my dog's hair because... the fur gets very dirty, and it’s hot to wear it for a walk because of the warm weather! I’m wondering how quickly the fur will grow back, how long will it take? I just want to do it quickly, and will it grow back before the summer (which I really wouldn’t want, because it will generally be hot in the summer)?

I have a question: my baby’s hair does not gather in a ponytail on his head, many hairs come out and get into his eyes, and I have to constantly re-tie it. The question is: how quickly will it grow back and what can be done to prevent them from coming out from under the elastic band? How to smooth them out? Otherwise I was already completely exhausted.

How many months is the dog? On average, wool grows 1 cm per month. If the fur is short, then you can try making the tail close to the eyes, but still, until the fur grows back, the hairs will periodically come out.

How many months is the dog? On average, wool grows 1 cm per month. If the fur is short, then you can try making the tail close to the eyes, but still, until the fur grows back, the hairs will periodically come out.

On the 19th we will be 4 months old! ))) I have already started tying it closer to the eyes, it seems easier. True, 2 days of struggle with combing. But now it seems to be in order. Can I then ask another question, maybe someone can tell me: at what age should you start twirling curlers? To be honest, I still have a hard time imagining why they are needed at all. I just want the sand to grow longer fur



Determining the age of a kitten: if you want to determine the age of a kitten based on external data and characteristics, carefully study the table and find the characteristics that match your pet. Determining how many months a kitten is is quite simple, because a kitten changes a lot every month. Here are the characteristics that you should pay attention to to find out how many months a kitten is: weight and size of kittens by month, teeth (baby, permanent, or during the period of teeth change), fur and undercoat, eye color, behavior. So how do you find out the age of a kitten? Read the description in the table and compare!

Also, how to find out how many months a kitten is and how to determine the age of a kitten will be helped by a photo.

The consequences of cutting or shaving

When dehairing a furry friend, the owner must be prepared to deal with the consequences of their actions. If you decide to shave or trim your cat, there is a high risk of encountering a violation of thermoregulation. The fur of cats performs the same functions as clothing for humans. In cold weather it retains heat and in hot weather it prevents overheating. Forced deprivation of natural protection can cause colds, dermatological diseases, burns and heat stroke.

Another trouble is problems with orientation. Vibrissae are located throughout the animal’s body, helping it navigate in space day and night.

Their removal leads to insecurity, excessive caution or sudden attacks of aggression. The animal may hide under sofas, in closets, or suffer from stress

The desire to get a cat with an unusual appearance or lack of time for proper care leads to disastrous consequences. The long-haired beauty becomes an incomprehensible ball of fur with curly hair, prone to the formation of tangles, and yesterday’s quiet and neat girl vindictively leaves traces of her life activity throughout the house, not forgetting about the “gifts” in the owner’s bed. This behavior is justified by stress - not all pets are loyal to interference in their personal space.

References to the fact that felines are very hot in summer cause ironic smiles among veterinarians. Most lovers of cat haircuts cannot answer the legitimate question of why owners don’t shave their heads and eyebrows in hot weather. Groomers' recommendations to trim long-haired breeds twice a year do not indicate care, but a desire to increase their own income.

Grooming cats yourself at home

If you don't want to hire a professional, try cutting your cat's hair yourself. But keep in mind that the animal will be stressed and, most likely, will break out. Therefore, you cannot do without an assistant.

Before grooming, trim your cat's claws and then sit her on the table. Have your assistant hold her back legs with one hand and her middle legs with the other and press her to the table. After this, you can start cutting your cat's hair using a clipper. To do this, you need to install a nozzle two to three millimeters long.

It is advisable to cut the cat against the grain, which is more hygienic.

Haircut sequence:

  • sides;
  • back:
  • stomach;

Situations in the wild when cats deliberately deprive their relatives of their whiskers

As it became clear, whiskers are an important sensory organ; naturally, whiskers are well aware of this, so in nature there are situations when cats deliberately pull out the whiskers of their relatives. First of all, we are talking about a fight, then rivals may try to deprive each other of their mustaches precisely because they are so important. Their loss automatically means the cat is weak and becomes more vulnerable. In disputes over territory in the wild, this situation is not uncommon.

Science also knows of cases where a mother cat chewed off the whiskers of her children. This was due to the fact that she did not want the babies to leave the makeshift “nest” prematurely. A kitten whose ability to navigate due to deformation of its whiskers was weakened more often remained near its mother, because It’s warm around her and, most importantly, safe. New vibrissae grew within six months. And all this time the kitten was forced to stay near the parent. Despite the fact that the mother cat had good intentions in such situations, such behavior still has more of a negative impact than a positive one.

It is forbidden to trim the whiskers of cats (or cats), this action is akin to depriving a person of one of his senses. Whiskers play an important role in a cat's life and their loss can lead to sad consequences, the severity of which varies from being in a bad mood to losing orientation in space.

Is it possible to shave a cat's head?

Animal wool plays a big role: it protects against hypothermia, sun rays, and protects the skin from accidental damage. Cats that are constantly kept indoors are no less susceptible to injury than street cats.

Shaving the head is strictly prohibited: sensitive vibrissae are located here, damage to which is contraindicated. Hair cutting bald is an extreme measure, permissible if it is impossible to remove building mortars and foam from the coat, and it is also necessary before surgery. In other cases, shaving your pet will not bring any benefit, but can cause the development of colds.

In addition to the above, it is unknown how long the wool will take to recover. This usually happens within six months, but if there is a lack of nutrients, the process can drag on for several years.

How to properly cut a cat's hair

When cutting hair, it is advisable to find an assistant. He will hold the animal lying on its side, control the front legs with one hand and the hind legs with the other. It is necessary to fix the pet on the table surface quite firmly - the cat will escape out of fear, and the sound of the running machine will provoke it to escape. Try to use silent machines. It is necessary to cut cats according to a certain algorithm: start cutting from the sides, back and belly, move to the armpits, then the back. Then come the paws; if you wish, you can leave the “socks”. It is not necessary to cut the tail, but if you decide to tidy it up, leave a tassel at the end. If you decide to cut your cat's hair against the grain, use scissors and a special clipper, setting the cutting depth to 3 to 4 mm, which will prevent injury to the animal's skin. Do not forget to stretch the animal's skin in the area where the machine passes. Cutting against the grain is different in that a larger volume of hair is removed in one pass, but this method is mentally traumatic for the animal. After finishing the haircut, wipe the cat with wet wipes, or better yet, give it a bath to remove any remaining fur. Now all the fears are over, and she is ready to return to her normal life. This process is not simple, it has many nuances, and not all animals tolerate haircuts calmly. If you do not have enough skills to groom your pet on your own, it is better to contact a groomer: go to a special salon or call them to your home.

Cat grooming, who did it?

I want to take my cat to the vet to get his hair cut at least for the summer. He is a little wild and doesn’t allow himself to be combed, starts scratching and biting, walks and sheds all over the apartment, and I also think he will be hot in the summer. Who gave what feedback? And I’m worried about the cat, he’ll be stressed, he doesn’t even like being petted, and then he might start being mischievous(

Then the main thing is not to laugh at him and be kind to him for a week; cats may be embarrassed by their new haircut and experience discomfort at first. And it's not a joke

Friends of my Persian family called a groomer for a haircut. There was a sea of ​​emotions, the poor cat experienced extreme stress and almost suffocated from horror. Haircut without anesthesia. It is better not to do anesthesia, it is very, very harmful.

they cut the hair of a feisty, huge Persian without anesthesia, with four hands, in the salon, and the result was a lion-monkey cub. It was always stressful for the cat, we later pitied him and praised him, and at first he was freezing

I've been grooming my cat for many years, about 10 years. I see only advantages: he doesn't shed, I don't have to brush him every day, he eats less of his own hair when washing, he doesn't lie in the sink in the heat, etc. But he is calm and begins to struggle and yell towards the end of the procedure. But why take him to the veterinarian? It's easier to call a groomer home.

And I cut mine myself, of course it’s a little crooked, but it’s less hassle, in two weeks the wool is compared and that’s it, everyone is happy.

Well, I meant to see a grooming specialist, not a veterinarian) without anesthesia, and he definitely won’t be able to do it on his own, he won’t even let you trim his claws ((and no one knows if there’s any kind of sleeping pill to make him fall asleep, and you could clean him yourself?

A groomer came to my house, my cat is violent, she would never have given in on her own, they injected her with something, but not a sleeping pill, the cat felt everything, but was immobilized, she was trimmed and her claws were cut at the same time.


Let's consider all stages of development of kittens from birth to one year, their characteristics of maturation and growth, features of care at each age.

A newborn kitten is born weighing 80-120 grams, the size of kittens at birth is body length about 9-12 cm.

Very rarely, but still there are cases of the birth of kittens 50-70g, they are small but active. This does not always serve as a signal that the kitten is sick or has abnormalities. This also occurs in multiple pregnancies or in the case of small parents.

Newborn kittens: photo of the litter Newborn kittens are absolutely helpless during this period, they are blind, deaf, and do not know how to regulate their temperature. Newborn kittens have no undercoat; the fur is thin, weak and does not warm at all.

Newborn British kittens Kittens do not know how to stand on their paws, their bones are very fragile, so babies require special care. At this time, sleep and kittens are almost inseparable concepts. Newborn kittens sleep almost constantly and eat a lot and often. Kittens need sleep for the further development of their nervous system. Newborn kittens also cannot defecate on their own; the mother cat licks their genitals and eats their feces. What is really well developed in newborn kittens is their sense of smell and touch; they easily find their mother’s nipples, fingering them with their paws, sucking and, thereby, stimulating further milk production.

Newborn kittens: photo of the litter During this period, it is better not to touch the kittens at all, just monitor their weight. Kittens should add it daily (about 10-20 grams per day), if the kitten is growing, then everything is in order.

Things to take care of:

  1. Set up a box for a cat (or organize a maternity house) with newborn kittens. It should be warm and dry there. The bedding should be changed (it is advisable to use white sheets to track the color of the mother cat’s discharge), because The cat will have postpartum discharge. Also, if necessary, you can put a heating pad.
  2. Cat food. It should be plentiful and balanced; food is a must for nursing cats. Food and water should be freely available, next to the nest box. It is also recommended to place a tray here.

Cats are by nature excellent mothers and may not leave the box for a whole week, so it is important that newborn kittens have enough milk. In the first days, the cat produces colostrum (very fatty, nutritious milk that has antibodies, thanks to which kittens develop lasting immunity).

If there are a lot of kittens, be sure to make sure that each newborn kitten gets its good portion.

The development of kittens after birth (the development of newborn kittens) is very active, so the first week can be planned out day by day.


1-2 days after birth, a newborn kitten only sucks milk and sleeps.

After 3-4 days, the kitten’s umbilical cord heals and falls off.

After 4-5 days , the kitten’s hearing begins to develop, and you can already observe how it begins to react to loud sounds.


If it seems to you that the kitten sleeps all the time, this is most likely normal, and there is no need to worry right away. In the first week, the kitten sleeps about 22 hours a day. Just weigh the kitten daily - this is the best indicator that everything is fine with the baby.

A newborn kitten sleeps up to 22 hours a day. How much a kitten should sleep, he decides for himself, however, if the kitten sleeps constantly and does not gain weight, first of all, pay attention to whether the kitten has enough free nipple (this happens more often if there are 5 or more kittens in a litter) , if the kitten is weak or the last born, apply it to the cat more often and do not let other kittens chase it away. If in this case the kitten behaves sluggishly and does not recover, contact your veterinarian. Kittens from birth to one month change greatly both in appearance and development, and it is important to pay close attention to this in each period. Newborn kittens in the photo, look in the pictures.

The weight of a kitten at 1 week is 170-280 g. Week-old kittens are already starting to move more. By the end of the first week, kittens' ears open up, allowing them to hear better.

Also in the first week, you can see signs of long hair - small curls appear behind the ears.

Kitten aged 1 week


Also, by the end of the first week, the kittens' eyes begin to appear.

When do kittens' eyes open completely? How long does it take for kittens to open their eyes after birth?

Kitten 1 week:

  • paws become stronger;
  • the kitten sleeps a little less;
  • the fur begins to “fluff”;
  • the first undercoat begins to emerge;
  • the kitten crawls and easily crawls towards the mother 30-50 cm;

The kittens are already a week old, and you are probably already thinking about names for them. Choose names for kittens boys and girls from “A” to “Z” here

Kittens at 2 weeks not only crawl, but also begin to walk, although they do it very unsteadily; kittens at 2 weeks behave more actively, releasing their claws more and more often.

Kitten 2 weeks old: eyes begin to open

The kitten still sleeps a lot, although periods of long sleep are replaced by short periods of wakefulness. The weight of kittens triples at 2 weeks and is approximately 250-350 g. A kitten at two weeks old eats less frequently, but in larger portions, so we continue to monitor the mother cat’s adequate nutrition.


Surely you have already wondered: what time do kittens open their eyes? - The time has come. On days 12-14, kittens open their eyes; the color of the kittens’ eyes is always blue, slightly cloudy. Kittens' eyes have already opened, but kittens begin to see approximately 15-17 days after birth.

Kitten is 2 weeks old: his hearing improves significantly, he responds to the cat’s purring and calling.

A kitten at 2-3 weeks: becomes more curious, increasingly approaches the edge of the box and looks at the world around it.

For photos of kittens at half a month, see the article. The kittens in the photo still look helpless and weak for two weeks.

Kitten with mother aged 2-3 weeks

The weight of a kitten at 3 weeks is 350-500 g. Kittens at 3 weeks can already hear and see perfectly, almost like adult cats. Their movements become more confident. A kitten at 3 weeks already begins to hiss and arch its back when it gets scared.

Kitten aged 3 weeks

During this period, kittens are quite active, waking time is about a third of the day. At the age of 3 weeks, kittens already begin to walk more confidently, even try to run and jump, some of them are already falling out of the box. At three weeks old, kittens still have very poor spatial orientation, so make sure that in the room where the box is located there are no objects that could injure the kitten.

At approximately 3 weeks, the first baby teeth begin to appear. When kittens are 3 weeks old, it is recommended to provide them with a litter tray. It is at this time that they begin to learn to go to the toilet on their own. Read how to train a kitten to use a litter box here.

A kitten at the age of 3 weeks already needs socialization, so play with it and pet it so that the kitten grows tame. From now on, it is necessary to raise the kitten and be sure to achieve positive and 100% results. A kitten at 3 weeks already needs to start complementary feeding. Therefore, it is worth starting to transfer the kitten from mother's milk to soft food. From 3-4 weeks you can give soaked dry food.

Behavior of a kitten at 1 month:

When a kitten is a month old, he behaves very actively, he doesn’t want to sit in a box at all. He flirts with his brothers and sisters, tries to bite, imitating hunting. Important games train kittens' muscles, develop flexibility and mobility.

A 1 month old kitten is very curious, he actively explores the room and finds games for himself. Be careful with sharp parts, because... a kitten can swallow a button, thread, etc.

Also during this period it is worth thinking about mosquito nets for windows, because... kittens begin to show their activity. It is important for owners to provide maximum protection for their children from falling out of the window.

How much does a kitten weigh per month?

The weight of a one-month-old kitten grows significantly and increases three times compared to birth weight. Kittens at the age of 1 month weigh approximately 400-650 grams. Read more about kitten weight here.

How long does a one-month-old kitten sleep?

The kitten sleeps for 15-20 hours, gradually the time of one sleep increases (since the kitten later switches to fewer feedings), but the number of hours in sleep remains unchanged.

Kittens at 4 weeks become faster, nimble, they play a lot with each other, release their claws and are already acquiring adult habits.

Scottish fold kitten 1 month old Scottish fold

At 1 month old, a kitten already has good balance, can jump, and also begins to regulate its body temperature.

The kitten is 1 month old and this is the time to actively accustom it to handling; later this will be impossible to do, and the kitten will remain a savage. Therefore, enjoy communicating with kittens, pet them and, of course, play.

When do kittens' eyes change? Do kittens' eyes change at all?

Of course, kittens change eye color gradually, this does not happen in one day, it also often depends on the eye color that the kitten will acquire in the future (green eye color takes the longest to form). Cats' eye color changes completely before they reach 2 years of age. The change in eye color in kittens is called “percoloration.”

On average, a kitten begins to change eye color at 4 weeks.

By observing, you can see small inclusions; over time, the color of the kittens’ eyes will completely change from blue to permanent.

At 5 weeks, kittens begin to eat solid food and are much less dependent on their mother's milk. Each kitten should eat 100-150 grams per day. solid food. When it comes to the litter box, this is the most important time to teach them about cleanliness and hygiene. Later this will be much more difficult.

Also, kittens at 5 weeks begin to change their fur pattern, a denser undercoat appears, and the color of the pattern becomes more pronounced and contrasting.

The kitten is one month old and already needs to be dewormed.

Kittens at 1 month in the photo look quite funny, active and bring a lot of positivity. What kittens look like at one month: see photos of kittens at 1 month in pictures.

A kitten at one and a half months already begins to wash and lick itself, learns to hunt and develops its skills with its brothers and sisters.

A kitten at 6 weeks already has fairly sharp vision and formed eyes: they are pure, clear color. Kittens at 7 weeks already go to the litter box and can find it on their own. A 1.5 month old kitten can already eat solid food. From this period of time, it is necessary to take care of variety in food.

The number of meals should be at least 5 times a day and should remain this way for up to 4-5 months. A kitten at 6-7 weeks should already weigh 550-900g, continuing to actively gain weight. By the end of the kitten's second month, the intake of mother's milk is reduced to a minimum.

There is a misconception that a 1.5 month old kitten can move to a new home, but this is the biggest mistake you can make in the development of a baby. Firstly, kittens still eat their mother’s milk, which is so necessary for the development of strong immunity, and secondly, a kitten at 6-7 weeks still needs training from the mother cat. Yes, indeed, he can already eat on his own and take care of himself, but he will never become a well-mannered, clean, social and healthy cat without his mother during this period.

Also at this time you need to start accustoming to the scratching post. How to do this correctly, read here.

A 6 week old kitten already needs its first vaccination. Plan a trip to the veterinarian and get all the necessary advice on the further vaccination schedule. Kittens 1.5 months old - photos in pictures. During this period, the harmoniously formed parts of the body and the clear eyes of the kittens are already visible; during this period they are extremely attractive and cute, although a little clumsy.

The one and a half month old kitten is pictured in the article in this section.

The size of a kitten at 2 months increases significantly, the paws become thick, slightly lengthen visually, and the tummy no longer “sticks out” as much.

Kittens 2 months old - development and care: a kitten at 2 months can already eat only solid food, it practically does not depend on its mother’s milk and sucks it, rather for peace of mind and “out of habit.” The time of such sucking can last up to six months.

Behavior of kittens at 2 months:

a kitten at two months is already very active, curious and it is worth paying attention to its safety: the balcony doors and windows should be closed, needles and threads and small toys should be removed.

Photo - British kittens 2 months old A kitten at 2 months is still just like a child - it doesn’t understand anything, but it tries everything.

A kitten weighs 750-1,200 grams at two months.

Scottish fold kitten Scottish Straight, age 2 months

The kitten's weight reaches 850-1,400 g. A 2.5 month old kitten needs to be trained to use a brush (comb). It is better to do this every day, not so much to comb the baby, but to understand and develop his habit of this wonderful object. Despite the fact that he has grown up, the kitten sleeps all day and this is the norm.

How to train a kitten to sleep at night?

In general, it is best to play with him during the day and in the evening, if possible, then he will get tired and sleep better at night.

Kittens sleep best next to their mother or their siblings.

British silver kitten 2.5 months

A kitten at 3 months already sees and hears perfectly. At this age, kittens' eye color is fully formed.

At three months old, the kitten is already running around the entire apartment, perfectly oriented where the bowls of food, tray and scratching post are. During this period, he developed social skills to communicate with people. A kitten at 3 months is already purring affectionately, responds to caresses and stroking, and happily absorbs both wet and dry food.

Photo - British kitten 3 months chocolate color

At 3 months old, a kitten’s baby teeth are already fully formed. Also, a kitten needs a second vaccination at three months (the first one was done at the age of 6-7 weeks).

The size of a kitten at 3 months is increasingly larger, the weight of a kitten at 3 months is about 900-1600 grams. Moreover, the difference between male and female kittens is already clearly visible. At 3 months old, a kitten is already fully trained and ready to move to a new home. This is the perfect time to meet new owners.

Photo: kitten 3 months old, long-haired purple

Where should a kitten sleep?

The kitten sleeps where it is warm and cozy and, as a rule, chooses a secluded place . It is best if the kitten has its own bed or house, where no one will disturb it, and it will spend time peacefully in its sleep. Read the articles on how to make a bed or house for a kitten with your own hands.

Photo - Scottish Fold kitten, 3 months old, Scottish Fold, black marble

Kitten 3 months old - photos in pictures: harmonious kittens with expressive eyes and a clearly formed coat pattern. For three months, kittens become more and more like cats - more graceful and dexterous.

British kittens 3 months: photo of a blue kitten

Kitten at 4 months: the growth of a kitten at 4 months gradually slows down, weight, as a rule, is 1.2-1.8 kg, depending on the breed and sex of the animal.

Photo - This is what 4 month old Scottish Straight kittens look like

The behavior of a kitten at 4 months is already more and more similar to an adult cat, but children's pampering and games undoubtedly remain a priority for developing hunting skills.

Photo - this is what British kittens look like at 4 months old

At about 4 months, kittens begin to replace their baby teeth with permanent teeth. The number of meals is gradually reduced. We transfer the kitten to 4 meals a day. 4 month old kitten in the photo below.

A kitten at 5 months already weighs about 2 kg; 3-4 meals a day are enough for him.

Photo - British kitten at 5 months

At approximately 5 months of age, the kitten is vaccinated against rabies.

The 5 month old kitten in the photo is more courageous and strong. At this age, the bone structure becomes denser, the chest becomes wider, and the color begins to even out.

Photo - kitten 5 months white color

A 6-month-old kitten already looks like a fully formed animal, its body is harmonious, and the grace inherent in cats appears in its movements and jumps.

This is what British kittens look like at 6 months

Kittens should have permanent teeth by 6 months of age. You should also visit a veterinarian and check for all vaccinations; perhaps the schedule will be created individually for your pet.

Kitten 6 months: photo below.

Photo - kitten 6 months, blue tortoiseshell color

A 7 month old kitten has already reached sexual maturity.

Also at this age, the animal most often sheds, especially if this period occurs in the autumn and first winter months. It is important to comb the kitten thoroughly, because... he licks himself and swallows his fur. Make sure you have a soft brush at home with round tips.

It's time to think about castration and sterilization.

Photo - British kitten 7 months old, silver chinchilla color

Kittens at 8 months are already considered relatively mature animals.

During this period (ideally 8-10 months), it is necessary to spay and neuter your pet.

After a year, this is no longer recommended.

Photo - British kitten 8 months, golden color

At nine months, a kitten already looks like an adult animal.

A kitten at 10 months is considered sexually mature. During this period, cats and female cats can already actively demand mating. If you decide that you will not spay or neuter, then you need to remember that animals should not be bred until they are one year old. Despite the fact that the pet looks like an adult, it is not one at all, and early matings can lead to serious consequences. The size of the cat at this time is already significantly larger than the size of the cat; these differences can be more than 1 kg. If you have a show animal, then you need to know that from the age of 10 months, kittens participate in the adult class on an equal basis with adult animals and have the right to receive appropriate nominations and titles.

A kitten stops growing at eleven months.

It should be fed little by little with food for adult animals. The transition should be very smooth so as not to injure your pet’s digestion.

The number of meals can be reduced to 2-3 times a day.

A kitten at 12 months has the right to be called an adult animal.

By this time, it is necessary to complete all vaccinations for the first year of life, castrate/sterilize, and transfer the pet to food for adult animals.

British cat, 1 year old, silver chinchilla

How old do kittens grow?

A kitten is 1 year old - this is exactly the moment when the kitten stops growing, it becomes an adult graceful animal. In general, cats and cats grow stronger until they are 2-2.5 years old.

British cat, 1 year, lilac color

Don't forget to monitor your pet's health, visit the veterinarian regularly, and get all the necessary vaccinations on schedule!

British golden tabby cat, 1 year old

Let your pet grow beautiful, healthy and certainly make you happy!


How to trim or shave your pet if necessary?

Hairdressing procedures at home are carried out according to a certain algorithm:

  1. Trimming nails. It is carried out with special tweezers, pre-disinfected. Light pressure on the paw pads causes the hidden claws to extend; the owner only needs to trim the very tips. This procedure will prevent scratches during cutting.
  2. When performing the initial manipulation, an assistant is needed - he must hold the animal, preventing it from running away. Some cats become aggressive when they see grooming tools. For safety, the pet is wearing a plastic collar that prevents it from biting.
  3. The cat is laid on its side, its paws are securely fixed. For cutting, use a clipper or scissors. The first will avoid damage to the skin, but can irritate and frighten the pet with its buzzing.
  4. The fur is removed from the sides, then moved to the back and belly. Hair removal is carried out both in the direction of its growth and in the opposite direction. The remaining long hairs are trimmed with nail scissors. There must be a tassel on the tail.

After the procedure is completed, the pet is bathed with a special cat shampoo and dried with a towel. If the animal is not afraid of a hair dryer, then it is also used for drying. Veterinarians recommend using the services of specialists. The groomer will carry out the manipulation quickly, without injuring the cat’s delicate skin or damaging the whiskers.

How often can you shave or cut your pet's hair? The fur grows back within 3-6 months. If spots form, the animal grows unevenly, then it needs to be shown to a veterinarian.

How to cut a cat's hair?


Lately, pet grooming has become increasingly popular.
Specialized hairdressing salons are opening, and specialists are appearing who work on call, coming to the home of the animal owner. As a rule, this type of care is required by long-haired animals, whose fur can cause inconvenience to both their owners and the animals themselves. After all, long and thick hair gets into the animal’s stomach during licking and, clumping together, can cause nausea and even vomiting in the cat. In addition, thick hair can become a serious problem for your pupil on hot summer days and in winter if the temperature in the apartment is high. Many also cut cats simply for beauty, as well as to improve the appearance of animals before exhibitions - the so-called grooming.

If you do not plan to contact specialists, it is important to understand how to trim your cat without harming its health!

Grooming Before you begin the process of grooming an animal, be sure to trim the cat’s claws so that, having become agitated during the haircut process, she cannot harm you and herself, because grooming is very stressful for an animal!

How to trim a cat's claws In order to properly trim a cat's claws, it is best to use a special nail clipper, which can be purchased at any pet store. If you don’t have such a tool at hand, you can use sharp nail clippers, but in no case scissors, as they can damage the structure of the claw, causing it to delaminate and cause discomfort to the animal for a long time. It is necessary to cut the claw with such nippers perpendicular to it.

It is important not to shave the claws too short - an inexperienced person may cut the claw too short, thereby damaging the cat's finger. If you do cut your claw very short and blood appears on the claw, don’t be alarmed! Treat the wound with a disinfectant (for example, hydrogen peroxide) and within five minutes the bleeding will stop

How to trim a cat correctly After all the claws are trimmed, you can start cutting! Keep in mind that the cat will be very nervous and struggle, and you most likely will not be able to cut your cat’s hair alone, so I recommend that you find yourself an assistant. It is most convenient to groom a cat on a hard, flat surface, such as a table covered with thick cloth or a blanket. First, you should trim your back, sides and stomach, for which it is most convenient to use a hair clipper

After which you can start cutting your armpits and genital area, which should be done with special attention and caution! Paws can be cut no lower than the elbows and knees! When cutting around the pads on the paws, it is better to use scissors with blunt ends so that the cat does not accidentally get hurt! Under no circumstances should you cut your cat's head. It is allowed to trim the mane slightly, but nothing more! To cut a cat's hair short, it is allowed to use the clipper against the growth of the fur, but in this case the nozzle must be at least three millimeters in order to avoid damaging the pet's skin!

Features of grooming cats of popular breeds

In most cases, the type of haircut is determined by the breed of the cat. Below are haircuts for the most common breeds.

British Shorthair

British shorthair cat

Nature has endowed true Britons with short, silky hair that is not prone to matting, so experts generally do not recommend cutting representatives of this breed.

If the pet is provided with proper and proper care for its coat in the form of regular combing out of excess fibers with rubber or bristle brushes, it will have an attractive appearance without any hairstyle.


Persian cat

Persian cats are known for their long and fluffy fur, which can form mats very quickly. That's why they need the services of cat groomers the most.

Despite their sedate and docile nature, such animals tolerate haircuts very poorly. These cats need to be trimmed together with an assistant, especially if this procedure is being done for the first time in their life.

The classic hairstyle for Persian cats is “Puss in Boots.” The procedure begins with cutting the fur from the sides of the body, then from the back and abdomen.

The fur on the head, tail and paws is left untouched, sometimes the tail is cut in half with scissors or a tassel is formed at the end.

Upon completion of the manipulation, the cat must be bathed or wiped with a damp cloth.

Siberian breed

Siberian cat

For representatives of the Siberian breed, haircut options can be any; these cats cannot be spoiled by outlandish hairstyles.

The structure of the fur of Siberian cats is very similar to human hair, and the more often and shorter it is cut, the better quality it becomes.

The most popular haircuts for this breed are French Lion, Dragon and Plush.

How long does a cat's hair grow back after a haircut?

How quickly will a cat's fur grow back if it is trimmed?

Children trim cats' fur in pieces; adults cut cats for fun or in extreme heat, or when the fur has not been combed for a long time and it has become tangled. We didn’t cut it ourselves, but friends say that their cat’s fur grew back in three months.

If you brush a cat regularly, its fur will be shiny, soft and fluffy. Especially short-haired Scots need to be brushed, they have such a condition that their hair sheds every day, and brushing has a beneficial effect on the cat’s fur.


Cat grooming is most important for owners of long-haired cats. The appearance of mats and shedding cause a lot of trouble, so the best option to solve these problems is to groom the cat.

Haircuts can be done at a veterinary clinic if you are not confident in your abilities. Grooming with a clipper is less traumatic than cutting a cat with scissors; for very restless cats, anesthesia is used (however, its use has many contraindications, and its use is highly discouraged for “aged” cats). You can remove only the tangles and leave the hair the same length.

The main reason for cutting is grooming; many owners of purebred long-haired cats strive to maintain a neat appearance of their pets. Caring for a trimmed cat is much easier; tangles do not form and fur does not fly in clumps around the house. Grooming your cat partially solves the problem of hairballs in your cat's stomach (bezoars).

The average cat's fur grows back within 3-6 months. Much depends on the breed and health status, as well as age. It is advisable to cut your cat's hair 2-3 times a year, and cut out tangles as they appear, because the cat will never be able to untangle the tangles on its own. Grooming cats


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How long will it take for a cat to grow fur?

The question is this. The cat is short-haired, they took blood and shaved its paw. I’m stupid, I didn’t realize, but we really need to go to the exhibition. About 2 months have passed, the undercoat has appeared, but how long will it take for the paw to be completely overgrown?

I had to wake up the cat to look. We shaved our paw on January 25th, now all the fur is there, 3 months have passed, but I have long since stopped noticing that my paw was shaved, so probably in two weeks everything will be fine with you.

We shaved ours twice. once in the fall, it grew in just a month. another time in the summer...in my opinion, she grew taller before winter, walked around with her bare belly, and showed off her belly. It seems to me that it depends on the time of year and molting, if during the period when the cat is growing its coat, it will quickly grow.

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The editors are not responsible for the content of advertising materials. Certificate of registration of mass media El No. FS77-36354 dated May 22, 2009 v.3.4.107


How to speed up the process

A cat's fur, like that of any other animal, goes through 3 stages of growth:

Hair reaches a certain length. Then its development stops and, after a certain time, the hair falls out, giving way to a new one. The cut pile is mainly in a catagen state. An exception would be a haircut to zero, when the developing hairs are also cut off.

Most of the fur coat will not grow back. Fresh anagen hairs will form a new coat after the cat is groomed. How quickly wool grows depends on a number of factors:

    Diet. To speed up the restoration of “hair”, your pet needs proteins. Experts recommend that their share per dry weight be at least 30%. Hair growth is also stimulated by zinc, vitamins and fatty acids. The cat can receive them with food (meat, cooked yolk, sea fish) or nutritional supplements.

Ambient conditions. In nature, animals grow overgrown before frost and molt with the arrival of warmer weather. Cats living in the house are less affected by this cycle, but the connection remains. Wool grows faster in spring and summer. In winter, the process of hair change slows down. By deciding to cut your pet's hair during the warm season, the owner will quickly see his original fur coat. This is a practical solution - animals shed less during the cold season.

Care. Regular combing stimulates hair change. It is also necessary to monitor your pet's stress level. A nervous cat may shed a lot. In this case, new follicles are not activated. If the source of stress persists, the coat thins, even to the appearance of bald patches.

The fur has grown back faster, you need to provide the cat with proper nutrition. You should not imitate warming - too high a room temperature will cause molting, but will not awaken the follicles.

Overheating will also negatively affect the health of your pet and other residents. It is better to cut it in the warm season, with natural accelerated hair change. Although, during the cold season, the hairstyle will last longer.

Causes of delayed hair growth

If after 3-4 months the cat’s fur does not grow after being cut, it is worth showing him to the veterinarian. It is possible that the follicles have not entered the anagen phase. But there are other reasons:

    bacterial and parasitic infections - waste products of pathogens poison the body, affecting various organs, including the skin;

hormonal disorders - hair growth can be hampered by malfunctions of the adrenal glands, changes after sterilization, ovarian tumors and other conditions;

weakening of the body due to illness or stress.

Thus, the hair on the area shaved for surgery (examination) may grow back more slowly than with a regular haircut. The age of the pet is also taken into account. The tissues of older cats recover more slowly compared to young cats.

Delayed hair growth can be observed in females during pregnancy or nursing offspring - the body is focused on other tasks.

Is it worth getting a haircut?

A pressing question, given the role of fur in a pet’s daily life. She helps:

    protect the body from mechanical injuries and ultraviolet radiation;

maintain normal temperature in cold and warm environments;

assess the environment - the villi are not as sensitive as the whiskers (whiskers), but they are also involved in tactile perception;

communicate - by fluffing up its fur coat, the cat tries to visually increase in size in order to influence the enemy.

Grooming can deprive your pet of its protective layer and cause severe stress. This problem arose in a four-year-old cat named Ollie from a small British town. The Mirror published his story in the summer of 2015.

The animal was cut to zero - the hairdressers stated that such a measure was required due to the abundance of tangles. According to the owner, after the procedure the cat was depressed, did not want to leave the room and obsessively demanded people's attention. The dogs living in the house also stopped recognizing him.

Do cats need to be trimmed and how often can this be done?

By providing proper care for pets, we can save them from the upcoming grooming procedure. If they still have a thick, shiny coat and their skin is healthy and elastic, then grooming will become unnecessary.

Kittens need to be accustomed to all manipulations from childhood. They should respond calmly to a comb and brush. It is recommended to brush daily. Besides being necessary, this is a useful and enjoyable massage.

But, if the fur often rolls into tangles, then experts advise cutting it as rarely as possible. Whether cats are clipped with clippers or scissors does not matter. Only a machine haircut will look more impressive and aesthetically pleasing.

From all of the above, we can conclude that grooming cats is not necessary. If there is no reason, it becomes a tribute to fashion. Don't forget about the consequences of meaningless haircuts and the stress our pets experience. Often cats become sad after they have been clipped, shiver from the cold and treat their feeder without the former enthusiasm and trust.

How to speed up the process

A cat's fur, like that of any other animal, goes through 3 stages of growth:

Hair reaches a certain length. Then its development stops and, after a certain time, the hair falls out, giving way to a new one. The cut pile is mainly in a catagen state. An exception would be a haircut to zero, when the developing hairs are also cut off.

Most of the fur coat will not grow back. Fresh anagen hairs will form a new coat after the cat is groomed. How quickly wool grows depends on a number of factors:

The fur has grown back faster, you need to provide the cat with proper nutrition. You should not imitate warming - too high a room temperature will cause molting, but will not awaken the follicles.

Overheating will also negatively affect the health of your pet and other residents. It is better to cut it in the warm season, with natural accelerated hair change. Although, during the cold season, the hairstyle will last longer.

Causes of delayed hair growth

If after 3-4 months the cat’s fur does not grow after being cut, it is worth showing him to the veterinarian. It is possible that the follicles have not entered the anagen phase. But there are other reasons:

Thus, the hair on the area shaved for surgery (examination) may grow back more slowly than with a regular haircut. The age of the pet is also taken into account. The tissues of older cats recover more slowly compared to young cats.

Delayed hair growth can be observed in females during pregnancy or nursing offspring - the body is focused on other tasks.

Pros and cons

As mentioned above, there are undoubtedly benefits from grooming cats. This includes relieving the animal of unpleasant sensations caused by the tightening of the skin by tufts of matted hair, alleviating the pet’s condition in the heat, and significantly reducing the amount of hair in the house during the cat’s molting. The latter is especially true for owners suffering from allergic reactions to animal fur, as well as for young children.

In addition, a haircut significantly transforms and ennobles even the most ordinary-looking cat and turns it into a beautiful and graceful animal.

However, in addition to the obvious benefits, haircuts also have their disadvantages. One of the most important negative aspects is a violation of the thermoregulation of the animal’s body, due to the fact that rough interference occurs in the natural skin conditioning mechanism provided by nature. As a result, after removing part of the fur, the animal’s body temperature changes, and it becomes vulnerable to drafts and direct sunlight.

Another weighty argument against cutting is the deterioration in the condition of the coat after regrowth. There are frequent cases of noticeable degradation of the hair structure and changes in color. But this is not the main thing, since the most dangerous consequence of cutting cats is the extreme stress that most animals experience, especially those getting their hair cut for the first time. After the procedure, many pets become seriously depressed and often become ill due to nervousness. It is also worth mentioning here the known cases of animals dying from cardiac arrest during shearing.

Considering the disadvantages, it is impossible not to mention that cats grow overgrown rather slowly, and there is no guarantee that the hair after shearing will ever reach its original length. Moreover, in the first few weeks after cutting, the hairs will remain quite prickly and not very pleasant to the touch. With very short haircuts, performed with attachments of 1 mm in length, the risk of damage to the pet’s skin during scratching increases significantly.

Therefore, cutting cats too short is very harmful and risky, and most of the problems that arise due to the animal’s long hair can be solved with regular grooming and thorough combing.

In what cases is it contraindicated?

Experts note the three weakest areas, where hair removal can be dangerous for your pet:

  • Paws, especially their lower part
  • Tail, but model treatment of the last third of the organ is allowed
  • head

Experts have an extremely negative attitude towards total haircuts. The optimal hair length, if you really want or need treatment, is 0.5 - 1 cm. The hair will no longer bother the owners, and the protective layer is preserved.

The naked animal should be covered with a cotton cloth to avoid direct exposure to sunlight. This will avoid burns or prevent the development of cancer.

It is important to understand that the lack of hair can negatively affect a cat's psyche and communication. Apathy, loss of appetite, ignoring the owners are not uncommon situations after a total haircut.

In addition, wool is one of the main tools in the fight for territory or a female. A naked animal may simply not be perceived by competitors. The situation is especially relevant for owners of private houses. A cat that has lost a war for territory several times will be afraid of its rivals, “invite” it to visit and even share food. Often the neighbor's cat will completely take the loser's food away.

IMPORTANT! Due to hypothermia after cutting, in some places the hair often does not grow back. You should carefully monitor your pet's heat exchange, especially in winter and autumn.

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