Why you shouldn't hit cats - warnings and how to raise them

Cats are the most popular pets. They have a willful character and keen eyesight, which allows them to see in the dark. This feature endowed the furry pets with almost mystical abilities, the heroines of folk signs and beliefs. Since ancient times, people have attributed to cats a connection with witchcraft and otherworldly forces. These beliefs have settled so firmly in our minds that we still believe in grandmother’s signs. We believe that our pets are capable of curing us from various diseases, saving our home from attacks by evil spirits, recognizing a bad energy zone, and even predicting the future.

Dream Interpretation - Cat as a symbol

According to Indian myths, a cat is an animal that belongs to the great goddess, the guardian of all newborns. This goddess is usually depicted riding a cat, which is why in India she is revered as a sacred animal. According to the beliefs of the ancient Germans, a person who loves cats will be happy in marriage, while one who has an aversion to cats will marry a grumpy and angry woman. In any case, he will not have children. In all fairy tales, myths and legends, cats accompany witches, goddesses and fairies. The cat represents femininity, softness and charm. However, later (in the Middle Ages) this animal began to be considered a companion of witches, so cats were persecuted. In dreams, a cat symbolizes feminine attractiveness, magnetism and sensuality. In Indian mythology and fairy tales of different peoples of the world, the forest is the habitat of the creator god. However, there is another interpretation. In Vaishnavism and Krishnaism, the world is a “forest of eternal joys,” a place of mystical experience. Symbols have a similar interpretation in dreams. Look in any dream book - the forest has many meanings, but we are interested in a different interpretation. There are many dangers in the forest, but those who go through it to the end can experience sensual joys, love and desire.


If you train an animal by beating, the result will be nothing more than a constant feeling of fear. So, it is useless to hit a cat to train him to use the litter box, just as it is pointless to poke his nose into a puddle. From the cat's point of view, poking his face into the puddle, you explain to him that in this place he has a toilet. Perhaps some cat will understand exactly what you meant with your gesture, but most will simply be afraid of you. And, by the way, if the cat categorically does not recognize the litter box and continues to make puddles all over the house, have him examined by a veterinarian; health problems are possible.

What to do if the cat is offended

You should not approach your cat immediately after you have offended it. Let the cat calm down and feel safe. One hour is enough for this. The pet must see that they are no longer yelling at him, much less trying to hurt him. Therefore, do not rush, but do not delay the apology for too long, otherwise the cat will harbor a grudge.

It is important to remember that there are several places in which petting is most pleasant for cats. Try petting a cat:

  • behind the ear;
  • under the jaw;
  • along the back at the base of the tail;
  • on the head;
  • across the chest.

An aggressive or frightened pet should not be petted or picked up; it is better to leave him a treat. If the cat comes up to you to take a treat, you can try to pet him. But this should be done only after the animal has eaten.

You should not give your pet food from your table as a treat; it is better to use special cat treats for this purpose.

If you constantly communicate with your pet, then you can apologize to him not only with actions, but also with words. A friendly and apologetic tone will definitely calm the cat and allow you to make peace faster. During the process, try not to make sudden movements.

In some situations, you can make amends to an animal by playing with it. If your pet is active, then he may well forget about the discomfort caused to him during the game. Use your favorite mouse, ball, or buy a new toy for this occasion.

Animals after castration, sterilization and other operations need constant care. Offering your pet a treat once is unlikely to change the situation much. So you'll have to be patient

Pay attention to the cat, caress him, and he will definitely reciprocate your feelings

If you decide to have a purring miracle in your house, then remember that this is not a toy, but a living creature with its own character and needs. Don’t forget that any nasty things your pet does most often have a reason.

Don't yell at your pet, pay attention to him, and then your cat will be affectionate and flexible

Groundless speculation

There are beliefs about pregnant women and cats that can often be heard from older people:

  1. A pregnant woman should not pet a cat, otherwise the baby will be born with hair all over its body.
  2. You cannot pick up an animal, much less play with it - with such actions the expectant mother will make many enemies for the child.
  3. Tripping over or kicking a cat will lead to a difficult birth.
  4. Stroking a cat will lead to the birth of a child with stubble. The animal's fur is covered with a special substance that protects it from the negative influence of the external environment. This substance, if you stroke a cat, is absorbed into the mother’s skin, and then through the placental barrier enters the child’s body. That's why children are born with stubble. Then the child will have to be treated by healers and egged out.
  5. If you look into a cat's eyes, it will steal the child's soul.

All of them are absurd to say the least, and in addition, have no scientific basis.


How to recognize resentment?

It is important to learn in time to determine whether a cat is angry with you or not, since every loving owner tries to immediately establish communication with his pet. Just as cats use body language and other vocalizations to show that they are comfortable with you, they do the same to show that they are angry or irritated.

Animal signals that indicate a cat is upset:

  1. You may see attempts to move away or flick its tail, or the cat may use its paw to hit you.
  2. The cat may turn away from you in the opposite direction and completely ignore your presence for several hours.
  3. The animal's tail moves back and forth quickly and nervously.
  4. Hair may rise up on an angry cat's tail.
  5. If your kitten's ears droop or lie flat against his head, it may mean he's not in the mood.
  6. Obvious anger which is expressed in hissing and readiness to scratch you.

Fortunately, even in such situations you can earn a cat's forgiveness.

Changing the direction of travel

Some people play it safe when they see a cat crossing their path from the left side. They spit three times over their left shoulder, look for workarounds, or wait for someone else to pass first. Pets are too capricious and timid, and you will never know what is on their mind or what maneuver they will make next minute. Therefore, if you see a cat that suddenly changes the direction of its movement, respond to it with a simple maneuver and step aside a few steps. This helps to insure against failures and delays in business.

Don't take your eyes off

People perceive prolonged eye contact as a sign of openness, trust and acceptance. It’s not for nothing that there are expressions “to look - you won’t see enough”, “you can’t take your eyes off” and the opposite - “if only my eyes wouldn’t look at you.” For cats, the opposite is true.

They perceive prolonged eye contact as aggression, and therefore, when we look into their eyes for too long, they begin to feel anxious. Of course, it is very difficult for us to deprive ourselves of the pleasure of admiring our pets, and therefore we can use a trick.

When you look at the cat, close your eyes and then open them again. Such slow “blinks” for cats are like a declaration of love. They themselves do the same thing when they want to “tell” you about their feelings.


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Signs and superstitions about why you should not offend cats

According to popular belief, offending an animal, especially killing it, always promises trouble:

  • accidentally kick - soon there will be a family quarrel;
  • a child poured water on him - he will die before reaching maturity;
  • accidentally (especially on purpose) to kill - to one’s own death;
  • accidentally step on a paw (tail) - to losses, poverty;
  • hitting a cat - according to signs, a person will never be happy in family life (which is logical, since systematic abuse of an animal shows the cruelty of nature, which few people like in a life partner);
  • driving out into the cold, rain or starving - to poverty, misfortune, disease.

At the same time, injections, operations, unpleasant medical procedures or euthanasia in the case of a critical condition due to incurable diseases are not considered by popular belief either as an insult or as a murder. Probably the reason is that, despite the pain, these procedures are beneficial for the animal, and that cats began to be treated not so long ago.

Twitching the tail also means trouble, but painful methods of treating cats with omens are not taken into account, since they bring benefit to the animal

Why is it so dangerous to hurt cats?

Since ancient times, beliefs have come down to us about the connection of cats with the supernatural, so furry animals are capable of instilling inexplicable fear. You cannot offend them - according to ancient superstitions, the offender thereby invites trouble upon himself. Everyone decides for themselves whether to believe superstitions, but it certainly doesn’t hurt to find out what they are connected with.

Greeters after death

In fairy tales of different nations and legends, the cat is the first to meet people after death in the afterlife. There she was given the power to dispose of the soul freed from the body. And since everyone knows the vindictiveness of a petty domestic predator, she will instantly remember all the grievances she had during her lifetime in order to get even for them.

She decides the further fate of the soul. If the cat is unable to remember anything bad or humiliating to its owner, it will give up its claws so that the soul can climb to heaven, overcoming a steep mountain. Other signs associated with death:

  • If a furry pet begins to sniff the air exhaled by a person, coming close to his nose, this portends a fatal illness.
  • When a pet likes to constantly sleep at the head of a person, she will definitely “stay” with the owner of the bed. That is, the person must die soon.
  • A cat lying on the table is not good, but a sign of a dead person in the house.

At the same time, she places death in beliefs associated with the looking glass. Mirrors are covered when someone dies in the house. Otherwise, if you don’t close it, then the first person who looks into the mirror glass will also be taken away by death. But this will not happen if you bring the cat to the mirror first.

An offended cat - to family discord

Cats are credited with the ability to influence even the weather in the house. It has been noticed that relationships between spouses and other family members deteriorate if someone offends a pet. The more significant the insult inflicted on the cat, the stronger the family scandals will flare up. Until complete rupture.

Photo: https://foto.vseprosto.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/I-am-like-2.jpg

The well-being of the home will also be at risk. It is not for nothing that the Chinese consider these animals to be the guardians of family wealth. And she takes offense at any disrespectful treatment. It is enough to slap the offending animal, poke it with its nose or grab it by the scruff of the neck. The cat in no way connects all this with punishment for its misdeeds.

She is offended by the evil owner who beats her. Therefore, it is better to raise pets without assault. And generally behave politely, so as not to inadvertently offend the tailed avenger.

Terrible punishment for murder

No living being deserves violent death. But killing a pet will cost its destroyer seven years of misfortune in addition to remorse

And it doesn’t matter at all in this case whether the crime was intentional or purely accidental. You will have to pay for killing with adversity in matters of financial, love, and other areas of life.

This will even extend to the killer's family.

Perhaps this superstition has a connection with the belief that the cat acts as a guardian of the hearth from evil forces and small rodents. Killing her means depriving the house of protection from mice and the penetration of otherworldly pests from a parallel world. There is another interpretation of this belief. In it, the cat's destroyer becomes a ruthless killer of people in the future.

Hypnotic glow in the dark look

There are also a lot of warnings associated with cat eyes. They have long been considered windows to the other world. Therefore, you cannot look into the animal’s eyes too closely and for too long. A mystical creature with a tail is unlikely to like this, and the cat’s hypnotizing gaze itself can cause damage.

Should I believe it? The question remains open. But it is also a known fact that street cats always look into people’s eyes, they look straight into them, begging for food.

Damn boys

This superstition seems the strangest. Although it is known that they do not like water and are capable of being seriously offended if you douse them. But the belief says that a young man who does this to an animal will not live to adulthood. Perhaps this is due to the superstition of the British, who claimed that pouring water on a cat shortens human life by half.

Tales of different nations

Photo: https://img-s1.onedio.com/id-53d10bf71e31f89512ed3a9a/rev-0/raw/s-dfc562ca0dcce4285d286da5378197bd4e8edebe.jpg

All of the superstitions listed do not have sufficient justification and scientific evidence. You only have to believe that the animal will definitely respond in kind to kindness and affection from a person.

Murder is a terrible crime

Any living creature does not deserve to die violently. And for killing a cat, intentional or not, the villain, in addition to remorse, will receive seven years of unhappiness. Problems will cover different areas of life: from financial to matters of the heart and will fall not only on the killer, but also on his entire family.

Perhaps this superstition is due to the fact that the cat was considered a guardian of the hearth and a hunter of pests. With her violent death, there will be no one to eliminate the mice, and the house will lose the necessary protection from evil forces. There is also a belief that the person who kills a cat will start killing people in the future.

How can you offend a cat?

There are several reasons why a cat may be offended:

Corporal punishment

Emotional owners can hit their pet in a fit of anger, thereby causing him pain. Experts say that physical violence is an ineffective way of punishment. In addition, it can cause emotional trauma to the animal and leave resentment in the memory for a long time.

Loud curse words

Cats react very sharply to loud sounds - they can get scared and be depressed for a long time. You should watch your tone when communicating with an animal and avoid verbal abuse as a method of punishment.

Lack of attention

Cats are also lovers of attention and affection. Prolonged ignoring and distancing from a furry friend can affect his mood and ruin his character.

When you come home from work, pay attention to the cat

It is important for him to feel your touch and care

Feeling of humiliation from being pulled by the scruff of the neck

It's no secret that mothers drag little kittens by the scruff of the neck. She also uses this method to raise her children. Adults may perceive such a gesture from a person with offense, taking it as an insult addressed to them. Take this fact into account when raising an animal.

Encroachment on a cat's personal space

Among the felines there are those who do not like to be in the arms of their owner for a long time, but prefer independence. Such cats do not like guests and hide under the bed when they see strangers, they can bite and scratch

Therefore, it is important to protect your pet from contact with strangers in order to avoid unpleasant and exciting moments.

Long loneliness

Long loneliness can become a reason for serious resentment of your beloved cat. Separation from the owner can turn into a real test. When going on a long trip, leave your pet in safe and gentle hands.

Owner's health

Traditional healers involved various animals in their craft. Among their assistants were birds, rodents, and inhabitants of the water element, but none of them heal people of their own free will. Only felines are capable of this:

  • If a cat sleeps at the bedside of a seriously ill person, then the matter is close to death;
  • If a cat sleeps at the owner’s feet, it relieves fatigue and takes away the person’s negative energy;
  • Another belief about why cats sleep in their legs states that this is how they take away the illness of a person who has problems with this part of the body;
  • If a cat licks your hands, it expresses affection and may also lick a sore spot. Sometimes this means that she was simply bored in your absence;
  • A pet often licks its owner when it wants to show him its devotion. But people claim that pets remove negativity and illness with their rough tongue;
  • A cat sleeping near a person’s head is a fairly well-known sign. The popular perception is harsh: if a cat sleeps on its head, it drives away death. A cat can lie down at the head of a tired owner as a warning, indicating a weak spot - the nervous system;
  • If a cat lies on the stomach of a pregnant woman, this means an early birth;
  • If cats lie down on their hearts, they delay the onset of old age and rejuvenate the owner’s body;
  • If the cat slept on his lap, he “cleaned” from negativity. If the animal leaves, you should not keep it;
  • If a cat lies on its stomach, it warns of a possible developing pathology in the intestines;
  • If it sniffs the air near a person’s nose, it warns of a possible imminent illness. This is understandable even without magic. Animals are naturally very sensitive to odors. And every disease carries an odor trail, this is scientifically proven.

Do not force your pet to sore spots. Let the cat lie where it sees fit. And let her go when she wants.

Gently pet your cat in her favorite places

If your cat still seems angry or upset, leave her alone and wait until she becomes calmer. Stroke the animal behind the ear, in the area between the eyes. Use your fingertip and slowly smooth out the fine hairs there. Pet your cat on the chin and neck. Now she may even forgive you and start rubbing herself against your hand.

Pet your cat at the base of her tail. Stroke your cat's head, back and chest. Keep in mind that not all cats enjoy being caressed in these areas, so choose proven areas for a relaxing massage.

Can cats get offended?

Offense is a completely natural feeling in cats, but, unlike people, animals do not get offended for no reason.

Veterinarians believe that cats are not capable of feeling guilty, so furry cats can be offended even because of a well-deserved punishment.

At the same time, purebred pets often have a more complex character than their mongrel and non-purebred counterparts. Some of the most capricious are:

  • Siamese;
  • Maine Coons;
  • British Shorthair;
  • chausie;
  • Abyssinian;
  • Mekong Bobtails;
  • Bengali.

Representatives of the listed cat breeds often have a difficult character, they can be touchy and vindictive. Therefore, if you do not have time to raise an animal, choose a more good-natured pet. In addition, the age of the cat plays an important role. The older the pet, the more often it will show its own character; kittens are offended much less often and only because of serious mistakes of the owner.


Another reason why hitting a cat is absolutely forbidden is its vulnerability. Namely :

  • Cats are small and their bodies are fragile; if we do not calculate our strength, we can cripple them. Under no circumstances should you hit a cat on the head - this will cause a concussion with all the attendant negative consequences.
  • You also need to be careful with the area where the spine meets the tail. For a cat, this is a very sensitive area, similar to our solar plexus - there are many nerve endings there. Hitting this place means causing very severe pain.
  • Take care of your pet’s mental health - if a cat is frightened and beaten, it will get used to living in constant fear. This will cause many problems that are very similar to human ones. Scientists have proven that animals can also experience post-traumatic disorders, they can suffer from depression or panic attacks. But, unlike people, cats have no one to help them cope.

© shutterstock

Can cats get offended?

Cats are very gentle and vulnerable animals. Lack of attention and some of your actions can be taken as an insult and seriously offended by you. But you won’t know about it right away. Most likely, the next day you will simply find a puddle in your slippers or a tattered sofa, because the cat’s easy resentment is one of the serious reasons not to get a cat. And in the future, the cat will treat you with caution and expect aggressive behavior from you. So, let's figure out whether cats can be offended.

If a cat has done something wrong and you want to punish it, do it extremely carefully so as not to cause psychological trauma to the animal. You need to punish only once and immediately after the offense has been identified.

If the punishment is postponed and returned to it later, then the cat will not understand why they treated it this way and will unconsciously repeat its offense. By its actions, the cat only demonstrates resentment and tries to show you that it expects attention and affection from you. And as soon as you show them, the cat will gladly answer you with mutual love. You should never hit or yell at a cat. In order for the prankster to understand that she did wrong, all she needs to do is raise her voice a little and talk to her in a stern tone. Believe me, the cat will not feel guilty, even if you punish it very strongly. According to veterinarians, guilt is the only feeling that cats lack! So don't try to induce it artificially. Punishments for offenses should not be excessive, but it should be clear that this is precisely punishment. This must also be done consistently and without exception: a misdemeanor is a punishment. And the most important condition: punishment should be immediately after the offense (or even better during), but not in an hour, day or week. This is the only way to develop the correct conditioned reflex in an animal.

Why do cats turn away when they are scolded?

Everything is very simple. When the owner makes a remark to his pet, he looks into her eyes. And for cats, a direct gaze (especially in combination with a stern tone) only means aggression. And it becomes incomprehensible to them why their beloved owner suddenly shows aggression. The cat tries to stop further developments and turns away from the owner to avoid eye contact. In this way, the cat shows that she noticed the aggression of her breadwinner and realized that he was dissatisfied with something.

What can offend a cat?

Many of your actions can cause your cat to be offended:

Indifference and silence

The cat feels unwanted, which is why it makes unforgivable mistakes, thereby attracting attention to itself;

Screams and swearing. The animal gets scared and begins to hide in the farthest corners

In especially severe cases, later it takes a long time to get the cat out of its frightened and depressed state;

Pushes and kicks. The cat will be mortally offended by anyone for this, and it will be very difficult to earn her forgiveness later;

Imposing your will on the animal. In such cases, the offended cat becomes angry and may behave inappropriately - scratch your hands and face.

Don't leave your cat alone for long periods of time.

Despite the fact that cats are not pack animals, they cannot be without communication for long. A very offensive situation for the animal would be your departure, in which you decide to leave the cat completely alone for a long time. And even the temporary arrival of your friends cannot replace full communication with you. So don’t be surprised that when you return home, you’ll most likely find a little mess in the form of a broken flower pot or peeled wallpaper. The cat, in your absence, feels loneliness and fear, so it will play mischief in order to somehow throw out negative feelings. And you shouldn’t scold her for this - your cat simply had a hard time tolerating loneliness.

What to do if the cat is still “offended”?

This behavior absolutely does not mean that you need to immediately approach the cat sitting in the corner and stroke it, caress it. You should wait a few minutes, maybe half an hour - the cat will come to you on its own: she must make sure that the owner is no longer showing aggression towards her. And when she comes up, you can pet her and talk in a soothing tone. She will understand that everything is fine and will calm down.

And remember: a cat is a living creature, and it will be calm and comfortable next to you if you learn mutual understanding.

Street antics

Cats are very sensitive to energy imbalances, and if you have been feeling internal discomfort lately, then don’t be surprised that cats are showing increased interest in you even on the street.

It's best if a black cat pays attention. It perfectly cleanses energy and drives away evil spirits

If the cat inadvertently marked you, then you should not shout “This bastard pissed on me!” Believe me, the cat spirit will drive away all troubles and misfortunes from you. Is someone else's cat carefully sniffing and rubbing against your legs? You have been accepted into the cat family, which means you have received protection. If an animal tries to rub against its legs and even jump on its knees, then it cleanses the negativity of life and other things. When the kitty moves away, consider the cleaning complete. Did a cat come up and start hissing loudly? The sign believes that the animal really does not like the environment, a certain situation, your or someone else’s behavior. If someone else's cat rushes at you, then you are clearly thinking about the wrong thing. Did you meet a cat on the street who was sitting and actively beating his tail? You are threatened by something invisible. It is a bad omen if an unfamiliar cat bites you. You have clearly done or are about to do something bad. An impudent animal passes by, turning its tail towards you? Alas, you are destined for short-term bad luck. If the pussy literally tags along, then the sign states that you will receive money. When you notice a ginger cat on the left edge of the road, think: “I’ll be lucky” - it will be so. If two people saw that a black cat crossed the road or even brazenly walked between them, then they will quarrel. It is good to meet two or three black cats in a row or within one day. Meeting a black or gray cat in the early morning on the contrary warns of failure. Meeting a white cat at night is unlucky; in the morning or during the day it is good luck. It’s bad when a cat of any breed or color crosses the road to the left. This is a sign of bad luck. A loud cat meowing in front of the road warns of danger on the road.

What to do when a cat crosses the road

A black cat crossed the path? To get rid of the bad consequences of a chance meeting, it is enough to do one of the following activities:

  1. Take the first twig or twig you come across. Break it in two and throw it in different directions. This action literally “unlocks” the road.
  2. Turn around your axis three times and say “Good luck to me, bad luck to you.”
  3. If there is no time to think, then simply return the muzzle or cross your fingers and move on.
  4. Don't look for another way, just spit to the left three times or glance at the trees on the left three times. To be sure, you can whisper “Cheers to me.”
  5. Grasp the button (ideally the third one from the top).
  6. If the cat managed to slip in front of the car, then immediately turn the hat on its head around its axis.

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Don't be upset if such actions cause surprise or even laughter from others. This is the best sign of neutralizing a bad omen about cats. Moreover, serious confidence that such events really “work” will help get rid of the doubts that have crept into the soul. The mood will not deteriorate, and all things will go according to plan.

What can offend a cat?

Many cat owners have to deal with a situation where a purring pet begins to ignore them. The animal tries to be seen by the owners or a specific person in the house as little as possible, and will not approach it. The reason for this behavior may be an insult caused to your pet. To prevent such problems from arising, it is worth knowing what cats are offended by.

  1. Lack of attention. Although cats are freedom-loving animals, they do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. This can lead to stress in the animal, which will cause resentment. Purrs need to be given enough attention, otherwise they will feel unnecessary, which will also have a bad effect on their attitude towards their owners.
  2. Screams. A loud cry from the owners can frighten the cat, which will subsequently cause feelings of resentment. If curses are addressed to a pet with a clear demonstration of the owner’s indignation, the animal may be offended for a long time and will try to look for secluded corners in the house so as not to catch the eye of the owners. Regularly repeated screams often lead to depression in your pet.
  3. Hitting and pulling by the scruff of the neck. Sometimes pet owners consider it normal to punish their pet with kicks or even hits. This behavior of the owners insults the purr and awakens in them a feeling of resentment. Adult animals do not tolerate being pulled by the scruff of the neck.
  4. Coercion of an animal. Not all cats like to be cuddled and stroked constantly, so they may try to move away from their loving owners. If they are forced to sit on your lap or stay in a certain place, they will perceive it as an invasion of their personal space, which will cause them resentment.
  5. Castration or sterilization. Many owners notice that purrs become offended by them after sterilization or castration. This is understandable, since your pet had to endure a far from pleasant procedure. If your cat is offended after sterilization, just be patient, and soon your trusting relationship with your pet will be renewed. During such a period, it will not be a bad idea to pamper your pet with various delicacies.

Cause of family quarrels

For inexplicable reasons, a cat can affect not only you, but also relationships within the family. And if the animal is offended, the relationship between husband and wife will deteriorate, quarrels and scandals will appear. The stronger the insult, the worse and worse the situation in the family will worsen. Also a bonus is the deterioration of the condition of family members and the final disagreement.

And it’s very easy to offend a cat. It is enough to spank her, hit her or grab her by the scruff of the neck after she has done a mischief. The animal does not understand the relationship between its action and the insult inflicted and will believe that the owner is beating it just like that, out of anger. Therefore, you should behave politely with the furry avenger: treat him kindly and educate him without assault.

Is it possible to clean a cat's litter box?

The cat litter box is a breeding ground for infection and the cause of many illnesses, no matter how trivial it may sound. It should be cleaned only with gloves, and ideally, delegate this task to someone from the household.

To avoid becoming infected with toxoplasmosis, you need to have time to remove feces before the oocysts (i.e., cysts that have multiplied in the cat’s intestines) mature, i.e., within several hours.

It is more difficult to protect against worms, but you can do the following: feed the cat only commercial food, do not allow it outside, and carry out anthelmintic prophylaxis once every six months.

The cat litter box must be kept clean at all times.

Reasons why a cat might be offended

There are several main reasons for cat grievances.

Lack of attention

Lack of attention can offend even the most freedom-loving cat. Being alone for a long time, animals begin to experience stress, which leads to resentment.

You should devote time to your furry: short but regular communication with your pet will help you avoid the unpleasant consequences of cat insults

After all, an ignored animal often begins to play dirty tricks, thus trying to attract the owner’s attention.

Often cats get offended due to lack of attention

In the New Year's pre-holiday bustle there was absolutely no time to play with your pet. There was always something to do, and in the end the cat reminded herself in the most noticeable way. Despite her age (six years old is more than an adult), she began to regularly run around the house, picking up carpets and rumpling curtains. It was useless to scold her at such moments. In the end, it turned out that the cat needed affection. After a week of regular affection, the crazy running stopped.

Noise and rudeness

Screaming and swearing have a bad effect on your pet. Even if you did not yell at the cat or did it in a short fit of anger, the consequences can be very sad. The pet may become depressed or begin to hide from the person who not only raised his voice, but also frightened him with his behavior.

Rough handling can also offend an animal. If you hit, push or kick your cat, do not be surprised that after some time he stops cuddling and purring towards you. Sometimes even careless movement from place to place can offend the animal. For example, not everyone is ready to calmly endure being pulled by the scruff of the neck. This can offend gentle cats who are not used to such treatment.

Forced squeezing

Excessive squeezing against the will of the animal can also harm the relationship between cat and owner.

It is important to take into account the will of the animal. If the cat does not want to sit in your arms, then you should not hold him by force, as this in most cases will lead to offense.

Otherwise, don't be surprised if your pet starts biting and scratching.

To maintain a good relationship with your pet, take care of him and regularly show him your love, but do not overdo it with affection.

Carrying out unpleasant procedures

Unpleasant and painful procedures negatively affect the relationship between a person and his pet. This is especially true in situations where the animal is in pain. Castration and sterilization can harm an animal for a long time. The same goes for injections, wound treatment, declawing, etc.

Most hygiene procedures are unpleasant for the cat, so he gets offended

My cat has two main reasons for being offended. First of all, he doesn't like to wash himself. Therefore, every time after water procedures, he ignores me until the moment when his fur dries. Then the offense is forgotten, and your favorite treats help you make peace faster. Secondly, he is very jealous. For this reason, I try not to pet any other cats in front of him, in order to avoid being ignored for many hours, accompanied by dissatisfied growls.

You can't train a kitten to play with your hands

But sometimes you really want to tinker with this lump while it’s lying on your lap! Let him bite himself to his heart's content, tear him with his claws... After all, they are still so small, not sharp, and his paws are soft. And it doesn't hurt you at all. That's it for now! The kitten will grow up very quickly. You won’t even notice how his fangs will become large and sharp, like sabers, and his claws will become prickly, like a cactus. And when he wants to bite you a little and tear you with his claws, even just a little, it will no longer be cute fun. Or even worse - it will start hunting your unfortunate hands! What did you expect? This is a predator! It will be difficult to wean a cat from this habit.

From the very beginning, when you brought the kitten home, play with it with anything, but not with your hands. So that he does not have such associations later. Use different toys, do not draw attention to your hands.

You can't train a kitten to play with your hands

How cats show offense

Cats have many ways to show that they are unhappy. Resentment can be expressed both in very harmless things and in serious dirty tricks that even the most inattentive owner will notice. One of the common manifestations of dissatisfaction is being ignored. If a pet is offended by a specific person, and not by the whole family, then he can sit demonstratively in the arms of others, but ignore the culprit of his bad mood.

You can see signs of resentment even with a short observation of the animal. An upset cat looks more sullen, moves little, lowers its tail and presses it to its hind legs in the presence of its owner.

Many people I know have cats that express joy and satisfaction with sharp flicks of their tail, but my pet, on the contrary, shows his dissatisfaction and resentment in this way. At the same time, by the frequency and force of twitching of the furry limb, one can understand how much the cat’s pride is wounded.

Vengeful and angry pets will act more decisively. They are capable of deliberately making a mess at home: throwing flower pots, vases and other objects onto the floor.

Often throwing things away is a way to show your resentment.

Many cats begin to damage furniture, tear wallpaper off walls and mark things. In some cases, cats begin to ignore the litter box, leaving “gifts” not only in the offender’s slippers, but also in other unexpected places.

Tender beast

Kittens are fluffy little balls of love that cause nothing but affection... until you bring them into your home. Yes, they are funny and playful, but all cats are animals with character. So be prepared for their mischief and curiosity, which makes you climb the curtains to the ceiling or study the window sills with flowers. A cat feels like a full-fledged mistress in its territory, and if you want to set boundaries for it and dictate your own rules, you will have to do it not with force, but with cunning. Under no circumstances should you hit her.

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Hitting a cat is not only a pointless activity, but also harmful. And not only because you can’t offend your pet. Living with her under the same roof will also become very difficult. A cat's sadness and resentment very easily turns into anger and rage. So, if a pet is beaten, such a parenting strategy will most likely lead to the animal growing up to be mischievous, aggressive and bullying.

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